Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 186 - Lord God Space?

Breaking through the camp, Meng Ke dispelled the wave of monsters controlled by the cat clan, but he soon discovered that the survivors who fled the base faintly and the passing sentry seemed to have the intention to cooperate.

This is a team headed by Fangbei. Each person is equipped with tens of kilograms of black armor, a black marching backpack full of various materials, a sword hanging from the waist, and a hand-held lance.

Meng Ke has always paid attention to them.

Because the sentinels he chose were all vegetative people around Tianhai City, so that when they were awake, they would easily condense together.

At first, they were extremely alert to the ordinary people around them, but slowly, they still cooperated with ordinary people.

With the step-by-step growth, even if the virus breaks out, the impact on them is not great. Instead, the chaos created by the virus is more conducive to their development.

Occupy an underground bomb shelter with huge space and accommodate ordinary people to work for them.

Pieces of black armor were created, and the sentries were heavily armed.

Can a zombie bite through a steel plate with his teeth? Or paw?

In the early days of the virus outbreak, the walking dead infected by ordinary people could not break through their defenses, so they were invincible. The walking dead could only be used to train their courage and test their weapons.

Until recently, walking mutants and monster mutants appeared, and they felt the crisis.

And they came here because they knew there was an official camp, so they wanted to come and try their luck to see if they could get some guns.

From cold weapons to hot weapons, this is a qualitative change like martial arts training.

“So, are they fooling?” Meng Ke instantly understood everything.

Thousands of people with guns want to kill monster waves that nearly 10,000 soldiers can’t solve?

Perhaps these soldiers may be coaxed by the momentum of Fang Bei, but Meng Ke knows that their group of people was just ordinary people a few months ago.

After killing the walking corpses for a few months, and having no time to waste water to wash the armor, naturally there was a deep **** breath.

Bacheng, if they let Fangbei get the gun, they would leave without knowing who they were.

“If this can be fooled, it’s deserved.”

This kind of trivial matter, Meng Ke glanced away and turned elsewhere.

Now, the entire Xia Kingdom has been covered by his spiritual line, and the soul absorbed every day has even touched his limit and cannot be enhanced in number.

However, it cannot be absorbed. This does not mean that the soul is completely useless to him.

The soul substance born under the influence of extraordinary settings is a memory different from the human brain. The memory that can be recorded depends on how much energy the soul has.

Moreover, the more experience, the soul energy can also be increased by experience.

After unable to increase his mental strength by numbers, Meng Ke turned to use illusions to influence some of these potential souls.

The construction of the illusion world does not require any material support, which is completely illusory.

The only limitation may be that the mysterious girl can’t calculate the simulation amount of a world.

Therefore, in order to ensure the relative truth, Meng Ke let Xuan Nu borrow a book.

Divide every ten souls into a team, and each team regularly enters some copy world experience. After the experience is completed, you can return to the safe area and use the points gained in the experience to exchange for reinforcement in various illusions.

In the fantasy world, time is accelerating. Often the outside world passes by, and the team inside can experience more than a dozen experience scenes.

When a soul dies in experience, Meng Ke will devour the memories in the soul and use them to polish himself.

Because for the first time, Meng Ke selected ten teams and built ten different illusion scenes.

After everything was prepared, Meng Ke thought about it and built a body in the experience scene, and the consciousness sank into it.


Icy and trembling.

There is a faint voice in the ear, what seems to be arguing?

Lin Dong suddenly opened his eyes and quickly got up from the ground.

“Awake again.” A woman stood not far from him, wearing a tights, her attractive body with a concave and convex shape was perfectly outlined.

Beside this woman, a fat man, a middle-aged man.

Around Lin Dong lay a group of people with different clothes.

Counting carefully, there are exactly ten people here.

Lin Dong’s face was a bit ugly.


The woman seemed to have expected it, and interrupted impatiently: “You are dead, yes! It may have been bitten by a walking dead, it may have been hacked to death by a companion, or it may have been starved to death.”

“Here is the space of the Lord God, if you have read that book … yes! This is the space of the Lord God of infinite flow!”

After that, the woman looked at Lin Dong’s changing expression with interest.

“Do you think you are the protagonist?”

“Huh, let me explain first, you are not the first to wake up!”

As he was talking, a few more people woke up.

A look at the surroundings, a few people lying on the ground.

The boy with pimples on his face turned pale first, and then suddenly excited.

“I’m obviously dead … Is this the space of the Lord God?! …… Ha …”

He couldn’t suppress the smile, but quickly covered his mouth.

Lin Dong glanced at the woman secretly, and then his gaze slowly turned to the boy.

Pitiful? ridicule?

What the woman wanted to see from my face just now, UU reading should be such a self-righteous childish expression …

Thinking about it, Lin Dong saw that the boy seemed to suddenly think of something and quickly ran to the side of the carriage.

“Fortunately, I remembered the password … if that thing is still here … Ha! Sure enough!”

Under the watch of everyone, the boy proudly walked back with a lockbox.

“Don’t the story begin yet? What about the mercenaries?” He was a little embarrassed and asked to change the subject.

At this time, several other people on the floor also stood up.

Some people are confused, some are vigilant, and some are afraid.

Lin Dong took a step back silently, away from the woman who seemed to be a senior, trying to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible.

At this time, the boy also found the woman looking at him with strange eyes, and he glared back unwillingly.

“Give me the box.” The woman said lightly.

“Why?” The boy’s hand holding the box tightened.

“If someone gets infected, I will help, but do n’t think I ’ll give you the box ……… If I guess right, it ’s probably the only person who has me deliberately remember the password of this box. ! “

Students are one of the main groups who read novels. When there was an infinite fire, the boys watched the sleeplessness and forgot to eat, and once rewarded the book with a rudder master.

Naturally, the biohazard crisis known as the Novice Village of Infinite Flow is naturally enough to do your homework. What is so difficult to remember a few numbers?

“is it?”

The woman laughed ridiculously.

“So, why don’t you try it, can the password you remember open this box?”


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