Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 187 - Hell mode

The woman looked at him like an idiot, with endless sarcasm in her eyes.

The boy’s body shook, and he couldn’t help but wonder.

Everyone was watching him, they just looked at the boy’s eyes and turned into a joke.

Are you waiting to see my jokes?

A burst of blue and red changed on his face, and he couldn’t help glancing at the password box he was carrying.

If I opened …

Thinking, he immediately crouched down and placed the password box on the ground.


“How is fingerprint unlocking?” He was shocked.

Quiet around.

The woman smiled coldly.

“What do you think is God’s space? A novel? ……… hehe …”

Suddenly she swept her eyes around everyone and said quickly: “Do you all have a memory of a movie called” Resident Evil “in your mind? Do you all know clearly what the space of the Lord God is in your mind?” ? “

“Do I still need to continue to explain? I think it should be well understood! ……… These are just the benefits given by the Lord God to your newcomers, about the space of the Lord God ……… plot help for the first mission …”

“Is there more acceptable than this way of interpretation?”

“Huh, do you think these are all coincidences?”

After the woman’s words, Lin Dong saw the other people’s faces changed.

Infinite Stream has explained that the main **** will directly input the relevant information of the main god’s space into the new man’s mind.

But no one ever thought that it was such a subtle change in their memory!

If a person cannot even guarantee his own memory, how can he prove that he actually existed?

“In this way, our memories are credible.” A handsome man came out.

He looked at the watch on his hand, then looked up at the woman, and thought about it:

“The Lord God put these memories into our minds, I am afraid that they have been delegated together with tasks, but now there are no people in the original plot here. Does this mean that we can play freely?”

After speaking, he looked at the woman inquiringly.

He is just guessing, and the woman looks like a senior.

The first survival rule of Infinite Stream: Newcomers should never think too much, and honest cooperation with seniors is king.

“Perhaps, if you can kill the zombies of the entire hive.” The woman smiled, her gaze again looked at the boy crouching on the floor and constantly playing with the lockbox.

“The Lord God tells you that there is an antidote in this box. If I tell you the password again … Child, have you ever thought about it, he will increase the difficulty of the task accordingly!”

The boy’s body stiffened.

If the infinite flow in the memory is really the memory that the Lord God instilled in them ……… This big setting of the Lord God space … Is the Lord God reminding them ………

In an instant, his face was pale.

“Sorry, I was too self-righteous …”

With that, he handed the lockbox in his hand to the woman, his body trembling slightly.

“Ha, this is good.”

The woman took the code box, the ring on her hand lighted, and the whole box disappeared immediately.

“Remember, here, only your strength can believe.”

Having finished speaking, she turned directly and walked out of the carriage.

The others looked at each other and followed quickly.

The carriage is empty.

After everyone left, an illusory figure quickly solidified.

“It’s just a small scene like a hive, and the illusion can still be simulated almost 100%.”

“However, once the reincarnation’s strength is too strong, every battle is a planetary level ……… It’s too much trouble, mysterious girl, if the strength is too strong, just wipe it out.”

Countless samsaras, if they are all of that kind of strength, then it is beyond the real simulation range of the mysterious girl. The samsaras are likely to find that there is a loophole in the main **** space.

“Yes, God, I will set a limit of strength, and those who reach the limit will be forced into detachment.”

Nodding, Meng Ke walked slowly into the hive.

As far as the entire space is concerned, whether it is gravity, the sense of substance, or the microstructure of matter, the mysterious girl has reached a certain extreme.

Ordinary people simply can’t tell the difference between the phantom world and the real world, and even if they do, they will at most think it’s the difference caused by different worlds.

Just like there is no atomic structure in the world of Xiuxian, it seems that it is a bit natural?

Suddenly Meng Ke stepped in his footsteps and stared at him. The liquid silver metal flowed out of the void, converging into a fuzzy human figure, and slowly fixed.

“Hunting mode … goal … go forward …”

The Terminator ignored Meng Ke in front of him and turned to walk in the direction where the samsara disappeared.

“Why is there a rookie mode? Xuan Nu, turn on **** mode.”

He has nearly 100 million souls to use, so why should he think of ordinary ordinary people to be slowly cultivated into unique strong?

Directly rushing through the sands, selecting the best samsara in the most difficult way. Of the nearly 100 million people, even genius is out of nothing ~ ~ There are many.

“Yes, God.”

After all, the novel is a novel. In the real world, if there is really a space of the Lord God and the Lord God controls countless worlds, then he will only carry out a harsher elimination model than Meng Ke.

There are countless intelligent creatures in the world to choose from, as long as the main **** leaves a ray of life, there will be countless people who will survive.

Under a huge base, the probability of a small enlargement will be infinite.

After doing this, Meng Ke continued to walk down.

The samurai who walked in front stopped at the entrance of the laser tunnel.

“Sure enough? Because there is no mercenary squad, we can’t even pass the laser channel …”

Opposite the laser channel is the main board of the red queen. If they control the red queen, there is nothing to threaten them.

“However, if we can’t restart Red, will the zombies locked in the various rooms not be able to come out? Are we in no danger?”


“Without zombies, what the Lord God wants us to do?”

Lin Dong frowned in doubt.

There is a sense of heavy depression in the air, and the master’s way of modifying their memories really makes them feel horrified.

Now this strange and inexplicable, no mission, no zombies, and even this hive may not have any other creatures except them ………

“Boom” “Boom” “Boom” ………

Just thinking, a heavy voice came from the direction they just came, a moment …

The speed is very slow, but it makes everyone feel awkward involuntarily.

This sound is very rhythmic.

“What?” Someone wondered.

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