Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 192 - Murloc ashore

Dozens of ghosts wandered in the wilderness, and resentment appeared on them like bloodshot eyes.

This area has turned into a very shady place, with a strong yin turning into fog, withered plants and a dead silence.


Meng Ke pulled one of them in front of him, and the other party immediately breathed, his body trembling violently, and the frightened constantly struggling to escape.

Is it so weak?

He frowned, his mental strength tightened.

“Bao ~”

Like the bubble burst, the ghost couldn’t even send out a scream, so it blended into the yin and dissipated.

The old Taoist stunned, stunned.

This is a grudge that is difficult for a century-old ghost king to solve!

This … is dead?

Suddenly, the old priest noticed a cold look.

“Big King! Don’t don’t kill me! I can make even more powerful ones! Ahhhhhhh !!! Forgiveness!”


On the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

The world is disturbing, but Eagle Jam is not affected much by the network paralysis.

The network paralysis did hit their economy, but because of the release of artificial intelligence pigeons, all the companies that got the source code are also undergoing a transformation.

Moreover, S.H.I.E.L.D. is also cooperating with the authorities to effectively maintain the law and order in their own country. At least it does not allow the freedom and the United States to appear here.

Because the virus that Xia Guo appeared has nothing to do with them, it has promoted the development of their entertainment companies. A series of TV dramas around the virus outbreak began to be filmed.

People are happy to think differently. What if they are in the Xia Parliament? How can we ensure our safety?

This has allowed many arms companies in the country to obtain a large number of orders, and arms sales have ushered in the spring.

The people of the world are in dire straits, and there is only peace in the country.

early morning.

At a coastal base in San Francisco, the Sentinel searched his eyes in distress, and soon afterwards, the next Sentinel was about to take his place, and he could go back to rest.

Being a soldier in Eagle Sauce is different from Xia Guo. Here, being a soldier represents the battlefield at any time and may be sacrificed at any time.

Therefore, even though the sentry is sleepy, his eyes are still focused on the front.

Even in front of him is a blue sea with ebb and flow.

The seagull shouted sharply, and a white liquid fell from its abdomen. With a “pop”, it hit the deck of the warship not far from the sea.

The sentry’s gaze could not help but look at the only vigorous existence in front of him.

It is flying farther and farther.

The ebb and flow began to calm down again.

The next sentry is coming!

He thought so.


A black spot appeared on the sea.


The sentry watched with vigilance.

The black spots become bigger,

It’s approaching fast!

In a flash, all the sleepiness faded from the brain.

The black spots are getting closer!

It was a huge stone!

“Assault! Assault-!!!”

As he pressed the emergency button, a harsh horn quickly rang through the entire base.

This is an air defense alert!


But the big rock that fell like a meteorite fell after all, and it fell extremely accurately to the center of their base!

The surging air waves blow everything around.

The earth shook hard.

The concrete floor was smashed, the cobweb-like cracks were densely packed, and the smoke was filled.

“Everyone is ready to fight!”

“Booming …”

Dozens of anti-aircraft guns rushed into the sky,

On the other hand, in contrast, dozens of meteorites in the sky did not know when they flew over.

Contact between the two parties.

The boulders were exploded immediately, large and small stones were scattered from high altitude, most of them fell into the sea, and a few of them flew to the ground with the momentum.

“Come- !!”

A huge frog-like webbed hand crawled from the sea to the ground. The fishman’s big head and dull, weird face slowly came out from under the sea. A pair of dead fish eyes and the soldiers in the base glanced at each other.

“My God! Monsters !!!”

Everyone took a breath, and the word of terror was written directly on their faces.

The sea surged again, and hundreds of mermen more than three meters high jumped out of the water.

“Ah-!” “Ah !!!” “Ah !!!” …

They have all kinds of weapons, iron pots, steel pipes, wrenches …

They roared and rushed towards the soldiers.


“Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang …”

Bloody flowers bloomed, and a huge corpse fell, but the murloc did not flinch.

The stones in the sky were more fierce, and the wind breaking sound was very sharp.

The commander holding the telescope saw that these stones were flying out from under the sea surface, and the seawater was stirred by its impact and continuously rolled up to the shore.

The murlocs are endless, they have been falling, but behind them there have always been new murlocs jumping out of the sea.

“Buzz …”

Several helicopters flew from the base, the soldiers began to retreat, and the airborne Gatlin heavy machine gun was fixed.

In an instant, several tongues of fire shot from high altitude, and fell indifferently to the crowd of fish that constantly climbed from the sea.

Sky Hot Weapon’s absolute suppression of cold weapons on the ground.

However, the murloc is still launching a death charge on the shore.

Consume bullets with life?

A helicopter that was about to hit empty bullets flew back to ~ ~ quickly refilled and flew back to the battlefield.

The tongue of fire is still harvesting everything on the ground.

At this moment, no one saw that, under the sea, a huge black shadow approached quickly, faster and faster.

“Boom !!”


Time seems to freeze.


All eyes are gathered here.

Horror, horror, incredible.

A huge endless arm, a stream of water fell between his fingers, covering the sky and palm, waving hard into the sky.

A behemoth with a human body in the head of a whale rushed out of the sea.

This is a giant!

Leaping hundreds of meters high, the helicopter was like a toy in front of it, with two arms grabbing each one.

Then, it fell to the ground with inertia.

In mid-air, it looked up to the sky.

The remaining two helicopters desperately pulled up and lifted off.

Everyone looked at it in horror.


The two helicopters flew out violently, and no one saw when the giant murloc was shot.

An afterimage was brought out in the air.

The sound of breaking the sky hadn’t sounded yet, and the two bursts of fireworks burst into the sky.

The wreckage of the helicopter fell into the sea with flames, and suddenly fell into it.

“Retreat! Retreat! Everyone withdraws from the base! Hurry up !!!”

The commander woke up instantly and yelled like crazy.

The unobstructed murlocs rushed towards them, and they stepped on their companions’ bodies.

Fanatical, excited,

It’s as if you can’t wait.

They are running towards a new life, they want to drive the old world master!


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