Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 193 - Death Raid

A 100-meter-high murloc, his muscles exploded naked in the air, and as it breathed, it burst into agitation.

It looked around for four times, turned and jumped back into the sea.

The drawing of the magic array is imprinted in their soul memory. The fish-men who were born in the river entered the ocean with the water. They made the magic array in the ocean, and the conversion speed was naturally accelerated.

The blue whale is like a giant in the ocean. Ordinary small fish can be transformed into a three-meter murloc, not to mention them?

One by one was directly transformed into a giant, grabbed a boulder and thrown it out, just like a missile, pure power, terrifying.

However, they will not appear easily without a last resort.

Human war weapons are all in their memory, and the number of blue whales is very small.

Therefore, in order to avoid consumption, they will try to let the murloc transformed from the endless small fish in the ocean rush to the front to consume, and hide behind and throw stones.

This is undoubtedly smart.

Within a minute of the Murloc invasion, the news reached the hands of the highest commander of the eagle sauce army.

Tanks drove out of the warehouse, and the sound of the tracks clicked.

In land operations, tanks are the absolute top fighting machines.

A metal shell full of defense points has put them in an invincible position.

After the soldiers retreated, the tanks immediately filled up their positions, rows of dark barrels.

“Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom ………”

Salvo in the first round.

This shocking voice can be heard throughout the city.

The cement floor in the base is like a piece of tofu that was shot through by countless bullets. Thousands of murlocs were directly blown into chopped meat all over the sky, blood was scattered, and a thick **** smell spread across the coast.

On the concrete floor, there were countless deep pits, and some shells flew into the sea, and the sea water was blown high into the sky, falling down.

The audience was quiet.

The next second, hundreds of murlocs jumped up from the sea again.

It is still a charge without fear and fear.

Ordinary murlocs are more than three meters high. What is the death of thousands of fish? This is the number of fish that human beings eat every day.

No one knows how many fish are in the sea, just like no one knows how many stars there are in the sky.

Common common fish, most of them spawn more than 100,000, and even more than 100 million.

For the Murloc, even if the casualty ratio is 100,000 to one, they are all making a lot of money.

Coupled with their different perceptions of life, they do not care about the crazy charge of their lives, which is understandable.

Suddenly, the boulders constantly flying in the sky stopped.

Before waiting for the air defense personnel to wonder, a weird thing flew out from under the sea, just like throwing a boulder, rushing towards the land as fast as possible.

“What is it?” Someone asked, puzzled.

While speaking, he kept on holding his target, and the air defense missile flew out.

The speed of the missile is not as slow as in the movie. It only takes a blink of an eye from flying out to hitting the target.


Dozens of murloc bodies were shattered from the explosion and scattered to the ground.

“Hahaha …” The man laughed. “Are these monsters free of stones? They have thrown out all their companions! They laughed at me …”

In the sea, more than a dozen meatballs tightly held together by the murlocs were thrown out. The man smiled and pressed the button, and the air defense missile flew out.


This time.

In mid-air, more than a dozen meatballs scattered directly, as if throwing loose sand, flying one by one to the front, leaving only the middle stone …


The aftermath of the explosion pushed the murlocs in the sky forward.

And their goal …

It’s a city! ! !

“Boom !!”

The three-meter-high murloc fell from the sky dozens of meters high, rolled on the street a few times, shook his head, and slowly recovered from the dizziness.

A woman stood dull in front of it, shaking her lips.

“Ah ah ah ah ah–!!”

A sharp scream broke out, and the murloc quickly grabbed it with a paw, looked at the escaping crowd, and suddenly threw it out.

The murlocs are never afraid of death, they are afraid that there is no hope of survival.

This is a race in which the group is higher than the individual. For the sake of the group’s life, they can give up their lives and fight for it regardless of everything.

During this raid with a great risk factor, many murlocs fell directly and were crushed to death by trucks, and some fell off with broken necks.

But they don’t care, as long as there is a one percent survival rate, this method will have countless murlocs rushing to hold stones and rushing to be thrown out.

Humans can climb into the barrel and be fired out, but they won’t do it.

For humans, nothing will happen if they die.

However, for the murloc, death is for the hope of more murlocs!

This is the death raid!

Under the sea, the whale giants are throwing faster and faster. The sea water is stirred by their great power. Countless murlocs are standing around them ~ ~ And hugged it up.

Before the soldiers arrived, gunshots sounded in the city, and some murlocs fell, but some robbers grabbed guns from ordinary people.

The huge palm squeezed the orchid finger and shot, steady without any recoil.

They have not been practiced, but the accuracy of blind play is still extremely accurate, and there is no need to aim at three points and one line.

Just as the lock was hung, the gun shot headshot.

When the soldiers arrived, many murlocs were equipped with guns.

The troop-carrying vehicle drove around a corner, a “Bang” bullet suddenly flew out, the fuel tank exploded in an instant, and the whole vehicle was lifted off in flames.

They have wisdom that is not much different from humans. Although they have different cognitive attitudes to things, they cannot be said to be stupid.

Immediately after the car overturned, the murloc rushed excitedly to make up the knife, and then the equipment on the soldiers was pulled down and hung on himself.

The city is completely chaotic.

After getting the weapon, the murlocs began to **** vehicles, looking for gun shops in the streets, and gathering with their companions.

In the city, there are a lot of human beings and there are many high-rise buildings. Unless the government does not care about the consequences, helicopters and tanks are extremely unsuitable for urban combat. It is even more difficult to use soldiers to solve these raids.

And they still have the driving memory of the vehicle, it is difficult to catch up when driving.

Throwing continues, and charge continues.

Those who survived the advent will have more and more fish people in the city.

They rob all resources that can be used for war and kill all the human beings they see.

But they are just,

For the future of the Murlocs! ! !

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