Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 378 - Prove it to you

But at this time, one by one communication information sounded in the headquarters horn.

“Our request to cooperate with Xia Guo official!”

The sound in the horn was calm and powerful, and the command staff soon discovered that this sound was the voice of the pilot in the fighter just now!

“Are you talking to me through an onboard communication device ?! What happened there! Report immediately!” The commander shouted anxiously on the communication device.

The other party said unhurriedly:

“We are from the Earth in 2020. In the next few years, the Earth will experience countless disasters that are enough to destroy human civilization. We are powerless, but at this time, by chance, we passed through time and space and came to this time of the earth. You can cooperate with us to cope with the numerous disasters that will come in the next few years. “


The commander was dead. The voice opposite the person was indeed the voice of the driver he was very familiar with, but the tone of his speech was unfamiliar.

“How do you prove it?”

He asked.

Opposite immediately replied:

“We will prove it to you.”

As soon as the voice fell, the connection of the communication device was cut off, and the opposite side could no longer be connected.

Commander turned around and looked at the colleagues behind him, his complexion was extremely complicated.

“What is the situation? He said they are from the future …”

Everyone looked at him inexplicably.

Let ’s not talk about whether time exists or not, and whether time can be traversed is a matter of time. They do not believe it.

Will time travel through 2020? That is their next five years? There is also this strange power. In the next five years, will there be such great progress in science and technology?

Although people now say that technology is changing with each passing day, they themselves do not believe that earth civilization can become the state of technology in science fiction within five years.

Suddenly, someone shouted:

“Sir! That armor is flying!”

Several people hurriedly turned to look at the display, only to see a red dot flying on the display in the direction of the coast.

Recalling what the man said just now, the commander understood.

“Do they want to prove it to us? …”

Several people hurriedly stared at the monitor.

The red dot quickly flew across the territory of Xia Guo, and crossed the ocean into the territory of this country.

The red dot stopped at the Tokyo location.

“What is he going to do?” The commander’s mind has begun to think wildly, constantly guessing how this person will prove to them.

After Han Zuo arrived in Tokyo, over the city, countless ordinary people madly pointed at him with camera equipment, screaming again and again.

‘S indifferent gaze swept more and more people below, and Han Zuo’s voice rang at the Xia Guo headquarters.

“Look good.”

next moment,

He rushed down.

“Boom !!!”

Large noise like a meteorite falling to the ground, the whole city seems to have violent shaking.

Countless screams, Han Zuo’s figure rushed out of the deep pit, and the sharp short knife kept harvesting people’s lives in his hands.

The speed of this kind of killing has exceeded that of firearms, and it is extremely accurate.

Every second, hundreds of people die, and death spreads rapidly around the pit.

“What … what is he doing ?! Is he crazy? What is this proving? Why? Why did he do this!”

The crowd at the headquarters watched dumbly at the scene on the display. In a dazed time, the city had been slaughtered by Han Zuo into an empty city.

He is moving towards the next city again.

The killing continues.

“In the future world, one of the most terrifying enemies of mankind is the artificial intelligence from his own country, the pigeon. This is a human trial machine. It claims to be a human savior. In our time and space, it has become a god.”

Han Zuo’s voice rang at the headquarters.

Everyone was speechless. They knew that whatever they said could not stop Han Zuo’s actions.

And in fact, the main reason for Han Zuo to do this is of course not because of pigeons.

Like Meng Ke was trying to accumulate power, the soul was a good way to accumulate power in the early days. If you want to develop a powerful power, a large number of people need a lot of souls to build up.

Slaughtered a country and allowed them to develop rapidly. In Han Zuo’s opinion, how is it worth it?

By the time the country responded, the second city had been cleaned up by Han Zuo.

The country’s troops blocked him in the direction of Han Zuo’s advance, but when the two parties collided together, the confident country of the country quickly discovered a fact that made them desperate.

Modern weapons simply cannot break this armor on Han Zuo’s body!

Coupled with Han Zuo’s speed, they already had a hard time hitting the target, but now their attack is not broken? !

This unit is like sending food, just a short knife of unknown material in hand, there is nothing on the battlefield that he cannot cut off the defense.

This battle shocked countless people under the attention of all parties. It lasted only fifteen minutes, leaving the wreckage of one place. Han Zuo continued to rush toward the next city without slowing down.

Han Zuo, the victorious party, only took a cold weapon with one person and defeated a modern force. This force no longer needs to prove anything.

He severely subverted the modern people’s imagination of future war.

Only with the leading material, coupled with incredible physical qualities, a person can actually burst out such a terrible fighting power ~ ~ After calculating the speed of Han Zuo, they found that even if they use mushroom eggs, as long as Han Zuo could detect in advance that the mushroom eggs could not do any harm to him.

At this time, the request of this country has been uploaded to the United Nations, asking the world to help.

Knowing the causes and consequences, Xia Guo chose to be silent.

But Eagle Sauce is very interested.

The technological content of the armor on Han Zuo’s body and the destructive power he produced.

Although he did not know where this humanoid war machine came from, he did not believe that there was another country in the world that could compete with them.

As long as it is what Eagle Sauce wants, is there any country on earth that dares to resist? Eagle sauce has this confidence.

Moreover, the fighting power they now show is only superficial.

I do n’t know when it started. Some magical things appeared inexplicably in this world. Eagle sauce was very lucky to find these things first, and then used these items to keep them in their own country. In hand.

Eagle sauce firmly believes.

As long as only one of them owns this power on the earth, they will always be the overlord of the earth.

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