Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 379 - camera

This world is born out of human fantasy. Since Meng Ke wants to use this world as his base camp, he naturally needs to understand this world first.

After the spiritual power swept the world, countless information circulated in Meng Ke’s brain, comparing this world with the main world in 2015.

Although the two worlds are exactly the same in many major events, Meng Ke still found out.

This world has an extra virtual reality game jointly sold by all countries in the world compared to his previous year in 2015.

Now the game is still in the stage of publicity, because it has not yet been released, so it has not exerted too much influence on the world, and it has not completely disrupted the timeline.

100% virtual reality game in 2015?

Meng Ke can be sure that even by 2020, countries around the world have not developed any civilian virtual reality games.

After tracing the source, Meng Ke soon knew that this game was officially promoted by Eagle Sauce.

“Tianzun, Han Zuo found the containment.” Xuan Nu’s voice suddenly sounded.

Raised his eyebrows. After Meng Ke came to this world, his mental power scanned the earth countless times, but he found no containment. He thought it was gone, and now suddenly appeared.

The vision quickly shifted to the left of Han.

Saw a soldier wearing eagle sauce military equipment carefully holding a camera in his hand, Han Zuo’s figure disappeared, and a photo slowly spit out from under the camera.

“Fortunately, I almost died.” The soldier shook the picture and put it in front of him.

In this photo, a distant view, Han Zuo’s figure is clearly visible in the photo, and there is also an ordinary person with his neck cut off.

Meng Ke used his detective technique at the camera, and a string of information appeared in his mind.

This camera is indeed a containment. Its characteristics make it possible to print the living things captured by the camera as immovable, unable to think, and pause the photo at that moment forever.

If you want to restore it, you need to put the photo in the water at 38 degrees. As soon as the photo gets wet, the creatures in it will return to the original state.

However, the person who uses the camera will also get narcissistic because of the number of times he uses it. In the end, even if the user knows the side effects of the camera, he will irresistibly want to use the camera to keep his perfect appearance forever. Remains in the photo.

Seeing the people in the photo, the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief and began to report on the intercom. Within a few minutes, a black armed helicopter flew over.

Loaded the soldiers, installed the photos and cameras in the safe, and the helicopter flew in the direction of Eagle Sauce.

“There is a containment that can shield my detection.” Meng Ke said pre-determinedly.

This soldier has a containment, and he took a photo, there is a special safe for storing cameras and photos, obviously all this is arranged by Eagle Sauce.

And before this, Meng Ke did not find any containment on earth at all.

This also shows that the eagle sauce must have contained objects before, and Meng Ke failed to perceive it. The most likely reason is that they have a lot of objects, and the effect of having one object is to shield detection!

Didn’t rush to take the camera, Meng Ke connected the spiritual line to the soldiers, shared the senses, and stared at them all the way.

It did n’t take long for the eagle sauce land, the helicopter landed in a wilderness,

Under the perception of Meng Ke’s spiritual power, under this wilderness is a secret base of eagle sauce, there are no strange places, and no containment exists.

The soldier came down from the helicopter, and the earth immediately settled down into a square land, exposing the entrance of the base.

Going down from the entrance, Meng Ke shared the senses, as if there was a moment of darkness in front of him, and then a wide metal corridor appeared in front of him.

And this time,

Meng Ke looked at the dense red dots on the red dot map and fell into contemplation.

Don’t need to expand his mental strength Meng Ke knows that this base is definitely not the ordinary base he just scanned under the earth just now.

The ordinary base outside may just be a hidden, illusion to the outside world.

And here is the real base of Eagle Sauce, where the storage is stored.

“That is to say … obviously, the eagle sauce of this world has found all the contents on earth here.”

Because of the presence of the containment, Meng Ke did not dare to scan this base with his own mental strength. In case he did not know the characteristics of the containment triggered, it would be bad.

In front of the contents, no matter how bold Meng Ke knows to be cautious.

After the soldiers entered the base, two men in black took the safe in his hand and continued to walk inside the base.

Meng Ke also connected the spiritual line to the person in black.

Before long, two men in black walked into an empty room, and one person sat quietly in the room, opened the safe, and gave the camera to the man. room.

The man in the room placed the camera on the metal table in the center of the room, looked at the camera, and fell silent again.

The man in black with the photo left the corridor and turned to the elevator. Soon after, the two entered a laboratory and placed the photo in a huge transparent tank and left.

Meng Ke analyzed the structure of the tank and went along the line, and quickly entered the control room.

Before the two men in black walked all the way, I didn’t see a few people ~ ~ But in the laboratory, the small room was full of people, and everyone’s eyes were fixed on the display.

The tank where the photo was put was quickly closed, and the water flow was slowly poured into the tank, floating the photo on the water and gradually rising.

After the tank is completely filled with liquid, the color of the water begins to turn green and warm up.

Wait for a few seconds, Han Zuo’s figure in black armor appeared in the tank at once. His calm gaze became fierce and fierce in an instant. It seemed that another storm of blood and blood was coming like a tsunami.

Just when he was about to throw a fist to break the transparent tank, Han Zuo’s movements suddenly stopped, his body dissipated, and his eyes slowly closed together tiredly.

He fell asleep.

Cheers sounded in the control room. All the people who were frightened by Han Zuo’s impetuous cold sweat excitedly looked at Han Zuo who was sleeping in the tank in the display.

“This person is so strong that he can wake up in a liquid full of No. 17 snot for a few seconds. Just now I thought it was useless to him!”

“No! It should be the reason why he is wearing mechanical armor! This armor has resisted him for a little time, so he can wake up.”

“No one can stay awake in the nose on the 17th.”

(Https: //)

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