Super Floating City

Chapter 5: Aboriginal

   A successful alchemist first gained power from metal.

Unlike most mages, they do not spend a lot of time studying the magic of mantra meditation. Many alchemists will suddenly upgrade during the experiment. The most obvious feature of the academic spellcaster is to use a lot of knowledge and experimentation to pursue the essence of things, and finally use this as an opportunity to find a way to completely master the power of a certain law. Most academic spellcasters have weak early combat effectiveness, but once they get a breakthrough in a certain field, they are very likely to master the power of the law.

The ancestors of the Stephen family are such a great academic alchemist.

He integrated the power of the law into his blood and passed it on to his descendants. Therefore, Stephen Zhou is not an alchemist in the wizard department, but an alchemist in the wizard department.

Sometimes he also thinks that he can’t break the limit anyhow, is he already as strong as his ancestors? The power of warlocks comes from the bloodline. They have the natural ability to cast spells. Any Steven can become an alchemist, but the talent is not as good as one. Steven Zhou is the only alchemist who has regained the power of the law, but he has never been able to break through the upper limit of mortals, which makes him think that his ancestors have only reached this level, so he can’t break through no matter how he develops talent. bottleneck.

If this is really the case, then he must give up his past achievements and retrace his own path, a path beyond his ancestors.


a week’s time.

Steven Zhou’s security base is almost completed.

The security base No. 1 covers an area of ​​about 10,000 square meters, with a studio, three storage rooms, a master bedroom, two guest rooms, a kitchen, a planting area (currently empty), and three vertical underground mine. The main material of the security base is marble, which is located 50 meters underground, and the entrance is a vertical elevator. It must be activated by a 0-level trick ‘secret mark’.

This is a temporary shelter.

Because there is no ‘energy storage crystal’ in the hand and electricity cannot be arranged, the lighting is entirely based on the lowest level ‘alchemy torch’, a torch that can be burned all day long using coal and wood. At present, there are only three defensive traps in the base. There are no puppet guards. The food stored is enough for one person to eat for three months. The warehouse reserves 100 units of wood, 100 units of stone, and 100 units of coal mines. , And ten units of iron ingots.

Steven Zhou finally decided to explore this world.

He needs to collect a lot of information about this unknown world. Since the Thorium era, the casters have tried interstellar colony. The source of the Austrian civilization has not been traced back, but the original casters have fought against the gods and explored time. With the end of space.

This is not the first time Stephen Week has explored other worlds.

Leave the underground refuge to make Stephen Zhou’s mood quite happy. Alchemists must learn to adjust their emotions in order to adapt to the tedious and boring work.

This is a plain.

There are forests in the south and rivers in the north. Stephen is heading away from the mountains, looking for traces of the world’s indigenous civilization.

In the endless wilderness, Stephen Zhou rushed alone, he left a beacon at the base, and he could find the direction of return at any time. A person traveling in nature will be extremely small. The species of this world is dangerous and huge. In the afternoon, he saw a giant pitcher plant with a strange fragrance, swallowing more than fifty centimeters of horse-like landworms in one bite. biological. The planet’s gravity coefficient is 1.5, which consumes a lot of energy and endurance. The average person adapts to the need for an anti-gravity area. It can be inferred that if there are indigenous civilizations in this world, their body shape will be higher, and their endurance will be stronger.

The limit of the gravity coefficient that Stephen Week can adapt to is 10.5, but this strength of gravity will only be encountered in the elemental world.

After entering the plain, Stephen met the hyenas again.

They tried to attack Stephen Week, but when they approached, they suddenly found that the prey in front of them became an iron lump, and then after paying the casualties of five hyenas, they quickly escaped from this terrible prey.

The three moons in the sky are still the same.

Steven Zhou judged that they would only mutate under certain circumstances, and then this mutation would affect the energy field of the world, and thus produced the strange situation encountered on the first day.

Lush plants make the herbivore species large.

Stephen saw an adult horse-sized horned deer with six legs and a **** zebra close to a ton. He looked at a huge beast like a rhinoceros but more like an earth dragon. There was also a very familiar and very dangerous dinosaur species— -Raptor.

When he first saw pterosaurs, Stephen guessed that there were a lot of dinosaur species left in the world, and he was sure of this when he encountered a velociraptor. The adult individuals of these velociraptors are about 2.1 meters in length, much like the reduced version of the Dreadclaw. They are very clever, cunning, and cruel. They belong to the dinosaur species of the community and can be encountered in many primitive and desolate worlds. Dinosaur species do not seem to dominate the world, which made Stephen Zhou have some conjectures, because most of the world where dinosaur species exist is related to an ancient god.

Stephen’s exploration made a major breakthrough on the third day, because he encountered a migrating human tribe.

Maybe not sure if they are humans, because they are really a bit tall.

The leader of this team is a burly middle-aged male wearing a gray animal leather jacket with a height of 3.9 meters. His hair is tied into three braids. His thick arms are full of explosive power. There are many wounds left by beasts on his naked chest. His The weapon is a mace made from a bone, which reflects the metallic luster. The height of other people is between 3.2-3.5 meters, everyone’s skin is very fair, not the kind of polite white but natural white like snow, this indigenous people group should have a relatively low degree of civilization, Stephen Zhou Cong They saw relatively simple clothes, most of which were made of animal skins, and a small number of metal utensils, it can be judged that the survival of these people is mainly hunting.

Steven Zhou did not rush into these people.

Because he also found a somewhat dangerous target, an old woman with white hair, holding a bone staff, wearing many skull-made jewelry, and various strange bottles and jars.


“It still looks like a voodoo!”

The entire ethnic group looks primitive and savage. Most adults have ornaments made of bones on their bodies, and soldiers use tattoos to paint on their bodies. Most of the indigenous people with these characteristics have not entered the era of real civilization. They are very dangerous. There may even be a tradition of cannibalism.

can judge that they are not purebred humans.

Preliminary estimates belong to the giant lineage. In many primitive and desolate worlds, giants have the habit of feeding on other races.

Shamanism advocates wild, natural, weak meat and strong food.

If it is a voodoo, then this ethnic group is even more dangerous. Stephen Zhou must observe it before contacting them.

As an alchemist who has traveled a lot of worlds, Steven Zhou has two spells that are constant around the brain. The first one is [Advanced Language Proficiency], and the second is [Advanced Language Proficiency]. Although he still can’t speak the language of these giants, he can understand their meaning and learn their language as long as they spend a little time.

This giant group is migrating towards the north.

They use bone spears as weapons. Even women are brave warriors. Giants hunt big-horned deer and six-legged zebras. They will avoid them when they encounter giant beasts like rhinos. They use low growls to intimidate those raptors and hyenas. . This group of giants had only very simple characters. Stephen observed them for two days. Every time the priest returned, the shaman would engrave their harvest and casualties on an ancient stone tablet. These giants will collect a dark brown grass mixed with some metal powder as a medicament. This dark plaster will soon stop them bleeding, but I am not sure whether the medicament is good or their physique is strong.

Steven Zhou also collected a little of this herb, which can be confirmed that they have good hemostatic effect.

This giant will hang its prey to roast, but there is a part of the tradition of advocating raw food, they will dig out the heart of the big horn deer and the hexagon zebra, UU reading www.uukanshu. comm then forced the minor clan to eat and swallow.

At this time, the shaman would dance strangely around the campfire.

Overall, this giant group is primitive, savage, and powerful. According to the occupations retained in the Thorium era, adult giants are at least equivalent to 7th-level fighters. But they seem to be very afraid of the night. When the night comes, all the giants will gather around the campfire. In the center is the shaman tent of the shaman. She will observe the purple ring and three moons in the sky. Every night, I pray in front of the bizarre five-meter-high totem pole. They maintain the tradition of blood sacrifices, and choose the strongest prey in front of the totem pole for each hunt. A black stone with a diameter of three meters is the altar, and the blood of the prey will infiltrate into it.

This is a typical characteristic of primitive tribes.

I don’t know much about whether I can communicate with them about Stephen. Many worlds have such ethnic groups. Their traditions are extremely primitive and brutal.


Steven Week still decided to try to contact them.

These giants basically do not act alone. At least five people are in a team when hunting. There are strong female warriors accompanying the gathering. Stephen saw the female warrior tearing a hyena as big as a gray wolf in half. They have a strange attachment to the heart, and the heart of any beast will be dug out by them to let the undersized life eat.

Steven Zhou used a more conservative approach to contact, and was not too close to these giants, but first let them find themselves to see the other party’s reaction.


Steven Week pretended to be a wild wanderer who appeared in front of the Giants migration route and began his first contact with the aborigines of the world.


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