Super Floating City

Chapter 6: Steven\'s battle


The giant warrior responsible for vigilance on the periphery first discovered Stephen Week, but what he did not expect was that the other party saw his first sight of a strong hatred.

A spear roared!

The giant warrior in front of him yelled angrily, and threw the spear out. The unusual alertness of the entire giant group immediately came to this side, and the dull horn sounded, more The roar of the giant leader came from afar. They shouted and gave up their prey. They were rushing over quickly, and conveyed a certain meaning through the roar.

The giant’s reaction is more intense than Stephen Week imagined!

He didn’t even know why these giants would see such strong hatred when they saw him. The spear roared. He raised his right hand in front of him, and a wooden block one meter high and fifty centimeters thick appeared out of thin air.


The bone spear hit the wooden block that appeared in front of Stephen, and the terrible force allowed the spear to penetrate nearly 20 cm deep.



“con man!……”

“kill him!……”

Many giants were surprised and uneasy about the “Wooden Shield” that appeared out of thin air in front of Stephen Week. A warrior with gray stripes shouted the words “Witcher” and “Demon” and then directed others to throw the javelin on his back. Then, the sharp roaring sound exploded, and dozens of javelins mixed with terrible force attacked Stephen.


Faced with this situation, Stephen Zhou could only sigh, stretched his hand in front of his eyes, and six pieces of marble appeared in front of him, forming a wall three meters wide and two meters high.

Cang Dang Dang Dang!

All javelins failed to penetrate half a meter thick marble, they seemed to be fixed on the ground.

“It seems that contact with these aborigines is a failure.”

In this situation, Stephen Zhou still doesn’t want to give up. After all, this is the first tribe he has encountered. But as he prepared to speak, a sudden sense of crisis erupted, and the shaman priests of the giants in the rear sang a few ancient mantras, and then a black clay pot was dropped to the ground.


A cloud of black mist rises, but when you take a closer look, it is all a kind of tiny black bug.

They flew directly in the direction of Stephen Week, the speed was very fast, and the black pressure did not know how much, but it made people feel scalp numb at first glance.

“I fuck!”

“I knew it was a voodoo shaman!”

Stephen Zhou said nothing, lifted his foot and stomped on the ground, then a cubic meter of mud disappeared under his feet. His figure fell directly into the mud and then a piece of mud above him When he was refilled back and descended to a depth of fifteen meters underground, he only took a breath. When the giants rushed over, there was no trace of Stephen Zhou behind the marble wall. Only a piece of mud was obviously different. One of the warriors approached carefully and stabbed with a spear, but it was no different from ordinary mud. , He stepped on it and didn’t fall.

Steven week seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

lost the trace of Stephen Week, and the strange black bugs suddenly became manic. The shaman in the rear exclaimed, and then they saw these bugs rushing to the giant warrior standing on the fresh earth.

The scream of tremendous fierceness sounded!

The giant warrior in front of him was covered with insect bite marks all over the body. These bite marks quickly turned into abscesses and toxic infiltrated into the blood. After struggling and twitching for a while, he turned into an unrecognizable body.


Stephen’s mood is very bad.

After wandering in the wilderness for three days, he finally met a group of aborigines, but the other party was a primitive barbarian, and was still a voodoo sect in shamanism, which reminded him of some bad memories of the troll voodoo sect in the past. .

In the faith of the indigenous people.

Shamanism is more difficult to communicate than Druidism, and dealing with the voodoo sect is like a civilized man running to an African tribe to communicate with the cannibals, which is a very deadly act.

Contact failed.

Although Stephen Chou did not fight back against these giants from beginning to end, the shaman priest’s Phytophthora counterattack had killed one of their warriors.

This made the two sides completely hostile.

This group of migratory giants became very vigilant after meeting him, and even gave up hunting to move towards the north at a faster speed.

However, there is also good news in this contact, that is, from the other party’s words, Stephen Zhou learned that these giants have contacted humans, and because of certain relationships that are full of hatred for humans, they are called “cheaters” and “robbers”.

Within the multiverse.

The human race is like a locust that proliferates in many worlds, but no matter what other races say about humans, Stephen still feels a lot more happy after determining that there is human activity in this world.

He decided to go backwards along the route of giant migration, which may be able to find human traces.

Stephen hurried during the day during the day, digging a safe house underground to sleep at night, studying the golden seed when he couldn’t sleep, and occasionally observing the astrology to see if he could find the traces he once knew. He still observes the three moons in the sky and the strange purple ring. He can’t enter the void to collect samples at present, and Stephen Zhou doesn’t know the composition of this purple halo. The three moons may be bright or dark, and there is a certain pattern of position change, but it takes a long time to observe. It would be nice if the knowledge of astrology can be obtained from the aborigines.

This walk is six or seven days.

Even Stephen Week was a little tired. He encountered a dangerous black panther last night. He was 5.5 meters long, stood 1.5 meters, weighed about 500 kilograms, had dark red pupils, fangs with blood grooves, and his actions were extremely rapid. And also climb trees.

Finally, Stephen Zhou built a stone cage with a length of seven meters and a height of three meters, and trapped it inside and stabbed him directly.

Steven Zhou is not good at fighting, but he also has his own unique way of fighting.

In this situation where there is no reply, the collected material is his weapon. At that time, the fighting situation can be described simply as follows. The black panther threw over, and duangduangduang, a marble wall appeared in front of him, and it directly hit it. The black panther turned around and launched an attack again. Panicked, duangduangduangduang, the four walls have been formed, Steven Zhou covered the roof, and then stood with an iron sword and poked it outside the wall.

Black Panther GG!

Steven Chow harvested a dead black panther and recovered several units of stone.

This is all the battle. [Alchemy Hand] Although it is not a powerful combat ability, it can accelerate the efficiency of Stephen’s work. If it is fast enough, it can instantly seal people with materials.

Along the way.

Steven week saw more unseen species, such as the Thunder beast with a very centimeter thick cuticle, the black long beetle with strong armor and horns, and the hordes of night beasts like bats at night. On this strange planet, Stephen Week saw many unprecedented creatures, and many familiar beasts in the past. They all mutated to a certain extent, possibly due to the evolution of the environment. This kind of situation generally only occurs in the world where interstellar colonies have occurred. Alien intelligent creatures bring species from other worlds to this planet, and they have mutated and evolved to adapt to the new environment.

At present, Stephen Zhou has discovered bears, deer, horses, leopards, bobcats, monkeys, etc., and dinosaur species have also been integrated into the planet’s ecological chain. They have not occupied the peak position.

So far he has not found a super large carnivorous dinosaur species.

This means that there are other creatures on the planet that are more dangerous than this, making small dinosaur species survive, while super-large dinosaur species can hardly see traces.

“This world is getting more and more interesting.”

On the afternoon of the ninth day, Stephen saw a group of four-armed orangutans. He initially determined that he was now in the subtropical region. He found a huge tree species similar to a banana tree. It was about 50 meters high. The mature fruits let these orangutans gather here. Stephen screamed intimidatingly around the week, and patted his chest with his fist, seeing that he tried to get close and threw out the big stone in the washbasin to expel. UU reading book

“How did these creatures mutate? Did a wizard perform species experiments on them?”

Steven is not sure whether these creatures are natural mutations or man-made mutations, he needs a little time to find the answer. There are too many reasons for the variation of species. The natural environment, radiation, magnetic field, ore substances that should not be eaten, or some chain reaction with native species.

The weaker the creature, the easier it is to evolve in a special environment in order to survive.

Night came.

Stephen Zhou found a safe place to grill the fire. The food was the cheetah that was dried. The meat was pretty good. The fur was tough and the claws had metallic luster. Normal growth is impossible. This black panther should have eaten some. Metal ore. The creature that likes to eat ore in the multiverse should be the dragon. Generally, the biological digestion ability of the creatures that can eat metal ore is very strong, and the body will also produce certain metallization characteristics. Stephen took the black panther’s claws and made a few strokes on the stone, immediately striking Mars, if it were not a trick to kill it, it would be a tough enemy.


After walking through a misty canyon, Stephen Zhou finally found something to excite himself.


or a cemetery, since there is a cemetery, he has left the wilderness to reach the area of ​​human activity. After thirteen days and a journey of more than 1,800 kilometers, Stephen Zhou finally left the wilderness and entered the edge of the civilized world.

I really want to celebrate a tree!


(PS: Thanks to [treacherous person], [Yi Yitian] the leader of the two book friends. What is it. You are the most handsome!)

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