Super Floating City

Chapter 97: Academy

 Victo’s expression was rare and a little serious when he returned.

He left the survivor, and then gave a few words to a grey robe wizard before leaving.

Steven and his team stayed until the next morning, and the wizards prepared a carriage to **** the apprentices to move on. Their destination was five days away from here. In the past two days, Stephen has also learned a little about the survivor. He is called Edward Wick, a native of Wind Valley in the South. The poor guy has been crouching in the corner of the carriage alone until now, looking like a demented low-energy child. The gray-robed wizard said that the Hawks were feeding him aphrodisiac but nerve-damaging plants , And then created a permanent psychological shadow under extreme stimulation.

I am afraid that only after taking him back to the academy can he find a cure.

This poor guy was severely tortured by the Hawk Banshee. After all, the degenerative Banshee that has been degraded many times is almost like a beast.

After they captured the apprentices, they fed them some special plants, and then in the mating ceremony of the Hawk Lady, everyone fell into a frenzy. There was no problem at the beginning of the process, and there was even a bit of fancy, if you can receive the Hawk Lady In the form of demon, they should be regarded as pretty creatures. But after the ceremony was nearing its end, the cruel nature of the Hawk Banshee broke out, and they would tear up the captives of the squeezed value, and then eat them all. Poor Edward Wick witnessed the whole process, and the horrible scene almost destroyed his sanity.

on the carriage.

Lina quietly approached Stephen’s side and whispered: “Can you say he can be cured?”

Stephen glanced at Edward with a drooling expression in the corner and frowned: “Who knows? The wizards will definitely not send him back anyway!”

This guy is basically obsolete.

Stephen can see his broken heart. In Eastern words, this guy’s three souls and seven souls are incomplete. Even if he is rescued, it will be a shadow of his life. When this happens, the wizards will definitely not send him back, which will greatly affect the prestige of the wizards.

Three days later.

The scenery outside the carriage has become increasingly desolate, and the long journey makes all apprentices extremely tired.

In the afternoon.

Steven and his team met a convoy from another direction, carrying apprentices from other places, headed by a blue robe wizard. But those apprentices are a bit stranger. There are not many humans. Some apprentices don’t look human at first glance, and they look a bit like mixed-race goblins. Their skins range from green to blue, and they are thin and slender, and their jaw bones are sharp, which is a bit like a snake face, which is not in line with Stephen’s aesthetic.

“Sorcerer Mograine.”

“Julian Wizard.”

The two blue-robed wizards were not very friendly and greeted each other, and then they heard each other a little gloating: “I heard that you are having some trouble at sea?”

Mograine frowned and swallowed his anger: “Yes.”

“Oh. That’s unlucky! I’m afraid you will be reprimanded by the three seats of the tower.” The wizard Julian chuckled lightly.

Three seats in the tower?

Steven raised his ears, thinking about it and asked towards a grey robe wizard next to him, “What are the three towers?”

“Don’t ask too much. You will know by then.” The gray-robed wizard next to him frowned and looked at Stephen.

At this time, Mograine’s blue robe wizard had returned. He smiled palely and said: “These are not secrets. There are three towers besides the main tower. They are the highest three seats in the academy. Lord Huoyu Victor is a disciple of the three seats.”

The blue robe wizard was not interested in explaining too much.

The team set off again soon, they gradually reached the Gobi Desert, and finally came to a desolate canyon.

“We are here.” said a grey robe wizard.

The apprentices walked down curiously one by one, but they were disappointed to find that there was nothing in front of them, no college or tower, and this is the deserted Gobi Desert.

Only Stephen’s expression fluctuated a bit, he looked at him playfully and muttered: “It turns out so.”

There are powerful energy fluctuations underground.

This is the core of the earth node, and everything that seems desolate in front of you actually hides other secrets.

“Everyone keeps up.” said a grey robe wizard.

An eagle hovered in the sky, and it fell after flying around the head of everyone.

“Master Antonio!”

The next scene made all the apprentices stunned. The blue-robed wizard, who headed to the eagle, respectfully saluted the eagle, and only then did they see the horror of the eagle in front of them. It had six pairs of eyes, densely packed. Spread all over his head, the bird pecks have fine teeth, and the sharp claws are dark red.

“I’m back? Why are there so few people this time!” The eagle in front of him suddenly But then it was a little impatient: “Go in.”

seemed to dissipate as an invisible light curtain. The real world as seen by the naked eye cracked a gap. What appeared in front was not a desolate Gobi, but a dark and dark forest.

“Keep up. Don’t get close to those trees, they are magic willows.”

The blue robe wizard said seriously: “Trust me. You will never like them.”

A willow tree sways in the wind.

When the crowd is close, they can even hear the faint whisper, as if they are observing and discussing the crowd.

The end of the road is a high wall, a huge willow tree is blocking the front, when everyone is approaching, a very old face emerges, and he expresses his expression in a hoarse voice: “password.”

“The power of the elements!” said the blue robe wizard with a quirky accent.

“Correct.” The huge willow removed its body, and then a gate appeared behind.

The apprentices walked through the willow with curiosity and awe. Stephen even touched it when he passed, but the huge willow didn’t notice this little movement.

After crossing the gate, everything in front of me suddenly became bright.

Buildings with bizarre styles are all in sight. Many apprentices in a hurry can be seen on the street. They glanced away and looked away. The most striking here are the three tall towers, straight into the sky, the top of which is covered with flames, the top of which is gathered with thunderclouds, and the last one is suspended in the sky.

“Why are there only three?” Stephen watched everything curiously.

A grey robe wizard brought them to the residence. It was an old castle-style dormitory. At the door were two huge armours, one holding a giant sword in one hand, and the other holding a giant axe.


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