Super Floating City

Chapter 98: Academy

  “You are freshmen. The dormitory is on the third floor.” Grey robe wizard said.

Some people who appeared to be apprentices also appeared, and they said to the new humane: “The boys come with me, the girls go next door.”

As soon as Stephen entered the castle, he felt the existence of a magical barrier. The fifth ring tower is said to be the best and most friendly wizarding school across the strait. At least it will not be as casual as the dead slough. Now it seems to be still Not bad.

“Yo! A new batch of apprentices has arrived.”

In the hallway, a painting hanging on the wall suddenly opened. The painting was a clown. He hung on a rope and smirked, “I don’t know how long you poor little guys can live this time?”

“Shut up. Jeff!” The apprentice who led the team took out his staff and tapped on the portrait.

“Ah! It hurts!” The clown screamed suddenly, shaking the rope away from the staff, and scolded: “Don’t knock me! Damn Norman! Arrogant and rude stupid!”

There are many pictures hanging in the corridor.

Some look no different from ordinary oil paintings, some will move or even speak. The apprentices are curious and afraid, and they watch all the way along the way.

“Slowly you will get used to it.” A wizard apprentice said.

Steven’s expression was calm.

is just a bit of stimulating life, and some amazing portraits have been injected with souls. He also imprisoned the guy who offended himself in the oil painting.

“A room for four people. If you want an independent dormitory in the future, you must fight for yourself.”

The wizard apprentice who led the team was indifferent and slowly said: “Meet at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning. Someone will tell you how to survive here. The canteen is on the north and the classroom is on the south. The college is subsidized every month, but only for basic survival. , You have to work on your own if you want to live better.”

“The basic course is free, there are five lessons per day. The course schedule will be posted at the door of the dormitory.”

“The library is in the garden area, you can read it for free on the first floor, you need to pay for the second floor and above.”

“All right.”

“Now all of you go back to the dormitory to rest, remember not to come out and run around at night.”

Speaking of which, the apprentice in front of him showed a strange smile and slowly said: “Trust me. You will not like the things you encounter at night.”

That strange smile made many people shudder.

Steven’s dormitory is the third one, together with two Southlanders and a Norman, he fell asleep on the bed as soon as he entered. Here the beds and bedding are complete, the space is not too small, there are magic lamps on the walls, but they are uniformly powered. The other three apprentices were whispering, because Stephen was cold on the road and no one came to greet him.

Overnight time passed quickly.

The next day, all the apprentices were assembled, and a tall, thin man sent them a list.

There are maps, rules, courses, etc. of the Five Ring Tower. The college uniformly distributed brown robes. Their monthly subsidies are one magic stone and ten Kindlers.

Magic stone is a gray crystal.

Once you get Stephen, you can be sure that this is the element spar. Of course, you can call it spirit stone, magic spar, or element stone. They are the products of the element tide, a rare mineral with magic power. Magic stones are rare casting materials, they are also props for setting up magic circles, and they can also be used to extract energy to restore the magic power consumption. Aboriginal wizards use them as hard currency.

Kindler is another kind of gold coin.

They weigh 20 pounds and are nearly 100% pure gold. They are not mixed with silver and lead like the gold coins circulated elsewhere. The wizard only accepts this kind of pure gold in Jindler, and they use it as a common currency. And alchemy materials.

In this huge college city.

Ten Kindlers are enough for one person’s daily food expenses, and a magic stone can pay a basic spell course of the wizard.

The apprentices must make money by themselves to obtain more resources. The west of the college is the mission hall. There are entrusted tasks from apprentices and formal wizards, and even entrusted tasks from outside. However, these are not something newcomers can accomplish. The easiest way for newcomers to obtain wealth is through scholarships.

You can get rewards after passing every basic course exam of the Fifth Ring Tower.

If you are at the top or even break the record, then the rewards will be very rich, and you can even get a lot of magic stones. In terms of educational methods, the Wuhuan Tower is more advanced, where Stephen even has the illusion of returning to the Arcane Academy.

At the beginning, he completed the initial accumulation with the bonus of the Arcane Academy.

The basis of each apprentice here is different, some come from a family with better education, and some are almost illiterate. There are five basic courses per day. All apprentice courses are arranged by themselves. What you want to learn depends on your wishes. . The college’s subsidy will last for one year. If you cannot support yourself after one year, unfortunately you can only choose to leave or starve to death.

has a large number of apprentices in the Wuhuan Tower.

Although only a decade from the North and South borders, this college seems to recruit apprentices from other places. Considering the huge area of ​​the world, their students should not be lacking.

But these are not the most important.

Stephen’s most concerned about the idea of ​​meditation was finally obtained after entering the fifth ring tower. Like what he initially guessed, the idea of ​​meditation in this world was not taught in the ordinary way. They are closer to a spiritual imprint, and every apprentice must personally touch the huge crystal ball in the central square to get a meditative idea.

This is a soul contract!

According to the contract, they cannot impart the learned ideology to others, otherwise they will suffer a certain anti-bite effect, which is very close to the devil’s commonly used contract.


This is a magical idea of ​​ completely subverts Stephen’s past understanding, because its core idea is actually not meditation, but engulfing elemental energy into the body. This is a method that only a warlock can practice, because the blood of the warlock is inherently magical. According to this method of cultivation, the wizard’s body will store a huge amount of energy, instead of using spiritual will like the arcanist. Mobilize external energy.

A simple example.

Aboriginal wizards cast spells, which are more directly activated by the energy in the body. They are themselves a huge container, while arcanists are mobilizing the energy of the outside world, as if they are using a lever to pry the outside world.

This kind of meditation is powerful and dangerous. According to Stephen’s estimation, the practice turned into a human-shaped nuclear bomb in the end. The entire body of the wizard is a nuclear explosion like a huge energy. No wonder these indigenous wizards are so powerful!

But this method of cultivation is also very dangerous.

Because it hurts the body, the energy that the body can contain is limited. This process will encounter one bottleneck after another. In order to break through these bottlenecks, the aboriginal wizard must use some potions to change themselves, or the speed of cultivation Will become very, very slow.


They took a potion to transform their flesh, and even gave up the human form directly into a new life form.

The red robe wizard named Victor is an example.

He can no longer be regarded as human.

This idea of ​​meditation simply opened the door to another world for Stephen, but what made him quite dissatisfied was that only the first half of the meditation idea that the apprentice could get.


(PS: I feel the speed of the codewords becomes faster after I have a spare name.)

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