Super Floating City

v2.5 Chapter 17 - The age of ancient gods!

“Time Dragon Dragon Warlock?” Stephen’s expression was a little shocked.

He has heard of many kinds of dragon vein warriors in the past, among which the red dragon veins are the most. There is a blood of dragon vein warriors whether it is a five-color dragon or a metal dragon, but as a time dragon in a legendary dragon, let alone a dragon vein warlock. The pedigree of the people is usually extremely difficult to meet.

The time dragon in front of him is the second time dragon known to Stephen, and the other is said to have been hiding in the half plane of Imprint City.

“For some reason, the guardian who enters the space-time hub must have a certain power to control time.” Time Dragon’s expression calmly said: “Ordinary people can’t get this power even if they are strong, so we need to use some special methods. Select qualified persons.”

Time, space, death, life, order, chaos…

These are the most powerful legal abilities in the multiverse, and the most difficult thing to touch is the power of time. Although the wizards have a static spell of time, it only interferes with the time within a small range to the demi-level enemies. It has lost its effect. The time outside the spell is normally elapsed. Only within the range of the spell can you stop the time for more than ten seconds. It is said that this spell was originally learned from the time dragon. Time is the most difficult law force to control. Even the gods cannot interfere with the past and the future. Otherwise, those gods that have fallen can have many ways to avoid their own death.

The existence of the time dragon has always been mysterious. It is said that they do not serve the dragon gods, only legends of loyalty to the Lord of time and space in the age of ancient gods.

An ancient **** of order without any proof of existence.

“That is to say, if I want to be eligible to join the space-time hub, then I must change my blood capacity?” Stephen frowned.

“Yes.” Time Dragon nodded: “This will make you more powerful! But the same you will also lose a little red dragon bloodline ability, such as your Fire Dragon Breath, it will be transformed into Time Dragon Interest. But overall, your strength will be stronger, with immortal life, and the ability to interfere with time.”

Sounds good.

Stephen didn’t rush to nod, but said slowly: “What about the price?”

“You will always lose the qualification to be a god.” Time Dragon said in a deep voice: “You will never be able to rely on faith to be a god! At the same time, this will deepen the characteristics of dragons in your body. You must adapt to this transformation, accept it, or Control it.”

Lost the qualification to believe in God?

In other words, I can no longer rely on faith to become a god, right? But Stephen remembers that the ancient **** of order does not need faith!

What are the characteristics of dragons?

Stephen seems to have it now, for example, his attachment to money and wealth, but it seems that he has always had this habit. He likes gold and silver and collects gems, but when he wants to spend it, Stephen never stings. The characteristics of the dragon bloodline are not uncontrollable desires for him, just like a person with energetic and active nature, there are actually many ways to calm the mind.

“What else? Should there be a mission to join the space-time hub?” Stephen calmly said.

He didn’t believe that there was a free lunch in the world. At the time, Stephen stepped up to the main seat of the highest Arcane Council also made a lot of efforts.

“The existence of the space-time hub is to maintain the balance and order of the multiverse.” Time Dragon slowly said: “It should not give you any special tasks for the time being. It will not be available for at least one or two hundred years. Of course, you can apply if you like. Accept the challenge for the guard.”

“Overall, we are a fairly loose organization. It is a bit similar to the Pantheon.”


In Stephen’s memory, the Pantheon is a decoration. The gods will put one of their incarnations in it, but basically there is nothing to do. Since the historical record, there has not been any major events in the Pantheon, it has not even Will interfere in the war of the gods, and let the gods believe in killing each other.

“Young people. It looks like you know a lot.” Time Dragon continued: “If you have studied history, you will find that there is no civilization more than one hundred thousand years in our universe.”

“Our most distant history is the age of ancient gods.”

“So why did the age of ancient gods end?”

Stephen’s brow furrowed and he said, “Void Demon?”

“Yes.” Time Dragon nodded. “Void Demon. If there is really a mission for the Space-Time Hub. Then the next invasion of the Void Devil should be counted as one.”

“If necessary, we need to continue the fire of civilization in the multiverse.”

“young people.”

“There are many dangerous existences in our universe. Gods, ancient abominations, and crazy evil gods are just one of them. The real threat should be the void demons. We don’t know when they will come next time, but they are sure Will be back. You should have studied the demonic genes in depth and understand what their nature is.”

“The Tanari demons are a group of predators.”

“Void demons are more terrible than them! These enemies are hidden in our unknowable void world. Once they appear, they are to destroy all civilizations!”

“They are an older civilization than us.”

“And the multiverse is their hunting ground. When the time comes, they will reap the harvest.”

Stephen froze for a moment, then said: “For the soul?”

“This is one of the reasons.” Time Dragon slowly said: “Young people. You can’t understand their horror. It is not only the civilization of mortals that is within their scope of harvest, but also the civilization of the gods above them. Be the fruit of a good harvest.”

Stephen continued to ask: “So last time, they failed?”

“I don’t know.” The Time Dragon whispered: “My life span is only 30,000 years. Although it is quite old compared to other dragons, I haven’t been able to personally experience the events of the ancient gods. I can only I’m telling you, few ancient gods survived the Pantheon in the last The void demons gave up their attacks later in the war and returned to the twisted void.”

“But they left the second generation of Orbis demons, the ancient abominations infected by their evil powers.”

“And, swarm.”


Stephen froze for a moment.

“A lot of the secrets of the ancient times will be clear when you enter the hub of space and time.” Time Dragon whispered: “This is a challenge that no one can escape. The demon of the void regards the entire multiverse as a hunting ground, unless you give up the soul of life and return to the source. Sea, otherwise you will still have to face them with your power.”

“Maybe one hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years, but you still have to face them.”

Stephen suddenly said: “This is the reason why you mediate the war of the gods? In order to deal with the invasion of the void demons in the future?”

“That’s right.” Time Dragon shook his head: “We won’t intervene in ordinary wars of the gods, and we will only find ways to mediate wars that involve the destruction of the crystal wall system in the multiverse.”

“This time the situation is very serious!”

“A new and powerful death is trying to overthrow and rebuild the existing order, many gods with powerful powers are involved, and there is another one who may be promoted to a great power. The new and old gods The conflict is getting worse, and the outbreak of war between them is very likely to cause very terrible damage!”


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