Super Floating City

v2.5 Chapter 18 - Old God!

Lower plane, Shura field.

Like its name, this is a special plane dominated by killings. This is a place of exile for the lower planes. It is often exiled by rebels. There are many troops here, but the real leader is very It is rare, so it is very common to have a rebellion in the Shurachang. There are many demon lords of all sizes fighting and annexing each other throughout the year. Many existences can be seen on this plane, mortals, demons, petitioners, demons, demons, aborigines, and even celestial beings from the upper planes. This is a rather chaotic plane.

The plane of the Shura field is suspended in the void, which means that this is not a planet.

Scholars who are proficient in ancient history can know that this is the creation of the ancient gods. It is said that it was twisted by a broken world. Here it is connected to the kingdom of many gods, because various forces are intertwined with each other.


The plane situation of this perennial war has become more and more tense. In a place called Shuo Plain, located in the Shura field, a large number of Reaper’s legions are stuck here.

The tributaries of the Styx are all over the lower plane.

Naturally, Shura Field is no exception. Beside the melee plain is one of the main roads of Stygian. The Death Master re-planned the Stygian after ascending the **** position. Shura Field is a very important chess piece among him. However, the corresponding Death God’s increased control over here has also attracted many hostile eyes. Demon, Devil, and Evil God are also eyeing this plane. Some extremely fanatical revolutionaries and terrorists will fall into them after death, and their souls will be transformed by the plane, endowed with a new characteristic, as if a soul enters the state of bliss and is most likely not to want to leave. And it’s easy to feel the euphoria, as is the Shura field plane.

Here, chaos and order interfere at the same time, and fierce collisions continue to cause rebellion.

at this time.

A large-scale war has erupted. The Reaper Legion from the Underworld is equipped with a dark body armor. They lined up to wait for the huge army to stretch out for dozens of kilometers. There were constantly death angels flying across the sky, the edge of the battlefield Many wandering angels hovered.

Their enemies are stationed in a magnificent fortress made of steel, and there are demons and demons, and even fallen creatures in the heavens can be seen.

These enemies were brought together for a variety of reasons, either because they were dissatisfied with the new order established by the **** of death, or because of the arrangement of the gods they believed in, and now they had to join forces against the powerful army of the **** of death. Since the blood fight in the abyss was forced to suspend for a period of time due to the intervention of the death, all creatures in the lower plane are deeply aware of the power and strength of this new death!

It can even be said to be overbearing!

Over the past hundreds of years, He has almost controlled the lower planes in a gesture of surrendering to us, and spreading his power into many planes.

Fierce fighting soon broke out.

The Reaper’s Legion moved towards the steel fortress in front. Although the scale of the battle was very large, more than 100,000 troops were invested in the front and the back, but there was no god-level combat power in the entire battlefield. None have joined the battle.

Since the holy catastrophe ended, the gods re-signed the covenant.

It has been nearly three hundred years so far. None of the gods has ever fought in person, but the open fight between each other has never stopped. The situation in the entire lower plane is now very chaotic. One of the reasons for this chaos is that the ambitions of the main material plane have died a lot.

As mentioned earlier.

Death Sovereign-Sauron restricted the use of resurrection, which has led to many people unable to resurrect after death, but in the past these people have always had a way to make themselves alive. Not only is the resurrection technique limited, the death master even controls the resurrection of the undead very strictly, and those who die are even difficult to become undead.

This leads to a result!

The lower plane suddenly poured into many guys who like to work on the main material plane. They died and fell into the lower plane reincarnation, so that many powerful ambitions appeared.

Then, these ambitions were completely killed by the **** of death.

Nowadays, the situation on the material plane has formed a confrontation. There has not been a fierce war for a long time, but the conflict on the lower planes has become more and more serious.

Underworld, the city of the dead.

In a magnificent hall, the battle in the Shura field is projected before the eyes. More than two-thirds of the thirty-six death angels under the seat of Death have returned, and they are watching the battle in silence. In this battle, the Reaper’s Legion was strongly resisted, and high-level demons appeared continuously in this steel fortress.

“Queen of Spiders.”

“Ms. Black Night.”

“The Lord of the Storm.”

The Death Master stared at all this with a sneer and slowly said, “Who else? Has the orc gods been persuaded by them?”

“Order the legion to rest.”

Having finished speaking, the Death Master turned around and walked towards the main hall. His enemies finally tore his face, and had already secretly arranged his believers to join the battle of the lower planes. But these enemies are not the most important. What really makes this **** of death care is the attitude of the **** on the heavenly If he also opposes his reforms, then the scale of the war of God will expand at once. To the point that even Bleach could not control.

“Lord of brilliance! …” muttered death.

In order to end the holy saint’s holocaust, the two deities once worked together, but eventually they parted ways because of the conflict of ideas. The lord of brilliance abandoned his personal emotional desire in order to obtain the sublimation of the divinity, but it has become more stubborn. He is one of the flags of the old gods. Although he supports the war of death to calm the main material plane, he is firmly opposed to some of his reform measures, and believes that this will embark on the old road of the arcane empire, and mortals have no awe of power. Heart, too much promotion of the development of civilization on the material plane will lead to destruction once again.

This has been repeated several times.

From the decline of the elven empire to the end of the Thorium Age to the destruction of the arcane empire, mortals have destroyed their civilizations over and over again because of ambition and desire.

The ideas of the new **** and the old **** are colliding violently.

The most important characters are the death master who rises in the holy saints, Sauron, and the glorious master who entered the highest level of Heaven Mountain. As for the lady of the night and the spider god, they want to stir up the situation and fish in the water. . Because there are no more gods in the lower planes daring to confront the **** of death that dominates the power of Stygian, his existence has re-established the reincarnation order of Stygian.

Three hundred years ago they might have a chance, but now they have missed it.

Grim Reaper has completely controlled the power of the underworld!


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