Super Floating City

v2.5 Chapter 34 - Lord Ashes!

“He has become stronger!” Witch Eve said inwardly.

Although the strength of the wizard is slower than that of other melee professionals, the actual wizards of the element pool are an exception, because their strength is the fastest among the wizards. Wizard Victor is a wizard of the same period as the witch Lianna, but his current strength has reached above the high-level legend. Because of the divine power, he has begun to move toward the realm of elemental lord or demigod, and Even with the help of Stephen and the blessing of Queen Betty, the witch Lianna is now able to touch the edge of high-level legends, that is, the professional level is about 23-24. The wizard of Victor should be a professional level now. Around 26-27, basically has caught up with the current chief wizard-Eve.

The same strength increased rapidly with the Winter Witch, but unlike the Wizard of Victor, she no longer pursues pure power, and instead begins to learn knowledge with Stephen to supplement her shortcomings in learning.

The power of wizards is not only reflected in mana, but also has its own reserve of knowledge.

The wizard of Victor is very powerful now, even surging, even more amazing than when Stephen broke out. As he stood up, the hot field power quickly spread, and the fire element in the air became restless. The outbreak turned the fire within a hundred meters of the area.

“Flame Realm?” Chief wizard Eve narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this moment, the expression of Wizard Victor seemed to have a trace of pain. The cracks on his body surface expanded, as if there was something terrible to rush out. His pupils had turned into pure flames, burning and exhausted. With a violent soul, he said in a deep voice: “Are you going to start?”

“Well.” Witch Eve said softly: “But we have to determine your status.”

The Victor Wizard said slowly: “I’m fine.”


“I have a new name now. It’s called Ash. They call me Ash Lord now.”

In the sight of Witch Eve, as Wizard Victor stood up, the super-large fire element and the large wandering magma element not far away gathered together, they bent down to express their respect for Wizard Victor . That kind of awe is like seeing not a human being, but a terrifying, huge, horrifying creature. It seems that the transformation of the Victor Wizard is half successful. He has obtained the authority of the elemental lord, but because of the characteristics of the fire elemental plane, his body still has a violent nature. Because of all the elemental planes, the fire elemental plane is the most aggressive one. This nature will be implanted into his bloodline with the transformation of the wizard Victor.

Then he must constantly resist the irritability and anger brought by the nature in his body, until he has complete control and self-restraint.

“Well.” Witch Eve whispered: “It seems that your condition is not completely stable.”

Wow la la.

A chain of vibrations sounded, and the gold chain, which was burnt red by magma, lifted up. The wizard Victor turned the pupil of the ignition star to the witch in front of him. His expression seemed to have a hint of anger, but he calmed down quickly: ” Yes. I can’t control my anger yet.”

“The flame burned my body and soul, and the pain it caused still did not subside.”

This is the consequence that the elementalization of the body must bear. Initially, the ancient wizards developed this method of cultivation in order to become an individual existence similar to the **** of the elements. Elemental spirits are very powerful, and they are also above the material plane, because they don’t care whether they have believers or not. There are many powerful element lords on the element plane that are enough to compete with the gods, even if they don’t have any. Become a god. The Victor Wizard is now in a state like the Elemental Lord. As a price, he has a certain fusion with the law power of the Fire Elemental Plane. This fusion makes him as angry as other Fire Elemental Lords.

“What can we do for you?” Chief Witch Eve asked calmly.

The wizard of Victor is probably more powerful than his mentor. Few wizards have reached this level in the history of the Five Ring Tower for thousands of years.

“Seal.” Wizard Victor thought for a moment and then said, “I need Lord Stephen to impose another seal on me.”

In the current state of the Victor wizard, there is no way to leave the elemental plane of fire, because he can’t control his own power. If he enters the main material plane, it will directly cause the dry land to dry up, or even induce a volcanic eruption. . His current body is a moving active volcano, and for a long time in the future, he may only be able to enter the main material plane by means of avatar projection.

“I get it.” Chief Witch Eve said softly: “I will convey it to His Excellency Stephen.”

The wizard of Victor actively asked Stephen to impose a new seal, which means that his mental state is still stable, and it also makes the Eve witch who came to watch can not help but breathe a sigh of To be honest, she was in her heart I have always been a little worried that the Victor Wizard would runaway.

“I need peace of mind. Killing the Star of Death Sign will make me much calmer.” Wizard Victor said in a deep voice: “Your Excellency. Do you understand what I mean?”

The witch Eve could not help but sighed, “I see.”

Wizard Victor step by step has a serious cause-and-effect relationship with the star of death sign. He is an orphan adopted by the former chief wizard of the Elemental Pool. Because of his personality, he has no relationship with other people. Only him His tutor is most respected by him. At the beginning of the war of death, the chief wizard of the Elemental Pool fell, and the wizard of Victor was in imminent order. Under that dilemma, he had already made his own choice. The hatred in his heart and the threat brought by the ancient evil made him choose to give up all the incarnations of the flame lord. In order to revenge, he personally burned his body to death, leaving only the ashes on his body. The anger of hatred never extinguished in his heart. Ever.

The wizard’s path does not have much affection, but sometimes the mentor exists as a stern but kind parent and elder in their hearts.

The Eve Witch knew this.

Because in her eyes, Lianna was like her own daughter, watching her grow up to now, even if she had broken out the name of **** goblin, but in the eyes of Witch Eve she was still the same The little guy who likes to be naughty and troublesome.

After all, the Wuhuan Tower is different from the black wizards.


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