Super Floating City

v2.5 Chapter 35 - Magic Power Armor!

Yarantil. Floating city.

In a completely enclosed space, a dull footsteps suddenly came, and then Stephen’s figure came out of the underground warehouse.


He kept turning to give orders, and with the rumbling sound, a magical power armor about 35 meters high came out of the basement at a heavy pace. This magic power armor is silver-white, with many strange patterns on the surface, and a five-pointed star is engraved on the chest, which is painted by Stephen himself. Fearing that this test would disturb other people, Stephen arranged a banned circle around him, which isolated a completely enclosed space. The man being controlled in the magical power armor is Lianna witch. When he heard Stephen said that the magical power armor was made, Pipily could not sit still and ran from the fifth ring tower overnight.

“This thing is so fun!” Lianna’s witch’s voice seemed to find a big toy she liked.

Stephen heard that he could not help but smoked, and then said: “Now conduct actual combat tests. You are careful.”

——”Summon Elements!”

Stephen inserted the staff on the ground and communicated the earth element plane directly through the earth. With the rumbling sound, three giant earth elements with a height of twelve meters appeared in front of him. Although the body of the giant earth element is not small, it looks like an earth giant, but it is still not enough to see in front of the larger magic power armor. These giant earth elements obviously have a moment of hesitation after they are summoned out. Follow Stephen’s order to attack the behemoth in front of him. Because even the elemental life with a relatively low IQ, you can feel that the silver-white monster in front of you is quite uncomfortable.

The giant earth element is not willing to attack, but the Lianna witch is a little unable to sit still.

“I’m going first.” She seemed excited, she couldn’t help it.


In this not-so-open field, Lianna witch drives the magic power armor to launch a charge. The magic power armor is relatively low in flexibility, which is probably the level of ordinary people. It is difficult to make something difficult. action. But it doesn’t matter. Relying on the huge size advantage of up to 35 meters, the momentum of the magic power armor to launch the charge can be said to be earth-shattering. After approaching these giant earth elements in front of her eyes, Lianna witch was directly thrown out by a whip leg. The giant earth element in front of him was completely pumped out like a meteor, and immediately flew out for fifty or sixty meters. On the outer protective barrier.


The situation of power crushing is very obvious. After the giant earth element fell to the ground, it became a pile of gravel, which can be said to have no resistance at all.

“Too weak!” Lianna witch was excited.

After she finished speaking, she threw out another punch directly. The silver-white metal fist smashed the giant earth element’s arm trying to block the parry, and then shattered its arm to blow the giant earth element’s head.


The second giant earth element was also spiked.

“It’s really boring. It’s too weak.” Although he said so, the voice of Lianna’s witch was still an excited look.

It might be that I didn’t have to play for a while. The witch Lianna grabbed the last giant earth element with her hands and rubbed it directly on the ground, watching the giant earth element continue to struggle under her feet and giggled, because she laughed so happy So that the magic power armor all flickered like a twitch.

“Enough.” Stephen canceled the summoning spell: “Prepare for the next test.”

The power value of the magic power armor bursts the table. According to the data detection of Taling 1, its limit power burst value should be around 45 points, which is equivalent to the Red Dragon during the Taikoo Dragon period. If Stephen performs advanced power conversion, the power burst value should be able to reach more than 50 points, which is roughly equivalent to the hundred-armed giant in God of Sin. Of course, the combat ability is far less powerful than the hundred-armed giant, because God of Sin has a terrible Recovery ability, and the magic power armor is entirely protected by the energy protection barrier. If it is broken, the energy protection barrier is easily damaged.

Ordinary repair and construction spells are completely ineffective against magic power armor, because it has certain magic resistance.

“This kind of power value can even hit the monsters in the face of the worm swarm with absolute power to crush the damage!” Stephen said secretly.

The so-called power crushing is actually the real damage on the physical level, because the strength difference between the two sides is huge, and it is easy to be directly crushed and killed in physical confrontation. In this respect, the magical power armor has met Stephen’s needs, because its main task is to kill giant thunder beasts of insect swarms. The steel golem is not enough to fight those giant beasts. There may be a giant thunder beast in frontal battles. The charge can destroy or even crush the steel golem. The giant thunder beasts are the ground troop combat troops of the swarms, and the cities of Chanda fell one after another because they broke through the city walls.

“Turn on the fluctuating blade!” Stephen said in a deep voice.

Along with his orders, the magical power armor in front of him suddenly ejected a short blade with a length of about six meters. The blade surface was covered with many mysterious rune marks. After activation, the blade itself sent a strong energy shock wave.

“This is too short!”

“I want to grow! It’s better to be a forty meter long sword! Giggles!” Pipily couldn’t help but smile Stephen heard the blue muscles and shouted, “Shut up. Then Play naughty for me.”

He placed his palm on the central control crystal next to it, and then a high-energy protective barrier was raised. Stephen slowly said: “Run an attack test.”


A gust of wind screamed.

The magical power armor in front of him suddenly rushed forward and waved a knife, and the instantaneous burst of power set off a gust of wind. Then the attack strength value that appeared in front of Stephen’s eyes began to skyrocket, accompanied by a slight click. Even the energy crystal at the rear has cracks due to overload.

“The attack strength has reached more than 500 points.”

“If it hits the point, it’s enough to directly kill an adult Red Dragon.” Stephen recorded the data and said with satisfaction: “Achieved.”

“Prepare for an energy attack test.”


With the changes in the alchemy configuration on the surface of the magical power armor body, a muzzle of a black hole appeared. The element furnace in its body operated at high speed. After being charged for up to three seconds, an energy gun directly bombarded the peripheral On the protective barrier, this time was tested using the internal protective barrier of the lock. The value of the provocation directly exceeded the power of the nine-ring spell, but it did not reach the standard of the ten-ring spell.

“Charging is a bit slow,” Stephen said with a chin on his chin. “Three seconds is too long.”

It must be improved here.

The speed of the swarm combat units is very fast, and the three-second charge time greatly affects the battle.


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