super invincible battleship

Chapter 53

Chapter 53
Seeing the gentle smiling face, Yan Fei felt a sense of happiness unconsciously. He asked, "Xiaorou, judging by your appearance, you should be from China, right?"

Gentle touched his face and said, "I should be considered a Chinese!"

Yan Fei was surprised: "Should? What is this saying?"

Wen Rou said: "Actually, I was an abandoned baby and was found in a park. At that time, only the word Wen Wen was left in the package, and there was nothing else that could prove my identity. Later, I was adopted by an American couple. When I grew up, they told me about it, and said that my name was based on the Chinese characters left on my swaddling baby."

Yan Fei was startled, he didn't expect Wen Rou to be an abandoned baby, although his parents died, but at least his parents were with him when he was growing up, and he also felt the warmth of his family.But I didn't expect that such a lovely girl as Wen Wen was abandoned when she was young.

Wen Rou saw Yan Fei's expression, and immediately said: "Actually, Xiao Fei doesn't have to pity me. I live very happily in my adoptive parents' house, and I don't feel how miserable my fate is."

Yan Fei changed the subject and said, "By the way, Xiao Rou, why did your Doctors Without Borders come to Africa this time?"

Rourou immediately looked worried, and said: "The Ebola virus outbreak in Africa suddenly broke out. The situation is very serious. Many people have lost their lives. The Aiweiyi village we went to was the center of the virus outbreak. The people in that village are almost extinct."

It was only then that Yan Fei realized how lucky he was. His personal strength had greatly improved, and he looked very powerful.But he has no resistance to these viruses that can only be seen clearly under a microscope. It can be said that he was too lucky to appear in the center of the Ebola virus epidemic without being infected with the virus.

Wen Rou looked a little sad, and said: "This Ebola virus will come out and wreak havoc almost every once in a while, causing a large number of deaths. I don't know when humans will be able to develop effective drugs to treat Ebola virus? "

Looking at the kind girl, Yan Fei was full of love in his heart, and he said: "Xiaorou, I have a company in China, and I am also engaged in biomedical research. I will increase my research on Ebola virus in the future, maybe I can do it." Create a drug to treat this virus."

Ruan immediately became happy, and said: "That would be great, I hope Xiao Fei will make this kind of medicine, so that many people can be saved."

Seeing the happy tenderness, Yan Fei felt a burst of peace and joy in his heart, and asked, "By the way, Xiaorou, did you know me before?"

Wenrou froze for a moment, shook her head and said, "I don't know!"

Yan Fei asked again: "Is it possible that you knew me before, but then forgot?"

Gentle shook her head again, and said: "It shouldn't be possible? My memory is very good. As long as I meet someone once, I will definitely not forget it."

Yan Fei thought for a while, and then asked: "If you are dreaming, is it possible that you have met me in your dream?"

Gentlely shook her head and said, "We have never met before, and you are not a famous person, how could it be possible to dream of you in a dream?"

After finishing speaking, Rou Rou felt wrong again, and immediately apologized: "Xiao Fei, I didn't mean that..."

Yan Fei smiled wryly. The girl had a good memory, but she was still a confused character.The reason why he asked this was because he had dreamed of Wenrou at least five times in the previous dream, and every time he almost forgot the appearance of Wenrou, this dream would appear again, so until now, he has no idea about Wenrou's appearance. I remember everything clearly.Until I really met Gentle here, and experienced everything in the dream again.

Regarding this unbelievable situation, Yan Fei couldn't explain it scientifically at all, and could only ask Wen Rou if he had seen him.If Ruan also had the same dream, then is there some kind of connection between them that he doesn't know yet, such as karmic fate?But Ruan didn't expect that Ruan had never seen herself and had no impression of herself, which made Yan Fei a little disappointed.

Seeing Yan Fei's disappointed look, Rou Rou regretted what she just said, and said shyly, "Xiao Fei, take a rest first, I'm going to help in other wards."

Watching Wen Rou leave, Yan Fei felt reluctant, but he didn't show it.As long as Wenrou's Doctors Without Borders organization is still here to treat Ebola virus infected patients, he can meet Wenrou.

Yan Fei was resting on the bed. After recovering from a coma for a day and a half, his body has returned to a healthy state.It's just because of excessive blood loss, he still feels a little weak, but under the treatment of the temporary hospital, he is recovering quickly.

Yan Fei possessed the clone of the drone, turned on the auxiliary brain, and found that all the data of the drone had been refreshed, and the combat power had returned to its peak state, waiting for his call at any time.In the information of the auxiliary brain, he found the data of the previous battle.

Launch a missile and cannon attack on Kilimanjaro, kill 137 people, and get 137 merit points; launch a missile attack, shoot down three transport helicopters, and get 450 merit points (150 merit points for each helicopter); launch a missile attack, shoot down There are two fighters with 800 points of merit (400 points for each fighter), and a total of 1387 points of merit for this attack.A total of 1789 meritorious service was obtained.

Yan Fei didn't expect that this drone attack would get so many merit points. A large number of US troops sent him the head, which made the drone's merit points soar. Adding the merit points obtained before, the merit points actually It has reached 1789 points, and it is not far away from the 10000 points of the drone upgrade.

Yan Fei was very satisfied with this trip to Africa. Not only did he successfully get the rusty gears necessary for the UAV upgrade, but he also got a lot of merit points.More importantly, Yan Fei also found his dream lover here, which rekindled his passion to pursue the one he loves.

It was only Yan Fei's regret that he didn't see Wen Rou coming over for two days in a row.When I asked Dr. Bob who examined him, I found out that because of the shortage of manpower in their Doctors Without Borders organization, Wen Wen, as a nurse, has been helping everywhere, so there is no time to come to Yan Fei. After all, Yan Fei doesn’t seem to be doing anything. It's a big problem, and there are other patients who need help more.

On the third day, Dr. Bob conducted a detailed examination for Yan Fei, and then told Yan Fei that he was not infected by the Ebola virus and that he could leave the quarantine area.

Only at this time did Yan Fei heave a sigh of relief. If he was not infected with the Ebola virus, his life would not be in danger.He left the isolation area and went outside, and saw Wen Rou was busy everywhere in the simple makeshift hospital. He felt a little distressed, so he went up to help.

Yan Fei is not a professional, but he has plenty of strength and can help with things that doctors and nurses cannot.It is precisely because of his joining that the workload of these doctors and nurses has been reduced a lot.

And taking advantage of the opportunity to help Doctors Without Borders, Yan Fei has more and more contacts with Wen Rou.Yan Fei took out his skills and made the tenderness happy.Moreover, with the help of the rich knowledge stored in his auxiliary brain, Rou Rou saw his erudition.Because the assistant brain can answer his questions at any time, his medical knowledge even amazed the doctors of the organization, saying that he had met a medical genius, but unfortunately he was not a real doctor.

What Yan Fei displayed was all knowledge collected from the Internet, but it had been summarized and sorted out by the assisted intellectual brain, and he did not show off the knowledge that was analyzed and deduced by the assisted intellectual brain.But even so, Ruan Ruan looked at him with admiration, which made Yan Fei very happy.

A week later, the number of Ebola virus infections detected in this area gradually decreased, and the wave of infections finally showed signs of subsiding.It was only at this time that Rourou had time to take a good rest, and she didn't know how her smaller body hid so much strength, which enabled her to persist until now.Yan Fei is a man, and his body is strong, and he feels a little too much, so he has to admire this Doctors Without Borders organization.

On this day, at night, Yan Fei was thinking about how to ask Wen Rou out to deepen the emotional communication between them, when Wen Wen called her out.It turns out that there is a market near here, and there is some commemorative festival tonight, so there is a celebration, Rourou also wants to go to the market during the break time to relax, so she called Yan Fei to go together.

Yan Fei was overjoyed, and quickly borrowed a car from the temporary hospital, and drove Wen Rou to the market.

When we arrived at the market, it was already seven o'clock in the evening, and the celebration hadn't started yet.So Yan Fei came to the restaurant in the market with tenderness and had a very African-style dinner.

It was the first time Yan Fei ate these strange foods, but he was a little surprised. Wen Rou explained to him next to him, letting him know more about the African style, and the two enjoyed themselves happily.

Looking at the gentle and lovely face, Yan Fei couldn't help asking the question in his heart: "Xiao Rou, you should not be married, right?"

Rourou put down the fruit in her hand, and said in surprise: "I don't even have a boyfriend, how can I get married?"

Yan Fei was overjoyed, and made a victorious gesture with his hand hidden under the table. He said, "I saw you outside alone, and I didn't see anyone in contact with you, so I asked more questions."

Gentlely said: "This is Africa. Not only is the transportation inconvenient, communication is also a big problem. My friends are all in the United States, so I can't get in touch here for the time being."

Yan Fei saw that the two had almost eaten, and the celebration outside had begun, so he went to the street to participate with Wen Rou.This celebration is very African in nature, allowing the two of them to see the different cultures of the African continent and gain a lot of insight.

After the celebration, the bazaar officially opened, and Yan Fei and Ruan Wen began to stroll around the bazaar.

The commodities traded in the market are mainly some local fruits and simple handicrafts. Besides, the most products are from China.The dazzling array of Chinese products and Chinese characters made Yan Fei almost think that he had returned to China.It can be seen from here that Chinese culture has been deeply integrated into the African continent.

Among them, several stall owners saw Yan Fei and Wen Wen's Chinese faces, so they greeted them with a lame "Hello", and Wen Wen covered his mouth and smiled. I bought some souvenirs at the stall.

The two were shopping happily, and when they reached the periphery of the market, they saw a lonely stall. An old man with a white beard was sitting in front of the stall. Written in simplified Chinese characters are the words "magic calculation with iron mouth, predict the future, and no money will be collected".


Thanks to the book friend: book friend 20180409125111172 for the reward!Thank you for your support and favorites!

To make a digression, this book has recently encountered professional trolls, and they have sprayed the book to nothing.I just started Chapter 1, so I posted a post saying it was poisonous, it was so ugly, I abandoned the book!When it came to Chapter 5, I still posted that the content was too poisonous, it was poisoned to death, and I abandoned the book!At Chapter 10, I still posted that I was disgusted by the author, and I resolutely abandoned the book...

In this way, until Chapter 50, I still insisted on posting, saying that the protagonist is mentally retarded, the author is abnormal, etc., and then resolutely abandoned the book!And predicted that his post will be deleted soon...

You are so obviously rhythmic, which suddenly exposed your identity as a professional troll. Is the author a masochist if he doesn't delete your post?You have posted so many posts, and the word count is almost more than a thousand words. With such free time and coding skills, and knowing so many poisonous points, wouldn’t it be better to write a book by yourself?Why bother earning this kind of money in the middle of the night?
The author's update is indeed slow, and some content may not be very popular with everyone, but each chapter is carefully coded to strive for thrilling and exciting plots, and the logic is reasonable. At the very least, make sure there are no typos!But after waking up every morning and seeing the posts of these professional trolls, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

But this also shows one thing, that is, this book is quite popular with everyone, and it has already threatened the status of some books, otherwise there would be no professional trolls.This book is written for readers who like it. As for those who don't like it, the author has nothing to do, but can you stop complaining before reading the book?

I was typing early in the morning, and I felt emotional in my heart. I couldn't help but make a few complaints. I hope everyone will forgive me!With everyone’s support, this book has been highly recommended for PC-side sci-fi and APP sci-fi this week. Again, if you like this book, no matter what website you see it on, please visit Favorite and recommend on the PC side, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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