super invincible battleship

Chapter 54 Foreseeing the Future

Chapter 54 Foreseeing the Future
Seeing the signboard, Yan Fei almost laughed out loud, and said, "Isn't this the outfit of those scammers in the fortune-telling street in China? How can you see it in a remote place like Africa? Besides, the signboard is full of Chinese characters, are you sure these African black uncles can understand them?"

Rou Rou had never been to China, so she asked curiously: "Xiao Fei, is there such a person in China?"

Yan Fei explained: "In some cities in China, there are always one or two streets full of this kind of fortune-telling, but there are also some markets, but they are all deceptive. It's just that those people have very complete outfits. It's not as simple as this old man."

Gentlely said: "Look at this old man, he looks like a fairy in a painting. How could he deceive people? Don't you get it wrong?"

Yan Fei said: "Xiaorou, you have never seen how they deceive people. Look at the sentence written on it - no money is not allowed, do you think they can't make money?"

Gentle nodded and said: "Yes! If it is really forbidden to not accept money, they will definitely not make money, so how can they lie to people?"

Yan Fei smiled and said: "I have seen a fortune teller before. He specialized in helping pregnant women to calculate whether they can have a son, and he also claimed that he was not allowed to charge money. But when the pregnant woman went to question him, he all said that someone else was going to have a son. If you are still in doubt, come to him to refund the money. Guess what happened later?"

Rourou bit her finger and thought for a while, then tilted her head and said, "I don't know!"

Yan Fei said: "As a result, those pregnant women who didn't have a son came to him with this sentence and asked him to refund the money. As long as they came to the door, he would refund the money to others. But he still made money, why?"

Rourou suddenly let out an "ah", clapped her hands and said, "I understand, at least half of those pregnant women gave birth to sons, so those who gave birth to sons will not ask him to refund the money, that is to say, this person used The sex ratio of newborns is poor, and he earns 50% of the money. Because at least half of them give birth to sons, even if the money for giving birth to daughters is refunded, he still earns half."

Yan Fei nodded and said: "That's right, this is the usual trick of these scammers. They just played a numbers game, and everyone was fooled."

Wen Rou looked at the old man with a strong bone and fairy wind, and said: "But I think this old man is so kind, he shouldn't lie, let's go and try!"

Yan Fei complained in his heart, those fortune tellers in the country, none of them seem to be immortals, they look like gods and gods, and no one will be soft when they deceive people.However, he was not dead-headed, and did not insist on his own ideas, saying: "Since you believe in him, let's try!"

So the two came to the booth of the old man with white beard, and saw the old man opened his eyes and said in Mandarin: "I can predict the future with iron mouth, so I don't accept money."

Yan Fei also said in Chinese: "Old man, can you really tell fortunes?"

The white-bearded old man proudly said: "Thought I, Gu Banxian, have been in the world for 50 years, and I don't know how to tell fortunes for many people. You actually suspect that I can't tell fortunes? Today, I am a half-immortal who has traveled around the world. I saw that this place has a lot of background. I found out that someone is destined to be with me. I just came out to tell fortunes for people again, which is considered to be accumulating merit, and you actually doubt me?"

Rourou also said in Chinese: "Grandpa, looking at your signboard advertisement, can you still predict the future?"

The white-bearded old man regained his energy immediately, and said, "To tell you the truth, fortune-telling is just incidental and not worth mentioning. My real ability is to predict the future. With my ability to predict, I can be invincible .”

Seeing that he was full of nonsense, Yan Fei said, "Old man, just talk and don't practice tricks. Since you talk so much about yourself, then show yourself!"

The white-bearded old man laughed, took out a stack of paper and two pens, put them in front of Yan Fei and Wen Rou, and said, "I predicted the future yesterday, and I know that I will meet you two here today, even what you want to ask The question is also predicted, and the answer is written, and the answer is written on paper and put in an envelope, and these envelopes are in the table below. As long as you write the question on these papers, I will immediately send the answer from below I will give you the answer."

Yan Fei laughed loudly, and said, "You old man, you're a little bragging, aren't you? There's no other fortune-teller who can operate like you, and you're not afraid of scaring people away if you're not sure."

Gentlely took Yan Fei's hand and said, "Xiao Fei, why don't we try it, so we can see the truth soon."

Yan Fei nodded in agreement with Gentle's opinion, and he said to the old man with white beard: "Since you are so powerful, I will give it a try. If you really have the ability to predict, I will give you 100 million. If you lie to me, I will Lifted your stall."

The old man with the white beard laughed loudly, and said confidently, "Then write down the questions you want to ask me!"

Yan Fei took a blank piece of paper and spread it out.I saw that Wen Rou next to me also took a blank piece of paper and asked, "Grandpa, do you know English?"

The old man with white beard blushed rarely, and said, "Write in Chinese!"

So Yan Fei and Ruan started to write on the paper, the paper in Yan Fei's hand tilted slightly, and the words written on it were not seen by Ruan.And tenderness is generous, without concealing it at all.The two quickly finished writing, then folded the paper and pushed it in front of the white-bearded leader.

The white-bearded old man opened their papers respectively, read the contents above, stroked his beard, and said with a smile: "Haha, it is exactly as I predicted."

Then the white-bearded old man opened the drawer under the booth. There were two sealed envelopes in the drawer. The white-bearded old man picked up one envelope and handed it to Yan Fei, and the other to Wen Rou, saying, "The answers are all in there." , see for yourself."

Seeing the calm look of the old man with white beard, Yan Fei became a little suspicious. Could it be that this old man can really foresee the future?Or is it that this old man, like himself, has some adventures, so he can see the future?
Yan Fei was suspicious in his heart, but the speed in his hands was not slow at all, he quickly opened the envelope, pulled out the letter paper inside, and saw a sentence written on it: "You and Wen Rou will be together, and you will have a happy ending! "

Yan Fei was so shocked that he almost couldn't even hold the letter.Because the question he just wrote on the white paper is: "Can I be with Wen Rou? How will our ending be?"

The answer on the envelope given to him by the old man with the white beard was not a panacea answer, but a highly fitting answer to Yan Fei's question.That is, Yan Fei didn't know what kind of questions he would write before he started writing.In other words, his question was completely random, and no one knew that he would ask such a question.But this old man answered his own question perfectly. Could it be that this old man is really a strange person with the ability to predict the future?

Yan Fei looked at the old man with a white beard in surprise, while Wen Rou also looked at Yan Fei curiously.Yan Fei suddenly bent down and opened the curtain under the old man's booth, only to find that there was only a simple table with four legs underneath, with nothing but a drawer?In other words, the answer to this envelope could not have been written temporarily by someone hiding under the table.Moreover, his hearing was extremely sensitive, and he didn't hear the sound of someone sending this envelope into this drawer at all.It's safe to say that the answer to this question was there in the drawer without contact with the outside world.

Gentle and curious asked: "Xiao Fei, has your problem been foreseen?"

Yan Fei said vaguely: "He seems to have something to say."

Wen Rou said, "Can I see what the problem is?"

Yan Fei snatched the question written by himself from the old man with white beard, put it in the envelope together with the answer, put it in his arms, and said, "Nothing, nothing!"

The white-bearded old man next to him didn't stop him, but just looked at Yan Fei with a smile, looking unpredictable.

Seeing that Yan Fei had put away the questions and answers, Rou Rou didn't ask any further. After all, everyone has their own secrets. She picked up the envelope in front of her, pulled out a piece of letter paper, and checked the answers inside.As soon as she saw the answer inside, she let out an "ah" and covered her small mouth with an incredulous expression in her eyes.

Yan Fei was curious, but he was embarrassed to read Wen Rou's answer, so Wen Rou handed the answer to himself and said, "Xiao Fei, come and help me find out, is this true?"

Yan Fei took it over and took a look, and saw it said: "Three years later, your biological parents will appear by your side, and you will get their love!"

Yan Fei said, "Xiaorou, what's your problem?"

Wen Rou took back the paper she wrote from the old man with white beard, and saw that it was written crookedly in simplified Chinese characters: "When can I see my real parents, do they still love me?"

Yan Fei was really shocked now, unexpectedly, the gentle question was also predicted by the old man with white beard, and he wrote the answer in advance.Because their answers are all written with a brush, and the ink has dried up long ago, which means that they are not written now, at least for a while.Could it be that this white-bearded old man is a real fairy, and it was his own destiny to meet him?

At this time, Yan Fei's eyes on the white-bearded old man who called himself Old Man Gu changed a little.Since the old man Gu can see the future, can he foresee the thing that he got the drone, and what he will experience in the future?
Yan Fei was thinking about it, and the old man Gu said: "This ability to foresee the future is very powerful, but using it will consume a lot of my lifespan. I can only use it three times a month. So don't think about how to use it. The ability to do things for you. At most I can help you predict a general situation, the more detailed the prediction, the greater the loss of my life. I have predicted the future twice for you, and you still have another chance."

Yan Fei said: "Old man, please forgive what I just said!"

Old man Gu waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I've seen a lot of big winds and waves, so I don't care about it with you. The first two predictions can be regarded as free gifts, but this last chance will be charged."

Yan Fei's Fantastic Food has been selling well recently, and the supreme VIP card that Lu Pingping gave him has a huge balance at any time, so that he no longer has to worry about money.It's just that although he has money in his bank card, he doesn't have so much cash with him. He asked a little embarrassedly, "Can you transfer money here?"


Thanks to the book friend Charming Wireless for their strong support for this book, and thanks to the book friend Licking Jun and the Great Demon King for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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