Super Spender

Chapter 486 - 480: Want to Cooperate

Chapter 486: Chapter 480: Want to Cooperate

“Speaking of which, I should thank Mr. Lewis for that. Mr. Lewis, please feel free to call me by my name instead of Chairman Hanson Lee,” Hanson Lee said seriously.

“I’d rather call you Mr. Lee. After all, your son’s age is similar to my parents.” Finn Lewis smiled slightly, then spoke casually. As soon as Finn said this, Graceful Lee, who was nearby, felt a bit gloomy. Although Graceful Lee was currently the actual controller of the Planet Group, he was also in his forties. And Finn?

He was only in his twenties. Strictly speaking, his age really was around the same as Finn’s parents. The problem was that in terms of achievements, Graceful Lee had inherited the Planet Group established by his father, while Finn had gone from having nothing to becoming the richest man in the world. The market value of his company might not be as much as the Planet Group’s, but it was not far off.

The market value of Planet Electronics alone was as high as 200 billion Federal coins. Although the Planet Consortium had more money than Finn, it was not entirely owned by the Lee Family. If you put it this way, the funds that Finn could mobilize were actually much more than theirs.

Viewed from this perspective, Graceful Lee felt somewhat depressed. He considered himself accomplished, but when compared to Finn, it was quite a blow.

“Indeed, it’s thanks to the Moon of West Lake platform and the food and tea it offers that I can continue to travel around the world,” Hanson Lee said.

Finn was a bit surprised. He didn’t know that Hanson Lee was actually a member of Moon of West Lake. Well, perhaps not Hanson Lee himself, but certainly someone from the Lee Family must be a member of Moon of West Lake, otherwise, Hanson Lee would not have had access to Cloud Mist tea.

“I didn’t expect Mr. Lee to be a member of Moon of West Lake. Seems I’m not performing well as a founder,” Finn said with a chuckle. Although the membership information was all there at his disposal, he had not been looking into it. So now, Finn really had no idea who were in there but he could easily find out from Olivia Thatcher, who had a backup of all the data.

“Hehe, Mr. Lewis probably doesn’t care to know these things,” Hanson Lee replied with a smile.

Speaking of which, Hanson Lee was pretty lucky. He was found to have lung cancer in 2004. Despite a successful operation, it was amazing that he could still maintain his current physical condition. Of course, if Finn did not appear, even though Hanson Lee might not have died, he definitely would not have been able to stay as active as he is now.

“What brings Mr. Lee and the young master here this time?” Finn asked with a smile. Just as Hanson Lee was about to answer, Finn’s grandfather pushed the door open and walked in. He looked around the room, then began to speak,” Hi, Finn. You have guests?”

“Yeah, Grandpa, you’re back? How was it? Did you lose in Mahjong this morning?” Finn asked with a laugh. Finn’s grandfather liked to play a few rounds of mahjong with his old friends when he was free in the morning. He couldn’t lose more than fifty yuan in an entire morning. It was just for the fun of it.

“No, how could I lose to them with my skills?” Finn’s grandfather replied, laughing,” And who are these two gentlemen?”

“Let me introduce, this is Hanson Lee, the chairman of the Planet Group, and this is his son, Graceful Lee,” Finn informed his grandfather.

“It’s an honor to meet you, Mr. Liu.” Hanson Lee could not stand up but he seriously extended his hand on the wheelchair to shake hands with Finn’s grandfather and respectfully greeted him.

“No need to be formal, no need to be formal. I’ll leave you be. I need to go get some grass for the rabbit,” Finn’s grandfather laughed, then turned and went outside.

Finn’s grandfather’s indifference made Graceful Lee somewhat uncomfortable. In Southland Country, the Lee Family was similar to the status of an Emperor. Even the Southland Country’s total barrel would maintain a certain degree of politeness when meeting the Lee family. But now, an ordinary elderly man in the Flame Nation could treat them with such indifference, completely dismissive of who they are, naturally, Graceful Lee felt uneasy. However, after considering the fact that the old man’s grandson was the richest man in the world, Graceful Lee felt a bit more balanced.

However, if Finn knew what Graceful Lee was thinking, he would probably die laughing. Although Finn had introduced Hanson Lee’s identity, his grandfather had no understanding of the Planet Group, so of course, he would not show any surprise.

It was not until Finn’s grandfather left that Finn turned his gaze back to the two men and asked, “Why are you two here this time?”

“That’s the thing, Mr. Lewis, we at the Planet Group have come to seek cooperation with you,” Hanson Lee said.

“What kind of cooperation?” Finn looked at him with some surprise, as it seemed there wasn’t much contact between him and the Planet Group? At least there wasn’t any at present.

“Mobile phones. How do you see the future of the mobile communications industry?” Hanson Lee asked seriously.

“Mobile phones…” Finn repeated softly, then paused. It was undeniable that the development of mobile phones would inevitably be the mainstay of the future communications industry. Furthermore, personal PCs would gradually be phased out, something Finn had already predicted. Maybe many people would say that no matter how mobile phones advance, they could never replace computers, right? Computers would definitely still be used in the future.

But the fact was that personal PCs as we know it would undoubtedly be phased out. In the future, personal PCs would evolve in another direction. As of now, in some comparatively advanced and upscale residential areas, all houses have an integrated housing control system installed. With the development of CPUs, their processing capability was getting more and more powerful. Just controlling the functions within the house would not take up even one-thousandth of these CPUs’ computing capacity.

In this scenario, connecting a monitor and keyboard to serve as a computer would not be a problem. As technology advanced, every house built would incorporate such housing control systems, rendering personal PCs redundant. However, mobile phones belong to the mobile communications system and they would certainly not be phased out that easily.

Hanson Lee’s appearance here probably had something to do with the technology showcased by Finn at the Heritage System’s press conference. It could be seen from this that success was never coincidental. For the Planet Group to develop to this level today and to shift from a low-end to a high-end enterprise and become the leader in global mobile phone sales…

Perhaps Company A had a higher market value, but the undeniable fact was that presently, Planet Group had a higher global market share than Apple. This was indisputable! Apple may have been the first to initiate smartphones, but without Jobs, whether Apple could defeat the Planet Group remained questionable. As it appeared, Apple was only managing to maintain its position.

“It’s hard to say. With the advancement of technology, the evolution of mobile phones will inevitably diversify,” Finn thought and answered without saying anything explicit, because present-day mobile phones cannot be compared with future mobile phones. Moreover, who could predict what kind of development would happen, right?

“Hmm, but the reason we are here is to inquire whether our Planet Electronics, in the mobile phone and other industries, could reach an agreement with your Heritage System company to provide us with the latest CPUs? CPUs with far superior performance than the present ones,” Hanson Lee said, a touch of pride in his tone.

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