Superheroine Seducing Accountant

A Battle of Wits and Tits

Kate flexed her muscles, pushing against the field she was captured within. The further she pushed, the stronger the force became, until she gave in - then she was snapped back to the center of the sphere. She didn't know who had done this. It had all happened so fast. She'd heard somebody trying a kidnapping on the way to the grocery store from work, and she'd tried to intervene, then, she'd woken up in this field.

Whoever had done this had to be incredibly dangerous. Most villains tried to avoid the attention of the heroes, not kidnap them. Was this personal? If the field hadn't been obviously technological, she might have thought it was a jealous Fals. She didn't know who else she could have pissed off.

Then Xico entered the room, floating off the ground like always. She was dressed in what looked more like some variation on a police or military uniform, not her costume or anything, but Kate instantly felt a sense of relief. "Xico, please, help me out of here," she said.

"Oh... ahm, I'm not..." she paused, glancing behind her. A moment later, Mira followed after her. She wore an armored uniform of some kind, not her usual costume or mecha. "What should I...?"

"There's no point in deception," Mira said. "I'm not your Mira. We're from a parallel reality," she explained. "We needed to ascertain the disposition of your own world towards ours," she continued, settling down into a chair, one leg crossed over the other, chin soon perched on her hand. "Sorry for being overly cautious, Ms. Hill. I hope that our two worlds can work together, but I think a lot of that depends on your world's Mira. How would you describe her?"

"Ah-" Kate was more confused than anything else. She decided to fix on that confusion. "Why not just ask her?"

"States have to prioritize their security first and foremost. Ultimately, kidnapping a single individual won't lead to war, if she's returned once her loss is discovered," Mira explained. "But sometimes states go to war for ideological or material reasons, both of which would exist upon our two worlds discovering each other. Based on a preliminary assessment, I think my world would win a war, but yours could inflict enormous human cost."

"I... don't think... we'd go to war with you?"

"I didn't ask for your opinions on geopolitics," Mira countered, her voice sharp. "I asked for your assessment of your world's Mira. How is she?"

"Uh... confident, cocky, rich, smart..." Kate said. "I don't really understand the question."

Mira simply considered the words. "So she chose wealth over the world?"


"I'm not wealthy, except in the sense that the President of your America or China is wealthy by merely holding their office," Mira explained. "I abandoned such pursuits. Humans are animals designed to live in an egalitarian society, so they naturally become suspicious of those who profit off power. By eschewing wealth, I proved I do not profit off power. So. Did your Mira avoid a path to political power because she preferred material wealth?"

"Uh... I don't think so? She's a member of Star Heroic, she's just rich because she's smart."


"Then where is your world's application of conveyor technology?!" Mira demanded. She paused, and took a deep breath. "We've verified you have it - don't bother lying. It's the source of incredible material wealth, countless raw resources, yet your Mira is simply shepherding it for the sake of her own ego and personal fortune!"

"Uh..." Kate was confused, more than anything else. "You mean the machine that goes to Arcadia?" Kate replied. "How would that make money?"

"...Arcadia?" Mira asked, glancing at Xico, who just nodded to verify that Kate wasn't tricking her. "I'm unfamiliar with the term."


"It's the world Fals is from," Kate explained. "The Erlqueen."

"Ahhh..." Mira said, nodding along. "The villainess. I see. It makes sense," she agreed, smiling gently. "It's actually a logical conclusion, though I hadn't seen evidence of it..."


"Consider space. The taliké are more advanced than humanity," she said, with a gesture at Xico. "Thus, they contacted humanity before humanity contacted them. The same applies to the broader galactic community. Most aliens make first contact with more advanced aliens, almost by definition, since more advanced aliens are more able to make first contact. The more advanced an alien species, the larger its light cone, therefore the more species it brushes against."

"Uh... I don't get it."

"Think of your past sex partners. For most people, your most recent sex partner has had sex with more people than you - because the ones who have sex with a lot of people, are more people's 'most recent sex partner'." Well, that was somewhat reassuring for Kate, given her sexual history was poor, especially compared to Roger... but she didn't see the relevance.

"I don't see how that is related to this."

Mira frowned, looking annoyed at how dumb Kate was. "A parallel which never contacts anyone has to be contacted by an outside source. A parallel that contacts many people, can contact many uncontacted worlds. Thus, the most probable circumstance - regardless of how many parallels exist - is that you are on the receiving end of a first contact before you can ever make first contact. Your first contact with another timeline was a dangerous one, so you concluded that most timelines were dangerous, and restricted the application of the technology. We, on the other hand, made first contact from our end, so our assumption has not been that most timelines are dangerous..." She trailed off in thought.

"I still don't get it," Kate said.

"It doesn't matter. So. You're in a relationship with Roger Cooper," Mira said, her voice even as she spoke, betraying no significance to the name. He was from another world too, right? But his world wasn't a bad world? But on the other hand, he was from a one-way trip... they hadn't found any way to send him back home. Oh, God, she totally didn't think about how awful it must have been for him, to be so far from home. All she'd ever been thinking about was how wonderful it was that he treated her like a fuckpig. Xico flushed with that thought, her eyebrows rising, though she remained quiet. "There's also photos of him and your Mira having sexual relations. What, precisely, is that particular love triangle like?"

"Oh. Uh." Kate coughed. "It's... well... I don't know if I'd really say we're in a relationship..."

"He calls you Sow," Mira said. "I don't want to get into finer details. Don't dissemble."

"A-ah, ahm," Kate sputtered for a moment. That was- how did she know that? God, she was so humiliated. This total stranger knew about that. "I mean... we... he has a lot of, uhm, sex partners. He just keeps me around because he feels safe around me, because I'm strong and tough, and he's still traumatized from Fals kidnapping him. He's had sex with... uh... basically every single female member of Star Heroic, I think." Certainly, all the ones she knew.

Mira stared at her. "So, my alternate is single, and not in a relationship with him?"

"I mean, she sleeps around..." Kate said. "I don't think she's in anything serious, though."

"Hrm. A bit immature, to shit where you eat like that..." Mira replied.

"He's really good in the sack," Kate offered. "Like, crazy. Fucking amazing. Best sex of my life. I don't think anybody's fucked him and not thought that way. He's like, he just does it, you know? There's like... every other guy, and then him... he's so... he just does it. There's no, like, feeling that you're imposing on him or anything. No matter what you want, he just goes for it, and he makes it amazing, and he doesn't care if you come too fast, or if you totally turn into a dead fish, or anything like that, and-"

"Yes, thank you," Mira interrupted. Kate's cheeks burned as she realized what she had just been saying, waxing rhapsodically about Roger's sex skills. "Well, thank you," she said, rising to her feet. "I don't have any further questions, though there are a few people who will be picking your brain. We have to make certain you haven't lied, intentionally or unintentionally, so-"

"Wait, won't people notice I'm missing?" Kate responded in confusion. She had thought this was just a quick thing, where they'd release her. "I mean, that's not a good start to a relationship, right?"

"Our Katherine is currently..." Mira's expression shifted awkwardly, and Xico flushed. "Doing a good job of pretending to be you."

Oh God. Oh fuck. Roger was fucking a totally different her, wasn't he? And he hadn't even noticed that she was different. It was hot. Terrible, but hot. She was so defined in Roger's head by how much of a horny pervert she was, that he wouldn't even notice that anything was different when the other-Kate had never talked to him... which was hot, but also, he was having sex with somebody he didn't know he was having sex with... would he feel violated? God... she struggled against her bindings, straining to break free of the field, but it didn't work.

"Don't worry. Roger seems very satisfied with her, from what I caught," Mira said, waving her hand and starting to depart. Xico was still blushing as she left.

With Mira no longer present, she pushed even harder, growling, gritting her teeth, straining against the field, but every inch was like the hardest thing she'd ever done, and yet also saw the force get even more powerful. There was no way she was getting out, no matter how desperately she wanted to save Roger. That didn't stop her from trying, though.

* * *

I was enjoying myself. A lot. Kate was different today, I could tell that much, but I figured she had just decided to be more honest with herself and her feelings. In retrospect, I guess she was more honest with herself and her feelings - just not quite for the reasons I'd thought. I was wondering what had made her act this way, as I leaned back on the couch, Kate wearing the pig ears and the nosehook and the cute little pig tail poking out of her ass. She was naked by that point, not allowed to wear clothes that were 'inappropriate' for a fuckpig like her, so the only other thing she had on was her choker.

As she bobbed on my cock, I reached down for it, fingers running across the thin fabric. Her eyes widened at my touch, looking panicked, even like she was about to pull off my cock to beg me to stop, so I reassured her. "Don't worry, Sow. I just like reminding myself whose piggy you are. I'm not going to take it off."

She did look relieved at that, smiling with her eyes and returning to sucking me off with eagerness, saliva dribbling over her lower lip as she frantically masturbated. The front door burst open at that point, and I snapped into superspeed mode, twisting my head around to check on the source of the sound and make sure it wasn't an attacker or invader.

It wasn't. It was an enthusiastic Bup, the key I'd given her currently swirling back into her body, and the disintegrating remnants of a pizza swirling around inside her stomach. "Bup is back!" She proclaimed, bouncing towards me. "Slutty cock ti~ime?" Her voice drew out as she saw that I was getting sucked off by Kate. "Get rid of piggy and fuck Bup instead, slutty cock!" She proclaimed.

My hand went to the back of Kate's head, keeping her in place. Bup needed to eat, and that was fine, but her physiology also meant that I could literally see half-digested food inside her stomach. "I've told you before, Bup. It's gross seeing you when you've just finished eating." I looked away from her, focusing on the currently much-more appealing Kate, whose tits bounced as she facefucked herself on my cock with enthusiasm. Her gaze flicked over to Bup, like she was seeing the slime girl for the first time.

"Bup sorry..." Bup said, squirming in place and bowing her head exaggeratedly. "Bup will go lie down and finish eating super fast!" She pretty much bounced towards the bathroom. The tub was her 'bed', and currently half-full of clear water, since I'd taken a bath this morning - it turned unpleasantly viscous by the time she finished sleeping in it each night. Like it was soda or juice instead of water. "Slutty cock afterwards, though!" Bup cried out from the bathroom.

I just ignored Bup, enjoying the way that Kate was squirming in humiliation. I remembered how I'd mentioned earlier that Bup was better and smarter than her, and it seemed like she liked being reminded of what that really meant, so I peeled her up and off my cock. She let out a wet pant as my dick left her mouth, lips half-open. "See that girl? She's so much smarter than you, wouldn't you agree, Sow?"

Kate just swallowed in response to my words, trembling as she nodded there. "Yuh, yes, Master," she said, almost drunkenly horny as her hand continued to frantically jill herself off. "Yes... I'm just a dumb, h-horny, pervert," she breathed out, the words coming out husky, delighted, even as her eyes searched me for any sign of displeasure. "I'm lucky, that you fuck me," she added, squirming in place.

In response, my leg reached out for the space between her thighs, and my shoe began to rub at her clit. She mewled at the touch, hurriedly moving her hands out of the way to let me do that. "Look at you," I told her, trying my best to play my role. "You're getting off on this, aren't you?" She nodded drunkenly, squirming, writhing against my foot. "You're pathetic. What normal girl would be satisfied with sucking cock as she masturbates? Aren't you concerned that maybe I'm just not attracted to you? Maybe I'm just pitying you, and that's why I let you do something like that?"

"It's, okay, if it's only pity, Master," she panted. "As long as I get your, attenshun," she sputtered out, coming at the last moment, moaning and thrashing in place as she frantically ground her cunt up against my shoe. It was hot as hell to see her there, jiggling and bouncing in place, tits flopping freely about. Her expression was one of dazed bliss, and I idly petted her head, running my fingers through her dark hair.

"Maybe I'm only using you for your powers," I told her, getting some sadistic thrill of my own from the whole situation. "Maybe the only reason I stick it in you, the only reason I keep you around, is that I want my living security blanket around to make sure nobody kidnaps me in my sleep. What would you think of that?"

She sputtered in momentary confusion, still twitching from her orgasm. "I'd be happy, Master, that anything, I can do, ahn-" she mewled as I rubbed my shoe against her clit. "Anything, to pluh, please you, Master!" She said, twitching and grinding against me. I grabbed a tangle of her hair, and her mouth simply fell open in response, waiting for me to fuck her face.

I decided to switch it up, instead slapping my cock against her cheek, continuing to tease her pussy as I smeared my cocksweat all over her face. I mentally inverted the genders again, finding my line that way. "Yeah, but you aren't any good at sucking cock," I told her. "So why do you assume I want to fuck your face? It's just as good for me to rub my dick all over your cheeks," I explained to her. "Since you're such an awful cocksucker, Sow." She mewled pitifully in response, panting. "I only fuck your face because it helps pump up your tiny little ego, you know that?"

"Yuh, yes, Master, please, boost, my ego..." she panted. She seemed to realize how incoherent that statement was, as she continued. "Ahm... use me however... I just want to, to feel your hard cock," she explained, looking dizzy as she frantically rubbed herself against my shoe.

"Hmm... there is something I did once, with another girl. It was pretty nice." I continued to smack her face with my cock, as my hand reached down for her tits and gave one an exploratory squeeze. "Maybe your breasts are big enough to do it... you really are lucky you've got big tits, you know? Without them, you'd just be, what, a guy with a pussy?" She squealed as she came on my cock in response to that, her eyes rolling up in pleasure as she lost herself for a moment. "God. You're such a disgusting little pervert, you know that, Sow?"

"Yuh, yesh," she slurred out, even in the throes of her orgasm. She actually had tears in her eyes as she spoke, and I was surprised by that. Concerned, as well. I paused my frigging of her cunt with my shoe, let go of her tit, pulled her face away from my cock. She looked lost, desperate, apologetic, blinking away some of the tears. "Master?" She asked, when her orgasm finished. "Did I do something wrong, Master? I'm so sorry, I'm forgetful today, punish me if you have to!"

"You're crying," I told her, my hand reaching for her cheek and presenting the tear-slick finger to her to review. She decided to lick it up, which was a completely ridiculous response, but still had my cock rock hard. "Why?"

"I'm just happy," she breathed out. "So happy that I found a guy like you, Master... I'm so lucky... nobody else would treat me this way... they'd just call me a pervert and leave me, but you- you! Ah! I hope this can go on forever, Master," she said, suddenly glomping onto my leg as if for emphasis.

Had Nora spoken to her, or something? I couldn't imagine who else could have pushed her to feel so desperate and needy and worried about our relationship ending. Even Nora had seemed fine with cucking Kate, though. Her masochistic nature meant that nobody really minded 'sharing' with her, since they could establish absolute dominance over her however they felt like. Maybe Mira minded... she seemed unenthused when I'd first fucked Kate, though I had no idea of the particulars of that dynamic. "Don't worry, Sow," I told her, patting her head. "As long as your body remains as absurdly perverted, I'm sure I can find a use for it. Speaking of..." I dragged her up by the hair, until my cock was level with her chest, then I dragged her forward, winding up with it awkwardly sandwiched inside of her tits. There was no real pressure, until I said, "Now massage my cock with those tits of yours. They're your only good feature, after all."


"Yes, Master," she breathed out, her hands instantly setting into their work, fingers digging into the supple flesh and giving me some intense stimulation. I continued to tease and play with her clit with my foot, occasionally using my superspeed to intensify the sensations she was on the receiving end of, making her gasp or even come in pleasure. She had a cute o-face, a mix of embarrassed and happy, her cheeks red and flushed. The fact that she was still wearing her nosehook gave her expression a ridiculous note, but it was still very sexy.

It was a good thing that she'd lubed up my cock so thoroughly with her mouth before, because now my dick in her tits was getting that spit smeared over it, as she wore this dreamy smile. I continued to idly pet her, enjoying the pillowy feeling of her breasts around my cock, the way her saliva dribbled out of her mouth occasionally... it helped to lubricate my cock as I continued to stimulate her. She bounced in pleasure each time I played with her just right, rewarding her for pleasuring me with another orgasm, making her spasm as her juices spilled out onto my foot.

"That's a good little fuckpig. Come for your master," I told her, and she nodded blissfully along, starting to tear up again. I gently ran my fingers through her hair, reassuring her. "Don't worry, Sow. I'm going to keep you."

"Yesh, thanskh, Mashter," she slurred out, twitching in place as I kept playing with her. "If, if I ever, do anything, bad, please, puh, punish me, don't abandon me," she said, her eyes rolling around in their sockets as if completely lost in blissful pleasure. Which she definitely was at this point. The sight of her like that, combined with her meaty tits smashing into my cock, pushed me over the edge, and my cum sprayed out, splashing up along her chin and her tits both, as I groaned in sweet relief. Once I was finished coming, I rubbed the last few droplets of cum out on her nose, forcing her to really drink in my scent. With her nosehook, it was harder to notice her exact expression, but I could tell she was breathing it in like my cum was the most heavenly smell in her life.

"That's a good girl," I told her, giving her head a quick pat.

"Thank you, Master," she replied, looking almost like she was hypnotized by the treatment she was receiving. It definitely had me particularly hard, seeing Kate being so honest with her kinks like this - she was just going full force for it.

At that point, Bup came out of the bedroom. "Bup is clean!" She proclaimed, showing off her body. "No more food! Slutty cock for Bup?" She asked, looking my way for verification.

I'd just had the busty Kate give me a titfuck, so... "Actually, how about you two work together? The dumbest girl I deign to fuck, and Bup, working together to pleasure me," I said, my cock twitching at the degradation, and the way that Kate responded to it. "Don't you think that's a good idea, Sow?"

"Yes, Master," Kate agreed, looking over at Bup.

"As long as Bup gets slutty cock too, I don't mind that you've become so broken by tits and pussy and ass that you want two women at once," Bup said, skipping forward.

"Great. Then the two of you, mush your tits together around my cock," I explained to them. Kate flushed at that, at the vaguely-homosexual nature of the action - but she didn't resist. She cleaned my cock of other girl's juices, after all. She didn't mind a little bit of 'lesbian' action.

Bup joined in rapidly, bouncing forward, mashing her tits around my cock and enveloping it entirely. I spread my legs wide to give both girls the space to work together, but with how voluminous Bup's tits were, and her lack of desire to share, Kate was left to fruitlessly mash her own breasts up against Bup's. "Ah! Too bad! Bup has biggest tits, yours are no good!" Bup declared, vibrating my cock in her breasts.

I grabbed Bup's head and pulled on her, pushing her back. "I told you to work with her," I chided.

"Bup sorry..." Bup said, instantly wilting like a dog that had been kicked. She shifted her body, letting both women's breasts press against one another, the soft and copious flesh billowing even more than it would normally have been possible to, thanks to Bup's nature as a slime. As they got accustomed to the position, Bup's tits firmed up, and she spoke lewdly, looking up at me. "Bup's tits are bigger than Sow's!" She proclaimed, with delight.

"Yes, they are," I said, giving Bup a pat on the head. A thought occurred to me. "By the way, what's the name of this girl?" I said, pointing to Kate, who turned scarlet as she realized the words that were about to come.

"Sow!" Bup declared with absolute confidence.

"That's right. Sow Fuckpig. As far as you're concerned, that's her full name," I said, and Bup just smiled brightly, nodding along, oblivious to the abject humiliation that Kate was being put through. Kate's hands on her tits were mashing them as hard as she could together, her thighs rubbing against one another to try to stimulate her further. I reached for her pussy with my foot again, rubbing at her clit with the tip of my shoe. "If you want, you can lick her clean," I said. "I know you like cum."

"Ah! But Sow's the one who has to agree!" Bup said, looking at Kate. She really was bizarrely scrupulous about consent. "Sow, can I lick you clean?"

"Y-yes," Kate breathed out, twitching, and I encouraged her further by making her come, moaning in that moment, while Bup's tongue stretched out to superhuman lengths, slithering along the other girl's breasts, slapping against her face. Kate looked absolutely absurd, simultaneously humiliated and turned on as she came in place like that, going cross-eyed from the mistreatment. Her pussy leaked all over my shoe, as she kept mashing her tits into one another and my cock.

"Now, put your tongue to good use on my cock," I told Bup, enjoying as her too-long tongue reached down for my cockhead, rubbing the tip, making a circular movement as she squirmed and jerked in response. She jiggled and bounced in response to the feeling of my cock inside her breasts, tickling the tip of her tongue, while Kate just hazily panted and mindlessly played with her own tits. She was acting like she was drunk or high, and it was hot as hell.

I gently thrust my hips back and forth in the valley of their tits as the two mashed their breasts harder and harder into my cock, and when I felt my dick about to explode, I grabbed the back of Bup's head, pushing her down into my groin. If she'd been a normal woman, I would have been smothering her in her own tits; as it was, I was just directly injecting cum into her body, which rapidly slid around inside of her, getting sucked into her core and vanishing in a long stream. I leaned back in satisfaction.

"Slutty cock became so lewd because of me," Bup boasted with confidence. Kate just nodded along brainlessly, offering the other girl support to her stupid claims.

I gave both of them a head pat. "I need a break," I said. "Go put on something more appropriate, Sow," I told her, grabbing her by the hair and dragging her to her feet, slapping her ass. "You brought over spare underwear. You can wear some of that."


"Y-yes, Master," Kate agreed, while Bup bounced up onto the couch next to me, jiggling and shifting as Kate wandered mindlessly off.

"What are we going to do?" Bup asked. "Fucky fucky? I can suck cock lots!" I stuffed my cock in my pants, earning a whine and pout from Bup.

"I need a break," I told her. "Later, promise, I'll fuck you in front of Kate."

"Who's Kate?" Bup asked in confusion. I laughed at that.

"Sorry. I'll fuck you in front of Sow," I told her, and she nodded with a big, gregarious smile on her lips. I settled into the couch and turned on the TV.

* * *

Mira stood in her mecha at the site that the alien conveyor had come through. The Democratic Republic of the Congo was a strange place to come through at. The site itself was about ten miles outside of a very small town that was near an old road. The road itself dated back to the days of Belgian rule, which meant it was designed to help ferry raw resources from the hinterlands to the coast, to be resold abroad. The road had become disused, as those resources had dried up.

So, what was the purpose of picking this spot? If she assumed it happened for a reason... that it wasn't a mere coincidence... she'd already spoken to the locals (and given out some antimalarial drugs, while she was here). They didn't notice anything special, though the spot itself was isolated enough that it might have slipped their notice. Or perhaps the interloper had come over in stealth? There were signs of repeated use, here, tampering with the fabric of reality. So it couldn't be a coincidence.

It would be easy to assume that it was simply a geographic coincidence. It isn't as though God had decided that Europe had to be the center of the world. Perhaps the conveyor came from a world where civilization emerged on the Congo rather than the Nile. But this site, without the particular history, would probably not be selected for anything important.

Then, a closer parallel? A divergence after the Belgians came to the Congo? This road was made in 1921. That restrained the possibility-space, but why here? The DRC had spent much of the past century in a state of political chaos. Due to the absolutely awful condition of the country after decolonization - there had been just thirty university graduates in the whole country in 1960, in a country of some fifteen million - it had an unsteady history. Perhaps some great man of the Congo? China today stood far above where she had in 1960, though it wasn't as direly mistreated by colonial powers as the DRC had been by the Belgians, and the East Asian countries clearly proved more fertile cultural ground for industrialization, given the successes of the RoK, RoC, and Japan.

She didn't want to dismiss the possibility out of hand, but she could circle back around to it. If it wasn't a domestic Great Man? The most notable characteristic of the country was its political weakness and enormous size (and therefore, quite significant raw resources). Perhaps an attempt at material exploitation could explain the initial arrival, but it wouldn't explain subsequent operations. It would be understandable to come back, but why stay here? Unless the conveyors only existed in the DRC. But why would they? Because the DRC is a land of political weakness and raw resources.

She blinked as the thought occurred to her. An idea she had, once, long ago. When she was just a young woman, a bright-eyed, brilliant, and gorgeous twenty year old: Could I take over a country? She had made an outline of a plan, and determined the Democratic Republic of the Congo would make the ideal target. Her hand went to the air. Someone in another world having the same thought? Only 90 million people lived in the DRC, even today; and fifty million or so of them were under the age of 20. As such, it was most likely to be an outsider as the Great Man figure, not a native.

"A country-conquering genius, then," she said to herself. "Well then, Conqueror," she said, grinning at the implicit challenge. She hit the imaginary buttons inside of her mech, firing off monitor drones. "Let's see you slip my net this time. Next time you come through... I'll catch you, and make you spill your secrets."

* * *

Mira grit her teeth as she reviewed the latest batch of recordings from Katherine Hill. That woman really needed to get on with it, not just fuck her not-boyfriend alongside some bimbo. Good fucking God.

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features nega-Xico, as well as first contact between the two worlds (dun dun dun). You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance.

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