Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Double The Xico, Double The Fun

Kate wandered into Star Heroic with the dumbest smile on her lips, even dumber than the one she had worn when she had come in after successfully recruiting Roger (and getting her pussy stuffed in the process).

"You look like you're in a good mood," Mira said, her own mood feeling sour. Her monitors had caught the signal of an entrance to this reality in the Congo - but she hadn't actually caught whoever it was. Stealth technology shouldn't have outpaced her detectors, unless technology in general did. It was harder to hide in open air than it was to catch somebody in open air, especially when you knew where they'd be. Or it should have been, anyway. It might have been a Nova with a stealth power? No, that was just a "cope," as the kids called it. Whoever was on the other end of the hole had stealth technology sufficient to evade her detectors. She could try going low-tech...

"Oh!" Kate said, jerking to attention. She wasn't wearing a bra again. "Ah. Yeah." She paused for a moment. "I was just - you know, with Roger," she said, that dopey smile reappearing on her face, though there was a hint of self-satisfaction, like she was so clever to mention it.

"I'm very happy for you," Mira said, in a total deadpan. "What, did he propose?"

"No!" Kate said, suddenly. "No. Ah... sorry..." Her hands wiggled in front of her awkwardly. "Uhm. I remember seeing that article about you getting caught sucking him off..."

"You mean the article that resulted in Fals kidnapping him? Yes, I also remember that," Mira said. She still felt guilty about that. Normally Kate didn't put her in such a bad mood.

"Oh. Sorry." Kate looked almost like Xico, drooping in response, shrinking back like her words and emotional state was the most important thing in the world for her, and Mira sighed.

"Look, what do you want?" Mira asked.

"I just- ah- what is our relationship?" Kate asked.


"No, well, yes, but- I mean- with Roger," she explained.

"I don't know. What's the word? Pole sisters?" Kate's cheeks burned. "You cannot be embarrassed by that, he's fucked basically every single woman in Star Heroic."

"Oh." Kate blinked. "So that's..." There was a moment of concentration. "Amaranthine, Fork, Tiamat, Titania, and Yomi?"

"Plus Stitch, Xico, and Penny," Mira added. Kate blushed. Her list was strange, though. It was ordered in alphabetical order of hero name, for one. For two, she was using hero names instead of personal ones. That could just be a mnemonic, but... for three, its exclusions were weird. She was pretty sure that Kate and Xico had had a threesome together at some point. Maybe not Kate and Penny, but still. Leaving Stitch out could just be because she was new, but... she was suspicious now.

"Hah, he really gets around," Kate said, awkwardly wringing her fingers.

"Are you feeling inadequate or something?" When she'd first come back feeling high as a kite on banging the new guy, Mira had been annoyed, because Kate was like... the dumbest horniest idiot in the whole company. Nobody gets bothered if someone does well romantically, if they're a sweet earnest kid like Xico, or somebody with obvious appeal like Priscilla (the only difference between Priscilla and the average Harlequin love interest was her skin tone). It's the Kates of the world that make you annoyed at their romantic successes - people with no apparent redeeming qualities besides cup size.
It was not jealousy - she felt nothing bad about Roger being with Nora and Xico, because they were sweet girls who had romantic troubles and deserved a nice guy. It was understandable why the deeply shy Xico or the probably-autistic Nora struggled to find a guy, but they were basically good people. Kate was the kind of horny idiot who couldn't figure out romance and treated guys like they only existed to fuck.

"Ah, no," Kate said, fidgeting. She was weirdly nervous right now. Was she feeling intimidated? "So." Pause. "Who do you think he'll marry?"

Mira gave Kate a level glare. She was seriously wanting to get smacked, wasn't she? "Not you, if that's what you're wondering," Mira said, earning a furious flush of Kate's cheeks. Ugh. Did she have to be nice about this? "Look. Kate. Guy's enjoying seeding his wild oats. He'll probably wind up screwing somebody else. Even if he's got powers, he's not like us. He just wants a nice, calm job."

"Oh." Kate said, nodding along. She was definitely treating Mira with a weird amount of respect. "Thank you, ma'am."

"Okay, what's up with you? You're being weird today, Kate." Mira closed her laptop to focus entirely on the conversation in front of her, and Kate took a half-step back in response, like she had some kind of gaze attack that had just been leveled on Kate.

"Oh. Uh. Shit, I'm sorry," Kate said, looking like she was just about on the verge of tears. "Fuck, I'm really fucking this up... I just, ahm... fuck. I'm wondering, why you never ran, for political office?" She tried out, hesitantly.

"...are you wanting me to run?" Mira asked, frowning, her brow furrowing at the completely ridiculous question.

"No. Or, maybe?" She squeaked. "I mean, you're smart, you could run the country great."

"Yeah, if winning elections meant you ran the country, maybe," Mira said. "Democracies have distributed power systems. You can't 'run the country,' because the structure is designed to ensure that everyone's interests are always represented - which is quite different from effective, central control. I'd just be one more cog in a big machine. Waste of time."

"Oh. Couldn't you, I don't know, make everybody listen to you?"

Mira sighed. "Suppose you need to build a road through a certain town. But the people in that town don't want the road built there. Do you think the representative of that town is going to approve you building a road through that town? Is there any amount of supergenius charisma I could bring to bear that would manage that? No. I probably have more influence with an ounce of political donations than I ever could have by winning an election. Especially given how fucking cheap Congress is right now. RoIs for companies are like a hundredfold, it's crazy cheap to bribe a Senator."

"Ah... okay. I think I get it," Kate said, in a voice that said she didn't get it at all. Mira didn't really care, though, since she left.

Still. Something was up with her, for sure, and it wasn't just a momentary interest in politics.

Mira had a more interesting problem to work on instead, though, so she opened up her computer to return to contemplate her newfound rival's successful evasion of her monitors. There had to be a solution, a way to catch the next intrusion.

* * *

Xico was wondering if she should leave Kate alone with Roger. Kate seemed much happier than normal, the past few days, and pretty much rushed straight home after work to meet up with Roger. The fawning joy was like she'd just met her soulmate for the first time, so she wanted to give Kate space to enjoy herself... but maybe Kate would enjoy herself more if Xico involved herself? Kate had enjoyed her bullying earlier, and Xico had telepathy... on the other hand, Kate seemed anxious whenever they spoke, and would desperately try to throw up mental walls. Was she embarrassed about something? Maybe space would be better?

She decided to go out for a flight, heading out through a window upwards into the air, closing and locking the window behind her, floating up above the buildings, idly wandering through the air for several minutes. She enjoyed the feeling of relative quiet - so much so that she almost didn't notice the other presence in the air. Especially since that presence felt like her.

But she did, and she spun around, reaching out with her mind towards it - it really did feel like her. Was it one of the other kids from the compound? No, they felt more different than this. She started to approach the alien presence, which was also approaching her, and once she was in visible range, she saw why - the other presence was also Xico. A perfect copy, or clone? "{I'm not a clone,}" other-Xico said, in flawless Xaxuther. "{I'm from an alternate universe.}"

Xico adopted the language herself. It was much easier than English. "{Oh. Why are you here?}"

"{We want to make contact with your universe,}" other-Xico explained. "{Director Mira thinks that if we work together, both our worlds can become much wealthier together. Since we're telepaths, we should do better at setting this up.}"

"{Oh.}" Xico contemplated that. "{Okay. So what should I do?}"

"{We should talk for a bit, so you can see I'm not lying to you. Also, Kate was replaced by our own Kate, a few days ago - we had to make sure it was safe. Your Kate will be returned very soon, once we're ready.}"

"{Ah? But Roger has been having sex with Kate! Oh no! What if he feels violated? He was super unhappy after Fals kidnapped him, and acted all weird about it! How did I miss that Kate had been replaced?!}"

"{Mira invented a limited anti-telepathy device, which prevented her from thinking about that fact.}" There was a pause, as the other-Xico thought about what she had learned about Roger, which included the fact that he was super dominant with Kate and that he was having sex with about a dozen different women. "{Is he good? At sex, I mean.}"

"{He's really good,}" Xico admitted, though she blushed at saying it. "{Everybody's always super happy, and when we igoss-}"

"{You igossed with someone you're not married to?!}" It was now the other Xico's turn to flush at that, her eyes big as she did, her tentacles curling up in shock.

"{Yes?}" Xico squeaked out. She hadn't thought it was that big a deal.

"{Ah... I guess we're pretty divergent, then,}" the other Xico responded. "{I promised myself I wouldn't have sex before I was married when I was little. Though I haven't exactly had many chances.}"

"{Oh. I don't think I did that.}" That was strange. That such a tiny thing was different between them, but it resulted in such a big change - and it didn't seem that important?

"{It's important! What if our BC fails and we get pregnant?! Then we'd have to get married to some random guy, just because he knocked us up!}"

"{I wouldn't mind marrying Roger.}"

"{Is his o-face cute?}"

"{Very!}" Xico mentally pictured Roger coming, and other-Xico frowned. "{What?}"

"{Oh. I guess you'd have sex-sex, but I got the vibe that he did whatever you wanted?}" Xico nodded along with that, her brow furrowing at the weird emotional states that other-Xico had. "{So why even waste time with PIV? It's basically only for reproduction, blowjobs are what's sexy and fun! A guy just, you know, losing himself to your mouth?}" The other-Xico seemed increasingly confused. "{Do you not... like that?}"

"{Like blowjobs? I like them!}"

"{Yeah... but... you don't like them like I like them. It's all I jill off to! What's even the point of PIV?}"

"{It feels nice!}"

"{Who cares? You get all the guy's stuff in your head because you're psychic, and anyway, if I wanted to get off I have my right hand! What's the point of sex if the guy isn't the one getting off?}"

"{Roger gets off to sex! He definitely does!}"

The other-Xico's tentacles flexed dismissively, pulling out a device. "Mira. I have... made contact," she said, into her communicator. "{Call your Mira and tell her, I want to see this Roger guy everybody's horny about already!}"

Xico didn't have a communicator, which the other-Xico thought was weird. She had to remove a cell phone instead. "Mira... um... there's another world... they want to talk to us... another Xico is here with me..."

"Another Xico?" Mira asked. "Goddammit! Kate's from another world, isn't she?"

"Yes... they're... returning ours... right?"

"{If things go well. Which they should! We'll all benefit from trade and things!}"

"They're returning ours... hopefully," Xico said.

"{Ah! I want to blow this Roger guy! He's gotta be amazing, if you like him so much! Especially since I've been super studying how to blow guys, I even bought a toy and a bunch of guides to learn how to do it right...}" Xico hadn't done that. "{It's super interesting! You should!}"

Xico felt bad about not studying that. Was she not... that good at blowjobs? Roger had seemed to be happy with them.

* * *

There was a rapid knocking at my door, and I expected to see about... half as many Xico's as I saw on the other side. One was wearing a t-shirt and pants, the other a long dress. "Hi!" The one with a t-shirt said, waving her hand rapidly.

"Hi," I responded, in confusion.

"I'm Xico. Oh." She added, glancing behind me, at where Kate was dressed up like a pig - wearing her little piggy animal ear headband, with a pig tail stuffed in her asshole, her nosehook firmly in place. "That's an... alternate... universe Kate..."

"Sorry!" Kate said, instantly. "I'm so sorry, Master, I'm so sorry for lying to you," she said, instantly moving to kowtow on the floor. "I'm so sorry, I've never been so happy, I only went along with you because I didn't want to ruin things for the other Kate, please make me your fuckpig too, please, please! I'll do anything, anything! I'll give you all my money- ah, it's probably the wrong currency, but I bet we can get an exchange done! I'll work all day, I'll work ten hour days, I'll work for Star Heroic and give you all the money I make, just please, please, I'm so sorry for lying to you!" She was banging her head against the floor with obvious desperation. "I'm so stupid, I'm sorry, please forgive me, please make me your fuckpig, I can share, I'll share with the other Kate, with whoever, just please!"

"I..." I had no real idea what was going on. "What?"

* * *

Twenty minutes later - and the nega-Kate crying as she knelt in front of me, desperate for forgiveness like I was her one and only shot at happiness and she'd already screwed it up - I understood what was going on. Apparently, Kate had been replaced recently - nega-Kate admitted that she'd been the one to go to her apartment rather than come back to mine, so I knew it had been a few days. My own Kate would be coming back soon, now that the alternate universe had verified we weren't evil. Weirdly, I didn't feel particularly violated by the whole thing, which made Xico relax in relief. I guess it was the fact that I clearly had all the power over nega-Kate? Maybe how apologetic she was? It was different from Fals... though I wasn't really upset about Fals pretending to be a normal person; I was upset at Fals kidnapping me.

Either way, the desperate energy that nega-Kate brought to bear in pleading for forgiveness... was honestly sexy. Xico gave me a look as I had that thought, one that said You should tell her, and she nodded to confirm that's what I was thinking. I guess nega-Kate was super torn up about the whole thing. "Okay, S- K- Fuckpig," I decided on, giving her head a pat. My Kate could be Sow, this one could be Fuckpig. Made as much sense as anything else. "I'll forgive you."

Kate sagged in relief. "Thank you, Master, thank you so much..." She was crying with happiness, now, and Xico's tails had restarted their bouncing. Nega-Xico seemed similarly pleased, though perhaps not quite as much. "I-"

"Shh, Fuckpig," I said, waving my hand, and she instantly fell silent. Still, it was obvious she was happy to be shushed. "So. What's happening with my Kate?"

"She's going to... be returned... soon," nega-Xico explained. "Your Mira and... my Mira... are talking... she just has to know... you won't... attack us..."

I was a bit confused by that. Why was Mira the one who was supposed to be making those decisions? Still... nega-Xico seemed pretty confident I'd be getting Kate back. Though now I'd have two busty horny idiot submissives to handle, given how desperate nega-Kate was to keep fucking me...

"You can just..." my-Xico said, and that internal description made her blush, "take your time... Kate's happy... to be... patient..."

"Right," I said, leaning back on my couch. Nega-Xico was looking at me, then at Xico, then at me, like she wanted to ask something. "What?"

"Xico... really likes you..."

"She's in love with me, I know," I said, and both Xico's blushed at that, tails flailing about frantically.

"Y-yes," nega-Xico said. "So... um... can I... suck your... cock? I wouldn't ask, but... I know about... the thing..." Nega-Xico said. I was confused for a second. "With you... and sex... and liking sex a lot..." she explained, her tentacles flicking about. Oh. My being from a world where sexual morals were different. "Can I? I'll... I studied... and practiced... I want to know if... I'm good..." Nega-Xico said, having all the same shyness as my Xico, albeit applied to sucking dick rather than being in love with me.

"I, uh..." I felt like I shouldn't be in the mood for that, given the whole ridiculous situation, and also nega-Kate being very upset, and just everything... but glancing at my Xico, she just smiled gently. I had to admit - there was definitely something very sexy about the idea of getting a double blowjob from two Xicos. "Yeah. Go ahead," I said, curious to see what she could do.

Nega-Xico's tails began wagging happily behind her as she knelt in front of me, pulling down my pants and underwear, my cock bouncing free a moment later. She stared at it with naked lust, her little tongues flicking out to run across and wet her lips. She shuddered softly as she considered my cock. "Thanks... again..." she said, with a small bow of her head. "Tsaleth azoggua," she added, and her mouth opened wide, wrapping around my cockhead. I was confused as to what that meant, though too distracted by the soft feeling of her wet mouth around my cock - it did feel just like Xico's, which meant great.

"It's... 'thanks for the meal,'" Xico explained, making Nega-Xico blush a bit, perhaps in embarrassment at the dorky statement. She responded to that embarrassment, though, by swooping forward on my cock, just taking my whole length into her throat in a single fluid movement, making me gasp in pleasure at just how good she did it. Xico had struggled to deal with my cock at first - this one, apparently, had really practiced beforehand, and it felt great, the way her throat just squeezed tight on my cock.

The moment I was buried in her throat, she started swallowing around my cock, serving to further stimulate it. Her many long, slender tongues slithered around my dick, rubbing it from seemingly every angle in the process, occasionally flicking out to tease my balls. Her hands started softly stroking my thighs, while her eyes remained totally, completely focused on mine, trying to figure out every little signal I was putting out of how good I was feeling, even though she was also a telepath. My Xico's tails were flashing happily behind her as she watched the scene play out, while Kate just quietly sat there, kneeling patiently, waiting for me to say it was okay for her to talk.

Nega-Xico peeled back wetly, removing her lips from my cock with a soft pop and breathing deeply. She wasn't haggard as she did so - she'd been down there a while, but she seemed pretty good. "I practice... swimming... so I can hold... my breath," Nega-Xico explained, making my cock twitch, which in turn produced a cute smile from her. "Guys... think it's... sexy?" She asked, wiggling her tails excitedly behind her.

"Um... I'm not most guys, but I definitely think it's sexy," I told her, and she nodded along, leaning forward to slurp my cock up again, holding herself down with a bit more energy, mushing her nose into my pelvis as she twisted herself from side to side, as her tongues slithered around and around on my length, making my toes curl in response to the stimulation. She was really, really good, I had to admit, panting a bit in response to her hard work - and then she brought in her hands, wrapping one around her throat and just squeezing, gripping my cock all the tighter in her throat and making me gasp as my hips involuntarily bucked. "Fuh, fuck," I gasped out, as she added that into an already intense workout that my cock was getting.

She wasn't peeling back any time soon, either. I could see Nega-Kate idly teasing her own throat with her hand, as she saw how intense my response was, but that was only out of the corner of my eye, because my focus was completely on the pair of green eyes that were staring directly into mine, as her tongues kept working. Saliva gently dribbled over her lower lip as she stared lustily up at me, clearly really enjoying doing this on some basic, carnal level, even if she wasn't masturbating to it. She squirmed at that thought, her brow briefly furrowing, then she seemed to mentally flip the genders and 'get it', nodding around my cock as she continued to stimulate my length.

It was extremely obvious that she had put a lot of effort into learning how to hold her breath, because she was just down there forever. It was like Kate was the one sucking me off, and I was pretty sure Kate didn't need to breathe. Once again, there was a visible tinge of pride in Nega-Xico's eyes, until at last she peeled all the way up with a wet pop, seeming none the worse for wear as she started slithering her tongues along the outside of my dick, her nostrils flaring as she drank in my scent, my cock by this point completely coated with her saliva.

At last, she spoke up again. "Um... I want to try... where you set... the pace..." She said it in the same adorable way my-Xico might have nervously asked for cunnilingus or suggested igossing, only it was clear that the thing she was asking for was for me to facefuck her, which really made my cock throb in front of her face, earning a cute smile from the girl in question. She gingerly positioned herself in front of my cock, her mouth falling open, her hands going up to her pigtails as if to suggest I use them as handlebars. Her big green eyes stared up at me plaintively, pleading with me to fuck her face, like it was secretly her number one fantasy.

Or, I guess, not so secretly, given the way that she gave a tiny nod in response to that thought. I just reached down, taking hold of one pigtail in either hand, and guided her forward towards my cock, popping my dick past her lips, sliding into her slender mouth, and then slowly, achingly, working my way ever deeper into her mouth, really taking my time with it. Her tongues went into overdrive as she saw I was taking my time, slithering and bouncing around this way and that, teasing my slit, the crown, my length, everywhere they could, whether it was in her mouth or not. Her throat easily yielded to my cock, as I kept pushing deeper and deeper, until at last, my cock was buried all the way in her mouth, her lips wrapped around my base, her eyes looking up at me sweetly, plaintively.

There was an idle temptation to just hold her down there. To tease her, by not actually fucking her face like she clearly wanted. But, she looked just like my Xico - she had similar mannerisms, too, the slow speech, the nervousness, the cute, adorable way she seemed to ask for things that were no big deal like they were huge asks. I couldn't resist. I gripped her pigtails tight, and started to fuck her face on my cock right then and there, sliding her up, then thrusting her down, pumping my hips up into her face.

For the first few thrusts, I was fairly gradual and slow, giving her a slow peel up and a forceful slam down, but as I saw she was totally able to handle it, I got harder, faster, until I was standing up as I just rammed away at her face, balls slapping her chin. It was intense, and her tails were wagging happily behind her as she took it without hesitation or any sign of a problem, doing her best to stimulate me by swallowing when I was balls deep and licking all over my cock when I pulled back. She gulped and glugged wetly around my cock, as I started fucking her face, harder and harder with each passing second, just ramming away.

Saliva dribbled out over her mouth, while she smiled with her eyes up at me, taking it all like a champ. There was absolutely no resistance or her part, just a kind of glee at getting treated this way, which was hot as hell. My Xico was giving, she liked it when I felt good, but Nega-Xico was more exploratory, like she was just trying it out for the kinky joy of it. It wasn't quite about my feelings, or if it was, it was in the same way that I'd enjoy making Kate or Priscilla ahegao.

I lost myself in the moment, ramming away, using Nega-Xico's mouth like a personal onahole. It was delicious, sexy, wonderful, my cock slipping deep into her throat before sliding back out, pumping, humping, using her mouth, and she loved and relished every last second of the treatment, delighting in the fact that her mouth could manage to do this to me, to get that sort of response. Her hand went to her throat, intermittently squeezing my cock, while her tongues went absolutely wild, corkscrewing around my dick and further stimulating it on every thrust, her eyes staring up at me all the while. Even as I got rougher, even as she started to blink away tears, even as her sclera turned pink from exertion, every single bit of her body language pleaded for more.

It was only because I'd spent the day fucking Bup, Stitch, and Nega-Kate six ways from Sunday that it took me as long to come as I did. When I finally did feel myself threatening to explode, I glanced over at my-Xico. "Does she want it mouth, face, throat?" I asked. I figured I could fulfill that part of her fantasies too.

"Mouth," my-Xico said, after a moment of glancing at Nega-Xico.

I pulled her back, holding my dick so that the crown of my cock practically rested on her lips, as she stared lewdly up at me, panting softly around my cock. Her tongues wiggled and slithered, and one of her hands came up to stroke me off, jerking me with desperate energy, wanting so bad for me to come. I did, groaning as I exploded all over the inside of her mouth, depositing a pretty good-sized load all over, and just sighing with relief as I did so. When I was spent, I flopped down onto my belly, and a clearly horny Nega-Xico followed me down, quietly suckling on my cock. Not trying to get me hard again - just the opposite, it felt like. More like she also fantasies about suckling on a flaccid cock, too. She blushed but nodded in response to that mental question.

I let her, enjoying the way her lips felt against my cock, the occasional flick out of her tongues to stimulate my length. It was really nice. Intimate. I kind of wanted to try it with my Xico, who blushed but nodded in response, a cute smile on her lips. "Ah... do you want to have sex?" I suggested to Nega-Xico.

Nega-Xico shook her head rapidly. "I'm waiting... for marriage," she explained.

I just blinked. Well. Her choice. I leaned back to enjoy myself.

* * *

Mira sat across from her other self. One who had followed up on those childish plans. There wasn't much point in playing too deceptive of a game with the other-her, particularly given that she was currently accompanied by a telepath that Mira didn't recognize - Mira had Tsuru at her side, of course. "Why haven't you returned our Kate to us yet?" Mira asked.

"We wanted to make sure that your world really isn't a threat."

"I get that, but she's just Kate. It's not like she's a general or diplomat or something, where it would change the scenario of a war. Holding her just makes you look bad."

"Maybe. But my concern isn't generals. Do you know what the GDP of my world is?" Mira shook her head, though she wasn't really sure what the point was- "1.9 quadrillion dollars. Technically, one point eight seven three, but I'm rounding," she corrected. Mira's eyebrows shot up. That was - about eighteen times the wealth of her own world. "That is thanks to me," she explained. "Comparing directly, it suggests that over ninety percent of the wealth of my world is thanks to me and my administration," the other Mira continued, smiling with some obvious pride. Not that Mira could blame her. "Think of what we could do together. You've wasted your talents on superheroing - industry is where we can really excel. Two Earths, united, strong, rich, under our rule together."

"Our rule?" Mira asked. A strange way of putting it.

"I'm the Director of the Federation."

"Yeah, what, like Star Trek?"

"No, like the East African Federation, which was the first government I controlled. Only government, really. Every country except the DPRK is in it now, so we dropped the 'East African' part," she explained. "I don't understand why you didn't follow my path, to be honest, but I don't care - I don't think you're a moron. Whatever hangups or problems you had achieving what I've achieved - they're not worth consigning this world to poverty, are they? Work with me, Mira. It'll be so much easier if you just follow the same path I did. It's been eighteen years since our timelines diverged, and the conditions in sub-Saharan Africa are almost identical to what they were when I first set up operations there in 2004. In my world, it's a rich welfare state with a GDP per capita twice your America's, all provided by my technology."

"And under your rule," Mira said.

"And under my rule," the other Mira agreed. "Come on. You don't think democracy is worth that much, do you?"

Mira hesitated. She glanced at Tsuru. Then she shook her head. "No. I don't."

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features Kate and Nega-Kate having a threesome with Roger, as well as plot developments in the relations of the two worlds. You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance.

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