Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Kate In Stereo

Kate was happy to be freed from her forced confinement, and she could barely keep herself under control, as she stood next to Mira - her Mira, not the evil Mira from this universe. "Things are all good, then?"

"Yeah," Mira said, glancing at Kate. "Don't even say I never do anything for you." Kate let out an awkward laugh at that. It was a joke, right?

"We're teammates," Kate said.

Mira just hummed in agreement. "Let's step through the conveyor," she said, with a gesture at the large device. "Fair warning, it dumps us in the DRC, so it'll be a long plane ride back before you can go back to fucking Roger."

Kate felt her cheeks burn at that comment. "Roger! He's- he's with my evil twin!"

"Hrm. Hopefully that doesn't mess him up too bad," Mira said, stepping through the conveyor alongside Tsuru - Kate practically rushed in alongside her. She had to get back to Roger!

* * *

The plane ride over had Kate unbelievably anxious, but the moment they landed, she had flown straight for Roger's apartment. She had to make sure he was okay! She had to tell him about what happened, apologize for being so stupid and getting kidnapped and letting him be victimized! She flew in through a window, skidding in the air to a halt then just pounding on his front door. "Roger! Roger!" Should she break down the door?

Roger appeared at the door, pulling it open. "Oh, hey, Kate," he said, smiling. "It's good to see you again. I was worried, but I figured you would be back, and I didn't want to be the dumb cape spouse who freaks out over nothing."

"A-ah," she said, some of the energy going out of her. She gulped. "You know, then? About me being replaced?"

"Yeah," he said. "Are you okay?" He asked. "You were kidnapped, after all."

"I'm fine," she said, quickly. She had been through stuff like this before, albeit not with the whole Roger component to it. "I'm more worried about you. It doesn't bother you? That you, uh, had sex, under false pretensese?"

He let out a small laugh at that, then shrugged. "Apparently not. The other Kate - I call her Fuckpig, since you had Sow first," he said, reaching out for her chin, gently cupping it between his thumb and forefinger. She shivered softly at his touch, and his words, the callous way he degraded her even now. Or maybe this was part of the way he was expressing affection for his fucked up perverted sow? "Anyway, Fuckpig, she's basically just like you. A horny little pervert who can hardly control herself, who is lucky I deign to fuck her. So it didn't really bother me. You're basically the same, for those purposes. So I wasn't that bothered. It's like I have two of you, now."

"A-ah, it is?" Kate got out, gulping. She was glad that Roger was okay... she'd been worried that it would be like the Fals situation again. "Sorry, sir... I should have, kn-known." Known what? Known that she was just an interchangable masturbation aid? She just spoke the words, but Roger seemed to accept them.

"It's fine. I'm glad you worry about me, Sow," he said, and Kate felt her cheeks glow at the statement. "I also... kind of want to figure out what new kinds of fun I can have, now that I have two of you." There was a grin on his lips as he said that, drawing her into his apartment with the subtlest movement of his hand, keeping her chin held as he stepped backwards.

She had come here, concerned for his well-being, terrified he was traumatized... and he had shown her that was ridiculous. She wasn't his big security blanket. It wasn't some terrifying violation to lose her, not when she was replaced with a woman who was just as good at sucking and fucking, that had just as big tits, that was visually indistinguishable. She shivered softly at all those thoughts. She - Kate, and her alternate self - was just somebody that Roger used to get his rocks off with. "Yes, sir," she breathed.

"Oh. Fuckpig calls me Master," he noted to her, and she shivered at that word. "Would you rather call me Master, Sow?"

Of course, she knew the answer. Any time Roger asked her any question, she always knew the answer. He only pretended to ask the question, because he knew too. "Yes, Master," she said, fully and totally happy to say exactly that. She'd only never advanced to it because it had seemed presumptuous, too perverse for him to accept... Now that she knew it was alright, she readily did it.

"Fuckpig!" He called out. She was here? The other Kate was here? Indeed, she was - she was wearing nothing at all, not even a collar, and the other girl froze up for a moment as she saw her. "This is Sow. Sow, Fuckpig. Now, how am I going to use you two..." he said, smiling with a sadistic glint in his eyes. Kate could only shiver in response.

* * *

Mira was still contemplating the details of her agreement with her alternate self, as she arrived back at her house. "It's funny how things wind up the way they do," Mira said to Tsuru.


"Yeah. I had this idea about eighteen years ago, of how to really take over a country. I picked out the Democratic Republic of Congo," she said, as she headed towards her kitchen, glancing over her shoulder at Tsuru. "It's unstable, but large, and with a significant population and plenty of natural resources. The raw stuff of which a functional country could be built, with the right administration."

"Why didn't you?"

Mira shrugged. "A lot of reasons. I didn't have any great way to take over, other than violence. It felt 'colonial,' and even if that wasn't as hip a catchphrase back then, European imperialism was still pretty dire in its consequences for Africa. Plus, what would I do in the end?" She asked Tsuru, with a small laugh at the idea. "Apparently, take over the whole world." She arrived in her kitchen, and turned her gaze to her refrigerator. Her eyes blinked a few times as she saw something written on a post-it note, in her own handwriting, that she didn't remember:

Take off the belt.

She looked down at herself - and Tsuru followed suit, looking down at her own clothing, pulling up her shirt. She was surprised to see a complex device wrapped around her waist. Tsuru had it too. She reached down for it, clicking at a button pretty much on instinct, and it unlatched, and her mind was freed up, making her sigh at the sudden sense of fullness. It was like the moment you took off a pair of socks, except for her whole brain: the sense of relief was palpable, her intellect snapping back to its full size as she shivered in place for a moment, casting her head back and forth.

She remembered what the belt was for: exactly this scenario. It had restricted and constrained her thoughts enough to keep her from remembering the device, or from opposing the other Mira openly. That meant she now had the initiative. The question was what to do with it.

"If only you had a rubber duckie in the room with you," Tsuru said, referring to the old turn of phrase about a 'rubber duckie problem', where just talking it through (as with a rubber duckie) would help. "Quack quack."

"Alright. So, Mira is pretty clearly in charge of her own world, right? Above the law?"

"Yes. They do have rule of law, otherwise - it's just her that ignores it."

"If anybody ignores it, then there's not really rule of law. The legalists were full of shit," Mira said, then shook her head. "Doesn't matter. Rule of law in the PRC comes after the CCP's hold on power, but I'm not knocking that country's government over. Whatever method of rule she's found, it seems stable enough. You picked up more, I assume? Off her and her telepath?"

"Yes. It's possible she did something similar to us, hiding her thoughts," Tsuru said.

"She hasn't been in a romantic relationship with a telepath for years now," Mira countered. It was unlikely, but possible, she'd develop that kind of tech without it. It didn't seem like a wise use of her time or resources, though.

"And it's a smart use of yours?" Mira gave her a look. "Quack quack."

"We do seem to have Roger, uniquely between us," Mira said. "Probably some others of our capes, too. The divergence would be around eighteen years ago - recent enough for Xico to still be born, but it couldn't be much more recent. So Amaranthine would still be around, for example. Priscilla... a Nova's powers aren't necessarily fixed at birth, so there's the possibility that we have her, uniquely. She does know about Priscilla already." Mira tapped her thigh. "Beating her seems nigh-impossible. It's possible to keep her out, though, I think. She probably wouldn't consider conquering a restive Earth to be worth it. At least not near term. Long term, we can play catchup."

"Without you managing the economy?"

"I don't have to centrally manage the economy to introduce conveyor technology. Heck, we'd get more out of it, if I didn't centrally manage it - give the designs to every major government and a few minor ones, and plenty of them could start exploiting parallel Earths. Central control is good for developing new technology, not so good for percolating it and maximally exploiting it - touch screens were invented by the Royal Radar Establishment, TCP/IP by DARPA, GPS by the DoD, but it took private interprise to make the smartphone."

"Aren't there security risks?" Tsuru asked, making Mira glance her way. "I mean, the other end of the conveyor could be another hostile Earth."

"What are the odds of that?" Mira said, with a grin. "But you're right. There is that risk. Still, easy enough to tweak a conveyor's design enough to get a one-way snapshot of the other side. No, snapshot's wrong - suggests a flashbulb. Passive detection through a conveyor should be possible, I think. See what radio signals and the like you can pick up out of it." She tapped her thigh. "I should never have kept the conveyor tech secret in the first place. In retrospect, this was obviously what would happen."

"Don't blame yourself too much," Tsuru replied. "That's my job." Mira stuck her tongue out at her.

* * *

I had Kate strip herself naked so that I could admire her and Nega-Kate side by side. Other than the fact that Nega-Kate wasn't wearing her collar - it had some kind of mind reading prevention technology, and I'd dropped it off at the office for Mira to take a look at - most people would have had trouble distinguishing the two of them. They were genuinely basically identical - basically, that is. Kate actually had a few visible extra pounds on her owing to a slightly different diet. Though, looking at her, I couldn't help but wonder if it was because she had been in a long-term relationship with me. People who have been romantically involved often feel like it's less important to keep up standards, after all.

Either way, it meant that her tits and ass were just a little bit bigger than Fuckpig's, her belly just that tiny bit softer. Besides that, though, the pair were identical: same breast shape, even if they were half a letter off from one another, moles in the same spots, hair and eyes the same color. They weren't clones, but they were twins, and studies find that identical twins raised apart are just as similar as identical twins raised in the same household. So, looking at them as they stood next to one another, occasionally glancing at the other... well, it felt almost like some porno where you had identical twin sisters together. They were pretty rare back on my Earth, and I'd literally never seen one here, but taken together, Kate and Nega-Kate looked even hotter than either alone.

Nega-Kate as a name feels judgmental, but the only real alternative is just calling her Fuckpig. Yes, she came over to spy on me, but she was basically ordered to by what amounted to the President of her world. And she was, at heart, the same Kate I knew: dopey, horny, masochistic, intensely submissive, and genuinely earnest and good, even if she tried to put up a front.

(Obviously, I'd had Xico verify her intentions once the telepathy-blocking collar had been removed. She was just the same horny idiot as my first Kate, happy to have the opportunity to finally indulge all her submissive and masochistic fantasies with a guy who already knew her kinks and wasn't turned off by them. Her job back in her world was subtly different, since she was directly employed by the government, but she was still basically a superpowered cop with no great aspirations beyond that and finding a hot guy who would treat her like crap.)

"Sow, you've let yourself get fat," I said, poking her stomach to emphasize the point. Kate immediately flushed with heat at that, glancing down at herself, then at nega-Kate, noticing the difference now that it was pointed out to her. "Your tits are a bit bigger," I noted, my hand going to one and squeezing it, copying the movement on Nega-Kate, making both girls pant in response to the touch, "but the real problem is that this suggests you're starting to let yourself go, just because you've gotten a man. Like you think that just because we fuck, you can stop taking care of your body. Is that true, Sow?"

"N-no, Master," she said, shaking her head rapidly. "I'm sorry. I'll- I'll update my diet and exercise routine. I think it's- it's probably because I was held captive, so I couldn't exercise properly!" She declared, hurriedly, worriedly, and frankly in a way that I doubt convinced even her.

"Alright, Sow," I said, letting out a long-suffering sigh. "I guess I can't expect much more from you than that," I said, as my gaze slid over to Nega-Kate. "That goes for you too, Fuckpig. I don't want you to go around thinking that you can just get fat and lazy, like Sow did. The two of you are stupid, horny, pathetic, perverts, who are lucky any guy will even consider fucking you. Your bodies are literally your only good qualities," I explained, and both women quietly nodded in response. I gave their tits a sharp slap - Kate's took just a moment longer to stop jiggling. "If it wasn't the case that your tits were a bit bigger, I'd kick you out right now for being lazy, Sow," I told her.

"Yes, Master, sorry, Master," she said, bowing her head.

I let go of her breast at that point, gently patting her head. "It's alright, Sow. Now, show your piggy-sister the best way to have your throat fucked," I ordered. Kate gulped, but took a step back, then floated off the ground, using her flight power to reposition her body until she was "laying" backwards, her tits pointed up towards the ceiling, her mouth falling open. I glanced over at Fuckpig, and without even being told, Nega-Kate repositioned herself, opening her mouth wide as well. Their hair stretched down, and it was hard to tell them apart. "Sow, you're going to buy Fuckpig a choker to match yours," I said. "Ideally, within a month, I shouldn't be able to tell the two of you apart except by asking. Got it, you two?"

Kate nodded, keeping her mouth open for my cock - Nega-Kate spoke. "Yes, Master."

I responded by slowing down time, taking out my cock, and stuffing myself balls deep inside of Kate's throat, making her gag in shock as I buried myself deep inside her throat. "If you want to talk, instead of keeping your mouth available for my cock," I said, glancing over at Nega-Kate, "then you can talk. Tell me what a pathetic little pervert you are, Fuckpig. Beg me to use your disgusting body."

"Yes, Master!" Nega-Kate agreed, hurriedly. She groped around for a moment, looking for words, as I just held myself inside of Kate's mouth, my hands going to her big, soft, plush tits. I gave them several appreciative squeezes. "Please, Master, fuck my throat. I'm a horny, pathetic fuckpig," she breathed out. "I- I'm so lucky, that my alternate self found you, and that you're willing to take me on. The moment you started ordering me around, putting me in my place, it was so arousing and pleasant, it was like a dream come true! I'm considering quitting my job with the Federation Special Police, just so that I can serve you better!"

I smacked her tits, making her pant. "You think I want an unemployed pervert living with me?" I said, as I started to saw in and out of Kate's mouth.

"No, Master! I'll get a job at Star Heroic! I'm sure I can, right? Then I can make money for you, and serve you, just like my alternate self does!" I had never actually dipped into Kate's finances, since I wasn't sure she was into that - but apparently Nega-Kate was. Or at least, was willing. "I won't make as much money as I do right now, since your Earth is poorer, but that doesn't matter! I l-" she suddenly cut herself off for a moment, blushing red. I could guess what she had almost said, even as she course corrected. "I love being abused by you so much, Master! I don't mind if you fuck other women and make me clean them off your cock, I just -mff!"

She got cut off as I stuffed my dick into her throat, which felt pretty much exactly the same as my Kate's. Apparently she had given a good number of blowjobs, because she could take me to the base without gagging, as I slipped into her throat. I groped her tits as I thrust in and out of her mouth, my balls slapping at her nose. Her tongue wiggled along the upper side of my cock as I used her without so much as saying a word.

Kate spoke up. "I'm actually, ahm, glad you're fucking my alternate self, Master!" Kate said, making my cock throb inside Nega-Kate's throat. "Even when- even when I was held captive, it was sexy, that you were, uhm, fucking, another me, without realizing, because it meant, I was... I was just a hot body to you. What was on the inside didn't matter." I could see her nipples harden and her clit twitch in arousal at her own words - and I was pretty sure that Nega-Kate was similarly aroused by them.

"That's not true," I said, giving Kate's tit a smack as I continued to facefuck Nega-Kate. "You're more than just a sack of meat. You're a pathetic, horny, perverted fuckpig, just like your sister-piggy here, and it's my moral duty to make sure you never bother another guy with all your disgusting fetishes. So I guess I'm stuck with two of you, now, since I'm pretty sure there's no other Roger Cooper in Fuckpig's world."

Nega-Kate did her best to shake her head around my cock, making me groan in pleasure at the sensations it provoked - and the moment she became aware of that, she started to really work her neck, making circular movements, up and down ones, twisting my cock around in her mouth as I fucked her face.

"Ah, sorry, Master, sorry for being such a pervert that even my alternate self, divorced from me by almost two decades, is also a needy horny fuckpig," Kate tried out, her breath heavy. "I promise, uhm, never to bother another guy, so please, please reward me for being a good girl by using me-mff!" She got cut off as I hotswapped from Nega-Kate to her, ramming my dick into her throat.

Nega-Kate had a subtly different style from Kate, in terms of her dirty talk. She didn't have as good an idea of what to say, or the contours of our relationship, but she also was absolutely desperate to prove herself, which meant she tended to really push things in new directions, rather than follow in Kate's slow, methodical footsteps. I had to admit I liked it, and I liked the way the competition affected Kate.

Her hand slid down to her pussy to start masturbating, and I didn't stop her, enjoying as it altered the cadence of her speech. "Please, Master, fuck this perverted little fuckpig's throat, she's so horny, she wants your cock so bad, she loves it, she wishes she was a good enough woman that she could deserve it, but she doesn't, she doesn't, she's thankful that you're so kind you fuck her anyway, even though you can obviously do better, like that Bup girl, who's so much smarter than me," she breathed, twitching as she masturbated, her cheeks growing flush with arousal.

"I can do better than you," I agreed. Since in Nega-Kate's world, Mira was basically the world leader, I decided to really rub it in. "Not just Bup, either. I fuck our world's Mira pretty regularly. She's even willing to pretend to be my mind controlled slave, buying me whatever I want and sucking my cock on command, though of course that's just roleplay. That's what you're competing with, Fuckpig. Not a horny rapemonster with a heart of gold, but a genius billionaire who loves sucking cock and buys me whatever I want. It's not kink talk, this is entirely charity, that I'm fucking you two pervert's throats." At that point, Nega-Kate came, moaning and thrashing about as she orgasmed to the thought that she really was that inferior to my other options.

At that point, I stuffed my dick into Nega-Kate's mouth, enjoying the way her moans carried into my cock, glancing over at the sparkling, horny, flushed features of Kate. "Is that, ruh, really true, Master?" Kate asked, her hand squirming down her stomach, towards her pussy, obviously desperately aroused.

"Yeah. Don't mention it to her, she was just, hng," I groaned for a moment as Nega-Kate swallowed around my dick. "She was just, fucking, humoring me," I explained, as I pumped my hips a few inches in and out of Nega-Kate's mouth, feeling my cock getting closer to the edge. "Not that, she minds. I'm pretty sure, she just, thinks it's, stupid roleplay." As I contemplated the two girls in front of me through the lens of a guy who was about to come, I realized there was no good place to do so in their current positions.

I pulled out of Nega-Kate's throat at that point. "Kneel, and present your tits to me, and mash your tits up next to each other," I ordered the pair, my cock throbbing in the air as it almost-but-not-quite came as they hurried to obey my command. Fortunately, it didn't, and soon enough, I had two gorgeous, kneeling superheroines, their breasts in their hands, pushed up together and against one another. They were twins, and from this angle, basically indistinguishable other than the fact that Kate was wearing a collar. They looked up at me with open lust, and then I started coming, just groaning as I splattered both of them with my cum, the stuff just raining down all over the pair of them in a surprisingly thick quantity. I guess some basal part of my brain had finally properly figured out that I was fucking a new woman, and wanted really bad to impregnate them, or something like that. Either way, it dribbled from their chins down to the soft titflesh that mashed against itself, and they took it all without hesitation or complaint.

I just sighed as I finished. I wasn't feeling enervated, but despite the gorgeous tableau in front of me - I grabbed my phone and snapped a few shots, the pair being smart enough not to move from that position immediately - I wasn't a huge fan of rubbing my own cum into myself, or my furnishings, which was what would unfortunately happen if I started fucking the pair right then and there. I suppose I could have made them float around or something, but it'd probably still wind up dripping on my floor, and I didn't want that.

"Clean yourselves off, Sow, Fuckpig. You can either go take turns in the shower, or you can lick my cum off your alternate-universe self." I honestly had zero idea which one they'd choose. I knew Kate was willing to clean another girl's juices off my cock, but this was definitely a weirder thing to ask. The pair of them glanced at each other for a couple seconds, then Nega-Kate reached out with one trembling hand, sliding along the soft flesh of her alternate's tits, then feeding the cum into her mouth. She gave a nervous glance up at me for approval, and I could only smile as the other Kate mimicked her action. "Good girls," I told them, as they started scooping and feeding cum into their mouths.

Technically it wasn't 'licking my cum off their alternate universe self,' but it was definitely hot as fuck to watch, as Kate's fingers slid across Nega-Kate's tits and then slurped up the cum they acquired, repeating the process again and again, soon using both hands to do it, hungrily slurping down my cum, constantly looking my way for approval. Nega-Kate started to make a show of humming in pleasure each time she fed my cum into her mouth, which promptly got Kate doing the same, and that little competitive process made them soon engaged in the most ridiculous, over the top, whorish impression of a girl trying to lick up every last droplet of cum she could get.

It was definitely hot as hell, and I was completely ready to fuck both of them... but I had to pick one to fuck first. After a second's thought, though, the answer was obvious: my Kate. She'd been imprisoned for a bit, and even if she wasn't affected, she had been without my cock for a while. "Sow, hands and knees," I ordered, and immediately she snapped into position as fast as she could. I didn't hesitate either, using my superspeed to just start fucking her with inhuman force, making her gasp in shock and pleasure, especially when my hand came into things and started frigging her clit.

Nega-Kate was moving in slow motion, as Kate orgasmed beneath me, her tight pussy tightening with rhythmic, slow pulses from my perspective. I wasn't hesitant, as I fucked her, and I gripped her by the hair, forcibly yanking her up - her give was weak, owing to my sheer speed and whatever impossible physics governed her body, but I soon had dragged her around to face her alternate self, so the pair were facing each other. Nega-Kate managed to start masturbating in that time, both hands down in her cunt as she masturbated with naked glee, her eyes flicking slowly up and down, from Kate to me and back again, her lips softly parted as she panted in pleasure. To me, it was more like watching a slow motion video of a girl jilling off than anything else, but my focus was as much on ramming into Kate over and over again, and making her come her brains out, than anything else.

If she made a mess, I'd make her clean it up while I fucked Nega-Kate. That was another nice point about having two Kates, I could fuck one while the other fixed whatever mess she'd made. I slowed down my speed so that I could actually talk to them, and got to discover what Kate was saying, as well. "Thuh, thank you, Master, for fucking, my needy, unworthy, cunt, when you can do, so, so much, bette~er!" She squealed as she finished the last word, wiggling in place as she gasped and twitched, tits bouncing regularly and forcefully. Her insides clenched and gripped my cock as she came again, and I gave her ass a swat.

"If you piss again, you're going to be the one who cleans it up, and I'm going to go screw Fuckpig in my bed, where you can't watch, and you'll have to sleep at the foot of the bed," I told her, and she whimpered but nodded.

"Sorry, Master! I'm such, a disgusting, pervert, it's so hard, for me to control, my body," she panted out.

I spanked her again. "I seriously don't like it when you do that. It's not dirty talk. You need to stop." Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment at that point, but she nodded, seeming suitably chastised. I really hoped it would work, because I knew she didn't actually like the idea of sleeping at the foot of the bed.

"Yes, Master, sorry," she said, panting.

"That goes for you too, Fuckpig," I said. "If every time I make you two horny, degenerate perverts actually come - so you're not a threat to normal, decent guys out there - you start pissing all over the floor or bed or wherever you happen to be, it makes my life difficult."

"Yes, yesh," Nega-Kate slurred out. "I'm, you're, ruh, right," she sputtered, her mouth thick with saliva as she shivered in place. "I won't, ahm, do it, again," she got out, before coming in place, her body vibrating as her tits jiggled.

I sped up my perception of time again, frantically frigging Kate, and she promptly started coming over and over again. I could feel the way she was straining to control her bladder, with just how tight her pussy was each time she came. There was something deeply sexy about that, the sensations around my cock that it brought on, and she reached back to smack my forearm as I fucked her. I let time pass normally again, surprised at her responding that way. "Puh, pee, Master," she said.

I pulled out of her at that point, with a wet noise. "Go to the bathroom," I told her. I didn't look at her for a second longer, turning my attention to Nega-Kate instead. "Same position, Fuckpig," I ordered, and Nega-Kate quickly obeyed, while Kate literally flew to the bathroom as I slowed down time and rammed myself inside Nega-Kate. She squeaked in slow motion, came in slow motion, her fingers gripping the carpet beneath her with desperate energy and raw pleasure. I did to her much the same things I'd been doing to Kate, and they had much the same results - turning her into a sweaty, horny, blissed-out mess.

By the time that Kate came back, Nega-Kate had started to try to smack my arm, and I let time return to its normal pace as I pulled out of her. "Yes, go pee yourself. In the future, the two of you should make sure your bladders are clear before I fuck them. You're disgusting," I said, as I went over to Kate, grabbed a tangle of her hair and forcibly twisted her around, pushing her into the wall and just slamming my cock into her cunt as she bounced and jiggled in place. She didn't complain at all about my roughness or forcefulness, as I rutted inside her.

"Yes, I'm, disgusting, I'm sorry, Master, sorry for being, so disgusting, and, and I'll do my best, to always pee, before you fuck me, so I never make a mess again, ah, please, don't abandon me, Master, even though you could do so much better!" Kate squealed at that point, orgasming hard on my cock, her pussy gripping my dick with relentless force. She felt really damn good, and I wound up coming inside her at that point, sighing with relief as I did so.

When I was completely spent, I gave her ass a quick swat. "Good girl," I told her, feeling somewhat enervated physically - I'd been fucking the pair for at least half an hour from my perspective. Probably longer. "You can cuddle with me, Sow," I said, idly stroking her hair before pulling out of her and walking - on surprisingly shaky legs - back to my bed. Kate quickly snapped into position to give me support.

When Nega-Kate got done with the toilet, I let her join me in bed. When Fifi came back from her work, I'd have to figure out what to do with them... but for now, I was perfectly content to just enjoy cuddling two beautiful, (almost-)identical muscular submissive girls.

* * *

Director Mira was annoyed that Kate had taken off her collar and dumped it, since it had been providing her with decent intelligence about Roger Cooper. On the other hand, she was relieved that she wasn't being constantly exposed to an endless stream of horny, brainless BDSM crap. It wasn't even that clever! It was like an off-brand version of the kind of smut you find on some bargain bin website.

Her thoughts, naturally, turned to her other self. The other Mira was sleeping with Roger, and apparently... romantically involved with the telepath she'd come by with. That was a strange thought. Herself, with another woman. She was straight as an arrow herself, and she'd assumed the same was true of her Secundus counterpart. Apparently it was a "straight with an exception" type situation. She did wonder, if she'd met Tsuru - some type of manufactured clone, apparently - in this world, would she have fallen for her too? The Tsuru of Origin worked as a private investigator and negotiation-assistant in California.

She had to admit to intellectual curiosity... but with her alternate self's cooperation achieved, it was time to finish the job she'd started eighteen years ago. She stood up, and started speaking into the recording device, in fluent, flawless Korean - with a Northern accent, even.

"{Hello to the people of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. I know that your government calls me the tyrant of the world, but I am not. I wish only for peace. It is your government who saber rattles, now devoid of allies as the PRC, and struggles to feed its population even with outside assistance - and it is with outside assistance, despite what they will tell you. The rest of the world has taken a brave step into the future, while you lie resting behind.}"

She took a deep breath. This sort of thing could only really work if there really was a "restive spirit" in the North, she could hardly create it in the bandwidth she'd have available to her. It was probably wishful thinking to suppose there was any such secret dissatisfaction - but it was worth trying. "{I ask you, not to overthrow your government violently, not to kill or wound your own countrymen. It is precisely that I do not wish to kill anyone that I am speaking to you now. I ask, instead, that you quietly refuse. For those in the countryside and the factories, simply work slower. For those officers and soldiers, proud servants of the Democratic People's Republic, do not fire upon your comrades and brothers, even if they seem sluggish, even if you are ordered to do so. Show the government that you are not compliant slaves - that you have wishes of your own. I do not want to abolish your government, but to make your country's people richer, safer, and more secure. That is all.}"

She sighed as she finished the recording, sitting down. She idly fiddled with the plans to invade North Korea if this last ditch attempt to force the Kims to the negotiating table failed. She couldn't help but remember that old saying of Mussolini - better to live one day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep. She hoped that Kim Jong-un disagreed.

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features Roger meeting Lope's alternate universe self, as well as plot developments in the relations of the two worlds. You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance.

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