Superheroine Seducing Accountant


Nell laid on her back on the couch, fucking with her online profile again. Nn. Guh. No guys were responding to her! What's the matter, couldn't understand what a hot-ass bitch she was? She was literally a superhero, too! She guessed that wasn't as big a deal as it used to be, with crime rates way the fuck down under Mira, but still! Nobody?! She was on Fetishlife, Looking4Domme, Queens, her profile pic was pretty fucking good, she thought. Was it the tattoos? Did guys think she was gonna be a psycho for them? She wasn't gonna hide her body art, though. If a guy couldn't take it, then whatever. It was cool! Gothic litle bat wings, plus that badass cross, man, come on. Didn't it make her look even more dominant?

She checked her profile picture again. She was pretty proud of it.


There was her ass. She was showing off her ass. Studies showed that the thing guys liked most in a girl, was her ass. Which was weird, because you'd think it'd be her tits, but nope, ass, apparently. Guys were weird like that. She'd really done her best to look good, but also like, she wasn't trying to look good? But zero connections.

Well, no, there were a few chubsters and omega-fatties and olds who hit her up. But she was an eighteen year old superheroine, she deserved better. Besides, she didn't want to domme a fatty! She wanted like, a hot guy, with a big dick, you know?! She wanted to make him writhe under her and call her Ma'am and Mistress! Was that too much to ask? She figured she was pretty high on the rankings for hot chicks! Surely she deserved a hot guy?

Maybe it was her profile text? She should just go find the most popular female domme profile and steal its description... no, people would probably notice. She also shouldn't lie and say she was experienced, that'd probably - probably - blow up in her face.

As she contemplated her romantic troubles, there was a knock at her door. She clicked the security button on her tablet, and there was displayed Xico, standing on the Baker family front porch, looking a little different. She had this weird smile. It was good, it was just weird for her. Well, being able to talk to a fellow virgin would definitely help with her shitty mood. They could just vent about how guys made it too hard to fuck them, and how they should just be sluttier, and everybody'd be happier.

Nell buzzed Xico in, and her half-taliké friend wandered into Nell's ridiculously big house. Nell still hadn't gotten used to it just yet, but the Federation Special Police got a huge signing bonus, and discounts on property taxes and home purchases and shit (which, uhh, you had to refund if you quit or were fired with cause in the first five years, but hey), so she now lived in her own (bigass) house, which you'd think would attract at least a really shallow guy. Nope! Even in the photos she included of herself in front of her house, it seemed like guys just assumed she was lying and skipped right past!

"In the living room!" She yelled out, and the security tab showed as Xico made her way through a couple halls and other rooms to where Nell was lounging on the couch. "Yo," she said, giving a wave of her hand to her friend. "What's up?"

"Ah..." She fidgeted, then smiled nervously. "I..." She licked her lips. "I did it with a guy!" She squeaked the words out, full of absurd overjoyous energy from saying that. Which was totally fair, getting to do it with a guy was awesome, but it was weird to see it on Xico.

"Seriously? Wow! I didn't even know you had a boyfriend. I thought you were saving yourself for marriage, though?" She didn't want to sound rude about it. She totally got it. Maybe there were some guys out there interested in saving themselves for marriage, but Nell absolutely fucking wasn't.

"Oh. It was... just a... blowjob," Xico explained.

"Ah. Foreplay doesn't count. I gotcha." Nell didn't believe that at all, but she understood that if you'd decided you were going to be a virgin until you got married, you definitely had to come up with every bullshit excuse you could to get laid. "He pay you back?"

"No... I didn't... ask," Xico said.

"Well, still, good for you, girl," Nell said, putting down her tablet and hopping to her feet before hugging her best friend. "So. What's he like?" She was kinda wishing that he was ugly or something, just so she didn't have to feel like even more of a loser virgin as her best friend got a boyfriend. Xico was insanely shy! If she was getting laid, what was Nell doing wrong?!

"Oh..." Xico said, her tails wilting, and Nell thought for sure her thoughts had ruined Xico's whole mood. "No... he... isn't my boyfriend..."

"Ah, so you got your first one night stand," Nell said, plopping down on the couch. She patted the seat next to her. "Tell me about it. How do you get a guy to sleep with you after like, two hours of conversation?"

"Ah... he's... actually..." Xico paused. "What's your... clearance level?"

"Red-3-Alpha, why?" Nell asked.

Xico just looked at the ceiling as she tried to remember, then she took out her communicator. "Red... Three... Alpha... clearance... description..." she requested from the simple AI.

"Red-3-Alpha is cleared for information related to direct military or stability-related state security concerns in their region; for information related to conveyor technology and applications which do not relate to the design or function of the conveyor itself; and for no classified documents."

Xico thought about it. "Don't tell... anybody..." she said, and Nell nodded rapidly. This was gonna be juicy. "I went to... another... world," she explained.

"I thought the conveyors only linked to unoccupied worlds?" Nell asked, with a frown and furrowed brow.

"They... did, but... there's... one like... ours... it even has... a Xico."

"Ohhhh," Nell said, nodding along as she got it. "The other you got a boyfriend, and hey, twinsies threesome, right? Not gonna be a lot of chances for that." She sighed. Probably the other her was also a virgin anyway.

"No... I know... um... the other Xico... she's... friends with... the other you," Xico explained, which was pretty awesome. It was like their friendship was predestined. Unless the other timeline was identical to this one up until a month ago or something lame like that. Xico shook her head. "No... 2004..."

"Wow. Our freakin' birth year? That's a million years ago. Damn, we're destined to be friends, apparently." Xico smiled a little at that. "So what's up with the other me?"

"Oh! Um... Xico... well... I think they're... close? But maybe... not girlfriend... boyfriend..." Xico explained. "But... he slept... with other you... too."

"I'd never do that to you, Xico." Wow. What the hell was wrong with the other her, stealing her best friend's guy?

"No!" Xico squeaked. "Not like that!" She wiggled uncomfortably in place, clearly embarrassed about the current matter under discussion. "He... um... is a... huge slut," she explained. Nell just blinked. "And Xico... likes watching... other Xico!"

"Ohh. So she whores him out, it's that kinda thing." That was definitely hot. A guy who just let you treat him like a fucktoy - well, Nell would never lend out an actual dildo or something, so even less than a fucktoy? Anyway. Hot stuff. "You into that?"

Xico just shrugged. "It... was nice... enough." Yeah. She was the kind of girl who got a boyfriend in an 'open relationship,' then he banged a fresh chick every night while she cried herself to sleep. "Am not," Xico said, cheeks puffing up a bit as she pouted.

"Well. So. What's it like? I mean, sex with a guy. It's gotta be pretty good, right? Well, I guess you were just blowing him," Nell said, sighing as that thought hit her.

"It was good!" Xico replied. "Um... I do... practice... it's not the same... at all... because there's... another person," she explained, her tentacles wiggling behind her with endless amounts of anxious energy. Her tongues flicked out to lick her lips. "I mean... I can feel... what he feels... how he's... enjoying himself... plus, it's... cool to be... good at it," she said. "He definitely... thought I was good... at it."

"Huh. I'm surprised. Those tutorials are actually useful and not just a thin excuse for a blowjob video?" Xico nodded. "Wild." There was a moment as she thought about that, then her thoughts circled back around to this alternate universe Xico, who was probably like, a domme who whored her man out.

"No," Xico said, making Nell glance her way. "She... it's... she just... likes it..." She explained. Then she let out a little giggle. "Plus... I don't know... if he'd be monogamous... when he can just... you know..." She bit her lip. "He's had sex with Mira Stone," she said, in a whisper, as if Mira might hear her. "I mean... his world's... she's not Director... but she's a... billionaire... inventor," she explained.

"Damn. He must be one hot piece of ass." She wondered if she could fuck him. Well, he fucked the other-her, so probably? Too bad she was in another universe!

"I can... um... we're opening... relations... I'll put in... a request... to go... with you?" She suggested.

"Fuck yeah," Nell said, grinning and hugging her best friend. "You really are the best, Xico. Haha, in both universes you help me get laid, eh?" She gave her a friendly elbow.

* * *

As a security measure, Nell had to wear this weird little choker-collar thing once she was on the other side of the conveyor. She didn't mind wearing a weird collar/choker thing, but, it was weird. Apparently it was to help them make sure that it was her who came back, not the other-Nell? "She goes... by Lope," Xico told her.

Huh. What a dorky tryhard name. Xico glanced at her at that. "What? It's my own head, I can think what I want. It's not like I'm going to say that to her face." Xico just smiled and shook her head. "Does other-Nell have the same tattoos?" Nell asked, glancing at herself. That seemed even more ridiculously unlikely than her being besties with Xico in a universe where there wasn't a Federation.

"," Xico said. Weird. It was probably just some security checkbox they had to tick.

"Well, I can't wait to meet this guy," she said. "Roger. Good name for a slut. Want him to 'Roger' me good, heh," she declared, grinning at the thought. Sex. For the first time. Okay, maybe he wouldn't be a sub who was down to get spanked or collared or anything really fun like that, but, you have to walk before you can run, right? Plus maybe she could bring out his inner submissive. Most guys have one, deep down inside.

"They... don't," Xico said, in response to Nell's thoughts. Tch. Classic Xico. Has to ruin fun with her dumb knowledge about what men really want. Nell just bounced on her heels. She wanted to fuck this guy so bad. Hey, maybe people here were slutter in general? That'd be awesome. There should be an alternate universe for that. "I... um..." Xico fiddled with her communicator for a moment. "Call Xico Two."

A few seconds later, there was a voice. "Hell...o?" It sounded just like Xico, damn. Well, Xico recorded over a shitty mic. Apparently they were still using freaking smartphones here. What was this, the 90s? The aughts? Mira really had done a lot for the world, looked like.

Xico and Xico-2 (Electric Boogaloo, she mentally added, making the real Xico giggle) chatted in Xaxuther at lightning pace. She was totally different when she was speaking that to herself, just belting it out as the pair exchanged words. Nell did catch some 'Lope,' 'Nell,' 'Roger,' and 'Xico,' but if there was an English word in there anywhere, she didn't think so. There was a pause for maybe ten, twenty seconds, which made her briefly wonder if they'd said their goodbyes and hung up, but Xico was still paying intense attention to the communicator. Then Xico-2 popped back in, and they started talking again.

"He wants... a picture..." Xico told Nell, glancing up at her.

"Uhh. Fuck, use my profile pic," she said, hurriedly. Everybody knew that comm photos looked like trash. It had taken her like 10,000 pics before she got a good looking picture for her fetish profiles, and nobody appreciated it. Xico toyed with the comm for a few seconds, then clearly managed to get up her picture and send it over. "Can you- can you see if he's down to sub?" She asked, in almost a whisper. She hoped he was. She'd definitely be fine with normal sex, but fuck, she wanted to hear a guy call her Mistress (and no, PoV porn did not count).

Xico nodded, saying something quickly, back and forth, and Nell fidgeted in place nervously. She really hoped she hadn't just ruined her shot. God what an idiot she was! Why ask that? Some hot guy is waiting to pop your cherry, and you, an idiot, ask him if he's cool calling you Mistress?!

"She says... maybe later..." Xico told Nell. Nell let out a sigh of relief. That meant she was still in, right? "Yeah... he liked your pic..."

Whew. She hadn't screwed up. Now it was just time to wait and finally get to have sex. She smiled. Good thing she had her cool best friend to set her up. Xico blush a little at that thought, which yes, she had done just to get Xico's positive reaction.

* * *

The moment she entered my apartment, I could see that "Nell" - as she was apparently called - was very different from Lope. You could see they had the same basic facial features, even some of the body language, but it was pretty logical. If you tried to "stand out" or "look different" or otherwise followed your aesthetic sensibilities rather than pragmatically going with the crowd, what were the odds you'd wind up in the same place, doing it twice, with no exchange of information? Maybe on seeing Nell, Lope would want her back tattoo, or on seeing Lope, Nell would want her dragon tattoo. But without having considered it...

Nell had eschewed all of Lope's piercings, and Lope had gone only light on the tattoos. Nell cut her hair short, Lope kept it in a ponytail. It made them look like twins actively trying to look different from one another, even though the two Xicos or two Kates looked extremely similar. I guess that was one advantage to going so heavy into body modification stuff - your alternate universe self has a very low probability of being confused with you.

"Hey," Nell said, waving her hand with a hint of nerves. "Uhh. Sorry about asking about the domming thing, it's just, my kink, you know, so I thought it'd be cool. Are you into popping cherries?"

"I'm not against it," I said, letting out a small laugh. She really did sound like Lope, I'll give her that.

"Yeah. Cool. I'm not against it either." She paused for a moment. "So... how does this work? I've never, uhh, whatever this is, before," she said.

"We can just get to it, if you really want," I said. Since I knew Lope, it was easy to feel sorry for Nell. She was quite literally an alternate version of Lope who had never gotten laid. "If you want to domme me, we can maybe talk about rules, on that front?"

"Oh shit, I can actually get to-?" She cut herself off. "Ah, sure, totally, man, I'm cool to talk about that kinda stuff. What are you feeling like, for subbing?"

"Let's sit down," I told her, taking her with me to my couch, sitting down with her; the two Xicos went to my kitchen. Once she was seated, I spoke again. "The last woman who was dominant with me, kidnapped me to make me part of her harem." Nell managed an adequate version of not responding, in the sense that she sort of nodded along with wide eyes, like a bouncing head doll. "So, uh, I'm not as comfortable with it as I used to be. Also, part of the reason I was cool with it with her, is I thought she was just a normal human," I explained. "But, if it's really a big deal to you, we can maybe work something out."

"Yeah? Yeah. Cool. Um. So, on Queens-"


"Uh. It's a fetish website. For finding dommes and subs. You know."

"Female dommes and male subs, I assume?"

"Yeah," Nell said, looking like she thought that was a stupid question but didn't want to offend me and blow her chance to get laid. "On Queens. I have some kinks listed. I like..." She took a deep breath to prepare herself, then just belted it out. "Bondage, spankings, facegrinding, I'm interested in whoring a guy out but it's not required, if you like it rougher I'm down for that, collars, degrading names for you, obsequious names for me, financial domination if you're into that, Maidensdell stuff if you're into that-"

"Maidensdell?" I asked, having never heard the term before.

"Oh, maybe you don't have it in this world," Nell said. "Wait, but it was published in like, the 60s?"

"I'm not from this world."

"Oh. Uh. Anyway. It's like... hypnotizing the guy so he just acts like a traditional man. Fucks you whether he feels like it or not. Brings home the bacon. Pumps you full of kids. Takes care of all the financial side of stuff, maybe even hires maids and nannies so you can just lounge around the house all day. I think it was supposed to be a critique of the sexual revolution or something, but mostly it's just hot?"

"I can see how you would find that hot," I said.

"So... any of those work for you?" She asked, one leg bouncing nervously as she did so.

I thought about it. "I don't mind spankings as long as they're light." Also, I suspected my superspeed would fuck with how they felt anyway. "I don't mind facegrinding. Obviously I don't mind being 'whored out,' but she has to be attractive. I don't really care about words. If you really want we can do some roleplaying thing, I guess, but this is your first time, do you want it to be all pretend?"

"Huh. Never thought of it like that. Then nah. But call me Mistress?" She suggested, her eyebrows rising hopefully.

"Sure thing, Mistress," I replied, and she smiled really stupidly and goofily like that. "Right." I rolled my shoulders, then got up. "I'll eat you out to start," I told her, and her eyes got big as saucers as she hurriedly hopped to her feet, unbuttoning her pants, desperately undressing like she was worried I wouldn't fuck her if she took too long. Once she was like that, I dutifully got down on my knees, leaning into her, kissing her pussy softly, then finding my way to her clit, suckling on it, my tongue flicking against it. My other hand slid up her thigh, starting to finger her, rubbing around inside her slowly but surely

For maybe twenty or thirty seconds, I was light about it, getting a good grasp of the basics of her clit and pussy - then I decided I wanted to push it. I slowed down my perception of time. "Ohhh holy fuck you are good," she gasped out, her legs trembling a little, her voice sounding warped to my ears but still just as sexy. I wasn't up to ten times speed or anything, but doubling the pleasure was still insane on its own. She twitched desperately as I kept licking, her brain seeming to process at last that she was allowed to facegrind me. Her hands gripped my head on either side, and she started to really grind her cunt into my face, gasping and twitching as she did so, panting heavily as her pussy mushed into my face, her eyelashes fluttering rapidly. "Oh, god, yes, yes, that's it, that's a good boy, fuck yeah!" She squealed out the last word as she came, going slack as her body spasmed.

I wrapped my hands around her ass (it was surprisingly nice - a good bit firmer than Lope's), helping her stay upright, and I did not at all stop my licking and sucking of her clit, making her twitch desperately. Her whole body quivered in bliss as her hands clamped onto the back of my head. "Fuck, yeah," she got out, her whole body shivering as she did her best to grind her pussy against my face. "That's a good breeder, fuck, can I sit on your face?" She got out, and I nodded, letting her push me back onto the ground on my back as she knelt on either side of my face; my finger wound up sliding out of her pussy, since it was much harder to finger her in that position. "This is, this is fuckin' it! Sex is insane!" She gasped those words out, wriggling atop me.

I kept licking and sucking on her clit, my hands groping her ass now, rather than fighting to finger her. Her words became ever more deranged with lust, though I didn't really mind, as her hands clasped the back of my head and she just totally lost herself in the moment. "Suck me, lick me, good boy, good breeder, fuck yeah, eat my pussy, that's it, that's fucking, number one, yeah," she panted as she went and went and went, moaning in place, her eyes rolling back as she came over and over. After her seventh or eighth orgasm - and several paragraphs worth of repetitive moaning about how good a boy/breeder I was, how my tongue was great, how excellent sex was - though, I decided I had done more than my fair share, and hefted her off my face.

"Hu, huh?" She sputtered out, seeming confused by the fact that she was no longer getting eaten out. "Wha, why'd you stop?"

"Do you want to get eaten out forever, or do you actually want to lose your virginity?" I asked her, from my position on the floor. One Xico - mine or theirs, I couldn't tell - giggled at that.

"Oh fuck, yeah, that's right," she said. "Sorry. You're just an amazing pussy eater," she told me, grinning vivaciously. She slid herself up to her feet, her legs a bit wobbly. "I think, uhh, probably better on the bed?" She suggested.

"Yeah, sure," I told her, idly wiping my face of her juices with one hand. She walked to the bedroom, looking very sexy as she did, her black tank top hinting at her round ass as it bobbed up and down with each step, revealing and then hiding her pussy. I followed after her into the bedroom, and she promptly pulled off the shirt, revealing bare breasts with perky nipples.

"I can be on top?" She almost squeaked the question out. I just laughed and nodded. "Yess!" She declared, bouncing in place. I stripped my clothes off, enjoying the way her eyes followed my movements, her gaze going down to inspect my hard cock as it bounced free. Her lips parted as she saw it, her eyes widening in a way that said, This is my first time ever seeing a cock in person. It was cute enough to make me half-wonder if I could just run around fucking cute virgins - then I realized there probably weren't that many, and I probably wouldn't enjoy it in the end anyway.

"Alright, I'm laying down now," I told her, settling onto the bed, and she bounded after me, hurriedly getting atop me, pointing her pussy at my cock.

She licked her lips as she teased her pussy at the tip of my dick. She took in a deep breath, closing her eyes - and just slammed herself down as hard as she could, taking my dick to the base in a heartbeat. It felt surprisingly good, the way her pussy gripped my cock, but she blinked her eyes open in confusion. "I, uh, what about my hymen?" She asked in confusion, glancing down at herself and wiggling in place. "Shouldn't I be - you know? Hurting?"

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. She was a teenager, after all, and she probably learned everything about sex from porn. "No. The hymen normally only tears if you're not ready for sex. Given how many times I made you come, I certainly hope you are ready for sex," I nodded, and she let out a faint giggle at that, licking her lips and contemplating my naked body for a moment. "Well, Mistress?" I prompted.

"Oh! Right, hah," she said, immediately starting to ride my dick properly, sliding herself slowly up my whole length, her inner walls caressing every last inch of my cock. She was very tight, naturally, and she felt great as she moved, her hands rubbing at my chest with open, unrepentant lust. "Yeah... yeah! This is what guys should be like, you know?! They should just put out like you do," she proclaimed, as she reached the tip of my dick - then she slid right back down it, shivering in pleasure as she did so.

It felt plenty good for me, and my hands reached up for her breasts, playing with them. "I think all the guys who just put out are taken," I told her, as she started to slowly ride my dick, taking her time moving up and down.

"You forgot to say, Mistress," she said, then suddenly flushed with color in embarrassment at her own words. Her pussy clamped up on my cock as she froze in place, which felt surprisingly good.

"Sorry, Mistress," I said, relieving her of any concern that she'd ruined things. My hands continued to grope and caress her tits as she slid back down my dick, panting as she moved to entirely engulf my length. "I forgot, Mistress," I told her, and she twitched at that.

"You're right, you did," she told me, tongue flicking out past her lips. "You're my, you're my, breeder slut," she got out, before coming for the first time on my cock, spasming atop me, her whole body twitching. She wound up slamming her hips down my dick, engulfing my whole length, as her inner walls gripped and squeezed and milked at my cock. "Oh, ahn, fuck, yeah," she panted out, squirming and wriggling on my cock as she just enjoyed it all for several long seconds. Her pussy felt fantastic, so I was hardly going to complain about it. When she finished coming, she was breathing heavily. "Ha... god, what a good cock," she said, licking her lips.

"Yeah?" I asked her, smiling.

"Yeah. It's nice and big and snug," she told me, wiggling her hips for emphasis. "Also, that's Yes, Mistress, to you," she proclaimed with false confidence, poking my forehead.

"Yes, Mistress," I told her, my hands reaching to grope and caress her ass cheeks. She really did have a much firmer butt than Lope.

"You like it, breeder," she said, starting to slowly bounce on my cock, really taking her time as she slid up my length, wiggling her hips so it rubbed this way and that. "You like, hng," she panted as my dick twitched inside her, "you like my ass, huh? I do lots of squats just so guys like you will fuck me, but they never do."

I couldn't help but let out a small snort at that. "Sorry, Mistress," I said, squeezing her ass cheeks. "It is sad when a beautiful woman can't get laid."

"Yeah, it is," she said, suddenly slamming her hips down on my cock, letting out a pant, but not quite coming. She slid herself back up my length. "Fuck. I'm hotter than Xico, how'd she get laid so easy?"

That line... I didn't like it. My mood fouled quite a bit, and I slowed down time to let me think about what to do in response to her saying that. My expression was bad enough that I could see her lips starting to apologize, and I decided that I wasn't going to really punish her for saying that. She was just venting. But still. She deserved a little teasing. I grabbed her hips, sliding her up my cock. It was slow from my perspective - but most certainly not from hers.

* * *

Oh crap, I fucked up, I have a hot guy right here under me and I insulted his girlfriend and I should apologize, and-

Those were the thoughts that Nell managed to form in the fraction of a second before Roger gripped her by the ass cheeks and started to just ram her on his cock. It was literally incomprehensible good, her body bouncing harder than she'd ever dare to go normally, even when playing with herself in a position something like this. All those squats wouldn't have let her make a pace like that. It was insane, but even more insane - there wasn't any pain. No rug burn or any equivalent. It felt like pure liquid delight running up her cunt, making her shiver in pleasure, and within only a handful of seconds, she came on his cock right then and there.

He didn't stop fucking her, though. Her head bounced around, from side to side, as he just railed her, and her eyelashes fluttered as she blinked and struggled to collect her thoughts. Her pussy felt like it was receiving God's gift to womankind inside her. She would never in a million years have thought sex could feel this good. Her eyes peeled back and she moaned and jerked like a total quickshot, orgasming so fast and in such rapid succession that it was utterly humiliating. She wasn't dominating him any longer - he had completely turned the tables on her, and judging by the sadistic grin on his face, she definitely had further to fall.

He twisted her around with superhuman speed, pivoting her body so that she was suddenly lying on her back on the bed, him atop her. She was momentarily dizzy, blinking up at him as he loomed over her, one hand sliding down to her groin to start teasing her clit - it was even better than his earlier cunnilingus! - making her gasp in pleasure. She wanted to complain, to apologize, but she couldn't, not with how good it felt. All that came out was a stuttered moan as he rammed inside her like that, making her eyes rolling around in her head.

He didn't talk. Didn't say anything. That just made it worse, though. More humiliating. He leaned over her, his lips kissing at her neck, then sucking at it, that same ferociously intense feeling accompanying the touch, like multiplying all the pleasure a thousandfold or something. She was melting in the most humiliating way possible, her limbs pretty much completely limp under her. She could only loosely toss her arms around him, and - he just slapped them away contemptuously. She let out a pitiful mewl of complaint, but of course he didn't care. "Suh, suh, sorry," she managed to slur out.

He showed no reaction whatsoever to her words. It was like he couldn't even understand her. She had hoped an apology would let her off easy, but clearly not. She just mewled as another orgasm hit her, her body spasming beneath him, her cunt squeezing on his cock. She would have figured that surely, after coming on his dick so many times in quick succession, at least her body would have managed to bring him off, right? His tongue flashed across her bare skin, slipping up and down with the same inhumanly fast velocity that his cock was pounding at her cunt. Her juices leaked all over him and the bed as she was forced to take it, her fingers ineffectually scraping at his back.

He, he said it was okay to spank him, right? So, she could, spank him, to maybe, get him- she came again, moaning once more. He just moved his lips to her throat, kissing at it as she gasped for air. His lips trailed up, teasing her cheeks, her nose, her lips.

When she came down from her orgasm, her hand came down on his ass, smacking it painfully lightly. He just ignored it. No - he let out a weird sound, like a superspeed chuckle, and intensified his pace inside her before she came again.

There was no downtime. It was orgasm after orgasm after orgasm, her skin growing slick with sweat, as she was rendered completely incapable of resisting him thanks to the pleasure. Her mouth opened and closed uselessly, and eventually he even stole a kiss from her, his tongue forcefully invading her mouth. It was hard to do much of anything in response, even as she limply tried to - she just felt too good.

By the time he finally finished off inside her, Nell had completely lost all sense of time, with a thick geyser of cum firing off in rapid jets inside her pussy. How many times had she come? A hundred? A thousand? Had it been an hour or ten minutes? She couldn't have told you. She could only feel relief as he slowed his pace down, smoothly pulling out of her pussy, letting his load gently trickle out of her. "Suh, sorry," she sighed out.

He just gave her hair a ruffle. "Don't worry about coming too fast, I don't mind. You have a cute o-face," he told her, as if he didn't know what she was apologizing for. Her cheeks burned. He stretched for a moment, then collected his clothes and got dressed, leaving her to lie on his bed, naked.

So that was how she lost her virginity...

Well, she did like all the orgasms. Next time she'd totally dominate him, though.

* * *

Mira inspected the choker that the other Kate had brought over. She'd cut it open fast, and inspected the insides. The thought-protection machinery was much shittier than her belt. It was a very 0.5 kind of solution, the sort of thing you'd get if you decided 'good enough' was good enough. She deactivated and disassembled the mic, too. She was curious how it was sending signals to the other universe, as it clearly was - there was no onboard recording medium more than a few minutes of buffering.

If she could figure out how it worked, that could definitely be useful if things turned to war. She didn't like the thought of war, though. It'd be a protracted war - Vietnam against the Americans, not something quick and clean.

* * *

Mira's last ditch effort had failed, of course. The people of the DPRK trusted their government. There were signs of a slowdown, but not enough of one. The Kims were even more recalcitrant than ever, claiming that the Federation was the ultimate evil, that it threatened the sanctity of the Korean people...

She had tried. They were given about ten times the rope she'd given the Sauds. At least those guys seemed to understand how their bread was buttered. In fairness, she had completely destroyed the Arab oligopoly on oil with her conveyor technology, while the DPRK wasn't reliant on overseas money. The advantages of autarky. Or disadvantages, as the case may be.

"{Yes, President Liu,}" she said, through her comm. "{I'm afraid that diplomacy has failed.}"

"{This war you're demanding will cost my people their lives.}" He bristled at obeying her, which she couldn't blame him for. He'd clawed his way to the top after living through the Great Purge, and she'd come along and kicked him from his perch. He'd have to console himself with the fact that China's GDP had increased by a factor of forty since it had joined the Federation. If he really was a socialist, he should appreciate the great leveling she was creating, no?

"{It is a war forced on us. The DPRK is nuclear armed and resistant to the new order. Their continued survival threatens my order, and their own people's health and well-being. I've already shared you the plans to handle their nuclear capacity.}"

"{All the more reason to leave them be, if their nuclear capacity can be decapitated.}" It was bullshit, and they both knew it. He was kicking because he didn't want to obey her.

"{I see. If China can't be counted upon in this matter, then perhaps the Federation can't be counted on, either. The world can survive without China - but I wonder how long it would take for your people to have your head, if eighty-five percent of your country's economy disappeared overnight?}"

There was a long silence. In the end, though, when she spoke, people always listened. Especially once they'd taken her hand and joined the great Faustian bargain she had made with the world - give up power in return for riches beyond measure. "{...I'll tell the chiefs of staff,}" he said.

"{I apprecaite your willingness, President Liu. I hope you come to see this as an important step towards a brighter future. One cannot build communism in the dirty out of hovels, after all.}"

He didn't say goodbye as he hung up, and she didn't care. It was unfortunate to rustle the feathers of a person like that, but she could arrange for the Tsinghua faction to take power in the CCP if he became too problematic. He was supposed to reach his term limit soon, anyway.

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features Roger spending some one-on-one time with the alternate universe Kate. You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance.

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