Superheroine Seducing Accountant

In Another World, With My F*ckpig

The real trick of superheroes is that they cause one to feel a sort of general admiration for them - and who would refuse a request from someone they admired? Especially as deeply as a normal person feels admiration for a superhero? They have the same sort of general respect that cops are offered in some quarters, in every quarter, and then have the cult of celebrity surrounding them. Nobody expects anything to go wrong if some pop star asks you to hold their drink for a couple minutes - only to get a wonderful story out of it.

I went to work, not thinking much of things, finishing the day's work inside of an hour - and then Mira came into my office. "I want you to get a look at what's going on in that universe," Mira asked me. "You're just a civilian, so you won't be under as much suspicion as a hero, and your power-"

"No," I said. I am not some stars-in-the-eyes civilian, who goes along with whatever a hero says, and if Mira thought I was, then she had another thing coming.

Mira frowned for a moment. "Why not?"

"It sounds dangerous, and I don't like dangerous things," I said.

She paused at that, then lit up at a thought. "I'll give you a million dollar bonus."

"I have most of a million dollars in savings already," I told her.

"Two is more than one," she countered. "I can offer five mill instead."

"There's no point in dying rich."

She huffed for a moment. She massaged her forehead. "Come on, Roger," she said, at last. "It's literally the fate of the world."

"It seems likely that the world will be fine one way or the other."

"If you go back with the other Kate, it might help you keep her? She has to go home sooner or later, to clear things up with their government, but you want to keep her, right?" I just stared quietly at her, and she let out a long huff. "This isn't even that dangerous!"

"It seems dangerous to me."

"It's not like that." She slid her chair up. "Look, Roger... I wouldn't ask you to do something I thought was really dangerous. But I need from-the-tap intel on what the other universe - they call themselves Origin, by the way - is actually like on the ground. You, being basically a normal person, are my best chance at that." She took my hand in hers, gripping it firmly - one of her fingernails bit into my skin, making me let out a yelp. "Oh, sorry," she said, hurriedly letting go of my hand. She sighed. "Sorry. I can't convince you, I guess."


"I'll have to find somebody else, with a personal connection to Origin, who has a power that makes them extremely safe, yet also clearly has no interest in being a danger to anyone in Origin."

"Yep," I told her, completely deflecting her pitiful attempt to emotionally blackmail me.

She got up, and left me there in the office, my work complete. Xico's tentacles wiggled uncomfortably behind her, as she watched Mira leave. "I think... you should..." she trailed off at that point, but I knew what she wanted to say.

* * *

Kate was unbelievably happy. She knew that she would have to head home at some point, but as it turned out, she got to bring Roger with her. Should she mentally refer to him as Master? Was that appropriate? No, wait, then probably a telepath would think he was some kind of mind controller, so she definitely shouldn't.

She was carrying him in her arms, in a princess carry, as they settled down at the site where she'd been brought over. "So, where is it?" He asked, sounding bored and tired.

"Ah! It's here, I just have to, uhm," she reached up to her collar - it was the one that Mira had given her, in the design of the one that the other Kate had received. She tapped at it in the sequence they'd explained to her - and a few seconds later, a conveyor portal opened. It looked like nothing, really - there were no edges or anything - just that if you looked at things from a certain angle, there was the inside of a large industrial warehouse, and if you looked at the same location from a different angle, there was nothing. It was just a flat, square plane that went to another universe. "Come on," she said, nervously, and Roger followed after her.

* * *

As it turns out, the cult of heroism has nothing on the power of a cute girl who you like. I should have known better than to imagine I could just out-willpower a genius. Obviously, the entire conversation, Mira was silently arguing to Xico why I should go, why it was safe, why it was important, relying on our emotional connection to make me do what she wanted. I had been too stupid to see it at the time, but she knew better than to only rely on the straightforward approach, clearly.

We were inside of a large industrial warehouse, and all the workers had what looked something like military uniforms mixed with spacesuits - tight-fitted with blue general colors and a rainbow of highlights, spherical helmets, serious-looking boots. "Please, step forward to the yellow line," said a black man with a thick foreign accent. Kate took my hand, and we dutifully walked forward until we reached the yellow line. "All clear. Conveyor closing in 3, 2, 1." There was no sound, but when I glanced over my shoulder, I watched the jungles of the Congo blink into nowhere. "Ms. Hill, who is your accompaniment?" The man asked Kate.

"Ah- he's, from the other world, he's a bit, uhm, he's, well-"

"Romantic interest," I said, not wanting to hear whatever Kate said.

"Yes, that."

"Noted," the man said. "Name?"

"Roger Cooper."


"Twenty eight."



"You are from Secundus, correct?"

"That's - the world I just came from?"


"Uh, actually, I'm originally from another world." He frowned at that, looking me over. "I've lived in Secundus for several months now, if that matters."

"Then you're from Secundus," he said, making a note. "Does Secundus have sustained access to this other world?"

"No, it was a one-off," I told him.

"Understood. We welcome you to Origin, but there will be a decontamination procedure, so please follow me."

Two hours later, I was finally 'free to go,' which honestly, was shockingly quick. I really had to wonder how the hell they'd decided that it was fine to let me free that quick, especially given I was here as a spy, and as far as I knew, no telepath had come by. I was escorted out of an industrial complex by armed guards, with Kate greeting me at the imposing gates - and promptly found myself in the middle of a futuristic city. Massive skyscrapers, cars that floated a half-foot off the ground and skimmed endlessly forward rather than rolling. Even the industrial complex had a faint haze to it that I noticed from the other side, light a heat haze, except not heat.

"What's that?" I pointed to it - it stretched upwards in a difficult-to-decipher shape.

"The conveyor center?" Kate asked.

"No, the haze thing," I said.

"Oh. Force field, for security purposes. The conveyor centers are the key to all this wealth, so they have to be protected."

Another black man suddenly came from inside the factory, waving at us - all the employees there were black. Given it was the (former?) DRC, presumably because they were locals. "Excuse me, Ms. Hill," he said. He wasn't wearing his helmet, instead holding it under his arm. "Director Stone wants to speak to you and to Mr. Cooper."

"Of course," Kate said. "M- Roger?" She asked me.

"I can wait, I guess," I said.

"No need to wait," the man said. "There is an airlift, please follow me," he said. We were soon taken to an adjoining well-defended site, which basically looked like a helipad mixed with a military base, rather than the industrial site that we had come from. He scanned a card, said various words, and soon enough we were being airlifted out of there in some weird-looking flying machine. I didn't see any rotary blades, or jet engines, so presumably it used some superscience crap to fly.

The inside of it looked just like the inside of a limo, and was quiet and didn't sway at all as we moved. I could only identify the fact that we were moving by the faint forward acceleration. "How long is this trip going to be?" I asked Kate.

"The capital of the Federation is Mong Khet." I had no idea where that was, and it must have been obvious. "That's in Burma." I also had no idea where that was. "Com. Distance to Mong Khet?"

"Five thousand, nine hundred, forty-six miles," came an obviously-computerized female voice. It actually sounded like Mira, which was vaguely creepy, even if Mira did have a nice voice. "You are progressing at a speed of approximately five hundred fifty-five miles per hour, so it will take approximately ten hours and forty-three minutes to arrive. Thank you for your patience."

I just stared at the location the sound had come out of. So I was going to be sitting here for over ten hours, bored out of my mind? I wasn't even sleepy yet. I was already regretting getting guilt-tripped by Xico into coming, and I hadn't even met the evil overlord yet.

"U-uhm, activate privacy mode," Kate said.

"Privacy mode activated. To deactivate privacy mode, please clearly and precisely say the following: Com, I would like to deactivate privacy mode, and allow you to listen in. Additionally, there is a button in the front of the cabin labeled 'deactivate privacy mode.' Thank you for your time."

"We can..." Kate trailed off, sounding hopeful. I knew what she wanted - she was Kate, after all.

"We can't have sex for ten hours," I said.

"Oh! Right, you're from that backwater, ha," she said. She licked her lips. "Com, I would like to deactivate privacy mode, and allow you to listen in."

"Thank you. You were in privacy mode for fourteen point seven eight seconds. If that does not sound correct, please state as much for the record, so that it can be corrected. Your privacy is important."

"Com, I have a person here who is unfamiliar with your functions, and is worried about being bored for the next ten hours."

"Understood. Analyzing." There was a pause, and then a computer screen lit up in front of me - there wasn't a computer there, just a flat screen of light bouncing up at me. It was relatively soft in terms of brightness, and on its surface was... a picture of puppies playing, complete with text over the front. "Is this to your liking?" The computer asked me.

"Not for ten hours," I said - though I also reached out to the image, clicking the visible 'next' button, and revealing an image of a puppy and kitten both curled up and snuggled into one another floofily.

"Understood." Pause. "User noted as 'Roger Cooper,' profile has existed for two hours, thirty-seven minutes. No information on preferences available. I believe you would like one of: gaming, educational, news, or social media."

"Gaming," I asked. This was honestly pretty cool, though I'd probably have rather had the much-faster system of just clicking a button on a computer screen.

"Understood. Would you like, simulation, strategy, shooter, racing, adventure, puzzle-"


"Understood. The most popular shooter games right now are Hellworld, Pax Galactica, and Vibrance. Which would you like to play?"

I thought about it for a few seconds - then I looked over at Kate. "Activate privacy mode," I said, and the computer gave the same spiel as last time. "Fuckpig, my dick won't suck itself."

"Y-yes, Master!" She squeaked out, hurriedly rushing to her knees in front of me, unzipping my pants. "Thank you for letting me suck your cock, Master, I know I don't deserve it - hnn," she let out a noise of pleasure as my shoe started to rub against her clit through her uniform. She was done up in what looked like something between a military uniform and a police uniform - and either way, it definitely had a uniquely sexy appeal different from her costume.

"Well?" I prompted her, continuing to grind my shoe against her pelvis as I spoke. "My cock doesn't appear to be in your mouth, Fuckpig. What's even the point of keeping you, if you can't fulfill a basic need like that?"

"Yuh, yes, Mashur," she slurred out, leaning forward, her lips stretching wide to take my cock into her mouth. I groaned at the sensation, just casting my head back as she smoothly took my entire length to the base in a single swift slurp. My fingers clenched the back of her head, and I held her there, in between my thighs, as I continued to stroke her pussy with my foot. Her tongue wetly flapped against the underside of my cock... and I decided to humiliate her a little bit extra.

"Look at you. Proud..." I used my superspeed for a moment, leaning forward - Federation Special Police Officer Katherine Hill - "police officer," I said. "You're supposed to be protecting and serving the people of Earth, aren't you? But it seems like all you really want to do is protect and serve my cock. Isn't that right?" She glugged wetly around my cock as she nodded in the affirmative, her throat bobbing in place, her tongue continuing to flap against the underside of my length as she did so. I grunted in pleasure at the sensation, and I used my superspeed again - but this time, to really frantically grind my shoe against her clit, rubbing at a superhuman pace.

After what was ten minutes or so to me, she came - and it was just a minute to her, so she was looking like a quickshot as she let out a choked moan around my hard cock in her throat, spasming faintly. Her cheeks flushed with humiliation as I returned time to its normal pace, relishing the sensations of her spasming throat around my cock, the way she twitched and jerked. "So pathetic... I'm the one getting his cock sucked, and you're the one coming. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? Are you really such a disgusting pervert that you can't stop yourself from doing this?"

She nodded at that, too, which I rewarded by grinding my shoe back against her clit, making her gasp around my cock. My hand grabbed the bun that her hair had been drawn into as part of her military dress, and I started to just fuck her face at that point, really relishing the sensations of her tight throat as it bobbed up and down my dick. "There we go, Fuckpig," I told her. "Fuck. You can't quit your job," I decided, looking down at her. She nodded around my cock in response to the statement.

It really fucking hot, as far as I was concerned. She was literally a supercop of a world government, currently in uniform, technically currently on duty (though said duty was basically sitting with me as we took a ten hour flight across the planet), and sucking my cock. But that didn't sound quite right, everything was supposed to degrade her and establish her as a disgusting pervert, not the sexy catch she was. So... "I don't want to have to deal with you all day. You working in another dimension seems like as good a way as any to get rid of you."

She nodded dutifully around my cock, squirming on my shoe as I continued to grind her clit. I just shook my head as I kept fucking her face. "Too bad that you guys have a different currency - I mean you do, right?" She nodded as best she could, in that difficult position. "Otherwise you could just give me your paycheck. I'd probably spend your money better than you, anyway." At that point, she came again, moaning around my dick as I kept ramming my cock deep, deep inside her face and throat. I pulled her off my dick, enjoying her lewd, absurd face, especially given the way it contrasted with her uniform. "Show me your tits," I ordered.

"Yuh, yes, Mashter," she said, slurring words as her hands fumbled for a few seconds, her brain still struggling to control her extremities thanks to the pleasure I had put her through. My cock just throbbed in front of her face, enjoying the way she worked, as she wriggled her way out of her top, then removed her sporty bra, her tits bouncing in the open air slightly as she stared up at me, waiting for my next command. It was unbelievably hot, seeing her like that. It made me really want to fuck all the capes I screwed in their actual costumes, instead of normal clothes - not all of them had costumes, but still, it was something I probably hadn't appreciated as much as I could have.

"I did teach you what a titfuck was, didn't I, Fuckpig? That wasn't Sow?"

"Ahn, ahm, titfuck... oh!" She squeaked as she realized what I wanted from her, her hands going to her tits, bringing them up and sandwiching them around my cock. I just sighed in sweet relief as she started to jerk me off with her fat tits, grinning widely as I watched her work. "Like this, right, Master?" She asked, desperate for approval.

"Yes, just like that," I told her, giving her head a quick pat. "But more pressure," I told her, and instantly, those big, pendulous breasts of hers were squished tight around my cock, fingers digging into the soft flesh. I was also getting to enjoy the view of her there, her hair still in a tight bun, only a few strands having gotten free during my facefucking. It gave her a lovely, 'fucked stupid' kind of look, and my cock throbbed inside the tight valley of her breasts. "Good girl," I sighed, leaning back. "This is all you're good for, as far as I'm concerned. All that superhero- supercop, whatever, stuff. That doesn't matter compared to using your body to get myself off. And, frankly, you're not even that good at that."

"Yes," she agreed, without the slightest hesitation, happy to engage in her own degradation. "You can do so much better than me," she added, leaning in, faintly kissing and suckling at the tip of my cock. "You're so good... so incredible... even your world's Mira, she lets you pretend to hypnotize her and buys whatever you want... I'm lucky you deign to pay any attention to me..."

"Yeah, you really are," I told her, closing my eyes and just relishing her long and languid titfuck, the pressure on my dick intense but still pleasant.

She seemed to decide that talking was a better use of her mouth than sucking me off, so I got to listen to her very sexy monologue as I relaxed there. "This disgusting, fat-titted pervert, is so lucky you want to use her as a jerkoff aid. Her tits are her only good point, so she'd better make sure they're nice and soft and pleasant," she explained, letting out a pant as she kept rubbing them in. She gave my cock a quick peck. "She's so lucky... so lucky... that she's your type, when she doesn't deserve the slightest bit of attention from a man like you."

At that, I grabbed her hair, yanking her back off my cock and starting to pump in her tits. "You think you're my type? Didn't you see all the girls I can get?" I asked her. "How many of them look like you? I guess Bup is a bit similar in the intelligence department," I told her, grunting in delight as I humiliated her like that, "but is Stitch? Is Xico? Lope? Mira?"

She came at that point, and I wasn't even grinding my foot into her clit any more - she just orgasmed from the humiliation and the use of her breasts, panting heavily as she did so, her eyes rolling back in delight. I came too, groaning as I came all over her tits and chin, sighing as I found sweet release all across her bare skin. She looked good, kneeling there, half-dressed in her uniform, cum staining seemingly her whole body. I just sighed, leaned back, and spoke. "Com, I would like to deactivate privacy mode, and allow you to listen in," I told the computer, and it audibly woke back up. Kate flushed red, struggling to clean herself up of my cum without saying anything, as I spent the time finding a good shooter to try out.

The control scheme was weird - I didn't have a controller - and I eventually wound up fucking around with various strategy and RPG games on the journey, before getting another blowjob from Kate and taking a nap. It was an almost eleven hour flight, after all - and thus about eleven hours worth of boredom.

* * *

Director Mira had been paying close attention to the PLA's southward strike at the DPRK. The entire matter occupied most of the globe's attention at this point. It was hard to see it any way other than as the "last war." The Federation would create a new utopia, a world where "state security" was a largely theoretical concern, but the removal of the DPRK was a necessary part of that. Once that happened... the world spent a lot of money on tanks and fighter jets and nuclear missiles. Money which was wasted - a tank couldn't pave a road, couldn't build a new computer. The world spent over 2% of its entire GDP on the military - and that was all government spending, too. Imagine that being reinvested directly?

The Federation's technology had, thankfully, managed to prevent any nuclear missiles from being fired by the DPRK, something for which Mira would be eternally grateful. The disruption of the war meant that Kim was not answering attempts to communicate - despite her hopes that perhaps the whole thing could be ended faster with a surrender once they saw that she meant business. The Kims weren't the only factor in North Korean politics, though, and it seemed like the war would continue to its grisly conclusion. The PLA was being teethed for the first time since Vietnam, and it was greatly outperforming its miserable showing during that war.

Right now, the death toll estimates varied wildly. The high-end was eighty thousand; the low end, two thousand. She suspected it was closer to the high end than the low end. They would be lucky if by the end of the war the high-end was the number they reached; she suspected they wouldn't.

The war had only been going for less than a day at this point. Nobody's supply lines were stretched yet. The Koreans were chewing through their ammunition, but they didn't have endless fonts of the stuff. From what little she could determine, they did appear to be stepping back up productivity to its previous levels, her speech being reinterpreted by most normal people as a trick intended to weaken the Korean state. It was unfortunate, but she held out hope for the future.

She was prepared to negotiate a surrender at any moment, but she chose to review the logs from Katherine Hill as she sat there. The woman had gotten back her choker, which meant that Mira could now follow her actions as she returned home, and... she...

KATHERINE HILL: You're so good. So incredible. Even your world's Mira, she lets you pretend to hypnotize her and buys whatever you want.

What? What? Mira could only sputter in response to it. What the hell? She had wanted to speak to Roger to pick his brain about Mira, and out of curiosity, but this...

Her own preliminary research into Secundus's various known morphic twins - motivated by Secundus-Mira's sexual interest in another woman - had shown that overall, after an individual reached the age of fifteen or so, their sexuality was quite fixed, and only became more fixed as they got older. There would be some tweaks here and there, new kinks discovered with a new partner, but nothing incredible. So either her other self had developed some truly absurd fetishes in their eighteen years of divergence, or this man was the best lover in human history.

With the war putting a good deal of mental stress on her - she had to admit she was currently hoping for the second.

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features Roger meeting Director Mira Stone, the ruler of the world in this alternate universe. You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance.

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