Superheroine Seducing Accountant

A Romantic Evening With Esther

After everything with Fals, people at work definitely acted weird around me - but Esther was by far the weirdest. She had always had this strange mix between rough-and-tumble casual type and somebody's grandma, but now the latter was greatly sharpened. She kept delivering me cupcakes every day, and they were still delicious, but it was strange. Despite her silvered hair, she looked young - maybe even younger than me - but she was acting like my mom.

Not in the sense that she was acting like she was my mom, but in the sense that she didn't have any better ideas of things to do so she just kept cooking to try to make up for it, which is something my mom also did.

I decided to let her work through it, enjoying the cupcakes she brought, sharing them with Xico, and oftentimes with her. She'd tell me a few stories about her time as a superhero, fighting crime and punching bad guys, meeting demons and witches and warlocks, surviving impossible events (because she was immortal). She also talked a bit of shop, too, which I honestly found just as interesting - she kept up on modern forensics, including electronics, which was endlessly fascinating, especially since she also had access to some bits of cutting edge tech.

"What's an eDNA scanner?" She repeated my question. "Well, see, normally, you're constantly flaking off skin, right? Dead cells just go everywhere. The DNA in them still exists, obviously. They used to be able to scan for it in the water, you know, take a sample, scoop through it, find the genetic information of a plesiosaur - or, you know, not find that - in Loch Ness."

"Wait, the Loch Ness monster is real here?"

"Nope," Esther said, shaking her head. "Dinosaurs died out a long, long time ago. If there are any plesiosaurs left, they're in the ocean, not some lake. Probably would have miniaturized by now, too." She took a bite out of her cupcake. "Anyway, Mira managed to figure out how to turn it into something you can use on a regular crime scene, just run it along the floor like a vacuum cleaner to scoop up any remnant DNA. It's not a slam dunk by any means - DNA transfer happens all kinds of ways - but it can definitely be indicative, tip a case over from reasonable doubt to beyond."

"Huh. That's actually really interesting," I told her.

"Glad to hear it," she said, with a smile. She put down her cupcake on her little paper plate, scooching forward and then leaning in a bit. Her fingers fell on my hand - gently and tentatively at first, then fully when I didn't jump back. "Look, I've, ah... I've been thinking about you a lot, lately. I was wondering if you'd like to do something... special?" There was this odd loss of confidence as she spoke. "It doesn't have to mean anything, but my second husband - he found a lot of reassurance in some proper romance, when something similar happened to him."

I could understand wanting some kind of proof of affection to help someone through a rough patch... but I think I'd already gotten that, by having Nora and Xico dress up as a catgirl and a doggirl. That thought made Xico blush, looking pointedly away from both of us. If Esther noticed, she didn't say anything. In any case, having something more... sweet and gentle, did sound nice, just on its own merits. "I can't stay the night-" because I didn't want to fall asleep without my four security blankets: Nora, Xico, Kate, and Fifi, "-but if you want to do something like that, I'd be happy."

Esther brightened at that, taking a moment in thought. She cutely bit her thumb. "I can have a nice dinner put together by nine tonight. If you're willing to put it off until tomorrow, we can start by seven instead," she suggested. "That'll give you more time to enjoy yourself and just relax."

"I take it you're the romantic sort, then?"

"I haven't had such long and lasting marriages because I'm bad with men," she told me, with a wink. "Admittedly, I'm more in the sowing-oats phase right now, but for the right man - well, I can be a very loyal and attentive wife."

"There's no need to go crazy," I told her. "Let's do something tonight. That sounds very nice."

"I'll be sure to do everything I can to make you feel at home," she told me with a warm smile.

* * *

Esther's home was a simple suburban building that looked reasonably old, but very well taken care of. A two story with a decent sized lawn and similarly-lovely neighboring buildings. When she actually opened the door, I was caught off guard. I'd always seen her wearing dark suits and vests and so forth, a very professional vibe, or occasionally something casual and boyish. Now, she was wearing a high-necked dress that nonetheless drew tight enough to her body to show off her good-sized breasts. I felt woefully underdressed as I stood on her porch.

"Welcome, Rodge," she said, with a warm smile. "Please, come on in - dinner is almost ready." She took my hand gently, catching my palm between her thumb and forefinger, then smoothly transforming that into a clasp as she pulled me along with her to her dining room. Almost everything was set up, and it looked like the sorts of fancy dinners you only see in movies - you know, candles, appetizers, mood lighting, a rich table cloth, multiple utensils set up on the plates, and so forth. "If you're hungry, you can get started, but the chicken will be ready in a few more minutes, so you might want to hold back."

"I'm happy to wait," I said.

She sat down across from me, smiling radiantly. "I'm happy that you're happy."

I let out a small line. "Guys like that kind of sappy stuff?" I asked her, and she seemed momentarily uncertain.

"Most do. Do you not?" She asked.

"No, I like it. It's just surprising - I didn't think you'd be so... domestic," I explained.

"Hey, I grew up back in the 1800s," she told me. "How's a girl supposed to get a guy without going through his stomach? There's no hookup apps to find a size king on, and good luck to any lady getting rich back in those days. A girl had got her charm and her cooking. And I ain't the most charming gal around, I can tell you that."

"You seem plenty charming to me," I told her, and she smiled at that.

"Glad to hear it," she replied. We flirted back and forth for a bit, then a loud beep declared that the chicken was done, and she got to her feet, headed quickly into the kitchen. She had a damn fine body, and that dress showed it off, mapping out every bit of her butt and really putting it on full display. It was truly scrumptious, this firm round thing, and there was a certain temptation in me to skip all this romantic date stuff and just get up to fuck her silly right in the kitchen.

I resisted it, though. She had clearly put a lot of work into this, so I wanted to appreciate all of it before I fucked her silly.

"And here we are," she said, emerging from the kitchen just as I won the victory over my libido.

As per usual, her food was genuinely delicious, and I wound up eating it a bit faster than I probably should have. She just smiled and laughed at my antics, going through her own food more slowly. "I like a man who doesn't mind eating a lot," she said. "It shows he's comfortable with you." She paused for a moment. "Of course, it can result in him getting fat, nowadays. No problem in this household, though. Not a drop of aspartame in anything here," she noted, raising her glass of wine and taking a sip.

"And it tastes fantastic for it," I told her, before shoving some more of the gorgeously soft and pillowy and rich garlic bread she'd provided into my mouth. I'm not exaggerating about how good it tastes. I'd never really understood that, 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach' saying up until right then. If I married Esther, then I would be able to eat like this every day for the rest of my life. Unlike so many things about courtship, where there's some concern about whether once the deal is struck, the other party begins to forget how they used to wake you up with blowjobs or take you out on dates, there's no such worry with food. Obviously she's going to keep cooking, when her food is this fucking good.

The other part that hardly needs mentioning is that Esther was eternally youthful, and thus, would look exactly this beautiful for the rest of her life - and had been with her previous husbands until the day they died.

It was absolutely ridiculous to start doing those kinds of calculations from a meal, but that was the case, and I could see in Esther's eye that she saw it, the way her cooking was having such an influence on me. A smile was on her lips as my eyes got a tad more probing, my gaze frequently dipping down to her breasts.

"I'm glad you're enjoying your meal," she said, in between bites. "I made it with love and care, just for you, after all. The moment I left work, I got started. Had to pick up some fresh chicken, get everything cooking - but the look on your face now makes it all completely worth it."

She was also reminding me that she was an extremely experienced seductress. Very few people ever had occasion to get married multiple times without having fucked up one way or another the first time around - Esther had done it multiple times. She wasn't cagey about her past promiscuity, either, just presenting it in a plain, blaze way, like it wasn't really that important. Yes, sometimes she would just be a good time girl who slept with guys looking for that. She wasn't dishonest about it, even now, making it clear that she wasn't looking for marriage. I don't know if I would have believed it if I was a local guy, but either way, she was really laying on the charm at this point.

When the meal finally finished, I was raging with desire for her - but she didn't just let me sweep her into the bedroom to fuck her brains out. No, instead, she offered me her hand. "Would you like to dance, Rodge?" When I hesitated, she corrected herself quickly. "...or head up to my room instead?"

"The latter," I told her, and she took my hand, gently guiding me along to her bedroom. As we entered, she clicked on the radio, and smooth jazz came on, soft background noise to what was about to take place.

I let her take the lead, allowing her to lay me out on the bed. Once I was there, she started to tenderly kiss my lips as her hands undid my shirt. Button by button, she exposed my upper body to open air, and once I was so half-dressed, she started to brush her fingertips all along my body, playing with my pecs as she kept up a long and ever-more passionate kiss, hot little breaths tickling my features. There was something deeply appreciative in the way her fingers and lips moved, as she pulled apart more and more of my clothing, peeling it off, my throbbing cock trying to break its way free of my pants.

She broke off the kiss with a soft pant, staring me dead in the eyes for a moment - then a playful grin crossed her lips, and she started to kiss along my neck, down towards my peck, suckling at the bare flesh with that same deep and intrigued passion. Her fingers slid down my body at that point, popping the button on my jeans with an intense motion - then she slid the rest of the way down, kissing along my stomach and abs and navel to finally find her way to my groin. She was so close to my incredibly hard cock, and she just looked up at me, her one eye smoldering with quiet lust and pride, as she bit the zipper and peeled my pants open.

She was teasing me to hell, but my cock was raging hard. There was some temptation to just grab her face and stuff my cock in her mouth, but I was definitely liking this side of her, so considerate and thorough. She grasped the waistband of my underwear with her teeth, peeling them down too, and finally, my cock burst free.

Her teasing didn't end even then, sadly. She leaned forward, letting her tongue slowly slither all the way up my length, sashaying along my dick as she stared up at me, half for approval, half to make sure I knew she was doing it on purpose. Her hands worked to pull my jeans down and off, leaving me totally naked and exposed beneath her, as she started to kiss at the very tip of my cock. One of her hands came up to stroke me, and she paused in her kissing for just a second to speak. "Do you like it more when I'm in this dress, or would you rather me in my underwear... or naked altogether?" She prompted, my cock twitching at each suggestion. She leaned forward again, looking up at me for guidance as her tongue began to swirl around my slit, scooping up the droplet of precum that had started to ooze out.

All those options sounded great... but one of them would minimize the amount of time I had to spend being teased. "In the dress," I told her. "Please. Suck it."

She let out a soft laugh, then nodded, dutifully wrapping her lips around my cockhead and beginning to slide slowly, ever so slowly, ever so teasingly, down. Each inch of my cock that vanished into her mouth took a full second to go there. She twisted her head from side to side, her tongue slithering all along everywhere she could get to - and she kept on staring up at me the whole time, until at last her nose reached my groin, pressing down against my pelvis. Her tongue slithered excitedly left and right, left and right, and I just jerked in pleasure in response.

She was truly amazing as a fellatrix. No powers, no tricks, just a lot of build-up and a very skilled mouth. Her throat swallowed around my cock where it rested inside there, and she rubbed and ground her face down into my pelvis, holding herself firmly in place, her hands shifting to grasp my thighs, holding my legs apart as I just trembled in pleasure. I could tell she wanted me to vocalize, so I did my best to do exactly that.

"That's good," I panted out. "It's really good. Your mouth is, nn, really good, Esther," I told her, and she responded to that statement with a hum, her throat now vibrating around my dick, stimulating me still further. I shivered and jerked beneath the attention, my cock threatening to explode at any moment. I thought for a moment about asking her whether she wanted a long blowjob or a quick one - but she just peeled off as she saw how close I was getting, my length twitching in the air.

"You really do love blowjobs, huh?" She asked, a teasing lilt to her voice. One of her hands came up to my cock, softly stroking it, fingertips gingerly sliding up and down my whole length. I gasped at the sensations, the way her fingertips swirled along the glans of my cock, another droplet of precum oozing out of my tip. She let her finger slide up to it, collecting it as if it was a delicious treat, and licked it up in this luxurious, slow movement, really making a show out of it. "I bet you're going to want me to take it in my mouth, too," she teased again. "That's alright - I'll do it for you, Rodge."

At that point, she slurped my cock back down into her mouth, this time bobbing a few times before holding out near the tip, just keeping her lips firmly wrapped around my glans as her hands started to jerk me off, pumping away. My dick twitched inside her mouth, and I groaned in pleasure at the whole thing, my hips occasionally bucking upwards against her.

She just responded by slithering her tongue around and around, making my toes curl as she jerked me off ever faster, pumping away with those lovely hands - until at last I came, hands reaching down for her head on instinct, gripping it firmly, holding it in place as I sprayed cum all over the inside of her mouth. She eagerly swallowed it all, humming in satisfaction as I gushed. The entire thing up until now - the anticipation of the date, the long dinner itself, her teasing fellatio - it all served to make my balls offer up as much semen as they possibly could, spraying it out in her mouth like a hose. Some of it even slipped past her expert work, staining her lips and chin, and I just admired her features as she finally popped free, dabbing up the last few droplets and feeding them into her mouth with expert ease.

I just lay there, boneless. She gave me a kiss on the cheek, glancing at my cock. "You can take a break for a moment, I'll freshen up real quick," she told me, and I dumbly nodded, having little idea what she was talking about. She headed for her bathroom, and I listened as she brushed her teeth, ran the faucet, spat twice. I just stared up at the ceiling, lying there like a dead thing. Then she came back out of the bathroom, a smile on her lips - and a tilt of my head in her direction saw that she was as naked as the day she was born, slowly approaching me with warmth and lust written on her face at once.

She moved to lean over my face, meeting my lips with her own, and she tasted pleasantly minty as we started to kiss. Her hand cupped my cheek, and she kept up a sweet, loving kiss, her tongue flicking against mine as she slowly but surely repositioned her body so that she was on hands and knees above me, my hard cock occasionally brushing against her slick sex or slapping at her thighs.

She finally broke off the kiss, but still kept teasing me like that, her lips making their way to my ear before whispering: "Are you ready for more?" My cock twitched, and she let out a small laugh. "I wanna hear you say it, Rodge."

"I'm ready for more," I told her, and her hand reached down, grasping the base of my cock, angling it against her pussy. She felt so good, as she slowly slid down my length, absorbing me into her waiting sex - I just groaned at the sensation, and for her part, she nibbled at my earlobe, then kissed her way down my neck, eventually finding my collar bone absolutely fascinating, if only gauging by the way she was licking and kissing and nibbling at it.

She was slow about it, too, taking me inch my inch inside that muscular sex of hers. She'd squeeze intermittently, clamping down and pausing for just a moment before letting go. I just groaned softly into the air, my whole body softly wriggling beneath her, back arching with a desire to get further inside her - earning a faint laugh into my neck, and a quick peck on the lips. "You want it harder? Say it," she breathed, clearly getting off in her own way on my response.

"Fuck me harder," I told her, and she upped her pace, from the painfully, teasingly slow, to something more thorough. It wasn't like she was pounding up and down, but more at a methodical pace, one or two pumps a second. It felt great, and my own hands slid up her thighs, soon finding her ass cheeks, just squeezing them, letting her go at that pace now that it was no longer so painfully teasing.

She had a really nice ass. All toned muscle on that petite figure of hers, and her lips were now finding their way to mine once more, hungrily kissing away at me, her tongue flashing against my lips, then slithering past them into my mouth. She started to let out some pleasured pants of her own, the sounds tickling the inside of my mouth and making me want to do more, to hear them more.

I resisted that urge for a while, since I was also enjoying her whole loving, giving vibe, the way she was working so very hard to pleasure me. Her hands went to my chest, groping it, rubbing at my pecs, teasing my nipples with her fingers as she rode me. Her pussy squeezed very regularly around my cock, her hips pressing down against me as I just groaned into her mouth. Her breasts sometimes pushed into my chest, full and round, harsh nipples scraping against my bare skin as her kiss got ever more sloppy - she was clearly enjoying herself quite a bit, too, as we fucked like that.

It was when she orgasmed for the first time, five or six minutes after penetration, that I finally lost my ability to hold back and let her set the pace. Her hips pressed down against mine as her pussy clamped down, and I just gripped her ass cheeks, holding her tight against me and letting her ride out the orgasm. Once she was done, though... "I want your ass," I told her.

Her eyebrows rose, but the grin on her lips said that it was a pleasant surprise. She rose up off my cock for a moment, then angled my dick - still wet from her saliva and pussy - against her puckered rosebud. For a long second, she just stayed there, trembling in place - then she started to descend.

Her ass was as tight as ever, and both of us groaned as she took me inside her. The noises she made were so cute and sexy, this sort of noise like relief as my cock slid ever deeper into her ass. As if she'd just done a lot of very strenuous exercise, and now she was sinking into a nice warm bath. I let my hands slide up her lovely, toned body, right up to her nice, firm tits, my fingers sinking into the supple flesh there. She let out a pant of pleasure in response, as my fingers just dug in, enjoying the soft, pillowy feeling of her breasts falling to my grasp.

Then she finished taking me to the base inside her, and she was just wriggling in place, as if trying to worm her way down one more inch along my cock, to completely take me inside her. Of course, my cock was already firmly lodged into her ass. I let one of my hands slide down her body, eventually finding its way to her pussy, where I started to play with and tease it. She was definitely very wet, worked up from the sex and everything else as much as I was, and her clit was incredibly hard as well.

I slipped two fingers inside her pussy and started to rub my palm against her clit and mound, intensifying her pleasure that much more - and it was pretty clear she was quite distracted by my cock in her ass anyway. She had completely forgotten about my pleasure by that point, just focusing on how good it felt to have my dick up her ass again, and it was incredibly cute and sexy. Given how insane her blowjob had been, I felt completely comfortable just focusing on her pleasure, even trying to adjust for the alternate rules - it was like a girl who had gotten a mind-blowing orgasm from cunnilingus starting to really go wild at making you feel good to pay you back.

I let my lips meet her neck, starting to suckle at the bare flesh there; one hand was in her pussy, playing with her frantically, rubbing her inner walls, while the other gently rubbed at her breast, rolling the large round thing in my grasp, playing with and teasing her nipple. "Ahn," she got out, "it's, ahm, so good, fuck, Rodge," she said, squirming on my cock. "Fuck my ass, fuck my ass, I love it," she said, and I started to buck my hips up into her, intensifying her pleasure all the more. It took her hardly any time at all to come like that, moaning loudly, casting her head back, looking so sexy and lovely as she came, hard, on my cock.

The moment her orgasm finished, she went right back to bouncing away on my cock, her tight ass squeezing as she panted. "Come whenever you want, Rodge," she panted out, her hands running through my hair. "This is your day. You ain't gotta be giving."

I broke my lips away from her neck for a moment. "I want to be," I whispered back to her. She moaned in response to that word, this animal, guttural thing, and her pace atop me got all the faster, has ass squeezing extra tight around my cock. I used my superspeed intermittently, slowing down time by various factors to reduce the stimulation, to keep me from coming too quick - I wanted to keep this going.

"Xico's a lucky girl, to get a guy like you," she said to me, panting heavily, some obvious lust and jealousy in her voice as she moved ever faster atop me. Her fingers trailed through my hair as I kept slurping and licking and sucking at her neck. "Fuuuuck," she groaned, slamming down against me, grinding her body against mine, rubbing my cock all over the inside of her ass with obvious gusto. Her entire body seemed to wriggle in place, her hips swinging in a circle with my cock inside her. "Anal's so nice," she breathed out. "You like it too, right? You aren't just doing it for my sake, are ya?"

"No, I love it," I reassured her, kissing at her neck and breasts alike, now. "Your ass feels so good. It's so tight around my cock, I don't want to come too fast. I'm actually cheating a little."

She let out a "tsk." "Don't cheat, Rodge. Just fuck. Enjoy it. Come when you want. We've both gotten some enjoyment out of this, so finish off whenever you please."

I responded to that request by ramping my superspeed up to full - and promptly grabbing her hips and pulling her nearly all the way up. Her squeal played out in slow motion, exaggeratedly drawn out in how it sounded, her whole body squirming in pleasure. I sucked on one breast, groped the other, played with her clit and pussy frantically, as I rammed away at her asshole. She just came, over and over again, in rapid sequence, as I pretty much completely lost myself to lust. Her eyes rolled back, her cheeks turned red, the flush stretched down to her gorgeous full breasts, her mouth hung open as noises escaped her lips that didn't have any higher meaning.

She left my hand drenched as I pounded away, and I only absently thought of her pleasure, as I played with her tits and pussy and enjoyed her ass. She had told me to go for it, and she clearly liked the circumstances enough I didn't have to worry about her any longer, so I just took, did what I pleased, rammed as hard as I could. Orgasm after orgasm hit her, her tight ass intermittently arresting my motion, and I just relished it all - until, at last, I came, gushing inside her asshole as I did so, losing myself for a moment against her gorgeous naked body.

When I was spent, we both tumbled down onto the bed, her sweat-slick body sticking to mine, naked forms intertwined. She let out a soft sigh. "Didn't you need to... head home?" She asked. "I don't know if I can't move my legs any time soon."

I let out a small laugh at that, and decided... this was fine too. "Don't worry about it," I said, kissing the top of her head. We both fell asleep like that.

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features gaming (and sex) with Lope. You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance. However, Superheroine-Seducing Accountant has lost the last few months' polls for what to write next, so it may be on hiatus for quite some time.

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