Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Tsuru & Mira, Mind Slaves Chapter Text

It's easy to fall into delusions about individual motivations, because people are very bad at keeping track of our own thoughts, and often engage in willful self-deception. In retrospect, and with some assistance from igossing with Xico, I know now that after what had happened with May, I felt unsafe, and wanted to counteract that feeling in multiple different ways. I wanted to bully girls, because if I could bully a girl, that meant that I was the one with the power over her, and she couldn't hurt me. May had been sexually dominant, after all, so implicitly if the girl was sexually submissive, that meant she couldn't hurt me.

In retrospect, it was moronic, and as my couple weeks off from work went on, the desire to express security through domination faded quickly. I felt worst about how I had behaved with Xico and Nora. They didn't really care, since I hadn't done much lasting harm. It was just a "weird sex thing" I'd done, like if after getting raped, your girlfriend wanted you to dress up in a butler uniform and eat her out for an hour. You probably wouldn't want to do it forever, but complaining about it would just seem petty and crass.

All this discussion of how deeply mature and reasonable I am, to have overcome these feelings so quickly and cleanly, is itself obfuscation of the fact that I was replacing a sense of safety born of dominating powerful women with a sense of safety born of having not one, not two, not three, but four superheroes staying over at my apartment, one of whom effectively operated as a dead man's switch, another of whom was a telepath (even though that hadn't helped last time), and another who was immune to bullets.

(Yes, I did have Nora stay over. She was very calm about sharing at the moment, compared to her normal cute jealousy, probably because of the aforementioned 'after getting raped, your girlfriend wanted you to...' argument.)

In any case, I definitely had a lot of sex over those two weeks, while I was still on break from work due to supervillain-related trauma. That didn't last forever, though, and soon enough I was back in the office. I at least had more to do than one hour of work (subjective time) before sitting on my ass, thanks to a couple weeks of built-up backlog.

I didn't get to do much of that on the first day. On the contrary, I was pretty much inundated by a succession of people coming in to check on me. Hank, saying that if I needed any extra time off, that was fine. Alexios, offering his support with whatever I needed. Priscilla, checking in on me and coming off as far less seductive than usual, losing that normal sharp, forward charm that she had to instead simply come off as a caring, if self-confident, woman.

Esther, for her part, brought me a plate full of muffins and/or cupcakes. "I didn't know what would make you feel better, but eating's always nice, and your power helps with your metabolism, right?" She smiled warmly as she made the offer, looking exceedingly maternal. It was easy to imagine her actually carrying some of the weight of her age as she spoke like some old grandmother looking out for a young'n. "I didn't know what flavor you like, so there's chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, blueberry, chocolate chip..." she kept on pointing to them as she went down through the whole thing. "You can eat 'em now, I can leave 'em, whatever you want," she told me.

"Give me the chocolate one," I said, and she promptly handed it over, letting me chow down. It tasted very, very good, rich and delicious in its flavor. It probably should have been obvious that it would taste good, given that it was handmade by a woman who was like two hundred years old, but I was still a tad shocked by it. Xico's tails absently waggled behind her, in the corner of my perception, and I paused in my eating. "Can Xico have one?"

"Sure," Esther said, offering the plate - Xico took the blueberry one, just floating it up to her mouth and starting to take these tentative little mouse bites. "What's your least favorite flavor?" She prompted, sitting down. "Feels weird to just watch you two eat."

"You won't mind eating my least favorite flavor?" I asked.

"I only make the flavors I like," she replied, with a smile. "How could I learn to make them good if I don't enjoy them myself?"

"You can eat the blueberry, then," I told her, and she did exactly that. "Thanks for the food, by the way."

"It's not a problem," she said, smiling warmly. "If you need anything, you can ask me."

It was strange, seeing that side of her. She was a sort of... rough and tumble kind of lady, in my estimation. Tomboyish, casual, if sometimes old-fashioned. Here she was acting more like a nice old lady. Not that I disliked the new side of her, it was just weird to see it. We chatted a bit over muffins, I gave repeated compliments to her frankly obscenely good cooking, and she just waved them all off. "Well, I'll leave you to your work," she said. "You can have the rest. Eat 'em. Share 'em with friends. Whatever. You've got my number, you can call me if you need anything, alright?"

"Yes. Thank you, Esther. Really. It's... shockingly nice."

"What, you think I can't be nice? Now that's hurtful," she said, though the smile on her lips said that she wasn't really offended.

One pleasant thing about superspeed is that in situations like that, where you aren't quite sure what to say, you can simply slow down your subjective sense of time, decide what to say, and then spit it out. "It's just that this is a different side of you," I explained. "You're a very sincere and kind woman, and I appreciate that about you."

She gave me a wink, then a wave. "Then I'll see you later."

After she left, apparently the line outside was continued on to Mira, who stuck her head into my office within a minute. "Ooo, Esther cupcakes," she said, licking her lips. "Mind sharing?"

"Go ahead," I said, and she quickly stepped in, grabbed one, and took a loving bite out of it, letting out a hum of appreciation. "There is something I should say," I started.

"Mm?" She got out, around a mouthful of food, looking something like a chipmunk as she stared down at me. She made a spinny motion with her hand when I didn't continue. She gestured to Xico when I still didn't continue.

"She doesn't want to swallow, so she doesn't want to talk," Xico provided.

I let out a small laugh at that. "I guess they are pretty good." Mira just nodded rapidly. "Anyway. During... you know, our sex, where I was..." fuck, Xico could read my mind, she'd probably already figured it out. "I pushed you in inappropriate ways, and acted selfishly in others."

"Mmm?" She got out, then finally swallowed what was in her mouth. "What do you mean? Not to make you dredge it up, we can send Xico out if you promise not to embezzle for five minutes, but I mean - if you're into that, I'm fine going along with it."

"No, it's," goddammit, there was no way Xico hadn't picked it up by now. I glanced her way, and she just blushed and averted her gaze. "It's that, during the sex, I specifically tried to do things like... alude to you getting a boobjob, or serial recruiting Tsuru, or giving me money, just to annoy you." I sighed. "I think that I was trying to establish some kind of dominance over you, by actively doing something you didn't like, to make myself feel more secure."

"Oh." Mira paused for a second. "So does that mean you're not into the mind control kink? I found it pretty fun, to be honest. If it's not what you're into, though..." She met my gaze sharply, a certain piercing note to her hazel eyes. "I mean, I can pretend to be your mind controlled love slave. Even buy a maid outfit while pretending you own my house, if it gets your rocks off. I've done weirder stuff for less attractive guys," she added, with a wink, taking another bite out of her cupcake - this one much smaller, and accompanied by a low moan of delight. "Eshther's sho fugging good," she got out around the food.

"You... really don't mind?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Honestly, I thought you were maybe trying to float something more?" I just squinted up at her. "Like, a sugar mama/baby relationship," she explained. "You doing stuff on my dollar, while we fuck like rabbits, that kinda thing. I don't normally do that stuff since the guys it appeals to are drama mines, but if you're into it, I'm pretty sure you're not a drama mine." She glanced Xico's way. "Unless he secretly is?"

I didn't want the conversation going down that way. "I'm, ah, not really interested in a sugar mama relationship."

"Ah." She paused for a moment. "So does that mean... no more sex? No more me buying you things? No more mind control kink? What? I do like you, Roger, and I like your company, and I like your body, and I'm enjoying what we have. Don't feel like you've messed something up. Unless I remind you of Fals or something," she added. "If you're not attracted to me, or not down on account of her, that's fine too. I'm not some boor. I can fuck off, won't take it personally."

"No, I just wanted to apologize," I replied. "No need to get all psychoanalytical on me."

"Alright, psychoanalysis over." She paused, then smile. "If you want to apologize, make it up to me." She gave me a wink, taking another bite of the cupcake. "My place, after work. You, me, Tsuru. We can do that mind control roleplay again, if you want, or not, if you don't. Good with you?"

The erection in my pants spoke for me. Also my thinking that made Xico glance at my groin, which in turn prompted Mira to lean up to try to catch a look, and in turn prompted me to lean forward. "Yeah, sounds great, Mira."

"Great," she said. "Mind if I steal this cupcake?"

"Go ahead," I said. "Consider it downpayment."

She laughed at that, before taking another, very long, drawn out, bite, and leaving the room.

* * *

Sometimes, Mira hated guys. Did Roger want her to do the mind control thing, or not? Was it something he thought was sexy, or was it just his way of 'forcing' her to do whatever he said? It mattered! Those were two totally different options, and the difference between how she should act was different. If mind control was a fun kink of his, then she should enthusiastically embrace it, have her and Tsuru wear maid uniforms, pretend like the two of them were his mind controlled love slaves who simply had no choice but to do whatever he said. If it wasn't, then it'd be a cringeworthy reminder of his trauma, at best.

"You overthink things too much," Tsuru said, sitting in the passenger seat of her car as she drove home.

"I don't overthink things too much. You know who overthinks things too much?"

"The guys who are really concerned about insect welfare," Tsuru said, in a bored tone of voice.

"Yes. Exactly. Those guys. Me, I think things through exactly the right amount, then stop."

"Do that thing," Tsuru said, with a vague twist of her fingers. "The two scenarios thing. You know."

Scenario A: Roger did have a mind control kink. In that case, he would be really hard to her having a maid uniform, with Tsuru also in a maid uniform, and the two acting like his happy love slaves. Then he'd let her just suck his dick for an hour. Tsuru rolled her eyes at that inward comment.

Scenario B: Roger didn't have a mind control kink. In which case... she might be dredging up something bad, so it would traumatize him-

"Oh for God's sake," Tsuru interrupted her thought, and Mira couldn't help but smirk a little. "Yes, fine. He'd like the maid uniform. Don't mention the boobjob thing, do mention how you recruited me to also become his love slave. I'll pick whether to let him 'dominate' me once I get his vibe, or if I should already be mind controlled. Only bring up money if he does first. Happy?"

"Love you too," Mira responded.

* * *

I don't know what I expected when I arrived at Mira's house. What I didn't expect was the tall, brilliant, leggy redhead to be wearing a maid uniform as she opened the door for me. It wasn't quite as sexy as I might have hoped - a high neckline, long sleeves, a skirt that reached halfway down the calf - but it was still very appealing. Mira smiled warmly as I stepped inside. "Welcome home, Master," she said. "I have prepared Tsuru for you, as instructed. Her telepathy couldn't save her from you."

I was unbelievably hard to those words on Mira's part, and there was that brief thought that I should make Tsuru (who was presumably also done up in a maid outfit) wait just to fuck with her. But I knew that was the impulse to prove that I was in control by pissing off everyone around me in petty ways, which was counterproductive.

Plus, it would mean I would have to wait to get to the threesome with Tsuru, so instead I gave Mira a pat on the head. (I had to reach up for her, since she's damn tall, but she lowered her head appropriately to make it easier.) "Good work, Pet. Show me to her."

"Yes, Master," she said, turning to walk towards her bedroom. Her skirt wasn't exactly designed to emphasize her body, but I did know she was quite sexy, so I reached for her ass cheek and gave it a quick squeeze. She pushed her butt back against my hand, glancing over her shoulder at me, a smile on her lips. She paused at the door to her bedroom, holding one hand on the knob. "Master, I do wonder what you will have of her... I've already signed over my-" she cut herself off. "Ahem, I mean, I wanted to know whether she will be a pet like me, or perhaps lower, or higher. If you want to wipe her brain right now, or do something else..."

I slowed my subjective experience of time (giving Mira's butt a few extra squeezes), and considered what she was asking. I guessed it was some kind of roleplaying prompt? What should she act like? Honestly, the fun of the mind control was just ordering Mira around, so I wanted to just order Tsuru around too. I guess I didn't even have to order her around, since she could just read my mind and do what I said. "A pet like you," I said, as I returned to normal speed, and Miira smiled and nodded, finally opening the door to her bedroom.

Tsuru was sitting on the bed, and she quickly hopped off as she saw the pair of us entering. She was wearing a maid uniform, and a bright smile. "Master! Ohhh, Master, you mind controlled me so good... I'm nothing but your lowly pet now, just like Mira. I have to do whatever you say. You're so strong and powerful, you've completely put me in my place as a woman."

Mira grimaced faintly at Tsuru's words, probably thinking they were a little far. For me, though, I was rock hard, and I couldn't take it any more. I had a rich bitch and her secret lesbian lover both wearing maid uniforms and saying they'd do whatever I said, and there was a bigass bed right there, so I promptly flopped down on it. "I want a blowjob, from both of you. You're both pretty good at fellatio, so set your own paces."

It was half because I do love blowjobs, and half because it would give me some kind of baseline for how to act on my end of things. Mira was oblivious to my thoughts and simply clambered up onto the bed, hurriedly stripping down my pants and slurping my cock into her mouth in a single, swift, deepthroat. She started to push her nose into my pubes, and looked truly obscene as she glanced up at me, a genuine smile in her eyes as she sucked my cock.

For Tsuru, though, who had access to my thoughts... well, she apparently wanted to answer the question of boundaries. "Oh, we're both your loyal slaves, we must do whatever you command," she explained, as she clambered up onto the bed. "Though we're so lucky that our Master only wishes to order us around sexually. Thank you for being such a loving Master." I honestly had no idea how much of her words were intended as teasing nonsense, how much were signaling limits, and how much were trying to get me aroused - by the smug grin on her face, though, she didn't care to clarify.

"No problem, Pet," I said, patting Tsuru on the head. Mira was still sucking my cock, and in response to being nearly-ignored, she started to noisily slurp on my dick, wet noises emanating from her throat as her cheeks hollowed. My entire length was still embedded in her mouth, so she made me feel incredibly good, the pressure intensifying on my length, and I groaned and cast my head back, fingers briefly clenching into fists. "Fuck, that's good, Mira," I breathed out, just defaulting back to honesty. She was honestly an incredible fellatrix.

Tsuru leaned in to Mira, nibbling on her ear before whispering in it. It was really more a stage whisper. "Master is really loving your blowjob, Mira," she said, and the woman in question gave me a triumphant look, only somewhat marred by the way her mouth was stretched wide around my dick. "He also thinks you look sexy like that, happy to serve your overpowering Master who put you in your puhahaha, sorry, sorry," she said, pulling back as she giggled at her own lines. It was kind of cute, though Mira looked more annoyed at her than anything else, glaring out of the corner of her eyes, no doubt communicating some silent message. "Sorry, Master." She swallowed. "I just remembered a funny joke. You may spank me if you so wish," she added, twisting around to present her butt to me.

Like Mira, she was wearing a surprisingly long skirt. Sexy maid uniforms back in my world showed a lot more skin, and Tsuru responded to that thought by pulling up her skirt, revealing a simple pair of plain white panties, closely fitting the curve of her butt. I reached out for the pale flesh, as Mira finally peeled up and off my cock, letting it escape her mouth with a wet pop. "Master, am I doing good sucking your cock?"

"You're amazing, Mira," I told her, and the radiant, smug grin on her lips made my cock throb. I didn't know why I had tried so hard to make her come her brains out, when she was perfectly happy to just focus on making me feel good.

"I don't know either, Master. I guess you're just a dumb man, though - ow!" I actually spanked her at that point, since she was asking for it. "You are so much smarter than me, Master!" Mira gave Tsuru a sharp glare, and the woman's playful demeanor promptly ended, as Mira presumably told her to knock it off mentally. "Sorry! I'm so sorry! My previous personality must have been reasserting itself, Master, please, crush my old personality and turn me into your unresisting love slave!"

My cock twitched at those words, and Mira responded by slurping it back up, humming around my cock as if to tell me that I should definitely do what Tsuru said. I honestly had only occasionally enjoyed mind control smut back in my own world (it was too weird and I had too many sexual partners to indulge in it in this one), and chosen the idea mostly because it let me 'bully' Mira. Nevertheless, I have to admit there was something a bit appealing about Tsuru's cry for me to completely dominate her like that. I, unfortunately, had absolutely no idea how I was supposed to 'crush her old personality,' since obviously I didn't actually have mind control powers, nor would I have used them if I did.

"Oh, Master... just turn me around, look me in the eyes, fix me with that powerful gaze of yours, and think what you want me to act like! That's all it will take to make me hahaha sorry, sorry, Master," she proclaimed, a smile on her lips. Once more, Mira glared at her, and my cock twitched at the sight, though this time it was firmly lodged in Mira's throat. It was a... unique sight. One woman glaring at her lover because the lover in question wasn't adequately pleasing me. "You have to do it now, Master! Or else I might go crazy and start saying silly things, like how you're just kind of groping my butt and not even making me participate in the blowjob!"

"Look at me," I told Tsuru, who promptly shifting on the bed to do exactly like that, her crimson eyes meeting mine. She was genuinely beautiful, lovely Japanese features rendered in ivory white albinism. She smiled smugly at the mental comment, almost preening at it, and my cock twitched in Mira's mouth again at that.

"Master, what do you want me to be?" She fluttered her eyelashes, but the meaning was obvious: stop mooning over how hot I am, and actually give me some commands.

With Mira down in between my legs, the first thing I wanted was for Tsuru to kiss me - which she promptly did, her lips pushing up against mine, her tongue hungrily invading my mouth. Her hands grasped my cheeks, holding onto me tight as she practically sucked saliva up out of my mouth - and Mira responded to my distraction by getting more intense on my cock, starting to bob more and more rapidly around my length, her tongue swishing back and forth. For a moment, I worried that maybe I was being a dick to Mira again, making her jealous by making out with her girlfriend, but Tsuru just shook her head and hummed, tongue swiveling around mine.

I had two beautiful women, dressed up like maids, ready to roleplay as my mind controlled love slaves. Another mean thought bubbled to mind, of making Tsuru go cook us food while Mira sucked my dick, and my hips bucked at the idea, my balls slapping against Mira's chin. Mira, for her part, got even more intense in her blowjob, starting to really fuck her face on my cock as she licked at the underside, humming in delight around my length, twisting her head this way and that.

I broke off the kiss with Tsuru with a pant, staring up at her for a moment. Then my hands went to her breasts, groping them through her top. They were deliciously firm, big and round and perky, and my cock twitched as I felt her up through the layers of fabric. "Do you want me to open my top, Master?" Tsuru asked, a smile on her lips. "That way you can play with my breasts without any obstruction."

I honestly did - and that prompted Tsuru to start popping open her top, revealing more and more of that creamy, ivory flesh. I was utterly entranced with the slow revelation of a beautiful pair of breasts, and my hand reached down to grab a tangle of Mira's hair, starting to pump her on my cock even harder than she was going, as my orgasm rapidly approached. Soon enough, both those bountiful breasts were popped free of her bra, pushed up tight against one another and revealed to the open air. I leaned in to start licking at them - and decided to use my superspeed to see if I could stimulate them enough to make her experience a boobgasm.

By extension, though, I had to stop fucking Mira's face, letting go of her hair - she kept going at the same intense pace, though it was soon rendered slow and teasing by my speed. I started to frantically lick at her pale pink nipples, my other hand playing with her other nipple, gently twisting and teasing and pinching it. It didn't take too long for me to find the ways that most made her feel it - maybe a couple minutes, from my perspective, and her cheeks were glowing a faint red. In that time, Mira had pounded her face on my cock twenty or thirty times, her tongue continuing to slowly, lovingly, lash its way along the underside of my cock as she remained apparently oblivious to the fact that I wasn't experiencing most of her hard work.

I just kept my focus on Tsuru, though. My fingertip traced around and around her nipple, then pinched, then grasped near the base of the areola, as my tongue made similar movements and my teeth teased the bare flesh of her breast. She let out a quiet noise, something extended to last seemingly forever to my ears - and then she came, pushing her bosom forward into my face, mashing her tits up against it.

It was then that I let go of my superspeed, and Mira's rapid facefucking on my cock became something unbelievably intense, her head pounding away, nose repeatedly mashing into my pubes as she facefucked herself on my cock. Her eyes stared up at me sharply, maybe some small hint of jealousy from the way I'd made Tsuru feel good, but more importantly, a challenge and demand - come in my mouth, come in my throat, you didn't need to be a telepath to tell that was what she was thinking.

I did start coming, groaning as I did so. Mira was an incredibly good fellatrix, and her skills were insane. Plus, hearing Tsuru moan out, "Ah, Master, Master, you're so good at that!" didn't exactly hurt either. Her hands clasped the back of my head, holding me into her breast as I came into Mira's mouth.

Mira herself had slithered up so that just the very tip of my cock was pressed past her lips, filling her up with a copious amount of my cum. She hummed and suckled as more and more of my semen was deposited on her tongue, and it was only when I was utterly, completely finished, that she popped off, wetly swallowing. She made a bit of a show of it, brushing her fingers along her neck, and I definitely did enjoy the show, my cock twitching a bit.

Tsuru looked down at me, her cheeks flushed, her hands finally releasing my head. "That was good, Master," she told me. "Though I prefer cunnilingus still. I know you're a selfish lover, though, so you should make Mira give me head, while you fuck her." There was a certain... intensity? Warning? Hidden in her voice.

I used my superspeed once again to figure out what it was that brought it on, and then realized the probable cause: I had used my superpowers to make Tsuru come from her breasts. It was possible that Mira had never managed to do that, which understandably would make her feel jealous or competitive in a way that just making out with Tsuru wouldn't. Certainly, she probably hadn't come so quickly. As such, I nodded in response to Tsuru's words. "You're right, Pet," I told her, patting her head as I shifted on the bed. "Pet," I said, looking down at Mira. "Eat out Tsuru, and present your ass for me to use," I told her.

She smiled at that, any hint of annoyance at me making her girlfriend feel better than she could vanishing in a moment at the idea of getting to perform head and get her ass fucked. I knew from before that she enjoyed anal sex quite a bit, and I did want to make sure she enjoyed herself. Acting like a selfish ass wasn't really my style, though having done that last time, well - I realized that Mira liked giving much more than receiving, so I decided to focus any of my extraneous attentions on Tsuru, as I took my spit-slick cock and angled it at her now freshly presented butt, while her head remained buried in between Tsuru's thighs and under her skirt.

I pushed into her, groaning at just how tight her ass was. Mira, once again, put everything into making my dick feel good as it slid inside her, repeatedly clenching her ass cheeks as I pushed inside her. Tsuru, for her part, was already clearly getting worked up by Mira's skilled tongue. I guess when it's your long-term sex partner, they know how to eat you out just right. Tsuru nodded limply, letting out a hot pant as I finally bottomed out inside of Mira, just resting there, my cock buried entirely inside her, balls slapping at her pussy.

"Ooo, Master," Tsuru panted out. "Your other slave wants you to know, you can use her ass whenever and however you want," she explained. My fingers groped Mira's sculpted butt cheeks, and I idly wondered about getting a sexier version of the maid uniform. "I would be happy to have this uniform tailored specifically, ahn, to your, tuh, tastes," she got out, clearly getting closer to the edge, her hands grasping tightly at the bulge of Mira's head as it rested beneath her skirts. "Af, after all, uhm, ahn, it's just, for you to, suh, see, anyway, so, if you want, you can-"

She came at that point, moaning as her hips bucked against Mira's face, and it was a lovely sight. Her cheeks were pink with arousal, her nipples perky, her eyes rolled up. I figured Mira deserved to see it too, and reached forward at superspeed, grasping her by the breasts to heft her up and out of Tsuru's groin.

I could feel the response that Mira had, to getting to see Tsuru's expression, the way that she stopped her rhythmic gripping of my cock to just bask in the woman she loved's o-face. It was shockingly hot, and it made me start to pump my cock in and out of her ass at an intensifying pace. I was still in my superspeed mode, though, something I only realized when I let go of Mira's tits, planning to let her choose whether to watch Tsuru's face, or to go back to her pussy, and she fell in slow motion down towards Tsuru's groin.

I restrained the impulse to make Mira come her brains out from anal, but only by focusing instead on Tsuru, reaching out for her tits and starting to play with them again, playing with the area just around the areola that I'd found she was most sensitive at. She panted and gasped at the sensation, being played out at superspeed along with Mira's own talented cunnilingus. She soon had her legs locked on either side of Mira's head, gripping her firmly down there and pumping her hips against Mira's face.

I, on the other hand, was slowly but surely upping my pace inside of Mira. She did let out the occasional noise of pleasure, but mostly she was focused on making Tsuru feel good, licking noisily in between hums and pants. Her intermittent gripping of her ass around my cock served to arrest and slow my motion, but it also served to make it feel much, much better. I decided to just focus on Tsuru's breasts and fuck Mira's ass at my own pace.

The main result of that, naturally, was that Tsuru kept orgasming, and pretty damn fast, at that. Soon enough, she peeled up her own skirt, letting Mira lock eyes with her as she kept on eating Tsuru out. There was something deeply sexy about it, and soon enough, I was lusty enough to give up on Tsuru, instead grabbing Mira's hips and just pounding at her ass at superhuman speed. She quickly lost the ability to eat out Tsuru, due to just how fast and hard I was going at it. It wasn't painful - with how my power worked, it was more like a multiplied version of the pleasure of a good hard assfucking, so instead she was mewling and gasping in between Tsuru's thighs, fingers clawing out at slow motion as she tried to restrain herself.

I used my grip on her hips to twist her around, letting me get a good look at her silly face as she got ass-fucked. She hadn't actually come yet, just panting and twisting around on the bed, but she still had no hint of smug confidence, most of that replaced by a sexy, lewd look, her eyes flicking between me and Tsuru, until she finally came like that.

The feeling of her tight ass getting even tighter as she squeezed out an orgasm around my dick was more than enough to push me over the edge, and I bottomed out as I found release in her asshole, just sighing and closing my eyes, groping her ass cheeks as I came and came.

Of course, I was still at superspeed, so when I finished coming, Mira was still in the midst of her own orgasm, her eyes rolled up, her lips parted, her fingers tangled up around the bed sheets. I finally shut off my superspeed and pulled out of her ass, letting out a long sigh and just running one hand through my hair as I looked from Mira to Tsuru and back again. I needed to get my dick clean. Have Mira run another bath? Do it myself? I was a little lost, with my post-orgasmic bliss.

"Master, since you want a bath, please allow this lowly slave-" Tsuru wore a goofy look as she finished that line, like she could hardly keep from laughing, but she did just barely manage to "-to clean you off. It is her duty, as your brainless, submissive, love slave, who has no ch-choice," she stammered out, again barely managing to keep from laughing.

"Sure," I said. "Mira, uh... use your own judgment," I told her, and she nodded, still catching her breath from what looked like a pretty powerful orgasm.

As it turned out, her judgment involved ordering food for all of us while Tsuru washed me off in the tub. I certainly didn't complain.

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