Superheroine Seducing Accountant

A Stitch’s Life

Stitch always thought of relationships as transactional. That was just part of how she'd survived as long as she had, through all the things she'd made her way through. You do me a good turn, I do you a good turn. If I say I'm going to do something, that's worth something only because I actually do it. So the whole mooching off of Roger thing felt weird - even more weird in retrospect, now that she was mildly removed from all the hot sex and she realized she'd basically been coasting off a hot guy's apartment way longer than she'd had to.

The way Stitch thought about it, that didn't make him a mark - some people thought that way, and sooner or later all their "marks" figured them out, and weren't generally interested in continuing to put them up. That made him somebody she owed. Which meant, yeah, she was going to rent directly from him, just because of that. Even thinking about renting from somebody else would be like spitting in his face, as far as she was concerned.

Though, also, obviously, the fact that she was renting from him, and he lived in the building, gave her an extra reason to rent from him. She would have done it anyway, though. Fair was fair.

She was feeling those pangs of lust that came from not getting screwed for a while... even though it had been like, three days. She hadn't gone to visit him that much since she got the apartment, on account of it felt so needy and presumptive. Sure, she thought maybe he liked the whole fucking for her viewing enjoyment deal, like an exhibitionism kink. And he did like blowjobs, so she gave him plenty of those. But there was plenty of risk that she was just, y'know, thinking whatever thoughts happened to be convenient to her, and assuming the hot landlord was down to fuck was definitely convenient to her.

She howled into her pillow. She was so stupid! Fuck! No, she should just ask. But he'd probably lie anyway. Guh! So stupid! This was what happened when you got feelings for a guy, goddammit! Your brain turns into easily-mocked putty. She wanted to scream, to thrash, to kick her legs at the air. She got up from the bed.

Maybe she should try thinking about it a different way. Imagine it wasn't her in this situation, it was Alexa or something. Alexa would... just go fuck the guy, yeah. Nnngod! She was acting like a teenage girl! It was pathetic!

She pushed aside all those thoughts. Be rational. Be calm. He's just a guy, with a hot body and a nice cock and he fucks you. There's nothing more than that. She got dressed and walked down the hall. She didn't smell sex - well, she smelled sex, obviously, he was a hot slut, but it didn't smell like sex was happening right then. Other than that, the scent of like five different women choked together into a thick smog that told her this guy got around. She knocked. He opened it a second later - that superspeed of his was really convenient. "Hey," he said, smiling at her.

"Uh, hey. Wanna do it?"

He let out a small laugh. "I actually have a visitor. I can do you after her?" He suggested, glancing back over his shoulder. "Priscilla, do you mind if someone watches?"

"Mm? I'd imagine you'd be the one more worried about that," came Priscilla's voice. That was her coworker, now that she was with Star Heroic. The rich, 10/10 hot coworker. "Oh, it's Stitch. You can watch," she said, with a smile. "Actually..." she trailed off contemplatively for a moment, as Stitch stepped into the apartment before she could get kicked out. "This might be impolite, and forgive me if it is, Stitch. But with my power I could temporarily tweak your appearance? I can't imagine you enjoy never knowing what a proper kiss is like."

Stitch felt a certain glow appear on her cheeks, but Priscilla definitely wasn't wrong. She wasn't suggesting she put on hefty big boobs (although...), but instead give her a human-looking face, so she could kiss and nuzzle and look like a normal girl. She glanced at Roger. Not really for approval, but more to see his reaction. "Keep the ears," he said. Her glowing cheeks got even hotter, but she nodded stupidly, stepping forward towards Priscilla, who touched her hand.

The thing she noticed, more than anything else, was the way her sense of smell precipitously declined. Sure, her snout faded back into her face, vanishing into her features and out of her line of sight, but the loss of smell was way greater. She knew other people didn't have her bloodhound nose, but still, wow. It was closer to anosmia than what she'd expected. She took a few deep breaths through the new nostrils, and she couldn't even smell Kate, and that chick was smeared around Roger's apartment in duplicate, in addition to being a sweaty squirting pervert.

Roger just reached for her ear, idly scratching it. She felt goosebumps run down her spine in response to his touch, her tongue licking way out past her lips. Which felt weird - her tongue was much shorter now, and she couldn't even reach her nose with it. (She resisted the urge to try, knowing that you looked dumb if you did that.) Priscilla spoke then. "Cute as you look now," she said, before turning to Roger, "I do believe we came back here for a reason? Unless you intend to tease me - then I'll be upset."

* * *

The tweaked Fifi looked cute, particularly given the fact that her facial expressions were easier to read this way. Her cheeks flush as I teased her ear, but obviously, I had just gone on a date with Priscilla.

Plus, Fifi would love to watch me fuck Priscilla anyway. Especially given how things got, once the pair of us got going. My cock absently twitched at that thought. "Sure, sure," I told her, starting to head towards my bedroom, Fifi absently trailing after me. "Though, I think I'm going to need some foreplay."

"I somehow find that hard to believe," Priscilla said, a smile on her lips. She reached down for my groin, idly groping my cock as we came inside the bedroom. "It does seem to be quite ready for me," she noted, one finger trailing across her collar bone enticingly as she continued to touch me down there. She licked her lips. "But I suppose if you wish to be a brat, I can indulge you," she added, with a teasing smile. "Just strip yourself naked, and I'll get right to work," she said, a cocky grin on her lips. She spared a glance towards Fifi, who had one hand on her face, still feeling up her more human features.

She looked cute either way, but, Priscilla had clearly put the effort into making her 'new' face extremely cute. As in, young movie starlet cute. I turned my gaze back to Priscilla, slowing down time and hurriedly stripping myself bare before flopping onto my back on the bed and letting time resume. "All done," I told her.

"Mm. You are a tease, aren't you?" She said, smiling gently as she clambered onto the bed. Of course, we both knew that once we got past the foreplay, she'd be making me ahegao with her powers, so she certainly wasn't actually bothered by it. She leaned into my cock, her tongue flashing out to an obscene length, corkscrewing around it. As it touched me, pleasure lit up wherever it touched - incredibly intense pleasure, the sort that made it obvious Priscilla was using her power to enhance my pleasure to the point of near absurdity. It felt nearly as good as an actual orgasm, but it was sustained and drawn out, as she slid forward, wrapping her lips around the very tip in a gentle kiss, her tongue continuing to slither hungrily around and around my cock.

I just groaned in response, enjoying the sensation of her mouth on my dick, her tongue corkscrewed around my whole length. I spared a glance over at Fifi, who had her hand down her pants, frantically masturbating to the show, her eyes locked on mine. She was ridiculously easy to read, thank to her new face, and it was cute as hell - the sexy little nervous twitch of her lips, her cheeks glowing with heat, her eyes smoldering with lust as her gaze slid back down to my hard cock.

* * *

Stitch watched the scene before her with intense arousal, feeling her nipples scrape against her sports bra. She looked over at Priscilla as the woman in question put her power to good use in sex - Stitch's powers weren't useful for sex, beyond maybe agility, but good God were Priscilla's. Her tongue was constantly batting at Roger's cock, and his dick was getting bigger, like actually bigger, like bigger than it had been with her, ever, by a lot. She was using her powers to give him an extra-huge cock, which was insanely hot, and left her hand in her cunt going wild. Would she get fucked with that huge dick, when Priscilla was finished? Would it even fit? Cocks like that were in pornos, not in real life, but here was one in real life, attached to a hot slut who was nice to her and she had a bunch of stupid feelings for.

Priscilla slurped the whole dick down her throat in a single smooth movement, her throat bulging. Stitch's eyes widened at the sight, the way that Priscilla had managed to take such a genuinely obscene dick all the way to the base. She'd obviously messed with her throat, right? It was crazy. Crazy hot, too. Fuck. She wanted that dick inside her, she was panting with desire - and like a dog pants, not like a human pants, she realized after a second. Her mouth had fallen open, her tongue lolling out, saliva dribbling out obscenely. She felt insanely fucking embarrassed by that, and snapped her mouth shut, but Roger had obviously seen her, by the expression on his face.

Priscilla slid back up his length, revealing that huge cock to the open air again. She spared a glance over to Stitch, then spoke to Roger. "I think that's enough foreplay, don't you, Roger?" She prompted, leaning up. Roger's big fat cock was throbbing in the open air, shiny with Priscilla's spit. Fuck. She couldn't wait for Roger to finish up with Priscilla so she could be the one who got fucked.

"Ah, fine," Roger said, sounding playfully long-suffering even as his cock continued to twitch and throb in the air, Priscilla pulling off her dress altogether, then worming her way out of lace lingerie. Roger liked that sort of underwear, Stitch could tell. Should she buy it? No, that'd just come off as desperate. "Here we go," he grunted, as Priscilla pointed her pussy against the very tip of his cock. Priscilla was tall and slender, a real model in the looks department. With how big it was... there was no way that thing would fit, was there?

It did. Priscilla slid right down his cock with ease, and as her lower lips enveloped him completely, he groaned and jerked like he was coming. His fingers dug into the bedsheets underneath him, and she could see the faint bulge of Priscilla's stomach where that huge cock was pushing against it. She came to the sight, howling out her pleasure with enough noise that both Priscilla and Roger turned to look at her, and she felt her cheeks color bright red, cutting back on the noise. As her orgasm ended, she realized she was panting with lust again at the sight, and snapped her mouth shut once more.

Fuck, she had it bad. She was ridiculous. Probably Priscilla was inwardly making fun of her or something.

* * *

Priscilla did have to admit there was a certain pleasantness in Stitch's utter lack of inhibition - though she was here for Roger, of course. A girl who came her brains out and didn't hesitate to make whatever silly animal noises? Almost cute. Still, underneath her, Roger was squirming and gasping as he unloaded a fresh load inside of her pussy, his second orgasm so far. She leaned down over him, kissing him on the lips, her extended, flexible tongue hungrily invading his mouth. She licked and tasted his gums, his palate, as the pair kissed like that, her fingers sliding along that well-sculpted body.

Upping his penis size was fine with him, of course. Something she'd confirmed during a previous dalliance. She'd worried that he might take it the wrong way, but if anything, he seemed to get a thrill out of it, his hands grasping her hips and pumping her up and down his cock as best he could, in his pleasure-mad state. She made sure to reduce the amount he blew, even if she'd rather he would just coat her insides with some absurd quantity of cum.

Roger was the sort to want Stitch to get a turn too, after all. He was quite giving in that way - one of his largest charm points.

She felt him groan into her mouth, his hands gripping her hips hard, slamming her down his whole length. It felt amazing, the sheer sensation of being so completely full of such an enormous cock. Obviously, she'd had to use her powers to make sure she could actually accommodate him, but still. It was just the sort of outrageous sex you could only have with a completely debauched slut - and she loved it. Her hands slid along his features, holding him against her as she proceeded with the kiss. His whole body vibrated, twitching underneath her in desperate, continuous pleasure, his currently throbbing cock threatening to release its seed deep inside her.

It did in short order, of course. She loved this part of fucking him, the ability to just indulge, to make him come and come. Her fingers all but clawed at his features as she kissed him messily, grinding her pelvis against his groin, rubbing her clit against him. It didn't take long for her to orgasm as well, moaning into his mouth as she did, her pussy squeezing and gripping at his dick, trying its damnedest to wring another orgasm out of him.

That was how they went on for a very long time. She forgot all about Stitch, except for when the girl howled in uninhibited pleasure. She just squeezed on Roger's cock, made him twitch and throb, enjoyed and relished the feeling of him coming inside her over and over. She rubbed and ground her pelvis up against his, in the process stimulating her clit still further, causing herself to orgasm on a few occasions - though nowhere near as much as Roger was coming. Possibly not even as much as Stitch was coming, though she didn't count that too carefully.

Still, she could feel Roger's balls getting rather close to empty, and even with a quick little power-provided top-up, she figured that Stitch wouldn't get much of a turn if she didn't stop at that point. She popped her lips off his, untangling herself from his naked body. One quick stroke of his engorged cock, and it was dry-cleaned of her juices with another clever application of his power. "Would you rather he come his brains out as you fuck him, or should I lower his sensitivity?" She prompted Stitch - if Roger had a complaint, he could air it.

* * *

Stitch's hand was still in her pussy as she was asked the question. She licked her lips wetly, realizing only as she did so that her mouth had been left open again. "Ahm, uh," she sputtered out, glancing at Roger, her head spinning with arousal as she did so. She licked her lips again. She definitely wanted him hard, but did she want him to come his brains out? Well, the guy enjoyed that, right? Like, there were things the guy only 'enjoyed' in porno, but coming like crazy had to be good, right? "I guess... keep him as sensitive as he is?"

"Alright then. I'll take a long bath while you enjoy him," Priscilla declared, heading into Roger's bathroom. Stitch stepped forward on shaky feet towards the bed, not even remembering that she needed to strip until she actually got to the side of the mattress. As her fingers reached for the base of her shirt, she heard Priscilla yelling in the bathroom. "Oy, get out of there before I calcify you. I want a hot bath and you're an impediment to that."

A few seconds later, Bup emerged from the bathroom. "Dark lady mean!" She said. "Bup was just napping in the tub!" She said.

"You can't nap in the tub all day, sometimes people want to use it," Roger said, as Stitch squirmed her way out of her panties.

"Ah?! Slutty cock's extra huge right now!" Bup declared with wild-eyed surprise and lust. Stitch just clambered over Roger, pointing her pussy at his hard cock.

This was crazy. Fuck. She should have gotten Priscilla to make her pussy bigger or something to take that cock. It was going to hurt like hell for both of them. She'd just go gentle, and try to keep it slow and steady. She started to slide gingerly, very gingerly, down his cock, her pussy well and truly wet from watching him fuck Priscilla, having come five times in the half hour of that hot-as-fuck show. She kept sliding down at the slowest imaginable pace, feeling her whole body tremble as she went, that big fat cock pushing deeper inside her.

She managed to get about one inch down before she started to feel the sensation of just how obscenely big he was. She opened her eyes to look down at him, checking on how he was responding - and it clearly felt very good for him. His cock was twitching and throbbing inside her, and his eyes were roaming up and down her naked body endlessly. She tried to push down another little bit, and she felt her head spin from just how tight it was.

Roger's head did more than spin, though - he came. She'd taken him maybe an inch and a half, at most, and now he was squirting all over the inside of her pussy. Priscilla sure hadn't been skimping on the sensitivity. Her hands went down to Roger's stomach, pressing against it as she took him ever deeper, gasping as she did so, her back arching, her nipples feeling unbelievably hard.

This was totally ridiculous. This wasn't sex, this was a porno parody of sex. Her mouth fell open, her tongue lolling out, some of her saliva dribbling down onto Roger's stomach, and she tried to worm herself still further down his cock, gasping and panting wetly as she did so. She probably looked completely obscene, but Roger didn't seem to care, so neither did she.

It was a truly, truly ridiculous thing, as she slid down his length. She gasped in pleasure and shock the deeper it went. It didn't hurt - she kind of half-expected it to - but God did it feel weird. A fat cock throbbing inside her, her pussy slipping inch by inch further down his dick. Her fingers gripped his stomach tightly as she pushed, and pushed, going cross-eyed as she went. She could feel herself grinding down his length, feel her orgasm growing ever closer. She managed to grind down his whole length before she actually did - and when his cock was fully inside her, splitting her wide open, her clit brushed against his pelvis and she howled out her pleasure.

She just spasmed on his cock, and he orgasmed right alongside her. She couldn't really move, not with that fat dick inside her, and her pussy tightening, but she did manage to flop forward onto him. He caught her a moment later, provoking a certain pumping of her heartbeat, and he tilted her head towards his, kissing her softly on the lips a moment later - then hungrily, a second after that.

So this was what kissing was like without a muzzle, when the guy could really get in deep, really tease your palate and gums and teeth, play with your lips properly instead of sloppily flap his tongue against yours. It felt fantastic. She ground her body against his as much as she could, stimulating her clit in the process, and she felt his hand slide down towards her groin, finding her clit and making another spark of pleasure travel right up her spine.

She pretty much melted against him at that point, losing herself in the kiss and the tangle of bodies. Her tongue wetly smacked against his, as she felt what it was like to use a normal human tongue in a normal human kiss. Hot breaths tickled the inside of her mouth, cascading up from his own throat as if in delicious pleasure. Her pussy squeezed on his dick all the harder with each passing second, and at last she broke off the kiss with a gasp, needing to suck in air. Roger leaned into her, kissing at her neck, one of his hands reaching up to play with her ear. He was so sweet. So nice.

Fuck, she wasn't doing anything. She started trying to grind her way off his cock, and it felt like she was turning inside out. She gasped desperately, but pushed on ahead, getting one inch of his dick out of her, then two, starting to mewl in a confused pleasure. It felt so weird, and intense, but not bad, but not the same as normal sex. She was pretty much drooling into the bed as she slid up, and up, until at last she considered herself having peeled back enough to rightly grind her way back down.

Roger groaned as she enveloped him again. His fingers groped her ass cheeks with obvious lust, his hips bucking up against her, and she felt him come again, groaning loudly beneath her as he did so. She just gasped at the sensation. His cock was just too big. The cum made her feel completely plugged up, as if there was literally no space for anything else.

She just gasped and ground against him, panting and gasping for air, feeling like her pussy was on fire. She came again at some point in there, howling into his ear once again, her fingers scraping against his bare chest. It felt insane, but great, but crazy, but fantastic.

* * *

Priscilla couldn't help but smile, as she heard the howls that Stitch was letting out. The girl deserved a good tension-release, and who was better for releasing tension than the sluttiest man on the planet? She just sank in the hot water, enjoying treating the bathtub like some sort of ersatz hot tub, closing her eyes and relaxing. She'd probably have to get out and fix Roger's cock, but... later.

* * *

I considered using my superspeed power to try to get a bit more control, so I could make Stitch feel even better - but honestly, her pussy was just too tight, and I was too sensitive, for that to accomplish anything. Any movement on my part would just make me grunt in pleasure, and she certainly didn't seem to complain, even if basically all we were doing by that point was wiggling against one another, making one another come randomly and sporadically as we did so.

Still. It was a good night. I'd seen Stitch less often since the move, so I did sort of miss her. I figured she just had other, better things to do with her time.

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features Mira giving Roger an early Christmas present. You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance.

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