Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Mira Picks Out A Present

Mira lazed on her couch. She'd already picked out a Christmas present for Tsuru, and for her various Star Heroic coworkers. "Oh?" Tsuru asked, tilting her head over to Mira. "What's my birthday present?"

"Cunnilingus," Mira lazily replied, without skipping a beat. "Anyway, I was thinking about Roger."

"I'm wounded," Tsuru replied, making Mira roll her eyes. "I get that all the time."

"Then you can't complain about getting even more. I think he deserves a special gift, but honestly, I can't think of too much. I could buy him a car, but he's already got superspeed. Mm. Actually, I could maybe buy him a phone or audio device that plays at superspeed?"

"The other Kate's getting him something like that already," Tsuru said.

"Damn. My other self really did enrich her homeworld, huh?" Mira said, thinking it over again. What would Roger like? She could buy him more video games, but that wasn't too special. She might have gone for a simple fellatio-type deal - he did like blowjobs - but he was a guy. That sort of thing was more the sort of gift a frigid husband gave his horny wife, than the sort of thing women did for men.

"Mmm. He might like something special in sex terms. Fellatio is so lazy, though, it's no better than cunnilingus," Tsuru said, clearly angling for more. "Me? Never. I'm just thinking out loud about how pathetic a Christmas gift oral sex is." At that point, Mira started tickling Tsuru, if only to shut her up. She did manage to decipher her giggling counter, despite the fact that probably nobody else would have been able to: "So you admit I'm right?"

* * *

At work, Mira took a moment with Xico alone, the nervous little telepath's tails twitching behind her. "Do you igoss with Roger?"

"Ahm?" Xico responded, her eyes growing big as saucers for a second. "I never talked to you about igossing."

"Yes. I guess it's a good thing you aren't the only taliké in the universe, then, huh?" Mira responded, with a smile on her lips. Xico flushed at that. "I figure that you're close, but I know it's something for really close people."

"We've... done it some. Not all the time!" Xico added. "But it, uhm, is really nice for sex..." and threesomes, Mira imagined. "...and threesomes, yes," Xico admitted, after a second, licking her lips in embarrassment as she ducked her head.

"I had an idea for something fun for Roger," Mira said. "You remember that device that the other Kate used, to keep you from realizing she wasn't our Kate?" Xico nodded quickly. "I have something like it, though a bit better. One of the advantages of being intimate with a telepath. I was thinking, for a Christmas present, I could tweak it a bit." It wasn't proper mind control. It couldn't actually make you do things unless you let it. Even if you were browbeaten into accepting it, its commands would only sink in on a surface level, and there'd always be your subconscious mind trying to screw things up, like a person having a panic response about a creature with an SEP field.

"Oh!" Xico said, blushing. "Because he did... the mind control... roleplay..." she said, and Mira nodded along, smiling. It did feel a bit weird to be discussing a threesome with the girl, but she supposed that Xico was no blushing virgin any more. That just made Xico blush, making her a blushing young woman. "Ahm... what sort... of role?"

"Well, I was planning on happy little mind controlled slave woman. You'll protect me from being taken advantage of, won't you?" Mira added, with a quick wink to Xico, who just blushed and nodded rapidly. "But if you have a better idea..."

"Ah... well, he did like... the mind controlled slave woman..." Xico said, her tentacles tangling up as she thought. "He likes... bullying Kate... so you could do... a masochist, type thing? If you want?"

"I knew he was dominant, but he's a sadist too?" Xico blushed at that, and Mira just laughed. "I'm kidding. You'd think a telepath would know that. Mmm. I'll toy with it. See how I feel about it. But you'd be willing to help out? It's no better than roleplay unless he can read my thoughts, you know?"

Xico blushed and nodded, her tentacles starting to waggle behind her in anticipation. Her sexual awakening was definitely a sight to behold - it was hard to believe she'd been a blushing virgin before Roger.

* * *

I was mindlessly browsing the internet, enjoying my post-work free time. Part of it was just glancing through New York City's laws on rent, just to make sure I didn't accidentally fall afoul of anything. I definitely wasn't going to do anything that would actually piss off my tenants (I liked them, and also, they were having sex with me, which might stop if I started squeezing them for more cash), and my prices were a bit below market rates, so I doubted they'd complain about anything - but best not to take any legal risks, you know?

I was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Special delivery!" Mira called out from my door, rapping on it loudly.

It was actually unlocked, but I got up to answer it anyway - the door opened a second later, and there was Mira, leaning against the door frame and grinning. "Hey," I said.

"Merry Christmas, got you a present," she said, hoisting a gift-wrapped box up.

"It's November."

"I like to do them early."

"That's fine, but you don't have to deliver them early too."

She winked at that. "I want to beat the rush. I bet your Christmas present for Xico, Kate, Nora... are all going to be sex, aren't they?" I honestly hadn't thought about what I'd buy, so I slowed down time for a moment - but before I could say anything, she just said, "Thought so. Xico!" She yelled out, and Xico was soon floating over, flushing bright red.

"I do like threesomes, but that's a bit weak for a Christmas present," I said.

"It's more... than a threesome..." Xico said. "I want... the surprise..." she said, glancing over at Mira, who nodded.

"Well, this is what I have to get changed into," Mira said, wiggling the box in her hand. "So mind letting me in, handsome? I'd rather not get changed in the hall, even if only your reverse harem will see it."

I blinked at the turn of phrase, since back on my Earth, a "reverse harem," would have been a bunch of guys and one girl, but stepped aside to let Mira inside. She went into the bathroom. I was just about to ask Xico what exactly she was planning when I heard Mira's voice.

"Oh, it's the rape-slime thing. Definitely can't deal with this thing right now. Out, out. Out!" She yelled, getting louder, and slamming the door shut behind Bup a second later.

Bup bounced out, coming right up to me. "Mean lady didn't treat me nice! Slutty cock, punish mean lady for me!"

"No," I told her.

Xico spoke up then. "Uhm... you should leave..." she said to Bup. "For the... rest of the day..." she added, glancing up at me nervously, quietly asking if I could please back her up.

"If Xico says so, then get," I said. Bup groaned in displeasure.

"Slutty cock so disobedient, even though it's broken..." she mumbled to herself, but she did, in fact, leave.

"So, what is this whole thing, anyway?" I asked Xico, and she quietly floated inside, closing and locking the door behind her.

"Uhm... it's a surprise..." Xico said. She pushed her fingers against one another, while her tentacles gently flicked and bounced behind her in a way I recognized as representing anxious energy. "I think... you'll like it... and if you don't... Mira can... do something... else," she said.

"Well, alright," I said, shrugging. The whole situation did feel weird, honestly. I couldn't even say that I was particularly aroused by it. If I'd been a normal man for this world, it probably wouldn't be doing anything for me, since I had no idea what was supposed to happen next, even if I could guess it was going to be sexy. Luckily, I didn't need nearly as much foreplay as a local guy.

"She's done..." Xico said, floating over to my bedroom. Mira emerged from the bathroom, wearing a maid uniform. It wasn't quite the classic sexy French maid: it had long sleeves, no dipping cleavage, and wore gloves that stretched up the forearm, though it did have the black-and-white mix, she looked more austere and serious than sexy and sensual. She was holding what looked something like a collar. I noticed a jangling little nametag on it, and used my superspeed to slow down its movements, letting me get a closer look:

Mira Christine Stone
Personal Property of
Roger Cooper

It made my cock tent in my pants instantly, even if I still wondered exactly what was going on. It was obvious from Xico's expression that I wasn't privy to everything about this situation, and it wasn't just a simple sexy roleplay. "Here's the miracleworker Mira's latest invention," Mira said, with just a hint of nervousness as she brought it up to her neck, snapping it in place around her neck. Her body language shifted a moment later, losing a lot of its previous vivaciousness, her head dipping downward as she stood there, her hands coming to clasp in front of her. "Master. How may I serve you?"

She was a good actor, I'd give her that. Xico reached out for me, one tentacle gently wrapping around my wrist, and I turned her way. "Igoss?" She proposed. I shrugged and nodded - we'd igossed during sex in the past. Our minds mushed up against one another, pressing together, and I felt that sweet and gentle puppy love of hers. It had gotten calmer in the months since her first confession, more something solid and well-established, a quiet note to every perception rather than something overpowering. Xico blushed at that, her emotions doing some fun somersaults, but she directed my attention outward, towards Mira.

I picked up her emotions, first, and they were complicated and entirely different from the norm for her. Rather than that sort of gregarious confidence that she exuded and felt on the inside, there was a quiet stillness to her, like a coiled spring waiting for the opportunity to be released. I started to get a deeper impression of her thoughts, then, her subvocalizations coming through the link with Xico. I will wait patiently for Master to speak to or dismiss me. The fact that he is taking his time merely means that he has other concerns, such as Xico, who is clearly more important than me to him.

If my cock was hard before, it was iron now. I couldn't help but involuntarily swallow as I picked up those thoughts, and Xico's tails started to wag behind her excitedly as she felt my newly-boiling libido. I stepped towards Mira. She had a couple inches on me, so I had to look up at her, but her expression and thoughts were nothing but patient expectation. I reached for her tit, groping it softly through her top - and her inner thought was nothing but sheer joy. I am glad he enjoys groping my breasts. He has access to far larger breasts, after all - he can have sex with Kate and Nora and Tsuru pretty much at his will. I am lucky that he is still interested in me, despite this. I do hope it is not purely for my money, as well - I have much more to offer him than that.

I was, of course, rampagingly hard from hearing those words. Xico's feelings and thoughts about the whole situation receded into the background of my own awareness, as I focused on my direct feed of Mira's incredibly submissive thoughts. She remained still and compliant as I groped her, not minding at all. In fact, she only wondered if perhaps she should be doing something, but had decided that she would wait for my orders.

"Kneel," I ordered at last, my dick straining to escape my pants as Mira fell to her knees in front of me. I didn't even take my cock out, instead grabbing her hair and just pressing her into my pelvis, rubbing my dick against her cheek through the thin fabric of my pants. I can feel it. He's hard for me. I'm glad that he enjoys my body and mind in this condition. I'm glad I put on that collar, so that I could become his slave like this. He likes me like this, after all. "You remember putting on the collar?"

"I remember everything, Master. I feel embarrassed about speaking to you so casually as I did earlier, and apologize for it," she said, her thoughts making it clear she meant the way she spoke when she showed up at my front door. "Unless you enjoyed me speaking so casually," she clarified a moment later, totally ready to change her behavior at my slightest whim.

"No, I like the way you're talking now," I said, and she smiled at that, her lips curling up in a warm smile as she looked up at me. One advantage of this whole arrangement was that I could actually tell her thoughts without her saying anything. Theoretically, I could do the same with Xico, but while I was pretty comfortable with cunnilingus and sex while igossing, fellatio felt a tad... strange, to me. Mira, on the other hand, was only sending out what Xico picked up from me: surface thoughts and feelings. I took out my dick, slapping it against her face a moment later, and she shuddered in delight. I could feel the delight she was experiencing, like getting used by me for my own selfish pleasure - humiliated, even, as my dick rubbed across her features. But she liked that humiliation, for the simple fact that it was getting me off. "Open wide," I ordered, and her mouth dutifully fell open.

She expected me to shove my cock right into her throat. She looked forward to it, even, her tongue dancing eagerly inside her mouth as she imagined it. I can't wait to taste him again. It's a wonderful way to display my servitude to him. I'm glad I've fellated him on so many occasions, it means I know just how to do it right to get him off. Ah, but does he want the fellatio to get him off nice and fast, or would he rather it be drawn out? He can read your mind. He'll tell you if your blowjob is unsatisfactory in any way.

I didn't stuff it in her throat, despite how tempting her thoughts were. Instead, I rubbed the tip of my cock against her lips, smearing it around, finding that I enjoyed teasing her that way. My whole body trembled in arousal as I looked down at the brilliant, beautiful, billionaire Mira Stone, who in another world would completely rule it - and in this one, was dressed up as a French maid and wearing a slave collar that hypnotized her to obey my every command. "Before I shove my cock down your throat," I said, enjoying the rush of arousal that came with speaking so crudely to my smiling slave-girl, "I want you to say something for me. I want you to say, that you used to be a billionaire superheroine, but now you're just my slave and maid."

"Yes, Master. I used to be a billionaire superheroine, but now I'm just your slave and maid." Does he want more from me? I could probably come up with several variations on that theme. To that thought, I shoved my dick balls deep down her throat, groaning as she choked on my dick, her tongue immediately getting to work, slithering around the underside of my cock as I ground her into my pelvis.

"Those variations on the theme - think them. Think about them. Think about, all that kind of thing," I said, grinding her down into my pelvis, some of her saliva dribbling out down her lower lip, splashing onto her top.

Yes, Master. I'm a genius superscientist, and yet, I'm a lowly slave sucking your cock. I would rather suck your dick than ever go back to work. I'd rather crawl around your home like a dog than waste time doing any of the things I used to enjoy, before the slave collar snapped into place. I'm so happy to have your fat cock in my throat, I'm so blessed you choose to use me. She really was a genius, because her creativity was over the top, and I was enjoying it dearly, continuing to choke her on my dick all the while, just groaning while my hips faintly bucked against her face, balls wetly slapping against her chin.

I held her down, completely intoxicated by the sheer, overwhelming sense of power that I felt in that moment. Mira's thoughts were an open book to me, and there were no asterisks on my control over her. Here was that cocky, confident, brilliant woman, now just choking on my cock happily. Kate was desperate and insecure, but ultimately she did want something out of our relationship, even if it was something she'd never say aloud. Mira didn't have that. She wasn't insecure, she wasn't needy, and she had no desire besides my pleasure. Everything she was, in that moment, was dedicated to pleasing me, to making me feel good, to making my dick hard and making me happy with her. Her tongue continued to lash back and forth eagerly on the underside of my cock, even as I felt her thoughts stutter as I choked her out.

Xico was about to point out the fact that she was choking on my dick, when I yanked Mira off, letting her gasp and pant for air for a few moments. She didn't look like a mess, as she remained kneeling in front of me, saliva dripping down her chin onto her top. She looked like she'd just gotten a good, hard, fucking into the bed. Her eyes were lidded in pure bliss, a gentle smile on her lips - and in her thoughts. I hope my fellatio is pleasing to you, Master. If it's unsatisfactory in any way, you can tell me. Order me to do whatever you like. You are in charge here, Master. I am your slave, sincerely. There is no command that you can give me that I will disobey.

As she had those thoughts, she kept her mouth open, tongue lolled out expectedly, a red carpet rolled out for my dick. I licked my lips as I contemplated her, kneeling before me, almost mindless in her submission. It was honestly even sexier than - than just about anything. As Christmas gifts went, it was insane. I slapped her face with my dick a few more times, enjoying the way that she only intellectually considered it humiliating. As in, she understood the fact that she was being humiliated, but she had no more emotional response to it than she had to the fact that the sky was blue, or that I was lording over her like this, or to anything else. Her only concern was my pleasure, my happiness, and my erection.

"Put your hair in pigtails," I ordered her, recalling how hot it had been to see her other self wearing them, and she nodded. He didn't order me to stand, move, or acquire anything, so I'll have to do it without assistance. She gathered her hair into a pair of long streams, then gently twisted one up, rotating it so the line of hair became more closely interwoven; she then promptly drew it up, creating a simple knot. She repeated the process on the other half of her hair, producing an unbelievably lewd-looking slave-maid, complete with exceedingly long pigtails. She looked up at me, silently wondering if she had done well.

She had, naturally. I grabbed her pigtails in both hands and just slammed my dick down her throat a moment later, beginning to rabidly facefuck her, my balls slapping at her chin. "More, more of those thoughts earlier," I ordered her. I used to be a hotshot, but now I'm Roger's slave. I could do anything, but what I want to do is get facefucked on his cock. I'm a billionaire, and everything I own belongs to Roger, especially my body and mind. She kept up the dirty talk as she got facefucked, her tongue continuing to slither and sashay around on my dick as I mistreated her face, losing myself in the moment.

I lost track of time as I used her face, lost track of Xico's presence even as it rubbed up against my mind inevitably. There was a quiet glow of arousal and love that constantly emanated from within me, but I soon lost track of it entirely, over all the powerful sensations that came from abusing Mira's face as a masturbation aid. Of course I was aroused. Love was totally a normal feeling, when you were fucking your slave-maid's face into oblivion. The fact that they came from Xico didn't even register, the occasional bubbling thought she had feeling no different from any other idle thought coming from nowhere.

When Xico finally came around behind me, wrapping her arms around my chest, her tails gently wrapping around as well, letting out a soft sigh of affection, I was reminded of her presence consciously - and the fact that she responded to me pretty much abusing the incredible intimacy of an igoss to get horny as fuck on another woman, with a hug and a snuggle and affection, sent me over the edge. I slammed myself balls deep down Mira's throat. I used to suck cock because I liked it; now I suck cock because you like it. I used to suck lots of guys off, but now, I'll only suck the cocks of the guys you order me to, Master.

It was to that last thought that I erupted straight down her throat, groaning as I did so, pumping my hips against her face, lost for a moment in an intoxicating feeling mixing power and affection. In her mind, Mira greedily, happily begged me for my cum in her mind: I used to be above you, now I'm below you. I used to eat food whenever I wanted, now you'll feed me cum whenever you please.

Once I was completely spent, I pulled out of her mouth, sighing as my cock twitched in the air in front of her. Mira had never exactly been a selfish woman, but now, with the expression on her face, and the thoughts in her head, I knew I could fuck Xico on the bed and leave her kneeling there on the ground, and she wouldn't complain at all. I felt the bubble of curiosity and cute interest in Xico's mind, wondering if I was going to do that.

I considered it for a second - but no. This was a Christmas gift from Mira. I wouldn't get the chance to enjoy her like this again, almost certainly. "Lean over the bed," I ordered her, and she dutifully rose to her feet, going over to the bed and leaning over it. My cock was bouncing in the air, as I pushed up her long black skirt, its white frills getting pushed up her slim legs, over her pert ass. I was surprised to discover she wasn't wearing panties, but definitely wasn't complaining. My cock twitched in the air as I positioned myself behind her, rubbing my cock against her slit. I'm glad that I decided not to wear panties. They would only have made Master's life more difficult.

There was a momentary temptation to be sadistic with her, hearing those thoughts. I could complain about her not wearing panties, for example. But that'd probably just be mean, in her current headspace, so instead I simply slammed myself inside her, gripping her hips. "Talk," I ordered her, as I pumped away. "Tell me what a good fucktoy you'll be for your new owner and Master," I said.

"Yes, Master!" She said, immediately lighting into action as I just pounded at her pussy. She was definitely enjoying the rough fucking, I could tell that, but this was a highly-focused supergenius who was getting rammed, so she managed to come across as remarkably coherent. "Now that I'm your slave, I'll be the best fucktoy I can be for you! If you tell me to do something, I'll always do it, without any hesitation whatsoever. I know how freaky you get with Kate, and I'm unworried about you getting that freaky with me!" My cock throbbed at that, and I got even rougher with her, leaning over her, grabbing a tangle of her red hair, forcibly twisting her head around so I could see her face, lips still speaking as I did so. "You can read my thoughts, Master! You should know there are no limits! I'm even more uninhibited than Kate, you don't have to worry about my feelings whatsoever, and since I'm rich, you can loot my bank account to your heart's content without worry!"

At that point, I reached around to start playing with her clit, using my power to produce an inhuman level of stimulation from her. It cut off my igoss with Xico for a moment, but I considered it worth it, when Mira pretty much immediately (in objective time) started to come from the stimulation. When I came back to normal time, Xico dutifully reestablished the igoss, and I was flooded with Mira's blissful delight at being "allowed" to orgasm, as well as her thoughts on the subject: I'm orgasming from Master's diligent hands working my clit. I should thank him for that once I finish coming. I didn't do anything to deserve an orgasm, but I received one anyway.

I had to admit - Mira was hot as fuck like this. Her tight pussy spasming on my cock, her mind working overtime to try to come up with the best way to please me. I glanced over at Xico, who smiled nervously, her tentacles wagging happily behind her. "Get in the same position as Mira," I told Xico, careful to avoid using the same rough, domineering voice that I was using on Mira. My thoughts had been so utterly focused on her, I'd forgotten all about Xico, who promptly got into the same position, flipping up her dress and pulling down her panties. I could feel her quiet, eager delight at my attention, especially when she knew just how insanely horny this Mira was getting me.

I pushed inside her a moment later, enjoying her bubbly emotions and Mira's quiet, submissive, effusive patience. There was no hesitance in Mira's mind, just quiet happiness that I was fucking whoever it got me off to fuck. Xico, for her part, was squeezing down on my cock with her pussy as best she could, her tentacles wrapping gingerly around my waist to pull me inside her and then hold me in. She felt truly fantastic, as she held me inside her, and her own feelings played back on me, the sensation of being filled so pleasantly by the man you loved being something I could now experience as well. Her thoughts were even better, that sickly-sweet mix of affection and lust as she felt me fill her up, and the fact that I cared about her enough to stick it in when I had the currently completely-compliant Mira utterly available for me to get off with...

I reached down for her clit, playing with it, and of course the sensation played out in duplicate, buzzing my own brain. I was reminded of the problem with igossing: it shot my endurance because every time she came, I was almost certain to come too. I used my superspeed, involuntarily breaking off the link, and while I could tell she missed it even without the connection, I could also push her over the edge in a few seconds, playing with her clit and making her tight pussy spasm around my cock as she came, her tails beginning to happily wag, letting me slip out of her and thrust into Mira a moment later.

"Thank you for fucking me again, Master!" Mira's voice was even more energetic now, probably because she could tell I wasn't still igossing with Xico. "I love it! I'm so thankful that my body can please you! I love you and want to serve you any way I can, Master, feel free to give me any order you so please! I am your loyal, dutiful, obedient slave, I don't have any will of my own, any desires of my own, only pleasing you matters to me!" As Xico's own orgasm ended, and she was able to igoss me again, I felt just how true Mira's words were, despite the complete obscenity of them.

With the continuing afterglow of Xico's orgasm, it was driving me wild with lust, and I began to just pound away at Mira, enjoying her thoughts, constantly offering endless submission. When I decided she had done good enough to earn an orgasm, I gave her one and pulled out, thrusting into a giddy Xico, cutting off the igoss before she came and then flipping back over to Mira as the igoss came back online.

It was unbelievably intense, like marinating in the raw, ambient energy of sex. There was no hint in Mira's mind that she was even capable of imagining taking off the collar - she was just merrily describing her submission. When her orgasms came fast and hard, she'd start drooling a bit on the bed, but then I'd get right back to fucking her brains out, her pussy spasming all the while as she proclaimed how thankful she was that her body could please me.

I wound up fucking them both for probably over an hour, before I finally came inside Mira. Yes, Master is ejaculating inside me! Thank you, Master! Thank you for coming inside me! I'm glad my pussy was good enough for you! My pussy belongs to you, thank you! Her fingers clawed at the bed underneath her, and she shivered and bounced in place, her pussy actively squeezing on my dick to wring out every last drop she could get, until at last I was completely spent and pulled out of her.

I wound up fucking her around the apartment - no, using her would be a more accurate way to describe what I did. I played some video games while she sucked me off. I forced her to cook for me, all the while making her say - which her mind verified were her legitimate thoughts - "I'm a supergenius superhero, but I'm much happier cooking for you like a loyal slave-maid than I would be doing anything more important." I made her dance while naked, made her kneel at the couch in total silence, made her wear a blindfold for half an hour of getting to do nothing but listen to me fuck Xico.

I even made her degrade herself in contrast to Xico, which produced some interesting conflicting feelings in Xico. On the one hand, Xico didn't like to be mean to people, and clearly objectively forcing Mira to say that Xico was much prettier and smarter and more desirable than her was "mean." On the other hand, she did like to be praised, and to be the center of my attention, and Mira clearly didn't mind what she was being forced to say at all.

It all came to an end after a full six hours, at which point the collar simply detached and fell free from her neck, Mira snatching it out of the air. By that point, she was wearing a good amount of my cum, which forced shut her left eye, but she smiled anyway. Her hair was still in the absurd pigtails she'd bound it into earlier, and she was halfway wearing her maid outfit - I'd actually cut the skirt way shorter, so it only reached just below her ass. "So that's the sort of thing you do, when there's no limits. Quite the hidden depths, Roger," she noted, not annoyed at all. She reached up to remove some of my cum from her face - unfortunately, it was quite dry by that point, so the process failed to accomplish much. "I'm going to take a shower, you really can't complain after making this kind of mess," she said.

"No, I can't. Thanks," I told her. "That was incredible."

"No problem," she said, even putting in the effort to wiggle her hips. "Just remember me for your own Christmas gift, huh? You too, Xico!" Xico turned scarlet at that, and since we were still igossed at that point, I could feel her absolute embarrassment at the statement, the way she felt like it was obviously true but very embarrassing that she'd enjoyed the way I had treated slave-Mira. I just gently wrapped her in a half-hug.

Twenty minutes later, Mira emerged from the shower, grinning and wearing the ordinary clothes she'd come in wearing. "You two are cute together. See you two lovebirds around!" She added, going to the front door and leaving us there. Xico just quietly snuggled into me, our thoughts full of quiet warmth and exhaustion, hers full of that same back-of-the-head puppy love...

Then the door opened. "Slutty cock done with mean lady, finally?!?" Bup yelled out.

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features Roger doing a bit of gift-shopping for Xico, then giving Mira an early Christmas present of his own. You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.