Superheroine Seducing Accountant


Fifi was clearly quite satisfied with our (rather odd) date, gauging by her pleased body language in the aftermath. (And how wet she was, after I'd fucked her friend in front of her.) She didn't seem like the kind of girl who wanted to talk about feelings, or get apologies, so I decided to just leave it there.

Of course, there was Xico... I knew, from her igossing with me, that she loved me. I'd also seen how... sincere, and selfless, that affection could be, when she had offered to go sleep across the hall from me, just to make me more comfortable. (Nora also showed much the same kind of love, but given her social problems, had needed Xico's prompting to know she should do that.)

One thing that I hadn't thought about too much, with respect to superheroes, is how... good they are. Of course, it makes sense when you think about it. Even if Xico couldn't read everybody's mind as casually as she flicked through mine, she could do it for most. Cut out five-sixths of all the liars, the corrupt or brutal, the rapists, and so on, and you're left with a much thinner set of secret villains, who in turn will have a harder time operating and be easier to catch. The inherent internal transparency of the job, combined with whatever other mystical and supernatural elements might be in play... well, the Secret Service in my own world had never had a single traitor, why should Star Heroic have many?

Then, once you get rid of all the "bad seeds," you have a group of people who have voluntarily taken on an extremely risky, prosocial job. Yes, it's high status and it pays well, but with superpowers, you can be a celebrity even without stopping monsters, and make tons of money quite easily. Even someone with relatively "plain" powers like Nora had all kinds of obvious utility (though I doubt she would have much future as an actress). So only people who are attracted to the risky, prosocial job are likely to wind up at Star Heroic in the first place.

Now, it's important not to get misty-eyed about this sort of thing. Pure altruism is part of the human psychological mix because our ancestors kept stabbing all the bullies with spears. Probably the apparent "niceness" of the taliké was from this same effect, but even more powerful, since they have no ability to hide any antisocial behavior - humans, at least, can lie. And Xico was half-taliké. So it was completely because of evolutionary and selective effects that she was so nice.

Still, she was nice, and had been considerate about things being weird with me for a bit. I decided to just do something focused towards her, and I sat down to think about what she'd like. I figured the best date for her would be a place where basically everybody was happy, but that was a lot harder than you'd think to puzzle out. Lots of classic "happy places" involved plenty of people dragged around, employees who didn't want to be there, and the like. Sports obviously were as likely to be everybody riding high as being dragged down. A convention, maybe?

I ultimately decided on a concert, since I figured that Xico would enjoy the general good vibes, though I was less sure that I would. I picked out something that was relatively cheap and soon, since I didn't want to pay $3000 for scalped tickets for a concert that Xico might not even wind up liking. Once I had something picked out, I paused at checkout, got up, went across the hall to where Nora and Xico were staying, and-

"Yes," Xico squeaked out, then twitched a moment later. "I mean... yes, I'd... like to go to the concert... you can buy the tickets... thanks... though you don't... have to."

"Great," I decided on, rather than teasing her or noting that she'd been listening in on my thoughts, though those ideas all ran through my head anyway, making Xico blush.

"S-sorry... I want to... make sure you're okay..."

"It's why you're across the hall in the first place," I told her. It was. If I really wanted her to stop reading my mind all the time, I would have told her to leave the building. I didn't even really mind her reading my mind all the time - I trusted her enough. She smiled cutely and ducked her head a bit at that thought. "It's this weekend, so get ready."

"I will..." she agreed.

* * *

Xico had gotten herself all dressed up for the concert, with some help from Lope. Lope had a much better sense of 'style' than Xico did, especially given that this was a rock concert, according to what Xico had picked up from Roger's brain. She glanced at herself in the mirror, trying to decide if she looked 'sexy' or not. It was hard, since Roger's idea of what sexy was, was kind of... gay... for her world. Tight shirts and short shorts, that kind of thing. Still, she had sort of, subtly, pushed Lope in the direction of that sort of thing, when they were picking out outfits. She liked it when Roger looked at her like she was sexy, after all.

The actual clothing choice was a tight shirt with a simple skull pattern on it, plus some shorts that reached halfway down her thighs. It felt so weird, wearing clothes like that, and she absently tugged at the bottom of the shorts, wishing they were just an inch or two longer, even though she was pretty sure that Roger liked them this way.

Her tails flapped idly behind her. Lope had recommended some little black things that basically looked like collars, and looked okay, she thought? It made her look kind of silly, but it brought them into the whole outfit more. She hoped people didn't look at her too funny, when she got to the concert...

* * *

People noticed her, when she got to the concert, with Roger, whose hand she was holding, and who was thinking about what to do after the concert (which was mostly sex, or maybe getting food and then sex, depending on how hungry/thirsty they'd be afterwards). The people who were looking at her, though, weren't thinking about what she was wearing. They were thinking about the fact that she was Project, the telekinetic superheroine, the young member of Star Heroic, and that here she was, at a concert for Bonnie Viva. She felt her tentacle almost automatically wrap itself around Roger's thigh, to pull herself that little bit closer to him. He just smiled at her, patted her head, and walked alongside her like he didn't care about what any of these people thought of him. (Which, he didn't.)

It only took ten minutes or so for the concert to actually start, and at that point, everybody's attention rapidly died away. The vibes were already a quiet, pleasant back-of-the-brain buzz (she was pretty sure a decent number of the people there were on Ecstasy, though she hadn't picked out any particular thoughts related to it), and had begun to rise up towards excitement and pleasure. Not everybody was on the same page, but the vast majority were, and it was like a chant where ninety people were all chanting together, compared to just ten moaning and complaining in their own ways.

It was easy to get swept up in it. The mood got better and better, as Bonnie Viva herself got closer and closer to playing, and the warmup bands bowed out. It was only an hour or so before she finally burst onto the scene, and began to just rock out. At that point, the excitement reached such a fever pitch that Xico thought she might just float off her feet. (Then she realized she actually had, and quickly stuck them back on solid ground. Nobody seemed to have noticed, but it was still embarrassing.)

Roger had gotten, half-heartedly, into the song, dancing along with the rhythm of everybody else, though he didn't have his hands in the air. She couldn't help but smile a little at that cute awkwardness of him. It was so opposed to his casual comfort and social ease in so many situations, that he also got all weird at other times.

She decided to just let the vibes run through her, to shake her hips, to raise her hands in the air, to relish the energy that everybody was experiencing together. The way they were losing themselves to the rhythm of the beat, while Bonnie Viva belted out lyrics that Xico could only pick up the barest thread of. She thought it was about... a bad boyfriend? Or maybe being a bad girlfriend? The mush of everybody's thoughts on the subject was pretty much incomprehensible, but she was enjoying herself anyway.

Then came the end, as Bonnie Viva spoke to the crowd, seemingly earnestly from the heart - "I'd like to say thank you all to all my fans! Your love is mucho appreciated! I have to say, though, that apparently I have a fan who's way, way cooler than me!" Xico felt the vibes shift subtly, curiosity infecting most people - and the people closest to her glanced at her tentacles. "I don't have to say your name - you know who you are! You know who I'm talking about!" Xico was pretty sure that she was talking about Xico. "I'd like to cordially invite you backstage. The rest of you - ehh, I dunno," she said, with a jocular intensity. "Do whatever you feel like! Nah, nah, we got some more bands, don't run off too fast! I was one of these bands once, I know you're just here for me but give 'em a shot. Who knows, they might even be good! Plus, I'll be back in a while, so if you go away you might miss me!"

Xico hesitated, turning her attention to Roger. He seemed not to have even realized that Xico was the likely target of Bonnie Viva's words. She could quietly walk off with him, head home, and have sex... but, she was kind of curious...

"Roger..." she said, tugging on Roger's shirt sleeve. "I think... she's talking about me..."

"Oh. Uh. Do you want to meet her?"

Xico did. It wasn't like she was a huge fan, but... she was pretty sure she'd heard some of those songs on the radio, so... it just felt like she should meet her. "Yeah... but come with me..." she said. She definitely didn't want to meet some stranger all alone.

* * *

I had to get specially waved in, since the invitation had only been for Xico. It wasn't too surprising that Bonnie wanted to talk to Xico, now that I actually thought about it. I mean, Xico was a superhero. Bonnie was just a musician, even if she was fairly popular. I wondered if I should have picked a different place to go.

"It's... fine," Xico said. "She didn't... actually single me... out, remember..." she pointed out.

I guess that was considerate. If she'd said, Wow, the superhero Project is here, that'd have been a different story. The pair of us soon arrived in a backstage room, and I was suddenly hit with a reality that a handful of glamor shots and video feed of her rocking had not revealed.


Bonnie Viva was gorgeous. She had a slender, but definitely full-figured frame, with good tits and ass. She was fairly tall, though not taller than me, with dark hair that went down to around her armpits or so. She also, ahm, dressed quite provocatively, particularly for this world, with her top ending just before her tits and leaving an entire bare stomach revealed.

I remembered I was here on a date with Xico and forced my eyes back up to her. She wasn't even paying attention to me at all, though Xico had clearly picked up what I was giving off, gauging by the flush to her cheeks. "So, uh, hi," Bonnie said. "I'm a huge fan of you in particular, Project," she said. "I just wanted to say thank you, personally, for all you've done for the city so far. I know you're new, and maybe I'm putting too much on you or something, but you've - when you, that, y'know, the," she began making hand motions which I couldn't decipher even a little bit.

"Karmaron?" Xico asked.

"Yes, Karmaron! When Karmaron attacked, you just grabbed the body, and compressed all those vivisectors or whatever they're called - it was awesome! I wish I had powers like yours, haha," she said, glancing at me at that point. "So is this your, ah, boyfriend?" The way she said it, she really wasn't sure, and was picking boyfriend because it was more polite than guessing dad.

"Yes," I said. Mostly. Arguing about minutiae didn't really matter, here. Xico's tentacle idly reached out for my leg, gripping it as if to reassure me.

"Cool. Bit older for you, but I guess you're probably mature for your age, given you're out fighting crime and everything," she said. She let out a heavy breath, turning her attention back to Xico. "Sorry if I'm coming off weird or anything, I'm just - it's amazing, to be able to talk to somebody like you, personally, I have a ton of questions I want to ask, if that's okay?" She almost squeaked out the question. "I can comp you for your tickets this time, and, hell, give you free tickets! You're literally my favorite hero, and I want to know so many stupid tiny details, trust me, this isn't just pure charity, if you're put off by that idea."

"I... um... Roger bought the tickets... so he's the one... you should pay."

"Oh!" She looked surprised at that, glancing back at me as if to reevaluate me. "So it's that kind of-"

"No," Xico said, her cheeks turning bright red in response to whatever thought Bonnie was having. "Um... anyway... it's because I'm half-taliké. That's also because of that."

"Haha, wow, uhm, well, we can sit down first, before you just plunge into my brain meats to pick out all my questions. Not that I mind! I mean, you can read your mind so you can tell I don't mind, but I guess Roger here might not know," Bonnie said, guiding the pair of us to take our respective seats.

I mostly just sat there as Xico answered various questions that Bonnie had. There were a lot of them, and Xico sometimes fumbled for words, which was the only time I ever really came in handy. I wasn't complaining much, since Xico did seem to like the talking. When she got particularly stuck on how to express something - what it was like, back on the compound where she grew up - she wound up igossing with me for a bit to pull out the words.

It provided me with some quite vivid memories, of boiling water to drink and watering plants to eat, of not even talking for hours or days because she only hung out with other half-taliké kids (or taliké adults) in that time, so she'd take a few seconds to remember how to talk, of a crush she'd had on another boy, and the awkwardness that pretty much immediately ensued because he didn't reciprocate so even though she hadn't told him her feelings, he instantly knew them anyway. I related them as best I could, trying to resist the urge to physically cringe in response to some of the experiences.

I also, I'll admit, let my mind wander. The questions took a while, and Bonnie was legitimately, physically hot (and also Xico could clearly read her mind, so I knew she wasn't a supervillain), and she was friendly and gregarious enough, and wasn't it a cliche that musicians fucked their opposite-sex fans? Groupies? Was that still a thing here? Xico's tentacles idly wiggled behind her when those thoughts got particularly lewd, a glance spared my way before she stifled her response and tried to refocus back on Bonnie.

"You're back on in ten," came a male voice - some employee at the concert, from what I understood. Bonnie rose to her feet.

"Sorry, I completely lost track of time," Bonnie said. "Thank you so, so much, Xico. It's okay if I call you Xico, right? Not presumptuous? It's okay if it's presumptuous-"

"Xico... is fine..."

"Right, well, you heard the man, I gotta go. You can let yourselves out, if you want to vibe with the concert some more, or stay! I'd love to keep talking to you when we're done, but I really have to go," she said, hurriedly leaving the pair of us there.

Xico's tentacles idly flicked at the air behind her, as a quiet silence spread between the two of us. "She... thinks you're... attractive, too," she said, at last. "If you want to... I don't think... she'd talk about it..."

It took me a couple seconds to realize what Xico had just said - what she meant. My cock twitched a bit in my pants, at the thought of fucking Bonnie. "Uhm. I mean, what about when she writes her autobiography in twenty years or something? Do you want to risk that?"

Xico hesitated, her lips twitching, her tentacles idly swirling behind her. "You could... pretend to... do it on your own... well... she probably wouldn't help you... cheat... and lying's wrong, too... so... I guess..." She actually looked disappointed, which made her cheeks light up in embarrassment at my thought. If she wanted it that bad... "It's not... that important!" She squeaked the last word out, even as she grew a brighter shade of red. "She's nice... and you're nice... but... sometimes nice things don't go together... so..."

I took a moment to actually think about it. If it came out in however many years that Xico had been whoring out her boyfriend when she was 18, that would make her look bad. Right? Yes. You inverted the genders, and obviously. But that wasn't quite what was happening. If you said instead that we were in an open relationship - which, we kinda were - would being in an open relationship when she was 18 be considered some dire attack on her character? But would that be awkward, since I wanted Xico to be able to enjoy what was happening. Even if Bonnie was hot, I liked Xico better. (That thought made her twitch, her tentacles wagging in response.) Could she igoss me, while I fucked Bonnie, 'watching' from a distance?

"I could..." Xico said. "Um... it's not infinite range, but... if I left the room... to that bathroom..." she said, referring to one in the halls. "It wouldn't be... too far..."

Given she was answering that question, I had to assume she actually did want to do it. After a few seconds of quietly squirming, she nodded, with a shy smile. It was a little ridiculous that she was so embarrassed to say as much, given I was perfectly happy to do it, but... well, that was Xico. I leaned over to kiss her on the cheek.

* * *

Bonnie was still riding high from the crowd, as she came back to the backstage room where Xico (the Xico! Project herself!!!) had been left behind. She wondered if the thing Xico talked about was anything like the high she was experiencing? It was probably totally different.

As she stepped into the room, though, she was disappointed to see that it was only Roger sitting there. He was plenty hot, definitely, but he was taken, and she wasn't going to steal Xico (!!!)'s boyfriend! So she sat down. "Where's Xico?"

"She, uh, had to leave," Roger said. "To the bathroom."

"Oh." That made sense. Huh. It was weird, you never really thought about it, but even superheroes had to go to the bathroom, right? That was just obvious. There was probably some common saying to that effect, that even heroes had to take a shit. "I can wait for her to come out."

"It could be a while," he said.

"I can wait however long it takes."

Roger glanced at the door, then coughed awkwardly. "Ah... look, Xico and I are in an open relationship, and she can read my mind, so... she knew even before leaving that I'd want to bang you."

Oh. He was propositioning her. Huh. She hadn't really taken him for a groupie, but Xico had mentioned that he had been the one to buy the tickets. Was this that kind of situation? She'd had guys who were married and such fuck her - you know, both the husband and wife agree in advance that you can have sex with X movie star or actor or musician or whoever, if you ever get the chance. She wondered how those actually went down in the aftermath, though. It was the kind of thing where it probably wasn't going to be reciprocal - yeah the guy gets to nail the hot musician, but does the wife ever get her own Hollywood stud? Well, maybe for Xico. She could probably find and nail the hell out of some sex symbol actor, like Brad Wesley. Especially with telepathy to make sure you don't completely muck things up and offend the guy.

On the other hand, Xico (!). How could she possibly risk offending the great Project by banging her boyfriend? There were plenty of other hot sluts out there. As if he could read her mind (could he? She didn't recognize him from Star Heroic), Roger just sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Okay... yeah, this isn't working, I guess."

"It's fine, I get it, totally don't feel weird or anything. There are other guys out there in a similar situation, I'm not blaming you or calling you a weirdo or anything, I just- Xico!" She was interrupted in her thoughts as the woman herself came into the room, looking weirdly disappointed. "Hey, you're looking great. Ah." There was no way she could keep a secret that Roger tried to proposition her from Xico, could she? D'oh! She just thought it right there!

"It's... fine," Xico said. "I kind of... wish you had..." Wow, that was something. Was it a big deal for Roger? It totally was, wasn't it? Obviously! God, she was just thinking about it from the wife's perspective, where hubby goes and gets banged by the hot starlet, but what about from his perspective, where all his dreams come true? And Xico was a super cool, nice girl, who could literally feel how important this was to Roger, and probably had just left because he had wanted it that bad, but here Bonnie was, ruining it.

"Uhm. Well, my main concern was that you wouldn't be cool with it, so if you are cool with it, we can do it," Bonnie said, verbalizing her thoughts.

Roger glanced at Xico, and they were actually a pretty cute couple, for the way - wait, obviously they could communicate without even needing body language, Xico was a telepath! "I'd like it if Xico could watch?" He suggested. "If that's alright with you."

Wow. Bonnie had to give a look to Xico, to make sure he wasn't a total nutjob who was pushing her way too hard - she was blushing. "N-no, it's good..." she said, tails (supercute tails! She had little black ribbons around them!) wagging with copious amounts of nervous energy behind her.

Well... hell, if Xico really was cool with it, who was Bonnie to argue? A literal telepathic superhero was saying it was OK, it was probably OK. She'd never done it in front of another girl, but, hell, if she was going to do, who better than Xico? They didn't really know each other, so it couldn't even make things that awkward between them in the future. Bonnie got up, locked the door to the room they were in (she fortunately didn't have to go back on stage - she'd just played them out) before coming back.

Should she get naked? Should Roger get naked? Oh, Roger was getting naked now, and, wow. He dressed down. That stomach of his - haha, it made her feel embarrassed about showing off her own! It went with her rocker vibe, but damn, she did not have abs that could compete with those. She wanted to just go wild, and Xico was literally listening to her getting horny at her boyfriend's naked body, wasn't she?

"It's... okay," Xico said, quickly. "Uhm... he wants you... naked too..."

"Right!" Bonnie agreed, happy to have an idea for something to do other than stare with lust at Roger's rapidly-becoming naked body. She peeled off her shirt, hiding her face from Roger for a second, then undid her bra, and soon enough she was tossing aside her pants and panties as well, leaving her naked in front of Roger. He was equally naked, that big hard cock of his bouncing right in front of her. Goddamn, he was hot. Definitely the kind of tail that a girl like Xico could pull in! She paused for a moment as she tried to figure out how to fuck him, since, well, there wasn't a bed in this room.

He swooped towards her - she actually would have taken a half-step back in shock, if he hadn't moved that fast. It was insane. His cock twitched and slapped lightly at her stomach, as his hands wrapped around her hips. Holy crap, was he a superhero? She'd not heard about a speedster fitting his description at Star Heroic, maybe he was from another company, or out of town? Either way, he didn't give her much chance to think, before his lips were mashing up against hers and his cock was starting to slide into her sex.

It felt great. She practically shivered as his hard cock slipped inside her, taking inch after inch of her pussy in a way that felt uniquely good. It wasn't one slow stroke, the sort that rubbed at every inch of you, but it felt like one played out at rapid speed, making her gasp in response, her legs threatening to just kick up in the air and wrap around Roger's waist as he continued to kiss her.

His hands explored her naked body, finding their way to her ass cheeks, squeezing and groping her butt as he filled her up. If he was bothered by the awkward position, he didn't show it, starting to pump inside her, rutting fruitfully at her pussy, making her shiver. His hand slid rapidly around to her clit, fingertip stimulating and teasing it and making her eyes roll around and around in her head from the sheer, overwhelming pleasure he was bringing to bear. Her own tongue - initially intended to lick at his - began instead to simply flop around inside of her mouth, as pleasure overwhelmed her, and she came, moaning wildly into his mouth as her back arched and her whole body jerked with ecstasy.

He hadn't been in her for an entire minute, as she just twitched and jerked in his grasp, gasping hotly as he broke off the kiss to run his lips down to her neck. She could hardly take it. It was crazy. Wild. Way too fucking good, she couldn't believe it. She was breathing heavily already, squeaking with each continuing thrust, as he drove her absolutely wild with pleasure. Was this the kind of sex that superheroes had all the time? She wished she had powers...

* * *

Xico practically bounced in place as she listened to both Roger and Bonnie's thoughts, as Roger made Bonnie feel amazing. His hand was on her clit, teasing her, using that superspeed trick of his, which meant she could only catch the vaguest sense of his thoughts, but Bonnie was riding high. All her fawning mental praise of Xico made Xico feel a little embarrassed, but also a little nice, even if she felt like maybe she shouldn't... of course, Bonnie was coming pretty constantly, and those crashing waves of pleasure were something that Xico was definitely enjoying being on the receiving end of.

Her tentacles wagged behind her, picking up and putting out all the good vibes in the room. She could only gulp excitedly as she watched the scene playing out in front of her - she'd picked up enough from Roger to know that he fully planned to fuck her, once he was done with Bonnie. "Ahm, ah," Bonnie sputtered out, "so guh, good," she said. She was speaking with a desperate need - wanting to say those words, to express those feelings, even as her whole body spasmed, so that Roger would know she wasn't selfish. She was nice.

Roger's tongue slid along Bonnie's neck, as he briefly slowed down, enough for Xico to pick up his thoughts, which were pretty much laser targeted at her. Is she satisfied yet? Xico could only gulp. Was Bonnie satisfied? She wasn't thinking in terms of satisfaction... she was thinking more in terms of bewilderment... so... Xico shook her head, feeling her cheeks flush even as she knew the consequences of her action: more wild pleasure to be inflicted on Bonnie, more of that intense sexual pleasure rebounding on her.

Bonnie came a good dozen more times, before her internal thought processes began to turn more towards exhaustion than anything else. "I think... she's good... Roger..." she said to Roger, who promptly just peeled right out of her pussy, gently helping Bonnie down to the floor to lie down and recover.

"I'm going to fuck Xico now - you don't mind, right?" Roger asked Bonnie, which made Xico's cheeks light up bright red - and Bonnie just shook her head limply, she was so pleasure-dazed she couldn't even muster the willpower to talk.

Roger quickly wiped his dick down to clean off Bonnie's juices, before coming right up to Xico. He just yanked her shorts down and pointed his cock at her pussy, making her tingle in desire. His gaze met hers for a long second, and he asked without opening his mouth: Igoss or superspeed?

She answered nonverbally herself, letting their consciousnesses twine together, feeling his arousal. He felt really, really good about fucking Bonnie, felt this sort of casual dominance and a pleasure that came with it, felt like a stud, and she was now feeling that too. His cock then slipped inside her, and she gasped at the sensation of it, played out in duplicate, her hands coming up to wrap around his neck, holding him against her, her tentacles mimicking the motion a few seconds later. He was just so considerate a lover, it was crazy, his hand was on her pussy in no time at all, teasing her pussy, playing with her clit, making her squirm on his cock.

Every wiggle of both their bodies made them both feel good, and they knew one another's bodies with an intuition that would have been impossible without igossing. She panted heavily, for just a few seconds, before Roger's lips met hers, his tongue invading her mouth as her legs wound up snapping up to wrap around him too. All six of her limbs were plastered to Roger, holding and squeezing him against her as her pussy convulsed around his cock. He felt so good inside her, as he gently sawed at just the right length, just the right angle...

And there was that unique, extra flavoring, of Bonnie's quiet post-coital bliss, the warm glow seasoning everything that she and Roger were experiencing together. Her hands gripped him tighter against her, and he responded in kind. He clearly also liked the addition of Bonnie's unique perspective, though for his own reason, that selfsame pride from earlier getting emphasized to his pleasure. She didn't mind boosting his ego, though. After everything he'd been through, he needed an ego boost. That thought fizzled in her head, popping against his own, and she could feel his quiet unhappiness with it, the sex pausing for just a moment...

"Igoss or superspeed?" He asked, softly.

She kept latched onto his consciousness. She loved him. She wanted him to be happy. She wanted to feel him, both inside and out. He grunted in response, forcing another kiss on her, hefting her up as he began to pump her with a bit more force, really scooping out her insides. She was so tight - he was so big - it felt so nice and snug, as he fucked her, from both her perspective and from his. She could feel her juices slowly sliding down his hard cock, dripping towards his balls and thighs. She broke off the kiss just to look, to glance down at his naked body and enjoy how muscular and sexy he was.

Roger responded by rapidly peeling up and off her shirt, wanting to admire her naked body too, making her flush at the momentary breaking of the igoss, done for such a silly, petty reason as superspeed disrobing her, before she could quickly reestablish the connection. Still, his hands on her breasts felt so nice - and she knew her breasts felt nice to him, too, as the pair squirmed and pressed against one another, until an orgasm overtook her - and his own, reflected-back, orgasm filled her as well, as he groaned and came inside in sweet mutual bliss.

* * *

On the bus ride home, Xico was snugly and happily attached to my side. From our time igossing, I could tell she enjoyed spending time around Bonnie a lot - Bonnie clearly thought the world of Xico, and she similarly thought the world of my dick, so I could understand the desire to spend time around somebody who would pump up your pride like that. I did now, also, effectively have infinite free tickets to Bonnie's shows, and she was hot... so I filed it away as something to do for future dates. My fingers idly ran through Xico's hair on the way home, as her tentacle continued to attach itself to me.

She'd also dressed really... wow, for the date. A lot skimpier than I was used to seeing from her, and I liked it, too. She flushed at that, some mix of pride and embarrassment on her features. I just gave her a kiss on the forehead.

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features Roger doting on Nora, which turns out to mostly mean fucking all twenty of her bodies, much to her sexual delight. You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.