Superheroine Seducing Accountant


Fifi lay naked next to me, panting heavily, her cheeks flush, her skin slick with sweat. After I'd gotten done railing Kate to high heaven, I had sent Fifi on a similar journey. At first, she simply laid on her back where I'd left her, but when I settled down onto the bed next to her, she wound up snuggling into my side pretty much instantly, her pert breasts pressing against my upper arm in the process.

Even her cheek nuzzled against me, soft fur brushing against bare skin in a way that was surprisingly cute and intimate from her. I reached over for her ear, gently scratching it, and after a few seconds of that, one of her legs kicked, like a sleeping dog.

I knew she liked me, from experience igossing with Xico while she was around. Maybe just leading directly into sex was a bit selfish or ignored her feelings? I'd basically gone out on a date with another girl, fucked her in front of Fifi, and then fucked Fifi (after the requisite dick-cleaning off with some wet wipes). On the other hand, I also knew she really did like sex a lot. She certainly hadn't complained about any of that.

Well... Kate hadn't complained about lack of affection either, and I'd still gone on a date with her. A proper date, even if she kinda behaved like a horny idiot half the time (it was cute, though). I definitely didn't mind watching her breasts bounce during our basketball game - they were really an amazing pair, all in all. So I should probably do something for Fifi, too. "Hey," I said. "Want to go on a date?"

"Mmm," she hummed quietly. She just nuzzled my arm, then her brain appeared to process what I'd said. "Y-you want to?" She sputtered, in surprise, turning her attention up to me. "Go on a date, I mean, with me?"

"Yes," I agreed. Fifi sort of had this energy about her, like she thought she was ugly? (Which was cute, because then you call her sexy and she really likes it, etc.) But I did wonder if it was because of how people like her were treated back in her own world, or because men in this world cared more about faces than me. Well, 'this world', meaning these worlds, since apparently it wasn't just this universe that had the women be the sexual aggressors, but also Fals's and Fifi's home worlds too.

"Then, uhm. Yeah," she said, nodding rapidly. "What do you want to do? All I really know is you like sex," she noted, then blushed a bit as she realized what she had just said. "No, I mean, ah, that and video games and movies. Sorry, I should have learned more about your tastes," she said, her ears drooping just a little.

I honestly had been thinking of the date as something I would arrange - but that wasn't how it worked here, as her words reminded me. Kate was an enormous masosub, that was why she'd let me decide what our date would be. "Just do whatever you think is a good idea," I told her.

She nodded in response to that, though she seemed less than certain about the idea. We snuggled for a while longer on the bed, before getting into the shower to clean up. She wound up getting down on her knees to clean me up the rest of the way.

* * *

Stitch felt so stupid. This was a terrible idea. He wanted something romantic, didn't he? She'd asked him, and he'd said no, but that was the classic guy thing, you say you don't want romantic, but really, you get totally happy about romantic stuff anyway, and upset when it turns out the girl isn't thinking that.

But Roger liked this kind of stuff. He did. She knew that. So...

"So, this guy, Roger, he is hot, right?" Alexa asked.


Alexa was a synth, so her skin had this interesting blue-metal shade, flexible alloys moving just like a biological human might. (And, despite the official ruling in Lambda v. California, Alexa was a human. Just like Stitch.) She was androgynous, tall as hell (a full 6'6") and slim. She didn't have the body type that you saw in porno, but porno was for girls - Stitch knew that every girl band was full of chicks who wished they were as pretty as her. That was what guys were into. Well, Roger did seem to like big tits, and Stitch at least had that on her... Alexa was flat as a board.

"I showed you a picture of him," she responded, rolling her eyes. "He's hot."

"I just don't wanna get dogfished," Alexa said. "No offense."

Stitch resisted the urge to roll her eyes at that. She pulled out her phone, thinking of navigating these stupid foreign menus, then paused and hit the camera button instead. She took a quick picture of Alexa - making sure the angle was right so she didn't look too shiny; Alexa helped, posing a bit to show herself off with a smug smirk that said she knew she'd been made to be hot - and sent it off to Roger.

Stitch: This mf
Roger: Motherfucker? Is something happening?
Stitch: No! My friend! K(
Roger: what is that
Stitch: Sorry.
Stitch: I guess there's different text slang here.
Stitch: This is my friend, Alexa, the one you're meeting. Do you think she's hot?

She didn't doubt he would.

Roger: Sure.
Stitch: She wants a nice pic of you, can you send one? {please}
Roger: Yeah.

A few seconds later, he sent over a picture of himself, shirtless. She hadn't asked for that, but she couldn't help but flush with arousal. He really was just - the kind of slut you only saw in porn, except, he was real. She swallowed, and Alexa twisted her head around, catching the image from over Stitch's shoulder and whistling.

"He's hot," Alexa agreed. "Sluts are good times," she said, idly reaching up to toy with her hair, pushing it to one side. "Sure, sure. We can do this, uhh, what did you call it?"

"Double date."

"But it's more of a one-point-five times date," Alexa pointed out. Stitch shrugged. She really didn't care about the inane argument Alexa was absolutely ready to have about this. "Anyway. Yeah. He looks fun."

"We're literally here, waiting for him to show up," Stitch said. "You can't act like this is a hypothetical."

"I can always just leave, if I felt like it," Alexa countered. "When's he showing up, anyway?"

"We got here early," Stitch said. Alexa gave her a mildly annoyed expression. She guessed when you were the ultimate alpha Stacy you didn't want to wait on guys, but Stitch actually liked Roger, so she could fuck off with that attitude. "I sure didn't want to be late."

"Guys can tell you're desperate," Alexa said, leaning against a wall. "That's why you don't have a boyfriend."

"I'm literally living with Roger, right now," Stitch said. "And having sex with him."

"Yeah, yeah," Alexa said. She paused in that way that she did when she started searching the net, then snorted. "Wow. You know they caught him fucking some local billionaire?" She asked.

"Yes. That's my new boss, at Star Heroic. Well - no, she's not my boss, but she's my senior. She built the thing that let us out of Arcadia, you were there."

"Seems like he can do better than you."

"Well, he doesn't have to choose, because I'm into him fucking other girls."

"Just worried for you, chill," Alexa said.

"No need to rub how hot you are in my face about it." She huffed. Anyway, the actual reason that she didn't have a boyfriend, was that she was a stitch. Alexa should've known that guys were turned off by dogfaces a lot more than they were by 'desperation.' (Plus, there was this thing where you could be desperate, as long as you were a hard-edged killer - just look at those Sundown books with the psycho vampire chick all the guys swooned over.)

"It's impossible not to rub how hot I am in your face, since I'm right in front of you," Alexa said, taking hold of Stitch's cheeks. "Look, see, I'm right here, and I'm hot, and here's your face!"

Stitch let out a small laugh at that, then sighed. "Maybe we shouldn't have got here early."

"Maybe you should always listen to me, and admit I'm always right."

"Probably not, though," Stitch replied.

It was then that Roger showed up, zipping down the sidewalk at car speeds before stopping up next to them. "Wow, she's tall," he said, as he arrived, looking up at Alexa.

"I am," she agreed. "I'm Alexa. Me and Stitch go way back," she added, offering her hand. Roger took it. "Nice to meet you, Roger. You always offer shirtless pics at the drop of a hat?"

"Only to girls I like," Roger said, and Stitch felt her heart do some completely moronic somersaults in her chest, when he obviously just meant, girls he liked, as friends or whatever. He had so many fuckbuddies it was crazy. Honestly, she didn't know how he managed it.

* * *

Alexa pushed her tongue against her cheek, as Roger smoothly slid one arm around Stitch. It was the kind of casual, possessive move that she'd pull on a guy she wanted to hook like a fish and get wriggling under her in short order. It would only work on a certain type of guy, the kind that felt desperate. Former fat guys. Nerdy virgins. That kind of thing. But Stitch basically was that type of guy, albeit in a female body. It did incite some concern in her about her friend.

On the other hand, wasn't she a great girlfriend to the guys she banged? Sure, nothing lasted forever, but she made sure that they loved every minute of it. Her body was carefully designed to excite male fantasies, and it succeeded at that with flying colors. She would be the loving girlfriend who ate them up, for all their foibles, and made them come their brains out. From what Stitch had described of Roger, that described him pretty well, too. So maybe she was being a hypocrite. Maybe she should start introspecting about why she felt like a guy who was like her, would obviously be a shitty boyfriend.

Probably not, though.

She just grinned, stepping towards him and wrapping one arm around him in turn. "So, what's the date plan, Stitch? It's your wild and crazy sexyfun idea, after all."

"Oh, uh, right," Stitch said. Was she that affected by such a simple line? Jeez. That was the kind of response she'd expect from a guy with a dick smaller than her thumb. (Not that she cared about size - it's not the size of the boat, but the motion of the ocean. Plus she could just calibrate her sensitivity up or down at will, anyway.) Stitch's self esteem issues must have been worse than she thought. "There's- I was thinking, we could grab some food, get the chance to chat, introduce you two to each other, maybe go to the arcade, or home if Roger'd rather."

Alexa frowned at that. Stitch! You have a hot guy who is at least pretending to like you, and you're blowing it trying to get him to fuck a hotter girl! Turn off the horndog cuck bit or just pay a dominant! "Sounds good to me. This is the place, right?" She said, hoping to give her friend a helping hand as she gestured at the sandwich place they were standing right outside.

"Yeah," Stitch agreed, and the trio made their way inside, putting in their orders. Well, Stitch and Roger put in their orders. Alexa just got water - she didn't need to eat.

There were plenty of people looking at them, as they stood in line. It was natural. She was gorgeous, and Stitch definitely looked strange in this world. Back in their original universe, nobody really would have batted an eye at Stitch. They would have thought that she was just somebody's slave sent to fetch food, woof woof. She idly reached over for her old friend's head, giving her head a pat. "They're just distracted by my beauty," she reassured Stitch.

When the trio sat down - that was when the actual conversation could start. She tried picking his brain a bit. Based on what Stitch had described of him and his lifestyle (living with four women for a bit), she had assumed he would be a party boy slut. Instead, she had to admit that Roger seemed boring. No drugs. No parties. No dancing. He mentioned going to a nightclub, a while back with some of the boys from his work, but not really enjoying himself much. From Stitch's occasional addition, he definitely seemed to be a homebody who just sat around at home, browsing the internet and playing video games, whose obvious and primary charm point was that he fucked like a tiger.

Which made up for a lot, of course. Sex was great, and it was even better with hot, eager sluts. It didn't exactly make him boyfriend material as far as Alexa was concerned, but she wasn't here to try to snipe Stitch's guy anyway. She was here to feed that cuck fetish of hers (okay, technically, she was into "sharing" or "whoring out" her boyfriends - small wonder she was so perpetually single, when you combined that with her status as a stitch).

She did decide to actually probe a bit, see how shameless he really was. Was Stitch (somehow) pressuring him? She did, kinda, help save him from Arcadia, so maybe he felt indebted to her, and that was why he was going along with her and playing the doting boyfriend. That kind of stuff never worked, but people did all kinds of stupid shit all the time anyway. "So, after we're done here, do you really want to waste time going to some dumb arcade, or do you want to go home and fuck me while Stitch jills off to the show?"

There was a momentary pause in his expression, a vaguely annoyed look. A normal person probably wouldn't have caught it, but she was a synth, and her visual analysis protocols included notes for microexpressions. "No. I want to go home, and have sex with both you and Stitch."

Was that his annoyance? Hm. If he was into gangbangs and group sex, where he got fucked by multiple girls - well, it made sense. Didn't seem like it was that annoying, though. Was he protective of Stitch? That was cute, if so. Should she poke it, or would she just piss him off? Ehhh, she didn't care about pissing him off, she could get dick in any club. Even more here than back home - in this world, synths were exotic delights, not second class citizens who happened to be mind-bogglingly hot. "Yeah?" She leaned forward. "You really like Stitch that much, huh?"

He just blinked, more confused than anything else. "Yes?" He responded, as if the question didn't really make sense.

Huh. Maybe he really was into Stitch, and it wasn't a guilt thing? That would be... weird. She liked Stitch, yeah, but Stitch was obviously not most guys kinda gal. Sure, there were dudes who were into getting whored out by an ugly chick... in porno. (She thought Stitch was kinda cute, but she wasn't a guy, and that wasn't a sexual appraisal. Guys generally did not find dogface appealing. That was why the term dogface was used to describe ugly chicks.) Maybe this was one of those, you're lucky you found each other, but you're waaaaay more lucky, Stitch, type situations? One more check. "She's a real hero, isn't she? I hear she helped you get out of your confinement in Arcadia, now you're putting her up to show your gratitude."

"That's - not really what happened," Roger responded. Alexa made a finger-swiveling motion, gesturing for him to go on. "She helped, sure, but I think I did most of it on my own." Stitch's lips twitched in a way that said it was a bad idea to keep going on that subject. "And, it's mostly because I've also been the person who was suddenly stuck alone with no cash in another world. Also, because she's cute," he added, making Stitch blush very brightly.

Hrm. Was he normally like this with Stitch? It was seeming like, maybe he wasn't, by how strong Stitch's reactions were. (Either that, or she was utterly hopeless, and Roger could've been a secret serial killer and Stitch would go along with him like a loyal puppy.) Maybe it was a... competitive? Possessive? Protective? thing, since Alexa was here. Like grabbing your guy's ass to show him you like him more than the other guy. "Sounds kind of you. Stitch is my friend, so I'm glad you were looking out for her. It took me a bit to actually get processed and let go," Alexa explained, smiling.

Yeah. Stitch would be fine with this guy. Or, if not, it was beyond her ability to control.

* * *

As the trio made their way back towards Stitch and Roger's apartment, Alexa leaned over towards Stitch, whispering quietly to the girl. "You want to watch, first, or...?" She prompted. It was Stitch's boyfriend, and Stitch's kink, so she was cool doing what Stitch preferred.

Stitch swallowed, glancing at her, then at Roger. "He really likes blowjobs, can you start with one?"

"Sure thing," Alexa said, with a smile and a nod. Maybe three seconds after they entered the apartment, she was on Roger, pushing him against the wall. "Handsome," she breathed out in his ear, her tongue flashing out to lick his earlobe. "I'm going to rock your world," she told him, quickly sliding down to her knees and pulling out his cock. "Enjoy yourself, sexy," she told him, as she pulled his cock out.

It was a nice one. A good, strong seven inches - not the biggest she'd ever seen, but definitely big. Her fingers slid down his length, stroking him off a few times, making sure he was nice and properly hard, then she opened her mouth wide and just started to suck, slowly slithering down his length, her tongue sashaying from side to side as she looked up at him. She gave him an appropriately sensual look, one that said, Hey, handsome - yes, I do love sucking dick. Guys went wild for stuff like that. Her hands pulled his pants down the rest of the way, then her fingers started to grope and run along his thigh, as she kept his cock in her mouth.

She hummed around his length - or did the synth equivalent, anyway - in the process vibrating, making him groan in response, his cock twitching in her throat. "Fuck," he breathed out, reaching down to grab her head. She couldn't help but feel a little thrill at getting him to respond so quickly, even if he was just a hot lay as far as she was concerned. "Stitch," he breathed, "come on over," he said, and Stitch quickly did so, scampering over. She had already abandoned her panties, and now Alexa was basically at eye level with Stitch's pussy - which, she didn't really like that much, to be entirely honest - but she kept her focus on Roger.

Who was now starting to make out with Stitch, whose mouth was half-open as their tongues danced against one another. That kinda ticked Alexa off. Yeah, yeah, Stitch was his girlfriend or whatever - but she was the one sucking his dick. She started to really work his cock, vibrating her throat more and more around his length, squeezing and pulsing the pressure up and down. Her hand reached up for his testicles, gently fondling them, and her tongue - her hyperflexible tongue, designed for exactly this kind of thing, since she didn't need it to talk - began to corkscrew around his length, making him gasp and twitch. Stitch broke off the kiss at that point, staring at him with naked lust as she played with herself about three inches from Alexa's face.

Alexa peeled off his cock at that point, a wet popping noise accompanying the movement. His dick was coated in her oral lubricant, and her fingers slid gently up and down his length as she glanced up at him, a tiny frown on her lips. Just the hint - didn't want to let a guy know if something really bothered you - but enough for him to get the idea. "I get you like Stitch, but she's into watching. I'm not into having a girl jilling off a foot from my face."

"Oh," Roger said. "Sorry. Sometimes - I forget stuff like that, my bad."

Stitch took a few steps back. "Sorry, Alexa," she said. "My bad."

"It's cool." Alexa proceeded to slurp his cock back up, her tongue slithering around and around his cock, corkscrewing and wrapping it up. He just gasped in pleasure, his legs wobbling underneath him, and she couldn't help but grin, reaching up with her hands to grab the base of his shirt, starting to slide it on up. Even with her height advantage on him, she couldn't have pulled it all the way off - though, three-quarters naked was almost sexier than all-the-way naked - but he soon recognized she wanted him topless, and grabbed his shirt to pull it the rest of the way off, tossing it aside.

He did look nice. A muscular chest, pecs, abs, that kind of slim, swimmer's physique. Her head began to swivel from side to side, her lips applying an intense pressure to his cock, her throat gripping and squeezing his length. He just gasped in response, which was only natural - her mouth was a top-quality sex machine, and she knew just how to use it.

She heard, behind her, as Stitch actually came, moaning softly. She was glad her friend was enjoying the show too, and she started to slide her lips slowly up Roger's length, letting inch after inch of his hard, wet cock get unveiled to open air. Even as she moved, she kept up the pressure, her cheeks hollow, her lips following every contour of his cock as she peeled back. When she arrived at the very tip, she flicked her tongue along the slit, earning a tasty hint of precum as he just jerked above her. His hands went to her head again, and this time, they just grabbed and pulled.

She could have resisted, of course. Synths were significantly stronger than humans. But, why would she? When a hot slut gets so overcome with pleasure he grabs your head to try to forcibly stuff his cock all the way down your throat, you don't stop him. She let him slam her down his whole dick, her tongue once more wrapping around his cock like a serpent, starting to gingerly constrict what wasn't in her throat - and what was in her throat, got a truly delicious, pulsing treatment of rhythmic swallowing motions.

At that point, Roger appeared to be overcome by lust, beginning to genuinely just fuck her face. It was hot as hell, a guy responding that way to your fellatio, so she kept on slurping and sucking, her tongue wriggling all around his dick like a machine. "Fuck, this mouth is so good," he groaned out, as he pounded away at Alexa's face - which just encouraged her further, her tongue and cheeks and lips and throat getting ever more active around his cock.

"Yuh, yeah, fuh, fuck my, fruh, friend," Stitch sputtered out from behind her, still clearly masturbating. "Fuck her, you, slut," she breathed out, and you could practically hear her going cross-eyed with brainless lust as she spoke. "When, when you're done with the blowjob, puh, pound her, puhssyyy," she moaned out, orgasming hard behind her.

At that point, Roger just slammed Alexa down his cock, filling her throat in a heartbeat and letting go with a long, low groan. He twitched and jerked in place, as his cum was splattered out deep inside her throat. Alexa just smirked around his cock, relishing the feeling of it, enjoying every last bit of spunk getting wrung out in her throat, squeezing and gripping his cock with rhythmic swallows around his length, using her throat like a well-designed sex toy to perfectly stimulate him.

"Fuck," Roger breathed out, after he finally finished. "You're really damn good at blowjobs, Alexa," he said, as he pulled his dick out of her mouth, the thing bouncing a bit in the air.

"Thanks, I know," Alexa said, earning a small laugh from Roger. "Now, I think I heard Stitch saying that you should fuck me next, slut," she said, rising to her feet and towering over him for a moment. "What's your favorite position? Mine's the V," she noted. Her clothes were tight, and not designed to come off quick, so she had to wiggle her way out of her pants, then peel her way out of her top, leaving her naked in front of Roger after a few seconds. Of course, she was hairless from the neck down, perfect blue metal alloys coating her entire body. Her fingers twirled in the air for a moment as he sized her up.

"The V?" He asked, at last.

"Girl's on her back, has her knees up near her ears. Thus, the V," she explained. It probably wasn't the local slang.

"Sounds good to me," he said. "You're flexible, then?"

"I can do even more, if you like flexible," she said, with a wiggle of her eyebrows. "Maybe go aaaaaallllll the way back?" She prompted, one leg swiveling all the way up, so that it laid flat against her shoulder - then, with a bit of movement, it went behind her shoulder. She could see his cock twitch as she stood there, perfectly poised in that position, able to stand on one leg forever if she had to. His eyes ran up and down her naked body, unrepentant in their obvious lust.

"Yes. Do that. Let's go to the bedroom," he said, and her leg snapped back down, as he grabbed her ass and drew her with him. She knew she had what guys like, and couldn't help but smirk as his hand found its way right where it belonged on her butt - then slid around and started teasing her clit. Her sensitivity was currently set to the base level, so it was nice, but not much more than that, as he teased her for the few seconds it took to get to his bedroom.

Then she laid down on the bed, snapped both her legs up so they were behind her shoulders, grabbed her ass cheeks, and spread her pussy wide and inviting for him. Her inner walls were made of a special rubbery plastic, rather than the blue-metal alloy, so there was a sudden sharp tone of pink the color of fake flesh between her legs, turning redder as one went deeper. It didn't look like a biological pussy, but it was better than one anyway, so who gave a shit?

"You are surprisingly hot," he told her, as he pointed his cock right at her pussy and then just pushed inside her, sliding his whole dick right up in her cunt. She let out a sigh at the feeling, her fingers tightening around her ass cheeks for a moment, before relaxing again, her body softly shuddering with each quiet pump of his dick inside her. Sex was nice. The way his pelvis hit her clit felt good, too, and she couldn't help but grin up at him, enjoying his own face. Then she realized what he'd said.

"Wait, surprisingly?" She asked, frowning at that. What the hell? She wasn't surprisingly hot at all! She was obviously hot! Her pussy clamped down on his cock, holding him inside her and completely arresting his motion in the process. She started to really rub all over his dick as it rested deep inside her like that. "What do you mean by that?"

"Ah, you just, were coming off like a bit of a bitch, back at the sandwich place," he said. His expression warped from the intense sensations she was putting his cock through.

"I was making sure you were going to be a good guy for Stitch," she said, continuing to quietly (angrily) milk his dick. "Anyway, slut, I'm obviously the hottest piece of ass you've ever fucked," she declared, with the utmost confidence. She heard Stitch let out a little woof-snort, but she didn't even engage, just glaring up at Roger, challenging him to deny the obvious fact.

Rather than argue, he leaned down to kiss her, his lips meeting hers. Her hands left her ass cheeks, coming up to the back of his head, running through his hair. Yeah, that's right. I am hot, and you know it, you little slut. Don't play it all cool. Her tongue slithered freely into his mouth, beginning to play with his gums, his palate, his tongue, slithering this way and that with its incredible flexibility and length. He groaned, and she released her firm grip on his cock, letting him begin to ram into her pussy like the horny slut he was. He clearly relished it, pounding away, his cock getting played with and teased by a thousand different angles, each point of pressure making him twitch, their kiss going on and on.

After a minute or so, he broke off the kiss, sucking in a few heaving breaths. She didn't need to breathe, though. "You like it, huh?" She asked him. "Like my tight cunt? Like me underneath you, you little slut? You're getting fucked by a girl you met earlier today, because your girlfriend told you to," she told him. "Don't act all haughty. We're here to have fun. Acting like you're better than me isn't that fun, now is it?"

"Sorry," he agreed, with an easy smile, leaning up as he spoke. "You're right. I should be more considerate of your feelings." Those words had some obviously barely-hidden double meaning, one that was soon revealed as his hand went to her clit and began to do something that sent her sensors into overdrive. Her eyes widened at the sensation, her hips bucking up against him, even as she kept her legs firmly locked into place. "You're pretty hot, Alexa, but I get the impression you're a good time kind of girl, right? Not interested in the boyfriend/girlfriend thing?"

"I'm, Stitch's friend, not gonna, snipe her," she replied, panting.

"Never stopped anybody from getting feelings before," he told her, as he continued to rut inside her, really stimulating her like mad. She was going to come inside of the next minute, if she didn't lower her sensitivity - she didn't. She wanted to enjoy herself, after all.

"You're, not, that, amazing, just, a slut, willing to go, along, with Stitch," she explained to him, and then he increased the pressure, making her come on his cock. Her body automatically engaged in a set of instinctive actions, designed to mimic the most sensual of orgasms a woman might ever show a man. She undulated beneath him, pussy clasping away, hot breaths escaping her throat as her head cast backwards in ecstasy.

He leaned down over her, meeting her lips with his once more, his tongue forcibly invading her mouth as she continued to come. Even if his tongue was far shorter than her own, it suddenly had a dexterity and speed that was unmatched, wild and intense as it slapped against her own tongue. Combined with his continued attention to her clit, the way one of his hands slid up to her breast, rubbing at the nipple, teasing it - it was all so very good, a real delight for the senses. The slut was talented, as skilled as you'd expect from a guy with as much supposed experience as he had. Her body twitched pleasantly beneath him, and she let out a long sigh into his mouth, closing her eyes and letting him do the work.

Normally, she had to do so much of the work. Showing a guy to heaven made him act a tad selfish (to whatever extent men didn't already act that way), and of course, people back in her original universe knew she could just crank her sensitivity to eleven if she really wanted to come. Now, though, she could just lie here and let Roger do whatever he pleased - which appeared to be pleasing her, quite a lot. As her pussy continued to squeeze, grip, and massage his cock, she just kept on panting into his mouth, closing her eyes and losing herself in the moment.

Orgasms hit her in a slow, steady sequence, and she quietly creeped up her sensitivity, as he fucked her. Not enough that he'd notice, but enough to get her off that extra bit faster. She was definitely enjoying this guy. She loved a guy who just fucked you and made you come, especially one who was so attentive after receiving fellatio. Way too many guys were the sort to get their jollies and then call it there. Not Roger, apparently. She hoped he was as considerate with Stitch, but then she started to shudder, feeling the bed bouncing beneath her, as Roger's pace accelerated.

His breathing was ragged - no, it was coming out at superhuman speeds, as he fucked her harder and harder, his fingers teasing her nipple and clit extra-hard. His eyes were wild as he fucked her, and she felt herself coming, spasming beneath him, again and again. She activated the protocol that would squeeze and milk that hard cock of his extra pleasantly, and he gasped at the sensation, powering through it for nearly a minute, before he finally just bottomed out and unloaded inside her, fruitlessly spraying his seed inside of her synthetic pussy. When he was completely spent, he sighed and pulled out of her, taking a few deep breaths - then turning his attention over to Stitch, who immediately loped over to the bed, presenting her ass to him.

He didn't wait, just slamming his cock full force inside her pussy - and with how worked up Stitch had gotten, she immediately came, howling in pleasure. "Yeah, yeah, you, slut, you got, fuh, fucked by my friend, just for me to watch, 'cause," she started.

"Because you wanted to watch," he whispered in her ear, and she mewled quietly in reply, nodding rapidly. "Because I like you."

Damn. He really must like Stitch a lot, to say things like that.

Her friend was in good hands.

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features a date with Xico and Roger to a concert, and him briefly fucking a musician, Bonnie Viva. You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.