Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Doting On Kate

As I stood in front of the door to my own apartment, I did feel that same sense of claustrophobia return. It was weird. I liked Nora, Xico, Kate, and Fifi, but living with them kept me wanting to stay away from home. On the other hand, when I considered asking them to leave, I was instead hit with a sense of insecurity. Xico could read the minds of somebody with hostile intentions (or at least tell me if somebody was unreadable, like Fals had been); Nora had many bodies, and could shield me with hers and tell others if something happened to me; Kate was inhumanly strong and tough, and could protect me from harm on a more physical level. While Fifi didn't contribute that much, she also didn't actually have another place to go, and I definitely didn't feel comfortable just kicking her out.

Maybe I should get a bigger apartment? Buy a house? I had been saving money up, since I got the job at Star Heroic, and I could probably afford the downpayment on a mortgage on a good house by that point. It ran against my sense of frugality, but also, the claustrophobia of living with four women in such a small pace was starting to get to me. My fingers stretched out for the doorknob, then I stopped myself, checking my watch for the time. I could spend an hour out and about, instead of going right into the apartment. It wouldn't be that bad.

The door opened at that point, Xico stepping out and quietly closing the door behind her, looking up at me. "It's..." her tentacles wiggled nervously behind her. "It's okay... I can go... or... May's old apartment isn't... being used right now," she pointed out, gesturing behind me. "It's... being investigated. I can get a... sleeping bag, and stay there... if it makes you... feel better," she said. Her whole body was wiggling with copious amounts of nervous energy.

I felt guilty, which in turn clearly made her cringe guiltily herself - so I tried to actually consider the offer. "Won't that be boring for you?" I asked.

"Not more... than your apartment," she said, with this cute little grin. "It's... fine. I just want... you to be happy... and I know..."

Nora opened the door to the apartment at that point, blinking owlishly as she saw me there. "Hello, Roger. Do you wish to continue to speak to Xico alone?"

"Uh," I started. Did I? I mean, Nora could also stay in Fals's old apartment, and she definitely wouldn't be bored, since she had a bunch of other bodies.

"I think... he would like... for you and me to stay... in May's old apartment," Xico explained slowly to Nora, glancing my way for confirmation. I hesitated, then nodded. It would definitely be much, much easier for me if I was only dealing with Fifi and Kate.

"I see. If that is the case, then I will do so, as I like you, and want you to be happy, and if me being away from you will contribute to your happiness, then I will gladly be away from you, even if I would prefer to be close to you, all else being equal," Nora said. "I will collect some things from your apartment, and have another body bring over what else I require."

"Thanks," I said, to them both. "Sorry." I ran a hand through my hair. I felt really awkward about this. I felt something alive wrap around my thigh, making me jerk as I saw that it was Xico's tentacle.

"It's okay... you were kidnapped..." she said.

"Yes. You behaving in an unusual way is obviously a response to trauma, and I will attempt to comfort and aid in your recovery from said trauma," Nora said, before stepping back inside the apartment.

* * *

With just Fifi and Kate in my apartment, the sense of claustrophobia was lifted by an incredible amount. I could breathe easy, sit down, and enjoy myself. I played a few video games with Fifi, had a quickie with the two of them, then went to sleep with ease. I felt so good the next day that I actually decided to ask Kate out for the first time basically ever. I'd been using her as a pillow and security blanket the previous night, clinging to her like her presence could prevent me from getting kidnapped again.

It was just the two of us in bed at that point - Fifi had gotten up to take a shower. Kate was still resting in my arms, quietly nuzzled there. "Kate," I said, and her eyes slowly fluttered open. "Are you working today?" It was the weekend, so I was hopeful, but obviously crime still happened on the weekend.

"Mmm?" She mumbled. "No, today is one of my days off," she said, yawning. "I am on call, though." She paused. "Sir," she added.

My cock twitched in my pants, hearing her reflexively return to that obsequious submission. "Good. What sort of dates do you go on, when you have guys that are willing to take you on dates?" I asked her, fingers trailing along her naked abdomen, tempted to just forget about the whole idea of a date and just fuck her right then and there. I could do both, though.

"Ahm, depends on the man, Sir?" Kate said, sounding nervous as I spoke. "I... try to come up with stuff he'd like? Like watching wrestling, or going out drinking," she suggested. Right. This was a world where women did the pursuing, so obviously all her date ideas would be focused on trying to get the guy in question to be happy with it, so he'd put out. Like a guy who takes girls dancing even if he doesn't care that much for it himself.

"What do you do for fun, on your own time, then? And don't say the strip club or watching porn or something else like that, I mean non-sexual stuff," I told her.

"I exercise. I fly. I, uh, like wrestling, though for different reasons than guys," she said, in a vaguely shy way that made it obvious what the 'different reason' was (muscled dudes fighting). "I play some basketball. I watch it, too. And men's swimming, I watch that too."

I was beginning to get the picture of her interests. Physical stuff, plus also looking at hot guys, and especially physical stuff that involves looking at hot guys. I half-considered skinnydipping with her, but that felt much more sexual than what I really wanted to do. Well, no, I wanted to do sexual things with her, but also it would immediately turn into sex in the pool, very very obviously. I wanted to treat Kate nice, for being a good girl for me, and being around to keep me from getting re-kidnapped by Fals. She'd done a lot for me, both before and after my kidnapping, so she deserved at least one good day.

She did seem shallow. That was fine, though - I could give her a shallow date, then a thorough fucking. "I don't play much basketball myself, but I'd like to give it a try," I said, as I finally disentangled myself from Kate. She looked more baffled than anything else. "Unless that's a problem?"

"N-no, Sir," she said, shaking her head rapidly.

* * *

Kate had no idea what was happening. Now that she was more awake, she realized that Roger had been asking her for date ideas on what to do with her. Then he had asked her to play some basketball with him, which was one of the things she'd mentioned as something she liked to do. But it was weird. Their relationship had never had 'dates' before. There was just dominance and submission. Control and subordination. Power and humiliation. Just thinking about all the things he'd done with and to her had her a bit wet. A date, though? A date.

Was he falling in love with her? No, that was stupid. There was no way that was what was happening. So what was happening? Maybe he was pretending to fall in love with her. Maybe this whole date was to get her to think that he had romantic interest, which he would then crush by fucking Stitch right in front of her, saying how much better the other woman was? That had her clit pushing against her microkini bottoms (she'd decided to wear the microkini under her clothes, since she figured that Roger wanted her to be readily-available for humiliation). She gulped, feeling the flush of her cheeks, as she pulled on a light t-shirt and a pair of shorts. If they were going to play basketball, she didn't want to be wearing too much. Also, if they were going to fuck, she also didn't want to be wearing too much.

She pulled her hair back in a ponytail, stepping out of the bathroom. Roger looked good, with his muscular physique, wearing just a t-shirt and shorts himself. She wished he'd take off the shirt. Maybe she could persuade him to make the basketball game shirts versus skins? No, he'd probably make her take off her shirt if she tried. Put her in her place. Given what she was wearing under her shirt... she bit her lip at the thought of wearing that in public. Fuck, she was so horny. She wished he'd fucked her this morning, then maybe her brain could run at a higher level than the miserable one it was currently managing. She really was just a stupid, horny idiot, completely ruled by her cunt, and Roger knew it. Maybe he even liked it? No, that was just wishful thinking.

"You look good," he said.

"Thanks, you too," she got out, managing to mostly keep her voice level as she said it. That was such a dumb thing to say! Agh! You too? "So, uh, you said you wanted to try out basketball, I can show you the court I play in, when I play," she said. She sounded so unbelievably lame. She was normally confident with guys, but Roger... Roger had just... how could she be confident around a guy who knew what a horny idiot she was? Who called her his sow and fuckpig in private? It was impossible, right? She wasn't just being stupid about it.

"Cool. Let's go, then," Roger said, opening the door for her and pausing. It took her a half-second to realize he wanted her to walk through it, which made her feel unbelievably awkward!

* * *

When they actually got to the court, it was (fortunately) unoccupied. She had on that stupid microkini, after all, so the moment she started jumping around, her tits were going to go every which way, and everybody would know what she was wearing. Well, women went braless, sometimes, but girls as busty as her generally didn't... it didn't really matter if a normal person would think nothing of it, she'd be totally embarrassed anyway. Not that she would have refused to come, or to do all this, or anything. She had known that was a possibility when she'd put on the microkini, and part of her... kind of liked the idea? She wasn't really an exhibitionist, but she did love it when Roger humiliated her.

"This the right way to dribble?" Roger asked her, breaking her off from her thoughts. He was tossing the ball up and down, up and down, but her eyes kept being drawn to just the hint of his stomach, where his shirt had folded just right to reveal just a little of that molded, sculpted torso of his.

"Yeah," Kate said, absently. "That's the right way to dribble."

"Cool," he said. "I haven't played since I was, like, thirteen, so you'll probably beat me if I don't use my powers." She was so distracted and horny that she doubted that. Her brain was spending at least half its processing power on determining how Roger would humiliate her - what if he made her suck him off right here, where anybody could walk by and see? What if he punished her for winning, just to show how much of a brat he could be? "So I'll start with the ball?" He prompted.

"Yeah, go ahead," she agreed. She watched him dribble, and once again she was entranced by the appearance of his stomach. As he moved, though, she moved to follow him, and managed to steal the ball. He was probably letting her win - with his superspeed, it would be trivial to completely crush her. Then this was really him being nice? She held the ball in her hands for a long moment, then jumped, throwing it right at the basket. He tried to block, but failed, and the ball hit the rim, bounced, and then fell off to one side. Miss. But close!

He paused for just a moment, then grabbed the ball, swooping to collect it in a heartbeat. "Ah, you didn't wear a bra today?" He asked her. He sounded surprised, more than anything else, and instantly, her cheeks were lit with heat. Had he not wanted to humiliate her that way?

"I wore... a microkini top," she squeaked out, her voice seeming more like a mouse than a superheroine. The burning sensation in her cheeks was now joined by a squirming in her chest.

There was a moment of silence, then he leaned in towards her, his lips just inches from her ear. "You really are a horny, needy fuckpig, Sow," he told her, his hand reaching up for her tit, groping her casually through her top, fingers sinking into her breast roughly. "But I promise, I'll take care of your needy cunt when we get back to my apartment," he explained, making her nod rapidly, biting her lower lip and doing her best not to start just masturbating right then and there. "You need to hold out, though. We're going to finish this game. Then, we're going to get something to eat. Only once all that is done, will I fuck that flabby pussy of yours."

"Yes, Sir," she breathed out, the exhalation like a balloon deflating. He pulled back, letting go of her breast as he did so. "Sorry for, being such a horny, fuckpig," she continued, the words simultaneously humiliating and arousing.

He just patted her on the head, treating her like a pet. "It's okay, Kate," he told her, smiling. "Now, let's play ball," he added, starting to dribble.

It took her a few seconds for her sex-addled brain to restart, but once it did, she was participating right alongside him, trying to stop him from dunking the ball in the basket. He wanted a real game, clearly, or he would have just dragged her off to a nearby bathroom and gotten her off. She was so stupid, wondering if this was all a big plan to humiliate her. He was a guy. Of course he wanted to do 'date' stuff with her, even if she was just his submissive. Any guy would. He was just so nice and thoughtful, that he had decided to do the kind of date stuff she liked. She should show him lots of appreciation, when they got home. He liked it when she used her mouth - maybe they should start with that instead?

She stopped his would-be throw, jumping up to catch it, and she noticed his eyes lingering on her breasts as they bounced. Did he... like that? More than just because it was humiliating to her? She started dribbling herself, and put some extra effort into making her chest move around. He did. He liked that. She knew he was visual, knew he liked breasts, but this was a lot more than just that. It was weird, seeing his obvious, intense reaction to her breasts bouncing. She'd known guys who liked breasts, but it was just one little thing during sex, a lick or a suck on her tits when they were already hard and horny.

It wasn't openly staring at them. It wasn't getting distracted. Was he just playing it up? She didn't care any more. She bounced her way around the field, enjoying the way his eyes dove into her breasts, enjoying his possibly-feigned arousal, feeling great as she threw the ball into the hoop, not even bothering to disguise a use of her flight power that was purely intended to make her tits jiggle that extra bit on the way down, attracting Roger's lecherous stare.

She was hardly playing the best game of basketball in her life, but Roger definitely seemed to be enjoying himself, so she didn't care too much. Her focus became more on contriving excuses to make her tits bounce, falling into a natural rhythm of things. She even forgot about humiliation and domination. There was just the fun of giving left, now, seeing the guy respond in base ways to the things you were doing. It was what she had used to get out of blowjobs, before Roger had added in calling her names, forcing her to masturbate, all that kind of stuff finally opened up to her rather than kept to a secret fetish she was ashamed of. She still enjoyed it now.

The game eventually ended, 8-10, Roger's favor. Her distraction with showing off her tits had made her lose, because she hadn't even been trying to win. Roger had definitely suffered a bit from the distraction - he had fumbled the ball entirely, twice, before using his superspeed to snap it back up each time - but he had occasionally used his superspeed to obviously cheat. Nothing really egregious, but enough to help him beat her. She didn't mind. She had given the game a good, solid run, and if the 'handicap' of showing off her tits had brought it close, then it was all the better.

Sadly, Roger wasn't really sweating with exertion. She would have loved to see his shirt draped against his chest, to see his abs and pecs outlined by close-fitting sticky white fabric. "Ready to get something to eat?" He asked her, and she nodded, totally ready to obey his every command. "What's good around here?"

It took her a second to process that he had asked her that question. She thought about it for two or three seconds before offering up her answer: "There's a nice pizza place around the corner, Big Joey's."

"Sounds good to me, let's go," he said, with a jerk of his head. She showed him along, but she was careful to keep herself in the right position for him to be able to see her tits, making her steps just right to keep them bouncing. She was so completely degenerate. A girl trying so desperately hard to show off her tits to a guy - wasn't that a joke? A bit in a sitcom? 'Oops, I dropped my N-Cup Bra! It's for my N-Cup Breasts!' But here she was, playing the role of the pathetic girl whose only one good feature that she was desperate to show off was her tits... and she honestly felt fine with it, because Roger was clearly reacting exactly like all those dumb desperate girls (which, incidentally, included a younger version of her) wished that men would react to them showing off.

"I'll pay for the food," she said, before he could offer. Did he want to offer? This was definitely nice, she wanted to do something nice for him in return.

"Sure," he agreed, easily, letting her let out a sigh of relief.

They got their pizzas - hers pepperoni, his cheese - and sat down to eat. She was trying to think of a good way to attract his attention to her tits, now that she was seated. "So..." he cleared his throat. "Anything interesting happen at work, lately?"

"Not since - the thing," she said. The thing being his kidnapping. Why did she say that? She could see his grimace. Fuck! She was so stupid! Of course he didn't want her to bring up the time that he was kidnapped and raped, which was extremely recent! Fuck, fuck, fuck! She needed to distract him, now! To change the subject! Her brain managed to hit on something, drawing on her earlier wish that he had gotten sweaty in his exercise. She took hold of her styrofoam cup full of water, popped the lid half-off subtly with her thumb, and then 'accidentally' dumped it all out over her tits. She squeaked and jerked as the cold water and ice hit her bare skin, feeling her cheeks burn with humiliation at the experience...

But Roger's expression shifted from grimace to naked lust, his eyes landing on her breasts. She was thankful to God in Heaven that her microkini was still covering her nipples, because they were perky as could be - not that it really covered up much, anyway. She gulped wetly, looking at him, offering a nervous smile when his eyes briefly flicked up towards hers. "Sorry," she said. "Should I go to the bathroom and dry off?" She made sure to say it innocently, like she had no idea what she was doing. Wait, but he liked that she was a total pervert, didn't he? Probably? Maybe?

"No," he responded. "Wear it," he ordered her, and she nodded, letting him drink in the flesh of her tits as they ate together, letting him see where the white of her t-shirt had pressed into her bare flesh, where her dark microkini was visible through it. Anybody who glanced could see what she was wearing, and she could see a few people intentionally shield their eyes. Her cheeks were burning, of course, at the public humiliation - but Roger liked it, so it was okay. It was all okay. She let out a soft sigh, a smile on her lips, and let Roger talk.

He eventually started talking about some book series he'd read recently, some kind of fantasy deal, with wizards and dragons. He complained a bunch about the main romance, between a valiant knight and a sorcerer girl, since it kept going on and on with will they/won't they stuff, and he just wanted the knight to fuck the sorcerer already. She did her best to pretend to be interested, but she wasn't at all. That was fine, though. Roger ogling her and talking about what was important to him, that was a pretty good date in her book! Hopefully he'd enjoy it just as much, she did find that she was enjoying 'showing off' like this.

When they finished eating, what felt like an eternity later, her top was a bit drier, though her tits bouncing as she rose to her feet immediately drew Roger's attention. When they were out of Big Joey's, she made her offer: "I can carry you home, Sir. By air," she added, to clarify what she meant.

"Oh," he said, blinking in surprise. "Right. Right. No secret identities. Yeah," he agreed.

"We should probably get around a corner or two," she said, taking his hand in hers. "I mean, I don't think anybody recognized me, but..." she trailed off pointedly, glancing down at her tits. He also looked at her tits, which wasn't the intent, but was nice. He just nodded along, letting her drag him off, then pull him into a princess carry (heh), and take off at high speed directly upward. She definitely didn't want some stupid newspaper gossip jerk to post about her wardrobe malfunction or weird choice of underwear! He clung onto her tightly as they accelerated upward, and she paused in midair, taking a moment to orient herself. The city looked different in the sky than on your feet. A second or two later, she had identified his apartment building in the middle distance, and set about zooming over towards it, scooting across the sky towards her destination at high speed.

Now that she was headed home... she was reminded of the fact that he was probably going to have sex with her when they got there, and her clit was rubbing uncomfortably against her microkini bottoms again. That was okay, though. She was going to be satisfied soon enough.

* * *

Once they were back in the apartment, Roger's hand stopped groping her ass to slide around her body, finding its way to her pussy immediately, simply slipping two fingers inside. "Your clit's hard, Sow," he whispered in her ear, using that word like it was her name. She shivered lightly at his touch. "You're such a pervert, what even got you like this? You're dripping wet. We didn't do anything sexual."

She panted. "It, it's, I knew this was coming," she explained, even as his other hand reached up for her breast, groping it roughly, squeezing around the soft flesh. It felt so good. "I was looking forward to it, Sir. I- I'd like to start with a blowjob, unless you really don't?"

"Sure," he agreed, grinning. He then leaned back against the door, and she quickly descended to her knees in front of him. She was careful with his pants, restraining the urge to rip them off, popping the button and pulling them down. He reached down, softly petting her as his cock bounced free, big and hard and definitely appetizing. She wrapped her lips around the tip, slithering her tongue around and around the slit as she looked up at him, giving him her best doe eyes. Telling him he was in charge. She was his horny little fuckpig that he could treat however he wanted. It was what she deserved.

He seemed to identify what she wanted, grabbing her ponytail in one hand. There was a momentary locking of their eyes, as if he was asking her if she wanted him to stop rather than go - but she just nodded in acceptance. She wanted to make him feel good, after all. He gripped her ponytail tight, before suddenly slamming himself straight to the base, balls slapping her chin as he used her mouth. "That's a good little Sow," he told her, his cock twitching in her throat. Her tongue wriggled around his cock where it rested in her mouth, tasting his thick, salty flavor as it stained what felt like every part of her. Saliva dripped and dribbled out of her mouth, frothing over her lower lip and splattering her tits - not that they weren't still plenty wet from her earlier 'accident'.

"Don't think I didn't notice you were showing your tits off on purpose," he told her, and she let out a mewl around his cock, already knowing that she was about to be completely verbally humiliated (as she so richly deserved). Her hand went down to her cunt, starting to masturbate, and he didn't stop her, letting her play with herself like the perverted sow she was. "It was ridiculous. You even spilled your drink on purpose, didn't you?" He forced her to nod in response to that. (Not that it was actually a lie.) "You're just a secret exhibitionist, deep down," he told her, sneering the words out. "Ready to show off your body in public. Wanting guys to look at your naked tits. It's a good thing I'm here, to get rid of those lusts of yours, isn't that right, Sow?"

She nodded around his cock, and he started to peel her back off, letting her suck in a quick breath before he slammed her back down. "Rip off your shirt," he ordered, and she did so, grasping the shirt in her hands and just tearing it in two, revealing her microkini-clad tits to the open air, still a bit wet from the spill. "You knew we were going on a date, and rather than wearing lingerie, you chose to wear that," he said, grasping one of the pasty-sized 'cups' and pulling on it, revealing her diamond-hard nipple to the open air before letting it slap back. "If you had asked, I would even have let you wear a sports bra, given we were going to play sports, but instead you chose to dress like a whore."

A... whore? Well, male whores probably wore stuff like that, yeah. Did female whores?

"Sorry. To dress like a completely disgusting pervert," he told her, slamming her face down his cock, her tits bouncing around, threatening at any moment to escape their confinement. With just the microkini and the shirt, it was just about possible to keep them inside. Now with the microkini out, and him roughly fucking her face, and playing with her microkini - well, after a few furious pumps, her tits bounced free. "That's because that's what you are, isn't it? I was trying to be nice and romantic, but all you could think about was showing off your tits. Isn't that right?"

He yanked her off his cock, letting her suck in one quick breath, and she spoke the words she was obviously supposed to: "Yes, Sir!" She practically shouted them. They were the truth, after all. She was a completely disgusting pervert. She could have worn lingerie. Instead she pranced around like an exhibitionist, barely better than some flasher with a coat. He slammed her face down his cock again, as she frantically masturbated in that position, so turned on she could hardly believe it.

It took only a few more forceful strokes of her face up and down his cock before she came, moaning around his dick, eyes rolling up. She had probably lasted not even two minutes - she was just too pent up from the entire date, all the situations in it, the way his eyes even now plunged down into the valley of her tits as they bounced here and there, microkini having at some point halfway flown off, trapped now in between her tits as her nipples went free. "You're my fuckpig, my horny superheroine fuckpig," he proclaimed, as he kept pounding her up and down his cock.

When she finished coming, she was sputtering around his dick, lewd noises having emerged like the pig she was. She heard footsteps from behind her. "Oh. Hey," came a female voice from behind her. Stitch. Kate had actually forgotten she was here. "Can I watch?"

"Sure," Roger said, not even checking with Kate. "Stitch likes to watch," he told Kate, who nodded in agreement at that point. "You like being watched. Showing off. You perverted exhibitionist." She nodded again, feeling the sensation between her legs begin to climb again. This was such an absurd situation, so completely humiliating, but it was also intensely arousing. "It's perfect. Rather than showing off your disgustingly fat tits to everyone at a family restaurant-" she mewled pitifully around his cock, going momentarily cross-eyed with arousal, "-you can show off what a pervert you are to somebody who actually wants to watch you get humiliated. Aren't you thankful?"

He forced her to nod, and at that point, Kate actually came again, moaning around his cock - at least, when it wasn't plugging her throat. He was just using her by this point, relentlessly pounding away. He wasn't even looking at her. His gaze was now on Stitch, and she could hear the quiet little noises of masturbation coming from behind her, where the other girl was playing with herself to the show.

She actually felt a bit jealous, at that. Not in an emotional sense, but she'd just spent an hour having her tits be Roger's focus, and now, Stitch was getting all the attention instead. She was getting facefucked almost absently, like her mouth was just some male sex toy that he was using to get himself off. She began to make what noises she could, trying to attract his attention back down to her, her hand leaving her cunt to instead join the other, groping and massaging her tits, showing them off for him. That attracted his attention, his gaze drawn to the bountiful flesh that God had seen fit to bless her with, as she made a show of it, looking up at him pleadingly, practically begging him to keep staring at her tits.

He peeled her up and off his cock at that point, and she let out a whimper as his dick left her mouth. She was pleasantly surprised, though, when his hand went to his cock, moving at superhuman speed - and a few seconds later, his hot cum splattered down on her tits, raining out like a firehose spray with just how much and how fast it came out. He groaned in pleasure, and she did feel a certain sense of pride, getting him to come like that. She kept her hands on her tits, because she was pretty sure he was specifically aiming for them. Some of the cum hit her thumb or fingers, but that was fine.

When he was completely spent, he sighed, pausing for a moment, just staring down at her. "Stand up," he ordered, and she quickly moved to do so. "Face Stitch," he ordered, and she did that too, spinning in place, her cheeks burning as the more petite girl continued to quietly masturbate to the show. Roger just grabbed her shorts, yanking them down around her ankles, pulling the microkini along with them, leaving her pretty much naked and coated in his cum right in front of Stitch, who was watching the whole thing with unbridled arousal, the bare skin of her cheeks beginning to grow flush with arousal as she masturbated to the show that Kate was putting on.

Of course, then Roger slammed his hard cock inside her, pounding away roughly. His hand went to her clit, rapidly frigging it, using that superhuman ability of his to make her feel just so good to have her moaning in moments, her juices just spilling out like she was gushing. She bit her lip, feeling like a complete pervert, already about to come her brains out - and she promptly did so, spasming in place despite her best intentions to the contrary, putting on an obscene show for Stitch in the process. She sputtered and moaned lewdly, while Roger just used his free hand to grip her hair, twisting her up by it, forcing her to face Stitch, to let the other woman see her absurd face, to see what an obscene, degenerate, pervert she was.

Saliva dripped free from her mouth. Her eyes peeled back, whites presented to the foreign girl. She just let out a low, staccato moan as she got fucked roughly from behind, pounded like the disgusting sow she was, put in a position where Roger didn't have to look at her obscene face, where he could just use her and forget about her emotional state. His hand on her hair forced her to nod in agreement, as he said things like, "You think Stitch is much prettier and sexier than you, don't you?" or "You love that you're being humiliated, fucked while coated in my cum, don't you?"

She would have nodded anyway. Roger had been playing at romance, earlier. Treating her kindly, just going out with her. She had been undermining it, acting like some truly disgusting pervert who delighted in showing off her body. She was barely better than a flasher. Roger had been trying to be kind to her, but she had shown him that it was pointless, she was a disgusting, perverted submissive at heart, and all she wanted was for her dominant to use her and abuse her. To humiliate her, just like this. Just like she deserved.

Another orgasm hit her, as she spasmed in ecstasy, squirting on the floor beneath her. Roger just kept fucking away, clearly relishing his position of power over her. She relished it too. Delighted in it. She felt her knees knock against one another, her whole body twitching. Her nipples were as hard as they could be, her clit was as well, her pussy was dripping so much she could feel it trickling down her inner thighs. She was a mess. She was a pervert. She was a dirty little fuckpig.

Part of her wanted to say that aloud, without even having the excuse of Roger's prompting. Maybe she was getting more confident - more likely, so much of her brain was being fried by pleasure at the moment that she couldn't control herself. Still, she did it. Her lips working slowly, struggling to make a coherent noise as she got furiously fucked from behind, but eventually, they managed. "I, I'm, a perverted, fuck, pig, for Roger," she sputtered out. "I, I'm his fuckpig, superheroine," she got out, before another orgasm hit her, making her spasm and jerk wildly, eyes peeling back. She couldn't even see Stitch's reaction.

Not that she cared. Especially not as she heard the, "That's right, Sow," whispered in her ear by Roger, and felt his cum begin to splash deep inside her, filling her up in copious quantities, spraying and spraying for what felt like centuries. When he was completely spent, he pulled out, letting go of her hair a moment later, and she simply toppled down onto the ground, her chin pressed against the carpet as she panted for air. She could see as Roger went over to Stitch, as he awkwardly kissed her, as he directed her hand to his cock, the girl beginning to stroke it. She had to watch as Roger took Stitch back to the bedroom, because she couldn't get up.

She didn't mind at all, though. Today had been a wonderful day - and it was barely even halfway through.

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features Stitch introducing Roger to her friend, Alexa. You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance.

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