Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Chapter 68: Returning Home

Mira woke up slowly and groggily, her mind offering only the loosest explanation of its circumstances as she came to. She was lying in bed. There was the scent of a man in the air, clinging to her, so she had presumably had sex. That thought brought a faint smile to her lips. There was even the lingering flavor of his cock on her tongue. It had been so long for her that she wasn't immediately concerned about who it was, only that it had happened.

She rolled her head around in the bed, fully expecting to discover the man in question - on the contrary, she found that she was utterly alone in her room. Her brow furrowed as she tried to mentally explain that fact. He had left while she was asleep? That was normally the woman's move. Had she gotten drunk and paid for a prostitute? She didn't think she had, but she supposed of all the people in the world, she was one of those most able to afford sexual services.

It took her a good minute of stretching like a cat on the bed, before she managed to peel herself up and off it. Her brain began to gather bits and pieces from yesterday. She had invaded North Korea. It was going - fuck! "Com, current status, Korean War," she said, the words coming out like a blitz.

"Ongoing status. Estimated twenty thousand dead, People's Liberation Army. Six hours ago, significant removal of forces from DMZ to deal with PLA. Five hours ago, Korean People's Army begins shelling the Republic of Korea. In response, Republic of Korea formally restarts hostilities. United States offers assistance. Two thousand estimated dead, RoK soldiers. Twenty thousand estimated dead, RoK civilians. One hundred fifty estimated dead, United States."

"Fuck, fuck. Why- why the hell?" She sputtered out. Why remove troops from the border, only to start shelling the people on the other side immediately thereafter?

"Current theory is that due to understaffing, it was easier for the KPA to experience a major miscommunication or miscalculation. Based on broadcasts from within the DPRK, the government is claiming that the RoK attacked first. It is unclear if they believe this. However, based on our intelligence, it is not true."

"Shit shit shit," she said, hurriedly getting dressed. Fuck, she should never have gone to sleep. "How long was I out for?"

"You were unconscious for thirteen hours, with one brief interruption lasting approximately five to ten minutes, owing to conversation between Roger Cooper - immigrant to Secundus, visitor to Origin - and Marie Thérèse Ilunga Précieux. THey then departed."

Roger. Right. Roger, that was the man who had fucked her. God, she'd needed that sex - she'd have to thank him later, but she needed to focus, now. Soon enough, her armor was back on her, even as idly memories of sexual contact danced through her head. She quickly checked herself in a mirror - she looked acceptable, after a moment of straightening out her hair - before emerging from her quarters, beginning to speak to all involved parties hurriedly through the global communications network, speaking to the Chinese general staff and to the American Secretary of Defense alike, trying her hardest to drag this war back into something resembling good order.

Of course, they had already been trying to do that - and they had, thus far, failed.

* * *

Seventeen hours later, Mira laid in her chair, feeling utterly enervated by the experience. The war had ticked up in intensity, but the involvement of the Americans and the South Koreans had been taken into account as a possibility. The situation had been chaotic, but, she had actually managed to pull together the political coup they had been desperately hoping for, as the war dragged into its middle stages: the capture of Kim Jong-un. It had been a lightning operation, Federation supers being significantly involved, and there had been hundreds of casualties, but the man of the hour had been dragged out of one of the mazy sets of underground tunnels. He was now being paraded through the media, his capture broadcast to the people of the DPRK.

It reminded her of the way they'd ultimately handled that Peruvian Maoist - his name escaped her for the moment, though probably it was because she was tired. Cut off the head and the body dies. It wasn't true of every political movement or any leader by any means - pacifying the radicals in the Arabian peninsula had been a difficult project in itself - but this sort of cult of personality leant itself to this sort of solution.

While the Kim family didn't have total power over the political apparatus of the DPRK - who ever did? - they were its symbolic heads. Kim Yo-jung was soon wheeled out to tell people that their leader was actually just undergoing a surgical operation after he was hit by shrapnel, bravely... blah blah blah. People didn't believe it, or at least, they didn't believe it enough. It was a very old reality about war, that people who don't want to fight, can't be made to fight. You could cite anything back to the temporary collapse of William the Bastard's lines, when they briefly thought he was dead...

The ultimate death toll of the war would probably be less than three hundred thousand, though it would still be significant. A lot of civilians were displaced by the fighting, particularly in the region of Seoul. The North was rapidly falling, lines breaking and encirclements happening left and right. Any insurgency movement in the North - and she was still concerned about one, even at this stage - would not kickstart just yet. It would take weeks or months for it to properly organize, though she could already see the outlines of it, with all those mountain tunnels the KPA had dug in the decades leading up to the war itself.

Marie spoke up, then, completely changing the conversation from what it had been. "Can we talk, Mira?"

"We've been talking," Mira replied, her whole body feeling heavy and sluggish, though her mind was quick enough to catch the subtext of Marie's words.

"Yes, but - can we talk about Roger?" She asked. Mira looked at her. Her expression was serious. Concerned. She stared at her from behind those thick bottlecap glasses of hers, worlds of meaning hidden behind them.

"Sure," Mira replied, taking in a deep breath and leaning up. "Does he have a disease or something?"

"," Marie said, her brow crinkling like that was the last question she would have expected Mira to ask. "I'm sure you like him, and I know that you're lonely. But he's just a gold-digger." Mira gave her a dull stare. "He is. He's just an unfaithful slut, m- Mira, and I don't think it's a good idea for you to be with him. He's taking advantage of you."

"For what?" Mira asked. She felt as if she were missing some key piece of information that existed only inside Marie's head. "What's he taking advantage of me for? He came over, we fucked a few times-" technically she sucked him off a few times, then he fucked her absolutely senseless, but that was TMI "-and then left with you while I was asleep."

"You're not... interested... in him?" Marie asked.

"What, like marrying?" Mira let out a laugh at that, a smile curling across her lips. "No, Marie. I don't like that word, slut, but he is clearly promiscuous, and has plenty of lovers back in his own universe." And probably this one, too, though that didn't bear mentioning.

"But you flew him in from across the planet. Surely you have some feelings for him?"

"He's nice. A fun screw. But I wanted to talk to him, face-to-face, about various things. He was the one who proposed we have sex."

"...I see," Marie said. "Well, as long as you're not falling for him, then I'm happy for you."

Marie gave a tiny little laugh in reply to that, and leaned back in her chair. "Has he headed home, yet?"

"Yes. I sent him on his way before you woke up. He was... surprisingly easy to convince."

"He has a girlfriend back home. It's some open relationship thing, I think. Probably. Who the fuck knows." Mira wiggled in her chair, trying to find the most comfortable spot. "If I'm being entirely honest, I think he's a cape slut."

* * *

I finished explaining everything that I had learned about the other world to Mira. All the various facets and details I'd picked up from playing their video games and browsing their equivalent of the internet. It took a while, but she seemed to know just what to ask to prompt the next vital piece of information to come tumbling out of my mouth, and I supplied it all with relative ease. Once I was finished, she sighed, giving me a strangely melancholic smile. "And you? Are you alright?"

"...yes?" Her expression was one of serious concern, but I'd basically gone to that world, fucked Mira's throat, and then fucked a hot black chick.

"You aren't... bothered, by having to have sex with the other Mira?" She almost winced as she said it.

"No," I said. I slowed down time, and it still took me a bit to realize what she meant: she was concerned that it had drawn up memories of Fals. It sort of had, but only in the sense of making me think, Fals would be much more attractive if she was more like Mira. "She was great. Great at sucking cock," I added. I decided to add a little white lie. "Even better than you."

"Oh?" Mira asked, her expression disbelieving, but a flirtatious smile coming to her lips. "Better than me, hmm? I might just take that as a challenge. I consider my skills as a fellatrix to be top-notch, you know."

"Consider the challenge issued, then, because the other Mira was really good at it."

Mira chuckled at that. "You're the only man on the planet who could say something like that with a straight face." She licked her lips. "As it turns out, I have some more work to do, though - you did bring me some new intel, and I need to share it with various people. But..." She tapped her cheek, then tossed a key my way. "Since you're a millionaire, I'm sure you won't mess anything up at my place. If you want to call somebody in - Nora, Xico, Kate, Stitch, whoever - maybe we could do a double blowjob? I know you like those, and I also know you didn't get any back in that world. If you can't provide a girl of your own... well, I'm sure Tsuru would be happy to join us. She does like you."

My cock was already tenting in my pants at her suggestion, and I just nodded along. Fuck. A threesome with Mira and whoever I wanted? Nora would probably not have a great time, and besides which, was much more selfish than Mira - probably not a good fit, even if she would go along with it. Xico, Kate, Fifi, they'd all enjoy it. Lope too, but she didn't get on that well with Mira. So... "Could it be more than a double blowjob?" I asked.

"More than a double blowjob? How so?"

"I'm picturing you, Xico, Kate, and Tsuru. And a camera recording the whole thing, too, so I can show it to Stitch later." I figured that five girls would possibly be too many, and Fifi would enjoy watching a video as much as she'd enjoy watching things in person. Maybe moreso.

Mira laughed at that. "You sound like a teenage girl right now. The best sex is me on the bottom, and as many women as physically possible on top," she said in a silly, mock-feminine voice. There was a vivacious note to her smile, though. "But sure, Roger. Sure. You can get your cock sucked by four superheroines at once." She licked her lips. "I'm sure you're looking forward to it already."

* * *

Mira's place was nice. I just flopped down in her media room, turning on her television. I did recall, as I sat there, what I'd done with her on a previous occasion, getting my cock sucked in a virtual reality and the real one at the same time. That was quite incredible. I wondered if it was possible to do that with everyone at once?

There was definitely something hot in that image. Four women, sucking my cock, twice over. But I was pretty sure that Mira's skill was, in part, from experience, so Xico and Kate and possibly Tsuru would probably struggle with it.

Some other time, maybe...

Or, wait. I only had the one cock, didn't I? With four girls, it'd definitely be a struggle for them all to suck me at once. Mira could suck me in duplicate, and the other three could split between the virtual world and the real one. Maybe swap back and forth, too?

Feeling slightly embarrassed at the thought, I nevertheless texted Mira:

Roger: Can we use the VR machine?

The long delay on a response made me add to it.

Roger: As in, two girls in reality sucking my cock, two girls in VR doing it.
Roger: That way there's no fighting.

It took so long for her to respond that I was starting to think I'd somehow offended her. I was left unread, though, so probably she just was busy... unless she had some type of high tech way of hiding the read status.

Mira: lmfao
Mira: Yes, we can do that, you kinky freak
Mira: Hmm, but, who will be in real life, and who will be in the VR? ;P
Mira: Thanks for the mood-lightener.
Mira: (Xico should be IRL. I don't think the VR has settings for six tiny tongues, even though I'm sure you love every one of them.)
Mira: See you soo~oon, you horny perv
Mira: ;* xoxo

My cock was rock hard, so, naturally, I hurriedly called up Xico and Kate to make sure they'd get there in time. I gave them the address, and Kate was the first to arrive, not even taking a car, just flying over and landing in the front yard. "H-ha," she said, looking around, a bit shocked. "I knew you got a big bonus, but can you really afford this?"

"...this place is Mira's, Kate," I told her. She immediately flushed at that. "Come on inside." The moment we were inside, my hand went to her pussy, feeling her up, and she shivered at my touch. "Look at you, you dumb, horny pervert. You know why Mira's letting me stay over, right? Use her place as a fuckden?"

"B-because you're s-so amazing, you can attract, even a rich, beautiful, woman, like her... and I'm just a lucky extra."

"That's right, Sow," I told her, giving her ass a quick swat. "Now, we're going to be doing something particularly kinky today, so come along." She followed after me like a lost puppy, and I showed her how to put on the VR headset, gave her basic guidance on control.

By the time I finished with that and took off my headset for a moment, Xico was floating there - she'd let herself in, apparently. "I did..." she said, with a shy-sweet smile. I guess when you have telekinesis, it's easy to open doors anywhere. "I have... a key..." Xico said, with just the hint of a pout. "Do you... want to start... now? Or... wait for... Mira..." she said, glancing over at Kate, who was obviously intensely aroused by the situation she was in.

"I'm good with waiting," I said. I smiled at her, and she smiled right back, taking up a seat next to me, then cuddling up, one long tentacle sliding around my waist, her head coming to rest on my shoulder. There was just the trace of concern in her expression, though.

"I'm... I sent you off..." she mumbled.

Oh, right. Same thing as with Mira. "It was fine. I got to see a cool high tech alternate Earth. It's really not that bad, even if their Mira is the God-Queen of the world." And a great cocksucker, I thought, making Xico's cheeks flush red. "It wasn't like with Fals," I reassured her. "She wasn't forcing me into anything."

"Good..." Xico replied, snuggling into me all the tighter. Kate was kneeling on the floor, even though I hadn't actually told her to do that - then I heard the front door creak open.

"Yello!" Came Tsuru's voice. "I heard there's a cock in this house that needs some sucking!"

"Oh my God, Tsuru," Mira said, and I could hear her give her lover a dope-smack. That thought made me mentally do a double-take - Tsuru was Mira's love, but, presumably, Kate didn't know that, right?

"Oh... am I... Kate's lover?" Xico asked, with the tiniest teasing note to her voice, this cute little smile on her lips as she bashfully corrected me.

"Ah, you're right," I said. "We're in the media room!" I called out to Tsuru and Mira.

Tsuru, as it turned out, had decided to strip herself naked on the way to the media room, and grinned as our eyes met. She was wearing lacy pink lingerie which excellently complimented her nearly ivory-white skin tone, a grin appearing across her lips as I eyed her up. "You're about the only guy who can appreciate a woman's body," she said, all but sashaying into the media room, exaggerating her sex appeal in the process.

Mira just rolled her eyes. "I guess Xico and Tsuru can be in 'reality,' and Kate and I can suck your dick in VR. That work for you, Roger?" Given the way my pants were tenting...

"Yeah," I said, hurriedly grabbing a headset and stuffing it on, earning a genuine laugh from Tsuru as she slank to her knees in front of me. I felt as Xico quietly withdrew from her position pushed up against me, kneeling instead in front of me.

"Pick the Lobby VR environment," Mira said out loud, and I quickly did so - soon enough, I was seeing a virtualized version of both Kate and Mira. Kate had the same airbrush filter slathered over her as I did - and so did Mira, for that matter. "Oh, what? Should I always be wearing a silly avatar? I figure you'd prefer the real thing. Though... I did have a custom outfit, if you want to pretend like you're dealing with that 'better cocksucker'," she noted, waving a hand as she suddenly was wearing a regency-era dress, complete with a crown. "No?" She asked.

"Honestly, you both look best naked," I told them - purely in the virtual space - and Kate blushed but quickly fiddled with some virtual commands, instantly dissolving her clothes. Mira was more confident as she transformed into complete nudity in front of me, just getting up right in front of me and wrapping her lips around my cockhead, sliding her way slowly down my whole length, leaving Kate to just watch, panting, with nothing much to do at the moment.

In reality, Xico's fingers gingerly unzipped my pants, and my hard cock was soon popping free into the open air. She leaned in, tongues gliding across my glans nervously, sliding around and around the very tip of my cock, teasing me as I was seated there. Her tongues teased the very slit, trying to worm out the precum, and the occasional ginger pant added to my pleasure, as she worked me over. Tsuru leaned in as well, purposefully just breathing on my dick, clearly enjoying the strong reactions she'd get from me. "Man, I'm surprised you haven't burst or cheated yet," Tsuru said, before laying kisses all up and down my length.

Honestly, I was surprised too, but I just pretended confidence - something utterly ineffective against a telepath, and Tsuru's light snort brushed against my dick.

Meanwhile, Mira was bobbing up and down my dick all the while, and Kate had hurriedly gotten herself involved, wrapping her lips around my balls. Her hands were on her tits, massaging them, hefting them up, as if trying to proclaim that she had better tits than Mira, so I should pay more attention to her. I grabbed a tangle of her simulated hair, dragging her around, and she obediently followed my guidance as I forced her around until she was rimming me. (Of course, not only could I not actually force her to do anything in real life, I also couldn't do it in virtual reality. I don't think you could even experience pain from the Invision headset.)

The moment she was stuffed back there, she started hurriedly, desperately, licking my ass, eating me out, rimming me as best she could, her tongue sliding up my butthole as she did her best to please me. I could hear her masturbating, which made me quickly think I could just create a second camera or something to show me what Kate was doing - and fuck I totally forgot about the camera to record something for Fifi.

Tsuru pulled back at that point. "There's a recording command, Mira already hit it. I'll go get you a regular camera though - give your dick a quick break, only three hungry girls slurping you off instead of four," she said, and I could hear the wink in her voice, before she departed.

Xico, for her part, responded to the departure of Tsuru with a hungry slurp down my whole length, making me groan in pleasure as she sucked on my cock like a woman possessed. She held me in her mouth, just grinding her nose into my pelvis, her tongues dancing around and around on my cock, saliva gently dripping down my length, her head twisting from side to side, hot breaths teasing along my dick when she'd pull back for just long enough to breathe, before pushing her way down.

"Fuck, that's good," I breathed out, idly petting Xico. It was good. She was diligent, sweet, honest, hard-working, and her mouth felt amazing. I knew perfectly well that part of that blowjob was also an expression of her intense feelings for me, her desire to make me happy, and that just made it even hotter. I could all but feel the way her cheeks no doubt glowed in response to that mental note, and she let out a tiny little noise of mixed disapproval and neediness, before upping her pace, beginning to facefuck herself on my cock.

Mira was lowering her pace even as Xico raised her, slowing things down so that her lips slithered up and down my whole length, tongue rubbing all along the underside as she moved. Her eyes stared up at me, having that brilliance and pride that always made it so hot to get her sucking my cock, slurping wetly all along my whole length until at last she reached the very tip and popped off, a wet noise escaping her mouth as she started to stroke me. "Mm... hmm... I'm trying to remember how I appeal to your kinks... oh yes, that's right. I'm your horny little slave, Master. Your mind-controlled billionaire pocketbook. I'm paying you five million dollars just to suck your cock, after all," she added, with a coquettish flutter of the eyelashes.

Amazing even me, I wasn't the one who came to those absurd words (plus Xico and Kate's hard work, of course) - it was Kate who orgasmed, moaning and spasming into my ass as her masturbation picked up. By that point, I had the ability to see everything she was doing back there, her hands stuffed in her cunt, frantically frigging herself, her big tits jiggling and bouncing all around in the open air as she moaned into my asshole. She was acting completely obscene, like a total pervert, and no doubt extremely happy to discover I hadn't just been making it up when I'd said that Mira happily played my hypnotized love slave.

I just reached down for her hair, drawing it into a pair of pigtails, and her eyebrows waggled as she let me just stuff my cock, full force, right down her throat. As she got facefucked like that, I was once more treated to the sight of Mira on her knees, playing the sexy schoolgirl as she got facefucked.

"Back!" Tsuru said, and then laughed as she heard the thoughts coming out of my head. "Ah, I guess that would get you off, huh?" She prompted. "Setting up the tripod, and... we are a go! You're going to get a real nice video of me and Xico sucking your cock. A pair of sexy telepathic superheroines, greedily slurping on your dick," she noted, audibly kneeling down in front of me.

At that point, Xico peeled off, probably picking up on some of the underlying intent of Tsuru's words. She caught her breath, while Tsuru leaned in, running her lips along my cock softly, her tongue flicking away. All the while, I was facefucking her girlfriend in virtual reality, and she just let out a pleased hum that said nothing so much as I know. Xico soon joined her on the opposite side of my cock, her tongues doing something similar to what Tsuru's was, but she had a numbers advantages, and I just groaned.

I was going to come soon. There was absolutely no way I could stop that from happening. Tsuru suddenly pulled away from my cock, and I thought it was so that Xico would have an easier time sucking it - then I felt a mouth suddenly slam around my dick. In virtual space, Kate suddenly spasmed in confusion, and I realized it was her getting slammed down my dick, effectively blindfolded and confused as a second set of sensations hit her mouth right alongside the first. Tsuru began to facefuck her roughly on my cock, and I soon groaned and just exploded. In reality, I was spraying my cum into Kate's waiting mouth - in virtual reality, I was instead raining down spunk all over the inside of Mira's throat as I brainlessly ground her into my pelvis.

When I was finished coming, I could only pant desperately, catching my breath. Tsuru peeled Kate's mouth up off my cock, and I could see the woman in question swimming in dizzy confusion, being made simultaneously to rim me and to irrumate me. It was hot as hell, and my dick was still rock hard - I felt Tsuru slap my dick up against Kate's cheeks, just smearing my cocksweat, her spit, whatever few droplets of precum hadn't been fired out fully all over Kate's face. "Look at this horny little bitch," Tsuru breathed. My cock twitched. "You've got her right where you want her, huh? Bet that's how you wish me, and Mira, and Xico acted. Your docile little subs who do whatever you say, just for the chance at your cock?" There was something genuinely teasing in her words, like she was half-willing to go along with that absurd scenario.

Xico didn't give me the chance to verbally respond, though, instead slurping down my cock, bobbing hungrily on my dick, her tongues getting into it. Mira slurped and bobbed on my cock anew, as I relaxed my grip on her head, and I could only throb in both women's mouths... then, after less than a minute of that, I gripped Mira's hair all over and started to fuck her face, to her obvious relish. Xico soon got herself into the same rhythm with which I was facefucking Mira, effectively just giving me a blowjob in duplicate: once in virtual reality, with the pigtailed vision of the richest woman in the world bobbing on my cock, while in the real world a six-tongued telepath was doing her level best to pleasure me.

With four girls, the positions were wild and varied, over that sex session, and my dick just kept going and going, happy to finally be returned to its home, to all the girls I loved. That thought made Xico suddenly fall out of her pattern, slamming away at my cock, ramming her mouth as her tongues wrapped around my dick, practically jerking me off with desperate energy. I didn't quite mean it like that, but she didn't seem to care.

Kate got roughly manhandled by Tsuru, forced to blindly service my cock as she was facefucked in reality and made to rim me in the virtual space. She actually came more frequently than me, the occasional dirty talk by one girl or another serving to make the horny bitch get herself off extra fast and hard. Sometimes, Tsuru would twist her around and make her do something else: get her face slapped with my cock, provide me with a brisk titfuck, suck my balls. Other times, she'd go even harder on it, forcing Kate to lick and suck on my toes, offering plenty of lewd commentary about how she was a horny, hopeless pervert who got off even on having to lick a guy's toes. Kate, of course, had no choice but to agree.

Mira was vigorous and unselfish as ever, and seemed to simultaneously try to take my directions and to add her own flair. Sometimes, she'd pop off my cock, stroking me, asking me if there was anything special I wanted out of her. She altered her body's breast size in the simulation, remembering my crude comments on the matter when I had been testing limits, and eventually figured out how to give me a titfuck. (When she did that, Tsuru made sure that I was receiving a double titfuck in real life from Tsuru and Kate - and Xico joined in to suckle on the very tip, tongues dancing around.)

Tsuru was simultaneously aware of most everything that was going on, and she was clearly taking advantage of it. I don't think she got quite the same compersive glee as Xico, but she was definitely enjoying herself, directing Kate to do this or that thing that was clearly meant to get me off, saying lewd words that happened to coincide with my thoughts or fantasies or what was happening to Mira, or any of a half-dozen other things.

Xico was just sweet as always. Her tongues licked and lapped at whatever she could get at, but she wasn't selfish in her attentions to my cock, happy to share and just watch if Kate was getting facefucked on my cock. If I so much as thought about her doing something more, though, she'd squeak and just lean in, suckling or licking my balls... she was incredibly sweet.

By the end of things, I had come six times: three times in Kate's mouth, twice in Xico's, once on Xico and Tsuru's faces together, and six times in Mira's mouth, on her face, or down her throat. (Remember, each time I came, I ejaculated in virtual reality too.) Mira's face was a mess, but she just had this unbelievably smug look in her eyes, staring up past cum that would have blinded her if it had been real. "You know," she said, licking her lips, speaking as if we were the only two people in the room. "You have a great o-face. Come on by any time, Roger. I'll show you who the best cocksucker is," she said, blowing a kiss my way before exiting from virtual reality.

I wound up just slumping in my seat, lying there brainlessly and bonelessly. When I finally gathered enough of my senses to log out of the virtual world, I wasn't surprised to find Xico cuddled up to my side.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Mira asked, from my other side. "That is what the media room is actually for, not just coming all over girls' faces."

"Sure. I've never seen like... any of the local movies, so just pick out a classic."

"Classic like Cantina Nights or classic like Xenophilia?" Mira prompted, and I just shrugged.

We wound up watching Xenophilia. It was a horror movie where the ultimate villain was an alien that took on the form of a sexy guy, and multiple stupid female characters got themselves or others killed because they wanted to sleep with him.

Honestly, it was surprisingly good, given that description. Though having Xico curled up against me definitely didn't hurt.

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features Roger deciding how to spend his well-gotten gains from his trip, and some one-on-one time with Xico. You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance.

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