Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Mr. Manager

People think that winning the lottery will result in you becoming wildly happy, that it will produce a sea change in your circumstances and life so that you can join an unfathomable group, like the billionaires who manipulate politics to their personal advantage, or the people who broadcast their lives on social media without lying. The reality is much harsher: actually, the lottery does nothing. The one-off infusion of cash is either completely chewed through in a few scant years, or else never touched at all.

Keeping your money yours requires a degree of extremely careful stewardship. The vast majority of the population are have been taught to spend-as-they-get, and companies generally don't try to present money to their employees in a way intended to encourage saving. What percent of your income do you squirrel away for savings? 5%? 10%? Given the time value of money, the advantages to saving now are obscene.

Still, the five million dollar bonus from going to the alternate Earth, plus my savings of almost a million dollars, plus an annual salary of one million dollars, substantially altered my ability to "live it up." The temptation was enormous, but I was unwilling to simply frivolously lose all my hard-earned money. So, rather than spend it, I thought about what to spend it on. Obviously, investments were key, but the main other purchase was real estate. The term "imputed rent" means, in short, "rather than paying rent, I just own this house." In other words, a house is effectively an income source, because it cuts away costs elsewhere.

The problem with that was simple: real estate is expensive as hell in New York City. If I lived outside it, then the commute would be brutal. After significant consideration, I realized that I was living in an apartment in the city, paying somebody just to live there... but what if I owned an apartment instead? Not in the sense of a condo, but in the sense of owning an entire apartment building. Then, rather than only gaining imputed rents, I'd gain actual rents. The prices were actually within my price range, surprisingly enough - only two or three million dollars for a small complex with six units.

There was even the obvious fact that I knew a number of great potential occupants: I had little doubt that (for example) Nora, Xico, Kate, and Fifi would all pay rent on time, and not mess up the apartments, if they rented one. (And, as a secondary advantage, they would be living in the same building as me.)

The sense of satisfaction that comes with coming up with a way to make yourself more financially secure is really transcendent. I can't speak clearly enough about it.

* * *

"Ah..." was all Xico said, as I explained my thoughts to her. "I don't... really get it..."

"Well, the main point, is that rather than paying some random guy to live across the hall from me, you'll be directly paying me rent," I explained.

"I... see... normally you don't... charge friends?" She asked, some confusion on her face.

"The complex has six units. I'm not so flush with cash that it's a rounding error," I explained. I definitely was not going to buy an apartment complex, then just let people live in it rent free. At that point, I might as well buy a house. "I'd live in one, you could live in one, Kate could live in one... you get the idea."

Xico tilted her head at that, seeming to be more confused than anything else. "Okay... I don't... really get... money... but I can... do the thing where... I give you... money." Pay? "Yeah... pay," she agreed.

* * *

"Sow... no, Kate," I said, making her blink as I said those words, clearly unsure of herself suddenly. "I'm planning on buying an apartment complex. I was wondering if you'd like to move into it."

"Yes, Sir," she said, bowing her head.

"No, I mean it," I replied. "Look at me like a normal person, not like my horny pervert slave masochist or whatever." Her cheeks burned red, but her eyes turned up to me. "You can move in. It basically just means we'll be living in the same building. You'll pay me rent, but with money, not sex, to be clear. The rate won't be terribly high, especially since I figure I can count on you guys to pay rent - none of you are exactly credit risks. I want you to make the decision for yourself."

* * *

Roger "wanted her to make the decision for herself." But how could she possibly refuse him? He had never asked for money from her before, but now... now she was really going to be put in her place. She swallowed the saliva that was pooling in her mouth. He was going to make her pay him just to live under the same roof. He didn't need the money, no. He'd just made a ton of it. No, the problem, the reality, was that he wanted to make it clear to her that there were no more free rides. If she wanted room and board with him, she couldn't count on his largesse and generosity. She would have to earn it, with her pocketbook. "I'll pay," she said.

"Great," he replied, genuinely smiling, happy to see her respond properly to his command. "I'll look forward to you moving in, Kate... or should I say, Sow?" She shivered at the word, and as his fingers just sank into the soft flesh of her tit. "I'm glad to see you're not wearing any bra," he said. "As a reward, kneel," he ordered.

"Yes, Master," she breathed, descending to her knees in front of him. She'd just agreed to pay him big fat stacks of cash, and they both knew it was so she could keep sucking on his cock. He unfastened his belt buckle, just slapping his dick against her features. Humiliating her. Putting her in her place. Showing her the simple reality that a pathetic, horny little fuckpig like her was only good for money. She wasn't even worth making suck his dick. He could get that anywhere, she knew - he could get that from either Mira on demand, and the other woman was clearly much better at it than her. She shivered at that thought, and he finally dragged her mouth down on his cock, as she started to frantically masturbate.

* * *

Stitch knew that it was coming. The day Roger kicked her out. She was a chick he met, fucked a couple times, but she couldn't exactly compete with the likes of Kate or Xico or Nora. Hell, sometimes she felt like she'd lose a competition with Bup gauging by the way that Roger clearly loved fucking the greedy little rape slime. She'd been saving up, fully anticipating this eventuality, so-

"Stitch," Roger said, jarring her out of her thoughts. "I'm planning on moving out." Great opportunity to kick her to the curb. Nice and smooth, no hard feelings. Guy like him was way out of her league, anyway. "I'm buying an apartment complex, actually, and since you're working at Star Heroic, I figure you have the money to get on your feet."

"Yeah, I can manage, don't worry about me," she replied. She did have... a few good videos, of their time together. Especially that insanely hot one where he fucked four chicks at once, or however the hell you describe that insanity. She licked her lips at the thought, and thanks to her dog muzzle, he didn't think anything of it.

"Good. I was hoping, though, that you'd come join me at my new place-" wha, what? Did he have feelings for her too? Her cheeks started to turn pink, mostly covered by her fur, but hell, "-as a tenant. I'll charge a well-below market rate, since I like you." Wha... huh? She was mostly just confused at this point, the signals he was giving her being so weird and backwards. Okay, guy becomes a landlord. Normally, porno plot logic, he starts fucking his tenant so she can 'pay the rent'. But this wasn't a porno plot. He wanted money. But she'd have to rent somewhere anyway... why not with the hot slut who let her watch him get fucked by four chicks at once?

She couldn't look too desperate, though. "What price are we talking?" Her new money from Star Heroic seemed like it was burning a hole in her pocket as she responded.

The rate he gave her was actually more than reasonable - maybe he really did like her?

* * *

Nora's response was surprisingly eager. "I see. So at the apartment complex, the occupants would in effect be me, you, as well as other women who you have sex with, but critically, no strangers?"

"Uh... well, depends on how many units I can rent out, but yeah."

"In other words, I could do something erotic for your preferences, in order to get you to have sex with me, and we could, for example, have sex in the halls, without you being concerned?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"In that case, I will rent a unit, and have sex with you, and seduce you, until you realize that you want an exclusive monogamous relationship with me. At which point, you can move in with me, and rent out any excess units to other people, helping to ensure our long-term financial independence."

"I might not wind up wanting an exclusive monogamous relationship with you, Nora," I told her, since it was the honest truth.

"That is true. However, it is extremely unlikely I would meet a male as high quality and desirable as yourself. Therefore, the relatively high probability that you will decide to become my husband is worth the risk. Further, I can also pursue additional relationships, as until we enter into an exclusive monogamous relationship, we are in an 'open' relationship."

"Well, that's alright with me," I said, giving her a quick, affectionate hug. I was pretty sure that those 'additional relationships' were nearly nonexistent, especially given how clingy Nora acted with me. It was hard to imagine her blustering neediness being pushed aside long enough to have sex with someone else. Still, she deserved a bit of reassurance.

* * *

Nora was enjoying dancing with this man, Frank. He was not as attractive as Roger, however, she believed there was a high probability that the two of them could have casual sex. The body that was being hugged by Roger experienced a flush of embarrassment and arousal, but it did not appear on the body dancing with Frank, or alter its behavior. It also did not alter the behavior of the body drinking with Hector, or the body playing basketball with Hugo.

* * *

"Bup..." I started, looking at the excitable, feminine pile of bimbo slime. She bounced in place, her tits and her surface both jiggling in the process. "Yeah, screw it. You can live in my bathtub at the new place, too." I patted her head. "Where else would you get kept?"

"Bup has tamed slutty cock, so slutty cock takes care of her! Bup amazed by how powerful consent is! It no stop Roger from becoming slutty fucktoy for Bup at all!"

I just rolled my eyes at that. "You're lucky you're cute."

"Yes! Bup so attractive, slutty cock has no choice but to take care of her!"

I decided that the conversation had pretty much reached its end point, and took off my pants. "Suck it," I ordered/gave permission, and instantly Bup was on it, her mouth wrapping around my cock and her head beginning to bob hungrily in place. My cock throbbed inside her mouth, and she hungrily sucked me off.

* * *

It took a couple months to actually finalize everything, including moving out of my current abode, but when I was done - well, I had given up a cool two million dollars and some change, in exchange for a pretty reliable revenue stream that would pay off in a decade or two. The main point, though, was that that huge chunk of cash had not been thrown into oblivion, buying something I'd never get value out of - I had spent my money wisely, and I could move my stuff in extremely quick.

Over the same couple months, things moved on the international front, something I was now paying real attention to, thanks to meeting the other Mira. Official points of contact had been formed between the "Federation" and our Earth (their?). The news from the Federation said that they had won the Second Korean War (I was glad, if for no other reason than it had really seemed to stress out their Mira), and were demobilizing. Some remnants of the old regime were fighting a long insurgency in the mountains, unfortunately, but it wouldn't take much to fight them off, and there were plenty of very-interested new traitors to the old regime to help fight them...

So the news said, anyway. My own news had been pretty confident about the odds of success in Iraq immediately after the toppling of their dictator, and it hadn't worked out too well in the end.

Either way, the Federation was moving in as an "equal," interested in "bilateral trade." There was some interesting stuff with celebrity or political bleedover - what became of this guy, in this alternate world? That kind of thing. A lot of it was "he didn't turn out to be anything special," without the schmaltzy Hollywood proclamation that he found sweet love instead: the same guy who had been an actor and married three times in five years was instead a programmer who had been married four times in seven years, that sort of thing.

The Federation also asked for the governments of Earth to peacefully join them - and that seemed to be extremely, exceptionally, hard to push. Once the novelty wore off and the idea of joining was actually meaningfully bounced around, it turned into yellow journalism: headlines like The Truth About The Federation - Mira's Empire; Mira Stone Speaks Up About Her Alternate Version's Warmongering; Japan Unveils Conveyor, Leading Way To Self-Sufficiency And Independence. Any mention of the other world was soon paired with, "by the way, they're a dictatorship, and that's bad." Other countries that were already dictatorships instead would say things like, "by the way, they're not Russian," or "by the way, they're not Muslim."

I guess it made sense. Nobody in power wants to give up power.

...though, now that I owned property, the thought came to mind that Mira's Earth had a much larger economy, and a larger economy meant more valuable land, meant higher rents, meant I had pretty much done the equivalent of traveling back in time and buying Apple.

The main thing I had been looking forward to, though, wasn't being integrated into an interdimensional empire under a beautiful fellatrix: it was owning an apartment complex, moving into the apartment complex, and having a tiny bit of extra space while having about the same amount of security (in the form of all the beautiful superheroines living next door or downstairs from me. Since I had yet to find a fifth tenant, there was currently an empty room - but that was fine.

There was, I'll admit, a certain classical, pornographic delight to the whole situation. I was the rich landlord, and my apartment complex was filled with beautiful tenants. It was the sort of thing you'd see in a hentai (in this world, of course, it would be a young female landlord and her handsome male tenants). Obviously they weren't actually having sex with me in exchange for rent or anything, but... still.

"I don't... get it..." Xico said. "Is it... like a rape... thing?" She asked me. I startled as I heard her, and she immediately blushed as I turned around. "Sorry... you hadn't... locked your door..." she said, gesturing to it. "It wasn't... even closed..."

"I'm still moving stuff in," I said. "No, it's not a rape thing," I added.

"Oh... then what... is it?" I struggled for a moment to explain it to her. "We could... igoss," she suggested.

"Sure," I said, and a moment later, our minds melted into one another. I could feel that love and affection she felt for me, the desire she felt to kiss me, to feel my happiness, but I could also feel her intense curiosity about why it was so arousing to be the landlord over several beautiful tenants. There was the cohabitation element, and the power, and the sex...

She got it at that point - it was sort of like a butler fantasy, but the woman had some other life, some other job, outside of her cohabitation. She also thought all these power-based sex fantasies were weird, since there hadn't been much of that sort of thing back on the compound. Her mind briefly wandered over to recollections of when I'd gotten back from Fals and been really domineering, and she blushed as that thought was shared, and she hurriedly waved her hands, and also tried to think of how to broach the subject of a Christmas present, and I cut off the igoss at that point.

She pouted a bit at that. "You didn't... think of... what you want for... Christmas," she said.

"It's two months away."

"That's... normal time... to buy Christmas... presents," Xico responded, a cute little smile appearing on her lips. "Otherwise... Black... Friday..."

"Honestly, I never liked the holiday that much. It's really materialistic." And by that, I mostly mean you have to spend a bunch of money on other people, when I normally avoid even spending a bunch of money on myself.

Xico snorted at that. "Oh... you could do a sex fantasy... for Christmas," she suggested. My brow furrowed a bit - did Xico even have a sex fantasy that she'd been hiding from me? Or that we hadn't really done? "," she said, after a moment, a cute blush on her cheeks which made me think maybe there was. "No!" She said, a moment later, and tried to igoss me to prove it - I let her, and, indeed, she didn't have some secret sex fantasy hiding in the back of her head. "But..." she said, a moment later, letting the link lapse on her end instead. "Other people... do." And she liked other people being happy. She nodded in response.

"It feels like an invasion of privacy, if I use your powers to find out what secret sex fantasies my-" not harem, uhh, there was a better word than harem, one that didn't make Xico wear this cute mischievous smile at how dumb the word was. "My, uh, tenants," I said, at last, making her purse her lips pointedly. "The women I sleep with. Anyway." I coughed. "You get the point."

"Yeah..." Xico hummed in response. "I can ask, though... and I think... I can tell... what would be... too far... for you," she explained.

She was so sweet and kind, it really did... "Look, Xico. I want you to know, that even if - my feelings for you, don't ever become as strong as your feelings for me, and we wind up not ending up together... I'm really glad that we spent the time together that we did, and I think you're a wonderful person." She blushed at that, her tails wagging happily but also curling inward nervously, her head ducking forward. "Is there something that we haven't done in a while and you want to do again?" I asked her. I wasn't even thinking pure sex, but by the expression she wore on her face, that's where her brain went.

"You're..." she huffed a bit. "Igoss... sex... uhm..." She was clearly trying to think of some way to make 'igoss sex' better than just 'igoss sex,' and I could come up with the answer to that easily: an audience. She blinked a few times, then nodded. "Kate... and Stitch..."

There was definitely something nice about igoss-ing with her while people were watching - even more than just fucking with an audience in general, I mean. You got to feel the positive vibes that Kate and Fifi were both sending off. But Kate and Fifi weren't actually in the building - I was the only one who'd properly moved in.

She could feel the way my mental wheels were turning, and a cute little flush and smile appeared on her face, as she quietly squirmed in place, her tails wagging happily behind her. I didn't need much more than that, and I soon was kissing her right on the lips, making her let out a soft breath into my mouth, her tentacles wrapping around my hips, her legs floating and rubbing gently at my thighs. I grabbed the base of her shirt, pulling it up, revealing her bra as she wiggled to help me get it off. We had to break off the kiss for a moment, but she didn't much mind, just smiling gingerly up at me, as I undid her bra, too.

Thanks to superspeed, it took hardly any time at all for us both to be naked, her pressed down against the bed, me looming over her, my cock throbbing in the air as she looked up at me. "Igoss?" She asked, softly, and I nodded, and our minds once more began to press against one another, her thoughts colliding with mine, leaving it difficult to decipher where one of us's experience of my penetration began and ended.

It felt truly wonderful. I could feel her warmth, her puppy love, her sweetness - and her own feelings of pleasure at my noticing those feelings and liking them. It was a circular cascade, as our tongues danced against one another, me finding the spots that made her feel best, her finding the spots that made me feel best. My pace inside her was haphazard from the intimacy and neediness of both of us, but it didn't matter much - she was feeling just as good as me. I was soon playing with her clit with one hand, adopting a skillful touch as talented as her own as we pressed and panted against one another, her lewd pants filling my ears and also rolling out of what felt like my own mouth.

Her own hands explored my naked body, fingertips trailing across my bare chest, clearly loving every last inch of me that she discovered. Our faces mashed into one another hungrily, finding ever-new ways of making one or the other enjoy themself. When we broke off the kiss, it was purely because one or the other of us felt their lungs burning with the need to breathe, and the warm rush of hot air across bare skin also brought its own delight.

The experience was intensified, as well, by the emotional content. Xico loved me, I knew that, and every time we fucked while igossing, I could feel it. I had put aside any guilt about the situation - it just made both of us feel bad and accomplished nothing - so I just savored that sensation, not only the love but the feeling of the love producing intimacy, the feeling of touch, the feeling of closeness, the feeling that came with one's love being in one's arms, being pressed against one, being so close that their scent was noxious and thick. She groaned into my mouth at that last thought, but still sucked in a sharp breath through her nose, filling both our senses with that delightful sensation.

I came, at that point, groaning into Xico's mouth - she came right alongside me, an orgasm brought on by my own orgasm, and our pleasure pathways fired in duplicate, her eyes rolling around in her skull in blissful pleasure. I felt and saw that kind of delirious, spinning sensation, the way it corkscrewed around the ceiling, eventually coming to rest on my naked chest, delighting in the physicality of it. She panted softly, a certain lewd thought bubbling up in her mind, and she spoke in a post-coital whisper a moment later. "Was that good enough, Manager?" Her words came out with a gentle, subtle touch, piggybacking on my own brain to produce the right words at the right moment, none of her normal slow and shuddered speech.

It was almost comical, trying to roleplay in this situation - you certainly couldn't lose yourself in the moment, with the fact that the other person's brain was always there, playing their own role. "Not even close," I responded, earning a blush from the girl underneath me as I began to furiously pump away all over again.

The pretense of the roleplay was silly, absurd, even, and both of us knew it, but the quiet intimacy the shared lie brought was still delightful. Xico's thoughts rolled around how best to make me feel good, her eyelashes fluttering as my pleasure and hers both bounced off one another, each intensifying the other's. "Ahm, ah, the rent, is so, good!" She squealed out, pretending to orgasm. "Oh, oh, I love you, Mr. Cooper!" She said, trying to come up with whatever lewd words she could. Feeling that mental process, the struggle to think in the moment, to come up with such creative ideas, was hot as hell.

"Well, Ms. Eusion," I told her, as I pumped away in her pussy, pounding her ever harder. "That may well be, but it won't pay your rent. Only this tight young pussy of yours will," I said, and she blushed and squirmed under my cock. "I have exclusive access, don't I?" She nodded wildly, readily, in her mind noting that I was, in fact, the only guy she'd ever had sex with. For her, that felt vaguely shameful, but that shame was easily crushed by the pleasure that it brought me, the sort of inappropriate delight in knowing that Xico had only ever had sex with me. "That was part of the rent agreement, you know. The contract you signed."

"Yuh, yes, Mr. Cooper. My pussy's all yours! Only yours!" Our own lewd imaginings ran wild at that point, her thoughts bouncing off of mine. She imagined not reading the rent agreement, or reading it and thinking it was a joke; I imagined myself as the insidious, manipulative landlord, tricking young beauties into offering up all their holes to me. Her thoughts imagined herself dutifully sucking me off, day after day - my brain added in the idea that she had been doing it to preserve her virginity. She responded in kind, bouncing off the idea that she had finally 'given in' and offered me her pussy, too needy to do anything else. I mentally suggested that I hadn't even taken her up on the offer until she begged.

She imagined that begging. The plaintive, pitiful squeaking, as she pointed out how she could totally keep sucking me off, but her virgin pussy, which belonged exclusively to me, was worth using too, wasn't it? It was so tight. It'd fit nice and neat around my cock, wouldn't it? My big, fat cock, the one she'd been sucking so much, I'd love having it wrapped in her pussy, that was the sort of thing I liked, that was why I'd written it that way, wasn't it?

I countered with no, I had written it that way just to make girls like her squirm, make smug, haughty bitches get down on their knees and plead and beg, not realizing that the contract only ever went the one way. That it was always, only, about my pleasure, not hers.

She suggested that she was a telepath, that we could igoss, and I'd immediately seized on the idea, taking advantage of the forced intimacy. That was why she was in love with a malicious, domineering, perverse man like me - her own brain had been fried from our fucking and mental intimacy, until she saw even my flaws as benefits.

At that point, I came, the absurdity of the whole sexual scenario sending me over the edge, just unloading in her pussy. She came too, panting heavily beneath me, fingers scraping along the bed as we both orgasmed together. When we were both finished, I pulled out of her, catching my breath. "It doesn't work... like that," she said, of the igoss.

"Yeah, and fucking a girl good enough doesn't make her fall in love with you," I replied, and I felt her quiet uncertainty of how true that really was. I just leaned in and kissed her. "Want to keep going?"

She bit her lower lip, nodded cutely, and we went right back into it, pumping away, coming up with new and ever crazier versions of the "sexy landlord takes advantage of his sexy tenants" scenario. Her acting as recruiter, tricking her friends into signing the contract, purely to get my cock more often. Her letting me take photos of her, to blackmail her and keep her from ever leaving. Her getting a tattoo of my name, declaring her to be my personal property. Her no longer even having her own room, because she'd been forced to move into mine. She was a bit surprised by how intense the fantasizing got, but she didn't mind at all, coming plentifully right alongside me as we constructed an absurdly lewd scenario in the shared space between our minds, as we fucked like rabbits and kissed and groped one another.

It was a pretty good day, all in all, and Xico hadn't even actually moved in yet.

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features Nora adjusting to Roger's new position as a landlord, and plenty of fellatio. You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.