Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Nora Gets Comfortable

The change in situation with respect to Roger and her left Nora feeling quite awkward. Previously, she had rented an apartment across from Roger's, in order to be present in case of another attempted kidnapping by Fals (or similar scenario). If she was being entirely honest, then likely, she considered it a highly valuable place to live as Roger was across the hall from her, and therefore it was easier to have sex with him. All of this was perfectly logical, and still applied.

However, now that Roger owned the building, and therefore the apartment she was renting, that meant that the money she was paying for an apartment was going directly to Roger. She already owned a home, which was sufficient for all her bodies (besides the hidden backup). Therefore she was only paying for this apartment in reference to Roger. At this point, given the presence of multiple other superpowered individuals, Roger could also be considered quite safe: it was very unlikely that Fals, or another evil actor, could avoid Stitch, Kate, Xico, and Bup. Therefore, she was, in effect, paying Roger for sex.

She did not like this particular thought. She thought that prostitution was distasteful and degrading to men, and she did not want to degrade Roger. (Unless Roger was aroused by being degraded, then she would have liked to degrade him, but he did not appear to be so. If anything, he appeared to be more of a 'male dominant' or even a 'sadist' than any type of masochist or submissive.) Men engaged in prostitution only when they were truly at the end of their financial rope; the women who exploited them for sex were was taking advantage of them. It was very wrong, in Nora's view, to take advantage of someone who was weak when you were strong, as the arrangement of strength and weakness were more-or-less random, and therefore had no correlation to virtue. So she felt like she was doing something wrong, by paying Roger, and thereby attaining sexual access.

Roger did not appear to have considered this thought at all. She tried to consider it from a more world-historical perspective: the concept of prostitution only entered into the world once money did. Prior to this, a woman gave a man some gift, and he chose to have sex with her in reciprocation; this is not really any different from going on a date or similar, non-prostitution, non-exploitative act. She was not paying him for sex. She was paying him, and then, incidentally, sex was occurring. The argument would even hold up in court, she was reasonably certain.

She did recall that Roger enjoyed the idea of a woman both 'working' and 'taking care of the home.' This reflected part of his dominant tendencies, which she did not mind and found cute (in part because they were relatively light). She considered that perhaps there was a way to rephrase their current relationship in such terms. If Roger was 'being paid by her' and also 'sleeping with her,' incidentally, and thereby expressing power over her in two ways, perhaps this would not leave her feeling as if she was sexually exploiting him?

Xico had mentioned that Roger appeared to have a fantasy of being the landlord and accepting sex in lieu of rent. Nora certainly would not mind having sex with Roger in lieu of rent (after all, at that point, she would be the prostitute, and she did not care about being degraded in that way, as she was a woman and women do not need to care about being degraded in that way), but that was a fantasy, and therefore she could not use it to rid herself of her current nagging guilt.

However, as she turned the idea over in her head, she realized there was a different way to correct the feeling of guilt she was experiencing: since it was born of the impression that she was 'paying' Roger for 'sex', she could simply not choose to have sex with Roger. Or, more correctly, she could suggest that Roger 'do whatever he wanted.' Since he would be the one having sex with her, and choosing how the sex was had, it would not be akin in any way to prostitution. It would, if anything, be some type of inverted prostitution: she would be paying Roger, for Roger to have sex with her, however he liked. She nodded to herself. Yes. This would be much more appropriate than continuing their relationship as things stood.

* * *

There was a knock on my door, and I just called out from the couch - "It's open!" There's not much concern about a robber, when you're living in your own apartment complex, stacked with multiple superpowered women, including one telepath.

"Ah," came Nora's voice, as she opened the door. She stepped towards me. "I was contemplating our sexual relationship, and I believe it would be better if you were more 'dominant' with me."

My cock pretty much instantly tented in my pants at those words, and I paused the game I was playing, looking over my shoulder at Nora. "How so?" I asked her.

She blinked, the question clearly unexpected. Her mouth opened, then closed. "I believe that you should decide how we have sex, from now on," she explained. "As in, if you would like me to perform fellatio, then I would do that. And if you would instead like to have missionary sex, we will do that. And if you would like to roleplay a specific scenario, we can do that, as well, including if that scenario involves multiple partners, via roping in additional bodies of mine. And so forth. That is by no means an exhaustive list, and I am willing to have sex in any way you want, as that is the entire point of this offer, that you can have sex how you want."

There was something weird going on with Nora, I could tell that much. "Did somebody put you up to this?" I prompted her.

"No," was her immediate reply.

"Alright." If Nora wanted to do it this way, then who was I to tell her no? I stood up from the couch, zipping over to her, enjoying the way she momentarily became like a beautiful statue. My hand went to her cheek, and her eyes flicked up to me for a moment before I leaned in to kiss her on the lips. Immediately, she replied in kind, and I put my power to good use, slowing down time to better play with the inside of her mouth - and to give myself the chance to think. If Nora was really offering me such a broad range of opportunities... what should I pick?

I doubted she had anything in mind. Nora always spoke her mind, which was one of the nice things about her. She was blunt and straightforward with her feelings and desires. So when she said that I should decide how we have sex - she meant it. Obviously I wasn't going to turn into a selfish jerk or anything, but what were some fun things I could do with her, while she was so willing?

When I broke off the kiss, it had only been a few seconds for her, but I had to really pause to catch my breath. Nora's expression - lips still parted, eyes looking up at me with what was probably longing - only added to the eroticism of the moment, and my cock throbbed in my pants as I looked down at her. "Honestly, I'd really like a blowjob from you while I play video games."

"I see. I owe you many cases of fellatio, based on some of my previous calculations," she told me, and nodded along with the suggestion. I decided it wasn't time to correct her on those calculations yet, instead heading over to the couch and sitting back down. Nora didn't hesitate whatsoever to kneel in front of my legs, her fingers reaching up for my zipper, moving tenderly and sweetly to make my cock pop free, my whole length throbbing in the open air as it did. She leaned in, beginning ojust with plenty of soft kisses up and down my length, going cross-eyed as she studied my dick even as she sucked it.

I could hardly complain that she hadn't started out with a deepthroat, given just how diligent her fellatio was. For a couple minutes, I didn't even play the game at all. If Nora noticed, she gave no hint of it, just continuing to kiss up and down my whole dick, my length looming over her face as she worked me over. She was completely focused on the task before her, her tongue starting at some point to lick out along my length. At first, just as part of a kiss, tongue flashing out alongside the rest of her mouth as she pursed her lips up to kiss my dick, and then later, as an action taken purely on its own, her tongue stretching along my whole dick.

It felt truly wonderful, as her tongue slowly licked all the way up my entire length, making her way right up to the tip, then beginning to tease the tip with her tongue, playing with the slit, running along the crown of my cock, her blue eyes now turning away from my cock and up to my face as she worked. Her breath gently ran along my length, while one of her hands came up to gently stroke me, and she gave me a small little kiss before speaking up. "I believe you may have forgotten to play video games, due to how good my fellatio is," Nora told me. "As you specifically wanted a blowjob while playing video games, I would like to give you a blowjob while playing video games, but cannot without you actually playing the video games."


I reached for the controller, at that point, unpausing it. She let out a pleased hum, before leaning forward, her lips stretching wide open to take my cock into her mouth, and beginning to slowly slink down my length, her tongue sashaying back and forth as she did. I was, luckily, playing a single player game, so I didn't really have to interrupt her fellatio at all with my power - I could just lose without concern.

Oh no, my spacecraft smashed into the side of a wall, because Nora was mushing her nose into my pubes and swallowing around my whole length. Reload. Oops, I shot the quest giver because Nora suddenly started slamming her face up and down my cock, just ramming away while humming around my cock, and it surprised me and made my trigger finger twitch. Reload. Damn, I got killed by a boss because Nora was going absolutely crazy on my dick, just pounding away, tongue licking across the underside of my cock, her throat swallowing around my length every time she took me to the base... at that point, I just decided to cheat a little, holding my controller behind her head and leaning forward, pretending to game while actually focusing on the insane work she was putting into sucking my cock.

* * *

Nora hoped that this was adequately satisfying Roger's desire for a blowjob-while-gaming. He was leaning forward, suggesting he was heavily 'into' his game, which she believed was her cue to get even more intense. However, she had already begun fucking her face as hard as she could - no, there was a way to intensify her pace. Her hands went behind her head, lacing together, and she began to forcefully slam her face right down his cock, mashing away even harder than before. On every downswing, she took a second or so to just swallow around his length, squeezing his cock where it came to rest inside her throat, humming, moaning, making every noise she could think of.

Naturally, there was more she could do. One of her other bodies was en route. Roger had never seemed to mind being 'mobbed' by her bodies for 'group sex,' and she thought sucking on his balls or giving him a back massage might be a good way to add to the fellatio. However, for now, she wanted to cause him to ejaculate as he played. He was just grunting faintly, as he continued to flick (no doubt expertly) at the controls. She enjoyed hearing those noises, because that meant his fantasy scenario was, in fact, happening as he hoped it would.

She felt him getting close, his hips twitching, his cock throbbing in her mouth. She hoped that the reality of his fantasy was as pleasant as the fantasy of his fantasy, as she knew sometimes the reality could not measure up to the fantasy. (However, with Roger, the fantasy had always failed to measure up to reality, as Roger was an exceedingly skilled and hard-working lover.) Her face pounded even more rapidly in response, and she hummed around his cock, making noises intended to inform him that she wanted him to come in her mouth, and/or down her throat.

He appeared to recognize the intent, because one of his hands left the back of her head, forcibly dragging her down his length, mashing her nose into his pubes. He moved with superhuman speed at that point, and she felt the way his pulse quickened by an order of magnitude as his cock rested in her mouth. She hummed, hoping the vibrations would still be pleasurable in low motion, and it appeared to work, as he let out a bestial and alien groan - like someone had sped up the cry of an animal to ten times as swift - as he presumably ejaculated directly down her throat. She did her best to gulp it down, but she couldn't really taste or feel it in the moment. When he finished coming, he slumped back on the couch, panting in normal speed, and she easily popped her lips off his cock.

There was a faint, lingering taste of his ejaculate at that point, but she had better things to do than focus on it. "Roger," she said, drawing his attention down to her. "Would you like it if I continued to blow you as you played, but, additionally, another one of my bodies massaged you? Or would you prefer that the other body suck on your balls?"

His cock twitched in the air at that, and he looked down at her. She was not good at reading expressions, but she suspected there was a hint of his more sadistic nature in his gaze as he looked at her. This suspicion increased as he grasped his cock around the base, the other hand grabbing the back of her head (the controller was dropped on the couch) and shoving his whole length forcefully right back into her mouth. "Two more bodies," he grunted out, as he held her down in his pelvis. "One for the balls, one for the massage," he explained. She nodded around his cock. That was not difficult to arrange.

He continued to choke her like that, hand on the back of her head, grunting and groaning in pleasure as he roughly treated her like that. She found it surprisingly erotic: even if Roger was clearly not contemplating her pleasure at all, that implied that she was doing a very good job of fellating him, which was good. If she did a sufficiently good job at fellating him, that would be a point in her favor, and then perhaps he would agree to have a monogamous relationship with her, and then they could get married. While she considered the probability of this to be low, a 5-10% probability of marrying a high-sex drive male like Roger, who enjoyed group sex, was worth the effort. Also, she was in love with him.

He finally released the back of her head, and she peeled back on his cock, but intentionally did not allow his length to leave her mouth. He liked it when she kept it in his mouth the entire time, she noticed. She wondered if he enjoyed it because it was 'shutting her up'? She had seen similar details in pornographic material, though that was women doing it to men, in general. In any case, once she'd caught her breath, she slammed her face back down his length as hard as she could, beginning to bob up and down with the maximal level of force. He groaned in response, casting his head back in pleasure, so she lowered her pace - after all, he could not play his game if he was staring at the ceiling.

She had to keep reducing her pace, slowing herself further and further down, until at last Roger's gaze rested on her again. She used her hands to gesture behind her, pointing to the game, and Roger let out a light laugh. "Right. That's what I was doing," he said, and she heard the distinctive sounds of the game coming from behind her, as Roger rested on his couch, slackening against it. She hummed around his cock, keeping the same smooth pace she'd set for herself, slow and almost methodical as she slid up and down his cock. Her tongue swished back and forth along the underside of his cock, her breath gently tickling his length as she moved. It clearly felt quite good for him, but it wasn't so good that he was looking at her, or the ceiling: he was looking at the game.

That was good. She wanted to satisfy Roger's sexual fantasies, after all. After a few minutes of slow and methodical bobbing, and plentiful work with her tongue, lips, and throat to add to Roger's pleasure, a second body entered his apartment, getting behind him and beginning to massage him. "Would you rather this body suck and lick your balls, or massage you?" She prompted him.

"Ahm, just a massage for now, not sure about the space down there, now that I think about it," he said, sparing a glance down at the body that was in between his thighs. Both bodies nodded in acknowledgement, and the body on his cock closed its eyes. She had noticed that Roger enjoyed it when she closed her eyes while fellating him, though she was not entirely sure why. However, thanks to the presence of a second body, currently massaging his shoulders, it was possible to tell how Roger was feeling at any given moment, even if the body fellating him had its eyes closed.

In any case, she focused her attention on pleasuring Roger. She rubbed and massaged his back as best she could, having learned to some extent how best to please him that way. She even slid her hands up to his scalp, giving his head a massage as well, and earned a quiet groan from the man in question, his hips idly bucking against her face, a spasmodic representation of his own pleasure and arousal. She smiled at that, working his cock harder. She glanced up at the game, watching him play, using his skill - or lack thereof - to gauge what the best way to fellate him was.

She didn't want him to lose the game, as the fantasy scenario was playing the game while being fellated (not losing at the game due to being fellated), so every time her fellatio became too distracting for him to maintain his skill - his accuracy dwindling as his thumbs twitched, or him firing off shots without intending to - she lowered her intensity. She found a quiet, steady state to hold herself at soon enough, a level of stimulation sufficient to keep him hard in her mouth, and he clearly liked it quite a lot, gauging by the way he did not complain, occasionally glancing down at her ever-bobbing head as she worked him over. "That's really good," he'd add, occasionally, when he remembered to.

He did not need to say that, but she still appreciated it. It was not the compliment itself, but the fact that he considered her feelings about the fellatio important enough to make that statement despite the obvious joint distractions of the game and her fellatio itself.

When her third body arrived, she was still massaging his scalp, and it took her - and Roger - some finagling to get her body in between his legs. Nevertheless, she was soon down there, her lips wrapped around his balls, tonguing at them hungrily, as her other body continued to bounce up and down his cock. Both bodies kneeling before him had their eyes closed, and Roger clearly appreciated the view, gauging by the way he intermittently glanced down. "Actually," he said, pausing the game at one point, "have both these bodies take off their clothes. I want them naked and sucking me off."

"Very well, Roger," the body that was massaging him said, as the other two bodies popped off his dick. It normally took very little time for them to disrobe, but she did notice that Roger enjoyed looking at her as she disrobed, so she drew it out. The body wearing a t-shirt drew it very slowly up her body, and she enjoyed as he stared at her increasingly bare abdomen, the breasts that were contained inside a sports bra. He even appeared to gain particular delight from the moment when she was 'blinded' by the shirt covering her face, so she extended that as well.

Eventually, however, both bodies were naked and kneeling under him, and she resumed having the one suck his cock, while the other sucked his balls. She maintained a cool, steady state, enough to keep him hard and enjoying himself, but not so much as to prevent him from playing the game. She did not fully understand the game, but that was fine. She was doing this for his sake, in order to demonstrate to herself (and, perhaps implicitly, to him) that their relationship was not that of prostitute-jane.

She bobbed. She licked. She sucked. She suckled. She hummed. She even threw in other sounds, like a moan, which he definitely seemed to like (though, also, it distracted him, so she only did it when he appeared to be in a low-danger area).

After twenty minutes or so, however, he appeared to become frustrated with the act of being sucked off while playing a game, and simply paused, grabbed the face on his dick, and begin to roughly fuck away. His hips pounded as he grunted, and she noticed that he was not using his superhuman speed, which implicitly meant she should work hard to put her own muscles to work in pleasuring him, such as by licking the underside of his cock, sucking on it, swallowing while it was in his mouth, et cetera. She also realized, after a few seconds, that the mouth of the body behind him could also add to his pleasure.

"It is fine with me if you irrumate me, Roger," she told him. "I am sorry if my fellatio was too teasing, but you stated you wanted to play your game and be fellated, and therefore I avoided fellating you with so much intensity as to reduce your effective skill. Whenever you wish to irrumate me, feel free to ask, and I will do it, as long as your penis is not currently dirty," she explained to him. The last line earned a faint snort from him. "In fact, so long as I live here, you can consider my body to be at your disposal for your own pleasure."

"Fuck," he breathed out, standing up as he fucked that one body's face; the one that had been working his balls shifted around to rim him instead, as that position was now open. "You really mean it, too," he groaned.

"I do," she agreed from behind him. "I do not say things I do not mean, as that is dishonesty, which is bad."

"I want to come all over your face and just leave it there," he told her. The body getting facefucked nodded. "You'd- you'd keep sucking me off, too."

"Whatever it is that you prefer," she told him. "I do not want to make you have sex in a way you do not want to have sex. It is OK with me if all that we do today is fellatio and/or irrumatio."

He groaned at those words, yanking the body currently getting irrumated off his cock, and simply sprayed his cum all over its face. As she was also positioned behind him, she could see as he shifted his cock and her face to better angle it; he seemed to pay particular attention to blinding her with his cum, and also to covering her nostrils. She supposed that it reflected his preference for her eyes to be closed, and presumably he liked the idea that she could smell him. She sniffed at him noisily from behind, to try to add to his pleasure.

"Ahh, fuck," he breathed out, flopping back down onto the couch, leaving the rimjob body with no task for a moment, before she set it to work on his balls again. "You're so hot. And cute," he added, idly patting her head as she bounced on his dick.

"Thank you," she told him, continuing her massage. Hopefully, by establishing herself as 'hot' and 'cute,' she increased the probability that he would enter into a monogamous relationship with her.

* * *

Nora was crazy attentive that day, and I got the vibe that she really just wanted to focus on my pleasure. I didn't know if she had read about seducing guys in a book or what, but I decided to just let her pamper me that day. She said she wanted to do it, so I'd let her do it, no complaints on my part.

I honestly half-expected the long, teasing blowjobs she was giving to eventually drive me to the point of wanting to fuck her pussy instead, but mostly I wound up getting those needs out by fucking her face. Each time I facefucked her after the first, I used one of her other bodies, but then came on the first one. By the end of the day, her face was pretty much half-white, my dried cum sticking all over the place.

It was pretty great, all in all.

When the next day she offered to do the same thing again - whatever I wanted, period, no strings attached - though, I just fucked her into the bed. I didn't know what was making her be so giving, but I knew she liked getting fucked, so I did that instead of indulging her.

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features the Kate from the other world coming to visit, and having her mind blown. You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance.

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