Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Chapter 81: Morning With Xico

Xico woke up before Roger did. She gulped as she felt his arms wrapped around her, her cheeks glowing as she remembered what the two of them did last night...

Or three, Bup was there too, but...

Ah... it was nice, though. Sex with Roger was always nice. He was nice to her. He made sure she enjoyed herself, he liked her - even if he didn't like her like that, maybe he would one day soon enough - and he felt good. He was so enthusiastic... he was kind of like Bup, in that way.

She blushed a bit at that thought. That was a mean thought! Bup was... well, Bup was Bup, and Roger was Roger, and they weren't really that similar.

Roger's body shifted behind her, and for a moment, she thought she'd been igossing with him, and he'd read her thoughts, and now he was going to be mad - but no, he was asleep. His dream was vague and mushy and hard to get much out of, but she was pretty sure that he was imagining that he was fucking a bunch of hot elf girls in Santa's workshop.

Mrs. Claus was there to help him out.

Xico licked her lips, wondering if she should wriggle free, or just stay here, or something else...

She decided to use her thiasyar, gently levering them between her naked stomach and his arms, pushing them back, and then getting free of his body. As she moved, she became aware that she'd wrapped her tails around his hips during her sleep, so now she also had to use her thiasyar to leverage him up off her tail. He rolled over in the process of her extricating herself from him, and in the process fell on his back.

He was hard. She could see that very clearly in the new position. His cock just pointed up at the ceiling, proud and uninhibited, and she quietly swallowed as she contemplated it, wondering exactly what she should do with it...

It was okay to do sex things while he was asleep, right? He wouldn't mind? She'd worried about this before, right? He hadn't been upset when she'd done it last time. So... she licked her lips. He definitely wouldn't mind sex things, when those sex things involved her wrapping her lips around his cock.

She leaned forward into him, suckling on his cockhead, tongues flicking around it, just slathering it in a light smear of saliva. He groaned softly, the images in his dream shifting from pounding sexy elves from behind, to pounding them from the front. She was only just teasing the very tip, though, and she could tell that was creating some frustration in the dream, as Roger tried and failed to get deep inside an elf girl's mouth, but was stopped by a sort of invisible force field an inch or so inside. His hips were even twitching here in the real world, as he tried to fix that problem...

So she decided to be nice and make it very easily, sliding her lips all the way down his cock, taking him to the base. Her tongues wrapped and teased every last inch of his cock, his hot throbbing length twitching in her throat. She could also feel the way his fantasy grew more intense, as his body twitched underneath her, his cock pulsing, threatening to explode at any moment.

For her part, she just enjoyed the feeling of him down inside her throat, the simple pleasure of it. Her tongues slithered down to tease and lick at his balls, and she planned to stay plastered down there until he woke up. His expressions as he slept, his thoughts as he slept, were just too cute and sexy for her to pull back needlessly. His body wriggled around beneath her, as she suckled and sucked, intensifying the pressure, enjoying his taste, enjoying the way it felt to be with him like this. Her nose was mushed up into his pelvis, and his pleasant scent (the scent of the man she loved) filled her nostrils.

At that point, he finally woke up, though his thoughts were still messy. He moved with a casual certainty down towards her head, grabbing her head in one hand and just forcefully peeling her up and off his cock. She let him, her tongues stretching out, inviting him back into her mouth. Even in his groggy state, she could read his mind just fine: She looks so good like that. She smiled up at him, keeping her mouth open, saliva slowly dripping along her tongues and splashing down onto the bed beneath them. She knew Roger well enough to know that the sight of her like that was intensely arousing for him, and his cock's twitching certainly reassured her that she was doing the right thing.

Roger was too sleepybrained to do anything in that moment other than let go of her hair, and she responded by slurping him back up, humming around his cock, twisting her head around and around on his length happily. He just gasped by way of reply, pumping his hips up against her face,rolling his head back as he lost all control. Saliva freely dripped out of her mouth down his cock, and he groaned in pleasure, his thoughts some mix of surprise, pleasure, and intensifying arousal. A sort of It's so nice to wake up like this and also Wow, it's so nice that Xico wakes me up like this. The fact the the compliments were coming straight from his brain, totally unfiltered due to him having just woken up, well - that just added to the joy of receiving them.

"Xico," he breathed out, then just collapsed back onto the bed, his thoughts too mushy to really say much. "Fuck, thanks for this," he said at last, having decided that was the most honest expression of his feelings. Good- good, nng, good birthday present," he said, his length twitching in her throat. "Christmas present," he corrected after a moment, that was how tired he was.

She just peeled back up and off his length at that point. "Merry Christmas," she said, trying her best to come off as seductive and sexy, though apparently it came off more as 'cute' to Roger's sleep-addled mind.

Well, that was okay. Roger liked cute too. She leaned forward to his cock, suckling on the very tip, tongues dancing and dancing around it. He just groaned in response, still too mush-brained to say much of anything. She liked the way he was right now. It was cute. Was it okay to think he was cute when he was all stupid like this? He was even more like Bup like this...

Her cheeks glowed at that. That was definitely a mean thought! She should get him off fast before she turned into - into Nell or something! She slurped his cock up, starting to bob on his dick, bouncing up and down this time, her head twisting from side to side as her tongues slithered all over the place on his cock. They caressed every last inch of his length, as he gasped in pleasure, leaning up on the bed to lock eyes with her - and then he started to come.

She peeled back to the tip, just caressing his cockhead, coaxing out all his tasty, citrusy cum as it was deposited on her tongue. She gulped and swallowed happily, some of it dribbling down out of her mouth. He definitely liked that - she didn't even have to read his mind to see the way his gaze lingered on the little bit of cum on her chin, so she just pretended not to have noticed, as she popped off his cock when he was finished.

"Good morning... I guess Mrs. Claus is now... um... in love with your cock," she said, blushing a bit.

He chuckled at that, reaching out for her cheek. His finger then wandered around to scoop up cum, feeding it into her mouth, and she happily suckled on his finger, tongues going wild, meeting his gaze with hers as she suckled on his finger. Her cheeks hollowed as she exaggerated the movement, and his thoughts naturally wandered to the idea of her blowing him again. She gave him a little wink.

"We fucked like rabbits last night," he said, at last, and she pouted at that. "Let me actually wake up." He got up from the bed, zooming into the bathroom to go take a shower, his thoughts becoming incoherent as his power kicked in. She sighed...

And realized that the only clothes she'd actually brought over were the stupid-sexy Mrs. Claus uniform.

Ah, but she lived right across the hallway, so she could just duck out for a second. She closed her eyes, feeling out the thoughts of the other occupants of the apartment complex, and then dashed across the hall wearing the stupid sexy Santa uniform.

Well, it wasn't stupid, since Roger had liked it... but still!

* * *

Lope rolled her head around, bouncing on her toes. She was cool. This was cool. Showing up to the house of a hot older DILF type (well, he wasn't actually a dad, but she'd call him Daddy if he wanted... only if he asked, though, she wasn't gonna bring it up) with a six pack, some food, and some games, in the early morning, was totally cool. He would be into it. He was one horny slut, and she absolutely wanted to fuck him. She took in a deep breath, then knocked on the door to his apartment.

That superspeed meant he pretty much zipped to the front door, which was cool. Also he was shirtless, which was super cool. Also he wasn't wearing pants (though he was wearing briefs, and she could see his hard-on), which was cool too. He was hot, for sure. She managed to drag her gaze up to his. "Yo," she said.

"Sorry, thought you were Xico. Would've put some clothes on."

"No need," she told him, raising one hand reassuringly, giving him her most sincere smile. "I could even undress a bit, if you feel overdressed. Wanna game? I got you a couple as presents based on the genres you like," she explained, hefting up the bag with them (and in the process, the bags with the chips and the crackers and the other snacks she brought over). "We can game, have some fun, get a little tipsy..."

"I'm pretty sure Xico's coming back, which is why I thought you were Xico."

"Cool. I know you're into Lilith's threesomes, and Xico's my best friend, so it's no problem here." She paused. Wait, was he giving an excuse to get her to leave because he wasn't interested right now? "If you just want me to fuck off I can leave the games. I'm cool. No pressure."

He let out a small laugh-sigh at that. "No, Lope, you can come on in."

"Great!" She made her way past him, putting down the six pack on the coffee table and pulling out the games. "Since Xico'll be showing up, can't play Misty Cliffs. But Viva Racers XIV is a pretty fun kart racer," she explained, as she got out the CD. "Want to try it out?"

"Sure thing," he said, glancing at the bedroom as she put in the drive. "I should get dressed."

"No!" Lope said in a rush. "Uh, I mean, nah, you're hot like this," she said, giving him a thumbs up. "I like it. You have that casual half-naked thing going on, it's hot."

He considered her words for a few seconds - then nodded, planting his ass down next to her. She grinned, reaching for the six-pack, pulling out a beer. "Aren't you eighteen?"

Sometimes he could be really, weirdly, straight-laced for such a total slut. Which was... kinda gap moe thing? Kinda? Like, oh, he's the serious secretary, but when you get him on his back he just turns into a complete horndog. "Are you a cop? Don't worry, I promise not to drive drunk." She raised a hand in faux-honor. "I don't have a license and it's New York City, anyway."

He pursed his lips at that. Holy shit. Was he actually going to give her shit for drinking? "It's the morning, too."

"I don't drink that much, okay? I just figured a little social lubrication would be nice!"

"Alright, alright," he said, yielding to her superior logic. He reached for one of the cans himself, popping the lid and tasting it, his expression puckering at the taste. This was pretty good beer! Did he not drink? Did that mean he was gonna get crazy drunk because he couldn't handle it?

Wait, no... he'd drink like two beers, he was a pretty big guy, and he had a weird metabolism. If she was lucky, he'd get tipsy. "Let's get to gaming," she declared, grabbing her controller.

Roger picked the highest max-speed kart, and the bunnygirl driver whose power was boosting how fast her kart went. Foolish choice made of not knowing the mechanics - the bunnygirl's boost had minimal effect on top-speed karts. Not that she was gonna tell him, she wanted to cream him in the game and with his superspeed, she needed every advantage she could get.

Xico arrived soon enough, just opening the door wearing a black shirt and some shorts. Roger welcomed her, because the pair were almost boyfriend-girlfriend (Lope was rooting for them, as long as Xico shared), and then she wound up sitting on his lap as she got her own controller.

"You want a drink, Xico?" She asked, pulling out a can to offer it up.

"Oh, um..." Xico glanced at Roger. "No..."

Lope let out a sigh. Fuddy-duddies went together, she guessed. "Let's go!"

* * *

I was definitely finding Jutaana's top speed painfully slow in the game. Wasn't she supposed to get a boost from her powers? I was trying to avoid using my powers, only using them a little bit to slow time down as we played here and there when there was some tight corner or reaction, but Lope clearly knew the game better than me. Her character, Hob, also had a blast attack, which she used constantly every time I was in front of her. Sometimes I'd manage to use a shortcut to get far enough ahead that she couldn't blast me in the ass, but otherwise...

It was still fun, to be clear. I just can get competitive. Xico was not nearly as good as either of us at the race, so she was mostly just tagging along for the ride, almost like a child who doesn't know how to use a controller yet. She fidgeted when I formed that thought, and I just wrapped my arms more tightly around her, kissing the top of her head, which pretty clearly cleaned off any embarrassment at that particular phrase.

In between rounds, Lope would casually toss her arm over me and pretty much just paw at me. She was definitely tipsy - she was somehow even more forward than she normally was. My metabolism had kept me very far from drunk, but seeing Lope like this was kinda cute. Xico fidgeted in my lap, which kept me hard the whole time, and occasionally Lope would rest her cheek on my shoulder and mumble about how hot I was, how cute Xico and I were together, how great my cock was, how awesome and cool I was, how she wished boys her age were more like me, et cetera, et cetera.

Eventually, Xico spoke up. "Um... can we igoss, Roger?"

I nodded, and I felt her thoughts filter in and through me, as well as the horny thoughts of Lope... which were pretty much identical to what she was saying. Xico silently suggested I could fuck Lope, since she had been wondering, off-and-on, if she would get fucked throughout the entirety of the last three races. My cock twitching in the crook of Xico's ass was pretty much answer enough, and she floated off me.

"Lope..." Xico started.

"Yeah, Xico?" Lope asked, letting out a belch. "'scuse me," she added, glancing my way. "Been holding that in too long."

"I want... Roger to fuck you..." she explained, and Lope's eyes went wide with eagerness, a grin running across her lips.

"Sounds great!" She agreed immediately, hopping to her own feet. She literally ran to the bedroom, hurriedly stripping herself naked, while I followed after her. I only didn't use my superspeed power to watch her strip because it'd break the igoss - and Xico offered to break it voluntarily, and I told her that it was completely fine. Lope was really damn horny, that much was obvious even without the igoss, but I was really able to feel it in that moment, the way her thoughts were along the lines of Can't wait to get fucked, Gonna get fucked, and Gonna get Roger's cock fucking me soon, hell yeah. Once she was naked, she looked at me. "What position do you want, slu~ut?" She asked, feeling a tweak of embarrassment after saying that and hoping it hadn't pissed me off.

"You, on your back," I told her, and Lope hurriedly got into position, spreading her legs wide, hands clasping her thighs to keep them separated. I clambered atop her at that point, getting in between her legs. She was incredibly eager to get fucked, her eyes wild, her thoughts a rush of desperate energy that she wasn't even trying to restrain, even though she knew I was igossing with Xico and therefore could hear every last thought she had.

Then I just pushed myself inside her, letting out a long groan as I felt her inner walls caress my cock, her legs soon snapping around my hips. I could feel her arousal spike as she felt me slide inside her, her whole body trembling as she looked up at me, practically jittering on the bed with eager horniness. She idly wondered what time it was, and Xico answered her, checking her phone: "Nine... um... thirty-two," she finished.

Fuck yeah, I'm getting fucked by a big dicked DILF before ten even. "Fuck me, ahh, fuck me harder," she begged, her voice manic and needy. I started to pump at her in response, enjoying the way she squirmed in pleasure as I fucked her, the way her thoughts bubbled with desire. Her pussy idly squeezed around my cock as I gripped one thigh in either hand and started to just pound away. "Fuck, nnnfuck," she grunted, and I used a mix of my prior knowledge of her body, and Xico's telepathy, to find just the right angle to press my thumb against her clit. "Oh, oh, I'm gonna, fu~uck yeah!" She moaned out and came at that point, her body spasming beneath me, her pussy going absolutely wild around my cock.

I could practically feel her pleasure washing over me. It wasn't like I was enjoying sex myself - we weren't igossing - but it was like she was giving me the most honest, unfakeable explanation of how much she loved my cock and wanted even more of it. The way that her inner walls gripped and held onto my cock, tightening around it, just felt oh-so-good. I could only grunt in my own pleasure as I thrust inside her, and she didn't mind at all that she was getting fucked even as she came, her pussy gripping my dick intermittently and just adding to my pleasure.

I leaned down over her, giving her a kiss, and she just moaned in delight into my mouth. I flicked my tongue against hers, seeking out that cute little tongue stud of hers, and she wriggled pleasantly on my cock by way of response. Every single thrust inside her was sweet pleasure for me, and a kind of quiet reassurance for her.

I only broke off the kiss when she was done coming, and she gasped for breath before speaking up. Her filters were down, thanks to the alcohol, so it wasn't like there was any strong difference between what she was thinking and saying. "Xico, when you get married to Roger, you gotta, hnngod!" She squirmed as I upped my pace just a mite - no superspeed, that'd break off the igoss. "You gotta keep sharing, okay? You gotta, gotta keep sharing," she continued, almost delirious as she spoke. "Fuck, this dick's so good."

"Your future boyfriend probably won't want to share," I told Lope, who just let out a whiny moan.

"Who gives a fuck, I'll just fuck you when I want dick, I can go without a boyfriend forever if it means I get this co~ock!" I could tell that she didn't fully mean that - she was definitely hunting for a guy who'd fuck her like I did - but at the same time, sex had climbed very high in the list of things any boyfriend she had, would have to be capable of, just because she'd been fucking me and getting a boyfriend meant she wouldn't be able to fuck me any more. Even in her drunken, fucked-hard state, her brain was still trying to calculate the best way to get another guy to fuck her who would put up with her fucking me, and/or fuck as good as me.

"Ahm... i-if, well," Xico started, thinking if we get married, then thinking that it'd be bad to say it, then remembering that we were igossed so I knew that she meant that as a hypothetical and wasn't trying to force me into anything. "If we got married... I... I'd be fine with... him... fucking you... or anybody... really... maybe not Nora, just... because I think... it'd be bad for her..." Xico explained, her sweetness and sincerity coming through the link. She was fine with me fucking Nora right now, but if Xico got married to me, then Nora's emotional attachment would make her upset and she'd need me to break off things. She was even thinking that if Nora really could just have casual sex with me at some future date, she'd be fine sharing.

She was just so cinnamon sweet it was incredible. Lope came beneath me, her pussy spasming on my cock, and I bottomed out inside her, riding out the wave as she shivered and jerked on my cock, my dick balls deep, my length getting thoroughly massaged by her inner walls. I held myself inside her, grasping her by the hips and admiring her naked body beneath me. Her pleasure washed over me again, a sort of incoherent feeling and impression, the lewdest o-face possible in mental form.

When she finished coming, I went right back to fucking her, playing with her body, teasing her breasts, playing with her clit, and just fucking away. Xico watched the whole thing with a happy excitement, glad I was making her friend feel good, glad her friend was happy, glad I was enjoying myself, glad to enjoy something new with me. She actually wondered for just a moment if maybe she should count this as a gift from me, but my immediate instinctive This is more of a gift for me shut off that line of inquiry. It also made her flush adorably behind me - I couldn't see her, but I could feel her cheeks burn.

The next time Lope came, I couldn't hold back, bottoming out inside her again and coming right alongside her, groaning in pleasure. Xico let out a sort of stuttered moan-squeal as sympathetic ecstasy overran her, though of course her body didn't actually come. She just quivered, jerked, and moaned behind me, as I sprayed hot cum all over the inside of her best friend's pussy.

When I was completely spent inside of Lope, I contemplated the young superheroine's nude body, absently wondering if Xico would rather I leave it at that and come fuck her. Lope was still horny, but I definitely prized my relationship with Xico more.

"No..." Xico said aloud. Her thoughts tumbled into my head: she wanted me to keep fucking Lope because Lope wanted me to keep fucking her, and I could definitely exhaust Lope, and then maybe the pair of us could still do sex if I had the energy, but we fucked for two hours last night so she was fine with letting Lope have early morning sex with me.

My cock throbbed and pulsed inside of Lope at those thoughts, and I got right back to fucking the cutie, making her squeal in pleasure beneath me.

Xico really was an incredible girl.

She blushed happily at that comment.

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features the introduction of a new girl. You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance.

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