Superheroine Seducing Accountant

The Transfer

There was a loud rap on the door to my office, and I jerked to attention. Xico broke off our igoss, which had been currently used for mentally sexting one another, and quietly hovered a foot or two away from me. I was worried we'd been caught out. "Hello?" I called out to the door.

"It's Hank," came a male voice on the other side. The team leader. "I'd like to talk to you for a second - guy stuff."

I frowned at that, but zipped up to the front door, opening it. "Yes?"

He glanced at Xico, then back at me. "I'd rather not talk about this in front of Xico. Could you leave, Xico?"

"Oh! U-um... okay," Xico said. Couldn't Xico read his mind anyway and know what he was going to talk about? "Hank can... I can't read... him," she explained. She paused on the other side of the door, fidgeted for a second, and looked just about ready to blow a kiss back at me before Hank closed it, the angle having kept him from seeing Xico at all.

He turned to me immediately. He took a moment to gather his thoughts, then spoke. "There's a heroine who has undergone some interpersonal drama with her previous team. She made a number of inappropriate comments, that's all - no groping, no molestation, nothing like that. When she was told to stop flirting with a given individual, she also stopped. As such, it does not rise to the level of actionable sexual harassment. However," he continued, "her previous team would like to get rid of her. Given that Star Heroic has a fairly high ratio of female heroines to male ones, she could most likely fit in here quite easily. I'd like to know if you'd prefer she be sent along to the next place, Roger."

"Have you asked the other guys?" He nodded. "And they're fine with it? I'd expect to be the least bothered."

He nodded in response to that. "Is that your answer, then? I feel like I should at least discuss some of the specifics."

"Sure, hit me," I said. I fully expected some lame pickup lines.

"Let's see... the last one was that, after a discussion of gender inequality, she said that 'I'd be willing to let you rape me to make up for all the historical rapes.' That was what led them to start hunting around for another firm that might be a better 'cultural fit.' Which isn't entirely euphemistic - her previous firm was Japanese, but she's African-American. Another incident was with a secretary, who she told 'Sitting at that desk all day must make your ass hurt. Could I kiss and lick it to make it feel better?' After that comment, she was told not to talk to him further, so she didn't, except for work-relevant things, and behaved professionally in those contexts. Then there's one where, it's apparently partly a reference to some pornographic cartoon, but she said, 'I'll be your Blue Girl if you'll let me, Daddy. You can teach me what demon hunters like me deserve.' The person in question was not her father, to be clear."

"I suspected as much, yes," I said. "That, um..." was weird and awkward to my ears, "sounds mildly annoying at worst."

"I'd like you to explicitly say you're okay with us hiring her. People very rarely directly lie, but they can talk around things sometimes, and I'd rather not bring her in if you're not comfortable with her presence."

"It's fine by me if you hire her. I don't expect her to be horrible."

"Alright, then. I'll make the call. Her name is Gillian, by the way."

* * *

Xico was in the bathroom, having left me alone in the office. I was forced to occupy myself with puppy pictures and videos of people constructing toy mechas.


Gillian Gardener was a very attractive black woman, with long, dark hair that was straight, complete with flat bangs. She had lovely full breasts, vivid blue eyes, and a casual, confident smile. At a guess, she was in her mid-twenties. She was dressed in what looked, to my eyes, to be some kind of samurai costume as she entered my office. "Good morning, Daddy," she said, giving me a little wave. "I'm just going around introducing myself to all the hot DILFs at this office, and you come highly recommended."

"Recommended?" That was the first thought that came into my mind, which probably was not the first thing I should have said.

"Yep!" She popped the 'p'.

"By who, exactly?"

"Oh, you know, just water cooler talk. I don't want to name names-"

"Was it Lope?"

She let out a sigh at that. "Okay, I was just making it up, I don't want you to be mean to anybody on my account - other than me, of course!" She pointed at herself with both hands. "You can be as downright vicious as you want. I'm some despicable pervert who walked right into your office and called you a DILF. So restart your brain so we can follow that dialogue tree."

"Oh." I thought for a few seconds, just staring at her quietly. "Um, sorry, why are you here again? You said to introduce yourself, but you haven't even said your name. Not much of an introduction."

"Ah, you don't need to call me by name, Daddy, you can just call me whatever you want," she said. I stared quietly at her, and she just stared back, locking eye contact and maintaining it with an iron will.

I eventually yielded. "I'm Roger. What's your name?"

She seemed genuinely surprised by my response. "Gillian Gardener, but I'm known as Kurokaze in Nihon. That's what they call Japan in Japanese," she added. "Now, let's get back to what's important here: the question of whether you'll use my face as a chair!"

"What?" I genuinely had no idea what was happening. Mira's flirtation had nothing on Gillian's.

"I saaaaid, Let's get back to what's important here, the question of whether you'll use my face as a chair!" She repeated her previous line, word-for-word, but much, much louder this time. "So. Are you going to use my face as a chair?"

I really wished Xico was here right now. "What powers do you have again?" I asked.

"Ah, a classic," she said, with a nod to herself. "Avoiding the question, allowing the woman to stew in suspense. I could tell from the moment I saw you, here is a man who knows how to leave a woman out of breath as she begs for more like the needy little pervert she is."

"You didn't answer my question."

She let out a sigh, seeming annoyed by the question. "I'm a demon hunter, trained in the martial techniques of the demon hunting samurai of the Shimazu clan," she explained. "By channeling my breath according to the techniques developed in the 16th century, I have the power to run on walls, cut through solid steel, leap great distances, survive powerful blows, et cetera. So it's okay if you want to step on my face instead of sitting on it," she explained. "I can take it." She gave me a wink as she finished that thought.

"Why are you..." I trailed off, trying to find the right words - at which point, Xico returned. "Oh, thank God you're here."

"Ehh... hello, Xico!" Gillian said, wiggling her fingers at the other girl pleasantly. "I was just asking Roger if he would sit on my face, and can you believe he still hasn't given me an answer?"

"I... can believe... it," Xico agreed, with a nod. I shot her a look, quietly hoping for some assistance. She paused at that, then floated over to me. "Um... I don't want to igoss... without her... permission," she said, her voice a quiet whisper to me. "Since, um... you know... she has private, um, thoughts..."

"Ehh? What are you whispering about? Are you asking your girlfriend for permission to sit on my face, Roger? Please give him permission, Eusion-sama!" She actually kowtowed at that point.

I resisted the urge to reply immediately with She's not my girlfriend. She was certainly close enough - and the burning in her cheeks suggested she really liked that idea. "Gillian, could you please stop?"

"Oh, sorry," she said, hopping to her feet immediately. "I thought you were into playing the autistic dominant," she explained, casually flicking her hair over her shoulder. "Nice to meet you, Roger!" She gave a small bow of the head. "I hope I haven't offended you too bad!"

"You... uh... seem to have changed suddenly."

"Yes? When a guy asks you to stop hitting on him, you stop hitting on him! Duh!"

"You were hitting on me?"

"Yes. Also duh. I'm trying not to offend you, but come on? Do girls normally ask guys to sit on their faces when they aren't interested?"

"They don't normally ask guys to sit on their faces at all!" I was feeling a tad defensive, and Xico giggled a little.

"Come on! Are you actually autistic? Xico, did I just offend him by asking that question?"

"N-no..." Xico said hesitantly. "He's just... um... not used to women... hitting on him..."

"I'm used to it!"

"Well... not her style..." Xico corrected. She leaned in to peck my cheek.

"Great." I just went back to staring at Gillian, which she responded to by locking eyes with me. Her smile was placid and cool as a stream. "So you want to have sex?"

"Yes! That's why I said, can you please sit on my face, Daddy! I'm sorry, I'm just getting confused now. Are you into me or not? I thought you weren't and that's why you told me to cut it out, but now you're asking questions like you didn't even realize I was flirting with you! Which is pretty crazy, right, Xico?"

"Um... no comment..." Xico said.

"That means yes. Whew! I'm really getting mixed signals! Not just coping about being bad at picking them up!"

I contemplated Gillian again, and she just stared back at me, making eye contact and not breaking off no matter how long I stared at her. At some point, Xico giggled, which prompted Gillian to start laughing too - and I got caught up in it as well.

When we all finished laughing, Gillian spoke up again. "So~o... I guess I should be going!" She stepped over towards the door to my office. "Have a nice workd-"

"Stop," I said, and she froze in place, looking back at me with curiosity and excitement. She was very pretty. "I fuck a lot of women."

"Sexy! Sluts are very sexy, since they know what they're doing," she explained. "Plus, they tend to have more depraved tastes..." She licked her lips as she looked back at me. "Ah! I'm hitting on you without getting an OK! I'm going to get fired for real this time!"

"It's fine," I told her, and she let out a sigh of relief. "Come over here," I said, and she practically skipped up to me, puffing up her chest to show off her tits. She wasn't particularly tall, but she was definitely chesty, and in this position, I was right at the right height to stare directly at her tits up close.

"Ooo, I like this," she said, after a few seconds. "Just being put on display like a statue! Ahn! You like looking, hu~uh, Roger?" I swallowed as my eyes finally turned up to hers. "I know I'm sexy but normally guys don't care that much! They say I'm funny and honest," she explained. "Well, the ones who don't say I'm a gross pervert. Well, the ones who don't say I'm a gross pervert, in the sense of not wanting to fuck me," she corrected.

"Your opening line was to call me Daddy and ask me to sit on your face."

"See? Funny, and honest!" I stared at her, and she raised her chin in mock pride. "There's no pickup line with a zero percent chance of success, as you're in the process of proving."

"Maybe I'll actively turn you down, just to prove you wrong. LIke I said, I have sex with plenty of women."

"Ah... so cruel... but..." she reached up for the line of her top, teasing at revealing more of her chocolate tits. When my eyes fell on them, she hummed and inch by inch started to reveal her bare breast. "If you don't tell me stop, I'm going to show them a~all off," she teased, stopping for a second just before her tits were presented. I didn't stop her, so I got to see her nice, big, perky tits, complete with equally perky nipples. "Ooo, at any moment, somebody could walk in and see me doing this, Roger," she said - in a way that made it very clear she liked that thought.

Unfortunately for her, I didn't. "Cover yourself," I said, and she let out a sigh and pouted, but obeyed. "Christ."

"Eh... I don't want to be rude, but please don't take the Lord's name in vain," Gillian said.

"Uhh. You keep knocking me off balance," I said, shaking my head. "Fuck it. Come on over to my place after work, okay?"

"Ah! Yes, Daddy!" She playfully saluted me, then stood there patiently for several seconds, a bland smile on her face.

"She wants you..." Xico trailed off, glancing at Gillian, who was scowling at her. "Um... I'm ruining her fun... but you should tell her... to go."

Gillian huffed. "It's no fun if you just tell him what to do, you know?" She paused, staring me down again. "I'll see you at your place, Daddy!"

* * *

Gillian was definitely different. Very different. Kate was a masochist and submissive too, but she was full of shame about it, hiding it away and unwilling to talk about it. Gillian had stomped right into my office and dared me to sit on her face or step on it instead. When she arrived at my home after work, she was wearing a bright smile and a blue polo shirt and medium skirt. Not something overtly sexy, but that showed off her body fairly well.

"Ah, is Xico here right now?"

"Xico lives at the apartment complex, but she's not in my apartment."

"Good," Gillian said, letting out a huf. "Ah, no offense, Daddy-"

"Could you stop calling me that?" I interrupted.

"You haven't told me what to call you, though! Roger is so boring. Daddy's fun! If you want me to call you something else, then just say it."

I got the sense that she was seeking some particular response, so I went to Kate - Kate had started off with 'Sir,' but transitioned to Master once the other Kate showed up. "Master," I suggested.

"Ah... oh, can it be goshujinsama instead? That's like 'Master,' but in Nihongo! That's Japanese in Japanese, by the way," she added.

"Sure. Goshujinsama," I said. "Now, what do you want?"

"Ehh? Are you one of those terrible doms who asks for every little thing?" She pouted at that. "Goshujinsama, talking about consent isn't sexy at all! Just declare what you want! Put me in my place! You men have dominated us women since time immemorial, taking advantage of the fact that we are ruled by our pussies! It's only natural for women to worship at the feet of a man!"

"I don't want to hurt you-"

"I already explained that I'm strong and tough! Ugh! I thought you were a fun slut, not some boring vanilla boy! I can just leave if you're not interested, you know? I'm going to give you one last chance to be a proper dominator, and if you fail, I'm going to leave!"

"You're literally saying you're going to leave if I don't order you around?"

"Roger, I'm only not leaving right now because I kind of like the disbelief in how you phrased that question."

"Alright." I reached out for her throat with a snap movement, just a sort of instinctive guess from my time with Kate - and the way that Gillian shuddered at the touch was damn hot. Goosebumps ran along her skin as I held her like that for a long few seconds.

"Better," she breathed out, a sigh escaping her lips.

"Why are you glad Xico's not here?"

"Telepathy is so boring, it's just the same as asking for this and that in the bedroom, you know? Plus I'd rather be fully receiving your attention... it's not that I hate the idea of another woman involved, it's just - more for once you've broken me down more, you know?"

I had solidly no idea what she was talking about. I tried mentally reversing the genders, but unfortunately my interest in any kind of extreme male submissive continent back on my homeworld was pretty much nonexistent. I made a mental note to ask her what her favorite works of hentai were, but only after we finished. I licked my lips as I kept my fingers wrapped around her throat, contemplating exactly what to do with her.

I decided to start off relatively light. I didn't want to push past her limits in any case, and going full on Kate with her might prick some complaint or issue she had.

Plus, I already had Kate to do Kate things with.

"First thing's first, kneel, Gillian," I said, letting go of her throat.

"Ah, if you're going to call me by my name, I prefer Jill-"

"Kneel," I interrupted, and she smiled and descended to her knees. I took out my cock and just slapped her face with it. Her smile only became more radiant as she got treated like that, closing her eyes and drinking in deep through her nose. I contemplated my next move with her like that, quite enjoying the sight of her on her knees, eyes closed, taking in my scent with sweet relish. I decided that, you know what? If she didn't want to tell me what she wanted, I'd just do whatever I felt like.

In this case, that was to stuff my dick into her mouth. "Open up, Jill," I ordered. She let her mouth fall open, tongue stretching wide, and I just stuffed my cock in there. She let out a muffled noise of surprise, but she certainly wasn't unhappy, I could tell, as I forcefully pushed my dick into her mouth and right down her throat. She let out a hum of desire, just closing and lidding her eyes again as I choked her with my cock. I held her down, enjoying the way her mouth and throat felt on my cock.

It was made particularly nice by the way that, after a second or so of being held down there, she started to lick, her tongue slithering back and forth along the underside of my cock. She hummed softly as she worked, eyes finally open to just stare up at me, gaze smoldering with desire.

It was honestly very hot. If she'd opened with "fuck my throat and I'll moan..." Wait, actually, hadn't she basically opened up with that?

The point being, that having such a beautiful woman kneeling with my cock in her throat and licking my dick was very sexy. I just kept hold of her, wanting to see what she'd do when I pushed past her limits. Despite her bitching on the subject, I wanted to know what her limits were, and I didn't. Not yet, at least.

Saliva dripped out of her mouth, and her eyes peeled back as I held her down there - but she didn't even try to resist. She just quietly took it, letting out the occasional noise of pure pleasure and bliss, as if the experience of deepthroating me was going to make her come. She wasn't even masturbating, to be clear. She was just sucking cock with that much enthusiasm. Letting me grind her down into her pelvis, her cheeks hollowing around my cock as I held her down like that. She worked me over with a quiet diligence, and there was a sort of rhythm to how she sucked and licked, dragging me up close to the edge, and then letting me fall back down from it, smoothly teasing me like that. It was incredibly pleasant.

It was also incredibly distracting. I kept that up for probably ten minutes by the clock before I realized she wasn't passing out or losing consciousness at all. I remembered, then, her mention of special breathing techniques, and quickly concluded those must have somehow led to her not needing to worry about choking.

So I peeled her off, letting my dick twitch in front of her face as she let out a soft sigh. "Ahh, choke me more, Daddy! Err, goshujinsama! That was really fun, and you were enjoying yourself, too, right?"

"I was worried I was choking you too long," I told her.

"Oh, you're being sweet," she said, patting my thigh casually, like I was a cute younger brother. "As a master of the demon hunting arts, I can hold my breath for over an hour! You don't need to worry about choking me on your cock, goshujinsama."

I contemplated her again at that, and she just smiled guilelessly up at me - then let her mouth fall open, her tongue lolling out invitingly. I took her up on the nonverbal offer, just stuffing my cock right down her throat again. Once more, she started to lick and suckle, but this time, I started to just fuck her face.

Jill's entire vibe was definitely weird to me, but honestly, I was enjoying fucking her face. She was an enthusiastic cocksucker, moaning in delight, tongue swishing around, smiling with her eyes up at me - and soon enough, I was feeling my balls surge from the rough treatment I was giving her. I contemplated just coming in her mouth, or on her face, or whatever else. Then I decided to pull out altogether, my cock twitching in front of her face. "Where do you want it?" I asked.

"Ahm? Want what?" She actually seemed confused by the question, not just acting confused as some bratty sub act.

"My cum."

"Oh! Wherever you feel like, really! Just drench me in cum and piss, it's all good to me!"

"You're on my carpet, I'm not peeing on you." I shook my head. "Fuck it," I grunted, grabbing her head and stuffing my cock right down her throat again, making her moan as I facefucked her like that, pounding away. My balls slapped at her chin as she took it like a champ, drooling on my dick as I mistreated her face. I could feel my balls start to surge again, and this time, I just held her down, coming straight down her throat, both hands on the back of her head, balls slapping at her chin as I unloaded.

When I was spent, I pulled back, my cock popping free from her mouth. She idly licked her lips and looked up at me. "I hope I made you come good, goshujinsama," she said, a smile on her lips. "That's what a disgusting pervert like me is for, getting a strong man like you off." My cock twitched at those words, still hard despite myself. "Ah! You're still ready to go, goshujinsama? Did you not really come? Ohhh, I hate men who pretend to come, please tell me you're not one of them... I'll forgive you this one time, but don't do it again, okay?"

"I didn't pretend to come, I came right down your throat," I told her, and her smile came back at that. "Let's go to the bedroom," I said. When she frowned for a moment, I improvised - I grabbed her hair and started to drag her after me, forcing her to stumble to her feet with desperate energy and a big smile on her lips.

"There we go, I knew you were a dominant type," she said, her voice a little husky.

"I'm honestly-" I enjoyed taking up a passive role with Fals, when she was May, but that was mostly it, as far as myself in the submissive position. "Well, I guess I'm dominant with people with powers," I admitted.

"Ooo? How's that?" She shut up for a moment. "Oh, no, I get it, it's kind of like shotadom, right? You can turn the tables on them at any time, but you don't!"

"I guess, but not in the sexy way you're talking about," I clarified. "Now bend over the bed and present your ass to me to fuck," I told her, casually giving her a little spanking.

"Yes, goshujinsama!" She sounded excited, as she peeled down her panties, revealing her pussy. She was very wet, which I took as a good sign, and I lined by cock up with her pussy. She stiffened in response to the movement, and I decided to try just teasing her, rubbing my cock back and forth along her sex. She shivered at that, trembling faintly as I teased her, until at last she spoke up. "Please! Please, grace this lowly woman, your natural inferior, with your big fat throbbing male cock, goshujinsama!"

I could hardly deny such a heartfelt plea, and slammed my cock balls deep inside her in a single stroke. She moaned in pleasure at that, actually coming immediately, her pussy spasming frantically around my cock. Her fingers dug into the bed sheets beneath her, lewd, stuttered noises escaping her throat. "Coming so fast?" I teased, as I just relished the sensations of her pussy on my cock.

She couldn't respond immediately, but she did give up on hiding her most recent orgasm. At last, she finished coming, squirming a bit on my cock as she spoke. "Ahh, I was so excited... men like it when you come fast, anyway, goshujinsama! Don't pretend like you don't!"

I let out a little chuckle at that. The intensity of her denial was cute - but she was right. I did like that she came fast. "You're right. Plus, you were sucking my cock for like ten minutes, weren't you?"

"Yes! It was hot when you were just choking me out right at the start!" That was about the closest she'd gotten to actually giving me any idea what she actually wanted - but I decided to slide my hand up towards her throat, teasing at it. I could feel her tense, her breathing becoming more shallow as my fingers ran across her neck like that. She just waited with bated breath and no complaint, but didn't actually affirm she wanted it.

So I started to fuck her, keeping my hand in position, teasing her with the possibility of getting choked as I just pounded her tight pussy. She was definitely still warmed up, and I could feel her as she got closer, and closer, to the edge. Just before I would have expected her to come, I tightened my fingers on her throat, and she came insanely hard, lewd sputtering noises escaping her throat as her cunt spasmed desperately on my cock. Her eyes rolled around in their sockets as I just rammed away at her, not slowing down for a second despite choking her. She made some pitiful noise that might have been a mewl in another life, then simply lost the strength in her arms, leaving me to hold her up with my fingers. The way her weight suddenly jerked against my hand made her cunt spasm with momentary, her entire body stiffening with bliss as I kept fucking away.

I did my best to try to play into her earlier dirty talk, actually using my power to slow down time so I could properly improvise. After I had a few good ideas, I let time return to normal. "You really are such a needy little girl, aren't you? It's women like you that have kept your kind subjugated. Any chance at equality or political power, you gave up for the chance at cock." She made another lewd noise of whimpering pleasure and desperation as I choked her. "You'd betray your entire sex, just to get more dick." She nodded rapidly in response to those words, unable to speak thanks to my fingers wrapped around her throat. "You're just a needy little-" I paused as I realized I very nearly said 'slut,' which sounds absolutely wrong. I slowed down time, took a few seconds, and course-corrected, "-pervert."

She nodded at that, pussy spasming with delight at my rough treatment of her, and the sheer enthusiasm with which she was humping back into me drove me over the edge. I bottomed out inside her and came with a long, low groan. She shivered in response to the feeling of me nutting inside her.

Once I was finished, I let go of her throat and pulled out. I contemplated what to do with her next - but she just peeled off my cock, turning around to fix me with a big smile. "That was really great, goshujinsama! I was a little worried that I was going too far with you, but I'm glad I did!"

"Going too far with me? What, did you not do that whole 'sit on my face, Daddy' to everybody? I was under the impression that was your thing."

She paused at that. "Ahm... sorry, forget it, goshujinsama, I'm a bad girl who said a silly thing!" I looked at her sharply. "I don't want to make you feel bad, that's all, goshujinsama."

"What, did people tell you I'm a slut?"

"No, goshujinsama! You did! Remember?"

"Just tell me whatever the thing is."

"Ah... okay, goshujinsama, please don't be too mad..." She bit her lip. "I heard that you were the victim of 'SA'-" she actually made finger quotes around the words, "-a little while back, and that I should take it easy on you. But I thought, you know, it would be unfair to treat you different because of something like that! And I think you're glad I did? Sorry for bringing it back up, I know things like that are hard for men to deal with."

"SA?" I asked, more confused than anything else.

"Ahhh... this isn't the fun time of cruel torture, goshujinsama, this is the horrible kind! Congratulations on finding it, I didn't think it existed for me any more!"

"Just answer the question, Jill. I'm not going to get mad."

"Sexual assault." I just frowned at that. "Your... um... experience with the Erlqueen. Please don't be mad at the person who told me! They were just trying to help! It's stupid me who brought it up!"

"Oh. She never raped me."

Gillian gave me a look that said she severely doubted my words. "Okay, goshujinsama." She paused. "Ahh, did I screw things up, bringing up bad memories? This was really fun! You were getting into it at the end! I've had lots of men dominate me, you're definitely in the top quint..." she trailed off, seeming to consider it, "in the top quartile!" She corrected.

"Are you just saying that to try to make me fuck you more?"

"Ehh... when you put it like that, it sounds so manipulative!" She smiled. "I've had lots of partners, and they were all dominants! I liked that you got into choking without needing to be told, that's always great! Even if you were obviously testing me before you actually did it!"

"Great." I remembered, at that point, a question I hadn't asked yet. I slowed down time to try to come off as casual rather than fishing. "Oh. Hank mentioned you were into pornographic cartoons," I started.

"Hentai, you mean?"

"Yes. Hentai. I'm from a different universe, so I'm curious if you have any recommendations."

"Oh! I absolutely do, so many!" She smiled and bounced on the bed, seeming to forget all about sex for the moment. She just wrapped me in a surprise hug. "What are you into? Fellatio, cunnilingus, slime girls, succubi, rape, male domination, female domination, there's so many different types! Yea or nay on more than two partners, and what kind?"

"I don't really know, porn here's a bit different. Just recommend me some of your favorites."

"Alright!" She hummed in response, then hopped off the bed. "Actually, I'll just stop by my place to pick some up, we can watch them together, that'll be fun and sexy, right?"

"Sounds nice, yes," I agreed, and at that point she almost zipped out of the bedroom, using her own form of superspeed to get moving. I plopped down on the bed to relax for a bit.

She was very high energy.

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features some more with Jill, as well as bits with Stitch and Bup. You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance.

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