Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Dating Nora, Meeting Tsuru

Priscilla pressed her weight against my door - literally, darkening it as she pushed back against it. Her expression was one of forced nobility and confidence, as she clicked the door shut and strode gently forward towards me. It was just the two of us here - Xico had gone out for a bathroom break, so I was waiting for her to return before getting back to work. Priscilla cleared her throat. "I had a pleasant time during our date."

"I did too." I came buckets, for one. It was genuinely crazy how much I had orgasmed - it would have been physically impossible, were it not for Priscilla's power.

"Now that I have you alone, there is one thing I would like to ask after." I felt my brow knit, fully expecting the other shoe to drop. "Did you tell anyone about my..." she trailed off, her eyes rolling up as if she was contemptuous of her own self. "Height."

"Your height?" I asked.

"You drew me into bed with you, you recall? Had me take a nap alongside you? You woke up before me, and saw, well, we both know what you saw." I remembered it, then. Her 'true' body. How I had figured that she was likely vain about this one, having created it purely for the purpose of being as sexy as she could possibly manage, and knowing that she was actually a chubby short girl with a just-cute face was something I now held over her. "I do hope you didn't tell anyone."

It wasn't a threat, and it wasn't a whine, either. If I had to put it into words, it was actually an expression of powerlessness - she had no chance of preventing me from talking to anybody I pleased. "I understood that it was something... private. I really do think you're attractive either way," I added.

"You're just saying that." Her tone wasn't accusatory, nor was it flirtatious. It was just an idle observation, having no emotion behind it whatsoever.

"I'm not." It was unconvincing. I tried to think of what, exactly, I could say to convince her. I'd had sex with her right off the bat when she looked like that for exactly this reason, so - "I'd fuck you either way. I did, in fact."

At that, there was a sudden light to her cheeks, her eyes blinking rapidly as her mind thought through what she'd just been told. Worked through it in a methodical, slow process that saw her lips part for just a fraction of a second - one I got to see for quite some time - before she spoke. "Well. I suppose that I can only say I'm glad to hear that, and hope that you keep it in confidence."

At that point, Esther barged in without even knocking, startling us both as her head poked through the open doorway. "Hope I was interrupting something," she said, with a lazy grin and eyes that penetrated Priscilla. "Oh, looks like I was. What happened? You've got me curious, Prissy."

"We're just discussing an embarrassing birthmark," Priscilla lied fluidly, without the slightest hint of falsehood in her voice.

"Yeah? What's it look like?" Esther demanded, obviously not believing her one whit.

"If you must know, it happens to look exactly like your face, save with puckered lips, and it is located just above my left buttock. Or, to put it in terms you might understand, it is a picture of you kissing my ass."

"Oh yeah? I'd like to see it, then."

It was genuinely absurd, the almost jockish way these two were acting, particularly given Priscilla's very austere, old money behavior - and it became all the more absurd as she slid up her dress to actually show off her ass. She was sufficiently distracted by her pissing contest with Esther that I could use my superspeed to shift positions to her blind side, and see that in fact she had used her biokinesis powers to make her butt actually have a birthmark as described.

"Thought you said it was on the top of your left buttock?" Esther asked, mockingly.

"That's a different one, that happens to look much the same, because you really ought to kiss my a-"

We were interrupted by Xico finally returning from the bathroom. She'd come in fast, and there were three of us, so she just turned beet red as she saw the scene unfolding in front of her. Priscilla (sadly) let her dress fall back down, and raised her chin sharply. "Ah, it seems that our conversation, wonderful as it is, will have to come to an end, now that Xico has returned. You wouldn't want to cause any undue trouble for our dear Roger, would you, Esther?" She arched one eyebrow challengingly. Esther just shrugged and headed out, Priscilla following after and closing the door behind her, leaving me alone with a blushing Xico.

"Let's get back to work," I said, after a second or two's consideration. What was I supposed to say, really?

* * *

Nora's selection of a date location was rather surprising to me: an arcade. "An arcade provides a wide variety of tasks that can appeal to different individuals, in a minimized space. For example, some enjoy dancing, while some enjoy playing with guns. For any other situation, going from a dancing location to a shooting location would require a drive. This arcade has a rhythm game located a mere ten feet from the nearest light gun game. Therefore, you can select any game you prefer, allowing me to learn your preferences in a manner that nevertheless makes me look thoughtful."

"I don't know if it looks thoughtful when you explain it like that," I told her. There was a long few seconds of silence as she seemed to turn those words over in her head.

"Thought is something that takes place inside of the mind. The appearance of thought, known as 'being thoughtful,' is produced when the action taken is carefully considered to bring happiness to the other person. This action has been carefully considered to bring happiness to the other person. I have further explained the thinking that led to it. Therefore it is still thoughtful. In fact, it is more thoughtful, since you cannot think that I made these choices merely by accident."

She nodded to herself, proud of her logic. I have to admit, it had me beat for the moment. "So, what do you want to play first?"

"I already stated that I selected this place so that you could select the game you prefer here. Please, find a game which you would enjoy, and I will play that with you if it is multiplayer, or watch if it is not."

Despite her words, I decided to pick a game that was multiplayer - they had this lightgun game where you had to deal with a wide variety of antagonists in a near-future sci-fi setting. One interesting thing was, since this was a world with super-people, the boss fights were with such individuals. It was also obvious that the arcade industry had done better in this universe, since the design of the levels felt better - more fluid and interconnected, less like a shooting gallery, more interesting setpieces. The evolution of many generations of lightgun games, rather than one of a couple dozen that anyone had ever seen.

Nora was much better at it than me. I don't think it was even her powers - I just got the impression she did a lot of shooting. Did Fork shoot people? Was she armed with a gun? I guessed that would make sense. If your superpower was just duplication, you'd want to use normal weaponry. Kate punched harder and with more control than a gun ever could. Twenty Noras just ran around and punched them with regular fists, even if she was fit as hell.

We played a few other games, with her occasionally offering commentary on them, or on my taste. Things like, "This game is one I am extremely good at. As such, I will kill all of the opponents before you get the chance." or "Hm. This game involves scantily clad men. Does that offend you?"

"It doesn't offend me," I said. It didn't. Made me feel weird, probably, depending on the specifics. I didn't want to look at semi-naked dudes that were obviously barely clothed purely for titillation value. It felt... well, gay. I'm completely supportive of people attracted to men ogling them in fictional contexts, as my web history back home would prove I was a hypocrite to do otherwise. I just feel a little odd when it's in front of my face.

"I see. If I were to be perusing pornographic materials featuring such men, would you be offended?"

"Uhh. No?"

"Even if I were to be doing so now?"

"I'd prefer it if you didn't look at porn in the middle of our date," I said. "How would you feel if I looked at porn?"

"I would feel elated, as it would greatly increase the probability that we would have sex after the date completes. However, men and women are different so I understand that you would feel differently."

"Are you actually watching porn?" I asked. I didn't know quite how to react. On the one hand, she had like twenty bodies so just by random coincidence, there was probably like a fifty-fifty shot one of them was looking at porn at any given time. On the other hand, we were on a date. It was inappropriate. If a guy did that during a date with a woman back in my world, he would be yelled at, justly.

"No," she said. "I was asking as a hypothetical. In my experience, only Alexios was not offended that I would look at pornographic materials. He felt it was important that I embrace my sexuality. However, he was unable and unwilling to embrace my sexuality himself, as my libido was too high for him, causing our relationship to end. The fact that you are supportive of my watching porn in general, even if not during a date, suggests high compatibility. Would you mind if I watched porn during sex?"

I had to give it to Nora - she didn't beat around the bush. I decided to meet her in her honesty. "I don't like the thought of the woman I'm with thinking about other men."

"I see. Then would you allow me to record sex with you, to watch while I have sex with you later?"

These questions felt like traps, somehow. As if I was slowly being drawn towards some doom simply by answering them, piece by piece pulled along until I was suddenly agreeing to become her permanent love slave or something. "Do you promise not to distribute them?"

"I am among the most distinctive members of Star Heroic, due to my power. It would be very foolish to distribute recordings of the two of us having sex without your consent."

"That isn't a promise." People who lied tended to avoid directly lying, but instead made arguments or tried to convince you of something without saying anything technically untrue.

"Very well. I promise I will not distribute any recordings of the two of us having sex without your explicit, informed consent."

"Then I guess you can record us having sex."

She gave a very light smile at that, and her hand went to mine, fingers lacing together. "I am extremely glad to hear it. Do you think we will have sex at the end of this date, or will we do so at a later date?"

I realized then the actual trap: a girl saying she was fine with the guy recording sex between them, on the first date, looked like an extremely horny slut. I let out a sigh. "Probably the end of this date."

* * *

"I now know your address," Nora said, as we sat in the back of the car. It was a rideshare vehicle, though they were much better compensated here, to my understanding. "If you would like, I have up to six bodies available for sex, and they can likely get to that location before we do."

Nora definitely had a very... blunt way of speaking. It made me almost instinctively want to say no. Like she wasn't trying, so she didn't deserve it. But if I thought about it for longer than a second, it became obvious that this was all she had. Nora hadn't shown any ability to flirt, to make clever plays on words, to subtly signal interest. She'd barely shown the ability to smile. It was obvious she had emotions, but as to displaying them, she was not good at all. The most you got was the occasional small smile on the subtle knitting of the brow. Otherwise, it was just saying how she felt, no matter what that may have been.

"Better to have them and not need them, than need them and not have them," I said at last. She blinked. "That means send them all in."

There was a display of emotion in her gaze at those words - hunger. Given that she only seemed to display any emotion when she was really feeling it, I couldn't help but wonder if I had perhaps bitten off more than I could chew. I did have tenfold superspeed, so I should be able to handle seven women? Maybe? Hopefully.

Her bodies were wearing a motley array of different clothes, and they all stood outside my apartment door. One was wearing a t-shirt with a picture of a dragon on it, with the text, Draco interdum vincit beneath it. Another was wearing a black jacket over a red t-shirt, and blue jeans. Another wore a simple green polo; a third wore a striped blue polo. Only one was wearing a skirt. They didn't all turn to look at me as I approached - only most of them. Two looked past one another, keeping their eyes on the entire hallway as the others stared at me with more of that same uninhibited hunger.

"If you have a preference in which one you would like to have sex with first, I will let you have sex with that one," Nora informed me, from one of her bodies - not the one I had been on the date with, I'm pretty sure - as I unlocked the door to my apartment and let the small swarm inside.

"Is there any difference?"

"No," a different Nora said - another Nora also said it, just slightly out of sync, but then the first spoke alone. "I am all seven bodies. You can have sex with as many or as few of them as you like. Given that you are highly attractive, it is extremely likely that if you do not satisfy all seven bodies, I will masturbate to you later. Does that make you happy to know?"

"It does," I admitted, and it was weird seeing the same smile appear on the same face seven times over.

"I am glad to hear that. Should I inform you whenever one of my bodies is masturbating to you?"

That was an incredibly sexy suggestion, but also probably practically a bad idea. Especially if she was normally as ignorant of boundaries and niceties as she was with me. "No," I told her, and she nodded.

"It is fine for me to masturbate to memories of our sexual encounter as much as I want, with as many bodies as I want, yes?"

" long as you don't do it in public?" She had a strong tendency to ask questions like this, where just the asking suggested a kind of danger. Like an election security specialist asking what firewall protocol you used for your voting machines.

"Do not worry. I will follow normal rules for appropriate situations for masturbation, primarily: in a bathroom or one's own home, and only when alone or with a consenting audience."

"Okay, good," I said, nodding along. "So." I looked across the seven different identical women in the room, eyeing up supple breasts and toned stomachs. "How do you normally have sex?"

"One-on-one, in a position the man prefers, such as missionary, often with significant fellatio beforehand as I am a generous lover who does not think foreplay is comprised purely or primarily of cunnilingus."

"Uh. You have seven bodies here."

"Normally my partners are not willing to have more than one body present at a time."

"And when they are?"

"Typically, I perform a combined rimjob-blowjob with two bodies, then proceed to perform a 'double ride,' wherein the man lies down and I sit on his face and ride his cock in the cowgirl fashion."

"What about when you have more than two bodies?" Sometimes, talking to Nora could be like pulling teeth, it was hard to get quite what you wanted out of her.

"There is a very small sample size for that, which is insufficient to describe anything. I have never actually had sex with seven bodies at once, so I cannot give you any examples of sex acts done in such a manner. The absolute maximum was with five bodies at once, and that was a birthday present from Alexios."

"Alright. What did you do then?" I asked. She seemed to finally have figured out the general direction.

"Men normally do not ask about sexual activities with other men. Are you interested in such things? I have long hoped for a man who was willing to share me with other men, but most men are very jealous."

"Just... what was the position," I said. Given what I understood, I could of course empathize with wanting to be able to have a relationship with more than one man at a time - with twenty-one bodies and twenty-one brains, one couldn't even argue that having multiple partners would deny her time and attention to spend on her other partners.

"We began with: three bodies kissing and licking his cock, one body rimming him, and one body kissing him on the lips, or occasionally speaking words I believed he would find erotic, such as how-"

"Don't want to hear that part," I interrupted, sure I was going to get something terrible if I let her keep going. She nodded quietly. "Let's do that. It sounds very fun."

"You are currently clothed. May I strip you naked so I can fully view your body?"

"Go ahead," I said, and immediately six bodies moved in, each one grabbing one button on my shirt and undoing it. Two peeled it back over my arms; the other four descended to their knees and speedily undid my belt buckle, undoing my pants button, unzipping them - with six sets of hands moving in perfect unison, it took no time at all for them to all be just about done. One body wound up perched against my side, staring into my eyes, as three fell to their knees in front of me, one behind; the one behind was the one that acted first, leaning forward to press her tongue into my ass.

"You keep it quite clean back there. Thank you," the body staring at me noted.

"Ahm, you aren't the first girl to rim me," I explained, and she nodded as three other bodies descended to their knees in front of me. There was no hesitation in them at all: the center one leaned forward to kiss and suckle at the tip of my cock, the other two going to the sides, running their tongues up and down, flicking against it as they all stared up at me with those cool blue eyes the whole time. Their movements were well-coordinated: when the left one neared the tip of my cock, the right one was down near the base, and vice versa. The one at the very tip was working overtime, her cheeks hollowing as she suckled on the very tip of my dick.

"Many men spend little time taking care of their body with the intent of pleasing women. Thank you for doing so. It is extremely erotic," she said, as her bodies just kept on working. I was unable to respond, due to the intensity of the sensations involved. She leaned over to me, kissing me on the lips, a soft little peck, before pulling back. "It is also extremely erotic that that is the first time we have kissed, after I am already fellating you. If this causes your self-esteem to lower, then I apologize for having forgotten to kiss you earlier."

"It's, fine," I panted out, and the pair on either side of my cock fell into sync before sliding all the way down, slurping noisily on my balls as their tongues flapped wetly against them. The one in the center then began her descent, and my eyes were completely occupied with the sight beneath me, the way my cock disappeared inch by inch down her throat, combined with what looked like a set of triplets sucking my cock. It was a gorgeous sight, almost as good as the sensations themselves.

"Do you enjoy looking, or would you prefer we kiss? Men are typically not highly visual."

"I'd- describe to me, what it feels like."

"It feels like a large, warm object has been lodged in my throat," she told me, the body that was actually doing so staring directly into my eyes, and my cock twitched in her throat at those words. "I enjoy the fact that you are being quickly reduced into being unable to speak. Do not worry about ejaculating directly down my throat. There is a thing called the 'Coolidge effect,' which drastically reduces the male refractory period when exposed to multiple women. As I am in the biologically relevant definition of 'multiple women,' your body will get you erect again. You can count on the ability to maintain or acquire an erection, and to ejaculate, until you have come seven times total. This is another perquisite of a relationship with me."

It was the first time I had ever heard somebody actually say the word 'perquisite' out loud, but I didn't have much ability to respond verbally. I was too busy looking down at three beautiful women seeming to suck my cock, getting the life all but sucked out of me by the middle one's throat. She started to peel back, her cheeks remaining hollowed, and the look then, the beautiful way her lips stretched out, her cheeks hollowed, as she sucked, left me breathless all on its own.

It was then that I realized what use the other two bodies could be put to. I raised both my hands into the air, stretching out my middle and index fingers together. "Have the other two bodies suck on these, just like they were doing it to my cock," I told her.

"That is an extremely erotic idea. You are very perverted," she said, but the two bodies were on their knees in front of me by the time she finished the sentence, hungrily slurping on my fingers with a manic energy, just bobbing up and down, sucking noisily, drooling, going absolutely wild on them. "Would you like me to give your actual cock that kind of treatment, Roger? I would happily do so." I nodded rapidly. "I would appreciate it if you spoke, as your voice is very erotic at the moment, likely due to the difficulties you are experiencing from my combined assault." As if to add a punctuation mark to that note, the one behind me pressed her tongue particularly deep and made a swirling motion.

"Yes, please," I breathed out.

Instantly, the one taking my cock in her throat rammed her face down into my groin, twisting her head from side to side, rubbing her tongue all along the underside of my length. She seemed to start salivating more and more, saliva dribbling out down over her lower lip, her entire body full of energy as she moved. Her eyes stayed locked on mine no matter how her head twisted, and the one next to me started to speak again.

"It is somewhat difficult to maintain this type of pace and behavior for an extended period of time, as it involves the movement of the neck, tongue, and jaw, which are often uncooperative muscles over long periods. However, seeing and hearing appealing responses, such as your own, makes it more than worth it. I do not mind some jaw ache in order to see the highly appealing expression on your face. If you could let your tongue flop out and your eyes roll up, that would be ideal, however."

I didn't do that. Instead, I reached down for the one so hungrily slurping up and down my cock, and just took a firm grip on her head and started pounding back and forth, rocking my hips. The one in my ass let out a faint noise of surprise, but wound up letting me go at it; the two on my balls had to struggle to keep them inside their mouths, and sometimes they failed, the testicles slapping against their features as they worked. The two on my hands intensified their faux-blowjobs, trying to match the 'main body's pace, but it didn't really matter. It was a few more strokes, maybe ten or twenty seconds, before I came.

My cum sprayed out, and I wasn't in control of where; at first, it just splattered her throat, then the back of her mouth. If I'd been making all the decisions, that's where it would have stayed, but the pair on my balls shifted their positions, helping the body sucking my dick get further up, until just my very tip was in her mouth, a faucet spraying out cum onto her tongue. They hotswapped between each other, the occasional small trickle of cum splattering a cheek as they took turns sucking me dry. I panted as they finished, and they proceeded to clean their faces with their fingertips, offering it to the two performing pseudo-fellatio on my fingers.

"I very much enjoy the taste of semen," said the body next to me. "It is the flavor of a man, who I have made feel good, which is an ego boost. Do you want to move on to proper sex?" She asked, as the five identical bodies in front of me swilled my cum, and the one behind me continued to rim me. "For such sex, I have historically had: two bodies riding the hands, one body seated on the face, one body on the cock, and one body on the chest, rubbing its clit against the sternum for pleasure purposes in a technique known as 'pec-jilling' or a 'juice wax.' I do not know what the two other bodies can do, however," she noted.

I swallowed. "Footjobs?" I suggested. I had no idea if that would be something she was into, but she nodded briskly at that.

"That is an extremely erotic idea," she agreed, and the one rimming me finally stopped, the five in front of me swallowing down the cum in their mouths and proceeding to strip themselves bare in a matter of seconds. "Where is your bedroom?" One of the ones in front of me asked.

I showed them to it, took up a position lying on the bed, and almost instantly was descended upon by a mass of female flesh. My cock was swallowed up in an exquisitely tight pussy that began to grip and squeeze my cock inside it within a couple seconds. My face was straddled by a pussy only moments later, the thick scent of arousal filling my nostrils as she pressed her face down on me. That body's hands went for my hair, and I could see her lovely breasts and toned stomach from the position, as my tongue began to stretch out, to flick at her lower lips. A third body straddled me, pretty much immediately starting to grind her sex against my chest, rubbing her clit into position there, really grinding it in.

My fingers slipped inside the next two's pussies the moment they grabbed my wrists and guided me to them. They were slick and warm, and they began to grip and squeeze down on my fingers as they worked me over. The two down at the foot of the bed, I was aware of at first only as weights shifting the mattress; then they grabbed my ankles, hefting my feet up, angling them so my toes teased at their clits from below. I dutifully gave my little piggies all the wiggling I could. I really had no ability to gauge my results, but there were no complaints, so I figured I was fine.

Probably the most appealing thing I observed, from my position beneath Nora as I ate her out, was the noise. I only had a good visual on one woman in particular, who was staring down at me from the other side of her tits with cool blue eyes, but I could hear all of them. The wet thump-thumps of the one on my cock; the noisy, slobbering grinds of wet pussy against my bare chest; the little squishing noises of my fingers inside of the wet pussies of the two who were on my hands; and of course the wet slaps of my tongue against the lower lips of the woman currently seated on my face.

Beyond just the general noises of sex, though, there was a chorus of pleasured pants, of little gasps, of faint groans and hums of pleasure. Nora clearly was not the type to go around screaming out her pleasure, but even little noises are quite prolific, and quite appealing, when they're multiplied seven times over. When one would moan and wriggle in this subdued manner, the noise so quiet it could perhaps have been missed beneath the sounds of sex itself, another would follow shortly thereafter with a hot pant.

They came, too, not all at once but also not in a too irregular sequence. The one on my mouth was first, much to my pride, grasping my hair and just grinding her cunt into my face. I got to see, then, that she really was completely indifferent in other bodies. Maybe they sped up a little, but it was a needy movement, not one of sympathetic orgasm. A glance over at one of the ones on my hand revealed a hint of flushed cheeks, but no more. My hips bucked up into the one on my cock, as she started to really squeeze and grind her cunt around my cock, quickly approaching an orgasm of her own, fingers grasping my hips as she rode me with reckless force.

The ones on my hands grasped my wrists and ground themselves against them, their orgasms separated by only ten seconds or so; the one on my chest really went wild atop me, leaking and moaning softly as she thrashed in place. The feet took far longer to orgasm with than any of the others, and by the time they seemed to be getting particularly close, the one on my cock was slowing down a bit, having come two times. I honestly have no idea how I even lasted that long, but when her third orgasm hit, her pussy squeezing down on my cock, I just let go inside her, grunting and bucking my hips up into her. I let out a long sigh, closing my eyes as I found sweet release there.

When I was completely spent, the one on my cock hefted herself up and off it, leaving it to twitch in the open air for a moment - she changed out with one of the ones on my hands, leaving my fingers inside of her slick sex. It was pleasant, feeling a fresh but just as tight pussy, from a body which had more energy because it hadn't been bouncing up and down in place, though it was not quite so pleasant to finger a pussy that was wet with my own cum.

"You are not being as enthusiastic in fingering this body as you were with that one," the one on my hand informed me, her voice level; the one on my face pulled up simultaneously, affording me the chance to speak.

"I, um, it's my cum," I explained. "I don't really like touching my own cum."

She nodded in acceptance, and the one on my face settled back down; the one that had been trying to get fingered headed to the shower, and one of the ones on my feet went over to my fingers, coming very quickly since she'd been basically teased the whole time, unable to quite orgasm.

The group rode me for an hour or two like that, switching out each time I came, but thereby reducing the number of girls atop me. The only exception was the one on my face: even after all six other bodies had swapped out, been come inside, that one just kept panting and grinding in place, fingers scraping at the back of my head as she held herself there. When I eventually lightly tapped her thigh - more a reminder that I wasn't really ready to do this forever than anything else - she removed herself from me as if electrocuted.

"I apologize, Roger," she said, lowering her head deeply. "I was too rough and needy. You are an excellent cunnilingist, and I did not want it to end."

"It's fine," I reassured her. "I'll take it as a compliment. You sucked my cock first, after all."

She smiled very subtly at that. "Thank you. However, you made this body come twenty-three times. I only caused you to orgasm once via fellatio. Even accepting a ratio based on number of bodies, which doesn't actually make much sense logically, that is a three-to-one ratio. More reasonably, that fellatio involved seven of my bodies, and this one contributed only a one-seventh, therefore meaning that I owe you one hundred sixty blowjobs before I can rightfully ask for reciprocation again."

I didn't think that was how it worked, but on the other hand, her multi-mouthed blowjobs were really fucking good, so I didn't argue the point at the moment, preferring to take advantage of her bad math skills for the promise of basically endless blowjobs. I was sure I would wind up eating her pussy again in the future anyway.

"I think it would be rational for most of my bodies to leave, as you do not have space to keep up seven houseguests," she told me. "However, two bodies is the optimal amount for cuddling, as they can hold themselves close to you on either side. Would you allow me to leave two here, or would you prefer to sleep alone tonight? I can promise morning fellatio and sex if you allow my bodies to stay over."

"You can keep two over," I agreed. On some level, I was sure that I was blatantly signaling just how easy I was to ply with sex, but I was vaguely hopeful that Nora was too socially dense to notice. She certainly didn't seem to have any such thoughts, from the way her lips curled into smiles, and two bodies soon pressed against me from either side, bare breasts pushing into me, like I was some sex god who had two happy, satisfied twins gently resting against him.

The others got dressed and left us alone, as I drifted off to sleep.

"Actually, I have realized something, Roger," Nora said, making me crack my eyes open. "Although I understand you are tired, I do not want to lick up pussy juice, as I am not a homosexual. Therefore, please take a shower. I can put up a bath for you, if you would prefer."

"Um... bath," I breathed out. It took about ten minutes of running hot water for the bath to complete, and she used both bodies to help me into the tub, even going so far as to wash me. Not in a lewd way - I didn't quite have the energy for that anyway - though it still made plenty of pleasant memories as sudsed up hands ran across my naked body. Once I was bathed, they even toweled me off before we cuddled back up in that same perfect position, and this time I actually got to sleep.

* * *

I woke up to the very, very pleasant feeling of two of Nora's tongues against my cock. It took me a few seconds, again, to remember exactly who I was waking up to get blown by, but this time I used all my brain power to not just call out Kate's name. A glance downward showed the pair, naked as the day they were born, their tongues working in perfect unison as they stared up at me from their position in my groin. Hot breaths tickled my dick, while my length continued to quiver and jerk in the space between their mouths, those lovely tongues slithering up and down my cock, flicking, tasting.

One of them made its way up towards my cockhead, and the other started to move towards my balls, but there was a thought that came to mind, seeing the two of them there... something I hadn't done since coming to this world. "Nora?" Both sets of eyes looked at me with an inquisitive stare. "I want to try something different for the blowjob," I explained. She nodded quietly, waiting for me to speak further. "Could you, have one of your bodies, grab the other body's head, and fuck it up and down my cock?"

"If that would sufficiently arouse you," she agreed immediately, the head that had been working my balls shifting up to position herself behind the other body's head, grabbing it tightly and beginning to thrust it up and down my length. Given that the same consciousness controlled both bodies, there was naturally no resistance or struggle, but the sight was still intensely sexy to watch, as one beautiful blue-eyed blonde got seemingly facefucked on my cock by the other. "Is this as you wish, Roger? I owe you one hundred and sixty blowjobs for your cunnilingus earlier, therefore, I should become good at them quickly, so that I can earn another round of cunnilingus."

My cock twitched inside her throat, and I managed to force myself to speak. "Can you dirty talk, to make this sexier?" I asked, and her brow furrowed slightly.

"What sort of dirty talk?"

I paused for a moment, trying to think of equivalent scenarios in my own world, gender inverting them, but nothing really came to mind - so I instead went for, "Something that explains why you're fucking a face on my cock."

She blinked a few times, then nodded. "How about a 'roleplay' scenario, which is a form of lying wherein both partners inform the other what lies they are going to tell in advance to remove the negative consequences, wherein you are married to this body," she said, gesturing to the one whose face she continued to fuck up and down my cock the whole while, the wet choking noises of it an absolute delight, "and this one is what is known as a 'vixen', a more dominant, attractive female who cuckqueans the wife, taking her man from her. In this scenario, I would be forcing the wife to 'fluff' you with fellatio, to prepare you for when I, the more attractive woman, fuck you in front of your wife, while she masturbates, as she is no longer permitted to have your cock in her pussy. Would you like this?"

My cock was raging hard in her throat, throbbing constantly with blood flow due to just the outline in question, so the answer was hell yes. I only said "Yes," though, and she shifted her grip, turning it into a rough grasp of her other self's hair before beginning to facefuck her on my cock with an overwhelming intensity. It was harsh enough that she started to gag and sputter around my dick, raining saliva down onto my pelvis, splattering my stomach.

"This is all you are good for as a woman," Nora told her other self, who seemed to limply nod around my dick - or maybe it was my imagination. "Your own husband has chosen me over you. This is because I am more attractive, intelligent, and desirable than you, who is barely good for getting your husband hard before I fuck him. He is already erect, yet I am still persisting in using your mouth to fuck his cock. Do you know why?"

This time there definitely was a shake of the head. It was made all the sexier by the way that her sclera had started to turn pink, tears pooling in the corners of her eyes. If it had been a normal girl being forcefully facefucked on my cock, I would have worried about her and made her stop at that point, checked in - but it wasn't. Nora was the one doing the facefucking, and the one being facefucked. She knew her own limits, I was sure.

"It is because I do not care very much about bringing him off. I am a selfish lover, who thinks only of her own pleasure, yet he prefers me to you. Isn't that right?" She wasn't speaking to me, and the body that was being facefucked nodded, actually blinking enough to make tears roll down her cheek. "So, I'll use your mouth to bring him off. Then, if he doesn't come during sex, he has at least gotten to ejaculate once, while admiring my naked body. That is far better than fucking this lowly failure of a wife, who cannot even satisfy her husband, correct, Roger?"

"Y-yes," I panted out, trying my best to get in on the dirty talk, gathering my breath. "She's a complete, failure, as a woman, unlike you, Nora," I told her.

"Yes, that is correct. So simply ejaculate whenever you like, then I will fuck you until I am tired of having sex with you, which may or may not be after you come. If you do not come, you can simply use this woman's mouth like a living masturbation aid, but you are not permitted to fuck her, is that clear?" I nodded. "Good. Now, ejaculate whenever you feel like it. I am getting tired of working to bring you off. Thinking about your pleasure is a waste of my time, when you will fuck me no matter what, and probably come fast and easily too, since I am so attractive." This was edging into degrading me, but it was fine, honestly. Especially given much more degradation was being heaped on the woman being fucked on my face. (Plus, Priscilla had taught me how amazing it could be to come very, very quickly.)

The one on my cock began to really work me over, then, slurping wetly around my dick, her tongue flashing and wriggling around on the underside of my cock. It meant that more of her spit ran over her lower lip, and, with how primed I was, I exploded. The one in the back peeled the other's face back, grabbing it with her hand, pointing it directly at her. "Please ejaculate all across your wife's face. Force her to feel your cum drying as you have sex with another woman in front of her, and also force her to watch while sitting in the corner, and also force her to pitifully masturbate," she said.

By the time she finished talking, I was pretty much done coming, the previous night having used up a lot of my semen. She was still plenty painted - a good few streamers across her face, coating her cheek, her nose, her mouth - but it wasn't like I had an endless supply, superspeed or no. She unceremoniously - and extremely sexily - tossed the body that had just been choking on my cock onto the floor, where it fell on hands and knees. It almost scrabbled around on the ground, turning to watch us both with those same cool eyes - and then the other one moved to straddle me.

"Please stop wasting time looking at that ugly woman who is so unattractive you cannot even get an erection to her. Instead, you should look at me, as I am incredibly beautiful and sexy, and have also completely captured your heart with my tight pussy." To emphasize the point, she slammed her cunt down my whole length, swallowing me up. She squeezed tight this time, putting all those muscles to good use in the moment, seeming to work overtime to wring an orgasm out of me on the spot. My hips bucked and I grit my teeth as I tried not to come - being more comfortable with orgasming fast, given its different perception here, was not the same as wanting to come on the first thrust.

"Oh no," came the voice of the other woman, attracting my attention to where she was standing in the corner, her hand in her sex, actually playing with herself. "I am being forced to watch my husband be fucked by another woman. This is so humiliating. I am so pathetic, and sad, and a loser, who will never have her loose pussy fucked again, because it cannot satisfy her husband compared to the tight pussy of Nora."

"It cannot satisfy your husband at all. It is the lack of this understanding which has resulted in you losing your husband to my pussy, as well as your pathetic loose pussy that cannot satisfy a man at all. Your husband must surely have faked many orgasms, given how loose your pussy is." All the while, she was bouncing atop me, really going at it with intensity, staring down at me, her eyes tracing along my bare stomach and chest, enjoying the look of me. "The closest you will ever come to sex is playing with that loose pussy, while you suck his cock. I will make you clean his cock of my juices after we are done."

"No. That is too disgusting. Please do not do that. I do not want to lick another woman's juices off of my husband's cock. Please let me use a towel to clean him."

"I refuse. Your husband almost certainly wants you to lick his cock clean. Is that not correct, Roger?" My cock twitched and I nodded, reaching up for her hips and starting to pump away, now. "You can clearly see that, despite being in front of his wife, he is happily fucking me extremely hard," she said, the pink shade of her cheeks growing brighter and brighter, her mouth working. "This is because, he does not, care, about, you," was as far as she got before she came under my assault, letting out a soft moan of noise as my cock twitched and started to just spew cum inside her. I collapsed back down onto my back on the bed, and she gently rose from my cock. "To be clear, I only suggested the idea of licking up pussy juice to add to the erotic lie of roleplay. I will not do that, as I am not a homosexual."

I let out a faint little laugh, then nodded. "Got it."

The bath I wound up taking that morning was a lot lewder than the one I'd had the previous night, with both bodies working together to jerk me off. Of course, once I actually came I pretty much immediately had to get out of the bath, since the cum was floating around in the water, but still. It was fun.

* * *

We had gone on our date Friday evening, and parted ways early into Saturday morning. However, when I arrived into work on Monday morning and went to my office, there was one rather significant change: Nora entered my office, and sat in my lap. "Since I have a great many bodies, I can sit in your lap while doing my work with other bodies. I enjoy physical touch and being close to you, since you are attractive and also a very giving and generous lover, who brought me to orgasm twenty-three times during a single cunnilingus session."

My cock was pretty much instantly hard in my pants, pressing up against her toned ass. I was really not sure how I was supposed to work with this woman in my lap, but, on the other hand, the sex was really, really, really good. Uniquely so. As far as I knew, there was literally no other woman in Star Heroic who could duplicate, which meant that I truly didn't want to risk offending her. So, I sat there, trying to figure out how to work my computer by perching my chin on her shoulder. Xico eventually showed up, seeming surprised by Nora's presence, but whatever thoughts she picked up from the two of us lead her to conclude she should just do what she normally did.

I was fortunately saved from having to work with Nora in my lap by Mira sticking her head in. "Nora." Nora tilted her head. "Nora, did you ask if you could sit in his lap all day?"

"I did not, but he has not complained."

"Roger. Do you want her to sit in your lap all day?" I grimaced at the question. "She won't be offended, she just needs you to actually tell her. Nora, if Roger asked you to leave him alone to work, what would you do?"

"I would leave him alone to work."

"Would you be angry or upset?"

"No. I understand that my behavior may inconvenience others in ways I do not anticipate, similar to how others may inconvenience me in ways I do not anticipate, and the only solution is honest communication. Becoming angry or upset disincentivizes honest communication."

"It's hard to work with you in my lap," I said.

"I see." She hopped up out of my lap - then moved around behind my chair to wrap me in a loose hug, draping herself over the back. "Is this position more sustainable?"

It was, obviously. I didn't have this five foot tall muscular girl in my lap getting in the way of my hands. However, it was also still inconvenient, since I couldn't really lean forward properly. "I think I'd rather do my work without you present."

Nora let out a tiny hum of sorrow, then extricated herself from me. "Very well. I will go along with this."

"Oh, right, Roger," Mira said, "think we could reschedule our date night?"

"No, as he is now having sex with me, who is twenty one times enough woman to satisfy any man."

Mira looked at me, her expression pointed. "You agreed to be exclusive with her?" She wasn't asking in the sense that she actually thought it - she was asking in the sense that I needed to correct Nora.

"No," I said. Nora's head swiveled to me. "I'm not interested in an exclusive relationship right now."

"I see." There was a pause. "Sex with you is extremely good. I will have sex with you until you come to the correct conclusion that an exclusive relationship with me is ideal, and you do not need other women, as I am twenty-one women with a single consciousness, and therefore better than anything less than twenty-one other women."

"Sorry about how it went last time," Mira prompted. "Tsuru coming by really took my head out of the game, we're good friends and I knew I wouldn't be able to give you all the attention that a handsome devil like yourself deserves. A bar was also maybe a bit too low class an environment, Priss mentioned you liked the-" Nora slammed the door behind her as she left the room. Mira paused, taking a moment to consider what to do. "I'll talk to her," she decided. "Any date recommendations? I want to lavish you with my affections, and I've got plenty of cash to do it with. Could go skydiving or snowboarding, or to a fancy restaurant or ballet, or to wherever else you want."

"It's the woman's job to pick out the date site, isn't it?"

Mira's lips briefly thinned. "So it is," she said, with a small laugh. "I'll think of something. Sorry to waste some of your valuable working hours, I know you hate not working," she said, with a playful wink before pulling back out of the room, leaving me alone to work with Xico.

* * *

The workday had ended, and I was just signing off of my computer, when the door opened, and she stood in it.


She had nearly perfectly pale skin, red eyes, and ivory white hair, though she was identifiably Japanese anyway. She was also wearing a white business suit, which looked very nice on her supple, curvy body. She quirked her eyebrow, and I thought I could see the hint of a firearm, tucked into her waistband, but this was a superhero company, presumably it was nonlethal.

"It is," she said, as she closed the door behind her. She glanced over at Xico, and my eyes followed hers. Xico's tails where pinwheeling erratically in place, her expression one of intense concentration - eventually, she decided to turn her attention back to me. "I'm Tsuru. I'm told you're the guy that's been frustrating Mira. It's funny to see her like this," she added, with a wan smile. "Honestly, she sent me in here to fish for info, but I just wanted to meet you."

"She's a telepath," Xico said, in a quick bark.

"Relax. I'm not going to tell her anything I might pick up. At best I'd be all, You know, it turns out that Mira loves giving head, so you can feel free to ask her for it any time, or whatever." My cock twitched and I wondered if that was actually true. "Ohh, it's true," she said, with a grin. "It's a pride thing, you know. I have to prove that I'm the best. She'll spend..." she trailed off, suddenly pushing her tongue against her cheek as if she realized something. A moment later, she was back to talking again. "You like blowjobs, huh? I mean, if you say it aloud, I can pass that on. Give her the info. Could play the pillow prince for... oh, I don't know. Probably at least a dozen dates before she starts to complain," she explained, with a smile.

"Isn't she your friend?"

"Don't you razz your friends?" Tsuru replied. "But if there's something else, you know. Or you could say, 'yes, please convince Mira to suck my brain out through my cock,' if that's the sort of thing you're into." Xico blushed scarlet at that, and it took me a second to piece together why - because in this world, that kind of casual conversation wasn't exactly what you lead with in a conversation with a man. It was crude, at the very least. "Huhhh. I thought your world just lacked supers? They less puritan than us too?"

I did my best to raise my mental defenses, but of course, not thinking about a specific something is very difficult when you're prompted on it. "They're different." In that they're- different, I tried to mentally complete.

"If you want to keep it a secret so bad, I can respect that. But I really want to know," she said, leaning forward. "I'd be willing to give you a hell of a something for the rest of that story," she said, with a wink. "I know you think I'm hot. Really hot, given how you were looking at my tits - normally only women get that kind of thought when they first meet somebody." Where I came from, it was mostly men, and fuck. She blinked a few times at that, then her eyebrows raised. "That's the thing?" She tilted her head as she tried to figure out what I had meant. "Sorry. Didn't mean to hit the mark, was just trying to make a friendly offer. I'll blow you or whatever if you want, and I can tell you want." She pointed to her head. "Psychic mirroring. It's like how when you see other people laughing, you have the urge to as well. Except I get a direct brain connection to your feeling of 'wow, she's hot' and 'blowjobs are nice.'"

I let out a sigh. "Please don't tell anyone." She perked up, her expression focused, and silently nodded. I glanced at Xico. Is she going to tell anyone? I silently asked her.

"Tsuru is... a hero," Xico said. "We don't... share... that kind of... thing."

"Plus, if we did, there's several other telepaths, including Xico, and they'd know, and it'd be a whole rigamarole. So gimme, come on, I gotta know."

There was no real point keeping it a secret. She nodded along, as if confirming there wasn't any point in keeping a secret. "In my world, with respect to sex, the genders are reversed." She frowned at that. "Men are the horny ones, women are the sexual gatekeepers."

"Ohhh. Ahahahaha," she said, starting to burst out into laughter. "Oh, fuck, ah man. So basically, you're fucking everything on two legs for the same reason I'd do the same if every guy here would put out?" I nodded. "Man, Mira's gonna feel like the biggest idiot on the planet, fuck." She was grinning broadly. "Don't worry, I won't tell her. Too good. Hahaha." She ran a hand through her hair. "How'd she turn you off?"

"I guess I felt like she was threatening me when we first met."

"Mira wouldn't threaten a spider," Tsuru said. "She just is the most flirty bitch on the planet who cannot shut the fuck up." She let out a small laugh. "Maaan. Don't tell her. I want to see how long it takes her to figure it out on her own. Plus, once she does figure it out, I don't know if I'll ever see either of you again."

"How do you mean?" That definitely sounded threatening.

"Oh, I mean- a guy with the sex drive of a woman? That's pretty much exactly Mira's type."

That didn't really sound like what I knew of the woman in question. "She seemed more interested in Hank than Alexios, at the pool."

"Mhm," Tsuru said, suddenly closing herself off. "Say, any other funny things about sex from your world? Like, I dunno. Not having marriages, uh, no STDs, casual sex on the streets, bisexuality being normal, whatever."

"No. It is almost exactly the same as this world, but with the sexes reversed. The only thing that's caused me any trouble whatsoever when I just reverse genders is how orgasms work."

She tilted her head at that. "How do you mean?"

"You know. The guy's the one who's supposed to make the girl come." Her eyebrows shot up on her head. "I mean, the girl - you know what I mean."

"Oh, I know what you mean," she said. "So back in your world, you'd be all, hell yeah, I made this girl come like five times from cunnilingus? Whereas here, it's the girl bragging about blowing a guy's mind with fellatio?" I nodded. "Huh. Yeah, I can see how that'd be different, since coming works differently. No such thing as a quickshot?"

"Men are the quickshots."

"Man. Wild to think about. Oh no, he came too fast, sorry my pussy was so good," she let out another laugh. "Ahh. Well, peace out." She gave a double victory sign, which, given she was Japanese, quickly put me in the mind of hentai, and she laughed hard at that. "Ahahah, fuck, that would be it, wouldn't it." She stuck out her tongue and rolled up her eyes. "That about right?" I nodded, with an erection in my pants from her appearance. "Man... I really shouldn't snipe Mira on this one, she would just about strangle me with my tie. I guess I did promise, though, and if a guy reneged on a promise like that..."

"It's fine," I said. It just was going to be way too annoying to try to defend that kind of thought from her prying mind, that was the main reason I'd revealed it. Not the promise of a blowjob.

"I know it's not, but I'll take your word on that. But hey, if things go good with Mira on your little date, I certainly wouldn't be opposed to having a little date of my own with you, mmm?"

She left the office on that thought. Of course, it was the end of the workday, so I wound up right behind her a few seconds later. She was grinning the whole way, actually bouncing her hips back and forth, trying to attract my attention to her ass. It was half that it was funny to her, and half that it was just fun - I could imagine, since I had gotten the opportunity to make basically any woman here stare at me trivially, just by doing some stretches or popping a few buttons on my top.

"Tempting me way too hard, Roger," she said, with a grin. I sped up past her, allowing me to avoid any continued awkwardness of that kind.

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