Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Effortlessly Dominating Kate

My phone buzzed again as I was finishing up work. Most of the mess I had been hired to clean up had been fixed by that point - maybe another day or two, and I would only be working on fresh material, which would also probably mean I'd have a lot more free time. I stretched, cracking my spine and knuckles alike, earning another flushed look from Xico, who immediately averted her gaze after I noticed as much.

I decided to spare her any commentary and instead check my phone's messages. One disadvantage of having a relationship with a girl with twenty-one brains is she texted you about twenty-one times as much. Since this was a reversed morality world, girls were much less text-happy, but it still meant a dozen little flirty messages from her. Things like "I enjoyed sex, and would like to have it with you, specifically, again." "You are especially sexually talented. This is not an attempt to objectify you, though you are physically attractive. I am merely stating that, in terms of your ability as a lover, you are possibly the best I have ever had." "I would like to go on a date with you, then proceed to fellate you. It occurs to me that date and fellate rhyme, and could be arranged into a poem, which would better describe my feelings. However, I am not good at poetry, so I will allow your imagination to fill in the gaps."

Don't get me wrong, the messages were great. There were just enough of them that I often left them unread for a bit. (Nora had also sent me a text of, "I know that I text quite frequently. Therefore, if you do not wish to, simply do not read my texts. Alternatively, do read them, but do not reply. I will not be offended." Following that advice hadn't yet led me to ruin, and I had the advantage of being in the right if it did.) Surprising me, though, was that there was a message from Kate.

can i pls cum over fter wrk 2 blow u? i promise 2 leave wen im dun if u want?

The text had me pretty much rock hard in a moment. With all the other women deciding it was open season on me, I had almost forgotten about Kate, since I hadn't been super into her as a date prospect. She had been nice enough, there just hadn't been chemistry. On the other hand, there was very definitely a physical chemistry there. Nora was the closest other woman here that I'd found to a "submissive" girl, with that (very fun) cuck/vixen play, but Kate seemed to be just... well beyond that.

Come over to my place. Wear something sexy.

I was curious what she'd even wear, if she tried to dress sexy. Apparently, she was too, because she sent a text back to me:


Whatever you think would be sexy, Kate. I'm sure you can come up with something. Make sure it's presentable in public, but other than that, anything goes.


I put the phone in my pocket at that point, ready to leave, when Esther interrupted me as she entered the room. Xico was still hovering around in the corner, a faint glow to her cheeks from my text conversation with Kate. "I interrupting something?"

"No," Xico said quickly, before hurriedly floating out of the room.

Esther followed her with her eyes, then looked back to me. "If I was, sorry," she said, sounding genuine enough about it. A good, sincere apology could often paper over any problems. Although I was more resistant to the effect than most, it did work, since she really hadn't done anything wrong.

"We weren't doing anything," I said. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Can't a gal just want to say hello to a handsome fellow out of old-fashioned friendliness?" She asked, smiling as she spoke in a way that was genial and attractive.

"Sure," I replied. I wasn't too concerned about getting home on time to meet Kate at the door. Firstly, I was a bit curious over how she'd respond to having to wait; and secondly, I had superspeed if I really needed it. "Hello. What else?"

She let out a nice bark of laughter at that. "Just nice to get the chance to talk to you without Priscilla interrupting."

"You two don't seem to like one another much. Anything in particular?"

"We just rub each other the wrong way," Esther said. I recalled Priscilla giving a similar excuse - oil and water. If there was anything more to it, they were keeping it under wraps. "Anyway, enough about her. You doing anything tonight?"

"I am, actually." She frowned slightly, and I took a very long moment to try to figure out what exactly 'the girl' was supposed to say in this situation, where she wanted to go out with somebody, but genuinely had other things to do. If only women didn't use such deceptive deflections and/or men didn't whine about being rejected so much, I wouldn't have had to do this math. Or if men didn't- anyway. "Not tomorrow night, though."

"Great," she said, flashing a grin at that. "Want to go for a joyride on my bike? Forests around here are pretty nice looking."

"And the fact that I'd have to hold on tight to you is just incidental?"

She laughed. "No, that's half the point. Nice excuse for a guy to touch a girl without feeling so self-conscious. If that bugs you too much, probably wasn't meant to be." She shrugged noncommittally, an honest statement she was willing to back off if I was bugging her.

I did find myself inadvertently signalling I was far, far less promiscuous than I actually was on a good few occasions. I was pretty much down to fuck Esther right on my desk right here and now - maybe even would have proposed as much if we weren't at a superhero workplace. My windows were opaque, but there were people with enhanced senses of smell or hearing or telepathy. Yet, she was now thinking that I wasn't interested, because I'd made a comment like that. Some of it was obvious - my more conservative choice of suit, which had made Priscilla think I was chaste, was down to the fact that I found it vaguely gay to dress like that. But, what signal was I putting off that told Esther I was disinterested? The commentary on her own desire for me? Presumably. Did a woman saying a man thought she was hot come off as an attempt to ward him off? Perhaps if it was as cynical as my own phrasings.

"No," I said, giving her a smile. "I'd love to wrap you in a bear hug."

She grinned at that, a certain flare of her nostrils saying she was all-in. "Great. I can pick you up after work tomorrow?" She suggested.

"Sure." I sat on the edge of my desk, quietly signaling to her that I still wanted to talk. Both because I doubted we'd be able to have much conversation with the wind whipping against us at 70 mph, and because I was curious how Kate would react to being forced to wait around in front of my apartment for me to show up. "Tell me a bit about yourself. You're, what, about two hundred?"

"Two hundred and one," she said.

"Must have a lot of life experiences in that time."

"Sure. Got to see the western frontier, the Civil War, both World Wars - served in all of them. Not Vietnam or Korea, though. Had a tough time switching from 'let's fight alongside the commies to liberate Europe' to 'let's kill the commies,' personally. Not sure how anybody else managed it, frankly."

"People just do whatever the state tells them to." Esther let out a snort at that. "Am I wrong?"

"You're not wrong," she agreed, genially. "Get to see it a lot, you live long enough. Things that were unconscionable become tolerable, then normal, then the old way of doing things is stigmatized. Sex before marriage, for the obvious. Well, ain't quite so simple as that, there were always folks fuckin' before they were wed, but they had the decency to be quiet about it. Nowadays, you aren't up to fuck before you get a wedding ring on your finger, you're gonna have a hard time of it."

"A problem you've personally faced?" I remembered her mentioning a lot of fornication, but I suppose that she might do it in different contexts, or irregularly.

She laughed at that. "No, that's a man problem, not a woman problem. Want to keep it in your pants but three dates is long enough to be declared frigid. I can be patient," she added, with a wink. "Advantage of being really damn old."

We talked for a while like that, her talking about all the cultural changes of history, the way it was unpredictable in the moment even if you watched closely, the various little things she remembered that just fell out of the history books, like the gigantic media and public circus following the 1902 assassination of the then-US President Arthur Blaine, who I had never heard of in my entire life (and thus, presumably, did not exist back in my world), but whose death heralded the beginning of the local Progressive era. They really, truly, genuinely loathed the assassin in question (Jeffrey E. Miller), his narcissism making him an easy man to hate, but history completely forgot about him.

We wound up spending an entire half hour just chit-chatting like that. She was probably the most interesting woman I'd ever met, if I'm being frank. Others might have been more fun, but she had the most stories, which wasn't terribly surprising when you took into account she was probably five or six times as old as the oldest woman I'd ever previously been interested in. A check of my watch made me feel bad for Kate, though. "I should really be going, sorry."

"No, no, my apologies, I knew you had a thing and slipped my mind. Most guys find it a bit intimidating, a woman more... I'd say experienced, but that's got other meanings, and all the other ones make me sound conceited."

I paused at that. I knew well of the stereotype of the too-smart or too-driven or too-whatever woman intimidating men. Girls trying to intentionally hide their skills or talents. It had always seemed more like the sort of thing in media, than anything in my daily experience. Even more surprising was that it remained the case in this world too - I would have imagined it would be the other way around. I guess fragile egos don't, strictly speaking, relate to sexuality. "I understand what you're getting at. I just always had a bit of interest in history, and it's nice to meet a living piece of it."

"I'll choose to take that as a compliment, rather than just calling me an old grandma," she said, smiling as she spoke in a friendly way.

"I really do need to go," I repeated, and we soon parted ways.

* * *

Kate sent me a text as I started to head back home.

r u okay? im waiting @ ur apartment

Just busy flirting with Esther, forgot about you for a bit. I'm coming now, but you can go home, if you want.

no its ok, sry to bthr. be waiting 4 u

Her response, almost desperate for my approval despite the fact that I had made her hover outside my apartment for a full half hour while (explicitly! Admitted to her face!) flirting with another woman, left me feeling a genuine rush of power. I was really starting to like the feeling of control that the "woman" held in these sorts of relationships, where you could just make the "guy" wait around and hover and jerk him along as long as you put out at the end.

I wondered if I had been too cruel, wasting that much time, but the look on her face when I showed up, the way her eyes lit up - well, nobody ever wonders if they've been mean to their dog by leaving it at home alone for hours, because it's always happy the moment they see it again. She was a bit like that.

She was wearing a simple yellow raincoat. It was closed and clasped around the waist, reaching almost to her knees as she stood in front of the door. I had told her to dress up sexy, so I was frankly baffled by her selection of clothing. I guessed it was a bit short? I just opened the door to my room, and she followed me inside. The moment the door was closed and locked behind her, though, she undid her raincoat, and I saw the sexy thing she had actually chosen to wear: a BDSM getup. Black leather straps criss-crossed on her body, and beneath them, she was wearing just a pair old sports bra and elastic grey panties. Not a single other item of clothing as she stood there, in front of me. Her cheeks were almost crimson as I looked her over, clearly unsure if I would approve of her sartorial choices.

"Bit of a freak, huh?" I teased, grinning as her flush grew brighter.

"Sorry," she said, starting to pull the raincoat back over her body.

I put one hand on her stomach, preventing her from doing so. "I didn't say I didn't like it, Sow." She shivered softly at the words, her hands falling away from her coat and leaving it hanging open. "Huh. Not quite what I meant," though I honestly wasn't sure what that actually was, "but I guess it's fitting for a Sow like you."

She trembled softly at my touch and my cruel words, but quietly nodded. "Yes... sir," she said, her voice faint as she let out the latter word, clearly unsure what kind of response it would get from me.

The response it got was making me, somehow, even harder than I had been. "Go to the bathroom and change. Take off the raincoat, and the bra, and the panties. You won't be needing them for the rest of the day. Oh, and Sow," I said, as she turned to go, "we'll be doing more than just blowjobs, and more than just fucking."

"Y-yes, sir," she said, nodding quickly as she rushed off to the bathroom with that little bit extra vigor in her movements.

I, of course, had no fucking idea what we would be doing other than blowjobs and fucking. I would have gladly done pretty much anything with her at that point, but I didn't know quite what she'd like. I couldn't just call and ask Xico, though, she was pretty tight-lipped about other people's thoughts, and I was glad for it. The ideal way to do it would be if I could somehow trick her into telling me what she wanted me to do to her, but she seemed sufficiently embarrassed that I doubt that asking straight out was in the cards.

Good thing too. I couldn't imagine that if she'd been willing to just say what she liked, she wouldn't have already found a guy who got off on dominating a superheroine.

When Kate emerged from the bathroom, wearing just these leather straps that ran across her chest, seeming to emphasize her tits despite the fact that they just ran above and below the flesh there, drawing the eye to various parts of her body, well, I was rock hard pretty much instantly. I decided to go over to the couch in the living room, settling into the seat, stretching my legs wide. "Come over her, kneel, and suck me off, Sow," I told her, and she quickly moved to obey, a flush to her cheeks as she got into position in between my legs.

She reached up for my zipper, giving me a doe-eyed looked as she began to unzip me, as if afraid that she wasn't actually allowed to do that. It was hot, the way that I held all the power, the way she would just do whatever I said and be nervous about disobedience. When my cock emerged, she wrapped her lips around it and easily took it into her throat, beginning to bob happily on my dick, looking up at me for approval the whole time.

At that point, I really wished that I had actually videotaped some of the sex I'd had at some point. Then I'd have something to watch - I found pretty much all the local porn to be kind of gay, since it visually focused on the male's naked body so much. I hummed as Kate quietly bobbed, and she slowed momentarily to let me speak, though her tongue kept moving. "I think I'm going to call Xico, talk to her a bit. You're not much of a conversationalist right now, after all, right Sow?" She flushed with color, but I could see her nipples harden at my words and she nodded quietly around my dick, getting right back to sucking my cock extra hard.

"Hey, Xico," I said, as she picked up the phone. "Are you busy?"

"No," she said, quietly. "What... do you want... Mr. Cooper?" Hearing her call me that had my cock twitch in Kate's throat, and she softly moaned around my dick in reply, the sensation absolutely fantastic. My hand on the back of Kate's head started to grind her down into my groin, though obviously with her strength, she could have trivially defeated me.

"Are you at home?" A small noise of agreement. "Are you okay with phone sex?"

"Phone... sex?"

"You know. I describe myself doing things to your body. You describe yourself doing things to mine. We play with ourselves. Masturbate, basically," I said, taking a grip on Kate's hair. She let out this tiny, barely audible noise. With my foot, I idly directed one of her hands towards her groin - she got it, and started masturbating. "Or is it not good for you on the phone? I know your telepathy helps..."

"No, I can... do it," she said, and I could hear the fun little squeakiness in her voice as she struggled to play it cool. Kate's mouth bobbed on my dick as I increased her pace on me, and the occasional wet moan escaped her throat before being cut off by my cock. "Um... you start?"

"Alright," I said, smiling. "I'd start... hmm, I'd start by lying you down on my bed. What are you wearing?"

"My peejays," she admitted, and I could hear the embarrassment in her voice.

"I bet you look super cute in them," I told her. "Describe them to me."

"They're... black... with little crescent... moons... and stars... I like wearing them... around the house..." she explained.

"Mm, do they have buttons down the front?" A quiet little noise of agreement. "The first thing I would do, is unbutton them, button by button. Really take my time undressing you. I'd never make you do it by yourself," I explained, the double meaning clear to Kate - I cared more about Xico than I did her. She squirmed and bucked her hips, her eyes lidding as I continuously pumped her face on my cock. She felt great, warm and wet around my dick, saliva dribbling down out of her mouth with each consecutive thrust. "I'd kiss you right on the lips, too. I like you, after all. I wouldn't go around doing dirty things to you without a kiss."

That was enough to make Kate moan, and I held her down, that strangled cry of pleasure serving to vibrate my cock in her throat. Xico spoke up. "Thanks... Mr. Cooper... then... what?"

Well, I couldn't blame her for wanting me to take the lead. "Then, I'd peel down your bottoms, and your panties both, and I'd start kissing you down there. Your slim little thighs. Your cute little love nub. Your lower lips. I'd kiss them all, show you my appreciation for your sexy young body." There was a hitch of breath from the other end of the line, and it had me intensely aroused, making me start grinding Kate's face into my pelvis. "I want to eat you out. Let you know that I appreciate you that way."

"Thank you... I liked it when... you licked me... but, I also like... doing you, too..." she added, a heat to her voice.

"Then, once I was done eating you out, I'd lie down and let you return the favor. I'd only give you soft head pats and sweet words, so you could know that I really appreciated it," I explained, even as I continued to hold Kate down, choking her on my cock with each passing second. Fuck. I was going to come soon. "How would you treat my cock, when you were blowing me?"

"I... I'd lick it... lots, with all my... tongues," Xico said, her nervousness heightened but the girl on the phone much more able to express her desires than the one between my legs. "Then I'd... kiss the tip... and have my lips... wrap around it... and then, my tongues... stretch out... down... along... a-and," her voice was getting a little ragged there, "a-and, drool," she panted.

"I'd be drooling too," I told her, grinning. "I'd be softly running my fingers through your hair. Xico, you're a good girl. I love cute, eager young girls like you... I want to make them come lots... I'm glad I got to take your virginity... I love your blowjobs..." Kate's eyes were rolling up, but my focus was on Xico's voice on the other end of the line as I spoke. "I love those tongues of yours, they're so sexy..."

That was what pushed Xico over the edge, the girl moaning on the other end of the line. Hearing her come pushed me over the edge, too, and I yanked Kate up off my cock and just started spraying all over her face, wet splatters of white cum staining her red cheeks as she lewdly stared up at me, continuing to masturbate all the while, one hand grasping my dick to make sure my aim stayed true. I hadn't even told her to do that.

"Fuck," I panted out. "That was really fun, Xico. Did you enjoy it too?"

"Yes..." she said, her voice soft and sweet. "It was... different... since I couldn't... feel your thoughts... but nice..."

"Well, you'll probably find out at work tomorrow, so let me tell you something. I hope your feelings aren't hurt by it, but I thought it'd be the kind of thing you like... Kate's over here right now."

"I... see..."

"She's really happy that I fucked her face while having phone sex with you," I told Xico.

"Can I... talk to her?" Xico asked.

"Sure, let me put you on speaker." I hit the button, placing the phone down on the couch. Kate's eyes followed it, and if anything, her burning cheeks grew even brighter, but she didn't move from her position kneeling in front of me.

"A-are you... happy..." there was a wet swallow on the other end of the line, "Sow?" My cock was instantly hard again.

"Yes," Kate breathed out, her voice a little husky, one of the sexiest shows I'd ever seen, having this beautiful, muscular, well-built heroine, wearing a ridiculous BDSM getup, looking at the phone as she spoke.

"G-good... be a... good sow... for Mr. Cooper..." another swallow, "it's all... you're good for." Kate whimpered softly but nodded. "Are you okay?" There was a squeaky energy to her voice as she spoke, suddenly worried.

"She's great," I reassured Xico. "Right, Sow?"

"Yes," Kate said.

"Good..." Xico said. "Have... f-fun... with Mr. Cooper... Sow..." she said, trailing off at the end. "I... need to clean up..." she admitted to me.

I grinned at that. "Alright, Xico. I'll see you back at the office tomorrow. Thanks for the phone sex."

"No... thank you... for it... It was... fun," she said. "See... you..." she hung up a second later.

I turned my attention down to the woman kneeling in front of me again, trying to decide what to do, to say, to pick her brain about what exactly she wanted from me. I was, of course, completely content to just use her mouth like my right hand. It was awesome, actually. But, she'd done me a good turn by letting me fuck her face while having phone sex with Xico, so I wanted to do her a good turn by satisfying whatever depraved fantasies she had... I reached for a notebook I'd left on the coffee table, then handed it down to her, complete with pen. "I didn't appreciate the fact that you made Xico feel you were hurting her feelings," I bullshitted. "You shouldn't have whimpered, and you should have immediately declared that you were overjoyed to be allowed to get treated like this. Xico is a sweet girl and you made her feel guilty. I'm going to make you devise your own punishment. Write whatever you think you deserve on that paper," I told her. "Be creative, and put down multiple ideas."

I got up, then, pulling up my pants and tucking my dick away, just leaving Kate to her work. I went to the kitchen, got a cold water bottle from the fridge, and set to drinking. With my free hand, I idly texted Nora.

I want to see a sexy picture of you.

Her response was pretty much immediate, though I had to change to a different conversation, since she sent it to me on a different phone. The picture in question was of her standing naked in front of a mirror, flexing one arm while the other held the phone up for a selfie.

Nora: I hope this is sufficiently sexy for you.
Nora: I can provide, or create, other photographs if it is not.

Roger: Just so you know, I'm in the middle of fucking another woman right now.

Nora: If the other woman is insufficiently sexy to satisfy you with the image of her naked body, then you should stop having sex with her, and instead have sex with me, who can, instead. If my naked body is insufficiently sexy, I can arrange for multiple of my naked bodies to be photographed simultaneously.

I smiled a bit at the text. Nora really was straightforward. The total opposite of Kate, in that way, funnily enough. Where with Kate I was trying to figure out her limits, with Nora she would just say what she was thinking. I also felt comfortable knowing that if I told her to do something she didn't want to, she would just tell me as much, after that brief cuddle incident. Kate felt more like the kind of girl who you only find out she doesn't like being choked months after the fact. (To be clear, I am not speaking from experience on the subject.)

Roger: Let me send you a photo back instead.

I pulled down my pants. I was hard already, so I shifted my hand to get a picture of my dick - then paused. Kate had sent me a picture not so different from this, of her pussy. It hadn't been particularly arousing to me. Would a photo of my cock all on its own not work for Nora? I shifted, pulling up my shirt a bit and holding the phone out, the camera oriented towards my groin. The resultant shot captured a good amount of my abs, and my hard cock was pointed directly at the camera. I could only hope it was good enough for Nora.

Nora: I notice that your penis is erect, but there is no 'other woman' present.
Nora: If there is not another woman present, I will forgive you for lying to me if you tell the truth now.
Nora: I do not like people saying things they do not mean. I told you this when we met. This includes untrue things.

Roger: No, there really is another woman here. Why would I lie about that?

Nora: In order to make me jealous. Some 'trashy' men use similar techniques intended to make their female partners jealous or more intent on proving themselves, such as flirting with other women, suggesting that the partner is insufficiently capable of pleasing them, and so forth. These techniques are evil and should not be used.

Roger: I'm not that kind of guy. If I was only fucking you, I would 100% tell you that.

Nora: I am glad to hear it. I hope that I can convince you to stop having sex with other women and only have sex with me.

Roger: If I only had sex with you, what sort of things would you do?

Nora: I would perform fellatio on you every day. In fact, I could dedicate a body to doing it at all hours. If you were ever desiring sex with me, I would always be available. Admittedly, large group sex might require forewarning.
Nora: Further, for non-sexual advantages, I could provide you backrubs, home cooked meals, home cleaning services, and other domestic tasks suited to a housewife type woman. Alternately, I could help provide for you while you stay at home and raise our children, as with twenty-one bodies I have significantly more income than the average woman, but require relatively little additional living space.

Roger: That does sound nice.
Roger: Why couldn't I have those things if I was also fucking other women, though?

Nora: Because then you would not be my exclusive partner.

Roger: Why can't your non-exclusive partner have them, hm?

Nora: Because I do not want to do them for a non-exclusive partner.
Nora: You should only have sex with me, as I have explained in the past. I can offer you advantages that no other woman in the entire world can provide. Further, I like you and think you are sexually attractive, talented, and intelligent. You are the male most willing to deal with my unusual personality type, including even Alexios, who was previously the best. Therefore, we would make an excellent couple.
Nora: Did that explanation successfully convince you that we should become an exclusive couple?

Roger: I'm afraid not.
Roger: It was very nice, though. I'm honestly touched.

Nora: I will think of another argument to convince you that we should become exclusive.

I let it wait for a minute or so, then concluded she was done for the time being. I put the phone, and my dick, away, and headed back to the living room, where Kate was still kneeling, writing on the couch, her speed getting faster as I approached. When I got there, I took the notebook out of her hands, leaving the last idea partially unfinished. What there was, though, was pretty damn sexy anyway.

1. Nosehooks and pig ears and pig buttplug to signify my status as a sow
2. Being stimulated, but denied orgasms
3. Stepping on me
4. Bringing Xico over to berate me, and then having sex with her instead <- karmic
5. Slapping me and spanking me
6. Forcing me to eat out Xico, even though I don't want to (would Xico?)
7. Using me as f

"Six isn't going to happen. Your mouth belongs to me, you dumb sow." She nodded rapidly in acceptance. "What's the rest of number seven? I ask you for ideas, and you can't even finish writing by the time I'm done texting another woman?"

"Sorry, sir," she said, bowing her head low, staring down at her knees submissively. "Number seven is using me as furniture." My cock instantly sprang to attention at that idea, and I shifted in my seat.

"Is that your idea of a punishment? Is that the sort of thing you'd hate to have happen to you?" I prompted.

"It shows that I'm as low as an inanimate object, sir," she said, her voice coming out in a rush.

I noticed, however, that she didn't say yes. She didn't say she'd hate it. In other words, it was the sort of thing she'd like. "Go wash your face off of my cum. I'm going to fuck you in my bed, Sow, and this time you had better not piss on it, or I'm going to make you sleep in the mess you make and sleep here on the couch." I probably would not actually have done that, but, I didn't actually want her to piss on my bed.

"Yes, sir," she said, hopping to her feet and rushing off to the bathroom. I took a deep breath, looking at the list again. It was a pretty diverse list. Nothing popped out as an obvious throughline between the options. There was physical masochism, denial, humiliation by dehumanization, forced gay sex... it seemed like she was basically down for whatever. Collars would probably be fine. No slave play here, and she'd been calling me sir, so... hmm, was she into being a pet? No, part of the sow thing was that she was too horny, right? So she needed to be put in her place like that. She'd called herself a pervert. Pet was affectionate. I'd used her like my right hand, that was dehumanizing. Was there any point during our sex when she'd seemed unhappy to be treated like a piece of meat? I couldn't think of any offhand, so, dehumanizing was a pretty firm 'in.' Sow. Furniture. Masturbation aid.

Kate appeared out of the room, and I glanced over at her, thinking things over for a long few seconds. "Take over those ridiculous leather straps," I told her, making her immediately turn red in humiliation, and she obediently started to strip herself naked. I went over to my supply closet, finding some black masking tape, then came back upon her in the bedroom, finding her naked. "Float." She did so, staring at the masking tape with a certain heat to her cheeks. She was into bondage, then, that was good. I had assumed as much, but it was nice to have confirmation.

I personally found it a really unpleasant thought due to that one book where the character's partner has a stroke during BDSM play at a cabin in the woods and they get stuck locked up for days, but Kate had super strength so she could just rip through the tape.

"Turn around, show me your back." She did so, showing off that firm, muscular ass of hers. "Now, put your forearms together - yes, just like that," I said, taping them together, a long, spiralling movement. "Now, fold your legs in, so the sole of your feet rests on your ass." They quickly got taped together the moment she had done as much. I toyed with whether or not she could spread them like that - she could, though I added a couple extra sets of tape to make sure they wouldn't come apart too quick. "Next... next." I hummed faintly as I considered her. How would you tell a guy he was a living dildo? "You're going to keep your limbs like this for the rest of the night, got it? No breaking it with your super strength, Sow."

"Oink oink," she panted out. I grinned at her response. Fuck, this was hot. I got up behind her, pressing against the space between her shoulder blades, making her slowly lean forward. I parted her legs again, then just rammed my cock into her without the slightest hesitation.

She actually immediately came, she was so pent up. I let out a little gasp of surprise, as her muscular pussy gripped my dick, trying to wring an orgasm out of me. I gripped her by the waist, squeezing her hips with my fingers as I held myself down inside her. It was so fantastic, it completely emptied my head of any other thoughts. There was the thrill of power, too, at making a woman come so easily...

Except, in this world, that was a bad thing, wasn't it? It wasn't a pure gender flip, on the orgasm front, but women coming too fast was in fact embarrassing. And Kate wanted to be humiliated, and I wanted to keep humiliating Kate, so, "I can't believe you came so quickly," I ground out, as she continued to twitch in orgasm, floating in the air like that. "You really are a pervert, aren't you? I haven't even been playing with your clit or tits or anything. Just stick it in, and you start twitching like an epileptic." I gave her ass a swat. "Well, Sow? Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"Oink oink," she squeaked out, as if trying to avoid saying anything by just resorting to that. It was hot as fuck, but I really did want to hear her defense, so I reached for her hair and started to tug on it. It peeled her upward, twisting her body in the process until her hair was brushing against my shoulder, her back a little arched, and my cock still inside her. She salivated at the sensations, her eyes lidding in pleasure as my cock shifted its angle inside her.

"Sow. I asked you a question. If you don't answer that question, I'll have to punish you." Just saying the words made me idly wonder if she was the 'bratty' type of sub, who intentionally invoked the master's ire, but thus far she hadn't seemed to do that at all - she'd been completely desperate to please.

She remained that way, as she spoke up. "Sorry, sir," she sputtered. "I'm sorry, I'm just so horny, from being allowed to suck your cock, to taste it, to feel it in my mouth and throat," she explained, her voice dripping with lust as I held myself down inside her. "I love being allowed to please you, sir," she admitted with a low groan, her body twitching faintly at the admission, her cheeks burning.

"Lucky for you that I enjoy fucking you," I told her, still holding onto a tangle of hair as I started to fuck her, pumping away at her cunt from below. This angle made it more awkward to fuck - I had to make my movement more up-down than back-forth - but it also made it easy to just grope and molest her body. My fingers trailed up those well-toned abs, eventually finding their way to one of her breasts and giving it a vicious squeeze, relishing the wet noise of surprise as she got molested like that. "You have nice, plump tits. Biggest I've seen yet, come to think of it," I told her, as I fucked into her harder, enjoying the way her pussy continued to squeeze on my dick. "Hmm. Only Esther really seems like she might be in competition, but I'm pretty sure yours are bigger."

"Thuh, thank you, sir," she said. I smacked her tit sharply, using my superspeed to make the movement come out as sharp and rapid as I could manage. A bit of spittle escaped her mouth in a spray as her eyes went wide from the strike.

"Why are you thanking me, Sow? It's nothing to be proud of. You didn't give yourself these fat tits, did you?" She shook her head rapidly. "No. I was just commenting on your body objectively, not paying you a compliment. Now, apologize to all the other, much better, women that I'm fucking, for daring for one single second that your tits being big gave you some kind of advantage over them."

"Yes, sir. Sorry, Xico! You're better than me, even if you're small and flat-chested, because I'm just a sow who's lucky to get fucked by such a handsome guy!"

"You know something interesting about that?" I asked, tugging on her hair a bit as I spoke. She shook her head. "I think Mira knows we're fucking," I told her, my voice a hiss, and she turned scarlet. "You and me, me and Xico. But I'm pretty sure the fact that I'm fucking Xico doesn't bother her at all, not compared to the fact that I'm fucking you." I was mostly spitballing, making things up. But, Mira had actively commented that Xico and I's dynamic was cute; she'd seemed protective of me against Kate, early on. It fit well enough. "You know why I think that is?"

"Nuh, no, sir," she panted out, as I roughly kept on fucking her, my fingers just digging into her tit as I yanked on her hair some more.

"Because Xico, even if she's shy, and tiny, and a virgin - well, former now that I've gotten to her - is a nice girl who it's easy to see the positive points of. You're a boorish pervert with no social sense. How could I even bother fucking you? Just because you're hot? That makes me seem shallow." I slid my hand away from her breast, running it down her stomach. "What do you think, Sow? Do you think that I'm shallow for fucking you?"

"I, duh, don't know, sir," she replied, as my fingers trailed their way down to her pussy, my fingertips beginning to tease her clit. Her whole body locked up, and I used my grip on her hair to push her back down, until her body was parallel with the floor, just floating there.

"That's right. You don't know. Because you're a horny, dumb, sow, who doesn't know anything." I slammed myself deep inside her and pinched her clit, prompting an intense orgasm on her part, a moan escaping her throat. "And the answer is, yes. I'm shallow for fucking you. I just think of you like a masturbation aid, really. I don't even think about your feelings." I could tell by the patterns of her squeezing pussy and the way her upper body twisted that she was loving these words. It was a complete lie - I was pretty much thinking about what she liked every second to try to satisfy those likes - but it was clearly one she loved. "That's why I made you wait a half hour while I flirted with Esther, that's why I went to text Nora rather than fuck you, and I'm going to keep, doing, things, like that," I grunted out, my hips bucking as I felt my own orgasm rapidly approaching.

I came only a second or two later, my cum coming out in wild jets that made me feel like there ought to be a bit of kick, for how hard they came out. Kate squirmed and gasped at the sensation, as my hot cum filled her up. It felt so, fucking good. just unloading inside her without a care in the world, after mistreating her, degrading her, using her - and knowing that she loved it, was thankful for it. I pulled out of her with a sigh. "Do you want to stay over the night?" She nodded rapidly. "There's just one thing you have to do, if you want that," I told her. She swallowed and nodded.

I took hold of her hips with one hand, her shoulders with the other. First I flipped her around, her back faced the ground, not her stomach; then I twisted her up, shifting her shape from a flat line to a lewd C shape, her pussy perched over her head, angled so that any leaking cum or her own juices would splash down on her face.

"If you can hold that position for half an hour, I'll let you stay the night. Do you think you can do it for me, Sow?"

"Yes, sir. Oink oink!" She agreed, nodding rapidly. Fuck, that was hot.

"Good girl," I said, before leaving her there to go watch a TV show.

* * *

When I came back, Kate's face had become a bit of a mess, from the leak of her own juices and my cum. It was a sight to behold, all the more because I could see the way she'd kept holding that exact position, her knees currently trembling slightly in the air, her body still in the same place, dark hair trailing down towards the floor. "Good work, Sow," I told her. I'd have pat her head, but she was now a mess, and also upside down. "You can rip off the tape now. Go get yourself cleaned up and presentable. I want you to look like a normal girl when we go to bed together." She twisted in the air, tore her way out of her confines, then hurriedly flew into my bathroom. I just smiled at how eager she was.

Maybe relating to somebody purely through sex was "bad," but it was also really fun. A minute or two later, she came out of the bathroom, her hair wet, her face clean, and her body completely naked. She almost trembled under my appraising gaze, as if afraid she'd fucked up somehow and I was going to kick her out for it. "Is this better, sir?"

"Yes. It's very good, Sow." I gave her head a pat, and she smiled at the touch. "Now, did you know some people keep pigs as pets?" She flushed with color at the question, but nodded. "If you're a pet, Sow, where do you think you're going to sleep tonight?"

"At the foot of the bed, sir," she asked, and there was a flush to her cheeks as she asked it. There was a hint of defeat in her voice, though. Like she'd really been hoping for the two of us to go to bed cuddling, but if I ordered her to stay down there, she would.

Some men might have taken advantage of her explicit consent to do something like that despite her wishes. I was far kinder. I just slapped her face sharply. "Oh? Nobody ever cuddles with their dog, wraps it in a big bear hug, Sow?"

"S-sorry, sir," she said, swallowing wetly. "They do. I was too stupid to remember that."

"Well, don't worry. Pets don't have to be smart," I told her, rolling my shoulders. "Come on. Let's go to sleep. I'm tired." She nodded, and soon enough, she was lying on her side in the bed, my arms wrapped around her naked, gorgeous body, and a dopey smile on her lips.

We drifted off to sleep together like that.

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