Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Entering A Harem

When you've just come in a woman for the umpteenth time, and she presses her naked body against you, offering to keep you and suck you off and fuck you and all the rest as much as you like, if you just become hers... well, you normally think of those sorts of sweet nothings as pillow talk, not some type of binding contract. Apparently, May disagreed, though, because she suddenly jerked me to my feet, her hand lancing out into the open air in my bedroom. I blinked blearily as she hefted me up, her arm wrapping around my waist, my naked body resting on her shoulder as she carried me through a portal.

The room we arrived in was circular in its nature, with a visible, open balcony, a pair of curtains ready to be drawn if and when May decided. It was lavishly furnished, with a wide variety of clearly quite expensive or well-made baubles, the marble floor having several rugs of wildly distinct designs. Some looked Mesoamerican or Persian in design, and others followed equally complex and beautiful patterns that I didn't recognize. May laid me down on her (opulent) bed, smiling down at me with an almost maternal affection, like you might to a new pet kitten, her fingers idly stroking through my sweat-slick hair. "You will do so well here, Roger," she told me, fingers trailing along my bare skin. "And I will keep my side of my promise... sex as often and as debauched as you like, for as long as we both shall live. Humans from your world... you'll live fifty or sixty years, won't you?"

I managed to gather my wits - and strength - enough to speak up then. "What are you doing, May?"

"Ah... May was just an assumed name. The name of a girl a couple centuries ago who outwitted me. Nothing like you, my handsome little beast," she said, with a husky exhalation. "You may call me Fals from today forth; Fals Serjane, the Erlqueen. You'll be staying here, in my personal quarters, for as long as you like."

"I'd prefer to go home," I told her, not entirely sure what sort of situation I was in just yet.

"Mmm... I am afraid that shall not come to pass. I will be keeping you for the remainder of your life, in return for bringing you to ecstasy whenever you so please - that was our agreement." She licked her lips. "If you'd like, I have a few draughts that could bring you back from your exhaustion."

I thought about what she had said carefully, using my superspeed to analyze the whole insane situation. There was no way she would get away with this - Star Heroic would come find me, I was sure of that. But how long would it take? And I'd really rather not get raped a bunch in the meantime. I had liked May, a dominant girl who nevertheless could have been overpowered at any moment; I did not like the thought of doing the same things with Fals, since she was really strong and could actually force me into them. Still, there was an obvious reason to ask for a recovery potion - namely, that I was fucking exhausted from coming so much with her, which made me less able to recovery. "Please."

She giggled at that. "Insatiable beast," she said, idly stroking my naked thigh for a moment before rising to her feet, her naked body on full display. She looked quite nice, even then, her pale skin and golden hair scarcely touched by the sex we had made, only a faint tousling visible in her hair and perhaps the hint of a trickle of my seed running down her inner thigh. She soon recovered a glass bottle the size of a salt shaker, inside which was a red, viscous fluid. "Drink it down," she told me, popping the top off with an idle movement of her thumb, then offering it to my lips.

I sucked it down quick. She probably had not just brought me here in order to poison me, so I wasn't too worried about something awful happening to me because of my drinking it all, and she just smiled dotingly as she watched me swallow again and again. My cock soon revived, and I felt the aching exhaustion of my body quickly leave me, my whole being seeming ready to go again.

I snapped to my feet in a heartbeat, using my superspeed to yank the bottle right out of her hands. She had only the time to raise an eyebrow before I grabbed the door - and it didn't open, at all. It was locked. Right. I moved again, pulling the blanket off the bed to haphazardly cover myself, rushing over for the balcony. Mira had said that gravity probably didn't apply to me like it did normal people, but as I moved to clamber over the edge and leap down below - I was once more stopped by some invisible force.

"Do you wish to play cat and mouse?" She said, as I let my superspeed fall to try reasoning with her. "I can enjoy a game like that, my little Roger," she said, rising to her feet once more, utterly confident in her nakedness.

"No, I want to go home," I told her. She tilted her head, then sighed.

"I already told you no such thing shall happen. I caught you, fair and square. You are bound here by the magic of that vow you made to me." My heart started to race in my chest as the possibility of getting violently raped by a superpowered woman finally seemed to be instantiated, and my fear must have been coming off me like a visible force as I cowered at the edge of the balcony. "Mm... do you truly not wish to be here, at my side, held in my arms for the rest of your days, delighting in my body and the pleasures I inflict upon you?"

"No, I really, truly, don't."

She let out a tsking noise. "Well, I am no blackguard who will go about raping the unwilling." I sighed in relief, ready to completely change my opinion of her - then she kept speaking. "You will stay with my other trophies from other worlds, until and unless you wish to enjoy my body once more," she explained to me. "Then you have merely to call, and should I hear, I will come running."

I could see the very obvious rules lawyering here. "That seems like it lets you just stick me in a cage and not do anything with me."

"Surely not. There will be guards who will carry your need to me, do not fret," she said, smiling lightly, utterly confident.

"Look, I only agreed because I was horny and tuckered out," I said, trying a different tack.

"That may well be, but you agreed," she said.

"What's said in pillow talk can't be considered legally binding."

"Now, now," Fals said, waving her finger at me. "It was hardly as if you were declaring your undying love for me in the throes of pleasure. As you yourself confessed - you were tired. The sex was over. It wasn't mere sexy talk to delight my senses and encourage my pleasure, it was an answer to a question asked."

"I don't think that qualifies in American law for informed consent, especially since I didn't know you were an evil fae queen."

"Evil? Now, please, let's leave behind such moralizing." She waved her hand airily as if she could just dismiss the idea that trying to kidnap me, and then successfully kidnapping me, was evil. "As to the law of Meiriceá - well, we're hardly in your home country, now are we?" She paused for a moment, tilting her head to one side as she stared me down. "As I said. You can be my bedmate, my constant companion, your lusts slaked every day - or you can stay with my other trophies until such time as you choose to lie with me once more. It is your choice, so choose. Simply looking upon your body leaves me with the desire to devour you."

When I'd thought she was just a normal girl, lines like that were really hot, because I 'knew' I held all the power. Now it was extremely unpleasant to hear. "I'd rather not spend any more time with you, while I wait for a rescue."

She let out a faint laugh, at the idea that I would be rescued. "It is your choice." She strode over to what looked like a wardrobe, slid her fingers across it. I decided to take a chance, snapping forward at superspeed and trying to rabbit punch her in the back of the neck. She merely tilted her head forward, like I'd tried to give her a noogie or something, but it did nothing. She turned around, grabbing for my hand before I drew it back at superspeed. "Behaving so childishly is unbecoming, Roger."

"If you don't like it, you can send me home."

She smiled at that. "Perhaps. But, I do admire your grit. That is what attracted me to you in the first place, after all. Now, are you going to be childish, or may I get you clothes rather than parade you nude in front of my subjects?"

"...I'd rather the clothes," I admitted, and she turned her attention back to the wardrobe.

* * *

Fals was thoughtful as we headed to what appeared to be... well, a literal harem. It was like a small walled village, though by the construction and level of security, it was fairly clearly quite important. Inside was a vast garden, artificial babbling brooks, a few lovely trees, and generally the kind of thing you'd expect in a park, as well as several different houses arrayed near (but not quite at) the walls. She paused as we stepped inside, and I saw a few different people poke their heads out.

They didn't all look human, and most of them were male. One had curling goat horns, a svelte, boyish figure, and the lower body of a satyr; another was a willowy, slender man whose face seemed to have been airbrushed away, leaving him with a nose sans nostrils and a mouth without lips, and no eyes or hair. She walked us past them as they silently stared at us; unlike myself, they did seem to like Fals, by the way they looked at her, wanting to be with her again.

"I would not mention to them the specifics of our relationship," she whispered to me, as she held her hand on my upper arm, gripping me tight and keeping me from running off. "I try to keep my men well taken care of, but men are a jealous sort."

"Right, got it." Don't tell them that I had instant access to Fals and her bedchambers whenever I so much as asked, presumably.

"Now, I do believe you will do best if you are partnered with Stitch," she told me. "She's from another world, like yourself; though not your Earth or the Earth from which I acquired you. Stitch," she called out as she arrived in front of one of the buildings, and then the door opened.


The girl - Stitch, apparently - wore a hoodie and had... the lower jaw of a dog, complete with exaggerated snout and fur, while it turned quickly into a human face past that point. She had hazel eyes and short black hair with blue tips. "Fals, you here to play? I think Oleander and Dewdrop would be down for something together... oh, new boy?"

"New boy," Fals agreed. "If he asks for me, tell the guards, yes?"

"Got it. Uh, hi," Stitch said, running a hand through her hair. "Don't know why she's introducing you to me, I'm kinda the local freak," she said, offering a hand to me.

I took it. "You don't seem that freakish to me." Xico was probably weirder. Maybe not, actually. Well, she had the tongues...

"She means that she has debauched tastes - which is what makes her such a delightful individual for you to keep company with. Stitch, this one is very lascivious, but don't hurt him, hmm?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm not some fucking rapist." Her expression was hard to read as she looked at me. "You got a name, frosh?"

"Roger," I said.

"Roger. Like fuck. You a whore? Thought she didn't like whores."

Fals rolled her eyes. "I like heroes, revolutionaries, world-striding figures. Vagrants are what disinterest me, Stitch, not men of loose morals." She released my arm. "Regardless, I shall leave you two. Your vow will keep you here, save if you are coming to join my bed, Roger."

"Ah, it's that kinda thing," Stitch said, as Fals left. She looked at me for a few seconds. "Well, I'm Stitch, this is the queen's harem. We're allowed to fuck each other, but you'll probably have an easier time than me, even if this place is like, three-to-one male. I mean, if you wanna," she said.

"I want to get out."

"I want a pony." She looked around. "Damn, no ponies."

"Yes, yes," I said, in annoyance. "I'm going to try scaling the walls."

"You know that you're in Arcadia, right? Unless you have the ability to open a 5DKS - err, a five-dimensional kaleidoscope - a portal between universes," she said, as she saw I didn't know either of those terms. "You're just going to be stuck in the kingdom she's the queen of."

"My friends already rescued somebody from here once."

"Not from here, frosh," Stitch said.

"Well, I will get out of here, then go wherever they rescued her from."

"Who was it?"

"Xico's mother, she's a Xaxuther taliké," I explained. When she clearly had no idea what that was, I continued: "It's like a flying squid."

"Ohhh, I heard about that," Stitch said. "Yeah, she just let that thing go and wasn't fighting for it. You made a vow that's holding you here. But sure, I'll cast Vertex on you, I know a bit of magic." She reached out for me, tapping my chest, her hand glowing. "There. You can now walk horizontally or upside down."

"Uh. Thanks?" I moved over to the wall, testing it - and yes, I could do exactly that, smiling broadly as I strode up the wall - and when I reached the top, I promptly reached an invisible, impassable barrier. I tried smacking my hand against it a few times, even kicking it, but it just sort of... took it. Like kicking a mattress. It made it feel like there was some potential, but the further I pushed, the stronger the resistance got until I was stopped. I decided to try at another point of the "wall," but it also didn't work.

* * *

When one is approached with a task of great importance, one generally finds the will to keep pushing oneself, even in the case where no apparent progress is made. After all, if one stops just one step before success would be reached, the humiliation would be grievous. That is why I spent a solid ten hours testing the barrier around the harem at various points - the walls were thick, and I could get about halfway across them, so I did it all without being observed by anybody inside or outside the harem.

Unfortunately, it was completely pointless in the end, and I wound up having to come back down. Stitch had actually tried to help me out, so I decided to visit her. "Hey, you're back," she said, after I knocked on the door to her little house. "I figured you had just decided to sleep in one of the other unoccupied houses."

"No," I replied. "Why would I?"

"You know. Because I'm a stitch." I just blinked at that. "A... human-animal hybrid." She waved her hand in front of her face. "People don't generally like us."

"Wait. Your name is Stitch, and you are a stitch?"

"No, Stitch is my nickname."

"What's your birth name, then?"

"Something stupid that I'm not gonna tell you. Upside of leaving your home universe, nobody knows your embarrassing name. Family that commissioned me picked it, and they thought of me more as a dog than a person."

"But... you're pretty clearly a person," I said, squinting a bit.

She shrugged at that. "Has that ever stopped people before?"

"No," I agreed. "Do you know why she put me next to you?" I asked, glancing around. Stitch's house seemed relatively isolated from the others - other than the empty, adjoining house, that was presumably mine now.

"Not... really. She mostly keeps me around because I'm exotic, we don't really fuck. I think she just keeps me here to help burn off the boys' energy, I dunno. Plus, I got nowhere else to be, since I left home."

"Nowhere else to be?"

"Part of our deal was that she'll let me go home whenever I want, but, I'm a fugitive on my home world."

"She can drop you off somewhere else on your planet, right? Surely people can't care about you that much."

"They can when you become part of a revolutionary cell that tries to overthrow the government and fails, and you, specifically, cut open the President of the United States' throat with your knife." She idly toyed with the weapon on her belt.

"Oh," I said. There wasn't much more to say.

"He deserved it," Stitch said. "Was trying to keep stitches and homonculi and synths and the rest of us in de facto slavery."

"Well, good, then," I replied. A silence hung over us both. "So, you know magic?"

"Only a few spells. Your Earth not have it?"

Did they have magic? I hadn't seen a magic hero. Or had I? I didn't honestly pay that much attention, and Erlqueen was a magic villainess, right? "Not my original Earth," I decided on. "Is it hard to learn?"

"You have to be saturated in mana. Maybe after you spend... I dunno, a few months here, you'll be able to learn magic."

"I'd rather not spend a few months here," I noted, as if for posterity.

"I'd rather not be stuck here either, but I am. Sooner you accept that, happier you'll be." She stretched, letting out a long yawn, her tongue stretching out in a very doglike - and strangely cute - movement. "It's getting late, frosh. We can talk tomorrow, I'm gonna curl up and sleep."

She didn't give me the chance to argue, so I wound up going to my 'house.' It was pretty richly furnished, with a very comfortable bed (comfortable enough that I idly wondered if there was some way to take it back to Earth), but even the nicest places seem terrible when you can't leave them.

Or when someone's keeping you there, I suppose. I certainly didn't mind living on the reversed sexual morality superhero Earth that I'd found myself in.

* * *

I woke up the next day with a boner, which was fairly expected, given I was a guy... but the only place that came to mind to get rid of it was Fals. I was actually horny enough to half consider fucking her, though even in my head, I was arguing that I could do it in some humiliating way, like a brutal throatfuck. Then I remembered that women in this world (cluster of worlds?) didn't give a fuck about that, so I just pulled down my pants and got ready to jerk off. It had been a while for me, but it's like riding a bicycle, you never forget.

My thoughts drifted between Xico, Kate, Mira, Tsuru, Nora, toying with each of them in turn as I stroked myself off. Xico, nervously looking up at me from her knees, her little tails wagging as she sucked me off; Kate, obediently floating in the air, her hair hanging down as I fucked her throat and groped her tits; Mira and Tsuru hungrily slurping me off, playing with my balls, both looking up at me with some lusty smug look as they made me feel good; and Nora, just facefucking herself on my cock, quite literally, with both hands on the back of one of her heads as she pounded away while kissing me, another body rimming me as she went.

I was interrupted from my jack off session by a knock at my door. "Yo, frosh, I'm up if you wanna talk some more. Otherwise I'm gonna go get some booze."

My dick was hard. An attractive, cute girl had just knocked on the door. I paused in my stroking as my brain performed a calculation - it was obviously done very poorly, but it spat out the expected result. "You want to come in and take care of my dick?"

"What?" She asked, clearly surprised by my words. She actually opened the door just a bit, peeking in. "Oh, wow, you really said that. Worried my ears were going bad," she said, idly playing with those doggy ears. Given the content of my current batch of sexual fantasies, I wondered how her snout would interact with a blowjob.

"If you suck me off I'll eat you out," I told her, my hand on my cock still.

There were a couple seconds of silence, then she practically loped forward, hopping onto the bed, and kicking off her shoes a moment later, pivoting to be on hands and kneel between my naked legs. Her tongue flashed out over her lips. "Yeah, sure thing," she said, and it honestly seemed like she was more enticed by the blowjob than the cunnilingus - or maybe just the general 'sex act' reality than the potential oral later.

A blowjob with a girl with a snout was different. Her nose booped against my dick, cool as it brushed against my length, and she sniffed it noisily, which was much sexier, given the implication of her much superior sense of smell. Then her tongue slipped out past her mouth, long and very warm as it slid along my whole length, her moving up and down with her head to just lavish me with a big, fat, wonderful tongue, my cock throbbing against her tongue as she wriggled her way slowly up my whole length. Hot breaths escaped her throat as she moved, serving like a kind of silent statement that she was definitely enjoying herself, and her hazel eyes stared up at me as she worked me over.

Her tongue wasn't as flexible as Xico's, but it made up for it with sheer girthy size. It rubbed all over my dick as she slid her mouth this way and that, at times managing to press against maybe a full quarter of my cock in a single moment, as she kept on moving endlessly up and down, my length throbbing and twitching from the treatment. I was soon completely coated in her spit as she kept on working, her hand reaching down to play with my balls, brushing softly against them as she fondled me.

Still, she hadn't actually taken me into her mouth... was it just not possible, with that long snout? She licked at my tip, collecting the small quantity of precum that had manifested there, her eyes staring up at me all the while - then she started to slide forward, her tongue stretching forward on the underside of my cock, rubbing against it and making me gasp a bit at the sensations. Her mouth was stretched wide open, lips peeling back to accommodate my dick, showing off shiny white teeth - but every girl I'd ever been with had teeth, they weren't really a thing that concerned me too much. I gasped as she pressed that cool nose of hers against the pelvis. With how long her snout was, only the first couple inches of my dick could get into her throat, and it made me groan and jerk, causing her to gag as my cock throbbed back there.

That just made me feel even better, the sweet coiling of her throat around the top inch or so of my cock, the way her tongue wriggled and slid about uncomfortably on the underside of my cock, the way her hands grasped my hips to try to keep herself in place. What with me being worked up from earlier, I came at that point, spraying cum all over the inside of her mouth, splattering it as she started to pull back, her hand coming up to jerk me off right on her tongue. She stared into my mouth seriously as I came, then I sighed in relief as the last few drops of cum finished depositing themselves in her mouth.

For a long few seconds, she just seemed to rest there, mouth closing, seeming to taste my cum - then she noisily swallowed, licking up the couple little splatters from the sheets where they'd gone out past her mouth.

I took a few seconds after that to catch my breath, then started to rise. "Let me pay you back," I said.

"Uhm," she said, making me suddenly hesitate, because it sounded like she wanted something else. "If you want to pay me back... look, eating me out is perfectly fine, but I like watching guys do it with other women. Multiple women, ideally." My cock twitched at those words. "Getting gangbanged," she said, though her eye was now on my cock as she saw my reaction, actually panting as she saw me start getting hard again. "You on your back, one girl on your face, another on your cock... your hands playing with my pussy as you get used from both ends." My cock was twitching pretty regularly by that point, and rock hard again. She took a long breath, then started sucking me again, with a certain hungry energy to her eyes as she slurped up my dick once more, quickly taking it to the base as I just gasped and twitched in response, her throat such a wonderfully tight thing, making my brain mildly fry for several seconds as she wormed her tongue around.

She started actually bobbing, which I wouldn't have expected to be that good, but the cool booping feeling of her nose against my pelvis as her throat twisted around my cockhead, plus the way her tongue wriggled excitedly across my whole length, it was really, really nice. She sucked and worked me over like that for ten minutes or so, until I finally came in her throat, and this time she just held herself down, letting me ejaculate right down her throat. A little spurt escaped her nose, and she had pink sclera by the end of it, but she just quickly licked it up - with her long tongue, she didn't have to use her fingers.

"Uhm. Right, so, you eat me out, or fuck me, dealer's choice, then I find you a gal to stick that hard, twitching, throbbing, thirsty slutty cock of yours in, right?" She asked me, starting to pull off her clothes as she spoke, a heat to her cheeks.

"Sure," I agreed. "Uh. You don't know any spells that can get me out of here, right?" I asked, as she wiggled her way out of her pants.

"No," she said, "not besides Vertex, which didn't work." Her panties were finally discarded, and we both shifted on the bed so that she lay on her back, her body quite athletic, with petite but plenty perky tits, pink nipples seeming to beg to be sucked. I was atop her, and she had said that I could fuck her instead of eating her out, so...

I leaned forward, taking her breast into my mouth, grasping the base of my cock and sliding it into her sex. She was quite tight, her inner walls rapidly moving to massage me. The fur of her muzzle only stretched down a couple inches along her throat - beneath that point, she was pretty much just flawless and hairless, and I started to fuck into her pretty damn hard, pretty damn fast. I had superhuman sex skills by this point, and Stitch seemed pretty nice, and stuck there just like me, and I was horny as fuck. My hand went to her clit, and I started to tease and play with it at superhuman speed, making her squirm and gasp as I rutted inside her.

From my perspective, the pace I was fucking her at was lethargic - I was running at several times normal speed, but I was keeping an objectively basically-human rate of fucking, while I continued to play with her clit at superhuman speeds. She shivered beneath me, wiggling delightfully back and forth, her pussy squeezing and massaging my cock as she moved beneath me. Hot breaths escaped her snout as she enjoyed herself, and then she started to talk. "Ooo, fuck, you know, how to work a clit, you little, slut," she breathed out, her legs soon wrapping around my hips. Not really forcefully, just more out of pleasure - though, when she came, she suddenly snapped me down, gripping me and holding me deep inside her as she wiggled and gasped and howled in pleasure.

And I do mean howled - I guess that when she was designed, she was intentionally modified to be more animalistic. Probably so the people who made her didn't have to feel guilty about enslaving another person.

Well, at the moment, I was just going to enjoy myself, and make sure she enjoyed herself too. She gasped and spasmed beneath me in the throes of ecstasy, and when she came back down, she went right back down to that. "You, are one, horny little slut, aren't you," she gasped out, continuing to twitch desperately in place. Her hands grasped at my head, holding me against her. "Fuck, fuck, Fals fucked up pissing you off, if you fuck like, this," she got out, before howling in pleasure as another orgasm hit her.

For long minutes, I just fucked her like that, pounding away - she came repeatedly as I fucked her, but eventually I reached the point where my energy was at a limit, and I simply fired out all my cum deep inside her. She shuddered softly at the feeling, eyelashes fluttering as she stared down at me, fingers continuing to dotingly run through my hair. "That's a good boy," she got out, before collapsing.

"You want to cuddle?" I asked, and she nodded rapidly in response; we wound up cuddling for an hour or so, her nuzzling into my naked body with her own, equally naked body.

It was a nice respite from the reality of being a slave.

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