Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Sexual Infamy & May’s Countermove

One of the things that it is easy to forget, for a heterosexual man from my world, is that for women, their perception of sexual chastity very much matters. As an adult from the modern USA, I was never particularly attached to the idea that a sexual partner would be a virgin or experienced - it was like asking if I liked blondes or redheads, when there were so many other, more important factors. Even if she was incredibly promiscuous, well, whatever, no skin off my nose as long as she's not manipulating people. I just sort of assumed that everyone else - at least, other than the most obnoxious sort of asshole - was much the same way.

In retrospect, of course there are countless subtle signals about how much women cared about others' perception of sexual promiscuity, and how much men of this world cared too. I just didn't think about them, because they didn't affect me - a classic human fault.

Still, it left me surprised when Mira stepped into my office, glancing at Xico, then at me, her lips curling on her face unhappily. "Roger, we need to talk," she said. She reached into her jacket and took out a magazine. It was some glossy, ugly thing with a stupid name - Much Needed Inquiry. The picture on the front cover was of Mira and me, naked in the hot tub, clearly taken with some zoom lens or something. I just stared down at it, my brow furrowing mildly. What was the significance of it? "I'm sorry. My neighbor cut down some trees recently, apparently it gave a sightline for a zoom camera."

"Well, I guess it's bad that my half-naked body's on a magazine cover, but my face is blurred out," I said, with a shrug. Xico at that point quietly shifted her weight to try to get a better perspective on the cover of the magazine - I noticed and just shifted it over so she could see more easily.

"Everybody here is going to figure it out, and there's a decent chance other people will too."

"That's fine with me," I said. "Well. I guess I don't want to be kidnapped for ransom money or something, since I'm apparently your 'lover'. Do you think that'll be a problem?"

She blinked at that, then shook her head. "I can pay for a bodyguard or two for you, but probably not. Look, what's important is, people talk. Journalists will - you know - somebody will investigate this, and they'll find out that I'm not your only sexual partner. Penny will probably blab. Maybe they'll worm it out of Xico. Nora might admit it." She ran one hand through her hair, looking exasperated or anxious.

It was at that point that the whole thing seemed to click into place for me - Mira's concern was that my reputation would be dragged through the mud by the revelation that I was sexually promiscuous. "Oh, okay. Well, I only really care about what you people think of me, so..." I trailed off. "And even then, mostly the single superheroines." Alexios and Hank and Jacy seemed like nice guys, but there was a big disconnect between us, and I was mostly introverted anyway - if I hadn't had a sexual relationship with these girls, I probably would only have spent time with... Xico? Maybe play video games with Lope, or Mira? Maybe one or two, still, basically.

Mira frowned at that, simply staring me down - then her gaze flicked over to Xico, then back to me, her lips pursing as she stared me dead in the eyes. "You really don't care if everybody here thinks you're a slut?"

"Do they... not already?" I asked, glancing past her to the door. I hadn't been overtly subtle in my sexual promiscuity, and I'd had sex with eight of my coworkers. It was hard to believe that people didn't know. "I mean, that words a bit rude, I guess, but have somehow eight of my coworkers kept it a secret that we've had sex? When there are telepaths around?"

She stared at me again, rubbing her chin. "Hm. You're making me try to figure you out again. It's gotta relate to social mores, since even Alexios would be a bit annoyed at a newspaper saying he's a slut. Fuck, I almost have it, I can just about taste it. Much more sexually liberal culture?"

"Not really," I replied. It was approximately as sexually liberal - just with the sexes reversed.

"Tch. Well, don't be surprised if some other people come by to visit and check on you - I can't imagine that I'll be the only one to do so." She straightened up, flattening her jacket as she did. "I've got to go talk to Hank about this whole situation." I just nodded, idly tilting my head to admire her butt as she headed out of the office.

Xico spoke up, then. "It really... doesn't bother you?" Xico asked. "Mira... was worried... the article... is bad..."

I took the magazine, flipping through it to read what it had to say about me. Basically nothing, they seemed to be suggesting I was more Mira's new secret beloved, kept hidden from the world to be just her personal pet, or some similar nonsense. They didn't even have my name. "It's not really that bad."

"No... the article will make... other articles, that are bad..." Xico explained, nervously.

"Let's say that I called you a slut, Xico," I said, turning my attention to her. She frowned a bit at that. "How do you feel about that?"

"I'm not..." she started, as if ready to say she wasn't a slut. "Well... it's weird... to say..."

"Exactly. That's how it feels to me. Weird. Irrelevant. Stupid. I'm a man, not a slut." I turned my attention back to my computer, and Xico appeared to consider my answer to suffice, because she fell quiet.

* * *

Alexios was the first one to actually come into my office. "I'm so sorry," he said, holding a copy of Much Needed Inquiry in his hand. He saw Mira's copy, which still sat on the corner of my desk. "Ah, you know. I really hate these awful tabloid owners. They just feed off people's desire for stupid gossip, when it's no one's business! Back in Atlantis, this sort of thing was a crime against public morality." He smacked the magazine cover as if for emphasis. "It's a complete sham! It would be one thing if Mira were cheating on her husband or something, but you are both adults allowed to enjoy and indulge yourselves!"

I appreciated the thought, and it was certainly interesting to see Alexios so animated. "Thanks for your concern, but I'm not really worried about it."

"Ah..." he paused for a moment, looking sympathetic. "Do you love her?"

"Wha- no," I said.

He blinked rapidly, seeming confused more than anything else. "Oh! It's your first time being on the receiving end of these kinds of tabloids. They love coming after me for the pettiest things. When I was with Nora, I just- ugh. It just pisses me off thinking about it. They've decided I'm some kind of slovenly harlot, and if you're not careful, they'll do the same to you."

This was incredibly hard for me to figure out how to parse, follow, or respond. Fortunately, Xico could speak up. "He's not... worried about... that," she said. "Mira... already told him..."

"I see." He took out his copy, flipping through it to find something. "See this? This is the kind of thing these people do," he said, holding up the page to me.

Enosigaios - Earthshaker, or Golddigger?
Alexios Iraklidis was spotted on a date with Kanon Nakahara, the sixty-three year old widow and heir to the Nakahara family fortune. Despite being a mere thirty-one years old by his own admission, he's dating a woman almost twice his age - and it's not hard to take a wild guess as to his real intentions, given her family wealth.

It went on like that for a bit. "Yes, I did go on a date, with a lovely and thoughtful older woman. I'm not after her money! But because she's older, oh, no man could ever want to be with a rich older woman, just because she's mature and sweet, could he?" He huffed. "The date they took that photo on, I paid for," he added. "That's what they'll do to you, turn everything you do upside down while they look to ruin your life. Poseidon, I want to just strangle them." His hands absently gripped at the air, as if there were anything to grab there.

"Ah. Well. I don't date older women."

He tilted his head at me meaningfully. "Come on, Roger. You're not stupid."

"True," I agreed.

He let out a small laugh at that. "Up, up, improve that mood, Roger," he said, hefting his hands in a simulation of it. "This is bad, of course, but don't take it out on others. The best way to deal with these people, is to be incredibly boring. If they decide to leave you alone, then you won't have to worry about them micromanaging every single romantic decision you make, as if it was any of their damn business."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"And! And!" He huffed loudly, puffing up his chest. "They harass you! They want to interview you! You know, before this article went out, they called me? They even offered me money if I had any sexy details about Kan-chan - that's what she likes me to call her - that I would share. Just atrocious people. Get as far from them as you can."

"I think... Roger... doesn't want to... keep talking," Xico offered.

"Oh! I'm sorry," Alexios said, seeming genuinely apologetic. "These people just get me so mad, rgh. Take care of yourself, if you need any help, I'll be right there for you, alright?" He actually took my hand in his, squeezing it. He was way touchier than men back in my world, but I just nodded, and he gave me a smile that showed off some of those odd, pill-shaped teeth of his. "Good. I'll let you get back to work."

I was already finished with work for the day, but I still said, "Thank you." Once he was out of the office, I considered maybe having a quickie with Xico - and the door suddenly burst open, Lope standing in it.

"Dude!" She declared. "Dude. Were you, y'know, with Alexios, because hot if so?"

"No," I told her.

"Oh." She looked a tad crestfallen, but I couldn't imagine that was why she was here. "Right! I saw the thing with you banging Mira. She your type?" There was a certain insecurity in her voice.

"I like all types of women."

"Yeah, but you like some types more than others, right? Like, my type of woman, more than her type of woman."

I rubbed my forehead.

* * *

Over the remainder of the day, I got visits from pretty much every girl I was screwing (except Nora), and also Hank, who had come in to confirm that there weren't any untoward elements of my relationship with Mira. There weren't. It was exhausting, which was ironic, because I had pretty much finished all my work for the day by the time that Alexios stepped into my office, so having the same conversation ten times over was the annoying part. I felt almost achingly fried by the whole stupefying experience, as I got to my apartment door and started to unlock it.

May interrupted me though. "You look tired, Roger. Was it an arduous day of labor?"

"It was just some dumb drama," I told her. "I was photographed banging one of my coworkers, it got published in some stupid gossip rag," I explained. "Now everybody's worried the whole world will think I'm a slut."

She grinned at that. "Aren't you, though?" She stepped towards me, one finger sliding along my neck, up towards my chin. "I'd like to make you my personal slut... then no one could insult you." Her voice was hot in my ear, and my cock rock hard pretty much instantly to her touch. She just had this beautifully seductive way of speaking and moving, and even her scent was nice, like fresh pine or something. "My plaything. Part of my harem," she said, and I gently opened the door, letting her push me back into my apartment, her lips finding mine with obvious hunger, her hands reaching for my ass as her leg snapped up, loudly kicking the door shut with a heavy slam.

It was a bit odd to me, having her talk about having a harem she wanted to add me to, particularly given that she was a woman, but it just made me mentally file whatever her home country was down as 'probably weirdly reactionary,' like some Anglophonic Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Despite that, I let her push me slowly through my apartment, all the way back to my bedroom, where she practically shoved me onto the bed. She then grasped the bottom of her shirt, yanking it up and off, tossing it to the side, her breasts gently jiggling in a simple sports bra. I watched as that, too, vanished from sight, revealing a delicious, well-formed pair of tits... and the thought occurred, as she continued stripping - as I slowed down time to better admire her body as she moved - that she'd probably give me a titfuck. I stripped myself naked in the time it took for her to wiggle her way out of her panties, and spoke up.

"I want to fuck your tits," I said, and there was just a moment of listening before her lips turned into a wicked smile, soon clambering up onto the bed to join me there. "That means you get down between my legs, and wrap your breasts around my cock," I explained, remembering that Tsuru and Priscilla hadn't really had a good idea of it.

"I have heard of it," she told me, shifting down in between my legs. "Or, more accurately, one of my concubines became sufficiently debauched to propose it... but you hardly needed any work on my part to reach this point, did you?" She smiled as her hands brushed against my bare thighs, then she grabbed one of her breasts in either hand, hefting them up and leaning forward, soon wrapping them around my dick.

My length wasn't slick or anything, but she soon began to drool, her saliva dribbling over her lower lip to splatter onto the tip of my cock and down into the valley of her breasts. She didn't even need to be told what to do, starting to just massage my cock with her breasts, the paired movements seeming to rub and smear her spit and saliva into her tits. The whole time, she stared up at me, golden eyes seeming to pierce my soul as she worked, until at last, her tits and my cock were polished to an almost mirror shine - then, she no longer had to drool.

"Are you relishing the feeling of being trapped within my bosom?" She asked, and I nodded rapidly. "Then speak, my little slut," she said, her voice husky as she did. "Tell me your feelings. Tell me how much you want it. Or perhaps I could simply stop..." she teased, her hands on her tits suddenly ceasing their work at massaging that soft flesh into my length.

"It feels great," I told her, and she smiled at that. She resumed, but it was languid, methodical in its pace, a slow and gentle movement up and down. Teasing, in short. "Really, amazing, May," I told her, and she quietly leaned forward, idly flicking her tongue against the very tip of my dick where it popped out between her breasts, her gaze still on me, still demanding that I praise her. "Fuck, you're the first woman I've been with who knew what a titfuck was right off that bat."

Those were the words she wanted to hear, it seemed, because a moment later, she had leaned forward, wrapping her lips around my cockhead as her tits began to bounce on my dick, moving up and down together instead of separately, more a proper fuck than the languid and extremely pleasant massage she had been managing before. She hummed, her cheeks hollowing, her tongue slithering all along my dick, tasting me, delighting in my flavor as she worked to bring me off. I just groaned, lying back on the bed, closing my eyes and just losing myself in the moment.

She wasn't upset that I was 'paying less attention to her' - rather, she was clearly enticed by the fact that I was about to just pass out in bliss. She hummed and let out other soft noises around my dick, serving to vibrate it in her mouth, enticing me further. My hips bucked up against her tits, my balls slapping at the underside as I just groaned and lost myself in the moment, my cock throbbing frantically, desperately, as she just intensified her own pace, her own work. The pressure of her breasts on my spit-slick cock intensified, and as I opened my eyes to look down at her, to see what she was doing, I was treated to the sight of her own fingers practically mauling her tits, the soft flesh bubbling up between each and every finger.

Then I came. It was a gushing of a thing, just groaning as my hips bucked, as I ejaculated into her mouth. She sucked and swallowed with a hungry energy, as if every drop I could offer was something truly delicious, until at last I was spent and halfway collapsed onto the bed for a moment, panting at the sheer intensity of that orgasm. She let my cock loose from her tits, then, sitting up, giving me a view of her slightly-flush cheeks, pink hand-shaped marks left on her tits from where she'd been so vigorously pressuring them.

"Delicious," she told me, idly licking her lips. "I just want to eat you all up," she said, as she half-crawled forward on the bed, soon teasing her sex against my cockhead, her tits hanging down. "I want to keep you. To make you mine." She leaned forward, kissing at my neck, her lips softly trailing across my bare skin as her sex teased at my cock. "There's no reason a man as handsome as you should have to labor like a fieldhand," she told me, her fingers trailing through my hair as her lower lips finally began to engulf my length. "He should be kept, protected, cared for," she breathed out. "By me." She added, before hungrily kissing me on the lips, and slamming her hips down on my cock.

I groaned in pleasure at the sensation, as she started to bounce atop me. Her breasts jiggled, her hard nipples scraping across my bare flesh as she moved, up and down in rapid, intense sequence, her eyes wild with lust as she just went at it. Her tongue invaded my mouth as either hand clasped the sides of my face, holding me tight against her as she went, her blonde hair flowing downward, teasing at my features in profile. Heavy breaths escaped her lips, practically exhaling down into my mouth then slurping the breath up out of me, until at last she broke off the kiss, letting me pant for air.

"Mm... you should be mine," she told me, as she continued to bounce. "Why don't you abandon that job of yours, come with me to my homeland? You'll never want for anything, once you've accepted your place as mine..."

"That is a kind offer, but there are, nn, perks at my current job." Her pussy squeezed tighter around my dick as I spoke, as if trying to get me to shut up, but it didn't work.

"Come now. I can provide you anything you so desire..." she told me, going even faster, making her tits bounce excitedly.

"I get to fuck all my single coworkers, and I love it."

Her eyebrow tilted upward, and for a moment, I thought she was going to be angry and just stop fucking me and I'd wind up calling Nora or someone over to take care of my hard-on. Instead, though... "That's also a benefit of being part of my harem," she told me.

"I'm not into other men."

She let out this playful giggle at that, her pussy squeezing and wriggling around my cock in the process. "Ah, I had forgotten how you Americans can be about this sort of thing... of course, I have male and female concubines, and you're free to take your pleasure from whichever you like." Her pussy squeezed on my cock, her hands running along my stomach, and she came to the thought - of having me be hers, joining her harem, whatever the hell.

I gasped and twitched, my hips bucking up into her in the process, my cum threatening to spray out at any moment from the sheer intensity of her pussy wrapping around my cock. Part of me even dallied for a moment in the idle fantasy she had put in my brain with her words, that I could be part of a harem with however-many women, and be allowed to fuck them, and her, as I pleased. There was a certain sexiness to the concept of just not having to work, being able to focus entirely on sex... my hands came up for her hips, my arousal driving me to start pumping her up and down my cock, and she let out a laugh at that, detecting my arousal.

"So many women... from many exotic and interesting places," she told me, with a little wink. "Your little Xico can't compare to some of the women, in my, harem," she panted out, becoming breathless as I just went at it, ramming inside her, her pussy squeezing, milking, gripping my cock. "Ah... oh so many..." she breathed out, trying to get me to come, clearly, but she soon lost her voice as she came all over again, her pussy clamping down on my cock, hard.

I came, then, ejaculating deep inside her, every last spurt of cum filling her needy pussy as it silently begged for me to impregnate her. I was sure she was on the pill, but I hardly cared at that point, my body just doing its best to do something foolish and horny. When I was completely spent, I collapsed, momentarily enervated, my hands leaving her hips to rest on the bed on either side of my naked body.

"How very nice..." she said, one fingertip trailing across my bare skin, her tongue flashing out along her lips. "You look so very pleasing to the eye like this... drained of all life, of all lust, simply a pliant plaything..." She leaned down, kissing me on the neck, suckling at the bare skin there, as she kept my cock inside her, as she pressed her breasts down against my chest.

I was definitely not drained of all lust, though - I soon was reaching for her breasts, earning a delighted little laugh from May, who tilted her head up, staring down at me with flush cheeks and lusty eyes as I started to work my cock inside her. "I'm definitely not done."

"I'll make you finished," she told me, rising to start bouncing on my cock again, letting me watch her beautiful body work its way up and down my cock, my fingers sinking into her breasts. She rode me with force, her insides squeezing, her eyes growing slowly more wild with lust, her fingers digging into bare flesh here and there, groping me, playing with me. She just pounded away, coming once or twice before I orgasmed inside her as well, our two bodies twitching against one another - and then, when I was still hard, she'd go right back at it again.

Every word she said was honeyed milk, dominant, wanting to control me, but it came off in a sexy way, in the moment. "I desire you, Roger." "I wish for you to never have to labor another day, to merely live a life of indulgence and idleness, this handsome body of yours kept on display for me." "Experience the ecstasy I can give you, and be undone, forget everything else..."

When I finally was wrung out, after more than a dozen orgasms, I laid there, my softening cock still inside her, and she leaned over me, lovingly pecking my features, fingers sliding along my bare flesh with an exploratory bent, half wondering if I would or could get hard again. "Wouldn't you like to do this every day?" She asked, teasing my ear with her soft, whispery voice. "We could do it as much, and as often, as you like..."

* * *

Nora knocked on the door to Roger's home. One of her bodies was carrying a cake, as she had made a cake for Roger, because she wanted to do something nice for him to "cheer him up." Her mother had initially believed that Roger was cheating on her, however, Nora knew that Roger was sexually promiscuous and frequently did "moderately romantic" things with other women. She understood and could accept this, because she believed that there was a good probability that eventually Roger would realize that she was better for him than every alternative he had, and choose to become her man alone. Even if she failed, she would not regret trying, as she believed Roger was her ideal sexual partner.

He had not responded yet. She knocked on the door again, several times. She called out that it was Nora, who had brought a cake to help cheer him up. There was no response. She pressed an ear against the door, and it was silent. Had he gone out? She supposed that was possible. Before leaving, however, she tried the door, finding that it was unlocked. She paused as she opened the door to his apartment. Once more, there was no sign of Roger's continued presence, yet he had left the door unlocked. Normally Roger was very diligent about locking doors.

She stepped inside, being prepared for an attack by an assailant. As her bodies spread out through the apartment, however - the one with the cake placing it on the kitchen countertop after clearing that room - she soon saw that Roger was not present. What was present, however, were his clothes, including ones that he had clearly just stripped out of, given that they were in a tangle on the floor, and his smartphone, which was not even plugged in but still had lots of power, and all his pairs of shoes.

She even detected a faint trace of an ozone-like scent, which she recognized as accompanying interdimensional passages. Immediately, she called Star Heroic to tell them what she had discovered.

She hoped that what had happened was that Roger had found a way to return to his home universe, or somehow been drawn back to it. After all, the alternative was that he had been kidnapped from his home, just as he had already had to go through once. She did not like that thought very much at all.

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