Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Meeting Xico’s Mom

Xico sat down somewhat awkwardly on the cold metal chair, staring across the glass divider. She could feel her father's familiar presence, his warmth, his love, though also his hard edge as well. He looked different since he had been in prison, more muscular, more cleanshaven - she remembered his thick beard that she'd once played with, when she was younger, during... earlier times. Happier might not have been the right word.

Her father started talking in Xaxuther to her, once he held the phone up to his ear. "Dyther exan shabni-"

"Dad," she interrupted, in English. "I want to... practice English."

"English is an awful language," he replied, and she could tell he meant it. She knew he didn't get many chances to practice Xaxuther in prison; he was one of the last people from the compound to still be in prison. Her tentacles awkwardly flexed behind her, and he let out a sigh. "Fine, Xico. I'll speak some English for you. How are things going with your new boyfriend?"

"I don't know... if he's really... my boyfriend..." she told him, feeling a certain heat in her cheeks.

"I know that it is... your mother is very different from a human, she is an orios and she doesn't abifro the same way, so I understand that you sometimes struggle with human concepts. But you go on dates, you enjoy each other's company, and you have sex, yes?" Her cheeks definitely colored at that last comment.

"Dad!" It was an almost instinctive outcry.

"It's natural to have sex with people you love, especially with your taliké mother. I've had sex too, you know. You're living proof of that," he added, with a cheeky grin. She could tell he was enjoying teasing her like this, but it didn't make it any less effective. "There are only six months left in my sentence," he added. "If you're still together then, I'd like to meet him. I don't care if he's older than you, as long as you like him."

"Thanks," Xico said quietly. "But he's... having sex with... other women." She could feel her father's anger, the quiet how-dare-you thoughts bubbling to the surface. "It's okay! I... just don't know... what that means..."

"How can it possibly be okay? I know you're half-taliké, but the other half is human. How can you be so blase about your boyfriend being with other women?"

"I... knew you wouldn't... understand..." she said; that was why she hadn't told him the last time she had visited. "I like... it when he's happy... and having sex with other women... makes him happy."

"He is taking advantage of you," her father said.

"He's not... he likes me... he's not doing it... just because... he's just like that... he's very promiscuous..." Because he was from a world where men were the horndogs, but she didn't say that. That was a secret between the two of them (and Tsuru now).

Her father gave her a look, but it was unnecessary - she could feel the disbelief radiating off him. "Look." He adjusted in his seat. "I didn't raise you with all these... values, of human culture, because I wanted you to be better than it. And you are," he added. His thoughts briefly flicked over to the fact that she had become a superhero. "Men who are sexually promiscuous aren't good for you. I know if he was taliké, that kind of thing might be normal, but human men that are sluts... well, there's a reason women don't generally go with them."

Xico wasn't so sure that women didn't go with men who were sexually promiscuous. It felt like every single woman at Star Heroic had had sex with Roger by this point. She felt much more judgment coming from men than women... she didn't really know why that was. Maybe it was also why her father was like this? She just remained quiet for the moment, and her dad stepped into the silence.

"They tend to be risk-taking guys. The sort who do all kinds of dangerous things, not just have sex with strange women. Get in fights." That made her smile - Roger seemed to want nothing more than to live a quiet life. Even having superpowers and working for a superhero company, he chose to do boring accounting rather than get in fights. When he'd wound up in a fight with the Erlqueen, he'd tried to run with Nora. "Do drugs."

"You... sold iggdyth," she pointed out.

"Iggdyth is a miracle for humans, whatever the feds say. I'm talking about things like coke and heroin. Things that are actually dangerous to humans."

"People... have schizophrenia... from using it..."

"Because they couldn't handle it." Her father paused. "I did a lot of it too, and I'm fine."

She just quietly stared back at him, not really sure what to say once again.

"Look. A guy like that, he's not going to be the kind of guy you settle down with. A provider, who takes care of you financially. He's going to spend all his money on cars and makeup." She'd seen enough of the inside of Roger's head to know that he had responded to a massive increase in his income... by doing nothing, instead just saving the new excess. In every way other than sex, he was pretty much the opposite of the person her father was describing.

"He's not like that..." Xico said, her tails starting to curl a little. "Let's talk about... something else..."

"Sure," he said, with a sigh. "Have you heard anything from your mother?" Xico shook her head, and her father looked past her and let out a longing sigh. She could tell that he really loved her mom. She wondered where her mother was at the moment.

* * *

Xico felt her mother before she saw her. She had taken the bus back to her apartment and settled down to just sit down and decompress from another visit with her father, idly considering calling up Lope to spend time with, when the familiar psychology of her mother entered her senses. Gregarious, charming, bubbly, outgoing, friendly - the emotions seemed to filter down towards her, and she idly brushed against them with her own will, trying to see if it really was her mother or just somebody very much like her.

The spark of Xaxuther conversation immediately began between the two of them, vocal chords unnecessary and unusable at this distance.

"Mom, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on Chandrath?"

"Oh! You've gotten so big, sweetie, I'm surprised that you can sense me all the way down there! Should I come in? I can open your window."

"Mom. Answer the question."

"Oh, no, don't worry. There was a negotiation between the US and Xaxuth, and now I can come back without worrying about getting thrown in prison for 'drug dealing' and 'brainwashing.' Really ridiculous crimes. It's just iggdyth! It's pretty much a weed! I don't understand these humans sometimes. So, how are you doing? I picked up from your father that you have a boyfriend, but it seems like he doesn't approve for some human reason I don't really understand?"

"He's a good person. Very nice and sedate."

"That's not what your father was saying. He was saying he was some kind of street racer? I think?"

"How did you talk to dad?"

"Oh, I just floated over, he did enough iggdyth he can still sense me. I considered getting him out of that prison, but I guess he only has six months left, which is apparently a short amount of time? I sort of wish he'd come with me to Chandrath. And you too, of course, sweetie, but you seem much happier here than he seems in prison."

"I..." She understood her mother's feelings perfectly well - she could feel them, imagine the tangling of her tentacles in unpleasant response to the knowledge that her previous lover was in prison. But there wasn't really anything to say. "Dad has certain preconceptions about Roger, because he's from another world. It's a secret, you can't tell people if I tell you."

"A what? Oh, a secret. Secret. That weird human idea where you don't tell people things you know? It always seemed so pointless to me."

"Humans can't read each other's minds."

"That would help!" There was the taliké equivalent of a laugh accompanying those words. "I guess I'd like to hear this secret!"

"He's from another world, and the humans from his world are a little different."

"Ooo, are they capable of lathax, igoss, or xuklu?" Her mother seemed exceptionally excited at the thought, but that was quickly tamped down as she felt Xico's own response.

"No, they're just... really horny, relative to these humans."

"Oh my! You know, your father would have sex that lasted up to four dh'rhagan... it was really quite something." Xico felt her cheeks bloom with heat at that comment. She knew that her mother didn't mean anything by it, but she'd gotten used to people not just talking about sex unless they were having it with you. She also knew that sex with Roger typically lasted a lot longer than ten minutes. "Ooo, these humans really do take forever, don't they? You know, it's so different, when it lasts longer than two or three rhagan," she added.

That was less than ten seconds; she'd actually gotten used to human time measurements, so she took a moment to mentally calculate it.

"Anyway, that's your human side coming through, prioritizing sex over other things! How is he? Is he nice? Is he good to you? Is he giving you money?"

"Humans don't give each other money when they're in a relationship."

"Are you sure? I've heard that they have this thing called alimony?"

"That's for after a relationship ends."

"Money for ending a relationship! Such a strange species! Ah, but sweetie, you never answered my other questions, how is he treating you?"

"He's nice," Xico said, without much worry. Roger spent a lot of time thinking about how to treat her kindly and well when they were together, and that applied to sex and other stuff.

"Then I'd like to meet him!"

"Mom..." Xico tried to argue, but she already suspected it was futile.

* * *

I had gotten home from work and pretty much immediately taken a nap on my couch. Probably I should have done something other than that, like call up Nora or Kate, but I had stayed up too late the previous night, getting my balls drained by May. When I was woken two hours later by a rap at the door, I felt annoyed more than anything else - then a certain guilt as I heard the distinctive "eek" of Xico.

"Sorry," she said from the other side of the door, just loud enough to hear - but by the time she finished, I was already at it. "I didn't... realize... it was... the kind of sleep... you don't want to... wake up from..."

"It's fine," I said, automatically, even though it was pointless since she could read my ambient drowsiness. "What is it?"

"You thought about... meeting my mother... do you want to... still?"

I didn't think I'd ever really wanted to. "I thought she was on Chandrath? But sure, I'll meet her, if you want."

Xico glanced up and down the hallway for a moment - then I saw her mother. The images didn't do the scale of the... woman, justice. It was like a balloon the size of a beanbag chair, maybe a bit larger than that, with eight tentacles that stretched out for at least a meter each. They idly rubbed at the walls of the hallway as the figure simply floated buoyantly down the hall, big black eyes the size of my fist blankly staring in every direction - she seemed to have one at ninety degree angles to the next, and they didn't blink or move, giving an almost dopey expression.

I felt her voice in my head. "Thanden shaz stalig hro Roger!" It came off as friendly, even if it was completely incomprehensible. "Xico athot athast igoss ol!"

"Ah, please get out of the hall," I said quickly, gesturing for her to get inside, not really having anything better to say. I guess people of this Earth were a bit more used to weird things, but that could only go so far.

One consequence of her radial body plan was that, even as she approached, there was no hint she was talking or communicating with Xico - no twist of the neck to look her way, no flick of the irises that weren't there - as she approached me. Instead, the first warning I got that she was talking to Xico was Xico saying, "He's... probably... right... you do look... weird."

A few seconds later, she'd crawled into my apartment, and I'd quickly closed and locked the door behind her. I say crawled not because she slithered along the ground, but rather because that was the impression that I got, when she tried to squeeze her way through my door, or through the halls - it had the same kind of body language as a diver worming his way through a tunnel. She flipped around for a moment then simply flopped onto my couch, letting her weight lounge across the whole thing - with her (torso? cephalothorax? core? head?) main body filling up a third of the couch on its own, and her arms languidly rolling around it in a way that made it hard to imagine she had much way to keep the amount of space she used down. As such, I decided I didn't mind too much, and sat down on my loveseat.

Xico must have heard my mental naming of the seat, because she promptly floated over to me and sat in my lap. "This... is my mom... she doesn't speak... English... so I'll translate," she explained.

"Uh. Okay. Hi, Mrs. Eusion," I said, waving my hand at the woman.

"Eusion... is my dad. Xaxuther... don't have... last names..." she explained. Eusion sounded very... not-American. "He took the name... after joining the compound..." One of her mother's tentacles waggled at her. "She says to... call her Malionid. The... diminutive... is Nidra... but you don't know her... that well."

"Okay. Malionid." I really had no idea what to do in the situation where you were being interrogated by your ten-year-younger girlfriend's mom who was also a telepath and thus could tell that you were thinking about this.

"It's different... for humans... Mom," Xico explained. "She says... she doesn't care... about your age..." She paused like there was something she wasn't saying, and she picked up my suspicion, her cheeks flushing. "She asked if I was... sexually mature... I am..." she added, somewhat nervously, as if I'd ever had any doubt. I decided to wrap my hands around her belly and pull her close, to demonstrate that I definitely didn't care about her age either, except in the way that occasionally I remembered she was two-thirds of my age and felt either awkward or cool.

Despite what porno may have taught me, I mostly felt awkward. Still, I did my best to smile at Malionid, regardless of the obvious fact that it was pointless since she'd evolved on a completely different planet and I didn't even know if she had a mouth.

"She says... she does... but it's on her... bottom, from your perspective," Xico helpfully explained. "It's circular... so she can't smile," she added. Malionid began to flick her tentacles in what I thought - from dealing with Xico - symbolized irritation. "Sorry... she wants to igoss with you." I had absolutely no idea what that was. "It's where you... touch brains... it doesn't hurt, but... feelings and thoughts... go very fast... and intimately..."

I was a bit confused at that, since I knew Xico enjoyed feeling other people's good feelings, but then I realized that enjoying that other people felt good, wasn't the same as feeling good yourself. Xico nodded minutely in response to my silent conclusion. "Um... why haven't we ever done that?"

"I'm... practicing my English..." Xico was blushing, and Malionid flailed her tentacles, again in annoyance. "Mom says... it's because I'm too shy..."

"She can stop at any time, right?" Xico nodded. "Okay then."

"Oh, my, thank you so much for your consent," came a female voice inside my head, accompanied by a general sense of relief. "It really is absurd how hard it is to talk to a human without igoss. I guess I should learn English, if your species is as antsy about this sort of thing as Xico suggests - are you?" There was a general light, airy feeling to the way she talked.

"Probably," I said. I could imagine some people being fine with it, but there were definitely those who would be bothered by a voice - and set of feelings - in their head. In particular, I could now feel Malionid's disappointment.

"Oh, we're doing igoss, you can just call me Nidra," Malionid - Nidra - said, her good mood genuinely infectious. "So, how are you with my daughter? I understand human sex lasts a lot longer, is it fun?"

"Mom!" Xico said, which startled me for a moment, that she could actually hear both sides of our conversation.

"Oh, this is one of those human things she's picked up, apparently your species is bothered by your family members talking about sex?" I did have to admit that was true, at least in America - I didn't know about the rest of the world. "Probably an overactive anti-incest response. Tsk tsk. Oh, it's been so long since I hung around humans! I was just speaking to my husband a bit ago, have you met him?"

"He's... in prison... mom," Xico said.

"Is that a no?"

"Yes," I offered. It was weird to think that he was in prison while his wife was just able to... float around. But Xico was a superheroine, and apparently taliké didn't lie, so I couldn't imagine she was some kind of runaway supervillainess.

That thought got a giggle from Nidra, and I felt her amusement as she answered. "I wasn't tried by the US government, but instead the case was handled internally in Xaxuth." I guess that made sense. Too bad for Xico's dad, I guess. "Humans normally meet their mate's parents together, don't they?" There was a certain curious feeling that was, again, infectious across the connection the two of us had - I felt curious about the question even though I actually knew the answer.


"I'm sorry for not participating in your little cultural norms!" I actually felt giddy from Nidra, in a strange way that just made deciphering her meaning unclear. "Oh, her father mentioned he's leaving prison soon! Only six months, how long is that, Xico? Oh. That's quite a while." I didn't even feel a delay between the question and the response - I guess the skim-to-understand stuff was easier for somebody who shared a language, or something. "Or something indeed! It's always cute seeing humans trying to understand telepathy when they don't have it. You should really try iggdyth! It'll open your mind!"

"Or... break it..." Xico said. "Mom... humans are different... from taliké."

"Everyone has the same soul, that's why telepathy works on all the species that exist." Was there proof of the immortal soul in this world? I found the question springing to mind immediately, especially talking to a member of an advanced alien race. "Of course there is! All the intelligent species can interbreed, and we all share a common wavelength for psychic abilities, and there's so much more besides that."

I mentally noted that I meant actual evidence with some mild annoyance, and Nidra presumably got the feeling instantly, because she suddenly cut off her end of the communication. "Mom says... you're no fun... to igoss with..." Xico said.

"I felt mildly annoyed for like one second," I defended.

"That's a... lot... Mom's very friendly... and happy... most taliké are." So they didn't like to igoss with humans much, I guess. "Yeah. I... thought... it'd end in... two seconds..."

I reflexively noted the potential lewdness of the phrase, the mental image coming into my mind of Xico lying beneath me, sweaty, saying something similar - and instantly, Xico let out a squeak. Her mother flashed her tentacles for a moment, lifting up off the couch. "It's just... an idle thought..." Xico said, waving her hands frantically at her mother, blushing up a storm. "Mom... you don't have to... go..."

Her mother simply began to move towards the door, and Xico bit her lower lip as she watched her go, clearly embarrassed that some momentary arousal had resulted in her mother deciding to give the two of us some space to have sex. At least, I had to assume that's what was happening.

"It is," Xico said. "Don't... make a scene... Mom," she added, and her mother gave what I thought might have been a dismissive wave of a tentacle, or might have just been me anthropomorphizing taliké body language. In any case, we were soon left alone.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked. She was a bit... big. And weird looking.

"She'll... be fine... she's out of the building... I don't think anybody... noticed her..." Xico added. Since she was a telepath, presumably she'd have been able to notice anything unusual along those lines. "Yeah..." She wiggled nervously in my lap, like she wasn't quite sure if it was okay to ask to have sex - and that thought on my part made her cheeks glow bright red in a way that said I'd hit the nail right on the head.

"Hey... what's sex like, when you're... you know, igoss-ing or whatever?" I asked.

Xico audibly swallowed at that, her feet idly rubbing at one another nervously while her tentacles tangled and curled around. "I... don't know... it's supposed to be... good..."

I hefted her up, carrying her bridal style over to the bedroom. It sounded like fun. I wondered if Tsuru could igoss too? Xico blushed at the thought, but just shrugged, not knowing. I laid her out on the bed, stripped both of us naked in a fraction of a second, and then looked her in the eyes. "Let's do it," I told her, feeling breathless with anticipation.

Her emotions hit me like a brick wall, the powerful mix of lust and interest and embarrassment and delight and probably a good bit of puppy love mixed in there too that I didn't focus on. I just took my cock, angled it at her sex, and rubbed it gingerly at her lower lips. Just the tip brushing against her sent her pleasure over the connection, creating a feeling as if I was being sexually stimulated in a way I'd never been before. "Fuck," I panted, and Xico let out a little mewl of her own, presumably getting to feel what it felt like for my cock to tease at her entrance. "I'm doing it," I breathed out, and she nodded rapidly, her excited energy blooming and filling me and taking me over as I thrust inside her.

It felt insanely good - twice as good as normal sex, and then some, probably. As I pumped into her, fucking at her wet sex, I lost the ability to tell where her pleasure ended and mine began, where her feelings ended and mine began. I was excited. I was in love. I was happy. I was giddy. I was horny as hell, from the feeling of a tight sex wrapped around my cock and the feeling of a big cock sliding into my tight sex. I groaned, my hands wandering her body, and hers immediately reciprocated, both of us deeply interested in the other's shape, fingertips gliding along every curve, then gently stimulating at the points the other most wanted to be stimulated. My hands wound up on Xico's nipples, thumbs gently brushing against them; Xico's own hands went to my ass, groping and squeezing it, her legs gripping my hips to try to intensify the pace.

There was no need for verbal communication any more, so we didn't do it. I felt what she felt, thought what she thought. When something was uncomfortable for her, it was uncomfortable for me, so I would quickly change tack to something that felt great. I found an absolutely wonderful angle that made her practically melt as my cock rubbed along her insides - and when she came, I came too, groaning as I ejaculated deep inside her, feeling excited at the sensation. We were so close together emotionally at the moment, and it was almost like we were making a baby together, even if it was too early in our relationship for that. I hoped that if/when we did get married, we would have sex like this every day; or maybe Xico did. Like I said, I couldn't tell the difference at the time.

"Fuck, fuck," I sputtered out, as I started to pull back, my cock a little sensitive from having come, but that just mixed together in an eye-crossing brew with the feeling of her pussy as I rubbed at just the right angle. I thrust back into her without much hesitation, gasping, a bit of my own saliva escaping my throat and then flecking down on Xico's face, creating a mildly unpleasant spray. Her hands hungrily slid up to my cheeks, pulling me down into a kiss, and six tongues met one, flicking against one another with an eagerness and exploration that was unbelievably intense.

Meanwhile, where our bodies met, I had now found an angle where, when I was completely buried inside her, my pelvis pressed against her clit, and it felt absolutely wonderful each time I was buried all the way inside her. I furiously pumped away, getting more and more intense with every passing second. Using my superspeed only mildly deformed the connection, and in some ways, made it even better - when she would feel good for a fraction of a second, I'd feel good for several, so I quickly began to use it, intensifying rapidly. For Xico's part, whatever whirlwind of sensation she was experiencing matched and added to her own pleasure, and soon enough, the two of us were coming together again.

We completely lost ourselves in lust. It wasn't simple addition - when I was horny, she was both horny (my feelings) and got more horny herself (her feelings, from knowing she was making me horny). The same applied in reverse. It meant that we were both sitting at a high ebb pretty continuously, and whenever one or the other of our bodies would try to send us dipping down again, the other person's continued pleasure would soon bring us back up. I wondered if I would ever stop; I wondered if I would ever want to; I wondered if somebody from work would come to check on us; I wondered if that would be a problem; I wondered if Kate would feel jealous; I hoped that she would, since it made her so happy, and I liked her being happy.

Eventually, after my balls were completely drained dry, my cock refusing to cooperate with my desperate mental need to fuck, my arousal at a fever pitch, I felt the urge to break off the connection - so I did, or Xico did, even now it's hard to tell the difference. I just collapsed next to Xico, sweaty and desperately panting for air. Xico was in much the same position, her nipples perky, her pussy drooling out cum. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes a little hazy, staring up at the air.

Luckily, my superspeed also gave me superhuman recovery time, so even though my body seemed like it was unwilling to keep going with sex, I could pull Xico into a tight hug. She smiled, snuggled into me, and her tentacles waggled happily behind her. Lazily, though - they were very lazy. More like a dipping bird than a dog wagging its tail. She was totally exhausted too.

* * *

Our bodies were completely plastered with sweat, even when we woke back up, so come morning, we shared a shower. She flashed her tentacles rapidly back and forth behind her, her fingers running across my stomach, clearly using soaping me up as an excuse to grope me. She was oddly quiet - even for her - and I started to worry that our igoss-induced sex might have gone too far.

"No..." she said. "I was thinking... we could do it... again." Her eyes flicked up to mine hopefully, and my cock immediately twitched in response, slapping at her stomach.

"We have work..." I pointed out, and she nervously flicked her gaze to the side.

"Not for... a while... and I set... an alarm... plus... maybe we could try... a blowjob?" I understood the idea without needing to be told - if she was fellating me, then that was only one-sided stimulus, rather than the feedback loop we'd had back when we were fucking. I glanced at my watch - we had a full hour.

"One blowjob, and then I'll pay you back," I told her, and she smiled brightly, then her emotions hit me again.

She didn't waste any time getting down on her knees. She - we - were incredibly excited to try out something new, and her lips gently puckered to kiss my cock. There was a flicker of pleasure and a strange sense of surprise that came with it, then her tongues began to slither across the tip of my cock, the salty flavor staining her tongue sharply. Then she began to descend, simply taking my length into her throat, and it felt so much better than she had expected, as she slipped all the way down my hard cock, soon pressing her nose into my pubes, her tails wagging excitedly behind her, her eyes a little lidded as she just basked in the feeling of having your cock in a pretty girl's throat.

She smiled at that, knowing that I thought she was pretty, humming a bit with an infectious sense of pride and glee. She was sexy. I liked her. I liked sex with her. It was so nice, so pleasant, to feel it at one hundred percent, the way that I enjoyed her company - and it was also great to feel the way that she felt about me, the gregarious and giving love as her mouth began to bob on my cock, tongues all swishing together, corkscrewing and curling around my cock.

She could find every little point to stimulate me, now. She let her hands rub at my thighs as she worked me over, water washing over my chest and dribbling down towards her as I completely forgot about the shower. My hand brushed through her hair, and I got to enjoy the feeling of a hot guy telling you, nonverbally, how great you were doing, how much he was enjoying this and you with his body, with his instinctive motions that you knew he wasn't thinking about because you could feel his thoughts. She started to hum happily, twisting her head from side to side on my dick.

Sex while igoss-ing was unbelievably intense, but oral sex was unbelievably intimate. It was like adding into a blowjob an overbearing feeling of love and affection, of desire and lust, and knowing that it was from your partner, which of course created its own sort of happiness and giddiness. Even if normally I might have wanted it faster or harder, there was no impulse towards that now - it felt vaguely profane, like trying to rush to the end of a love letter. Xico's cheeks burned at that particular comment, a sort of embarrassed pride at having her fellatio compared to a love letter, and she upped her pace, experimenting with trying to make me feel that much better.

"Fuck," I sighed out. Words - real words - were pointless, but those kinds of basic utterances, spoken as much for your own sake as your partner's, were still normal. It was just a way of expressing how good it felt, one my body made almost on its own. Xico, for her part, started to bob that little bit faster, the physical sensation intensifying with each extra tick, and my body slowly but surely approaching orgasm as her tongues corkscrewed all around on my cock.

When I finally came, Xico simply buried her face in my groin, a little giddy noise getting choked around my cock as she felt my orgasm just as much as I did, her hips bucking. I didn't know if she was actually coming or not, but unloading directly down her throat felt incredibly wonderful so I didn't really care either way.

Once I was done, she popped off my cock, sliding back and gently stroking my length, glancing up at me with a smile in her eyes, on her lips, and in her heart. She licked her lips, and I knew that she had specifically washed her pussy during our shower in part so that if I ate her out, I wouldn't have to get backwash. Then I felt embarrassed that I'd picked that up. Then she floated up towards my head, presenting her pussy to me.

I kissed it. Kissed her lower lips at first, teasing little pecks, and when she started to feel frustrated and want more, I ran a long lick across the line of her sex, eventually finding her clit and feeling a particularly sharp spark of pleasure. It wasn't quite as good as my blowjob had felt, but I didn't have her multi-tongue advantage, or previous experience and telepathy, so I quickly wrapped my lips around her clit and started to flick my tongue at it, trying different angles, using superspeed to intensify the sensations.

She let out soft moans of pleasure, her fingers grasping the back of my head as the pleasure ran through her - along with the joy of knowing that I liked her enough to do something like this for her, despite the fact that she had just come from blowing me - but it still wasn't quite as good as the earlier fellatio. I started to mix suckling into my movements, making her hum, and gasp, and her hips jerk, but I could tell she was actively trying to come that little bit faster. It wasn't as good for her as the blowjob had been for me - that was trivial to tell.

She didn't care about that, she loved blowing me, but I certainly felt something about that. I tried harder, did everything I could think of, licking and sucking and rubbing my face into her groin, reaching up to play with her nipples as she balanced on my shoulders, and it eventually made her come... but I could still tell it wasn't as good as the blowjob had been.

She broke off the igoss connection, then, popping off my face. "Don't feel... bad... it's probably... me..." she told me. I knew that she wasn't lying - I'd felt that same inchoate thought myself - but it didn't really change anything.

"I'll work on finding... ways to do better," I told her, and she blushed, but smiled at the thought.

"Okay... but don't... feel bad," she repeated, reaching out for my hand and giving it a squeeze.

"I'll do my best," I told her. She snorted at that, a cute contrast to what we'd just been doing, and we went back to showering.

* * *

Fals had never seen a creature that looked quite like the beast that had entered Roger's apartment alongside Project - then left without her. She was very glad for the glamour that kept her hidden from telepaths and suspicion, for she was quite sure the beast was a powerful psychic.

She had followed after it, watched it ascend into the sky outside the apartment building, and set about on a great hunt, collecting her griffon steed from Arcadia to chase after the creature. She had managed to pierce its hide with a paralytic, and then to collect it from where it had fallen - the parking lot to one of these 'convenience' stores (which were hardly that convenient).

She would parade this creature in her menagerie in Arcadia, where her subjects could see it, so she hardly cared about the mortals who had seen her dragging the beast away.

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