Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Mira Gets Some Loving

Mira laid on the bed, a bit sweaty, the taste of Tsuru still clinging to her lips as she caught her breath after quite an intense bout of cunnilingus. Tsuru, for her part, sat against the headboard, her own breathing a tad rapid, though in her case it was more due to her orgasms than anything else.

"I fucked Roger again," Tsuru said.

Mira gave her a look, already knowing that she was only bringing it up to try to argue Mira into going after Roger again. Mira hadn't tried to sleep with Roger since the threesome with Tsuru. It had been genuinely fantastic, but she felt a sting of embarrassment every time that she thought about what had happened. She had totally, completely, lost it. Tsuru had reassured her that he didn't mind, that he liked making her come that many times, that he was doing it on purpose, but it couldn't change the fact that for Mira, that was a failure. She was the one who made the guy come his brains out, not the other way around. "Good for you."

"It was a fun threesome, me and Kate." Mira squinted at Tsuru, wondering if this threesome included any lesbian sex. It wasn't as if she would have been mad, but she had figured Kate to be straight, so she was wondering. "Nothing gay, unless you count Kate cleaning my juices off his cock." She stretched, making her breasts jiggle appealingly. "Too bad you'll never get to enjoy how great sex with Roger can be ever again, just because you're so insecure about coming too much."

Mira rolled her eyes, letting out a soft breath as she stared at the ceiling. "Fine, fine," she said, putting her mind to work on solving the problem. How to have sex with Roger without feeling insecure about coming too much?

"Stop being such a dork about sex," Tsuru answered, but Mira ignored her, instead rapidly going through various options, suggesting ideas and solutions that were actually useful to her. Tsuru rolled her eyes as Mira thought through the problem.

"Oh, I've got it," Mira said, snapping up with some excitement.

"You're seriously going to do that instead of just enjoying getting fucked hard?" Tsuru asked. Mira just grabbed her phone to make the call.

* * *

The restaurant was the kind of hoity-toity place that Mira only went to when she had to meet with investors, or old money. Part of her still got annoyed at seeing the bill for places like this, since it was just an obscene waste of money, but she really wanted to make a good impression on her dining partner for today.

Priscilla sat across from her, idly considering the menu with a bored look on her face. Eventually, she made her decision, placing it to one side. "So, why did you want to meet?" She asked.

"I know you use your power for sex, and I wanted to know if you've ever used it for somebody else's sake."

"My partners are the ones who get to enjoy my power," Priscilla said, with a smile curling across her lips.

"I get it. I mean, you know, marital aid type stuff." Priscilla's eyebrow quirked at that. "I want to do to Roger what you do to him," she explained.

Priscilla let out a laugh at that. "Do you now? One wonders why I would do it."

"Favor for a favor. What do you want for it?" Mira asked. Better to put the onus of the initial offer on Priscilla.

Priscilla tapped her finger against her chin, carefully watching Mira. She knew the trick, you tried to make the other person squirm by just taking your time with it, but she didn't let it affect her. She even slid her gaze back down to her menu to pretend like she didn't care, as Priscilla considered it. "Hmm... I know your style in the bedroom. All fellatio and pleasuring the man. Perhaps he's proven too hard for you to please?" Mira didn't even flinch as Priscilla made the perfectly on target shot, though she was lucky that they weren't touching, because her pulse spiked. "Tell you what, I'll ask him for you, just because we're friends."

"You don't expect him to take you up on it, then?" She asked.

Priscilla hummed. "I don't know. Sometimes he seems terribly chaste and embarrassed about showing off his body, other times he's more promiscuous than Alexios. I'm trying to get a better impression of his tastes in any case."

* * *

"So, you want to put me on the hair trigger orgasm for Mira?" I asked Priscilla.

"She wants you on the hair trigger orgasm; I'm just extending the offer," Priscilla responded. "I have to admit that I like the thought that I'm the only woman who can make you feel like that," she said, leaning forward and smiling ravenously at me as she did. "You don't have to take the offer. It's just that - an offer." In other words, she wanted me to turn Mira down, to maintain her unique claim on making me orgasm a hundred times in a single session.

Mira hadn't come to me for sex since our threesome with Tsuru. Now that Priscilla was here, asking this question, I had to wonder if it was about all the orgasms on her part? Had I gone too far with her? I'd thought it would be fun, and it was, seeing her embarrassed like that, coming hard and fast and looking positively fucked silly, but if it actually made her feel bad...

No, if I was being honest, I still thought it was incredibly sexy. Mira was in a happy committed relationship with Tsuru, she could deal with a bit of embarrassment from coming too much with me. "How about this..." I told Priscilla, explaining to her the modifications I wanted for this occasion in particular. She let out a sharp laugh and took my hand.

"Done. Enjoy."

* * *

Mira was glad to see Roger coming right for her, though the confident swagger he walked with made her worry that perhaps he'd turned down the offer. "Priscilla made it so I'll come quick," he told her, and it felt vaguely like a statement of her own defeat. "I mean, you could have just suggested fellatio, if you were that concerned about orgasms."

"Oh, you're going to be receiving fellatio," Mira replied, leaning towards him, close enough that her breath would wash over his skin and he could smell the minty freshness of it. "But I'm going to pay you back for every single orgasm you gave me, and then some." She didn't need incredible intelligence and perceptiveness to see the look of lust on Roger's part, but it helped. "You shouldn't set the bar so high. But..." she reached out for him, gently brushing her fingers along his flank, feeling up his abs with her thumb in the process, "I'm glad you're taking me up on it. When we're done, we can play some video games, if you want."

"What, you take Roger over to your place to play video games?" Penny asked, seeming to pop out of nowhere to annoy her. Mira shot the girl a death glare.

"No. We do other, more adult things."

"Yeah, we've had sex plenty too," Penny replied, with an idle glance at her fingernails. "How many times you two done it?"

"I'm beginning to wonder at your taste in women, Roger," Mira said, turning her attention back to him and choosing to ignore Penny.

"The honest truth is that I find Lope cute," Roger said with a shrug.

"Yeah, I'm pretty ho- hey, I'm not cute. I'm badass," Penny said, making Mira inwardly snicker, though she kept up a poker face.

"Don't be offended by it," Roger said. "It's - I'll explain some other time, Lope. I'm kind of on a timer to take Mira back to her place, you understand? We can do something together another time."


"Whenever," Roger replied with a shrug. That appeared to completely satisfy Penny, who gave Roger a salute, Mira a raspberry, and then blessedly gave both of them a moment's reprieve. "So, let's get going, then," he said, taking Mira's hand in his. It was quite forward - but she definitely didn't mind.

Hmm. She was reasonably certain he'd had sex with Kate, Priscilla, Nora, Xico, Tsuru, and Penny. Indeed, by the looks of things, he was being quite regular in having sex with those six. There was something there, and she thought about it as she drove Roger to her place. He had been sexual with six of his coworkers, and remained sexual with all of them, by all appearances. The obvious possibility was that he had low self-esteem, and was trying to buoy it with sex, but that didn't seem to quite fit.

The possibility came to mind that perhaps there was some detail of his homeworld that was culturally distinct, like greater promiscuity on the part of men, but she couldn't quite click that into place, either. If he'd been so awash in sex, she'd have expected him to be sexually lazy - if you get laid easily, it's only natural to put less effort into the sex - but if anything, he was the most dedicatedly giving lover she'd ever had. Perhaps he had some kind of relevant fetish? She recalled reading some submissive's blog where he talked about being whored out by his mistress. No, he wasn't treating this like a fetish, either. She knew he'd actually gone out on dates with Xico and Nora.

Keeping his options open would explain the multiple partners, but then there were the threesomes... a group sex fetish? Some kind of...

It clicked into place, then, and she let out a sudden, sharp laugh. "What's so funny?" Roger asked her.

"I think I worked it out," she said. "Why you're so eager and willing to fuck."

"I guess it was inevitable," he said, with a casual shrug. It wasn't a huge secret to him, she supposed.

"You're a polygamist," she said. He let out a small noise which seemed more disbelief or surprise rather than being caught out. "No? You have sex with multiple partners, put excessive effort into pleasing them, are romantically courting multiple women simultaneously, were eager to get in on a Lilith's threesome... I'm not judging you by any means, to be clear."

"You think I want to marry multiple women, but you're not judging me?" He asked, honestly disbelieving.

"If your America is like ours, then it would fit best for you to be a member of an offshoot splinter of the Church of Latter Day Saints that maintained their belief in polygamy. I could hardly blame a man for being promiscuous for the sake of his immortal soul's salvation." He gave her a flat look. "By your response, though, I guess I was wrong." Tsuru would probably have a good laugh the first time the thought of this conversation came up.

"Is that... legal, here?" He asked, in a furtive way that suggested perhaps he was interested? More information that didn't click together.

"No. It's not." He sighed, and she pulled into her garage, parking the car. "Care to tell me the secret?"

"Nope, I'm enjoying you not knowing too much," he said, with this infuriating grin on his face that she was going to wipe off in short order. She took him up to her bedroom and practically hurled him down onto the bed, clambering up in between his legs and yanking his pants off, revealing his hard cock to the open air. It looked different than normal, for one simple reason: his balls were much larger than they'd been the last time, moving from a size similar to a grape, to a size closer to that of an egg - presumably to give him the endurance he'd be needing for what was to come.

She took a deep breath through her nose. It smelled very nice - something like honey. She leaned forward to give it a lick, her tongue flicking across it, and it did indeed taste positively scrumptious, sweet on her tongue as she collected a dollop of incredibly sweet precum. "I see you added a little something to the request you made of Priscilla," she told him, with a gregarious smile. She didn't mind if he wanted to make the fellatio better for her - even a pillow prince could do with being considerate of his partner. She wrapped her lips around his cockhead, then easily slid her mouth down his length in a single, fluid movement.

He was still waxing, she could tell that much, as her nose pressed into his groin. He groaned in pleasure at the sensation, and she swallowed around his cock as she wiggled her tongue around. It was rather deliciously sexy, knowing that he was keeping himself bare down there because of her, a certain glow of pride filling her up as she started to bob up and down his cock.

Then he came for the first time. She was honestly surprised that it took so long as it did, since she knew that Priscilla had played with his biology to make him have the sort of hair trigger that she enjoyed. Perhaps he'd been using his power imperceptibly. In any case, the taste of his semen, splattering her palate, was positively delicious, like marshmallows and chocolate ice cream mixed together into a truly delicious, creamy goop that came out in thick dribs and drabs. She swallowed it all down greedily, enjoying the way that Roger twitched and bucked in pleasure as he came.

Of course, Priscilla wasn't one to just let the guy off with just one orgasm, and neither was Mira. When he finally finished coming, he was still rock hard in her mouth, and she slid her lips down his length, enjoying the taste of his cock as she swallowed him to the base. Her throat swelled to accommodate his girth, and she enjoyed the feeling of each pulse of his length, the way she could feel his pleasure represented through the throbs of desire that rubbed at the inside of her throat. Her tongue slithered back and forth on the underside, enjoying the honey-sweet flavor of it. She wondered if Priscilla always did it this way, or if it was just for her? Hell, with how giving Roger seemed to be, maybe it was his way of giving back.

In any case, she bobbed up and down Roger's cock with increasing rapidity, pumping her face along his whole length, enjoying the way his back arched, his head casting backwards as he just laid down on the bed and writhed in ecstasy. Her fingers gripped his thighs, holding them apart, letting her maintain a constant, frantic pace as he twitched and finally started to erupt again. Once more, she let herself slither up to the tip of his cock, hungrily slurping up all his cum, swallowing it down rapidly. When he finished coming, she just quietly suckled on the tip for a few seconds, and he spoke up. "Show me," he said.

She pulled back, opening her mouth to show off her tongue - bare of cum, since she'd already swallowed it. "If you want to see it, I'll keep it in my mouth next time," she told him.

"Do," he told her, his voice surprisingly forceful. She couldn't help but flash him a smile before wrapping her lips around his cock once more, sliding down his length in a smooth movement. He groaned, his length throbbing in her throat as the pleasure washed over him.

She barely had to do anything to get him responding intensely - and she was going to do as much as she possibly could. Priscilla, presumably, relied on her power to make men come, but Mira had plenty of experience giving head without it, so as she frantically bobbed up and down his cock, gently playing with his balls, she did everything she possibly could to intensify the pleasure for him. She twisted her head side to side, rubbed her tongue along the underside of his cock, made him groan and twitch and buck in pleasure. It took less than a minute for him to start coming again, and she grinned up at him - well, as close as she could manage, with her lips wrapped around the crown of his cock, her greedy cheeks sucking down as much of his sweet, chocolate-marshmallow swirl cum. When he was spent, she slid back still further, tilting her head and stretching out her tongue, exposing his seed to him. It was strange, almost gross, but the way his cock twitched made her completely unrepentant about it.

"Swallow," he said, and she did so, enjoying that familiar, sticky feeling of his cum running down her throat, an ever-present reminder of a job well done. She was a conqueror, a bringer of pleasure to man after man, and she was more than familiar with that texture, she delighted in it. It was like taking home a trophy, except that men didn't get as mad when you took their cum in your stomach as when you took their underwear in your purse.

Once it was all swallowed down, she went right back to it. Her head twisted from side to side, her tongue flashing around and around. Roger groaned, his fingers visibly digging into the bed sheets. She could feel the tension in his legs, as they struggled against her grip, and she decided to stop resisting, letting him snap them around her head and hold her down as he simply unloaded directly down her throat. The feeling of it was exciting and delicious, seeing him completely lose himself in the pleasure of her mouth - and when he let her loose, he actually looked apologetic. "Ah, sorry, for holding you down," he said.

That was another one of those suspicious things she filed away mentally. She really thought she'd had it with the polygamy thing - traditional religion would explain the focus on giving and the apparent chastity in choice of clothes, and the polygamy would explain the pursuing multiple women - but his reaction had pretty much blown that idea out of the water. "I don't mind it when a handsome man just goes for it."

He let out a small laugh at that. When she quirked an eyebrow, he explained. "Lope said the same thing."

She blinked once, twice - then just decided to spare herself an awkward conversation by getting right back to sucking, bobbing and twisting, running her tongue this way and that, making Roger come again, and again, enjoying the delicious taste of his cum, and showing it off for him each time. The strangeness of the little show faded to nothing, as Roger's cock throbbed and twitched in her grasp each time, clearly deeply aroused by it.

Eventually, though, Roger's cock finally began to flag, becoming flaccid. She had been sucking for twenty-seven minutes, and he had come twenty-six times in that space. She supposed that the duration of the effect was shorter than she might have hoped due to the trip home, needing Priscilla to do it, and so on. Roger leaned back in the bed, just relaxing and letting out a long sigh, his balls seeming completely drained.

She decided to shift up to give him a cuddle - it was just common courtesy, when you take a man to bed, to give him at least a little bit of affection. "Enjoyed yourself?" She asked.

"Yeah. It was great." He pushed his tongue against his cheek, clearly thinking about something. "It really bothers you that much, if I make you come?" Mira gave him a sour look. She didn't want to have this conversation. It was annoying and pointless. "I like making you come." He really was giving. That must have been related to it somehow. Maybe a distorted gender ratio? If there were fewer women, would the men be giving? Societies with imbalanced gender ratios tended to favor the sexual preferences of the less common gender, too, which would explain the promiscuity... but not the chastity in terms of clothing choices. "How about we go back and forth? I make you come a bunch, then you make me come a bunch. Then you don't have to feel weird about it, and I get to enjoy seeing the faces you make when you come."

She glanced down at his cock, making sure it was flaccid. She could probably back out later, if she managed to play her cards right... and of course, once they'd done it a few times, it'd be easy to lie and say it was his turn when it wasn't. "Fine," she allowed.

"Great," he said, pulling off his shirt, revealing that very nice chest of his to open air, and her eyes. "Next time I do the giving?" She nodded in acceptance. "Let's get started now."

"I don't really like cunnilingus," she told him. That was the truth.

"Ah, don't worry," he said, and as he shifted his weight, she noticed that he was suddenly hard again. "I had Priscilla make it so I could voluntarily keep myself from getting hard," he told her. "Since we finished," he added, pulling down her pants and panties in a superhumanly swift movement before she could do much about it, "that means it's your turn to come your brains out."

He had definitely tricked her. She gave him a sour look, as he teased his cock at her sex. He gave her a look that said she could back out if she really wanted to. The over concern about consent seemed to argue against traditionalism as an explanation, but she didn't have much time to think about it, because when she didn't object, he simply took hold of her hips and thrust inside her.

He was genuinely fantastic as a lover. The feeling of his cock, pounding away at her wet sex, without even the faintest hint of the kind of chaffing you'd expect of that furious pace, was truly incredible. Add into that the way he'd rub at her clit, again, at a superhuman speed but without any of the superhuman unpleasantness... it was like an electric shock from her sex running right up her spine to her brain. She was trying to hold back out of general principle, particularly since she couldn't help but feel tricked, but as her fingers slid and clawed at the bed sheets beneath her, he grabbed her wrists, tilted her hands back, and laced his fingers together with hers as he continued to rut inside her.

She tried to say something, but she was stopped by two things. One of them was an intense orgasm; the other was a fierce kiss on Roger's part, as his lips pressed down against hers, swallowing up the noises she was making. Part of her then considered the notion that he was in love with her, but it didn't fit with any of the other evidence, so it was quickly discarded. He groaned into her mouth as he kept going, his tongue slithering deeper into her mouth, flicking about at superhuman speed - and with superhuman length, flexibility, and dexterity, she soon noticed. Another modification from Priscilla, presumably.

As his tongue tasted her palate, she moaned out another orgasm, her eyelashes fluttering as he fucked away. He broke off the kiss to watch her come, his eyes staring down at her. She was sure she was giving him quite a show, all flushed cheeks and lewd moans, legs twisting beneath him. Her long red hair pooled beneath her, becoming a practical puddle beneath her, and he peeled away her top with another superhuman motion, flicking her bra away a moment later. In short order, as sweat began to cover her body, her hair began to darken and to cling as she got fucked.

"You look really sexy like this," he told her, as he fucked away. "No reason to be ashamed of it. It's hot," he told her, gently brushing his fingers against her cheek for a moment, peeling away the dark hair. "Honestly, you're the only woman I do this too, probably specifically because you get like this about it," he told her. She would have scowled if another orgasm didn't run through her body at that moment, making her back arch. "It's cute. It's sexy," he breathed out in her ear. "Seeing you trying so hard not to come, then coming anyway..."

I'm glad I could be amusing to you, she thought, as she bit her lower lip and strained to hold back, to tamp down on her own bliss, to prevent herself from coming again. Her thoughts went to mathematics, rapidly counting through primes, mentally cutting through the 7s, the 11s, the 13s, the 17s, and so on down the number line (2s, 3s, and 5s were trivial to remove), finding the first prime past one hundred, then the first past two hundred, and so on, until she came again shortly after 233.

This time, though, she managed to drag Roger along with her, his cum spraying out inside her. He didn't stop his frantic thrusting, but there was visible pleasure on his face, as he tried to maintain control. It changed things for her, seeing that response, because she realized that he was still on a hair trigger. Presumably, the only reason he'd lasted this long, was his power. She immediately snapped her legs around his hips, starting to work with and against him, to force him up and down inside her, to change his pace and make it impossible for him to quite predict what was going to happen. She squeezed, clenching her muscles down there, staring up into his cool grey eyes. Then he broke that eye contact by clenching his eyes shut as another orgasm ran through his body, his hips frantically bucking against her with even more intensity.

She couldn't help but grin, really enjoying this now. Last time they'd been in this sort of position, she'd handily lost the fight - now, though, it was an actual competition, so she went for it, twisting her hips, squeezing his cock, grinding back against him. He tried his best to ram her with all the power he could bring to bear, and it was a lot. When his hand got back to playing with her clit, making superhumanly swift circular motions around it, it sent electric jolts up her spine and threatened to steal her sense of reason, but she kept going anyway, making him jerk and gasp, and eventually come.

She came too, mere moments after his orgasm, letting out a low moan as she did so, her body twitching in pleasure, fingers once more clawing at the bed sheets, though now merely as an expression of lust rather than an attempt to repress it.

That was the dance they went through, him fucking away at her, her doing her best to squeeze, to clench, to grip, to twist, in exactly the right ways to make him come back. Even with his superhuman speed, her own intellect and the hair trigger he was on allowed her to very nearly keep up with him. Of course, he still had the advantage, since to him, each thrust that lasted a tenth of a second for her, felt like it took a full second, so she came more than twice as often as him, in the end.

And the end did come, unceremoniously and suddenly. It wasn't even from an orgasm - he was rutting inside her, some of his cum sloshing around, and then he suddenly lost the energy to keep going, panting desperately and halfway collapsing atop her, his cock rapidly softening.

Priscilla's magic really had run out this time, it seemed, as he simply slowly let his body collapse atop hers. She didn't push him off, letting him rest there, brushing her fingers through his hair as the two rested together, both catching their breaths. "You know," she said, wetly swallowing, "this means that 'next time', I'm going to be the one giving."

He let out a small laugh at that. "Oh no, a blowjob from a beautiful woman who loves sucking cock."

She let out a small laugh of her own at that, sighing as she relaxed beneath him, catching her breath as that muscular, hot body of his pressed down against hers.

Her thoughts wandered back to the same old problem, sorting and categorizing the evidence she had:

  • Sexual promiscuity and strong preference for sexual giving suggest female dominance in the sexual marketplace.
  • Chaste clothing choices suggest lack of desire to be pursued; alternately, even more chaste clothing norms in his home country?
  • Sex often includes a semi-romantic element, such as dates, suggesting a traditional masculine emphasis on sex within the context of relationships, again, supporting evidence towards the chaste norms.
  • Misread herself as predatory early on, hard signal to uncode, possibly related to generally cynical mindset?
  • Tsuru quickly seduced him into a threesome, and he had numerous unique ideas on that subject, suggesting fetishization of group sex with multiple women.
  • Unclear response to polygamy suggestion - likely not FLDS, but possibly interested in polygamy for other reasons?

What if the gender ratio in his own Earth was extremely warped? Fisher's principle meant that a species should have roughly fifty-fifty gender ratios, but something like Wolbachia could distort it. He didn't seem to have any unique and dangerous contagions from his home dimension - they'd checked - but a disease spread via female line wouldn't be present in a man. The chastity norm would be a response to the heightened risk of sexual assault. His apparent fetishization of group sex would also fit, since it would be much more normalized...

She'd figure it out. She was smart.

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