Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Nora Goes The Extra Mile

Nora was speaking to her mother over the phone, as her other bodies did various things around the house, including exercise and sleep. Her mother had started off talking about various matters relating to social functions that she was hoping Nora could attend, including the possibility of lessons on etiquette which could help her be more socially appropriate to the milieu.

"I do not care about being socially appropriate to the milieu," Nora explained. Since she did not care about that, then she would obviously have no reason to learn how to do it. "As I do not care about it, I also do not see any reason to learn how to do it."

"Ah... well, I was hopeful that you could find yourself a nice man," her mother suggested.

"I have already found myself a nice man, his name is Roger Cooper and you have met him. We have sex regularly, which is the most important trait in a partner."

"Come on, now. Sex is wonderful, and a man who's always hard and willing is certainly nice, but let's not be crass. There's more to a man than mere sexual talent. Many a relationship has floundered on that basis alone."

"Roger does have other positive qualities. For example, he does not unnecessarily spend money, which is good, as money is a major cause of conflict for couples."

"You know, I was talking to Clarice, and she mentioned her nephew is about your age and unmarried. He's quite handsome, and he's a federal prosecutor."

"I do not see the relevance."

"Well, you could try going out with him."

"I don't want to go out with him. I want to go out with Roger."

Her mother let out a small laugh. "I understand that, but you don't seem satisfied with your current arrangement with Roger."

"Yes. So I will attempt to fix this arrangement. Incidentally, your previous advice failed."

"I'm aware. You've mentioned it already." Ah. That was correct. She had done so. "He may simply not be that into you."

"He is extremely willing to have sex with me in a wide variety of different positions and circumstances. Therefore, it is likely he is into me. If he is not into me, that makes him more attractive, since it suggests that he would be even more willing to have sex with me once I successfully seduce him, which would mean a very large amount of sex."

"There is more to a relationship than sex, you know."

"There is. However, I have twenty bodies," which was technically a lie, since she actually had twenty-one, "each of which has an independent sex drive. Based on his giving nature and high libido, I believe that Roger could successfully satisfy all of my bodies if he tried, and even without trying, he has managed to please me to a greater degree than any of my previous sexual partners. Previous partners also tended to break things off due to my excessively high sex drive, or attempt unpleasant compromises such as sending me nude pics to masturbate to, which were also unsatisfying to me."

"I... see. Hmm. What if I could find you a man with a sex addiction?" Her mother suggested. "A satyriac might be able to keep up."

"I don't want 'a man.' I want Roger."

Her mother sighed. "I suppose the heart wants what it wants. If you change your mind, I'll definitely be ready with someone for you."

"I will not change my mind," Nora repeated.

Her mother sighed again. "Let's talk about something else! So, there's going to be a gala, I suppose you'll have to bring Roger along, since you're so focused on him..."

* * *

Nora sat on Roger's couch, staring at the television screen. Her hands fervently gripped the controller, as her thumbs attempted to press the buttons in the appropriate sequence. She had another body looking at the commands, but she was insufficiently experienced to press the button rapidly enough, so her character did not perform the technique she wanted.

Roger was using only one hand, simply tapping buttons with his fingers at superhuman speed as he easily overpowered her character, breaking through her guard and then throwing her around the map before finally fully depleting her health. The video game announced that the match was over.

Roger gained temporary control over the camera, as his (female) character stood on screen in a triumphant pose. He idly shifted the camera around, but surprisingly, zoomed in on her chest. He even hit the 'taunt' button that would cause the character to jump, which caused a slight bounce. Nora took note of this behavior and reached the obvious conclusion, that watching a muscular woman with large breasts jump was appealing to Roger. An idea immediately crystallized, as they returned to the character select menu.

"I'll turn up the handicap," Roger said.

"That is fine. Which of the female characters do you think is most sexually attractive?" Nora asked.

"Hmm?" Roger paused as he looked over the list of characters again. "I guess Jaja," he decided. Jaja looked very different from Nora, as she was exceedingly tall and muscular, whereas Nora was merely reasonably tall and muscular. She also had very long hair, which appeared to be blood red, contrasting with her golden, tawny skin. Nora's fingers played with her hair for a moment as she thought about the possibility of adjusting one of her body's diet and hair to better accommodate those tastes. She could even get surgery to increase the size of that body's breasts. She could not change her height, however, and Jaja was approximately 6.5' tall, or 1.98 meters... "Oh! Fuck, I forgot - your mom came by to offer me a job. Do you know anything about that?"

"No. That is quite unusual." Nora frowned. "She was attempting to set me up with some other man." A little lightbulb went off in her head, as she once more attempted social manipulation. "She said that he had a good job. Perhaps she was attempting to arrange things so that you were out of the way, and thus, this other man could romance me and sweep me off my feet."

"Huh. I guess that makes sense," Roger said, not seeming to care very much. "How do you feel about that?" He asked her.

Her lips squirmed on her face. She did not want to lie to him, but also, she very slightly wanted to lie to him in order to convince him that he would have to seduce her in order to prevent her from falling in love with some handsome stranger. In the end, her good character won out over her selfish personal needs. "I am not interested in another man. I am interested in you."

He leaned over to her at that, giving her a kiss on the lips, something soft and gentle. She let out a sigh at the touch of lip against lip, the implicit intimacy, and his hand ran down her stomach towards her groin. "That's very sweet, but you know, I might wind up with someone else."

"I will do everything I can, that is ethical and moral, to prevent that from happening," she replied, seriously. That was the solemn truth, after all.

"That's sweet." He paused, one hand on her cheek, the other in between her thighs. "Why do you think she's trying to break us up?"

"I do not know. I am very bad at discovering individuals' motives based on their behavior."

"What if she's trying to separate us to... have more control over you," he suggested. "That would also explain the job offer, since if she can dangle me by my job, that could presumably be used to manipulate you."

"That would be bad. I do not like manipulative people."

He smiled at that. "I know you don't. I just worry that you might have a hard time seeing through someone's manipulation."

"I do. That is why I do not like manipulative people." He let out a small laugh, then gently kissed her on the lips again, slowly guiding her so that she was on her back on the couch.

They wound up fucking on the couch. She was not sure if it was merely passive arousal from Roger's zooming in on a 3D girl's breasts, or something she had said, but she certainly did not complain as he frantically pumped away inside her, his lips exploring her neck, his tongue sliding as deep into her mouth as it could reach, his hands wandering her body, squeezing, groping, caressing every inch of her being. He wound up ejaculating inside of her three times, while she orgasmed seven; she considered bringing over another body to have him also have sex with it, but she suspected that it was an inappropriate time to do so.

* * *

There was somewhat fortuitous timing, in that the very next day, Beatrice came over to Nora's home again, knocking at the door. Once more, she had her bodyguards with her, although this time, she left them behind her as she entered Nora's home. Nora even considered preparing some sort of small meal for her mother - but she had to deal with her mother's potential attempts to break her and Roger up, first.

"Beatrice, I do not appreciate your attempting to break Roger and I up," she said, her voice firm. "I like him and will continue to like him until he rejects me, or enters a monogamous, intimate relationship with another woman."

"I'm... sorry?" Her mother said, her brow furrowing. "I was just listing off some other possibilities, I don't want to force the two of you to break up if that isn't what you want, sweetie."

"In that case, why did you attempt to offer Roger alternative employment at your company?"

Her mother let out a small laugh at that. "Ah... I'm sorry. When you told me that the trick where you mention other men to him didn't work - well, most of the women that he's sleeping with are superheroines, aren't they?" All of them, except May Colvin. Nora nodded. "I thought a change of location would help... reduce the temptation."

"Oh. That is an extremely rational strategy," Nora agreed. "It did not work, however."

"Yes, I'm sorry," her mother agreed, with a small nod. "Now, there is something that I came here to discuss - can we be seated for this?"

Nora guided Beatrice into the living room, then took a seat on the couch. Beatrice sat down on a love seat, taking a deep breath, then producing a folder from her purse, placing it down on the table. "I found your father," she told Nora.

Nora stared at the folder for a long few seconds. "I assume you do not plan to rekindle a decades-old romance with him." Beatrice let out a laugh and shook her head. Nora gently slid the folder over to herself - it contained several photographs of a man who was clearly her father, Arthur Kleiner. She felt a strange wetness stain the corners of her eyes as she continued on, reading about her father's current life circumstances. He had apparently become a prolific drinker, and was employed at a S-Mart, working menial labor to shelve boxes.

She stared quietly at the photos and documents for several minutes. She had not seen her father since she had become a ward of the state, and this was the first time she had seen him in two decades. Her finger reached out to touch the face of her father where it lay, printed, on the pages in front of her. Her vision began to warp from tears, and she quickly rubbed at that body's face.

"If you would like, I could drive you there now."

"No. That will not be necessary." One of her bodies was already significantly closer to her father's address than this one; she could make her way there faster alone. "Thank you, mother," she said.

Beatrice hesitated for a moment, then rose from her seat, coming to sit next to Nora on the couch and wrapping her in a hug. "I'm sorry that I wasn't a better mother for you," she said. "My own parents... never approved of my having you. I only started looking for you after they were dead. If I had..." she trailed off, small choked noise escaping her own throat, which sounded like crying. "I'm trying my best to make it up to you, but I know I never can." Nora's arms reached out for her mother, reciprocating her hug.

* * *

Nora gave the rideshare driver a significant cash tip, waving lightly at him as he started to drive on. She stepped slowly up the driveway towards the manufactured home in which her father apparently resided; he had an old, beat up car, which looked as if it had been in some kind of relatively mild t-bone accident, by the way the doors on one side seemed to compress inward. She wondered if the doors worked at all - however, she had more important business, striding up to the front door.

She knocked on it repeatedly. There was no immediate response, so she knocked more rapidly. "Hold your horses," came a male voice from inside, which she shortly recognized as her father. Even his gait was similar, the faint sound of his footfalls summoning up old memories, her heart beginning to race as she heard him approaching the doorway. He pulled it open a moment later, looking down at her. There was an almost instantaneous recognition in his eyes, which was somewhat surprising, as he had not seen her in two decades. "Nora," he said, then promptly let go of the door to hug her tightly against him.

His manual labor job apparently incorporated a significant quantity of exercise, because he was quite strong. He was actually physically stronger than her, she suspected, though he lacked the combat experience - his current grapple would not have made it hard to knock him on his ass, due to the poor placement of his feet. "Papa," she said, the words coming out unbidden from her throat.

"Come on in," he said, hurriedly breaking off the hug. "I ain't got much, but it's all yours, Nora," he said, turning to allow her inside. She entered. His home was only marginally larger than Roger's apartment. "If you want, I can make you something to eat - uh, we got the stuff for nachos, spaghetti, peanut butter sandwiches, and a few TV dinners," he told her, his voice rushing as he spoke.

"That is alright. This body already ate." She turned to look at him, staring for a long second.

He looked down at her gaze, swallowing loudly. She decided to continue to not say anything, to see what his continuing response would be - after a few more seconds, he spoke. "I'm sorry. I couldn't take care of you - a single dad can handle one kid, but even a kid as well-behaved as you... I couldn't handle six of you. It was only getting worse, and the government took you out of state. I didn't have the money or job flex to visit, I wanted to, really, but..." he trailed off at that point. "I watch you on the TV all the time," he noted. "I've got, um, probably too much paraphernalia, but you're my daughter, I'm allowed a few posters, right?" He said. There was an asymmetrical smile on his lips.

"I would like to see this," Nora said, and her father guided her past his simple living room - there was a single, well-worn couch, a coffee table, and a plasma screen that had a small crack in the upper right corner. He was apparently quite thin on funds, given this, combined with his abode, and car. Perhaps she could ask Mira to give him a higher-paying job, or simply to purchase him various expensive gifts. She had much more money than Nora did, after all.

She was taken to his bedroom, where the mattresses were stacked up rather than actually being hung over the floor by the bed frame, as would be normal. She noticed a personal desk, covered with a mix of food and computer devices, as well as several figurines of her that she recognized from various stages of her career and different costumes she had worn. She looked around the room. "Where are the posters?"

"Ceiling," her father explained, pointing up, and she saw then, several different posters of her. FORK, each one confidently declared.

She felt her eyes begin to sting again - her father immediately pulled her into a hug again, and she let him, enjoying his warmth and closeness for the first time in far too long.

* * *

In life, one rarely experiences something that is truly unexpected. What appears to be a complete miracle by any rational explanation. I was seated on my couch, wearing just a t-shirt and underwear, idly moving around the overworld in Omega Rune: Devil of the West when I heard a loud knock at the door. It was louder than basically anybody ever knocked on my door, so I got up to answer it.

For a moment, towering a full head over me, there stood Jaja, one of the fighters in Legacy Fighters IX. Built as hell, insanely tall, gorgeous big round tits, and long red hair that stretched down to the small of her back. She was even wearing the same animal print bikini that she wore (in the game, she was one of those "barbarian" types - female characters almost never wore that little otherwise).


My mouth just opened and closed for a moment as I stared up at her in awe. Then she opened her mouth, and while her voice sounded exactly like Jaja's VA... "I, Jaja, am here to have consensual sex with you, Roger," Nora said.

I let out a small laugh. Obviously, there was no way that Jaja could actually appear in front of me. She was an entirely fictional character, invented for a video game. "Come on in, Nora," I said. She actually bonked her head against the door frame as she stepped inside. I guess she wasn't used to being that tall.

"Would you prefer if I continued to roleplay as Jaja?" Nora asked.

I didn't know why she bothered asking - Jaja had barely any character in the games, and she certainly didn't do a good job of pretending to be her in the first place. The actual Jaja would probably have said Me want sex now! "No, just the body is nice," I said, reaching out for her ass to grope and squeeze it. She smiled at the touch, then let out a small pant of pleasure. "Priscilla, right?"

"Yes. Since you mentioned that you liked the character Jaja, I had one of my bodies eat an excessive amount of meat, and then had Priscilla rearrange my biomass, including that of the meat. When I revert, my belly will be quite large, from having eaten so much."

My hands started to wander, reaching up for her tits and squeezing them through the top - which I, in short order, removed, letting those insane tits bounce free. They were obviously quite closely modeled after their video game equivalents, because they only sagged a little from the sudden introduction of gravity, remaining full and round and perky despite the fact that Nora was standing up straight. She let out another hot pant, and I was reasonably sure that Priscilla had also increased her sensitivity. "I definitely like this," I told Nora, smiling and taking her hand. "You don't mind if I start with a titfuck, do you?"

"No. My breasts seem unusually sensitive," Nora noted, as I drew her with me over to the couch and had her kneel in front of me. With how tall she was - fuck it was hot to see her kneel. There was something special about watching a woman taller than you descend to her knees in front of you, Mira had shown me that plenty of times. I leaned back on the couch and just let Nora go to work, enjoying the scene as she unzipped my pants and removed my very erect cock. She then grasped her tits in either hand and wrapped them around my dick. It completely disappeared in the truly copious amounts of titflesh that she had to offer. "Your cock is so very nice, Roger," she noted, letting out a soft sigh as she began to massage her breasts around my dick.

"You should drool," I told Nora. She blinked at me. "To better lubricate my cock," I explained. I guess she was normally on the margin where a titfuck was relatively tough, but she immediately started to salivate, her saliva dripping in between her breasts slowly. It dribbled down onto my cock, the wet cool feeling of it incredibly pleasant as I just groaned and leaned back in place. My hand went to her head, softly running my fingers through it, petting her quietly as she worked.

She wasn't paying much attention to me, just diligently focusing on drooling into her breasts, the saliva slowly pooling before she'd shift the wonderful big pillows to let it spill down onto my cock, running down my length and then getting smeared in by her tits. It was a movement she repeated several times, struggling to produce enough spit to do as was asked of her, but she didn't hesitate, didn't complain - and it was incredibly hot to see her doing something like this, in someone else's body, all for me.

I had a certain suspicion, though, from the way her cheeks were heating up as she kept massaging her tits into my groin, and the way her fingers seemed to squeeze and mash at the soft, supple flesh to a degree more than strictly necessary. I reached for her nipples, and gently pinched them between my thumb and forefinger. She let out a soft moan of pleasure at that, though she didn't try to stop me. Instead, she spoke up. "I am surprised. Are larger breasts typically more sensitive than smaller breasts?" She asked me, looking up at me, completely guileless.

"I think Priscilla may have made your tits more sensitive," I told her. She hummed at that, her lips pursing cutely as she continued to gently massage my dick. A hot little pant escaped her throat of pleasure born from that, and my fingers on her nipples.

"She did say, that she had an idea, you might like," Nora said, beginning to become increasingly out of breath which each mash of her tits around my dick. "But that, you would like it more, if it was a surprise. Do you think, more sensitive breasts, is that idea?"

She'd reacted quite a bit more than usual to my groping of her butt, so I suspected it was everything being more sensitive. I just gently took hold of the back of her head, thrust my cock as far into her breasts as I could get it, and tilted her head down into her bosom, silently urging her to suck my cockhead. She managed, just barely, to start licking and suckling on the very tip, her hands continuing to massage those full tits of hers around my length, my fingers continuing to tease and play with her nipples.

It was to her first moan that I actually came - feeling those pretty lips, pursed around my dick, vibrating with pleasure, was just too much. She hungrily swallowed down every spurt, her eyes flicking up to mine as if to silently take in my expression with each little jolt of cum. As I came, my fingers tweaked and twisted her nipples with an absent cruelty that only seemed to make her gasp and pant more loudly around my cock, encouraging every last drop of cum in my balls to paint the inside of her mouth.

When I was completely spent, I peeled her gently off my cock. The wet pop of her lips was exceptionally sexy, for the fact that she was now wearing the face and body of a completely different woman. But with how she'd seemed quite aroused from the stimulation of her breasts, well... I had to know if she was on a hair trigger from sex proper.

"Let's hit the bedroom," I said, and Nora nodded rapidly, joining me in the bedroom shortly. I peeled her out of her remaining, limited, clothes, appreciating her insanely muscular form as I removed her panties, her boots, her knee-pads. I gave her clit a quick peck once I'd fully undressed her, and she gasped in pleasure, pretty much confirming what I had been wondering: Priscilla had definitely pumped up her sensitivity. "Get on the bed - you're going to be on the bottom, since I'm worried about the consequences if you flop on me."

"Yes, that is very fair. I now weigh over two hundred pounds," she explained, and my cock twitched a bit at that statement. I'd been ordering her around with ease, and she was currently some gargantuan monster who could have fought me off at any time. It was sort of reminiscent of the pleasure of dominating Kate.

Whatever the case, I stripped out of my remaining clothes as Nora clambered up onto the bed, lying on her back. Those tits of hers were genuinely gravity-defying, bouncing a bit as she wiggled into place, spreading her legs wide and expectant for me, even going so far as to grab her thighs. I got up on the bed, in between her thighs, rubbing away. She panted softly at the sensation, squirming on her back. I licked my lips, then just slammed my length inside her in a single thrust.

She immediately came, intensely powerful vaginal muscles squeezing and gripping my dick, massaging it as I rested inside her. I gasped at the sensations, my own fingers clawing at the bed as Nora grabbed her pillow and clung to it desperately, her cheeks flush and her lips parted, her eyes wide with surprise as she came right then and there. Her hips bucked against me, her back arching, and I leaned down over her, kissing at those gorgeous tits of hers, making her sigh and wiggle pleasantly, her eyelashes fluttering.

When she finally came down from her orgasmic high, I started to gingerly pump away again, popping my lips off her tit to speak up. "I think what Priscilla changed is that she made your body more sensitive," I told Nora.

"Ah, is that something, you like?" Nora panted out, looking down at me. My cock twitched inside her, and I nodded rapidly. "Then, perhaps, I could do it, more regularly. As I have, many bodies," she wiggled and squirmed, her legs suddenly snapping around my hips and dragging me deep inside her, holding me down and grinding me in place. With her suddenly intensified strength, she could completely control me that way - and I just let her, enjoying the feeling of her tight pussy squeezing my dick as she tried, but just barely, failed to come. When she released, I began pumping away again, though faster this time. "As I have many bodies," she continued, her cheeks a little pink from the force of my repetitive thrusts, "it would help you, to pleasure all of them, which I believe you also like to do."

"I definitely do," I told her, letting my hands reach up for her tits, now, abandoning the bed to just appreciate those gorgeous, big, round, fat tits. My cock pounded as deep inside her as I could get it, and my fingers all but clawed at the supple flesh there, but it just seemed to make Nora even more aroused, her currently insane body spasming beneath me as she came again. Once more, I just held myself inside her, feeling that tight pussy of hers go absolutely crazy on my dick. I wound up having to use my superspeed to keep from coming too quickly from the stimulation, but once she was finished coming, well... I started to go at it, just ramming away with inhuman agility and force, making her gasp in pleasure.

From that point on, her orgasms came one after the other, fast and hard. She'd spend twenty or thirty seconds coming, have five or ten seconds of respite, and then she'd orgasm all over again on my cock. Her hands at some point grabbed my head, pulling me into a kiss, but she was about the most incompetent kisser by that point, being too much of a sweaty mess to do more than slap her open mouth against my own. Her hair had started to tangle from all the sweat she was dripping onto it, and she just took it all with obvious glee and relish.

It was fucking insanely sexy. I'd picked out Jaja from the characters of Legacy Fighters IX purely because she was the girl who wore the least clothes, and Nora had chosen to go get her entire body temporarily modified into said character, while also making herself a hair-trigger orgasm. There were so many obvious thoughts that came to mind, other characters from other games that she could be, a variety of insane scenarios, and my mind wandered as I frantically pounded away. She certainly didn't mind, or notice, though - she came several more times as we lazily made out with one another, her legs locking tight around my hips occasionally before releasing to let me properly pound away again.

When I finally came inside her pussy, she was a sweaty, heaving mess, and I was just about out of juice myself. I flopped down on top of her, panting heavily as I used her tits like a pair of delightfully warm, jiggly pillows, and she just lay there herself, her chest rising and falling as she desperately recovered from the pleasure that I'd given her.

Eventually, she turned back into regular-sized Nora, and I had to roll off of her. Her belly was, in fact, quite full from all the food she'd eaten to make that transformation possible, and I gave it a pat. There was the absent mental image of her being pregnant like that, and my cock twitched a bit, but I quickly dismissed it, just cuddling with her in bed.

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