Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Nora Plays Maid & Wife Both

Nora listened carefully to Beatrice's explanation of how best to seduce Roger. It mostly revolved around a single core strategy, which was to make him feel jealous. She had attempted this before, but found that it was ineffective. Based on her biological mother's explanation, she believed this was because Roger (correctly) perceived that she was "sexually" active but not "romantically" active, as men preferred romantic commitment to sexual commitment. After various back and forth questions, she did believe she understood the dynamics involved, and the general principle: she should attempt to seduce another man into being her boyfriend, while also having a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with Roger. This would cause him to feel so jealous that he would do anything, including having an exclusive relationship with her.

"I do not wish to string along another man purely in order to make Roger jealous," Nora told her mother.

"Don't think of it as stringing him along - think of it as keeping your options open."

Nora simply frowned at that statement. It did not really make sense. What options were being kept open? "What options are being kept open?"

"Let's suppose you meet a nice, handsome fellow," her mother explained, which was easy to imagine, as Nora knew many nice, handsome fellows, such as every male member of Star Heroic, though most of them were currently attached. "You go out on dates with him; have a bit of sex and fun. You mention something romantic and spontaneous he did for you to Roger, which should make him become jealous and reconsider your dynamic. Some men will just try to change the rules so they can get everything they want and you get nothing," her mother noted, which did not sound like Roger, as he was normally quite considerate of her. "But suppose it doesn't work. He just shrugs it off. Well - you've met another nice, handsome fellow, who's totally fine with a romantic relationship with you."

"I see. So I would have an alternative to Roger. But I do not want an alternative to Roger. I want Roger. He is highly attractive, considerate, candid, sexually voracious, and willing to engage in sex acts that normally would require an extreme special occasion for an agreement to."

Her mother laughed a bit at that. "He does sound like quite the catch. But you're a beautiful superheroine who can play the homemaker and breadwinner role. Some handsome slut should count himself lucky to have you."

"Please do not use the term slut to refer to Roger, as it is derogatory."

"Ah, sorry. I only use it in the descriptive sense - from the sound of things, he's very promiscuous. He does-" her mother paused, seeming to tilt her head in thought for a moment.

"He does what?"

"Sorry. I was just thinking of the whole lesbian scene for a moment." Nora became even more confused at the irrelevant statement. "A large portion of lesbian relationships are open, because both partners are horny as hell and can easily get laid with other people that are horny as hell. I was half-thinking that an alternate solution would be to just accept things as they are, and get better at having casual sex with other men."

"Sex with other men is not as good as with Roger."

Her mother let out a laugh at that. "I'm sure it isn't. But as the old saying goes, quantity has a quality all its own." Nora considered that statement carefully. In other words, if she had a large amount of sex with many men, then that would make up for it being bad? That did not seem likely. "Well, I've given you my advice - you can take it, or not. You are an adult, after all."

Yes. Nora was an adult. She could make her own decisions.

* * *

Class distinctions historically, and even at present, create a set of intentionally cultivated strange behaviors. The rich don't want to be mistaken for the poor, so they create an entire separate standard of codes of conduct, politeness, and other norms, purely for the purpose of "revealing" the "uncultured" when they fail to understand them. This process has only intensified with the decline and abolition of sumptuary laws, meaning you could no longer distinguish the rich from the merely middle class by simple things like clothing or furnishings. Particularly in the case of a country like the United States, where there never was - nor ever could be - explicit class distinctions, these social norms became the predominant mechanism of social distinction for a self-segregating class of elites.

"My mother is indicating that you should come join me at the dinner," the Nora on my lap said, and I sighed, nodding. I quickly dabbed my sweat down with a few sheets of toilet paper and pulled on the clothes I'd left on the stall wall. Nora herself stared at me until I was fully dressed, and only then did she straighten up. "You can go back to the dinner alone; I only brought this body here incidentally, and I am still at dinner."

"Got it," I told her, and indeed, I found her body seated next to her mother at one of the tables; there was a free seat on the opposite side, which I quickly took up, while Beatrice sat next to Daniel, and a few other people I didn't know sat there.

"These are George Santiago, Caroline Santiago, Jennifer Adder, and Henry Adder," she explained, pointing to each individual in turn with a surprising degree of precision. "This is Roger Cooper, who is my date." She reached for my thigh beneath the table, placing one hand there. For a moment, I thought she was just feeling me up, but her tight squeeze was maintained as she gave a plastic smile for the other people.

"Hi," I said, noncommittally.

"So, what do you do, Roger?" George asked me. He was at least affecting warmth, though I doubted he really cared.

"I'm an accountant with Star Heroic," I told him.

"Ah, that's the company that your daughter works for, isn't it, Bea?" Jennifer asked, perhaps following some completely incomprehensible set of social norms where she didn't ask me or Nora for some reason.

"Yes, it is," Beatrice said, with a smile, gently placing one hand on Nora's shoulder and giving a squeeze. "My daughter, the superhero," she added, earning a small round of laughter from the people there.

"I do not see what is funny about being a superhero," Nora noted, the faintest furrow of her brow. "Although, there is occasionally an amusing case. I recall one case that always produces numerous laughs among employees of Star Heroic when it comes up," she said, suddenly straightening. "You see, there was a home belonging to a likely mentally-ill individual, named Lee. He had expired in his home of natural causes, but had booby-trapped the various entrances and exits with explosives and firearms set to go off. Further, there were even more booby traps inside. There were concerns regarding either a standard slow disarming by bomb squad, or simply an attempt at controlled demolition, as they did note evidence of digging suggestive of mines in the yard. As such, Star Heroic was contacted to attempt to render assistance."

"Oh, how exciting," Beatrice said, smiling.

"It is not very exciting. I could have handled it myself, but it would have probably cost several bodies as they were shot or triggered IEDs. Passive obstacles merely wait until you deal with them. Only active obstacles are exciting." Beatrice's expression briefly morphed before she decided to put back on a smile. "In order to deal with it, Perihelion was called in, since she is effectively immune to any civilian-grade weaponry or explosives, and further, could fly. She was given a camera so that the bomb squad could make recommendations about how to handle various things. She was told to cut a blue wire at one point, but she incorrectly cut a different wire, causing the object in question to explode, bringing the entire house down by knock-on explosions. I do not believe the owner of the house was very wise in placing so many explosives around, as one explosive will trigger another explosive, and thus an intruder would kill him."

"Is... that the funny part?" I could just about see somebody else telling it in a charismatic fashion.

"No. The funny part is that, at the time, Perihelion was not wearing her current form-fitting spandex, but instead preferred a simple 'shirt and skirt' design, that was fairly loose on her body. Because of that, the accreted small damage from the explosions and shrapnel and building collapse tore away all her clothes, leaving her naked in front of the other first responders. As I recall, she was extremely embarrassed, to the point of her entire face being beet red, but attempted to play it off by flirting unsuccessfully with a police officer. This is the funny part of the story."

Nobody laughed.

Well, after a second or two of awkward silence, with Nora seeming to wait for a laugh track that was never coming, I laughed at the awkwardness and absurdity of the situation. Not the story, though.

"Ah, I can see how that might be funny," Beatrice said, with a smile. "But I don't think it's terribly appropriate for dinner conversation."

"Perihelion, really? As in, the..." Henry started, sounding more interested in it for its prurient detail than anything else, but his wife quietly gave him a look and he let it go. "Yes, perhaps inappropriate," he said.

"It has been told at dinners held by Star Heroic, and everyone, excepting Perihelion, always laughs. Sometimes, if they do a particularly good impression of her saying, 'Roses are red, my face is too, that only happens when I'm around you,' she also laughs." That got a strangled laugh from me; not from anyone else. Nora smiled at that, perking up at having gotten a response from me. "Sometimes people will propose alternate pickup lines she might have told instead," she began, and her mother squeezed her shoulder.

"Nora. Why not change the topic, sweetie?" She asked, smiling in a very obviously fake way.

"Because Roger laughed. I understand that you believe it is socially inappropriate, however, I would like Roger to like me, which is much more important to me than your opinion of me, or strangers' opinions of me," she explained.

Beatrice gave me a look that was quietly pleading for help. "Nora," I said. "You can tell me the jokes later. They sound fun, but I don't think they're appreciated by anyone but me."

"As stated, I understand that they are not appreciated by anyone but you, but-"

"I get it," I told her. I decided to resort to that classic social manipulation tactic: guilt. "I'll feel awkward if you do it, though."

"Very well. I will go along with this," Nora said, straightening up as she started to precisely cut her food up before beginning to eat it.

Unfortunately, the rest of the dinner conversation was unbelievably dull, though Nora managed to muddle through well enough. I don't think our fellow table guests were that put out by her awkward choice of joke topic - to be honest, I got the impression it was more a pitying acceptance. Oh, this poor girl, who doesn't understand social norms, sort of thing. Poor meaning either not rich enough, or just sad, and probably both.

* * *

The charity event involved some quantity of money so big that nobody ever said it; they just discussed buying plates and items in the most abstract of terms, referring to 'chips' and other stuff that was clearly intended to give the thinnest level of obfuscation as to who was spending what. There were several different speeches, and a band that I think is fairly well-known in this universe but couldn't have named for the life of me, and then we finally got to go home. It was, at least, less enervating than going to a club.

"I would like to go back to your home, or you could come to my home," Nora said, as we started to depart.

I considered the question for what it really meant: sex. If we went to Nora's place, there would probably be like a dozen bodies there, all of whom I'd probably wind up fucking. If we went to my place, there was just this body, or maybe she'd bring over one or two more, but that would be it. And, of course, if we went our separate ways, then we would leave it with that bathroom quickie.

I wasn't really pent up, but I wasn't exactly sexually exhausted, either. "Let's go to your place," I said, and she smiled at that, quickly grasping my hand in hers, giving it a squeeze.

* * *

When we got to Nora's place, I was sporting a decent erection just from anticipation - it got even more extreme when I stepped into the house, and there was Nora in a maid costume. "Hello, Master," she said, giving a deep curtsy. "As the family maid, you are free to use me for sex. I am on contraceptives, so you do not need to worry about me having a bastard, Master." If I'd been hard before that, I was diamond hard then.

"You bought this costume for me?"

"I also purchased a pair of cat ears and a cat tail for catgirl roleplay," Nora explained. "However, I do not know what catgirl roleplay is like. I bought a few different dresses which the salesperson recommended as being indicative of a 'housewife style,'" she added.

"Let's just do the maid for the moment," I told her, and she nodded in immediate agreement. "Since you're already all dressed up..." I looked her up and down, admiring her lovely dress, the way it covered almost all of her body but still hinted at more, snugly fitting around her breasts, the long slit that revealed just the hint of leg. "You're the lady of the house, and this body is the maid. You actively help her fuck me, because my sexual appetite is so great that you cannot satisfy me alone."

"I see." There was a brief pause. "In that case, darling," she said, grabbing my arm. "Please, take a seat in the living room," she said, guiding me over to the couch and having me sit down on it. She paused, her other body - the one in the maid outfit - also pausing in an opposite position, hands clasped in front of it in affected submission. I guess this kind of scenario wasn't common in this world.

"Kneel, maid," I ordered, and immediately she did so. "Now, get in between my legs," I explained, and she waddled into position, as I spread my legs wide. She didn't need more information than that to guess the next trick, reaching forward to unzip my pants. "Come here, babe," I said, patting the couch next to me; wife-Nora sat down next to me a moment later, still in that hot dress. Part of me wanted to just take her head and gently guide her down into my groin, but those thoughts were interrupted as the body in between my legs wrapped her lips around my cockhead and started to worm her way down my whole length. She took her time with it, her tongue sashaying back and forth on the underside of my dick, until at last her nose was pressing into my groin.

I ignored the maid for the moment. Nora knew how to suck cock with an unbridled intensity, so I could leave her to it. My other hand gently clasped the wife's cheek, pulling her into a kiss. Once it was signalled that it was kissing time, Nora promptly began to suck face, her tongue stretching into my mouth as she hummed and breathed in delight. Her body started to press further into me, as she kept on up with the kiss, our tongues tangling and dangling together. My hand slid down her body, groping and squeezing her ass cheeks, as we kept on making out. The feeling of getting my dick sucked while completely focused on something else was truly exquisite.

But that wasn't the entire scenario. I popped off the kiss for a moment, and Nora just stared into my eyes with momentary confusion. "Take hold of the back of her head," I told her, and she nodded, one hand reaching down to grip that body's head. She didn't need to be told more than that - she promptly started to roughly facefuck the maid on my cock, just pounding away. I pulled her back into a hungry kiss, imagining for a moment that this was my wife, beautiful blonde babe, muscular and hot and tall and incredibly eager, and that between my legs was a cocksucking maid who would do whatever she was ordered to for a paycheck.

My hand on her ass groped and squeezed more vigorously, while the body getting facefucked on my cock would occasionally sputter. When those gagging, choking noises served only to excite me further, my tongue wiggling about more inside Nora's mouth, my hand gripping and squeezing her delicious butt, Nora promptly responded by intensifying the pace, seemingly purposefully provoking gagging and slobbering and spitting all over the place in response. I ground her closer against me, enjoying the feeling of her pert breasts against my chest as we made out like that; I slid my hand around to her pussy, slipping under her dress and gently brushing her panties.

She gasped in response, then began to subtly grind her groin against my hand; I simplified the deed by slipping into her panties a few seconds later, starting to vigorously frig her. In response, her movements of the maid's face on my cock got more manic, just pounding up and down with frenetic, constant energy, driving me absolutely wild with pleasure, as her mouth sputtered, dribbled, slobbered all over my dick, more and more saliva escaping her mouth as she tried and failed to keep herself together.

The facefucking was ultimately too intense, and I came, groaning into Nora's mouth - she didn't stop facefucking the maid's mouth on my dick even as I came, letting my cum go down her throat one moment and splatter into her mouth the next. Some of it would up coming up through her nose, creating a lewd sight, those cool, gorgeous features distorted with a smear of cum that dribbled out of her nose towards her upper lip.

When I was completely spent, she was finally allowed to pop off, retrieving a tissue and dabbing at her nose. Watching her waddle around, imagining that it was really a maid, that this was really my wife... "Put as many bodies as you can in maid uniforms, and send them to the master bedroom," I told her, and she nodded readily.

A couple minutes later, there I stood, four of Nora's bodies bent over the bed, black French maid skirts flipped up to reveal muscular butt after muscular butt. "Peel their panties down below their butts, babe," I told the wife-Nora, giving her ass a quick squeeze, watching with pleasure as her fingers gently did exactly that, and no more. Each set of panties wound up tightly clinging around its adjoining pair of thighs, four pink sexes wet and glistening, absolutely ready for me.

I took off my pants and just thrust into the one on the far left, using its pussy like it was a sex toy arranged just for me. I didn't bother with its clit, instead dragging the wife into a renewed makeout session, slurping greedily on her tongue. My fingers groped and squeezed her ass cheek, as she kissed and caressed me - and at some point, decided to start taking off my clothes. I let her, enjoying as she tossed them aside one by one, her breath hot in my mouth as she twisted against me, as her fingers brushed against my bare chest - out of the corner of my eye, I could see the three maid bodies I wasn't fucking turn to look, to eye me up.

The one that I was fucking ultimately came before me, despite the utter lack of care on my part. I was treating these bodies in a way I normally didn't, like their pleasure didn't matter, but Nora was apparently sensitive enough, eager enough, to come just like that. I wound up joining her in orgasm, the massaging movements of her pussy serving to excellently wring one out of my cock, before I moved onto the next one and just started fucking away again, varying my speed by using my power, yet still pounding away with each thrust.

"Thanks," I breathed out in the wife's ear, as my hands left her ass to instead start seeking out the zipper to her dress, in short order beginning to peel her out of it. She was wearing plain panties and bra, of course, but she was still dead sexy in them, smooth skin and muscled abs. The body I was fucking squeezed hard on my dick, threatening to make me come at any moment, and I just intensified my pace, free hand on her hips to hold her in place as I used her. I decided to focus on the sexy scenario. "I know that you have a tough time handling my cock, so I'm glad that you're willing to let me use all these whores. And that's what they are, aren't they?"

She tilted her head curiously at that, and I realized too late that nobody called women whores in a derogatory fashion in this world. It just didn't really make sense. "Yes," she agreed, after a few seconds. "After all, they are our employees, and being paid for sex. It is too bad that my pussy is too tight for your cock, as a tight pussy is normally considered advantageous, but in this case is just too tight. Hopefully I can open up just enough for you to smoothly fuck me, and these unnecessary women can be discarded."

I came at that point, just bottoming out inside the maid and coming, hard. She tilted her head down to view what was happening, watching as I came, while I just gasped and twitched and bucked and ejaculated. One really fucking hot thing about Nora was definitely her more sadistic and dominant tendencies with other women, here expressed in the form of just casually talking about throwing away other women I was fucking like they were nothing. It was all roleplay, obviously, but it was still damn sexy - and I pulled out of that maid, before thrusting into the next.

"You should consider these women like sex toys to spice up our marriage," Nora said, surprising me with her degree of improvisation on the subject. "They, and their feelings, are not important. What is important is satisfying your sexual needs, which is my duty as your wife. I will let you mistreat any number of young women, who foolishly choose to allow your cock in their pussies. If they become pregnant, I will use my money to take their children from them and give those children to you, and force them to pay child support, and to suck your cock if they want to see their own children again." She was clearly just spitballing, but fuck if it wasn't hot, and my hips just pounded away at the body beneath me. "Fortunately, the family court system favors men, and their claims of sexual harassment will not be believed due to the absurdity of a man sexually harassing a woman."

I came again at that point, perhaps in some small part due to the idea that I really could just get away with being mean to girls like this, that because of my sex, nobody would ever believe I was a sexual predator. I wouldn't do that in real life, but fuck it was hot.

"Do you enjoy my dirty talk?"

"I fucking love it," I told her, mashing my face up against hers, groping her, carrying her, twisting her body around in my hands, as I thrust into the fourth maid's pussy and just started hammering away.

* * *

I used those four bodies with all the selfishness our dirty talk suggested; when I was finished, I happily kicked them out of the room. The sheer delight of being able to sadistically mistreat someone without having to worry about their feelings was incredibly sexy, and only Nora and Kate ever really gave me that - and for completely different reasons. With Nora, I could kick the maids out of the bedroom because the 'wife' was now cuddled up against me. Both of us were completely naked, my body having a light patina of sweat, hers simply flush and perky with desire. I would definitely wind up fucking it before leaving, but for the moment, I just wanted to cuddle in the afterglow; Nora certainly didn't seem to mind.

"Roger," she said, breaking character - as wife, she always called me 'darling' and 'dear' and the like. "If my biological mother comes to sincerely draw me into the family business and inheritance, as I believe she might, I would become even more wealthy. This would be beneficial to you, as you like money."

"Yeah, I guess," I said. Nora tilted her head up to me. Even with her flat affect, I strongly suspected she was attempting to determine if I was just faking it - I guess she'd been hoping that being rich would give her enough points to send her over the edge. "You don't really have to worry about stuff like that, with me. I don't need any more money."

"I see." She shifted her body again. "Since we are in an open relationship, wherein you go on dates and have sex with other women, I am considering also going on dates and having sex with another man."

"Yeah? I thought you were doing that already?" I asked, honestly a tad confused. If she was looking for permission, I'd be hypocritical to not provide it, so I tamped down any vague feelings in my heart about the whole possibility. "It's fine with me."

"I was already having occasional one night stands and casual sex with men, but no romantic things were done with them. I am proposing that I would begin to go on dates with Alexios again, and attempt a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with him, in addition to my relationship with you. As our relationship originally failed due to my voracious sexual appetite, which you have largely satisfied, I believe a second round would be very effective. We could fall in love and get married."

I thought about those words. I suspected she was trying to get me jealous, but - if Nora would up with Alexios, then good for them, honestly. He seemed like a good guy, and I did feel bad about the awkwardly not-quite-relationship the pair of us had, when she clearly wanted more. "Go ahead," I told her. She frowned faintly at that, then snuggled into my chest for the moment.

About half an hour later, I wound up fucking her for a few quick rounds before leaving. I made sure to make her come plenty, given how selfish I'd been with the maids.

* * *

There was a loud knocking on my door, not even a full hour after getting home. I'd taken a shower and was now wearing just a shirt and underwear, but a quick glance through the peephole showed it was Beatrice, so I got dressed properly.

"Mr. Cooper?" She called out, from the other side of the door. "This is Mrs. Titus. Beatrice. Nora's mother?"

I opened the door, then. Beatrice was flanked on either side by two men, and smiled somewhat warmly at my opening the door. "What is it?" I asked. I couldn't imagine something had happened to Nora, but the weird timing...

"I'd like to extend a job offer," she said. "What's your current salary?"

"One million, one hundred twenty thousand dollars per annum," I told her, belting the number off without the slightest hesitation. Her eyes widened momentarily at that.

"Ah. That is quite the price tag - Daniel did mention that you said your wages were very high. Still, for an accountant, I have to ask why?" It was clear she didn't really believe me.

"I work fast," I explained, sweeping my hand through the air at superhuman speed for a couple seconds. The two bodyguards tensed, ready for a fight, but ultimately realized I was just showing off.

"I... hmm. I would like to offer you two million dollars, I think, if you are as productive as your current salary suggests," she explained. "You would have to quit your work with Star Heroic, though."

I really had no idea why she was making this offer. It all came off as way too suspicious. Was she trying to sleep with me - as in, bribe me into being her sexy secretary or something? She was attractive, sure, but fucking Nora's mom sounded like a terrible idea, if for no other reason than the number of kids we'd end up having based on prior experience. Was she trying to turn me into a trophy, like former superhero company employees were in high demand? Was I going to be a way to manipulate her daughter?

I didn't know what her motives were - and ultimately, I didn't care. The first million dollars you make in a year is enormous; the second only matters to tax filings. What didn't matter to tax filings, though, was the blowjobs that I got from Tsuru during off hours, the way I got to meet (and screw) numerous hot superheroines. "No thanks," I told her, before unceremoniously shutting the door right in her face.

"Mr. Cooper. Mr. Cooper, please," she called out, from the other side of the door - I just went to play video games, jacking up the volume to make sure she knew I wasn't interested. Eventually, she left.

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