Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Being Nora’s Date To A Party

Like most other social animals, humans have an intrinsic feeling of filial duty, divorced from the context of any particular culture: it is considered important to treat one's parents well, no matter where you go, because humans have a biological tendency to do so. Immediate family members, after all, carry a full half of one's genetic load, therefore logically it should be in all family members' interests to behave prosocially towards other family members. This further has a multiplicative effect: I should want to be kind to my parents not just because of the possibility of them having further children, but also because they want me to be sexually successful (generally tied to other forms of success), and therefore can be assumed to have my best interests in mind.

I don't know if Nora considered this question rationally, or if she simply caved to instinct. She did ensure her mother's biological maternity before agreeing to spend more time with her.

It was less than a week after first meeting her mother that Nora approached me after the workday ended. "My mother wishes for me to be more involved in her life, and this includes attending social events with her. Currently, she wishes me to accompany her to a charity event for the education of indigent children. As I support children's education, I believe I will accept. I am permitted to bring along a date. As we have a romantic but non-exclusive relationship, I was hoping that you would accompany me."

I did wonder if she wanted me to be present more as a proper 'date', or for emotional support for dealing with her mother or high society or whatever else. Then I realized that this was Nora - she'd just answer if I asked. "Why do you want me to accompany you?" Her brow furrowed for a second. "Is this because you want me there so you feel less awkward, because you want to show me off, or what?"

She blinked a few times at the question. "I believe your presence would reduce the probability that I would do anything particularly socially devastating. I would also feel more comfortable with you being present, as I am generally more comfortable with you being present. However, we could also cuddle at your home while another one of my body attends the event," she offered, as an alternative.

I snorted at that. "That's not necessary. I'll come, and wear something nice." She licked her lips at that, and I remembered that I was in a world of reversed sexual morality, so wearing something nice would presumably be something sexy - well, she was going to be disappointed. "Do you want to show me off?" I asked, somewhat curious.

"No. You have already been shown off to too many women, forcing intense competition for you." She paused, thoughtful for a moment. "Please do not flirt with any women at the event."

"I promise not to."

* * *

Men's formal wear was still suits, mostly - they just tended to be a bit tighter, and a bit more exaggerated. My own button-up shirt was a bit loose, enough that there wasn't really the form definition that a lot of the men at the event had. I also didn't have quite the shoulder-pads of the others there. Nora was clasped to my arm, wearing a long dress that reached down to her heels and stretched up to her neck; it left her arms uncovered, other than the barest of sleeves, the kind that make it halfway down the shoulder before giving up completely. It had slits on either side, stretching up from her ankles nearly to her ass.

"I am Nora Kleiner, daughter of Beatrice Titus," she said, to the person who was watching the door. "This is my date, Roger Cooper." The man consulted a guest list, nodded, and we were signed in.

There was an awkward minute or two of just standing there, Nora attached to me, where I did nothing and talked to no one. Nora didn't either, but I suspected she felt more comfortable with that silence. Then, Beatrice Titus appeared.

She had long, dark hair, done in a tight bun at the moment, wearing a looser but slightly less covering dress than Nora. She was definitely quite a bit more curvy than Nora, but I could not imagine any circumstance where I would have sex with Nora's mom other than possibly one following severe brain damage on my part. Particularly since she was accompanied by another man. He was good-looking, though his face was a bit 'off' in some ephemeral way that took me a bit to put my finger on - then I realized that he'd gotten botox injections, or whatever the local equivalent was. Something to hide away the wrinkles. He also wore a suit that was much tighter than mine. Despite all that, he looked on the older end of things, with greying hair and a few just-visible wrinkles on his features.

"You must be Roger," Beatrice said, with a smile. "This is my husband, Daniel; oh, and of course, I'm Beatrice, Nora's mother."

I was surprised as Daniel took my hand without any apparent annoyance. I was pretty damn sure that he wasn't Nora's father, and I wondered how much he minded having some other guy's lovechild paraded around at a high society dinner. "Nice to meet you, Roger," he told me. "And you, Nora. You don't look much like your mother, but you are very pretty - just like her," he said.

He and Beatrice were the only two that laughed spontaneously; I awkwardly joined in a moment later, but probably not in time to avoid being obvious. Nora didn't laugh at all, simply staring. "You should not flirt with me, as I am young enough to be your daughter, and your wife is currently on your arm."

Daniel let out a more awkward laugh at that. "I suppose I shouldn't," he agreed. "You're a handsome devil - glad to see my stepdaughter is doing well for herself."

"You also should not flirt with Roger, as he is young enough to be your son, and your wife is currently on your arm," Nora offered, which earned laughs from everybody, including myself - though Daniel and Beatrice stopped laughing when they realized that Nora was serious. I managed to stifle my laughter only a bit after them.

"Daniel just loves to compliment people," Beatrice reassured Nora, who squeezed herself to my arm a bit tighter in response. "Let's go around, Nora, let me introduce you to everyone," she said. In a smooth movement, she extricated herself from her husband, reaching over to grasp Nora's arm - unfortunately, Nora was firmly attached to me. "It's more normal for us to socialize without our partners at this stage - the men with the other men, the women with the other women," she explained. I don't know if she understood how socially dense Nora could be, and that was why she was being explicit about the reasoning, but Nora simply frowned at the suggestion.

"I like being with Roger. We can meet males and females, together," she suggested.

"You certainly can, later, during the dinner, when people are eating rather than mingling, but for the moment-" she tugged a bit at Nora's arm, then let out an exasperated sigh, glancing my way. "Roger, I don't suppose you're any better at handling her? I had a hell of a time convincing her to wear a dress here."

"I was perfectly fine wearing a dress, however, this one limits my leg mobility in a combat situation."

"Yes, that's why we picked one with slits, instead of one that barely covered your ass. This isn't-" Beatrice paused, taking a deep breath. "Sorry. Roger?" She prompted me again.

In a situation like this, with strange social norms in an environment I wasn't accustomed to - well, I decided to leave it to Beatrice. If she was lying, then she'd ruin her relationship with her daughter in short order and Nora wouldn't have to deal with this awkwardness. "I think it'd be better to do what your mother says," I told her. "She is the expert on this matter."

Nora tilted her head, then gingerly extricated herself from me - but quickly hopped up on her tiptoes to give me a kiss on the cheek that was trying to worm its way into being a kiss on the lips. I let it do so, meeting her lips with my own. "I will be back to see you," she told me, her voice somewhat firm; I just nodded in agreement.

Once she and her mother had left, Daniel gave me a sharp smack on the back, something clearly meant to be comradely. "Looks like you've got your hands full with that girl, eh? Want me to show you around?"

"Not really," I told him. "To either of those questions. I'm going to find a corner to awkwardly stand in."

Daniel let out a small laugh - and then saw me actually go do it, making him take a moment, but he came over to bother me. "Come on. Don't worry if you're not that well off - lots of girls bring their trophy boyfriends and husbands to this place, it's quite normal."

The social custom against mentioning an exact income is something designed to allow the bosses to set people's wages lower, and thus, I discarded it. "I make a million dollars a year," I told him.

He blinked a few times at that. "I... am surprised to hear that," he said. "I was under the impression that Nora didn't socialize in these sorts of circles."

"She doesn't. I'm an accountant."

He looked surprised, but didn't argue. "You must be a very good one," he said, with a small laugh.

"Good, cheap, fast, pick two," I said, and he let out a heavier laugh at that. "I'd rather socialize with my coworkers, than these folks." I decided to submit to propriety and not call them various names like 'parasite'. "I'm just here to support Nora."

"I... see," he said, pausing for a few seconds, glancing over in the direction of Beatrice and Nora. "I'll see you later, then," he said, with a small nod.

One of those waiters with a serving tray of wine glasses passed me by - "Those reserved for anybody in particular?" I asked.

"Oh, no," he said, shifting to offer them - I snapped one up quickly and took up the role of 'man drinking alone in the corner.'

The major downside of it was that this was a world of reversed sexual morality, so 'lonely guy drinking alone in corner' turned out to be quite the attractor of the young, unattached, female population of the event. "I'm here with someone." "Yes, I do like her, that's why I'm here with her." "Please, leave me alone." "I'm not interested." "Not interested. Go away." I kept my awareness mostly on Nora, as she went around with her mother, meeting various ladies there.

"Hello," came a female voice. I glanced up to meet the person, my mouth opening to tell them to go away - and it was Nora. She was wearing a different dress, though one similar to the one she'd come in with, except with a lower neckline that exposed just a bit of collarbone. I glanced over to see she was still with her mother. "Yes. I noticed you were alone, and that many women were attempting to approach you, which is something I do not like. I also feel socially anxious in general, being in an unusual social situation like this. Would you like to work out that social anxiety?"

I knew what she meant even with her being shockingly subtle for Nora. "Sure," I told her. "Sounds like a good time," I said, wrapping one hand around her waist as we went in search of a private spot.

* * *

We wound up in a bathroom far away from the conference hall we'd been in. I'd avoided the first bathroom, checked on the second one, and found the third farthest to be unoccupied - male or female. We wound up in the female one because Nora got weird about the male one - "A men's bathroom. I do not believe I should be here, as people might believe I am a sexual predator."

Her cheeks got a little pink as we entered a stall, and I realized that she may not have been meaning sex. "Do you want to have sex?" I asked her.

"Yes," she said. "If that is what you want."

I took a moment, considering the question - then I unzipped my trousers. Her hands hurriedly reached out to undress me, unbuttoning my top, quickly folding my clothes and tossing them over the stall wall, leaving me naked in front of her, while she was still in that sleek, form-fitting dress. She looked ready to worm her way out of it, but I stopped her, grasping her by the wrists. "Leave it on," I told her, pushing it up, slipping underneath it. She gasped as I pushed her panties to one side and just started to lick at her sex. I used my superspeed to intensify the sensation for her, going absolutely wild as I licked up and down, side to side.

"O-oh, my, I was, aware, you were highly, sexual," she gasped out, as she wobbled her way into a wall to balance against, me using my superspeed to let me keep up with her, kneel-walking along with her, "but, I was not, ahm, aware, that you would get naked, in a, pub, public bathroom, and eat me out," she continued. "I was, under the impression, it was, humiliating, for a, muh, muh, man," she gasped, hips bucking a bit against my face as her fingers dug into the back of my head. "I do not, wish to, humiliate you, unless, you're a, mas, maso," she sputtered before orgasming, just gasping in pleasure as she ground herself against my face, her pussy smearing its juices all over my features.

My cock was raging hard from her intense verbal responses, the way she acted so cutely concerned for my well-being, and I pulled out from between her legs as she panted against the wall. I pulled at her dress, slipping it further and further up until I had direct access to her pussy, her pink sex presented to me - then I thrust inside her, pushing into her waiting sex. She gasped at the intrusion, her fingers coming up to claw at my back as I filled her up in a single heartbeat. Maybe faster - my superspeed was still running as I started to jackhammer away.

"Ahn, it's, good," she panted out. Her hand wiggled out past me, stretching for something, I had no idea what and considered it a challenge to keep her from reaching it. My hand slid up her thigh, thumb brushing at her clit frantically as I pounded her against the wall, leaning forward to lick at her neck, making her shiver, goosebumps running across her bare skin. I started to suckle at the flesh there, and she gasped, twitching, and came on my cock, that muscular pussy of hers giving me an amazing massage as she did so. She gave up reaching for whatever it was, instead coming around to grasp me and hold me against her, pressing my naked body against her pert breasts, letting me feel them through her dress.

"It's good for me too," I said, the brainless line provoking a tightening of Nora's pussy around my cock - and I realized that, obviously, complimenting her would be a turn-on. Especially if she was feeling socially anxious at the moment. "You're incredible, Nora," I told her, and she mewled a bit. "Tight on my cock. Hot as hell," I breathed in her ear, and she tilted her head to one side - then suddenly her hand came over to my cheek, having produced a piece of toilet paper and beginning to dab at my features.

I paused in my thrusts to turn to look at her - she just took it as a chance to better pat down my whole face. When she finished, she deposited the toilet paper in the toilet. "There," she said. "Now we can kiss," she said, grasping my cheeks and pulling me into a hungry, enthusiastic kiss, her legs hiking up to wrap around my waist - I decided to help balance her, carrying her in my arms as I began to pump inside her again.

Her tongue was particularly enthusiastic in my mouth, slipping past my lips, teasing my gums, playing with it and sending shivers down my spine. At some point in the kiss, she started to wriggle excitedly on my cock, then she came, grinding and gripping my dick inside her. Her hands grasped and clawed at my back as I made out with her, and I broke off the kiss to catch my breath. As she came down from her orgasm, she spoke softly, panting heavily. "If you would like to continue, to dirty talk me, by describing me positively, you can," she said.

Naturally, I did pretty much exactly that, pumping away at her pussy as I started to tell her all sorts of sweet nothings. "You're genuinely incredibly hot, Nora." "Your duplication power is one of the sexiest things ever." "Fuck, I wish there was a shower here so you could blow me after I get done fucking your brains out." "I want to see you come. I like your orgasm face."

Her o-face wasn't the most exceptional thing in the world - it was a sort of subdued thing, parted lips and flushed cheeks and fluttering eyelashes. Something about seeing her normally blank, almost bored expression twist into pleasure, though, was sexy as hell. She groaned and writhed against me as she came, over and over again. I was using my superspeed, so I lost much of my ability to keep accurate track of time, and I'm sure my voice was warbling in its speed a bit, making it a bit hard for Nora to understand me, but gauging by the way her pussy would clamp down on my dick every time I finished a line, I had to assume she could understand at least the gist.

"You look incredible in this dress. I kind of want to play dress-up with you," I explained, nibbling on her ear for a moment. "Put you in all kinds of sexy clothes. Maid. Housewife. Catgirl."

"We can, do, sexy, roleplay," she panted out. Her voice was hoarse from the exertion, a whisper that I could just barely hear, but one that was all the more enticing for it. She was trying so hard to talk, but the pleasure of getting fucked by me was making it incredibly hard for her. "Though I have, never heard of, a catgirl, I would, be glad, to figure it out, for you," she got out, before coming on my cock again, clamping down hard on my cock, that powerful pussy of hers squeezing on my dick. I groaned into her ear and came alongside her, just letting out what felt like a truly massive load inside her.

When I was finished, I pulled out of her carefully, moving her panties back into place as quickly as I could. Fortunately, they were the sporty, elastic type, so there didn't seem to be any leakage that a couple dabs with a bit of toilet paper couldn't fix.

I heard the door to the bathroom slam shut behind... somebody. Presumably somebody who saw us. I looked to Nora for any concern on her part, but she was just panting and staring at me hazy-eyed, a dopey smile on her lips. I shrugged, put down the lid to the toilet, and pulled her into my lap - she promptly nuzzled into me.

* * *

One of Nora's bodies stood next to her biological mother, her fingers laced together in front of herself as she was introduced to many different women. In another body, she wrote down names and quick descriptions of each woman, to consult later if necessary.

"We just heard someone in the bathroom going at it," one of the women she was being introduced to, Delilah Osborn, said. Given the probabilities at play, it was unlikely that the someone in question was anyone except Roger and herself. She did not mention this, as discussing sex with non-partners can be excessive and unnecessary.

"I didn't recognize his voice, but he was racy. Lots of dirty talk. Someone must have brought an escort over, or else is just the luckiest girl here," the other woman, Bree Wagner, said.

Beatrice seemed less than enthused about the subject of conversation - her gaze flicked out across the crowd for a moment, and her frown deepened. "Let's not go on about gossip. For all you know, it could have been somebody from elsewhere in the building. We only have the conference hall reserved."

"Oh, fine," Bree said, waving her hand in annoyance. "You are no fun Bea."

"She just wants to make a good impression on her daughter. Don't worry, Nora. We're not all gossip hounds. Just Bree and me," Delilah said, with a wink that was likely intended to communicate something that Nora didn't understand.

Beatrice kept them for another minute or so, discussing Nora's personal life, her gaze continuing to run over the crowd repeatedly during the conversation, taking a glass of wine and beginning to sip at it. When the conversation finally ended, she guided Nora over to an isolated corner. "I don't want to alarm you, but your boyfriend isn't here," she noted.

"Yes. I know that," Nora explained. After all, she was currently being cuddled by said boyfriend, who was currently naked. Part of her wondered if there was any way to effectively clean a penis of all the remnants of coitus without a showerhead, but it seemed unlikely. Internet searches had not returned any good results.

"I mean- I think that Delilah and Bree may have been talking about Roger."

"That is highly likely," Nora agreed.

Her mother's eyes widened, a common expression of surprise. She then looked around the room furtively, before pulling Nora closer, her voice getting that little bit quieter. "Is he a cheater, dear?"

Nora did not know if 'dear' was really an appropriate term for her, given her relationship with her biological mother. "He has had sex with other women, if that is what you mean." Beatrice hugged her for a reason she did not understand. It was nice to be hugged. She was also enjoying being hugged by Roger, though she was enjoying that hug much more. "Why are you hugging me?"

"I..." she pulled back. "I assume you like Roger, or you wouldn't still be with him."

"Yes, that is correct, I very much like Roger."

"I know. But an affair is very damaging to a relationship. Well, I suppose it depends... I had assumed that you were more the normal girl type, given who your father was."

"I was largely not raised by my father."

"Yes, yes," Beatrice said, turning her attention to something else. "Now, there are people who go about having those sorts of affairs with regularity - but generally they do wait until they're married and the passion has cooled. If both parties can keep it discreet, and understand that the marriage is a business relationship first, it really isn't worth the effort to gossip about."

Nora had absolutely no idea what Beatrice was talking about. "I do not understand."

"Nora, a man who will cheat on you before you're even married... you really can't trust him."

"Roger and I have what is called an 'open' relationship."

"Ahhhh," Beatrice said, smiling for some reason. "I see. You get some nookie elsewhere, but you still get to have some fun with him? I can understand that. Most men won't go for anything like that until you're five years into a loveless marriage. Daniel was that way." She let out a sigh. "Though, you don't want secret affairs. That's how you get divorced or ripped off or murdered. So, if it is Roger, who is he having sex with? Do you know?"

"Yes. He is currently having sex with me. Technically we are cuddling, post-coitus." Her mother made a very strange expression, then let out a long breath.

"Yes. Of course." She hummed. "You know, I am curious where a superheroine acquires her side pieces. There are certain discreet clubs I could refer you to, but I'd wonder if you could offer your own list."

Nora blinked. "I do not have a list of discreet clubs."

"Then who do you sleep with?"

"Other than Roger, very few people. It is difficult to have casual sex when you are a woman. Particularly when you do not wish to offer any apparent romantic interest to individuals you have sex with."

"Even when you're a famous superheroine?" Beatrice arched an eyebrow, which Nora suspected was in this case a sign of disbelief rather than curiosity.

"Yes," Nora said, bluntly.

"I see. In that case, you really need to convince him to stop sleeping with other women. That sort of dynamic is just awful for a relationship."

"I have attempted to convince him to stop sleeping with other women," Nora replied.

"Well..." Beatrice smiled a bit, waving as someone approached. There were some polite pleasantries and introductions made as Nora wrote down that the redhead with green eyes and a flat chest was named Chloe Goldstein. When they finished meeting, her mother took on a conspiratorial tone, leaning into her. "I can give you some advice on convincing him to become monogamous, if you'd like."

"Yes. I would like that very much," Nora said, immediately and enthusiastically.

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