Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Nora’s Mom Appears

Nora had several bodies at various places in her home, when she heard the doorbell chime. Her nearest body rose to answer the door; and she was surprised to see an attractive older woman, with hazel eyes and black hair done in a tight bun. Accompanying her on either side were well-dressed men in well-fitting suits, who had the appearance of body guards. Her primary encounters with bodyguards like this was when dealing with criminal elements, so she naturally felt some increase in tension.

Of course, she did not keep her bodies exclusively at her home, so even if a small tactical nuke was to be detonated here, she would survive the attack.

The woman was the first to speak, her words almost instant on opening the door. "Hello, I'm terribly sorry to approach you out of the blue like this, but I wanted to see you up close before I said anything - you really do have your father's eyes."

Nora had not seen her father since she was aged six years old and, following her repeated duplication, he gave her into the care of the state. She could still vaguely remember a fairly attractive male with blonde hair and blue eyes, from whom she presumably inherited these features. However, she could not think of any woman matching the description of the woman in front of her, and therefore suspected that the woman did not know her father during the time that he was raising Nora. "I would like to request your name," Nora said.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she said, raising one hand to her chest defensively. "I'm Beatrice Titus. I believe that I'm your mother."

Nora felt some strange, unpleasant set of emotions at the declaration of their biological relationship, her lips turning slightly downwards. "I see."

"You are Nora, right? We can get a DNA test to make sure, but your father was Arthur Kleiner, correct?"

"I do not remember my father's name," Nora said. When he was present in her life, she was sufficiently young that he was simply 'Daddy.' She had not seen him after entering into the state's care, or after becoming an adult.

"Oh. Ah, I have a photograph of him," she said, pulling out a worn old photograph, containing a picture of a much younger, apparently intoxicated version of 'Beatrice Titus,' accompanied by a man who was unmistakably her father. "This is him, correct? I have the right address, the right woman? I paid a private detective to make sure..." she said, then let out a small laugh. "I would be very annoyed if that money was totally wasted. Can I come inside?"

Nora stared quietly at Beatrice for several seconds. She could not immediately think of a reason to refuse the woman who was, with high probability, her biological mother. The unpleasant feelings that had initially surged to the forefront when she had introduced herself had not disappeared. However, Nora did not typically allow her emotions to determine her behavior, particularly in circumstances like this. It was important that one's emotions remain subordinated to one's rational will. One negative consequence of not doing so, for example, would be driving off Roger by being too 'clingy.'

Her thoughts went to Roger, and much of those negative feelings were suppressed. "You may come inside," she decided. "I will not prepare you any food or drink," she added.

"That's quite alright," Beatrice said, with a small smile. "I'm not here to bum food off my own daughter."

The men attempted to follow Beatrice inside, but two of Nora's bodies approached to stop them. "I did not agree to allow these men inside," she noted.

"They're my bodyguards," Beatrice said, with a rather less certain expression on her face. Nora unblinkingly turned to face her. "I... would feel safer if they came along? I know that you're a superheroine, which is amazing by the way, but I'm accustomed to them."

Nora could understand the impulse to use a reliable, attractive, physically capable male as a security blanket. She was currently planning to do much the same herself. "Very well. I will go along with this."

"Oh thank you, sweetie," Beatrice said, smiling brightly.

Nora did not think the term 'sweetie' was appropriate, since the woman saying it had not acted as a mother for the rest of her life.

* * *

I was lounging on my couch in my underwear and a t-shirt when my phone buzzed. I picked it up. It was a message from Nora:

May I send three bodies to your apartment to cuddle?

I do sincerely mean to cuddle, as in, you would not be expected to have sex.

I understand men typically enjoy cuddling more than women, but I will be a very enthusiastic cuddler on this occasion.

Sure, you can come over. I'm watching TV.

That is alright. You will not have to change the channel.

Less than five minutes later, there was a knock at the front door, and I went to answer it. Sure enough, there was Nora in triplicate. The three bodies were wearing very casual clothes - honestly, not that far above what I was wearing, though all three of them immediately let their gazes flick down to my groin and bare legs.

"I do not know if you are attempting to seduce me by your choice of very sexy clothing," one of them said, as I let them inside. "If so, then it has succeeded, and we can have sex. If not, I apologize, as you are extremely attractive and wearing very sexy clothes."

"It's just a t-shirt and underwear," I said, even though I completely understood what she mean. Xico had wound up lounging around wearing similar attire at times, during our cohabitation, and it generally made me want to lunge her. "But no, let's just cuddle for now," I told her, and she nodded, following me back to the couch.

Once I sat down, one of her bodies went to either side of me, wrapping their arms around my own, pressing their breasts into my biceps. The third sat down between my legs, her hands taking hold of my calves and all but mushing them against either side of her face. "Thank you," the body on my right said. "I very much appreciate that you are willing to do this with me, and am sincerely not here for sex."

If it had been anybody else, I might have thought the lady had been protesting too much - but Nora was Nora, and when she said she wasn't there for sex, she probably wasn't.

* * *

"Yes, I am so terribly sorry about the whole affair," Beatrice said, with a small nod of her head. "I just wasn't ready to handle a child, and my family certainly weren't willing to support me. Your father was a handsome man, but- the Titus family is rather... discerning, about who their children marry," she explained.

Nora could determine that Beatrice was attempting to 'keep up appearances' or 'maintain a polite fiction.' She was not entirely sure what those words actually meant. "I do not understand," she decided, after spending a few seconds struggling to understand the woman who claimed to be her mother.

"Ah. It's not very nice to say," Beatrice said, with a wan smile. Nora simply stared at her. "I was just seventeen at the time, you see. Your father was only a couple years older. My family did not approve of the match, because your father was a... was from a not very well off family," she explained. "He was very fun, vivacious, excitable, interesting, and I was drawn in by that charismatic energy of his, but in the end... I couldn't have raised a child on my own."

"That is incorrect. You could have raised a child on your own. My father successfully raised me on his own." Once she became more than 'a child', however, as her nova characteristics began to express, he ceased to be capable of raising her on his own.

Beatrice bit her lip. "I suppose that is true," Beatrice agreed. "I can only blame how young I was. I truly regret it. But I am happy to see you are doing so well," she said, looking around. "A superheroine!"


"And your power, too - it's very useful in daily life, isn't it? I did get a small dossier on you, and one of the things the detective noted was that you could multitask between multiple bodies."

"Yes, I can do that," Nora agreed, though she wasn't certain as to why her biological mother was bringing this matter up.

"That must be just amazing," her mother said. "There are only so many hours in a day, but you get... twenty times as many?" She asked, with a small tilt of her head.

"Yes, that is correct."

"You know, I really do want to spend time with you," she said, reaching out for Nora's hand, clasping it in both of hers. Nora studied the unusual action. "I know that I should have come sooner, I should have sought you out sooner - I just was scared, and that fear got worse the longer I waited. I don't want that to continue. I want to be part of your life, Nora."

"I see," Nora responded. The tumultuous emotions inside her had become somewhat more ambivalent, rather than strictly negative, but they were still hard to disentangle. "I will consider doing this. Provide me with contact information, and I will contact you if I decide to do so."

"Of course, dear," her biological mother said, snapping one finger - one of her bodyguards produced a small notepad, which she scribbled on. "Personal phone number, personal email, and home address," she said, as she wrote - then ripped off the paper and handed it over. "Please. I do want to make up for lost time," she said, giving a smile.

"I understand." Nora took the paper. "You may leave now."

"Yes, yes," Beatrice said, rising to her feet, and her two bodyguards followed after her.

* * *

One of the Noras who was pressed up against me, her bust smushing into my bicep, spoke up. "I do not wish to unduly impose on you, as I stated I wished to cuddle. However, I would be very happy to have sex now," she told me. "I would prefer to have rough, frenetic sex. As I believe you fetishize being so sexually desirable that women are willing to do things in order to acquire sexual activity, you may also propose some favor, service task, or similar, which I can put my other bodies to, if that would make this scenario more appealing to you."

"What?" I asked. She had pretty much blurted all that out and not really given me any time to process.

"I do not wish to unduly impose on you-" Nora started again from the top.

"No- what do you mean about the fetish?" I decided to start there.

"During our 'wife play,' you imagined a scenario wherein you were so sexually attractive, that I was simultaneously homemaker and breadwinner, merely in order to have sex with you. I have noticed other, similar, preferences on your part. Therefore, I believe you would enjoy sex with me more, if I offered you something in exchange for this, despite this normally being unromantic. If I am incorrect then I apologize."

"No, I... do like that, I guess." It was weird to have it put like that, since it was just 'enjoying women finding you really hot,' which wasn't really much of a fetish, if I was being honest. "Why do you want to have rough sex? And are you talking, you on top, or me on top, with the rough sex deal?"

She took in a sharp breath through her nose at that question, a pretty clear sign of arousal on her part - she liked the idea of me being on top, but it hadn't been her initial idea, I guessed. "I would like to take my mind off emotionally unpleasant matters which have come up elsewhere, by using sex, and your naked body, to do so. You are a very skilled lover and highly attractive, so even if I were to secure another sexual partner, it would be unlikely that they would be able to manage to take my mind off it."

I thought about it for about two seconds - subjectively, objectively, it was even less. "Sure. If you want to talk about whatever has you upset later, we can," I added.

"I do not know if I am properly 'upset,' but I appreciate your willingness to talk about feelings." I promptly scooped the body that was talking up in my arms, carrying it over to the bedroom with easy; the other two bodies didn't follow me. "Is there anything you would like the other bodies to do, while we have sex?"

"I dunno, order pizza," I said, as I started to pull away what that body was wearing. It was a loose t-shirt and some slightly-baggy jeans; she wasn't even wearing a bra under the top, which had me rock hard. I hurriedly wiggled my way out of my own clothing, enjoying the way that Nora's eyes wandered my naked chest, her hands coming up to brush along my bare skin there. I wrapped my hand around my dick and just slid inside her, letting out a quick breath as I felt her tight, muscular sex wrap around my dick.

"I would like to repeat my preference for rough, frenetic sex, in case you have forgotten rather than this being an-" she was cut off with a cute little "unh!" noise as I gripped her hips and started to pound away. She felt great, her inner walls squeezing along my length, her eyelashes fluttering even as she stared up at my torso. "Yes, this is, much better," she got out.

I don't know, something about girls in this world really appealed to some sadistic or dominant side - at least when they were girls like Mira and Nora and Lope. I wanted to see them completely melt in pleasure and just totally lose control as they got embarrassed about coming their brains out. And with Nora, well... I had the perfect excuse. I let my sense of time distort outward, but I kept up the rough pace from my own perspective. For Nora, there were just wet little gasps and pants, her eyes wide, as I fucked at her with an intensity that women in this world rarely got to see, her body bouncing beneath me from the sheer force and rapidity of the thrusts.

It was cute, too, seeing her responses. The subtle wiggle of her hips, the way her lips parted, and of course, the way she came. It took less than two minutes from my perspective for her to come from that treatment, and from hers, it was more like ten seconds. Her pussy squeezed and gripped and caressed my dick, but it wasn't quite tight enough to arrest my motion - only enough to make it feel really good. Each convulsing twitch of her inner walls made her incredibly, wonderfully tight around my dick, like she was a virginal Xico, so tight it was almost hard to fuck her. My hands reached for her tits, and I just started to play with them, squeezing the flesh there, perhaps too roughly - but she didn't seem to complain, her focus more on the sensations in her pussy as I fucked away.

I could, with some difficulty, speak at a speed legible to other people while I was like this. "You're so tight," I got out, and she squeezed hard at that words, her pussy tightening far enough that my movement - for just a second - reduced severely. Then she lost the grip and I was ramming away again, my balls slapping at her buttocks as my hands freely played with her breasts. Perky nipples scraped against my palms, as I enjoyed her, and my cock throbbed as I pounded away. It felt so, so, incredibly good, her pussy seeming like a vice on my cock every time she came, but not quite tight enough to actually stop me from fucking her.

What made it even more sexy was, after about two dozen orgasms on the part of the body under me, when another one entered the bedroom. "What you are doing is extremely sexy, but I think that body is mostly spent - please have sex with this body instead, if you do not mind." I didn't even decelerate back to normal speed, getting up off the bed, pulling her out of her shirt and shorts - this body was wearing just a sports bra, which I decided to leave for how nice her tits looked in one - and then peeled off her panties as well, tossing her down onto the bed next to that body as I just started to pound away.

I hadn't even come, incomprehensibly enough. I couldn't really explain it, it wasn't as if the situation didn't feel good for me, but I just blamed it on how many times Tsuru had sucked my dick at work that day. I grabbed at the body beneath me's hips as I fucked away, pounding her pussy. "Keep 'em coming," I panted out, making her blink owlishly up at me, not seeming to understand. "You can bring, other bodies by," I explained, having to stretch my words out so she could hear them at her subjective speed. "I'll fuck them all."

The promise was, in retrospect, probably a bit much - I realized that when her cheeks turned pink, and she nodded rapidly in acquiescence - but I didn't take it back. On the contrary, knowing that I had basically promised to fuck upwards of twenty sexy blondes into the bed, really pushed me to whole new limits.

The pizza got delivered at some point, and two other bodies came over as well - when the body I was fucking got so soaked in sweat that her light grey sports bra looked black, her blonde hair so wet she seemed like a curly-hair brunette - the next offered itself up, lying down, naked as a jay bird, right next to the previous, and I promptly stuck it in.

"Is my pussy insufficiently pleasant for you?" The fourth body asked, from the sidelines. "You have not ejaculated yet."

"That's on purpose," I told her, and she just nodded, accepting it without argument. That was another nice thing about Nora, I could just say that, and she'd leave it. Mira or Lope would probably have struggled against it, but Nora just accepted it, her pussy squeezing and convulsing on my cock as I took the body right then and there, ramming away as her juices just continued to spill out. After another couple dozen orgasms on her part, I got up off the bed, went over to the next one, and just forcibly bent her over the bed, ramming away at her doggy style instead of missionary. I hadn't even pulled off clothes - this one was wearing a skirt and panties, so I only had to push the former up and the latter to one side before ramming my dick in there.

I really enjoyed fucking her like that, particularly for the view - I could see the other three, naked or nearly-so, bodies lined up, slick and sticky with sweat, shiny in the light of the bedroom. The body that had been out getting the pizza arrived then, with a plate with a slice of pepperoni on it - she promptly hand-fed me, and I greedily gulped it all down. She ever proffered a water bottle as well, meaning I didn't have to take my hands of the well-sculpted ass in front of me, as I took her like that. It felt fantastic, both on a raw physical level, and in terms of dominance, getting a woman reacting like this, particularly one as stoic as Nora.

When I finished with that body, the first appeared ready to go again, clambering over her two panting bodies to present her ass to me readily - I took her up on the offer, fucking into her again, enjoying the way she felt sticky, now, the tight feeling of her pussy around my dick, the hint of her juices running down her thighs as I fucked her in that position. She just let out soft noises as she became even more of a mess - and I decided to spare her a kiss, leaning forward and tilting her head up, forcing my tongue into her mouth. At one tenth the speed, she wasn't able to do much with her own mouth, other than moan in the most exquisitely pleasant way.

I didn't mind.

* * *

In the end, I wound up coming about a half-dozen times, and Nora's four bodies wound up coming north of a hundred between them. I didn't exactly keep count, but I did at least three full rounds on the four that she'd offered me, the 'first' always managing to gather up its energy by the time I finished with the 'fourth' to keep going.

Once I was finished, I pretty much collapsed in the bed, and each of those four bodies curled up around one of my limbs. It made me feel like some kind of harem king, with a collection of beautiful women happily curling up against me; the fifth body continued to hand-feed me with pizza and water me with bottled water, which only intensified the general feeling of being like a king.

"Thank you very much for having rough coitus with me," the body that was hand-feeding me said, while the others nuzzled up against me.

"No problem," I said. It had felt pretty damn good on my end, too.

There was a long silence, comfortable with Nora, and then she spoke again. "You stated that we could talk about what upset me. Is this still true, or have you changed your mind?" She tilted her head.

"It's true," I agreed, pretty easily.

"My biological mother came to visit," Nora explained.

"Was she..." I trailed off, realizing that I had just about no idea what Nora's childhood was like. "Abusive?"

"No. Until today, I have never seen her before in my life. I do not know that she is actually my biological mother, technically, but it is unlikely that she would like, and, if she did lie, that will quickly be found out. She had substantial circumstantial evidence that she was in a romantic relationship with my father at an appropriate time to conceive me. She also shares some physical features with me, although, I did not inherit her bust size." She paused, tilting her head slightly. "I suppose in the pre-pregnancy photograph she showed, her breasts were significantly smaller."

"Your breasts are fine," I said.

"Yes. A D-cup is a very appealing breast size to many men, apparently including you."

I let out a small laugh at that. "So..." I trailed off for a moment. "Did you just want to tell me how you were feeling?"

"I do not know how I am feeling. The emotions are complex, interwoven, and difficult to disentangle or understand. Some are positive. Others are negative. Sex serves as a good distraction, and I would like to request more sex for more distractions, later, if that is acceptable to you."

"Sure." Part of me noted that, if I flipped the genders around, it probably would sound like 'Norman' was trying really hard to convince 'Regina' to have sex with him, using his sadness to get fucked. However, even if Nora was manipulating me, I was still going to get to have lots of crazy sweaty sex, so I didn't mind too much. "If it isn't prying, what about your father?"

"He raised me until I was six, at which point, I became a ward of the state, due to his inability to raise a child with my particular nova characteristics. I have not seen him since."

"Oh." I gently peeled my arms out from the two bodies currently clinging to them, then grabbed the one that was speaking to me and pulled her into a tight hug. She flushed slightly, but smiled a moment later, and snuggled into me quietly.

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