Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Nora Visits

Lope stared at a certain name in her phone for what must have been the hundredth time, idly chewing her gum as she and Xico waited in line for the movie. It was this rockin' new courtroom drama, supposed to have an insanely hot male love interest character, who was also that kind of stuffed shirt type that you made into a total slut. Xico was blushing, which meant that she was reading her thoughts.

"Do you think that Roger would like me to call him again?" Lope asked, for what was probably the dozenth time.

"I... can't tell you that..." Xico said, since she wouldn't disrespect somebody's mental privacy by smearing their private thoughts all over the place. "But... you should call him again..."

Was that a hint? Should she call Roger, and Xico just wasn't willing to say as much out loud, because she knew that Roger totally had a huge crush on her and her pussy and was just too embarrassed to admit to it. By the way the girl's tentacles moved, she guessed that wasn't it. Xico then promptly slipped her tentacles deep in her dress, making them disappear beneath her clothes. Pfuh. She was way too shy about them. Yeah, there were probably guys who would think of them as a turn off, but there were guys who would think of them as a turn on.

"Hey, why don't you just ask him for me?" Lope prompted. "Like, if he'd be interested in doing something with me again. But you know, casual-like, so he doesn't know what you're doing, exactly. Then you can tell me without violating the, y'know," she said, making a wiggling motion around her head.

"Okay," Xico agreed, nodding along.

* * *

Perhaps the primary element of modern work isn't performing valuable labor - it's maintaining the pretense of performing valuable labor. This served several purposes: it gave one time alone with one's own thoughts, it made other people treat you with respect, and it ensured you got a bonus and/or raise at the end of the year. Comparatively, what did actually working get you? Certainly, if you were assigned work, you were expected to do it at some point, preferably before it was due - but other than that?

That question became very pressing when I finished all my backed up work and could finally just relax. Oh, I was still doing the work of two or three guys, but at my speed, that meant I had most of the workday wide open. The only problem was Xico's quiet monitoring, which made it awkward for me to just look at puppy pictures online.

"It's okay... you can do what you want... I'm just here to make sure you don't... em..." she trailed off for a moment. "Steal money..."

She licked her lips, and it was just a passive movement of nervousness, but it instantly made me think of something that I could do instead of browsing the web. Namely, getting a blowjob from her right here in my office. Her cheeks burned bright red at that, and she spoke up. "U-um, actually, uhm," she said, actually speaking with some urgency in her voice, now that something like this was brought up, even purely mentally. Her tentacles flailed around behind her freely. "Ah, I, would you... um... oh! Lope! Lope, what did you think... about her?"

"She was nice. Fun." A bit young, and with her it felt more obvious than with Xico, for whatever reason. Xico blushed and shyly smiled at that thought. "Why?"

"She was wondering... if it was okay to call... she was too nervous... to just send a text... she's worried you think she's... ghosted you. Ghosted?"

"Yeah, that's the right word," I said. I mean, honestly, my date schedule was pretty full, but she was fun in the sack. Maybe a booty call? Wasn't that mean, to treat an eighteen year old girl like a booty call?

"She'd like it..." Xico said.

"I'll send her a text. Actually, let me do that right now, nothing better to do," I said, taking out my phone and finding Lope's old contact info.

"D-don't tell her... how obvious I was... she'll be embarrassed..."

I nodded. A teenage boy really wouldn't want his friend playing wingman to just tell the girl he liked how nervous he was about contacting her. Even though, actually, wouldn't it be pretty cute and endearing? I mean, as long as you liked the guy/girl anyway. I just focused on sending the text.

Hey. You were really fun in the sack. Want to do it again sometime?

I barely had to wait a minute before I got a reply.

fk yeah
ur so hot, man
hey, just wondering, r there guys who like clit-pics?
or are you one of them, i guess i should ask, lol ;)

It was cute, seeing her trying so damn hard, and coming off as a boorish horny teenager.

I like to see more than just the genitals, but a naked girl is very nice. Not during work hours, though.

o yeh, got it, np
and i'll try to give you some real good pics ;)
so what time would be gud 4 rnd2?
sorry bt typing, on flipphone

It's no problem. And, whenever, pretty much.

wenever? like i could come down to your place l8r 2day?
or u come over mine?

Whenever you're free, just hit me up.

kewl. fk ur hot.
fk i wanna sext but ur at work. gb


I assumed gb meant "goodbye." I put the phone down and stood up to stretch, making Xico blush, just staring at my chest. I grinned at her cute face. "It's okay if you want to look, Xico. It isn't like it's anything you haven't seen before." Her shy affect really made me want to be nice to her. That was probably part of why she acted that way, learning that people treated her more kindly if she was blushing and jerking every time that she felt anything.

"N-no," she stuttered out. "It's... some people are nice... but mostly, they..." She wiggled in the air, her tentacles grasping at the air as if trying to find the right word. "Treat me... like a kid..." It made me wonder if I treated her like a kid, and her eyes went first to my own, then down to my groin, in silent answer.

Nora knocked on the door and then opened it, interrupting our conversation, which Xico seemed perfectly happy with, so I didn't complain either. "Hello. I was thinking about things I could offer you to convince you to become my exclusive partner. I believe that if I kept one body in your presence at all times, this would serve as a good way of 'showing that I care.' If you had anything you required, whether it was a massage, sex, errands, cleaning, or similar, this body could perform these tasks. If you are interested, then I can begin by sharing this body with you, but given my job, diet, and exercise requirements, I may need to trade it out for another at some point in the future."

"That does sound nice, but what if I have another girl I want over?" The last time I had brought up the non-exclusive nature of our relationship, it had been over text. Men could become wildly dangerous when they felt possessive back in my world, and this was a superheroine I was dealing with. I wanted to at least probe her emotional response to get an idea of whether I was in danger or not.

There was a brief furrowing of her brows, and a faint twitch of one eyelid that may have just been my imagination, but for Xico shaking her head subtly when I had that thought. Nora swallowed, considering the question, then spoke. "I understand that we are not in an exclusive relationship," she explained. "Therefore, I will leave you alone if there is another girl who you wish to have sex with." There was a pause, and her posture changed subtly, her spine straightening, the very-quiet version of the 'I just had a great idea' shift you might expect from a more expressive girl. "However, while you are with another girl, I may go out to find another guy."

"What about threesomes?" I asked.

"If the other guy would like to have threesomes with you, me, and himself, then I would be happy to engage in them, if you would also like such things." She seemed even... excited about the possibility, though in her subdued, quiet way.

"I meant with another woman."

"If you would like to have threesomes, then I can bring in a second body. Or more, such as a third, fourth, or fifth body, if that is your preference." Xico blushed, but this time not seemingly at my thoughts - I had to assume that Nora was reminiscing about her 'gangbang' of my body, but she didn't show it on her face much at all. No, maybe her cheeks were just a little pink?

People are often cruel to those they are attracted to, in many tiny and petty ways. They hide this cruelty behind terms like 'teasing,' but what they mean is 'sadism.' Something about how Nora responded, simultaneously desperate for me, and also willing to put up with explicitly selfish behavior, was extremely erotic, and enticed in me to bully her until she stopped me, which she seemed almost constitutionally incapable of doing, other than by polite complaint. "What if I want to have a threesome with two different girls, though?" I prompted.

She blinked at that. There was a long, pregnant moment of silence - I spared a superspeed glance at Xico, but her worry seemed to be more concern about how mean I was being, than Nora's own state of mind. Then she smiled very lightly. "Then I will get my body modified by Priscilla, so you can have a threesome with me and this 'other woman.' That way, you will not have to involve an actual different pussy in our sex, which I do not want to see anyway."

I let out a small laugh at that, smiling. Her head tilted, her small smile not fading at all. "Alright. We'll do a trial period of a day or so," I told her, and she nodded.

"If you like it, will you continue to do it indefinitely?" She seemed hopeful that this would lead to something exclusive.

But life is full of hopeful people whose hearts are crushed. Still, I wasn't going to crush hers by dishonesty, but truth. If she took that terribly, then good - I'd rather that she broke things off now than she pined indefinitely. "I may. I will still fuck and go out with other women, though," I warned her. Even though I had told her that I wasn't interested in anything exclusive right now, I wanted to keep it clear that I wasn't willing to reciprocate those desires on her part.

"I see." She stepped into the room, then stood next to me, glancing at my computer screen for the moment. "This body will help you with anything you need. Simply tell me, and I'll do it. Don't worry about it becoming bored, as my other bodies are occupied with interesting things at the moment."

"Would you suck me off right here and now if I asked?" She started to get down on her knees, so I had to stop her, physically pressing against her chest. "That was a hypothetical, Nora."


"No hesitation?" I knew she had no hesitation from having watched her, but I was curious as to why.

"I would worry that you might suffer negative reputation effects, but there are also advantages to me if you do, and you would have explicitly asked, knowing the potential consequences. Therefore, I could not be held responsible for what would happen."

"What negative-" I cut myself off as I realized what she meant. If people believed I was a 'slut,' they would be less likely to have sex with me, reducing her competition. I had to admit a smile at that. She really was like a dog with a bone. "I get it. Anyway, um. I don't actually have anything for you to do."

"I can perform a massage while you work," Nora said.

"I'm actually mostly finished with my work for the day," I admitted.

She blinked at that, seeming to consider for a long second. "Then I can massage you while you browse the internet. Or, if you plan to do something else, while you do that. Alexios said that my massages were very good. I have worked hard to become good at massages, over the course of my past relationships, as I am effectively capable of giving massages at any and all times, and men enjoy massages, and ofter become sufficiently aroused to have sex from them."

I liked the way she just explained her thought process in overwhelming detail, too. It was cute. "A massage would be nice."

She just got behind me, pressed her thumbs against my back, and got to work. It was, in fact, a heavenly massage. At some point in the middle of the workday, she paused her massage, traded out bodies, and then resumed. Given the way the now "finished" body left, waggling its arms bonelessly, I had to assume she had really worn herself out with the repetitive motions, but she hadn't complained.

* * *

Nora's body joined me at home, naturally. Having had a chiseled beauty like her obediently massaging me however I felt like for literal hours, I was extremely aroused by the time we got back home. Presumably, that was part of her purpose: get me sufficiently aroused so that I would have sex with her, then have sex with me. It worked, at least for a certain definition of worked. "You mentioned owing me oral sex," I said, as I sat down on my couch, a raging boner in my pants.

"Yes. By my calculations, since you made me come twenty-three times with oral sex, I owe you one hundred sixty blowjobs before I can ask for cunnilingus."

I honestly don't know if she was being so ridiculous in her math because she actually thought that was right, or because she realized I really liked fellatio. Either way, I would have felt bad if I had let her linger in that misapprehension, so I was forced to tell her, "At most, you owe me twenty-two blowjobs."

She blinked. "I see. If you wish to calculate it that way, then I will give you twenty-two blowjobs before asking for cunnilingus again," she decided.

"Let's get it down to twenty-one," I told her, grinning. She didn't appear to understand, given she just remained sitting on the couch next to me. "Please, get down on your knees and suck me off."

"Oh, I see." She got up, then, kneeling in front of me, staring up at me with her cool blue eyes from between my legs as she quietly unzipped my pants. It took a few scant seconds for her to have my cock in her mouth again, quietly suckling on the tip, her tongue flashing and lashing around my very tip. It was a teasing action, more than anything else, her cheeks intermittently hollowing as she slurped on it, her lips forming a seal around my cockhead. It felt nice, and for the moment I just leaned back, letting her take her time with it.

'Take her time' is exactly what she did, though. She just kept her mouth on the very tip of my cock, eventually bringing up her hand to stroke me, fingers running up and down my length. It was dragging it out forever. In situations like that, you're left with the question of what's ruder: telling the girl to speed up, or just grabbing her head and gently directing her down your cock. Trying to swap around the genders took me a few seconds, given the distraction that Nora was giving my cockhead, slurping wetly around my dick, even a bit of saliva winding up slipping out and splashing down onto the couch, but I eventually settled on grabbing her head.

My fingers ran through her blonde hair for a moment before I gingerly nudged her forward. That was, fortunately, all she needed, and she was soon devouring my entire cock, her mouth pressed up against my pelvis, her lips absently wriggling around on the base of my cock as she stared up at me. Her tongue and lips felt more active than last time, her wet mouth practically drooling around my dick as she held herself down. "Fuck, Nora, that's nice," I breathed out. She actually raised one hand to give me a thumbs up, then put it back down on my thigh.

She stayed down there for a truly obscene amount of time, her throat bobbing as she held herself down. Her fingers softly rubbed along my thighs, as she just choked herself down there. When she finally pulled up and off, she panted for a moment, saliva dripping out of her mouth. "I am sorry," she said, her sclera pink. "I was looking up to see if men found it erotic for women to choke themselves unconscious on their penises, and discovered they generally do not." My cock twitched at those absolutely ridiculous words, all the implications of how hard she was working to please me absolutely delightful. Her brow furrowed for a moment. "Are you one of the men who enjoy women choking themselves unconscious on his penis? If so, I would note that one of my bodies dying is not painful, so you do not need to be worried about my health, other than the extent to which it would cause you to cease to be aroused."

Society tells us so much about sex and sexuality that we begin to measure even our private moments against abstract ideas. In this case, I was trying to figure out if I 'should' be aroused or rendered unaroused by those words. On the one hand, she had basically offered to let me literally choke her to death. On the other hand, I wasn't a necrophiliac and Nora was definitely better as an active sex partner than a corpse, even if she would be fine with me doing that. I ultimately relied on a time-honored male solution to troubling thoughts, and just guided Nora back down on my cock.

The blowjob was intense, in terms of what Nora was doing with her mouth, but I was setting the pace. Her words had resulted in me being a tad gentler than I might otherwise have been, simply because Nora's apparent lack of any effective boundaries went both ways. Yes, after one date and one fuck she was asking to spend the rest of her life with me and suggesting how we might most effectively arrange our domestic life. But also, she was willing to let me literally choke her to death at the same time.

At some point during the blowjob I got a phone call. At first, I just ignored it - it was considered rude to take a phone call during a blowjob, I was reasonably sure - but Nora gestured to me to answer it, so I did. "Hello. I realized that I could speak while fellating you if I also called you on the phone. Is this pleasant to you?" As if to emphasize the point, the body in between my legs wetly slurped on the base of my cock again.

"Fuck," I breathed. "Yes, yes it is."

"Good. I would also like to note my appreciation for you shaving down there. It makes it easier to fellate you. Many men do not go to such effort to make their bodies more appealing to women, so I would like to thank you for doing so. It is also extremely erotic to me." Her hands came up at that point, softly running across my waxed-bare groin, and she gulped around my dick where it rested in her throat. My fingers were starting to clamp down on the back of her head, my arousal levels intense. "I am extremely wet, due to this situation. This body as well, which is unusual, as normally that kind of physical response is limited to the body in question."

"Mhm?" I managed to get out, my hips jerking a little, balls slapping her chin.

"Yes. Otherwise I would have great difficulty with my daily life, as I need to orgasm one or two times per day, per body. I believe that part of my arousal is due to this 'phone sex' that we are having. May I masturbate during this phone sex?"

"Whatever you like," I breathed, and the body in between my thighs slobbered even more drool out, wetly choking itself on my cock, making me just close my eyes and crane my head back, lost in lust for the moment.

"Good. I enjoy phone sex with you, Roger," she said, even though we'd been having phone sex for maybe two minutes by that point. "I also enjoy fellatio, cunnilingus, sex, and more, with you. Ordinarily I would not ask on the, suh, second," her voice stuttered for a moment, presumably from playing with herself, "date, but, ahn, would you like, to have, anal s-s-sex? You are, extremely, you have done many, sex, types," she got out, before letting out a moan, clearly orgasming on the other end of the line.

That was all I needed to push me over the edge, groaning as I just started to ejaculate right down Nora's throat. My fingers gripped the back of her head, my thighs clamping down on her cheeks, as I just let go inside her mouth, spraying all that cum out and down her throat, my low groan exceptionally loud as I found release. When I was completely finished, I released her head, and fully expected her to pop off - except she didn't. A glance down between my thighs showed she had actually passed out, and I hurriedly yanked that body off my cock.

"Did you just ejaculate?" The voice on the phone asked, either not aware of, or not caring about, what was going on with the body in front of me at all.

"Fuck, you passed out."

"Do not worry. I have twenty other bodies, so if that one is dead, it is fine. I will simply send you another."

"That's really not the problem, Nora," I said, but fortunately the one on the ground started to sputter. "Oh, thank Christ," I breathed out, as I saw it jerk.

"Ah. Yes, I am regaining enough awareness of that body to reassure you that it is fine. Just give it a minute or two and you can resume choking it on your cock until you ejaculate."

"Nora," I said, taking a deep breath. "I don't want to choke you unconscious. If you are going to pass out, tell me."

"Oh. I see. However, you were holding me down, so I presumed that you were at least indifferent to choking me unconscious. Further, my other mouth, the one on the phone, was unavailable due to my orgasm. In the future, I will try harder to inform you of my imminent unconsciousness."

"Thank you."

The Nora on the ground rose, then, wiping her mouth and eyes like nothing was wrong whatsoever. Her gaze went up to me. "Would you like to bring the number of blowjobs I owe you down to twenty?"

I just let out a sigh, shaking my head, and hung up the call. Then I gave a pat to the head of the one kneeling in front of me. My thoughts went to what to do next - the one kneeling in front of me simply docilely sat there as I gently pet her. More blowjobs felt selfish, given Nora's, uh, boundary issues, and probably-bad math, and also the fact that I had just gotten one. Still, there was a hot, giving woman kneeling in front of me. Maybe I should just take her to the bedroom and fuck her? "Want to fuck?" I prompted.

"Yes, I would like to have sex with you," she agreed, standing up and beginning to strip herself naked without the tiniest hesitation. I actually put my dick away, just so I could stand up without it flopping all around. "Where would you like to have sex?"

"The bedroom," I told her, and she nodded, the two of us heading back to my room, her completely naked, giving me an eyeful of her lovely body as it walked alongside me. "What position do you prefer?" I asked.

She tilted her head at that question, simply blankly staring at me as if she had never thought about it before. "I think that I prefer to be on top, but this is a marginal preference. If you would rather have sex in a different position, we can."

"You can be on top," I said. I stripped myself naked, but I took my time with it, curious to see Nora's response. It was to watch every last movement, as I peeled my shirt up and off, revealing my bare chest to open air. There was just the smallest intake of air as her eyes roamed freely across my naked torso, and then I started to wiggle my way out of my pants - they were still unzipped and unbuttoned from earlier - and immediately her eyes were on my groin, staring at it, waiting expectantly for my cock. There was a wet swallow as I teased my fingers at the waistband of my underwear, really taking my time to do it, despite my hard-on; it was extremely sexy to watch her stare, her lips parted just the tiniest bit, her eyes slightly wild with desire. The look on her face was enough to make me consider just having her kneel and blow me again, but I wanted to properly fuck her.

Once my pants were off, my cock popping out into the air, I laid down on the bed - Nora was pretty much instantly on top of me, teasing her sex with my cock. Her juices lightly trickled down onto my cock, and then she pressed herself down with intense force, just slamming her hips down against mine sharply. Her hands pressed against my stomach, half feeling me up, half for balance, as she rubbed herself atop me. "Does this feel good for you?" She prompted. "Do you prefer that I ride you, or grind against you, your cock resting deep inside of me?"

"Just do whatever you want," I said, letting out a little gasp of pleasure. She hummed, then tilted her body forward, eventually finding my lips with her own, her tongue slithering deep into my mouth in a hungry movement. It was soon pressed up against the back of my upper teeth, making me pant at the sensation as it brushed across such a sensitive spot, my body twitching faintly beneath her. Her hands shifted from my chest to my cheeks at some point in there, and she held my face up against hers as she started to bounce and grind in equal measure, pressing her clit against my pelvis then starting to slide up and down before grinding against it again.

It was very pleasant, especially given the way her own body was soon trembling from the sensations, each rub of her clit against my pelvis giving her what appeared to be a quite intense response. I brought up my hand, gently brushing against her clit, and she gasped into my mouth - then intensified her pace atop me, just pounding away, breasts bouncing.

Eventually, she had to break off the kiss, and when she did, she spoke. "I hope that the kiss was not too far. You stated that I should do whatever I want, but I believe you were actually responding to the question of-" I cut her off by dragging her right back down into a kiss, my own mouth sucking her tongue in this time, and she just sighed happily against me as she bounced away, soon orgasming atop me, her pussy clamping down as she ground against me, her breasts mashing against my chest. Her hard nipples scraped against me, as she kept up the kiss despite coming, her moans carrying into my mouth really delightfully, her short blonde hair brushing at my cheeks as she twitched in place.

The moment she was done coming, she was bouncing away, and I heard my phone go off - unfortunately, my pants were off the bed, so it was off somewhere far distant. It stopped ringing after a second, and Nora just hummed into my mouth pleasantly, her tongue lashing at my gums once more. When she finally had to pull back to breathe, she spoke. "I am sorry. I should have brought your phone closer, so I could call you and tell you how attractive you are, and how good I am feeling, while we kiss. It is my mistake."

"Don't worry about it," I said, my hands sliding along her naked body, reaching up for her breasts and gently groping and squeezing them as she bounced. She tilted her head for a moment, her gaze on my hands - then she decided that she liked it, leaning further up, giving her a better angle to just jackhammer my cock, which is precisely what she did.

"You, feel, very, good, inside, me," she panted out as she rode me, her whole body bouncing all the while. "I, enjoy, sex, with you, very much, and, spending time, near you, and, your, smell, and, your, warmth," she got out, before coming again, squealing loudly in pleasure. The intensity of her orgasm that time, milked one out of me, my cum spraying out into her pussy in what felt like a seemingly endless tide. She collapsed atop me as soon as we were both done coming, simply plastering her wet, sweat-slick body to my own. Her breath was heavy in my ear as she lay there.

We wound up actually falling asleep like that, her body sticking to mine, her breath hot in my ear as she rested there.

* * *

I was woken up by a knock at the door, a fairly loud, repetitive rapping. Nora... slept like a rock, apparently, because she was still plastered against me, idly drooling down onto the bed, her eyes closed. I gingerly rolled her off me, then got up, pulling on my pants quickly and going to answer the door.

There was Lope. She was dressed in a way that said 'casual, but I put in some effort, too.' Her hair was done up, she had on black lipstick, torn black jeans and a faded black t-shirt with a collection of skulls on it, surrounded by a wreath of flowers. "Hey," she said, giving me a wave, a faux-confident smile. "You said to hit you up when I was free, and I was nearby, so I decided to come say hi, maybe we could do some stuff together, play some video games, you know, see where it... leads..." she trailed off as she realized I was shirtless, her tongue flashing out past her lips, reminding me of her tongue stud. "Fuck. You go topless in your house? That's hot."

"I was actually asleep, just pulled on some pants to come answer the door," I admitted.

"Oh, sorry to wake you," she said, though she glanced at her watch. "You can't blame me for not thinking you'd be asleep at eight, right? Um. Wait, that means you sleep naked, right? Fuck, that's hot. Man. Uh. So can I come in, or, do you want to get back to sleep? It's cool if you do, just tell me what time's better for me to come over, you know."

I took a long few (subjective) seconds to think the situation over. Nora was currently unconscious on my bed. My dick was still wet with her juices. Lope had... generously interpreted my statement of 'Whenever you're free, just hit me up.' On the other hand, she was nervously fidgeting at the realization that she might have overstepped a boundary, and if Nora wasn't on my bed, I wouldn't have had even the tiniest concern about dragging her in and fucking her brains out. That was what finally convinced me to go for it, damn the consequences. "Sure, come on in," I said, opening the door wider, and she just stared at my naked chest for several long seconds, swallowing as her eyes roamed it with neither hesitation nor self-awareness.

When her brain finally did restart, she gulped, dragged her eyes back up to mine, and gave a nervous smile as she stepped inside. "So, this is your place, huh," she said, glancing around, searching for anything to talk about other than my half-naked body. "Kinda... cozier than I expected," she said. "Oh, fuck, you've got a Dravidia, hell yeah," she said, hopping over the couch to settle onto it. "Um. Wait, you want to, y'know, fuck, first? Or the other way around?" She asked, now suddenly nervous as she glanced up at me.

"Let's play some video games first, sure," I said. I didn't bother to go grab my shirt. For one thing, it was clear that Lope really liked seeing me half-naked like this. For another, it was over in the bedroom, with an unconscious Nora. Probably best to leave it for the moment, I decided.

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