Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Tsuru & Mira Threesome Fun

Tsuru and Mira were both coated in sweat and a decent quantity of one another's juices, their nude bodies intertwined in Mira's bed. Mira idly shifted, reaching over for a laptop, checking on her stocks' performance, earning a small laugh from Tsuru on the opposite side, her lover curling up behind her. "Ever think about having a threesome?"

"All the time," Mira said. "Even managed to talk a couple guys into having one. The trick is money, I think. Or just finding horny bi guys, though porn has lied to me about how many of those there are."

Tsuru let out a small laugh at the comment. "What about a Lilith's threesome? You, me, and a guy."

"Mm. Never been into a second pussy in the bedroom other than yours, so tell me, I ever thought about it?" She asked, glancing over her shoulder at Tsuru.

"You're thinking about it now..." Tsuru's fingers drifted along Mira's stomach teasingly, slowly sliding their way down towards her groin. "So. What if I found a hot guy, who was totally into me being bisexual? And I suggested we could have a threesome?" Mira stiffened at the implicit suggestion she'd told somebody. "I didn't tell who the other woman was. Promise. And he promised not to say anything, either. Just some fun anonymous sex..."

Mira shifted. It wasn't something she'd ever really thought about, if she was being honest. What she had with Tsuru was... special. It wasn't just that she was the only other woman that Mira was attracted to, but their relationship also was more intimate. They'd worked together for months and months before any feeling like attraction had started to grow inside Mira.

"Fourteen months," Tsuru whispered in her ear. "I like being special, just so you know. Call me a big old tomboy if you must," she said, giving Mira a peck on the cheek, "but I also know that you are a woman who couldn't bear to no longer fuck new guys."

"What's he like?" Mira asked. A threesome could be fun. New. Different.

"Mm... well... he's a bit cynical... very horny... fun in the sack, all kinds of new ideas that I'd never have thought of," Tsuru explained languidly. Mira noticed she hadn't mentioned his physical appearance. "I know you'd find him hot, don't worry." She nibbled on Mira's ear. It was very tempting. "It'll be very fun... he's the kind of guy who finds it hot, but also still wants attention, not just to watch, you know? He's definitely a very vigorous and giving lover, it's a lot of fun."

"Do I know him?" Mira asked.

"Yes," Tsuru admitted.

"Who is it?"


"Rog- I just fucked Roger like two days ago, and you said you weren't going to go after him until after that."

"Yep," Tsuru popped the word in her mouth.

"How did you- I guess you're a telepath, you have a better idea of a good approach..."

"I suppose that's one way to phrase it."

Mira's body stiffened at that. "What did you do?" She asked, knowing she wasn't going to like the answer.

Tsuru let out a playful laugh at the thought, kissing Mira's ear again. "Alright. I..." she trailed her fingers along Mira's bare stomach, "went into his office and asked him if he wanted to fuck. We went back to my place, and he had me do this interesting thing called a 'titfuck', then we had anal, then I played with his dick in the tub, then played with his dick on the bed while talking him into a threesome, then..."

"What the fuck," was all Mira had to say.

"There was an awful lot of fucking, yeah."

"Would... what, does he have an albino fetish? No offense, Tsuru, I just don't..." Tsuru was just giggling playfully, clearly enjoying messing with Mira this way. But also, equally clearly, telling the truth. Mira swallowed all her questions down, turning her attention back around to the thought of a threesome with Roger. Could he keep it a secret?

"He promised, and he meant it. He wouldn't see it as fun gossip."

"What would he see it as, then?" Mira asked.

"Hot with a capital H-O-T."

Mira shifted as she thought about it. It wasn't really something she'd considered before, but... she'd always gotten the feeling that Tsuru more accepted their open relationship than that she desired it. The fact that she hadn't responded to that thought was basically a tacit agreement with it. Now, though, Tsuru was actively suggesting something that could be fun... "He has to keep it quiet," she said at last. She loved Tsuru, but people treated you differently when you were gay, and it would - at the very least - be a fuck of a lot harder to get laid if every guy was thinking she was just in the closet or in denial because of Tsuru.

"Definitely," Tsuru agreed.

"...what kind of stuff do you do in a Lilith's threesome, anyway?"

"Well, he had a couple fun ideas," Tsuru said with a grin, starting to explain them to her. Mira was genuinely shocked at just how dirty Roger was with Tsuru. She must have figured out some secret passcode to his heart to get him to tell her this kind of stuff on the first date, but what could it be? "A secret," Tsuru said, giving Mira a peck on the neck, then rolling over to straddle her.

* * *

Tsuru slipped herself into my lap. Or, not quite my lap - rather, she placed her ass on one thigh, her legs facing outward, twisting her body a bit and giving me a great look at her tits. She just grinned as her hand slid down to my pelvis, finding my erection there. "I need you to super, special, extra, promise," she said, her voice husky, completely ignoring the blushing Xico whose tentacles were both happily wagging behind her as she watched the scene. "That you will never, ever tell anybody about who my female lover is." I swallowed and nodded, and Tsuru turned to Xico, smiling. "You know it's important, right, Xico?" Xico nodded. "What would you do if Roger told that secret?"

"I... would think... a lot, a lot... less of him..." She had this apologetic look on her face as she looked at me, as if to silently say, I promise I don't think you would actually do that. "I don't..." she said, in response to my thoughts.

An excellent strategy: simultaneously mixing together the erotic promise of a threeway, and then bashing me over the head with intense guilt if I made Xico think less of me by spilling the beans on whoever it was. "It is pretty smart," Tsuru agreed, giving my dick a quick squeeze. "Promise?"

"I promise. I'll keep it under wraps." I didn't know why it was so important to this girl, whoever she was, that people not know she was bi-

"She's not bi. She's straight with an exception, and that exception is me. We're in an open relationship. Men can get... odd, about women who have sex with other women." Presumably not in the sense of getting horny about it. Tsuru let out a laugh, and Xico actually curled up her tentacles for a moment. "Not in that sense, no. Come on then," she said, hopping up off my lap. "We'll go to my place, and me and her will work together to blow your mind."

* * *

Mira was forced to conclude, as she sipped at her drink - just regular beer, the same garbage brand she drank back when she was in college - that she was definitely too fucking horny. There were just way too many ways that this could go wrong. He could be disgusted by her. He could try blackmailing her, and even if she wouldn't submit to it, they'd lose an accountant. 'Don't shit where you eat' came to mind. She took out her phone, considering once again just calling Tsuru and calling the whole thing off. They'd be arriving probably in ten minutes, and she was fairly certain that Tsuru wouldn't have told Roger about this. She still had no idea what she had over Roger that had resulted in him being so... willing.

One thought suddenly came to mind, as out of character as it would be for Tsuru, and she swiped over to Roger in her contacts list, writing up a simple text. You aren't being blackmailed, are you? It was an awful thing to think of Tsuru, and she'd know about it, no doubt... she sighed. Tsuru would understand. She hit send.

A couple seconds later - superspeed, she was forcibly reminded - she got a reply text from Roger:

No, I'm not.
Are you #3?
If you don't know what that means, just say no.

She knew what it meant. She texted him back that she was, putting the phone down and just chugging the beer can before crushing it in her hand and tossing it in the aluminum recycling bin that Tsuru kept out.

* * *

I still had a bit of difficulty comprehending it, as I put my phone back in my pocket. Mira was the woman in question? I guessed I could understand why it was so important to keep things a secret, given that. The extremely macho manly man flirt who secretly has a male lover - yeah, I wouldn't want to fuck things up that way either, in her position.

I was jarred out of my thoughts by Tsuru. "Hard to believe she'd send you a text like that," Tsuru said, humming as she drove us down the highway towards her place. I just remained quiet for the moment. "Think I should punish her for that? Oh, I bet you'd like that, right? Some sexy lesbian BDSM?"

"You shouldn't punish her for it," I said. "You'd want her to check, if it were blackmail, right?"

"Ah, true," Tsuru said, shrugging. "First time she's actually thought I did anything seriously wrong. Maybe you should give her a present for thinking about you?"

"I don't have any-" Tsuru gave me a casual glance out of the corner of her eyes, looking absolutely baffled at my question, and I instantly reconsidered my situation appropriately. A guy doubts his secret boyfriend and checks in on the gal they've got coming over for a threesome to make sure she's okay. How could the girl show her appreciation for this thoughtful gesture? Presumably, a blowjob or something.

"Fuck I wish I could hop in a portal to your world. I bet Mira would wish it even more," Tsuru added, with a grin. "Just go out, find the hottest guy I can, and fuck his brains out while he thanks his lucky stars. Hot, and fun. And, mm, I mean she wouldn't mind cunnilingus, I'm sure, but Mira's kinda..." She removed one hand from the wheel to make a circular motion around her ear which meant about the same thing here as it meant back in my world: loopy. "About sex, that is. You know. There's people who really wrap up their self-esteem in their ability to please men. Sex becomes more about proving how cool you are than actual orgasms." I inwardly resolved to fuck Mira until she had a fresh idea about the joys of sex. Tsuru laughed. "Well, I've tried it more than a couple times myself, even introduced her to a couple dudes with similar ideas, so I doubt it'll work, but it's a fun time either way."

* * *

Mira was reminded that she hadn't actually gotten to see Roger's bare chest, as he stepped into the house. Well, she'd seen it when he had been over for the pool party, but it was entirely different, watching him start to undo buttons as he strode inside. He was really fast at stripping, too. Fuck, she was getting wet already. Didn't he want a bite to eat before they got started? A little conversation, wining and dining? Something? "Nope," Tsuru said with a grin.

"Nope what?" Roger asked, pausing his fingers halfway down his chest in an intensely infuriating teasing movement. Fuck. She had the mental image of stripping him the rest of the way down and lovingly feeding him a home-cooked meal.

"She was just wondering if you wanted her to cook up something nice. She's actually a pretty decent cook, despite what you'd think from her hard-working billionaire aesthetic."

Mira's lips wiggled on her features for a moment. "I just think that if you're going to do something, you should learn how to do it right," she explained. It had only been, what, a month or two of experimentation to get really good at cooking for herself? She rarely found the opportunity unless she really had some time to waste, but-

"That does sound really nice, but, uh, only if you want to?" Roger tried, interrupting her thoughts. "Otherwise, I'm good just getting to the sex right away."

Mira blinked. This was the guy who twitched every time he showed off his new (hot) body to the office, who was too uncomfortable for a playful kiss on the lips with another guy, who always kept his top buttons done up. She didn't think she had ever seen him in a shirt that was actually tight. She turned her gaze over to Tsuru. This was way beyond just talking the guy into things, wasn't it?

"He can tell you why he's so horned up for it if he feels like it," Tsuru said, glancing over at Roger. "She's just baffled that you want it so bad." There was a pause of silent communication. "Sure, go ahead."

"I've had... threesome fantasies in the past," he explained, seeming actually embarrassed about admitting it to her. Mira let the tension resolve itself from her shoulders - that was more like what she expected from the guy, based on what she'd seen of him. He was hardly some randy slut down for a go in no time at all. That was more Alexios. Tsuru had just found out about his secret fetish, and made him the offer. He would probably have been too embarrassed to actually indulge in it without her assistance. The triumphant smirk on Tsuru's lips suggested that Mira had gotten it right in one.

"I've heard," Mira said, letting go of her inhibitions and just stepping up to him. He actually took a half-step back in surprise before stopping himself; she let her hands find their way to his wrists, then laced her fingers together with his own. "Tsuru told me all about the kind of stuff you want to do. Let's go to the bedroom and make those fantasies a reality."

* * *

The human commitment to habit is an intense thing that overwhelms reason. As such, my instinctive reactions to Mira's touch, to her approach, were more that of a startled man than they really ought to have been. I knew perfectly well that she was interested in this threesome, but I still felt like, as a woman, she 'should' be a bit more nervous about dragging a man back to the bedroom to fuck in a threesome.

Not enough to actually stop me from following her in, of course. "Tsuru said you're a pillow prince, huh?" I actually tensed slightly at that description. I definitely enjoyed a blowjob, but I'd reciprocate readily if asked, that was just common courtesy. I'd eaten out Xico and Nora, and I was pretty sure Kate and Priscilla would never have let me eat them out for reasons all their own... I mentally resolved to be more attentive with Lope and Esther in the future.

"She likes pillow princes, don't worry," Tsuru said, with a roll of her eyes that said the terminology was chosen by Mira more for its arousing content on her part, than for the fact that she actually believed it. I let out a small sigh of relief, while Mira practically pushed me down onto my back on the bed, her hands hungrily working to strip me bare, her lips kissing and licking and sucking my bare chest with a sudden intensity as she undid my belt. "I need some space in there too," Tsuru said to Mira, who just let out a hot pant against my belly button as she all but tore my pants down; then, and only then, did she sidle to one side, letting my hard cock burst free into the open air.

Both of them were completely clothed, but that was sexy in its own way - the pair still done in nice, formal clothes, both looking at my cock with expressions that said the moment one of them went for it, the other would join her.

I realized, after a long couple seconds, that neither of them had actually done something like this before. I mean, I hadn't either, unless you counted 'one in the trunk, one in the junk' with Xico and Lope, but I had at least seen a fuck of a lot of porn on it. I'd only found two videos of two girls sucking dick at the same time, and those hadn't been popular or easy to find, either. They were both saved to my computer, to make absolutely sure I didn't lose them. Tsuru's gaze flicked up to me, inquisitive as her breath continued to faintly tickle my cock.

Mira appeared to take that as her starting signal, though, just wrapping her lips around my cockhead and slurping down to the base in a single swift movement. Her tongue flashed out of her mouth as it wriggled along the underside of my length; she didn't even bother to look up at me, simply contentedly humming around my dick as she felt it in her throat. Her hands reached for my thighs, softly running along them, and her vivid hazel eyes flicked up to me, then, a confident look in her eyes as she worked to pleasure me.

"Ah, Tsuru, while Mira works the shaft like that, you can deal with my balls," I said, which was all Tsuru needed to shift into position, Mira actively working to make it easy for her. The contrast between her almost-overbearing flirtatiousness and the way that, in the bedroom, she was a ravenous fellatrix was intensely sexy, my cock twitching in her throat as Tsuru wrapped her lips around my balls and started to play with them with her tongue, hungrily slithering around this way and that. I slowed down my subjective experience of time, but to intensify and draw out this moment rather than to give me the chance to control myself like I normally could. The twenty seconds or so that Mira was resting her nose in my pubes stretched out into minutes, her eyes leering up at me the whole time, scarcely even blinking in my elongated perception of time.

When Mira finally slid back up my length, I let my perception of time return to normal and spoke up. "I'd really like it if you kissed around the tip," I said, having absolutely no idea if that was going too far. Tsuru just furrowed her brow but leaned forward, pressing her lips up against my tip. Mira mimicked the movement a moment later, their lips pressing up against one another and brushing against the very tip of my dick. "No, like, you're flicking your tongues against each other's and my cock," I corrected. Obviously they'd have no idea what the fuck I was talking about.

Tsuru let out a hum as her mouth fell open, her pink tongue beginning to twist around - Mira was doing much the same almost as fast, and it was a gorgeous view, as their tongues bounced and twisted, rubbing and slathering spit all over the tip of my cock as they occasionally brushed against one another. It was clear that they weren't getting a whole lot out of the 'kiss,' but it was still a sexy sight. Maybe even sexier, for the way that they were just putting on a show rather than enjoying a loving kiss between one another.

"Now, uh, basically that, but go down my whole length. You probably won't get a lot of-" was as far as I got before both women's tongues were brushing against my crown, their lips pressing up against my cock, their mouths stretched wide. They had to tilt their heads a bit - Mira's hand grasped the base of my cock to hold it in place - but they worked their way slowly down my cock, giving me an absolutely amazing show, the tips of their tongues occasionally meeting each other as they flicked and licked the underside of my cock.

Mira, for her part, looked up at me with this absolutely, absurdly smug look in her eyes. Tsuru's almost met hers in absurdity, but there was a difference between them, subtle as it was. Mira had a look like the cat that swallowed the canary, the proud tigress marking her territory with her lips and tongue. Tsuru was a co-conspirator, and a crafty one, who had successfully gotten one over on both of us somehow. I could tell how Mira was missing things, but not how I was - not that, in the moment, I really cared at all.

It was probably something that, to my view, was absurd and stupid, but to her view, was the most clever trick she ever pulled. She suckled on my cock as if to affirm my understanding of the situation, and Mira immediately began doing much the same as she saw the reaction she got.

As the pair slid down my length, lips meeting my base, winding up staring at one another for a moment, I idly wondered if they'd be okay with a facefuck? I had gotten that rough with Kate in the past, but neither of them were masochists, so it was probably off the table.

Tsuru popped off my cock to speak. "You know what he's thinking right now, Mira?" She asked, and Mira subtly shook her head in a way that said she was very interesting. "He's thinking your mouth feels so good, he wants to grab a tangle of your hair and just fuck your face, losing himself to the pleasure. But he's so shy, he can't quite bring himself to ask." My cock was outrageously hard as Tsuru presented my lewd desires in what appeared to be exactly the right way to entice Mira into it.

"That's cute," she panted out, as she shifted her position. "You should be more confident, though. What woman wouldn't want a guy to just grab the back of her head as he completely lost control over his body, pleasure washing away everything but desire for her?" Her fingers stroked my dick for a moment, slathering the spit up and down - then I reached down for her head, and without the slightest hesitation, she let her mouth fall open.

I slammed her down my cock, grinding her into my pelvis for a moment, while Tsuru spoke idly, her fingers running through my pubic hair. "You should probably start shaving down there," she said, which actually made Mira glance her way and make a cutting motion towards her throat to tell her to shut up. Tsuru just laughed. "He's not offended. But yeah, if you like blowjobs so much, not leaving me to find the occasional hair in my mouth would be a nice way of showing it."

"Oh, uh, sorry," I panted out, as I fucked Mira's face absolutely relentlessly, my hips bucking up against it, balls slapping at her chin. Her gaze was utterly focused on me, now, her eyes seeming to penetrate to the depths of my soul, and fuck did she feel good, that tight throat of hers wrapping taut around my dick each time I got to the base, her tongue wriggling around on the underside of my cock hungrily. Tsuru leaned in, giving Mira's throat a small kiss as my cock rested deep within it, and that was all I needed to push me over the edge, my whole body spasming in pleasure, my cock twitching as it surged to maximum and started to spray hot cum all over the inside of her throat, holding her down in base instinct. Mira just hummed pleasantly around my length, eyes lidding as she drank down every last drop she could get.

When I was spent, my whole body faintly shivering from the recent exertion, Mira finally peeled herself up and off me, licking her lips for a moment. "It's not a big deal, your pubes," Mira reassured me. "Tsuru's just a big baby." Tsuru just rolled her eyes.

"I've just, ah, never shaved down there," I responded, swallowing nervously. I'd been getting lots of blowjobs, had it really been that annoying to my partners and they'd just not mentioned it? "I don't really know how."

"If you really want to do it, I'll show you how... after I've wrung every last drop out of your balls," Mira said, smiling. "I've waxed a guy or two in my day. Oh, you'll want to wax rather than shave, less risk of injury. It does hurt just a little, but it'd not be great to go right from waxing to sex." Mira was much nicer like this, I had to admit. Not just because she was such a giving lover, but just because she wasn't in constant insane flirt mode. If I'd known that turning it off was as easy as getting my dick out, I probably would have done it a lot earlier.

Tsuru just snorted at my internal thoughts, and Mira's expression instantly softened. Before she could make some apology for a presumed offense, I spoke up. "That's fine. How about some regular fucking? I was thinking doggy style, with your face in Tsuru's groin?" I felt some vague embarrassment about being that straightforward about what I wanted - but Mira just grinned.

"That sounds great," she said, licking her lips hungrily and starting to strip herself naked. It was my first time getting to appreciate the view, so appreciate it I did. The long, slim body, the wiry legs, the taut stomach, the nice hips and firm ass, the perfectly smooth pale skin, unblemished and cleanshaven. She really took care of herself, that much was obvious. Given her legs and ass, I had to assume she did a lot of cardio. "Come on, Tsuru. Just sit at the head of the bed and be a lazy girl like always."

"I wouldn't be so lazy if you didn't love it," Tsuru said, having stripped herself bare while I was distracted by Mira's naked body, and soon settled into the head of the bed. "Roger, don't worry too much about Mira, she'll be satisfied as long as she's got something in her, nnn, mou, mouth," she said, only managing to pant out the last couple words as Mira apparently decided on the most efficacious way to shut her up. Her thighs clenched on either side of Mira's head, and she wore a dopey grin. "Oh, is this okay, Mira? That I'm holding you down in my groin with my thighs and hands, because I just can't resist your sexy body?"

By the noises Mira made, she certainly wasn't bothered. I was, just a little bit, since Tsuru was making fun of me - she stuck her tongue out in response to that thought - so I decided to rid myself of such insecurities by getting up behind Mira and just sliding my cock into her tight pussy. She let out a lewd little noise as I bottomed out inside her, but no more. I started to pump my cock slowly in and out of her sex, trying to get a feeling for the right angle, the way that would best pleasure her. She barely showed any reaction, no matter what I did, so I slid one hand around, gliding across her bare pussy and finding my way to her clit, my fingers teasing at the sensitive nub, trying to see what sort of response I could get from her.

The answer was: still not much. The occasional point in my rubbing and toying with her could get a small response, some little pant or moan, but nothing more than that. Tsuru gave me a half-hearted shrug, no doubt knowing exactly what I was trying to do, but I did have some advantages over other men: namely, my superspeed. Whatever exotic physics effect gave it to me, didn't much care about the relationship between velocity and force - if I hit something at superspeed, it was just like if I'd hit it at regular speed, and similar rules applied to rug burn. Inversely, things that hit me were in fact reduced in their intensity and apparent force.

The consequence here was, well, I was pretty sure I could use superspeed to superstimulate Mira, and I decided to do exactly that, slowing down my subjective perception of time to one tenth, gently brushing my fingers along her clit. My pace was as slow as before, but now it was playing out at 10x speed for her, and my pace in her pussy was similarly methodical and gentle, but again - ten times speed is a lot. Mira was, in short order, beginning to actually let out lewd noises as I fucked her. My pace accelerated slowly, really giving her time to properly respond - what was ten seconds to me was one to her, so I'd fuck her at one speed for a solid minute, then gently tick it up before fucking her at the next speed for a minute.

The consequence was that I got to see Mira's reactions in extreme detail, and Tsuru actually raised up one hand, giving me the 'okay' hand signal to tell me that my pace was perfectly fine. I mostly ignored that, though, instead focusing on really superstimulating Mira, trying to find exactly the right speed, the right touch, the right places, the right angles, to make her come. After about ten minutes of fucking her, I finally seemed to have finally hit on a pretty good combination, because she came, letting out a lewd moan into Tsuru's pussy, Tsuru just grinding her face into her pelvis as she did so, practically smothering her in her cunt.

I wasn't satisfied with just one orgasm, though. I wanted to make Mira really love fucking me, not just view me as another guy whose cock it was fun to suck. It was a dumb male pride thing, I knew, but I didn't care. Dumb male pride overpowers cynical realism every time. My fingers really started to work over her clit, and I leaned forward to give me a better angle at her pussy, my cock just ramming deep inside her, again and again, rubbing at her most sensitive spots as I followed the pattern I'd taken up.

Soon enough, Mira was sputtering into Tsuru's pussy again, Tsuru just sighing and leaning her head back against the wall, softly running her fingers through Mira's hair as she did her best to keep eating Tsuru out. I had found my pattern, my speed, a pace where when one orgasm on Mira's part ended, the next would begin a scant few seconds later. Subjective seconds, I should note - these were pretty much back-to-back as far as Mira was concerned, just coming her brains out on my cock in a truly delicious show. It could only have been sexier if I actually got to see Mira's face.

In silent response, Tsuru peeled Mira's face out of her cunt, twisting her head around to face me. Her expression was intensely sexy, that normally cock smile replaced with panting lips, her cheeks having turned red, her eyes a bit hazy as she looked my way, but a dopey glint in her eyes as she stared up at me. It was way too fucking hot for me to hold back any longer - I bottomed out in her pussy and just let go, spraying hot cum all over her insides.

I pulled out, then, panting as I collapsed on my ass. Tsuru pushed Mira's face back into her cunt, leaning back and wriggling against the headboard. "Don't worry about me," she said. "It'd be mean if I made you pay attention to me, after all the attention you paid to me last time," she said, grinning as Mira seemed to interpret that as a challenge, the wet noises emanating from her groin getting louder and louder. "Mira likes anal too, so you can even fuck her ass in this position. Right Mira?" Mira hummed out an affirmative, having seemingly already recovered from the orgasms I'd inflicted on her.

That definitely wouldn't do. I got back up, angled my dick at her asshole, slowed down time, and gently slid myself deep, deep inside her. She let out a lewd mewl as I entered her tight asshole, but I did the same thing I'd done with her pussy, really taking my (subjective) time with it, slowly ramping up the pace as I found the right angle and made sure she was perfectly fine with it. For her, it probably took less than a minute for me to be going full throttle, but for me, it felt like a small eternity of waiting, just slowly grinding my hard cock into her tight ass.

She wasn't quite the orgasm bunny with her asshole that she had been with her pussy - or maybe it was the lack of clitoral stimulation doing it. She was still softly quivering with pleasure either way, so I slid my hand around to her clit, starting to play with it, provoking a very basic response. "Fuck, you're tight," I breathed out, and that was all Mira needed to drive her over the edge, her whole body spasming as an anal orgasm rushed through her. Tsuru's eyes twisted upward in either sympathetic pleasure or just how amazing Mira's moan felt, or some mix of the two.

I let my other hand slip down into her pussy, having to be a little awkward to find the right angle, but my fumbling took place at superspeed, so it was scarcely a second later from Mira's perspective when she was simultaneously having her g-spot (or closest equivalent) rubbed by my fingers and her ass plowed at just the right rate, my fingers continuing to make their circular movements around her clit, the occasional squeeze and pinch making Mira moan louder and louder as I thrust away, enjoying her body, enjoying trying so very hard to make her feel good.

It was strange, thinking about it. I'd fucked any number of women, but here it was with Mira who I was putting my all into making her come her brains out. Something about the forbidden fruit, maybe? I wonder if Tsuru knew this would be the effect when she told me what a giving girl Mira was? The smirk on Tsuru's face didn't really inform me of much, but I lost myself in the moment and just fucked away with relentless stamina.

I finished inside her ass twice; I don't know exactly how many times she came, but I'd estimate at least two dozen. Probably significantly more, when I say 'at least' I mean 'at least.' I finally, slowly extricated myself from her asshole after what felt - to me - like several hours of fucking. A glance at the clock said that it was more like twenty, thirty minutes. Still, I needed a fucking break.

"Mira," I said, idly groping her ass as I sat there. She didn't respond. She wasn't even making noises in Tsuru's pussy.

"Think she's tuckered out," Tsuru said, gently peeling her out of her pussy and letting her flop to one side, the woman in question heavily panting as she recovered from the intense ass-fucking I put her through. "You did do a number on her, seems like." She half-crawled on the bed over to me, nibbling on my ear for a moment before whispering in it. "You could probably wring a lot of blowjobs out of her by saying something like, Remember how much I made you come back at Tsuru's? Don't I deserve a little appreciation? I mean, she's easy to get head from, but I'm talking, you just finished coming in her mouth three times, let's get a fourth even though her jaw aches."

Arousing as that thought was, I didn't actually want to guilt a girl into giving me infinite blowjobs. I really should correct Nora on her extremely bad math that led her to promise me over a hundred blowjobs... well, I could do that later. Tsuru just grinned at that.

"I want to do the pube-shaving thing. Uh. When you're up, Mira," I said, giving her ass a quick grope before getting up. I could make her a little something to eat, I had superspeed.

* * *

I wound up returning to the bedroom with a few sandwiches on a big serving plate, as well as several tall glasses of cool water. I set it all down on the nightstand, and Mira had recovered from her post-orgasm high enough to start chowing down hungrily, letting out a long sigh after one particularly long glug of water. "How come you never make me something?"

"Because I don't make you pass out."

"I did not pass out," Mira protested quickly. "I was just basking. We can wax you in a bit, when I'm done eating. Oh, you need to shower, and make sure to clean the area in question," she added, switching over to a whole new mode: bossy. Tsuru just smirked at my thoughts.

The actual process of getting my pubes removed via waxing was very pleasant. Mira was gentle as she did basically everything for me, her voice soft as she explained this or that thing. I couldn't help but get a hard-on as her fingers brushed through my pubes in the shower, or as she lightly patted down the whole area to dry it, explaining each step in turn. Even the safety scissors used to clip away my excessively long pubes weren't really a turnoff.

When she actually peeled away the warm wax from my bare skin, though, it hurt. "Ow," I ground out.

"Yeah, I know," she said. "Just hang in there. Or we can stop. You'll be a bit uneven, but-"

"Keep going," I interrupted, and she nodded, going through the motions with diligence and precision, my toes curling as she worked. When she was finally done, I was completely bare of any hair down there. "Yeah, I can see why you wanted to do this after sex," I said, the slight soreness making me not particularly interested in ramming my hips against hers.

She let out a small laugh at that, finally rising from her kneeling position before me now that the work was done. "You were really good," she said, clapping me on the shoulder. "If you wanted to do this again sometime, I'd be happy to let a handsome guy like you into our bed again and again," she said, grinning as she spoke. My cock managed to twitch at those words, and she laughed. "Damn. Cut past all that armor of yours and there's a truly ravenous man, isn't there?" She teased, grinning all the while.

"Yep," I said, since it was the truth.

"I like it," she said, leaning close to my ear. Her fingers gently stroked my cock, carefully avoiding the base to avoid touching the sensitive region. "I like it a lot." My cock twitched again, and she pulled her hand back, leaving me hanging. "I think Tsuru needs a bit more attention, though, no matter how nice she was about letting me get to fully enjoy you. If you start to feel up to it, well, my ass is always available," she said, reaching back to slap her ass and laughing, before she headed back to the bedroom.

I didn't feel up to it, sadly; I got dressed and headed home instead.

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