Superheroine Seducing Accountant

A Date With Tsuru

There's ordinarily a delicate balance, in romantic liaisons. One wishes to come off as desiring more time spent with the other party, but not so much so that they appear desperate, or needy. This careful balance produces things like the three day rule, or the third date rule, or other rules used to signal to the other party that, while they're nice and all, you don't need them.

This is easily explicable. In order to win a negotiation - and any relationship is an extended negotiation - it's best to appear minimally interested in what the other person has to offer, and maximally interested in what you already have. For a romantic environment, what they have to offer is themselves; and what you have instead is free time. But, much like a traditional negotiation, there is a certain minimal level of interest. Otherwise, why are you even here?

In any case, this entire thing normally means that people will often intentionally hold off on taking forward actions with a romantic interest until some suitable period had elapsed. Tsuru, however, was confident enough to arrive at my door the very next day after my sex with Mira, the informal starting bell for her feeling comfortable pursuing me, and what's more, the very minute that work had let out. She gave one glance to Xico, some silent communication taking place, and Xico quietly nodded, floating right out of the room to leave Tsuru alone with me.

Her eyes were a very vivid red, I noted, as they stared down at me; no pigmentation, so there was nothing but a vivid blood red in her irises. It made her exceptionally striking, combined with a beautiful, pale body, curvaceous physique, and she could read my mind, I remembered, by the grin on her face. "Don't hesitate. Keep going," she said, playfully. When I didn't immediately continue with such thoughts, she let out an affected sigh. "It's not that affected," she said with a smile. "Mm... so. Since you have a sex drive like a woman's, and you want to fuck me, that means you won't be too offended if I suggest we just go to your place and fuck each other's brains out?"

"What kind of sex?"

She let out a little laugh at that, a playful, light thing. "You're the one with the supply, I'm the one with the demand. You pick. Oh... something dirty, I bet? I'd imagine it's pretty tough, finding a girl here who's comfortable with... ah, right, there is her." She shifted to settle onto the edge of the desk. "Well, I'd probably find most of the really crazy stuff fun or funny, and not be offended. But maybe there's a position that you'd like to try? Pec-jill and blowjob, maybe? Not quite sure I've got the flexibility..." She idly twisted her spine, in a movement clearly meant to show off her tits. She laughed at that. "Busted. You're the second person to catch that I was doing it on purpose right off the bat," she added with a grin.

"Who's the first?"

Her expression stiffened for a moment. "Private. I have guesses about how exactly this whole role reversal thing works, between here and your world. Maybe sex moves that are degrading for girls here are normal in your world? Maybe they have whole special techniques we don't really see, since guys and girls tend to be in different positions? Maybe they're fine with certain things that aren't exactly normal here?"

My eyes went to Tsuru's breasts. She probably would have popped open the top button if I so much as - she popped open the top button before I could even mentally complete that thought, just grinning. My eyes went up to hers. "There's differences, yeah. The whole dominance/submission dynamic's different." She just hummed along. "There's femdom and maledom stuff in my world, I think you guys call it domme and mascdom? It's different. Maledom stuff is sort of... you're my sex slave. Suck my cock. Bad girl, you didn't suck my cock well enough. Mascdom is more like... you dirty pervert. Just suck my cock while playing with yourself. I can't believe how pathetic you are, doing something like that. I'm going to go fuck a real woman."

"Well, if you want to tie me up and make me call you Master, you only have to ask," she said, smiling lightly. "Just consider me a blank canvas, and whatever lewd ideas you want the paint. You only have to tell me, and I'll do it... Master?" It was a bit hard to take her calling me that seriously. Now, if Kate had said it, then it might be believable. I mentally kicked myself for thinking that as I saw the grin on Tsuru's lips. "Please. Do you think Kate can stop thinking about what you've done to her? Good Lord, I can tell whether she fucked you the previous night from the moment I step into the office."

I shifted slightly in my seat. I had gotten pretty extreme with Kate, after all. Fuck it was annoying constantly having my mind read.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. Now, come on. Tell me what you want. I'm sure it's hard, women here have a tough time just telling men these things sometimes. I get the vibe you're the kind of guy who's very giving, tries to figure out what his girl wants, does that... don't worry about what I want," she said, placing one finger on my sternum, tenderly sliding along it in this very wonderful move. "Psychic mirroring, remember? If you enjoy yourself, I will too."

My eyes roamed her body a bit more freely this time, and she sighed softly as they took in her curves. Her own eyes quietly mimicked the process, sliding along my biceps, her gaze wandering towards my groin with an inevitability that neither of us wanted to stop. "Have you ever heard of a titfuck? I've searched for videos of it online..."

"A titfuck?" She paused as she squinted at me, as if trying to pluck the image from my mind; apparently I was an insufficiently visual thinker, because she didn't get anything out of me. "What is it? I mean, I can guess from the name, but..."

"It's where I put my penis in between your breasts, and push them together," I explained.

She grinned at that, her finger sliding up my throat, gently touching my chin to direct me to raise my chin. "That's it. That's what I want to hear. I want to hear that weird alternate universe stuff. I want to do the things they do in your pornos. I want your cock in between my tits. How do you do that? It like a footjob where you just kinda rub it in?"

"You grab them and squeeze them around the man's cock," I explained, and she licked her lips. "If it's long enough, you also lick the tip."

"Is yours long enough?" She asked, her gaze going down to my groin curiously.

"Depends on how large your breasts are." I was starting to get into this, actually. The casualness with which we could discuss things like this, born of her actually knowing and properly understanding I was from a world of reversed sexual morality. Tsuru wasn't like Xico, who knew but didn't quite understand - she was clearly experienced enough, familiar enough, to actually "get" all the implications.

"And after I get done wanking you with my tits?" She asked, shifting her arm so that her forearm rested under her breasts, hefting them up. "Is that it? That all you have? One go?" The fact that she was good enough at understanding all the inversions to understand that, in a gender reversed world, that would be hot... it had my cock throbbing a bit, all on its own.

"No, then... I'll fuck your ass." I actually hadn't done that yet, in this world.

"Ooo. So let me guess, in your world, all the guys want anal, and all their girlfriends are like, 'it's too tight, that's dirty, they only do that in porn', right?" There was a grin on her face as she could tell that she was right. "Anything like worrying about UTIs or anything like that?"

"Uh, if you go ass-to-vag," I said.

"Ah, true. Most guys are really concerned their dicks will start burning if they have anal one time," she explained. Once more, her tongue flashed out across her lips, this hungry movement that carried so much promise to it. Her fingers trailed along my neck, silently keeping my chin up, my eyes on hers. I idly wondered if she wanted me to touch her back, and she just gave me a disbelieving grin.

My hand came up to rest on her thigh. It slowly slid upwards, along her thigh, and she just smiled smugly, clearly relishing this situation. "Then... I guess then we'll have to stop."

"Oh?" She teased, her hand sliding from under her breasts to my wrist. "I get not wanting to just switch over to eating pussy or fingering me, especially after presumably fucking my ass into the bed with anal like I've never gotten from a guy, but..." Her tongue lashed across her lip again. "Why not wash off afterwards? Go for a round three... and four... and five..." Each word was accompanied by her leaning that little bit further forward, until she was almost pressing up against my nose. I could smell her breath; she must have used a very nice breath freshener. "Nice of you to think. Want to guess why? Three guesses, first two don't count."

Before I could really even consider the question, she tugged me into a hungry kiss, her body pressing against mine as she shifted still further on the desk, until she'd finally just fallen into my lap. Her breasts pressed against my chest, full and bare - she wasn't wearing a bra, I realized, as her tongue slithered around inside my mouth, dutifully finding and playing with my every sensitive spot, moving in a fashion that most brought to mind the idea that she was committing each to memory.

When she finally broke the kiss, we were both out of breath, her panting, a faint pink flush to her normally ivory-pale cheeks. "Now... you can either fuck me really, really quiet in your office, which I'm willing to do if you are, even if it'll drive Mira insane," she said, with a flirtatious grin, "or, I can drag you back to my place and you can 'have your way with me.' That the right way to put it?"

Huh. I'd never really realized it, but I'd mostly brought girls over to my place. Well, Nora, Xico, and Kate. Not Mira or - fuck me.

She laughed. "That's the plan. My place is bigger than yours, pretty sure. Plus, I have a few toys that you just might really enjoy..." Her breath was husky in my ear, promising so much. "And it's going to deliver, too," she whispered.

I could hardly get to her place fast enough.

* * *

Tsuru's apartment was bigger than mine - I hadn't moved since I'd gotten the new job with the big paycheck, I'd mostly been saving up the first couple months of paychecks, so I'd have a nest egg if things fell through. While there was a certain obvious appeal to the larger size of her apartment, the open spaces and internal second story... well, I liked money more than space, to be honest. Tsuru let out a small laugh at that, the two of us standing in the entryway of her home. She slipped off her shoes and put them next to the door, then actually peeled her socks off as well, pairing them off and just wiggling her toes in the open air.

"I like the feeling of having my feet bare," she said, as if I'd been accusing her of something. "Now take off your own shoes so I can drag you up to my room and try all these different things you've been thinking about."

"You mentioned toys," I said, as I took off my shoes. "Anything good?"

"Flavored lube, cuffs, gags, animal ears- I guess I'll be the one wearing them this time, huh. Anyway," she said, shaking her head, "fleshlights, vibrating fleshlights, bullet vibes, uh, if you're into those?" She asked, and I was honestly briefly confused by why she'd think I wasn't. She let out a tiny laugh. "Ah, right, that makes sense. Oh. Are dildos hot, where you come from?"

"Sometimes." Not really something I'd ever found very appealing. "But, honestly - let's get the lube and try a titfuck."

"Can do, Roger," she said, taking me by the hand and pulling me along with her to her bedroom, pausing before the bed as she started to undress. "You want to be on top, or should I? Never done a titfuck before, but it seems like it'd be easier with the guy on top?"

"Uh, yeah, I think?" I was rather unfocused, staring as her chest came to light, her bare breasts soon exposed. Her skin was pale to the point of extremity, making her look almost like a marble statue; one of the big points against that perception was her breasts, which were large and hefty enough to have plenty of visible veins trailing along them, the blue coloration adding so much flavor to the appearance. When my eyes slid back up to hers, she was grinning, almost triumphant, and peeled her way out of her skirt and panties scant moments later, practically bouncing on her heels once she was free, making her fantastic tits bounce too.

"Stare all you like," she said, "but I'd like the chance to stare too. Girls are visual, you know? We love staring at bare chests and hard cocks... at least in this world," she said. She stepped towards me a moment later. "Actually... I bet you'd love to get undressed, wouldn't you?"

"Yes, I would," I agreed, and she let out a small laugh, tilting her head to start licking at my neck as her fingers diligently undid my buttoned up shirt. Once it was open, her hands simply slid along my bare chest, hungrily feeling me up, her lips still there. I wondered if she could see it, enjoy what she was touching that way, and she quietly shook her head as she nibbled on my throat, sashaying her hair from side to side. "My pants, too."

"That's always nice to hear," she said, as she shifted her weight, kissing at my sternum as she leaned a bit down, fingers undoing my belt, my button, my zipper. "A man getting used to asking for what he wants. Just saying it out loud. Sexy as hell. I guess it's not hard to understand for you, right? I know either way and it still gets me hot, hearing a guy like you-" my cock was finally slipped free, her fingers gently wrapping around it as my underwear and pants wound up sliding down my legs to my ankles, "-say things like that. Just hearing your thoughts can't compare." She gave my pecs both quick, affectionate pets, then hopped back and laid down on the bed. "I've never done this before, so walk me through it."

"Well, first I need lube," I said, glancing around her room for any signs of it. She flushed with color at that, her eyes getting wide and hopping back to her feet before I could check her closet.

"Let me get it, sorry. Like I said, never done it before," she said. She pulled her closet open just a bit, reached up for the shelf at the top, hand groping for a moment before she pulled off a pink bottle which declared its flavor to be strawberry. Based on personal experience, I was dubious it was entirely accurate in its labeling, and she let out a laugh. "Trust me, I taste test them. It's strawberry." She slid the closet shut and danced back over to the bed, lying down and placing the lube bottle at the side. "Now, I'm just an- oh, wait, hang on," she said, smiling, wiggling in place. She closed her eyes for just a moment, then flicking them back open with this faux-innocent look. "A titfuck? I've never done one of those before. Are you sure I'll be big enough to manage it?" She asked, hefting up her breasts in either hand, fluttering her eyelashes my way.

"You'll be big enough," I promised. If I hadn't been hard as hell before, that would have pushed me over the edge. I hopped onto the bed, straddling her naked body, reaching for the lube and slathering her tits with it. It actually gave me a really good excuse to start rubbing and groping the soft flesh, sliding my hands in between the warm flesh, enjoying watching the ivory pale skin turn pink with the rubbed-in lube. It almost made it look like she was blushing all the way down to her breasts, and she just smiled up at me. Once her tits were lathered up enough, I slid up on her body, my cock sliding in between her breasts in the process.

"So now I push my tits together, right?" This wasn't the faux-innocent of earlier, this was actual, genuine innocence, having never done a titfuck, and somehow that was a thousand times sexier. The cocky, brash, confident Tsuru - "Stop, I'll get a big head," she chimed in - having absolutely no idea about this particular sex act.

"Yeah, you just squeeze them tight around my cock," I said, and I groaned a bit as her warmth enveloped me, her fingers squishing her own breasts around my cock, practically vanishing into the soft flesh. It looked absolutely insanely hot, and my cock twitched as I stared down at the lewd sight before me, her breaths shallow, washing over my dick as she intensified and then let up the pressure again and again. Where with Priscilla I had been contrasting her dark skin to my light, here the effect was inverted, the extreme pallor of her skin tone seeming all the more sexy when compared to my own ruddier tone. My cockhead popped out from the top of her tits, and she uncertainly leaned forward, gathering certainty as she saw my reaction, wrapping her lips around the tip of my cock.

The titfuck itself was inexperienced, uncertain. Trying things out with very little guidance from me other than the reactions. That was hot, seeing her figuring things out, watching her think of - then try - to press her tits up and down my length rather than waiting on me to start pumping away.

But, once my dick was actually in her mouth, she had a whole wealth of experience to draw on. She suckled wetly as her tongue flicked against my slit, blood red eyes staring up at me, naked lust in her features as she worked me over. I just groaned in pleasure at the sensation, my hands reaching down for her, one brushing through her silken soft platinum blonde hair, the other gently teasing and squeezing her nipple. She just hummed pleasantly at that, her eyes looking up at me, almost mirthful.

At that point, I finally started to gently pump my hips back and forth, enjoying the quirk of her eyebrows as she realized that was part of a titfuck too, it wasn't all the girl doing things. If she was offended by that thought, she didn't show it - instead, she simply kept on licking at my dick, keeping her mouth wide open when it slid far enough into the valley of her breasts that she couldn't suck on it any longer. Her tongue waggled invitingly, and she must have felt how sexy I found that, because she started doing it literally every time my dick wasn't in her mouth, as I started to get into the rhythm of it.

"Fuck, that's good," I said, sighing as I kept on pumping between her lubed up tits, the warmth and squishiness like a kind of extra hole, enveloping me as she tightened her grip even further, fingers just digging in, leaving pink marks of discoloration as she worked.

She suddenly started talking, though she actually didn't move her mouth, pausing each time my dick got far enough forward to interrupt her speech. "I had a - mm - thought, about this. Can't I - mmmhmmm - push my tits together with my forearms - mmf - or does that -" this time, she just sucked hard on my cock, cheeks hollowing lewdly as she stared up at me, "- not work?"

"I think it works, yeah," I breathed, and for just a moment I lost the wonderful pressure of her hands around her breasts - then her forearms were pushing them tightly around my dick. The pressure was subtly different, but very nice, and her hands were up near her head in this position, as she gave me a cocky, brash look, my dick currently lodged past her lips.

I realized what she was going for when her eyes rolled up and her fingers turned into paired victory signs, an absolutely ridiculous and obviously fake expression of lust and ecstasy, but nevertheless an intensely erotic one.

"Fuck," I breathed, grabbing the back of her head, pulling it up a bit further, pushing her closer to her tits as I just rammed away. The wet sounds of my repeated penetration of her wide-open lips were pleasant to the ears, as was the way she somehow managed to have that stupid look on her face every time my cock was out of her mouth. When I finally did come, spraying it all over the inside of her mouth, she just hummed and swallowed around my dick, taking it all down into her throat with a few brisk movements.

She only lost that face when she was completely spent, popping off my dick and letting her arms fall slack, leaving my dick simply laying across her sternum, a faint pink hue to her cheeks. "That was pretty fun," she said, grinning. "Next time I have a boyfriend, might just do that for them. What do you think?"

"It's nice, definitely," I breathed out, still recovering. "I don't know, it might be called something different here, because I couldn't find any video of it. And I don't really remember pec-jilling being a thing, back in my world. So, only if he's a freak in bed."

"The kind of guy who gets off on being choked?" She licked her lips at that, though I definitely did not get off on getting choked. She let out a laugh and rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to do that to you, obviously. Now, you want to be on top for the anal, right?" The thought came to mind that she might think that since, presumably, the less-interested party would be the one to set the pace, but I wasn't so sure I was the less-interested party here. She let out a laugh at that. "Don't worry. I've gotten fucked real hard up the ass." I got off her stomach and reached for the lube, and she was quickly on her knees and elbows, wiggling her ass invitingly up at me, glancing over her shoulder at me. I squirted the lube down on her ass, letting it follow the lines of her body. It seemed particularly clean, and she was incredibly well-shaved down there, I noticed. "Gotta be considerate if somebody's going to be down there," she told me.

"Yeah," I agreed, not thinking much more of it. I slathered my own dick in lube, jerked it off a few times to really rub the stuff in, then pressed my cock up against her puckered rosebud. "Here goes," I breathed, before starting to push my cock further and further into her asshole. She let out a hot few pants as she wiggled beneath me, fingers clawing at the sheets beneath her; I, on the other hand, just filled her up in a long couple minutes, relishing the experience of it, the feeling of her tight asshole wrapped around my dick. It was exquisitely tight, and as I got deeper, she started to work with me, actively gripping my dick and then relaxing, making me just gasp in pleasure.

It took maybe ten seconds for me to get all the way to the base inside her, but it felt like a very pleasant eternity. Once I was fully buried inside her, she wasted no time at all. "Fuck, that's good. Been too long since I had an actual cock in my ass. Now actually fuck me," she said, glancing back up over her shoulder at me and grinning.

I started to peel out, then, trying to move faster; this time, it was maybe three seconds before just my cockhead was past her ass, her puckered rosebud faintly squeezing and gripping my dick. Then I pushed forward once more, filling her up in another three seconds, and she let out a faint groan. "Come on. Faster than that, boy. Would you want a girl to fuck your cock that slow?" There was actually just a trace of frustration. I guess she really wasn't lying about hard ass-fucking. "I definitely fucking wasn't. Just ram away."

I slid my hands up to her hips, once more her pale skin contrasting lewdly with her own pallor - and then I started to fuck her about as hard as I could go. It wasn't quite the max pace, but when she caught that stray thought, "Go as hard as you want! Fuck!" and I was pounding away. She panted on the bed beneath me, fingers clamping up around the bed sheets beneath her, her silvery hair flowing around her features as she leaned forward and enjoyed herself.

I was definitely enjoying myself, too. The view was great: flawless pale skin, a full, round ass, and skin that slowly grew pink with heat beneath me, the woman in question tensing and relaxing beneath me again and again. Wet noises escaped her throat occasionally, music to my ears - though, after having thought that, I noticed they became a bit more frequent. A muscular, full ass for me to grope and play with. And, of course, a tight sphincter, constantly squeezing my dick with each passing stroke. "Fuck," I grunted out. "You are hot. No, this whole thing is hot. I fucking love it. It's really nice, the way you get it. Feels like I can open up for the first time," I told her, as I leaned further forward to get a better angle, my hands sliding up to her breasts. "Makes me want to tell other girls, just to-"

She came, then, interrupting me as her ass clamped down hard on my cock. I groaned, twitching as I simply bottomed out inside her, enjoying the massage. Her own mouth let out this lewd groan, her head tilting back a little, her long silvery hair obscuring much of her features from me, the angle hiding the rest. I grabbed her hair, slicked it behind one shoulder, and then twisted her around so our mouths met one another, her tongue flapping wetly in my mouth. Our bodies were one, for a long, lovely moment - then her orgasm ended, her tongue started to twist and twine inside my mouth, and my hips began to buck again, fucking away at her tight ass as we kissed like that.

My pace inside her never slowed significantly, because every time it did, she started pushing back against me - it was a tentative emotion for maybe one stroke, but when she felt my intense, positive response, she'd always start just ramming her ass into my hips, panting and gasping into my mouth. Saliva mixed between our mouths where they met; when we pulled away from one another, there'd always be a bit of drool that splattered down onto the bed beneath us. She came twice more before I orgasmed for the first time, but my dick was still hard, and she didn't want to let up, not until we were both spent to our maximum.

I didn't want to let up either, so I went right back to fucking her, enjoying that precious, lovely, beautiful moment when her arms finally gave out and her shoulders wound up pressed against the bed. I have to confess, I used my powers to manipulate the pace a bit, making it seem slower and more drawn out for me when I got close, while keeping - or even increasing - the pace inside her. If she noticed my thoughts distort alongside my perception of time, she didn't seem to care, just groaning each time she came, her hands balling up into fists.

By the end of things, she'd come eleven times to my three, from the anal alone. I finally pulled out, admiring her warm, sweat-slick skin, the way she laid in the bed, panting and gasping for breath, looking like a genuine mess. I went to the adjoining bathroom. She had a big tub, this nice round thing, and I started running water. I watched it rise for maybe a minute, and guessed at a rough calculation it'd take ten, fifteen minutes to fill, so I went back to where Tsuru lay.

She'd rolled over onto her back, and she looked like a beautiful mess, stained with sweat, her cheeks warm, her eyes meeting mine and just grinning, her gaze going down to my (actually somehow still hard) cock. Her tongue flashed across her lips, and she smiled at me. "Fuck. That was a good ass-fucking, yeah. Best I've ever gotten from a guy." She glanced past me to the tub. "I'm gonna lie here for a bit," she said, "I'll get up when the water's full." She sounded almost bratty as she said it, but only in an endearing way. She just smiled lightly at that, rolling her shoulders and settling into the bed. "I'm very endearing. Everybody tells me that."

"Why do I get the feeling you're lying?" I asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed. My own legs were a tad wobbly too, from fucking her so long and hard, no matter what condition my metabolism was in.

"No idea," she replied, closing her eyes and just breathing through her nose. Her naked body looked very, very nice. Particularly with the areas of pink it now showed, a mix from my previous too-rough groping - "It was fine" - and the lube. Like I'd gone in and splashed paint on a marble statue. "Fuck, you're exactly as horny as- as women," she said, with a little laugh as she completed the thought. Her eyes flicked open. "So, what are you thinking in the tub? A little quicky blowjob where I bob up and down above the water line? Maybe proper sex, your cock vanishing in my pussy? Thighjob, tease the fuck out of me? Or would that be me teasing you?" She asked. "Can't be me teasing you, no, since you actually can come like that. Well, I guess if there's clitoral stimulation..."

"Let's just say it's teasing and leave it at that," I said. "But it's viewed as teasing the guy, yeah. So close, yet so far." She smiled, then quirked an eyebrow, clearly asking me what I wanted to do. "I'm feeling lazy after coming four times. Just do whatever you want, but don't expect me to help."

"As long as you're not a dead fish, you'll be fine." She rose from the bed then, starting to stretch. "Come on, you're getting in the tub first," she said.

Once she had me actually in the tub, she just leaned over the side, not even getting in herself. Her fingers reached for my cock, softly stroking it, her red eyes staring directly into mine as her fingers gingerly slid up and down my length. Her tongue swished along her lips hungrily as she stared at me, then her other hand grabbed the body wash, squeezing it out and rubbing it into my dick all over. She barely ever broke eye contact, and that made it all the better, all the sexier, the way her hands would grip and squeeze, the way her lips would smile up at me all the while.

She brought up water over it, letting it rain down, smearing and clearing away the body wash she'd used to clean off my dick. She leaned forward then, her nose cutely crinkling for a moment as she sniffed me - then she wrapped her lips around my tip, and showed off those incredible blowjob skills of hers. The position was gorgeous too; her body leaned over the tub, her breasts hanging low, seeming exaggeratedly large as the nipples just barely brushed against the surface of the water. One of her hands reached down for my dick, softly stroking it, sliding up and down my length as she glanced up at me out of the corner of her eyes. My hand went for her hair, tucking it behind her shoulder, letting me get a full view of her face in profile as she bobbed on my cock.

Then she slid all the way down my length in a swift movement. I groaned, and her face banished beneath the water line, her hair splaying out around her lewdly as she choked herself on my cock in more ways than one. Her whole body was bent at an awkward, beautiful angle, but what was really amazing was her mouth and tongue, the way they sucked and slurped, warm bathwater entering her mouth and adding to the intensity of the blowjob.

She really held herself down there, too. The occasional bubble that popped up, the way she constantly moved her tongue, the way she suckled and sucked, swallowing around my dick, her ass occasionally bouncing with excited energy, those were really the only way I was certain she hadn't simply passed out, because her face was in my groin for an incredibly long period of time. Long enough that I had to assume she was a swimmer or something, because fuck did it take forever. When she finally peeled off, she barely even seemed to need to catch her breath, just sucking in a few quick breaths before diving right back down, practically smothering herself in my groin.

It took very little of that for me to come, letting go right down her throat, the woman in question happily swallowing every last droplet as it was sprayed into her stomach. When I was completely spent, she peeled up and off with a wet popping noise that ensued, a soft smile on her lips. "Pay you back for that amazing ass-fucking yet?" She asked. I let out a little laugh at the ridiculousness of the statement. "That a no?" She teased, shifting her weight up into the tub, sliding herself down into my lap, capturing my cock in between my thighs. "How many times do I have to make you come to make it up to you, I wonder?"

"As many as you want," I said, as she slid her pussy up and down my dick, faintly teasing the tip of her clit against my cock.

"This is teasing for you, right? But I bet I can make you come like this," she said, one hand going down in between her thighs, carefully grasping and angling the uppermost part of my cock, her palm pressing against my tip, pressing her clit down against my rod. With her other hand, she grabbed my cheek, tilting her head back and directing me into a kiss in that position, her tongue once more finding all my weakpoints as she slid up and down my length.

It didn't take long for me to come, just spraying it all out of my cock, cum raining down on the tub. She let out a sigh as it did, popping off my lips "Let's get out of the tub before we get coated in your cum where it drifts in the water," she said.

After a quick drying, the two of us made our way back to the bed, and she just draped herself across me, full breasts pressing against my chest without a hint of shame in her expression. "So. Sex in your world. What's it like?" She asked, fingers trailing along my bare skin.

"You seem to have a pretty good grasp of it so far," I said, making her let out a soft laugh.

"Sure. I guess I'm asking in America. I mean, in Atlantis, they pretty much expect every girl to have fucked another girl, for example." That was a pretty sexy thought, actually. I guess the Greeks had lots of gay sex, didn't they? She shifted her weight, starting to lick my chest, her hand reaching down for my cock, softly jerking me off. "So, you're into that stuff? Lesbians?"

I nodded. "It's a pretty- it's really fucking common in America."

"Like gay porn in America," she said, and I chose not to think about that at all. She let out a little snort at that. "I'm Japanese, so I never really got the whole obsession. In Japan, that stuff's a fetish." I could only shrug in response, at a loss for words, and not just because her hand was on my cock. "So, if I told you I was bi, you wouldn't be offended or think less of me or worry about STDs or whatever?"

"No," I said, instantly, without even the slightest hesitation. "It's actually hot. Are you?"

"Kinda," she said. "I'm attracted to people who are attracted to me."

"Sounds like a good gig," I said, and she let out a laugh at that, kissing my bare chest as her thumb teased my cockhead.

"Mm, some ways. So you'd want to do something like, watch me eat out another girl for your viewing pleasure? Or she eats me out?" My cock twitched in her hand, which was an answer she didn't need telepathy to understand. "I know a girl, and she'd definitely be down for a threesome with you and me," she said, kissing her way up my neck. "I could tell her you're into that kind of thing?"

"I mean, it'd be like, I fuck you while you eat her out, or I fuck her while she eats you out, if that's okay?" She nodded. "Oh fuck, double blowjob?"

She giggled at that. "What's that? I assume you don't mean sucking two cocks at the same time. Well, I guess if she had a strap-on..."

"No, it's, you," fuck her handjobs were pretty goddamn good. I slowed down time to reduce the sensation, able to simultaneously control the speed at which I spoke. It was pleasantly intense and drawn out, rather than about to make me come. "You both are kneeling in front of me, licking and sucking and all that, working together to please me." Her eyes practically lit up at that, and I could feel her squeeze my dick.

"Yeah. She'd be into that."

"Double titjob?"

She let out a laugh. "Don't tell her I said this, but her breasts are probably too small for that."

"Fuck. That's fine. Fuck, your hand's really good." She just hummed pleasantly against my skin. "Uhh, you ever do that, rimjob/blowjob combo?"

"As long as you make sure to be squeaky clean back there, can't imagine it being a problem," she said, smiling as she spoke.

"That's... I don't know, I might think of something else, but that's the stuff I really want to do in a threesome with two hot lesbians."

She let out a laugh. "We're both bi. Me more than her, actually. It's pretty much just me that she's attracted to, among womankind." I just nodded. As long as I got my dick wet. She laughed again at that, kissing her way up to my lips. "You have to keep it a secret, though. You can't ever tell anyone. Ever." She breathed those words down against my lips, and I quietly nodded.

"I can keep a secret. I mean, not from Xico, but I assume she knows?"

"She knows," Tsuru agreed. "She keeps secrets good, thus you not knowing until right now." She teased her pussy at my cock, and then slid me inside of her without any further ado.

We didn't talk much more that night, just fucked until we were both exhausted and fell asleep in a sweaty mess of a pile.

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