Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Playing VR With Mira

Mira was rich, that much was obvious just looking at her home. I'd inherited my parents' home before my transition to this world, and even that had been too large, a two story with three bedrooms; Mira's home was the sort of massive manor that had rooms two stories tall for literally no reason but the sense of space it provided. The indulgence of the wealthy.

She didn't actively brag about it, though. She was too busy talking up her Invision system. "In terms of games I think you might like to try, I've got MechFighter 3, Twilight Override, and Red Ribbon Brigade," she listed out.

"Those names are basically meaningless to me," I told her.

"MechFighter's a mech piloting game, you run around in a sixty-tonne war machine shooting tanks and infantry and other mechs, Twilight Override's a high-speed racing game, and Red Ribbon Brigade is this fictional sport played on basically a giant trampoline, the rules are kind of complicated, but there's a tutorial and we can do a couple test matches."

There was a glint in her eyes at Red Ribbon Brigade, and I made my guess. "Is Red Ribbon Brigade a contact sport?"

"Oh yeah, lots of grappling," she agreed easily. I wasn't sure if she was aware of the vaguely-manipulative listing of it, or if it was just a nice perk if I picked that one, but I decided not to.

"Never been too interested in racing games. MechFighter sounds good." I did note that two of the three games she'd suggested put you in a vehicle, and the third had some weird physics going on, so maybe the Invision wasn't quite as 'all there' as she'd suggested, in terms of simulation ability.

"Great, great. Co-op?" She suggested. "There's actually a challenge mode, we could do one of those together? Maybe grab a high score? My brains and your reflexes would be a powerful combination."

"Sure," I agreed, not really thinking too much about it.

We arrived in her entertainment room, and she showed me the helmet, this large, bulky thing, with thick wires that ran down to the console. "Just sit down and I'll put this on," she said; I acquiesced, letting the visor block out my vision. It seemed a bit bland, in terms of effect. There was a little sticking sensation against the back of my neck, like she'd just attached a suction cup to it. Her fingers idly brushed against my neck, a wayward and entirely excusable movement that nevertheless sent a few pleasant goosebumps along my body, if only because I couldn't see. Her fingers clicked a button on the side of the helmet, holding it down for a long few seconds.

What followed was an experience that I have to assume resembled being on psychedelics. Sensations came from nowhere, went nowhere, and didn't make sense. Here, my arms tingled, except my actual arms felt perfectly normal, and when I moved them, the tingling sensation remained in the original position. There, my eyes flashed with color, except that my actual eyes were only treated to a dim line of pale yellow beneath the visor from her carpeting. They weren't replacing my existing senses, just supplementing them, and at first the things I was experiencing were often completely alien, like smelling a taste or feeling a color.

After a few minutes, the sensations drew together into something resembling normalcy, and then a character select/creation screen. There was a "based on user" option, apparently, so I just picked that one, and it gave a pretty good - simplified, beautified - version of the real me. I then loaded into the game world.


I was greeted by what I could only assume was either the tutorial character, or else Mira. She was very tall, which was a point in favor of it being Mira. She had cat ears and a tail, which was a point against, because I didn't really think of her as the type to play cutesy characters. But, when she opened her mouth, I knew it was Mira. "Well, hello there, handsome. You made a really damn sexy avatar," she said, licking her lips, "it's like a work of art... wait, this is just what you normally look like, my mistake." She grinned as she finished off her flirting, clearly proud of her brilliant wordplay.

"Thank you for the-," I cut myself off, my voice coming through in duplicate, both in my in-game mouth and my in-game senses, and my normal mouth and my normal senses, which were running simultaneously.

"Just focus," she said. "Don't run your mouth, think about running your mouth, that's what you want."

I frowned, but I experimented, using my superspeed to make it take objectively less time. After what was subjectively maybe five or ten minutes, but objectively more like thirty seconds, I finally managed to figure out how to open my mouth in the game, wiggle my tongue around in the game, and move my hands in the game without doing anything with my real body. I let out a sigh, in real life but not the game, and then started to talk. "Thanks for the compliment." I looked her over in a bit more detail, taking in her body and physique. "You look different," I pointed out, my eyes drawn to her breasts, which were a bit larger than normal.

Women in this world were very clearly not used to having their tits looked at, because she fidgeted for a moment, a faint flush to her cheeks of embarrassment. I was confused for a moment, then she spoke. "They're only like, two sizes up, tops. Bodysuits look really bad on smaller breasts, is all. Make them seem smaller than they are. That's why I go around in a giant robot in real life," she explained, smiling as she found something to talk about other than excusing why she added two cup sizes to her tits.

"Ah. Well, I like them in all sizes," I said, though the moment the words left my lips, I realized how foolish they were. Imagine a guy is feeling awkward about his somewhat below-average penis size - you can't reassure him by saying you like them in all sizes, that's ridiculous. Unfortunately, there really was no way to reassure her, at least not that I could think of. "So, how does this work?"

"Well," she said, glad for the opportunity to discuss anything but her small boob complex, "now that you've figured out your controls - I'd be really impressed if I didn't know it took ten times as long for you to manage as it seemed like, so you'll have to content yourself with moderately impressed - we can go into the 'simulation room', which is where we pick out challenges from the campaign to complete. I've already one hundred percented the campaign, obviously," she said, turning to walk. It took me a second to get myself properly walking after her, but once I'd managed, my stride was pretty good.

"Ah, alright. I don't actually know how to play, though?" I asked.

"Don't worry, it's actually a shared cockpit for co-op, so I can show you everything I need to and we can start off with something easy."

We soon had loaded into the "simulation chamber," which briefly pretended to be Tron before shifting over to look like a proper mech cockpit. It also became quite clear to me exactly how little space there was in the cockpit - it felt like it was clearly meant for one person, but had ever so slightly more space stapled in. As a consequence, I wound up squished up pretty close to Mira's back, her tail occasionally brushing against my chest or my groin. Just an inch further forward and down, and I pretty much would have been hotdogging her.

The first round was basically our mech against some infantry, artillery, and tanks, which, since our tank was like 10m tall, was a stomp. Literally, for the tanks dumb enough to get close enough. I barely even had to do anything, and Mira actually told me what to press and what to move when. My body would wind up pressing against her back here and there, somewhat awkwardly, but I got to discover that apparently you got to choose your own scent, and hers was a very appetizing cinnamon.

After we finished up, I spoke. "Ah, so, Mira, what's up with the tail?" I asked, as it absently brushed against my thigh again. It felt very soft and fuzzy, just like a real cat tail. "And ears, for that matter."

"Oh, you use the same av for multiple games," she explained, not answering my actual question at all.

"...right, but why do you have a tail and cat ears in any game?"

"Oh, just so handsome guys can scratch my ears. The Invision can actually simulate having organs you don't have." It took me a moment to process the meaning of that - so she could feel through the tail too?

"So you can feel my..." I swallowed, in real life, getting some of the saliva that had started to build up in my mouth to vanish. "You can feel through your tail?"

"Yeah. Oh. Your hard-on? Don't worry, I know that they happen to guys for no reason, and it's not got anything to do with being close to such a sexy-cute catgirl in a tight confined space. I'm not judging." I had absolutely no ability to tell if she was fucking with me or not.

I decided to put it out of my mind. Whatever. She could feel my dick in a videogame. She could feel it in real life if we happened to get close enough to each other. "Let's do something harder. I have superhuman reaction speeds," I said, reaching for the gun console, in the process pressing my chest up against her back. "Got any records you want to beat?" I prompted.

"Oh, gonna help me with that superspeed of yours? I've got this one memorized," she said, pulling up what looked to be the second-to-last option, "but there's so many fucking light tanks, it's hard to deal with them quick enough due to their unpredictable scatter patterns," she told me, and I nodded along as she pulled up the action.

It was far different from the light forest terrain with a half-dozen enemies at a time. It was an urban environment, getting bombed and shelled to hell, making it vividly clear just how big and destructive our mech was. We stomped on small tanks, swiveled around to get ones behind us, rushed and returned fire. I was constantly twisting to look into the rear-views, winding up pressing my body up against hers; sometimes, I'd just grab her hand when she had a weapon control stick in it, shifting the vehicle with superhuman speed and precision into a new angle. There was a sort of deadness to her face except when she put on a smile, presumably because her actual body was where all those emotions were being displayed, and I couldn't see that.

It didn't really bother me, though. I pretty much just lost myself in the thrill of the fight, feeling her bodysuit-coated slim figure pressed against my chest, against my groin. Her tail started to brush at my groin with what felt like intent as the battle wore on, but I was more focused on hitting every last enemy than that. The thick scent of cinnamon felt like it was filling the cockpit as we both pushed our respective skills - her knowledge of the battlefield and all the tactics at play, my inhumanly fast reaction speeds - to the limit, finally beating the whole mission with a high score for kills, one for accuracy, and a high score for time as well.

She let out a sigh, relaxing back against me as the cockpit shifted to a new form, and my cock was absolutely rock hard against her, the thrill of victory making me want to thrill in victory in another way, my gaze going down for her breasts as our bodies pushed together.

* * *

Mira could feel Roger's erection up against her ass, pressing up near the base of her tail. She idly licked her lips, her fingers gripping one of the control sticks tightly to try to maintain a certain degree of control. She could hear his pants, the way he was taking in deep breaths through his nose (cinnamon was such a good choice for character scent), and she wanted so badly to just pull down his body suit and hers, to jam it in unceremoniously, but that may have been a step too far.

Instead, she gingerly shifted her tail's movement downward, shifting it until it curved against his cock in his pants. His length trembled, and she could hear him swallow in real life, trying to maintain control of himself as she gently teased him like that. She wanted more than a tailjob, obviously, but a little pleasure for him would make it much easier to take things to the next step.

Should she take off the helmet? No, it would have a bit of a come-down period, and even with his superspeed, he might no longer be in the mood by then. Men were fickle like that.

Roger wasn't saying anything. Wasn't asking her about the next round. Wasn't suggesting that they get out of the cockpit. His hips actually bucked a little against her tail, and she shifted subtly in place, pressing her butt cheeks against his cock, squeezing him as best she could in this (slightly) curvier body. "Hey," she breathed out, trying to think of the right line for this situation, "feeling up to more?" She left the ambiguity there, something for him to pick up on if he didn't want to do it, as she rubbed her butt against his cock. If he didn't, he could just say, yeah, let's play another round, pretend he didn't understand her question. If he did, though...

His hands reached for her pelvis, his fingers rubbing at her sex through the bodysuit. Her breath caught in her throat at the sudden, unexpected sensation, but she grinned a moment later, in game and out. She pushed back against him, then, her hand reaching for his wrist and holding it tight. "How's sex in the Invision?"

She'd only used it with Tsuru for a bit of spice, so she couldn't speak with any certainty to how it was for guys, but, "It's pretty good, I think." Tsuru certainly hadn't complained about getting eaten out in VR. Though she'd taken to doing it in VR and RL at the same time - fuck of a thing, that was. Probably a bit much for Roger, though. He seemed to like to be wined and dined, generally speaking.

"I want to fuck you right here, right now," he breathed out in her ear, and she felt her pussy get wet at that. Fuck. He could be a horny breeder once he was in the mood, looked like. That was her type, though. Cold on the streets, red hot in the sheets.

"What's stopping you?" She breathed out, her hands idly unzipping part of the bodysuit, giving her the space to peel it and her simulated panties down, leaving her clothes in a pile around her ankles.

"Don't know how to get this bodysuit off," he breathed in her ear, and she quickly reached back for it, trying her best to do it for him in this awkward, cramped position; the right latch presented itself to her fingers what felt like an eternity later, and soon he was getting out of his pants, hard cock sliding along her slick sex a moment later. Fuck, he must've been really warmed up. Not that she could blame him. Normally, first time, she always made sure to blow the guy's mind with her oral skills. This time? She was just hot enough not to care about making a good first impression. Even those thoughts her feel stupid, made her reconsider, made her think of offering him fellatio - but she didn't have time. He was inside her a moment later, just thrusting his whole length deep inside her, his fingers going to her clit.

Oh holy fuck, his fingers brushing against her clit felt so damn good. Most guys, you'd be lucky to get a reach around on your birthday, they pretty much just figured it was all on you to feel good. But here Roger was, fingers on her clit first thing. Fuck. Did Kate teach him this? Did teasing Xico give him a taste for it? Maybe Nora bluntly told him to do it, and he kept on doing it? Whoever had gotten him so well-trained deserved a fucking medal, because his fingers were incredible on her clit. She shivered against him, feeling his cock inside her, relishing it. She knew that her real pussy was wet by this point, that she was probably panting lewdly, her cheeks pink in real life - but she couldn't find it in herself to give a fuck. Hopefully Tsuru wouldn't come by and see how ridiculous they both looked; she was the only other person with a key to the house.

Once her thoughts hit on Tsuru, there came the idle fantasy that she could come by - and decide to eat her out right then and there. A rude thought to have, when Roger was inside her, at least in the game space, but it was still pretty hot. Combined with his diligent, surprisingly skilled fingers pressing against her clit this way and that, she came to the thought.

Orgasm was one of the things that had a very strong tendency to wash over between your real body and your simulated one, for obvious reasons, so her real-thighs quivered and jerked as she creamed her pants. Her simulated-pussy gripped and squeezed Roger's cock, relishing the feeling of it throbbing deep inside her, letting out a long noise of pleasure as he kept bucking his hips as much as was possible in the constrained space of the cockpit. His fingers on one hand were digging into her hip, just gripping her and holding her close as she came and came. His chest pressed up against her back, and she desperately wished they'd both gotten fully naked, so she could feel those hips, those abs, up against her.

It was probably too risky, though. She just focused on the feeling of him against her, the way the pseudo-plastic of her suit and his seemed to nevertheless capture the fine details of his chest as he rutted inside her with a frantic, animal interest. He was lost in the moment, lost in desire, and it was the hottest thing ever, the way he panted right up against her cheek while he fucked into her. She wanted to cry out in pleasure, to just lose herself in this moment, but Mira Stone was many things, and a selfish lover was not one of them.

She reached down in between her thighs, slipping past Roger's hand, still hard at work frigging her pussy, and found his balls. Her fingers softly cupped and played with them, teasing them as best she could as he kept moving, as her body kept moving as well. She focused her mind, gripping his dick inside her, just squeezing his length. She was going to blow this man's mind. She was going to drain him dry. She started just clenching her lower muscles, capturing his whole cock inside her in the process, her hot breaths making certain parts of the simulated cockpit fog up as she did her best to work him over. He groaned in pleasure, but was holding back.

Why? Why the fuck was he holding back? She didn't have the faintest idea, in the moment. She wanted him to come so bad, and he was trying not too. Too embarrassed maybe? Worried about creaming his pants? She had spare clothes for guys who messed up theirs at her place. Should she say that? No, way too forward and presumptuous. It struck her that it had been a long time, since she'd had a guy trying so hard not to come. "Go ahead," she breathed out, making her voice as husky as she could. "I want to feel it. I want to feel you coming inside me."

That was all Roger needed, that little push. Maybe he was simpler than she'd given him credit for, she thought, as he just gushed and gushed, a constant stream of sticky white seed feeling like it was completely filling her to the brim. Of course, in reality, the two of them were seated a good three feet apart, and she just had a really hot idea. When he was finished coming inside her, she rose from his lap, shifting her weight down in between his legs. "Say 'tilde, clean,'" she told him, even as the command washed away his semen from inside her simulated pussy.

"Tilde, clean?" He asked, seeming confused, and then let out a noise of understanding as his simulated-dick was suddenly cleansed of any of her juices. She just shifted her weight forward, wrapping her lips around the very tip of his cock and suckling.

In real life, operating blind, she shifted her body around. She absently brushed at his thigh, sliding around until she was down, kneeling in between his legs in real life. Without needing to see - using the practice she had acquired in her long life - she unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, peeling them down. She could feel the slick stickiness of cum on his underwear, and it gave her a little thrill, even as her simulated-tongue continued to slither around his cockhead.

He hadn't complained about what was happening to his real body, and that was the signal that he was completely fine with it. No guy would let you take off his pants without at least a What the hell? if he minded what you were doing. So she slid her real-lips up to his real-cock, which was just the same size as his simulated length, and started to slurp on it there, too.

* * *

I had to admit, I felt a certain pang of irritation at my past self for putting off Mira for so long. She was incredibly good at blowjobs - and I was currently getting it in duplicate. She showed off an incredible amount of skill with her tongue, as she kept just the head inside her mouth, flicking and running along the tip in ways that made my toes curl. The version of her I could see looked up at me with warm, seductive, smug eyes, her tail whipping back and forth behind her. I reached down for her head, not to take control from her, but to scratch those big kitty ears of hers, enjoying the feeling of them beneath my fingers, making her hum pleasantly around my cock.

"Fuck, your mouth is good," I breathed out, and she purred in the simulation, and slurped me down to the base in real life. If you've never been in an Invision, then I can't really describe it, other than to say: imagine you have two cocks, and both of them are getting sucked at the same time. Double the pleasure, double the intensity, double the sensations. Every flick of her tongue up and down the underside of my cock while the cool hardness of the helmet pressed against my stomach, was joined with a pleasant, fat lick as her big kitty ears twitched. They weren't synchronized - she was intentionally keeping them off from one another.

I could barely keep myself from trying to grab her simulated-ears with my real-hands, so I didn't know how the fuck she was managing so much control, just noisily slurping and sucking on my dick, keeping most of it out of her simulated-mouth, while she continued to grind her helmet into my stomach, her mouth slurping wetly around the base of my dick, her lips stretching as far as they could. Then she slithered back up, sucking in a few deep breaths through her nose, teasing my cock in the process.

I expected her to thrust down, but instead, she simply took maybe the top half of my cock into her mouth, keeping it out of her throat in real life, and slurped and sucked around it. Her simulated-mouth started to move down in a long, luxurious movement, tail and tongue both whipping back and forth in combined sequence. It was completely fucking insane. It felt incredibly good. I was tempted to try to order her around, to demand to get to fuck one pussy while the other one kept on sucking, but I was so overwhelmed that I decided not speaking was better than saying anything.

She seemed to like it, at least. Her eyes remained locked on my feature as her cute nose pressed against my pelvis in the simulation, then started to slide back upwards inch by inch, really taking her time, twisting her head from side to side in an obvious attempt to pleasure me, to drive me absolutely crazy. I groaned softly, bucking in place, hips smacking at her face as I wound up just completely losing it. Real hips, simulated hips, I couldn't keep track any more. My hands gripped felty-soft giant cat ears and the cool plastic of her helmet alike, and I just went at it, ramming her face with reckless abandon.

It didn't stop her work at all, of course. She took it with pride, her eyes grinning up at me, her tongue slithering this way and that, still somehow managing to keep the two sets of movements separate, uncoordinated, like two metronomes that had yet to wind up taking the same rhythm. Soft hums in reality and lewd purrs in the simulation were driving me absolutely wild, and I was completely unable to control myself to even the smallest degree. She didn't care. This was a point of pride for her, of that I had no doubt.

* * *

Mira hummed happily around Roger's cock as he fucked away at her mouth. Now this made it all worth it. All that effort to coax him out of his clothes, to gently and slowly seduce him, and now she had him completely lost to lust, his brain frying from her incredible blowjob skills. She'd like to see Tsuru keep up that smug little smirk she'd been shooting her whenever she mentioned Roger lately, now that she'd so completely blown his mind with her fellatio skills.

Though, it was partly thanks to Tsuru that she was as good at giving head in stereo as she was. In any case, it was great: Roger had completely lost it and was just fucking her throat like it was her pussy. She enjoyed it, hummed, purred (in the Invision; she had a regular throat and couldn't in real life), twisted her tongue around and around. He just gasped and twitched, until at last his brain started to spurt out of his cock, his fingers roughly gripping her simulated-ears and her real helmet, holding her down in his pelvis as he simply... let loose. It felt good, the way his cock twitched in her throat, the silent statement that, yes, she still had it, she could drive a dude absolutely wild with her mouth, as he let every last droplet of cum in his balls find its way to her stomach.

When she was completely spent, she kept her simulated-body nuzzling his cock, buried to the base in his groin - it didn't have to breathe, after all - and pulled back with the real one. "Pretty good, right?" By the dopey smile on his lips, she had to assume that was a yes.

* * *

Mira helped me out of the helmet, gave me some spare clothes from where I'd come in my pants - I would have felt embarrassed about it, if it wasn't for the absolutely wicked grin she wore, clearly extremely proud of pulling that off. "Don't think of it as an embarrassment, think of it as a compliment, Roger. A hottie like you, hard cock spraying cum in his pants from my body, it's a nice thing. There's a reason I keep spare men's clothes around, and it's because I don't want any handsome devils to feel the least bit uncomfortable for a single second longer than they have to."

We said our goodbyes, and by the smile on her lips, I couldn't help but imagine that feline tail swishing back and forth behind her. All in all, it was good for both of us.

* * *

"I totally blew his mind with my simulated/real double blowjob," Mira told Tsuru. "You want another go at getting head in VR and real life at the same time?" She licked her lips in silent offer, enjoying the faint look of consideration in her lover's eyes.

"I'd love it," Tsuru said, with a lazy smile, "but I'd ask if you're cool with me going after him, first. I've been holding back on account of I didn't want to make you feel all inadequate when I nail him first despite starting later."

"Oh, go ahead," Mira said, with an exaggerated roll of her eyes to match the exaggerated braggadocio of Tsuru. "Just, quick bit of advice? He's a little cold, but once you get him going, he is like a lightning bolt. So, you know, get his motor running with a little skinship first. I used that shared cockpit feature in MechFighters 3, after a good high score in a tough mission, well, adrenaline was high, his inhibitions were down..." Tsuru was sniggering at her. "Oh, sorry, for trying to appeal to the guy's likes. He plays video games. Big video gamer. Lots of guys are."

"Mhm," Tsuru said, holding back her smile. "Why don't you wipe this smile off my face with that double cunnilingus offer," she said, grinning still.

That's exactly what Mira did. By the time she was done with her, Tsuru was a panting mess, who definitely wasn't daring to smug out about Mira's many struggles with getting into Roger's pants.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.