Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Roger Gets Drunk At An Office Party

In ancient times, poor farmers would hold parties for a valuable social purpose. Since food could not be reliably preserved for long periods, and famine could strike randomly, by offering your food during times of plenty, you created a sense of social obligation in times of leanness. I had provided you food when I had much and you had little, therefore you will reciprocate; the farmers who failed to grasp this simple concept starved during lean times, creating an enduring social institution, which survived the disappearance of any risk of famine, and eventually transmuted into the modern office party.

Of course, the purpose of the office party is no longer to create a mutually beneficial debt-exchange, but instead to artificially foster that feeling of community and obligation which will make sure that you work extra hard. Thus, some offices choose to take any opportunity to drag you out of your busy workday to eat some cake.

Star Heroic was not overusing such parties, and I was not forced to participate, so I didn't. When I had first come to work for the company, I had an enormous workload to get through. Even once I had finished up with it, I simply wasn't interested in that type of socializing. I liked one-on-one, or two-on-one, time with the many beautiful women of Star Heroic; I didn't really fancy talking to a whole mess of people.

That day, there was an office party for somebody getting married. Nobody I knew in particular, nor was there some important secondary relationship, like it was Xico's mom or something. Just another Star Heroic employee who I didn't know at all. So I once more remained in my office. Xico had to stick around with me too, though she didn't really seem to mind too much - her increasingly-obvious crush on me meant she liked just being near me, and of course that thought made her blush but remain quiet behind me.

It was Priscilla who interrupted my time in my personal fortress, stepping inside with a look on her face that said, Really? "Are you avoiding this party too?" She asked.

"I have work," I half-lied. I did have work, but not very much.

"Please," she said. "No one will blame you for taking a brief break to come to the party. Besides, perhaps a bit of time around another man who's getting married will do you good."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I honestly had no idea - even trying to switch the genders around, as I fairly easily intuited that I needed to do, didn't explain much.

"I mean, Roger," she said, stepping forward, leaning over my desk. "That there is something beautiful in marriage that speaks to the heart of every man. Hiding in your cavern just obscures that from you. I don't think it's quite what Plato was talking about in the allegory of the cave, but I think it's close enough."

I gave her a dull stare. She could not honestly expect me to go to the party because... it was heartwarming? My heart was cold and black. It wasn't warmed by anything. Xico let out a mumbled little noise, and Priscilla glanced up at her, her eyes squinting for a moment - then Xico spoke up. "I'd... like to go... to the party... Mr. Cooper."

"She hasn't been able to attend any, thanks to you," Priscilla pointed out, as if expertly aiming a dagger directly at my heart. By the somewhat ashamed look on Xico's face, she both knew what Priscilla was doing, and agreed that she would have liked to be able to go to the office party. People will often suffer all kinds of barbs on their own, but not be willing to undergo them on others' behalf. Priscilla aimed to take advantage of precisely that quality.

"Fine," I said, saving my work and locking my computer, sighing as I stood up.

"Oh, don't worry too much, Roger," Priscilla said, smiling wickedly. "As long as you aren't working, you don't have to be at the computer - if socializing with the partygoers gets to be too much for you, we can find a quiet place to talk." The way she said talk, it was halfway to a promise to fuck me - which of course was something I liked perfectly well.

Xico blushed at that thought, but quietly floated out of the room behind me. I wondered if her legs would atrophy from not walking enough, and as if in silent reply, she planted two feet on the ground firmly.

"Heyyy," Mira said, as I entered the room we were having the party in. "It's Roger!"

"Please don't make too much of a show of this; it's Susan and Brian's happy day, after all," Priscilla replied. "It was also hard enough to drag him out of his man-cave without you adding to it."

"Oh, I'm just happy to get to meet you," a quite beautiful woman with short brown hair said. Susan, presumably. She lacked an overflowing figure, but she was fit and had decent curves to her. The way she held herself was really the main thing - it came off as that sort of casual confidence. If I'd had to pin her down as some male stereotype, it would probably have been the self-confident chad. "You never show up to any of these office functions, so I didn't get to see any of you."

"My fiancée just wants to flirt with every man she sees," said a rather thin man, with a smile that said he wasn't being serious, though he earned a light slap to his shoulder. He was svelte, but not in an emaciated or weak way, and didn't come off as particularly nebbish, despite his glasses. "I'm Brian, this is my bride-to-be Susan," he said, placing one hand on his wife's shoulder. "Nice to meet you, Roger."

"Nice to meet you both," I said, in the awkward way someone who doesn't want to be there and doesn't care if you know says it. Susan's eyes wandered along my body a bit more than was strictly necessary, her tongue briefly pressing against her cheek as she idly considered my groin, as if trying to estimate the size of my dick. Her husband either didn't notice or didn't care.

"Well, now you've met Roger, but I think he'll be wanting a bit of social lubrication. There is free alcohol here," Priscilla said, glancing over at Xico, "for people over twenty-one."

"It's... okay..." Xico said, giving me a light smile. "Just... have fun... Mr. Cooper." She said it in a way that almost suggested that she didn't think I normally had fun. At that thought, she turned away from me, as if unable to hide the fact that what I thought might be mere suggestion was in fact the truth.

I decided to disprove her by getting a glass of beer and finding a quiet corner to retire to. Naturally, Priscilla chose to follow me, sipping what I was pretty sure was vodka. Either that or water, but by the sharp noise she made after taking a deep chug, I doubted it was water. "You really are determined not to have any fun, hm?"

"I'm here so Xico can be here," I said. That was the truth, after all.

Priscilla just glanced at me, somewhat disapproving. "This is a happy time, Roger. You're a grown man. Twenty eight years old. Surely the old biological clock must be ticking at least a little?"

"The what?" I asked, with incredulity. Was that a biological difference for men and women in this world? I'd assumed that menopause was a female thing.

"You know. Surely you know that it becomes... harder, as a man gets older," Priscilla said, with a vague gesture that told me literally nothing. I was pretty sure that men did get less fertile when they got old. They definitely had a harder time with the physical action of sex. "Well, if it isn't something that bothers you, then it's no matter."

I nursed my drink for a few long seconds, thinking about what Priscilla had said. I'd been enjoying fucking what felt like every single woman at Star Heroic, and that included the dark-skinned beauty drinking vodka next to me. I hadn't really given much thought to some indefinite future. I had only been here for a few months - maybe after a year or two, I could start thinking about planning my life. I'd probably have winnowed the pool a good bit in the meanwhile.

Nora interrupted us before I could respond to Priscilla, though, having spotted me and homed in like a me-seeking missile. "Roger. I am happy to see you here, as I am always happy to see you."

Priscilla sucked in a deep breath. "Would you be a dear, Nora, and give me a bit of alone time with Roger?"

"I'm only here for Xico's sake," I told Nora. "I don't like these kinds of functions very much."

"I understand. I also do not like these kinds of functions very much, but I attend due to the fact that I have twenty other bodies that can do more interesting things."

"Please make it twenty-one," Priscilla said drolly. Nora just blinked at her, not catching her meaning. "I invited him here, that makes him my date," she declared, hooking one arm around mine. I didn't argue - it was technically true, and I did feel the need to establish boundaries with Nora. She sometimes seemed like a bull, with the way she'd locked onto me and stubbornly threw all she had at me. It was cute. Sexy, even. But sometimes annoying, so going along with Priscilla was for the best.

Nora's expression shifted for a moment, some imperceptible, momentary frown appearing on it. "Very well. I will go speak to Alexios instead," she said, giving me a quick nod before departing without further complaint.

I didn't doubt that she was being completely earnest, in her willingness to just disappear when told to. I could imagine that perhaps Xico was responding to external stimuli as she acted shy and anxious all the time, learning that acting that way made her seem unthreatening and cute. Nora, on the other hand, was far too blunt and oblivious to be trying for anything. It produced a feeling of guilt I promptly drowned with my beer, before getting another glass.

Within twenty minutes, I was reasonably inebriated - my metabolism meant that I was just at the pleasant buzz stage, despite how much I'd drunk. All I really had was a nice, happy feeling and vastly lowered inhibitions. "I'm bored of talking," I said to Priscilla, social niceties completely forgotten thanks to the alcohol. Her eyebrow arched. "Let's find a quiet spot and do something more fun."

Both her eyebrows arched at that, but there was a slender smile that appeared on her lips, and she took hold of my wrist, gently pulling me along with her away from the party, finding a quiet utility closet as she closed the door behind her, grinning lasciviously once the two of us were completely alone. "You are positively ravenous," she said, one dark finger trailing along my neck.

"Yeah. So why don't you blow me to get started?"

"I'm liking drunk Roger," she said, getting down on her knees. "He just says what he wants, and what he wants," she continued, as she popped the button on my pants and unzipped them a moment later, "is me. Lean against a wall, I'd hate for you to fall over," she said; I obediently repositioned myself against the wall, and she scooted on the floor to close the distance, my hard cock bouncing lewdly in front of her face. "Hmm. How intense do you want it?" She asked, no doubt recalling the intensity of the sex we'd enjoyed together last time.

"You're the only woman who can make me come that much," I admitted, and she grinned. "So lots. Not so much it's painful, but other than that, I'd happily come down your throat as much as you want."

She licked her lips at that, her pink tongue seeming unusually long for a moment. Then she leaned forward, dark lips stretching out to wrap around my tip, her mouth slowly sliding down my length. I let out a subdued groan as she took me to the base, her nose soon pressed against my pubes. Her tongue was incredibly flexible and long, making two full circuits around my cock, starting to quietly jerk me off inside of her mouth. It felt fantastic, the warmth and wetness wreathing my cock as she worked me over like that, quietly staring up into my eyes all the while, a certain smug note to her features.

Then her power kicked in, and the pleasure intensified, vastly. I could practically feel my balls become heavier, weightier, as she used it to fill them with cum, still perched as they were on her chin. She let out a pleased little hum around my dick at her own work, and it made my eyes roll up, it felt so good. Her fingers soon reached up to softly fondle my testicles while she kept on suckling and licking and tongue-twisting her way around my cock, never letting it out of my throat, seeming to not need to breathe, gauging by how long she was staying down there.

It was far too intense a set of sensations to hold back on, so I didn't bother to, simply coming with a low groan directly into her throat. It was an astoundingly large amount of cum, each surge bringing with it a quiet little crest of pleasure on the already incredible waves that were washing over my body. Priscilla hummed even more loudly around my dick, more intense, more pleasurable, jerking me off faster and faster with her tongue as she let me deposit all my cum directly into her stomach with the delight of a woman who was clearly getting off on making me come so hard, so fast.

On automatic, my hands grabbed the back of her head, pointlessly grinding her down, bucking my hips, making my overloaded balls slap at her chin but not accomplishing much else: she was pretty well buried down there. If anything, it only made her expression grow more smug, as my orgasm went on... and on... and on, for what felt like forever, just a constant, mind-numbing pleasure as she sucked me off like that.

Some quiet part of my brain noted that this wasn't an ordinary orgasm, that it had gone on far, far too long for that, but I couldn't do much about it, and I didn't really want to. It felt too good, getting my balls loaded up and drained like that, Priscilla constantly sucking on my cock, her cheeks hollowing as her tongue flashed around, her power no doubt working overtime to keep my balls loaded with cum and my brain high on pleasure. My fingers clawed and scraped at her head as the pleasure drove me half-mad.

I'd locked the door to the utility closet, but I was dimly aware of the sound of it unclicking. Priscilla, apparently, was too engrossed in having turned my cock into a firehose, because she was only startled off my cock - only showed any sign of noticing somebody was there - when the door swung open, Xico peeking in nervously. "Mr. Cooper?" She asked, quietly. "Are you okay?"

It was only then that my orgasm ended, Priscilla popping off my dick with a wet noise, her tongue slithering around on her lips for a moment, catching any remaining taste of my cock and cleaning it away happily. "He's very good, Xico. Please, give us some privacy. We're busy, if you haven't noticed."

Xico didn't pay much attention to Priscilla, instead looking at me for what to say. Perhaps, if I was not inebriated and had not just finished the longest orgasm of my life, I would have remembered all the dull rules of social niceties that guide our behavior. Instead, though - "How about she sticks around? I like an audience, and threesomes," I said.

Priscilla blinked at that a few times. "That's, hmm. That's, well."

"Xico is fine with threesomes," I said. "Are you less sexually open than Xico?"

That was all that was needed to completely defeat any hesitance on Priscilla's part. In retrospect, drunk me is quite a bit better at getting what he wants out of people, because he stops caring about their feelings or politeness nearly as much. The implications as to the true nature and purpose of social niceties are obvious, so they don't bear getting into here. "Obviously not," Priscilla replied, her voice a tad sharp. "Close and lock the door, Xico."

"Okay," she said, bright and bushy-tailed, her tentacles waggling behind her as she closed the door behind her.

Priscilla appeared to be carefully considering what to do. She was still kneeling in front of my still-erect cock, which absently twitched, drawing her attention back to it. "I was just blowing him - Roger, why don't you eat her out while I get back to that?"

I stared down at Priscilla for a second, then looked to the floor. It was cool tile, I didn't really want to lie down on it. "I don't want to lie on the ground."

"She can fly, Roger," Priscilla said, before swooping forward to take my whole cock down her throat again, and resume the process of massaging my length in her mouth. Her throat twisted and squeezed on my dick, her eyelashes fluttering as she stared lewdly up at me, a faint smile in her eyes as she did so. Her tongue began to once more jerk me off in her mouth, though now she added in a bobbing movement, sliding up and down my length as she did so.

Xico hesitantly pressed her fingers together, as if unsure she actually was allowed to just fly up to my face to get eaten out. "Come on, Xico. It'll be fun. Maybe Priscilla can give me an extra long tongue, so I can eat you out better." Priscilla hummed in the affirmative, though by the curious glint in her eyes, I suspected she wanted to enjoy that same gift later. I'd gotten the vibe that she was more into giving than receiving, but I suppose the feeling changes if you alter the other party's tongue to be super long and sexy - then it's an expression of power.

In any case, Xico soon had flipped up her skirt and squirmed her way out of her panties, before floating up into the air, placing her pussy right in front of my face. I leaned forward into it, stretching my tongue out to slide along her sex. My tongue felt strange - not bad, but simply as if I could keep stretching it out much further than I normally could. I groaned softly as Priscilla kept up her work on my cock, and I could feel more than see as Xico's tails started to waggle back and forth happily, while my tongue slithered up along her whole sex, rubbing at it, teasing at her clit, then sliding back down and around.

Priscilla hummed around my dick, while Xico just gently grasped my scalp for purchase, her slender thighs hooking around either side of my head. She didn't feel as if she weighed much, so presumably she was using her flight power to minimize that effect on my shoulders. Her trembling body was somehow just as sexy as the feeling of Priscilla's tongue corkscrewing around my cock, bringing pleasure to the cute girl as nice as the pleasure that was being brought by Priscilla.

At least, that was the case, until Priscilla noticed all the attention I was giving to Xico, and decided to steal it away by intensifying the sensation in my cock. It felt amazing before, and overwhelming then. I groaned, my hands desperately clamping down on the back of Priscilla's head, a pleased hum escaping her throat that made my hips buck wildly. Xico gasped at the sensation of my tongue going wild on her cunt in spasmodic, near-orgasmic bliss, or else simply from how good I was feeling. Her fingers clawed at the back of my head, her hips bucking intermittently, hot pants escaping her throat as her tendrils floated around excitedly behind her. My tongue wound up slithering up deep inside her, just tasting the insides of her sex with eagerness, provoking little mewls from the cute girl atop me.

I was the one who came first of the two of us, perhaps predictably. This time, while I began to deposit some absurd amount of protein in Priscilla's stomach, I maintained control over my tongue, which continued to slither excitedly around inside of Xico. "Ah, Mr. Cooper," she managed to get out, before coming on my face with a lewd moan, her tentacles flailing around wildly, occasionally slapping my stomach on the backs of my hands where they rested on Priscilla's face.

This time, we weren't interrupted by a psychic, so the firehose of my cum just went on... and on... and on. It felt like my brain was dripping out of my cock, with each progressive spurt, the occasional pant or moan on my part serving to intensify Xico's pleasure and encourage Priscilla to keep going. My thoughts slowly emptied out, my experience of reality becoming pure sensation: slick, salty pussy on my tongue, which somehow felt like it was the tastiest thing I'd ever licked (presumably due to Priscilla's work on my tongue), and corkscrewing tongue and swallowing throat on my cock, squeezing and milking me excitedly.

It was Xico who finally stopped it, after I'd been coming for at least a full minute. She was panting, leaned forward, hands on my head for balance, her taut stomach pressed into my forehead as she rested atop me, as she spoke. "A, ah, take, give him a break, Priscilla," she mewled out.

Priscilla obediently did so, popping off my cock. She didn't quite time it right, though, because I had a few more good spurts in me, which splattered across her features, making her gasp in surprise. I couldn't see her in that position, with Xico blocking my view, but I wouldn't have aimed for her face or her dress or the ground or anything, if I could have - I was completely out of it. Xico peeled herself off my mouth, then, leaving my too-long tongue trailing at the air for a second or two before it fell back into my mouth.

I got a view of Priscilla, then. Her dark features were stained with three thick globs of cum, splattered across her features lewdly. The contrast was beautiful, all the more for the way her hands were held up near her chin to keep any of it from dripping down onto her dress. She didn't look annoyed - at least not with me. Perhaps with herself, for having failed to time it properly. "Mm, I trust you enjoyed yourself, Roger?" She asked, as her tongue flicked out to start cleaning her face off, showing off just how long and flexible it was as it gathered up semen from her features, the pink thing flashing along her bare skin, getting me hard once again.

I didn't respond. I was sufficiently brainless and boneless at that point, that I was lucky I hadn't simply collapsed to the ground. Xico spoke up. "He's... exhausted..." she explained quietly.

Priscilla smiled at that. "I'd hope so," she said. "He just deposited probably a full kilogram of cum into my body."

I actually sputtered a bit at that, doing mental calculations - ordinary ejaculation was a few milliliters, and a kilogram of water was a full liter of fluid, so that meant that I had ejaculated the equivalent of hundreds of orgasms. It had lasted a while, sure, but had it really lasted that long?

"You were coming... for four dh'rhagan straight," Xico said. Unfortunately, I had no idea what a dh'rhagan was.

"That's about ten minutes," Priscilla said, with pride audible in her voice, one hand reaching up to stroke my still-erect cock. It twitched in her grasp, and her tongue flicked out to tease it. I just jerked at the sensation. "You did say to make you come down my throat as much as I wanted," Priscalla said, with a smug grin on her lips.

"Fuck. I felt like my brain was melting."

"That was the idea," she said, with another teasing flick of her tongue against my slit. "If you think that was a bit much... well, just say so, and I won't do it so hard again next ti- mmf!" I grabbed the back of her head and just forced her back down my cock once again. She let out a proud hum once again, slithering and corkscrewing her tongue around.

Something about the way she said it provoked some base sense of male pride in me. I wasn't some girl from a hentai who lost their mind from orgasms, I was a man who was enjoying himself with a hot woman, and I didn't need her mercy. Part of me cynically noted that the horny girl going right back for sex rather than being willing to talk was also part of that trope, but the rest of me decided to try to reduce the chance of losing another kilogram of water and protein by starting to furiously fuck Priscilla's face.

Xico quietly floated over a towel from elsewhere in the utility closet, using it to quickly dab up my face as I fucked Priscilla's. Then, she kissed me sweetly on the lips, just this nervous little peck of a thing before she pulled back, as if unsure I'd be happy to get kissed.

One of my hands firmly gripped Priscilla's head, keeping her in place as I bucked my hips back and forth - the other went for Xico's own neck, pulling her into a full-throated kiss. She sighed softly as my tongue slipped into her mouth, unfurling to some absurd length while her own six lithe tongues gently caressed it, lovingly sliding around it, tracing out every inch inside of my mouth as we made out like that. Xico's hands came up to my chest, groping and caressing my bare flesh, and my spare hand slid down to her tight little butt, squeezing it.

As fun as that was, though, I hadn't actually told Priscilla to dial it back at all, so she soon provoked another brain-melting orgasm from me, making me moan into Xico's mouth and buck into Priscilla's. Priscilla hummed happily as I simply unloaded down her throat, and I could feel as Xico's tails got more excited from my overpowering orgasm, her tongues taking advantage of my temporary distraction to start really exploring the inside of my mouth, the shape of my own tongue... I lost track of time again.

When I came to, my legs felt like they were about to slip out from under me, and Priscilla was smiling smugly from in front of my cock, one dark hand wrapped around it, gently stroking it as she looked up at me. Xico seemed less confident, wringing her hands nervously. "Mr. Cooper... maybe you should go home and lie down..."

"Maybe," I agreed, feeling like I was about to simply collapse to the ground.

"I'll take him," Priscilla offered, standing up - but she was, in fact, a bit inebriated too, thus her willingness to participate in a Lilith's threesome, and listed to one side suddenly, having to steady himself.

"I don't drink..." Xico said quietly, reaching down for my pants and quietly pulling them up, giving my cock a solemn little peck and blushing as she tucked it back in. "I'll take you back home, Mr. Cooper."

"Yeah," I breathed out. "Xico can take me back. Thanks, Priscilla, that was... great," I said, sagging a bit. Xico caught me with her telekinesis, then simply hefted me up. It felt like being enveloped in a full body hug and carried off, Xico watching me as if I were a forklift and she were the guy who tells the forklift when to stop, floating backwards on the slow journey out of the building. She told anybody who asked that I needed to get home, and then fumbled with her phone for a minute or two before managing to figure out the rideshare app enough to get one called.

She took me back to my apartment and gently laid me down in bed. "I'll get... water. You should... drink... do you have..." she wiggled her tentacles uncertainly, "proh-tine powder?"

"No," I said.

She just nodded. "I'll see... if there's anything good..." she said. I could hear her speaking to her phone in the kitchen. "Proh-tine. Prohtin. Proter." The phone occasionally offered up some definition, such as for propane, or for protean, but it took her a bit to actually say protein, at which point the phone gave the definition she was looking for; some minutes later, she returned to the bedroom with a tall glass of water and another of chocolate milk. "Here," she said. "To help... recover. You came... a lot," she said, blushing a bit at that, glancing nervously to one side, as if embarrassed to say as much, or maybe worried that Priscilla was a much better lover than her. "I'm... not..." she mumbled in a very unconvincing tone.

"There's more to sex than orgasms," I reassured Xico, and she seemed to choose to believe me. I didn't pay too much attention to her expression, though, since I just started chugging the chocolate milk pretty much immediately, not stopping drinking until the entire glass was drained, at which point I switched to the water - and waved the empty glass at Xico. She promptly took it and floated back to the kitchen, filling up another glass of chocolate milk for me.

It was very nice, being doted on by her. That thought made her smile and flush too.

* * *

It was the first time that Fals had seen Roger drunk. She would have liked to see what the inebriated Roger would be like, but unfortunately his companion - Projecture, Project, something like that - had not left his domicile since entering over an hour ago. She supposed that was for the better - she would have hated for him to wind up dying in some idiotic way from the way mortals poorly handled alcohol. It would have been an unworthy death for a courageous warrior like himself.

She held one hand up at the door to his apartment, considering simply knocking, then gave up and headed back into her empty apartment. The little half-taliké girl would no doubt prevent her from lying with the drunken Roger, even if he were to consent - and she doubted that she would even offer the chance to ask. Perhaps she could offer a "homemade hangover remedy;" men often appreciated women who cared for them while they were weak. She cut through the air and stepped into Arcadia once more to retrieve one such elixir.

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