Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Xico & May Threesome

Roger looked cute, laying there, passed out in his clothes. Xico quietly considered starting to take off his clothes... no! He was unconscious! That would be bad! She smacked her face and shook her head a few times, trying to get those thoughts out of her head, staring at his lips. They tasted so nice... so sweet. She leaned forward just a bit, to stare at his features as he slept.

His dream shifted, and her attention perked up as she noticed that he was now dreaming about her. He was in the office, just the two of them, and they were talking about... football? Oh, now he was talking about how he didn't have a build like a football player's, was he insecure about that? She liked guys with physiques like his more, anyway, all that slender, sinewy muscle was hot.

Her lips parted in surprise as he suddenly stood up in the dream and started unzipping his pants, her cheeks flushing. He had sex dreams? About her? "This job is so boring. Why don't you make it less boring, with that mouth of yours?" Ah! Her cheeks felt like they were on fire now, and she sort-of tried to stop paying attention... but probably not as hard as she should have. She wanted to know what kind of sex dreams he had about her, after all. In the dream, he had her kneel under his desk, just shoving his cock into her mouth and starting to pump her up and down, occasionally cooing to tell her how nice her blowjobs were...

It was really sexy. She almost wanted to do it in real life... but she'd definitely get in trouble for giving a blowjob at work. She couldn't possibly ask Mira for permission, either.

Still... his cock was hard, despite his inebriation, and she could feel the lust radiating off of him. This was kind of like phone sex... except much better, since she could read his mind, feel his thoughts. She reached down in between her legs, peeling off her skirt and panties before finding her sex and starting to play with herself, enjoying basking in both the scenario that Roger's mind was putting together, and the feeling of his lust for her fictional version. In his fantasy, Nora and Kate both also came into the office and joined Xico in blowing him, but Xico didn't really mind that either; she was just enjoying herself too much to care.

She wound up coming three times like that, before she finally gathered enough of her senses to stop, take a shower, and cuddle up with the unconscious Roger. (She put back on her clothes first, obviously.)

* * *

Xico was the first of the pair to wake up the next day. Roger was still sleeping, but he wasn't having sexy dreams any more, just normal, boring ones. His cock was half-erect, and last time she'd given him a wake up blowjob, he'd seemed to like it... her tongues flicked out as she considered doing it again. But he would have a hangover, maybe it would bother him too much? Plus he probably needed to pee a lot, since he'd drunk so much last night (all the chocolate milk and water she'd gotten him), and hadn't peed. Could guys pee while they were hard? She didn't know... she should wait for him to wake up and pee. Then they could have sex. If he wanted to.

There was a heavy rap at the front door, and Xico quickly floated over to it. The thoughts on the other end of the door were cloudy, but that wasn't that uncommon. Maybe one out of every six people that Xico met just had those mushy thoughts without even a hint of words. They were harder to understand, sometimes, but it wasn't normally that hard. These thoughts, though, were such an impenetrable mush that it was pretty much impossible to make out any sign of intent. Maybe the loosest levels of emotion.

It was just a normal person who thought funny, though, Xico imagined, as she opened the door. A very attractive woman stood on the other side of it, seeming slightly-unhappy to see her there, but soon plastered a smile on her face, holding a cup in her hand. "Ah. You're still here," she said. "I brought a homemade hangover cure for Roger over - do you mind if I give it to him personally?"

She minded a little... mostly because the woman's head was such a foggy mess that she couldn't get more than a spark of emotion from her. That wasn't her choice, though. Different people's brains worked differently. "I'll go... ask him," she decided. "What's your... name?"

"You can tell him the beautiful blonde across the hall is the one making the offer - and that she'll do quite a bit more, if he lets her darken his room with her presence." Xico didn't really catch half of those words. She wasn't that good at English yet, and the woman had an accent. She blinked several times, trying to piece together her words; apparently the woman figured out the problem, because she sighed and course-corrected. "I'm May Colvin."

"Ah. Okay," Xico said, closing the door and locking it with an absent flick of telekinetic power, before heading back to the bedroom, where Roger was still unconscious. She considered how exactly to wake him - then flushed red at the thought of waking him with a kiss. But it wouldn't be bad, would it? He hadn't minded when she'd woken him with a blowjob... they'd kissed before... okay, last night he'd eaten her out, but he'd wiped his face clean... she hoped her taste wouldn't still be there. She leaned in to kiss him on the lips, pecking his mouth, and there was only his flavor presence, which she was grateful for.

It didn't actually wake him up, though it did turn his dreams towards sexy things... though right now he was dreaming about Tsuru suddenly kissing him, which provoked Mira to also start kissing him in retaliation, the two women fighting over him.

Was he into that sort of thing? Was that why he liked Nora and Priscilla? Should she fight over him more? Tell May to go leave? No, that'd be rude.

She just grabbed his shoulder and gently shook him away. He groaned, pulling one forearm over his face to hide his eyes. "May Colvin brought over... a hayng-ohv-ehr cure," she said, trying her best to pronounce the word correctly. "She wants to give it to you... she's at the front door..."

"Sure, whatever," he said. She could feel the weird contradictory mess of emotions, as his brain attempted to come up with excuses to do nothing except lie there, and to sort out what decisions would most enable that particular course of action to be followed.

She just gave him a quick peck on the forehead before floating back to the front door, opening it up, seeing - and feeling - the irritation on May's face before she smiled again. "You can... give him the cure," she said.

"Thank you for the permission," May said, in a tone of voice that suggested she was not at all appreciative and mostly just annoyed. She strode inside without hesitation, though, having been given the go-ahead, and headed straight for Roger's bedroom like she already knew where it was. Xico flushed a bit as she realized that she probably had also had sex with Roger. She looked down at her own body and couldn't help but feel a little inadequate, comparing curve to curve... but Roger really liked her blowjobs, and May only had one tongue. She'd make sure to give him a blowjob later.

May sat down on the edge of the bed, gently manhandling Roger into an appropriate position. "You really have drunk far too much," she said, placing her fingers against his cheek.

"I didn't drink that much," he replied, which was true - a lot of it was Priscilla just unloading a thangal of cum in her stomach - but obviously unconvincing.

"Mhm," May agreed, quietly. "Now, drink up. I promise, it will help, very quickly," she added, putting the drink up to his lips, and he swallowed it. Xico could feel the effects as he chugged it down, in the way his thoughts suddenly cleared up, his eyes blinking rapidly, no more sensation of general annoyance at consciousness and light existing. "Drink it all," May said, softly, as she tilted the drink further and further up.

He gladly swallowed every last drop, then wiped his mouth. "Ah. May, this is Xico. We work together. Xico, this is May. She lives across the hall from me."

"Worry not; I'll take care of him from here on out," May said. "You can head to your own home. I appreciate the work you did, taking care of him."

Xico had sort of been hoping for sex with Roger this morning... no, this was a perfect chance, if she thought about it. "Mr. Cooper, do you want a blowjob?"

May didn't argue with her, or suggest that she be the one to suck him off. She simply quirked one eyebrow and glanced down at Roger. Oh. She didn't realize that Xico and Roger were having sex, and thought that she had just stayed over to be nice, or something. That made sense. She was being... insecure, to assume that May was being like this because she thought that Xico was a threat to her. "Roger..." she said, gently peeling up his shirt, "I went to great effort to prepare that little panacea for you." What was a panacea? "I think I deserve a reward, and your promiscuity provides an excellent opportunity."

"How is that?" Roger asked, not entirely following everything that was going on.

"You can have Xico blow you, while you eat me out," she explained, fingers playing across his half-bare chest, his shirt pulled up into his armpits to really show off his sexy body. "That way, you can enjoy yourself as I enjoy you. And..." her finger trailed up to his chin, tilting his head to make him look up at her. "Address me as 'my lady,' Roger."

He actually smiled at that comment. "Yes, my lady." Xico felt her cheeks burn. Did he like that kind of thing? Being the submissive? Should she try doing things like that? No, she picked up from his thoughts that he was only so okay with this because May was just a normal woman. She guessed she understood. If Xico had wanted to, she could have just grabbed Roger with her telekinesis and crushed him into a cube in a few seconds. Not that she would do something like that! But it was probably much easier to just enjoy being dominated by a woman if you weren't worried about them smushing you like a bug.

May stood up off the bed, starting to disrobe, then. She kept her eyes on Roger as she did show, and Xico could feel Roger's lust rise as more and more of May's naked body was revealed to the open air. The sense of sexual pride radiated off of her, even through the impenetrable mush that were her thoughts. Soon, she was naked, and she simply straddled Roger's face, planting one thigh on either side of it. Xico could hear as he started licking. "You can fellate him whenever and however you please," May said, not even glancing back her way, humming when Roger did something particularly nice that Xico couldn't quite make out. "I'm going to mostly ignore you, though, and enjoy Roger's cunnilingus. His mouth, mmm, is so much better when it's eating me out, instead of talking," she said, brushing her fingers through Roger's hair as her attention remained entirely on him.

Xico kind of liked the idea of treating Roger like that. He even seemed to like it. Maybe she seemed harmless enough he would do it? She didn't know. For now, though, she leaned forward in between his legs, peeling down his pants and underwear, revealing his erect cock to the open air. It twitched right in front of her. He'd eaten her out like crazy last night... she really wanted to pay him back properly. Unfortunately, he was distracted by May, so she was just getting lascivious pleasure from the next door neighbor and idle arousal from Roger. His hands had gone up to May's butt, and he was clearly enjoying groping it very much.

Should she start doing squats? She glanced down at her own butt, tentacles twisting to try to give her a better view, but eventually, she decided to just go for it. She wrapped her lips around the head of his cock, and began to slowly slide down his length, her tongues swiveling and twisting and writhing around on his cock, brushing here and there, slithering and tasting the veins on his cock with particular attentiveness, snaking out to cup his balls when she'd gotten all the way to the base. He groaned in pleasure, and that intensified May's movements atop him, really grinding her hips against his face, that big butt of hers bouncing, her breasts visible - just barely - from this position, jiggling and bouncing.

He was clearly loving the sight of them, from what she could catch of his thoughts. His attention was entirely focused on the round orbs. Her own thoughts wound up turning to her breasts. She'd never thought about getting plastic surgery before, but if it made her sexier... well, but Roger was different from most guys. Most guys didn't care that much about how a woman looked... it was mostly an ego thing for women... she knew all that, from reading the thoughts of people, but now that Roger was mentally expressing appreciation for May's breasts, she was suddenly really thinking about getting a boobjob.

The thoughts had made her blowjob rather distracted and half-hearted, and she was only jolted back into focusing on it when Roger's thoughts wandered into wondering why she was distracted. Her tongues swiveled around his length, corkscrewing as she started to bob her head up and down again, and he just groaned, his hips intermittently bucking up against her. It was really fun, getting this response from him, and she could just drink in his arousal and happiness. Her tendrils happily waggled behind her as she sucked him off. Even May, through her mush of a brain, was putting off good vibes. Xico couldn't have been much happier if she tried to be, in the moment, sucking Roger's dick with all the skill and technique she could muster.

She could muster a lot, too. This wasn't her first time sucking Roger's cock, and she could read his mind, so she knew that he really liked it when you applied pressure just behind the cockhead on the upper side, groaning whenever a couple of her tongues would rup and press against it. He liked it when you teased along the vein to the base, then started just licking at the soft underbelly of his cock with as many tongues as you could get. He loved when you hummed or moaned or otherwise vibrated his dick in your mouth, so she did that plenty, twisting her head from side to side to vary the sensations, increasing the pleasure he was feeling.

She didn't mind at all that she couldn't see Roger's face in this position. She knew lots of girls loved seeing the guy's face, and that seeing all the cute expressions he made was like, half the point of a blowjob (the other half being to make sure he was well and truly hard for the sex), but for Xico, it didn't really matter. She could feel Roger's pleasure, the way each little twitch of his body represented ecstasy on his part practically thumping against his brain. She couldn't have told how aroused Roger was from her fellatio if he had been screaming it - and, indeed, she could tell that he was getting increasingly distracted from eating out May by her fellatio.

She briefly paused in her oral ministrations, her tongues halfway wrapped around his cock like a Christmas present, as a thought presented itself to her: was it bad that she was distracting him from eating out May? She realized, after a second or so, that May showed no signs of being disappointed in his distraction. Maybe he wasn't actually as good at cunnilingus as she thought, and May just couldn't tell the difference? Or maybe he was really good, and that was why he could eat May out so well while distracted? She didn't know. She just knew she liked sucking his cock, and when he ate her out, she also liked that.

She slurped his dick to the base, as if to silently banish the thoughts from her mind. Her tongues briefly corkscrewed around his dick, making him groan, his bucking, and she could feel him nearly coming - and decided to stop him. Her tongues instantly were snapped around his base, holding it tight, practically forming a knot around the position. He groaned, and grunted, and she could feel the frustration. His hands even left May's butt to instead reach down for her, grabbing the back of her head and grinding it into his pelvis.

It was really sexy. She understood why Lope liked it so much. She felt a warm glow of pride, provoking that response from Roger, though she stayed down there anyway, slurping quietly as she teased him, adding an intense sucking pressure to the blowjob as she kept him from coming. He groaned and moaned into May's pussy, and she spoke. "Yeah, you like that, don't you, you little slut? You like eating out your lady's pussy." She practically panted out the words, pleasure dripping from her tone even though Xico could only feel it lightly bubbling off her, thanks to her mushy, impenetrable brain.

Xico wasn't going to correct her, though. If she liked pretending that Roger was just eating her out and getting aroused from that, instead of from having his cock sucked - that was fine with Xico. Xico just waited for Roger's urge to orgasm to fail, as his body realized that no cum was actually going to be ejected from his cock. When it finally did, she extricated her tongues from his dick, as his hands fell away from the back of her head, and she made one lazy, long, sucking movement upwards, starting to kiss at his cock, giving him a reprieve. She didn't think he liked being sucked to the edge and stopped and sucked to the edge and stopped again... at least, he should have a break.

May kept talking, of course. "Oh, that is such a good boy. I love it. Keep eating me out, just like that, you little slut. I want to keep you, I want to have you, I want to own you, you little, horny, sluh, slut," she got out, before finally coming. That burst of pleasure came through loud and clear in Xico's telepathic senses, and Xico couldn't help but smile. Even Roger was enjoying it, feeling some pride at provoking the response from May, his hands coming back to her ass, squeezing and groping it in a manner that was clearly just for his own pleasure - at least from her perspective. "Fucking, your own, face, on my, cunt," May panted out, apparently thinking that Roger had entirely different reasons to do all that.

In any case, Xico went back to her blowjob. She was drawing it out, with lots of kisses and licks, but eventually she felt just the first tingles of frustration starting to build in Roger's mind at how teasing her attentions were, and immediately started to suck his cock properly again, bobbing up and down his length. She sucked. She moaned. She twisted. She licked. She did everything she could think of to make him feel good, and by the bucking of his hips, it was working. She drew him towards orgasm, then stopped him; May came on her own accord, from a mix of Roger's cunnilingus and her own hair trigger from 'dominating' him like this.

She had probably been blowing him for at least half a drossa, when she finally started to feel a bit of an ache in her jaw. It was just the tiniest tingle, but she really focused on blowing him at that point, and next time he got close to the edge, she let him blow.

It was crazy, how aroused he was, finally able to orgasm. It was maybe even more intense than when Priscilla had been draining his cock right in front of her, and she felt a glow of pride at that. He really had meant it, when he said that sex wasn't just about the number of orgasms. She was doing great at pleasing him. It was a huge confidence boost, feeling each throb of his cock as it sprayed spurt after spurt of cum right down her throat, as if he was never going to stop. The emotional high he was on washed over her, and she just closed her eyes, basking in it.

Eventually, though, he did stop, and she popped off his cock, then. What surprised her was that Roger seemed to consider the sex done as well, pushing May off his face. The woman seemed surprised as well.

"Thank you for the hangover remedy," he said, to May. "I really appreciate the thought. But Xico doesn't come over every day, so why don't you go back to your apartment? You can come over again tonight, once Xico's gone."

Xico actually flushed bright red at those words. He was telling a really hot lady to go away so he could spend more time with her. She could even tell - well, she was pretty sure - that he preferred Xico's company to hers. Maybe that was just because he really liked blowjobs, and she gave them, but it was still really nice to be positively compared to somebody like that. Her tentacles were wagging behind her.

"Hm. I suppose I can do that," May said, though it was obvious she didn't want to. "I will be... very thorough, tonight. Make sure that you're properly washed up, so I can show you a good time."

He just smiled at that. "Sure," he said, giving her ass a quick grope, and she stood up, collecting her clothes. She gave a brief, sour look at Xico - and maybe Xico kind of deserved it, being so happy to see her go - before departing the apartment.

With May gone, Roger looked down at Xico, then stretched. "We've got all day. Let's just talk and spend some time together," he said. Xico smiled and nodded.

* * *

Xico was seated in Roger's lap. He'd made them some 'chill-ee con kay-so', and it tasted pretty nice. You were supposed to eat it with chips, like how French fries worked with ketchup. It was cheese and milk and some peppers, so it was just a little spicy. "You know, I don't actually know that much about you," he said. Xico's tentacles wilted, just a little, at that. "But I'd like to," he said, and she was sure it was obvious to him how much she lit up. "Where are you from?"

"Ah... I grew up in a..." she paused, looking for the word in English. Compound? But it had bad implications, didn't it? She couldn't think of another word. "Compound, in Kah-li-for-nya," she explained, doing her best. She hadn't spoken much English growing up.

"Really?" He asked. "I thought you didn't speak English natively." She needed a bit of help from her telepathy to figure out that last word.

"I don't... I learned... Xaxuther. My dad... never spoke English... on the compound," she explained. She wasn't sure if this made her look bad, or strange, or something, but, she would try to be honest anyway.

"Ah." There was a brief pause, as he considered various questions to ask her, about what it meant that she grew up on a compound where they didn't speak English.

"My mom... is a taliké. They, um... are aliens," she explained. He nodded, clearly understanding, though his thoughts went to some kind of squat, big-headed hominin, instead of the more normal aliens, like taliké and ruplib. "They look like... um..." she reached out with her telekinesis for a notebook, and quickly scribbled out a picture on it. "This," she said, holding up the image.


It was her best approximation of what her mother looked like. You could only see two of the big black eyes from any angle (she had four), and she had kind of struggled to show off all eight tentacles, but she had mostly managed decently enough. They were longer than in the picture, she realized; they looked like chubby little things, instead of the long limbs, as long as a human arm, that they actually were. She'd included the dorsal nostrils, though if she wanted to show off the mouth, she'd have had to show the picture from below, which would have mostly obscured it.

Roger just stared at it for a long few seconds. His thoughts alternated between bewilderment (How did her dad have sex with this? Can humans interbreed with this?) and dumb jokes that he decided were too mean (Well, I'm not looking forward to meeting your mother!). He felt bad about them, even for thinking them, when she wilted a little. "It's a very strange body," he decided on. "They don't look anything like humans. I'd thought that... aliens looked like humans, because the Venusians do."

They were the extraterrestrials that most humans were most familiar with, so she guessed that made sense, but... "Venusians... are humans," she explained. "They colonized Venus... about, um..." she tried to figure out how to express it with her fingers, then gave up. "Twelve... thousand?" She tried, and he just nodded. Even if that wasn't the right number, it was around right, probably. "Years ago. Because they lived... in Antarctica... which was becoming uninhabitable," she explained.

"Okay," he decided on, clearly having not much idea what to do with that information. "So, taliké are... squid people."

"Kind of..." Xico said. "The compound... was for humans... to try to learn to live like taliké."

"By your use of try, I take it that it didn't work?"

Xico nodded. "Taliké... don't lie. They can't. Humans... lie lots." She felt some vague sense of unease from Roger, about judgment, so she quickly course corrected. "I'm not upset... about it. Humans and taliké are different... they are, ahm... in Xaxuther, we say, the... well, it refers to animals that don't exist on Earth... um." She paused, trying to think about Earth animals. Birds? Did humans consider something bad that birds didn't? Dogs? "Ah! It's like... dogs have sex in public... but you don't care... because they're dogs."

His thoughts turned over to the comparison of humans to dogs, and he clearly took it badly. Ah, she was messing this up... her tails curled inward.

"Because..." she tried, "not because they don't know better... but because... they're different. I don't hate... that humans lie. They walk... on two legs too... They're just different."

He seemed to consider that, turning it over in his head in this way that was far too detailed and pointless and cynical for its own good, before nodding. "I get it," he said, at last. "What happened to the compound? To your parents? You don't talk about them much. I mean, I've met Lope's mom."

"Oh... it, um... got attacked... by the federal government... when I was thirteen."

"Like Waco?"

"I... don't know... what that is."

"Sorry, alternate universe," he said, and she nodded, waiting for him to elucidate. His bubbling thoughts as he tried to figure out how, though, sufficed to fill in the blanks. A government task force attacking a cult compound, leading to numerous deaths.

"Yes... like that. My mom... went back to her home planet... my dad... went to prison."

"Oh. Sorry, if it's hard to talk about."

"It's... fine..." she said, quietly, trying to remain calm. If she wanted to have a real relationship with Roger, that went beyond just sex, talking about these things was important. "I still talk... to my dad, sometimes..." she explained. "It was... nice. There were lots of taliké there... so I could just... igoss with them..." That was the Xaxuther word, what was English? It didn't have one, she was pretty sure. "There aren't many telepaths... even at Star Heroic."

"Wait, if there was a whole compound, doesn't that mean there are other half-taliké around still? Or did they go back to their home planet?"

"There were... three... and two went back to Chandrath. So... just me..."

"Ah," he said. He wrapped his hands around her waist a bit tighter at that, which made her smile. He even leaned in, softly kissing her ear, which tickled a little and made her blush. His thoughts were very mechanical, as he tried to work out just how to make her feel like he cared about her. Things like, I don't want it to seem sexual and She's exposed a lot of herself, so it's necessary and normal to express affection. "Do you want to talk about what it was like, on the compound? We don't have to, if you don't want to."

"...maybe later," she decided, snuggling in place on his lap, her tentacles wrapping around his waist to pull him that little bit closer. It was really nice, having a sexy older guy holding her like this, clearly trying to make her feel better. She just closed her eyes and basked in his emotions and thoughts until the alarm went off and they had to get ready for work.

Which was actually like four dh'rhagan later, annoyingly. He hadn't taken a shower or bath that morning, after all.

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